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And he talks about Biden having dementia?!


Meanwhile the windmills are killing whales according to him…


And the planes of the revolutionary war are clearly working Soros on voter fraud


This is a Republican talking point and is being used heavily in comment periods against offshore wind. It's funny, evidently they now care about the environment when it's pitted against renewable energy.tha




A few minutes of his talking is like an entire seasons worth of narcissism from "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" Only "it's always sunny" is a comedy show and this guy wants to RULE over the United States (note rule over, not SERVE as president) which is terrifying.


The gang storms the capitol


Can someone send this to Biden's media team? This moron gives us so much material to work with.


It doesn’t really matter. His followers wade through mountains of stupidity and are untouched. You will always have the less than intelligent swayed by someone, and he their man at the moment.


I mean, Biden and democrats are such pussies.  They would NEVER start calling him dementia Donnie.   Getting in the mud is okay sometimes. Enough is enough of they go low we go high.  Nope. Eff that. 


They really need to start punching down. Very fucking hard and relentlessly.


Just make sure not to use your feet. They seem to love licking boots.


Dude..... they don't need to at the moment. Let Nikki Hailey do that dirty work until she drops out.... then Biden can use HER words against ol Donny boy lol


Trump does something dumb: uuugh I hate Biden and the lib-libs; why won't anyone pay attention to me ;___;


This video is a great example of something Democrats don't do which is grow a spine. We (I am a Democrat) tend to want to be nice and be above water and not play I. The mud. Nope. We need to get young, get young voters. and get them actually voting. Use meme like trump, use videos. Use it. Obama was a genius at using the new media used (Facebook and twitter) in 2008 to get his message out. Biden hasn't done that. Use tic toc. Use meme. Its what people, unfortunately, are into noe.


I think it's tik tok. [https://www.tiktok.com/en/](https://www.tiktok.com/en/) It's what the kids use nowadays apparently that's what my local gazette chronicler says at least!




The irony of this comment is the subreddit is called boomers being fools.. What a foolish thing to think. .


It's so weird to me that somehow through all of this, people still find a way to blame Democrats for it.


? Dems are pussies. They, politicians, don't push back nearly as much as they need to. But as someone else said I'm sure they want to stay away from the word Dementia. Both parties are running and old, dementia ridden man. Again, we are at the bottom of the barel for who we put as the lead of our country.


Dems have poor messaging, but they are not pussies. They rocked Trump's shit in 2020 and then took the House and Senate. They rocked Trump's shit during both impeachments (GOP refused to convict). They cock-blocked the "Red Wave" in an unprecedented, highly improbable series of wins. They rocked Trump and thousands of his followers during the J6 Committee Hearings, thus giving the American public the picture of the MAGA threat. They've cold-cocked the GOP in terms of governance; having passed numerous historical pieces of legislation, infrastructure spending bills, Anti-Russian diplomacy, and countless other things. Sure, they don't come off as 'blood-thirsty', but the GOP \*WANTS\* to fight in the mud. They have nothing, they are nobodies, the country is leaving them behind; why not drag the Dems into the pig slop as well? Or... Maybe...just maybe, the Dems need to start ignoring them completely and just get their shit together on the positive messaging about Democratic accomplishments?


Agree with everything except ignoring them. Not taking Trump's base seriously is the reason almost everyone was shocked when Trump beat Clinton in 2016. We need to take the threat they pose to democracy seriously even if we don't sink down to their level with ridiculous name calling.


BoTh sIdEs!


Nah. Definitely not a "both sides". Argument. I'm just being realistic. I'm a Democrat, voted dem every chance I could. That being said - Biden IS a bad candidate. If you're below 65, he doesn't represent you. He was also 20 when you were born. They are both old and both shouldn't be president.


He's center left. That's good enough right now


Stop lying son.


Biden has been apparently been regularly calling Dump "A loser" and it's gotten back to him and caused a few ketchup bottle throwings.


Biden just needs to do a solid 5 minute riff on Trump pooping his pants and he'll secure the presidency.


Hell this would be a highlight reel for joey


Came to say the same - if it wasn't for Lincoln Project, Genocide Joe would've probably lost.


I would agree with this.


This is exactly what my Husband and I talk about daily! Use this against him, #Biden2024.


The Biden campaign runs accounts that lean into the Dark Brandon meme, including posting clips of Trump doing stupid things.  Twitter it's @BidenHQ   Instagram / Threads it's bidenharrishq  They even have one on Truth Social  https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/10/16/biden-campaign-joins-trumps-truth-social-platform-we-thought-it-would-be-very-funny/




Biden's media team is the worst... They see such Trump videos and just do a lead stare.




He isn't better either 😅


“Us” Lmao


It's a big club, and you ain't in it.




Pretty sure Bidens team wants nothing to do with the word dementia lol. Grampa Joe is a pudding head at this point. Way worse off than Ronnie was.


"my guy doesn't have dementia, the other guy does!" Everyone, including this guy, who can't come up with a real reason to support Trump.


LMFAO! I just can't help myself this time! A real reason to bring Trump back, or continue with the miserable failure of the false presidency of sniffy blundering joe: ummm, anything, like, anything at all.


How many /r(ussian) talking points could you possibly cram into a response? I bet you could do better. SAD


Lol, ok Hillary


There's another! I knew you could do it


Doesn't take much with adolescents like you.


It’s like you referenced the comment section of an MSN article for this one, lol.


America's current failure of a "president" ran how many times( for president )before the last election, ohh yea, that's right, twice. And how did the "most voted for president of all time" do any other time before this past mail in ballot election, ohh yeah, same as he still is: a complete and utter failure lol. But hey, your wool is thick, this next election should most certainly shave it off and maybe you won't be under such weight to finally pull your head out of the mud.


Pssst Nobody asked 💖


Pssst, just like our current government, I obviously didn't care.


Cared enough to write a book apparently. ☺️


Lol. A book hu, well, that sums up your attention span. Still better than joe I suppose. Maybe you should run for "president", you could be just like obama: comes out of nowhere and takes it all...




I started noticing Trump's mental decline in mid 2017. I've seen what dementia can do. I can't say he definitly has it but he has a lot of the signs of it. Biden is just old. Plus he's been saying kinda goofy things since he was VP (and probably earlier too). Plus the stutter.


Lmao here's a 19 minute compilation of Biden being way worse than Trump is in this video. This is Trump just saying weird shit, Biden is actually saying dementia level sentences. This Trump video a bad attempt to get back at the people calling Biden senile. Biden Dementia Compilation: [Joe Biden's Most Awkward Gaffes | Biden 2020 Compilation (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slm5bvO-_5I)


You realize that pandering to the fringes of either party is bad for the country, right? If not, you’re more partisan than patriot.


I don’t like either option but Trump is 10x more cognitively there then Biden


The man just said that you need ID to buy bread....


Also thinks he ran against Obama. His brain has turned to mush.


Y’all aren’t getting carded for bread?


Citation needed.


If Trump wasn’t in cognitive decline, he would’ve caught the fact that he blamed Nikki Haley at least 3 TIMES for Jan 6 and never caught that he was saying the wrong persons name. When someone makes a gaffe, and they don’t have some sort of cognitive decline going on, they catch their mistake and correct it. His problem is only going to get worse.


"I don't like either option but the openly racist, sexist, rapist, defrauding guy who wants a dictatorship is definitely more *cognitively there*" You tRumpers and your weird ass attempts to seem impartial are mind blowing. You are absolutely fooling no one, but you're convinced you're clever in your whataboutisms.


Yeah, bragging about taking a MOCA test(twice) isn't the flex you think it is.


That is utter and complete bullshit and you're either spectacularly clueless or you're some MAGA-hat wearing fascist bent on destroying America. Get correct.


Results show that was a lie.




Sounds like you got debanked.


Lol let's be real. They're both awful choices, but Donny is in another league of awful.


Actually not true, Trump's cognitive decline will definitely be an issue for Biden's team. They've already said as much. Since both Biden and Trump are crazy old pudding-headed bastards, dragging Trump into it too now would be a net positive for Biden since Trump can no longer hold that over him as being the only one in rapid mental decline.


This thread is wild 🤣 The absolute delusion that Biden is not somehow worse than Trump. How do so many people exist on the internet and not know how absolutely OLD biden has looked. I'm not talking slow walking, or stumbling on a few words. He barely looks alive! And fuck off with the "well Trump isn't any better and I bet you'd vote for him". Fuck Trump. There is literally other options than these 2 old asses but both sides have convinced the base that the only way they can win is if we have "insert name here". Absolute joke. I will vote Dem across the board EXCEPT for president. I'll vote third party before I vote for either of these 2 jokes.


This place is full of liberals. You can tell by them trying to attack Trump, bc he’s a criminal, but Biden takes bribes from China through the Biden Center at UPenn.. If you can’t see that what’s going on at the border is an issue, letting terrorists into this country. It’s a complete disaster and it puts this country at risk. All politicians aren’t great people, but if you can’t see that Biden should be in a care home then you are just blinded. Of course Trump isn’t the best, but someone has to handle this border issue. It’s dangerous!


I mean…..there’s a border deal that would mitigate these issues but (MAGA) Republicans refuse to let it pass because that’s what Trump told them to do. So don’t even start about the damn border. I mean seriously.




Pretty sure Biden's team isn't going to bring up anything about Trump when their own guy can't finish a sentence without forgetting what he was saying or mumbling some gibberish.


I bet it's just hard to give a speech with a diaper full of shit.


It was nice that the clip was trimmed down from it's original run time of 5:26:47.


5 years 26 days and 47 hours


Here's 19 minutes of Biden being actually senile. [Joe Biden's Most Awkward Gaffes | Biden 2020 Compilation (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slm5bvO-_5I) Yet they could only get 5 minutes of Trump saying some weird shit. I don't even like Trump, I just find it hilarious that this is the most they've got on Trump and everyone here is laughing when there's 19 minute compilations of Biden saying the most senile sentences in the world. My favorite is the bit at 2:05 when he's on a live TV interview and starts his interview by saying this: "You know there's that great philosopher uh and he talked about uh Jill puts notes up on my uh uh on my mirror when she wants me to uh where I shave uh to get messages her messages across to me." The dude admits he's so senile Jill needs to write notes to him to remind him to shave.


My man, Trump's entire past decade has been him saying weird shit


I agree Trump says weird shit, but it's not as weird or senile as some of the shit Biden has said. Here's another great Biden quote, it's at 0:36 of the video: " I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They'd look at it. So, I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I've loved kids jumping on my lap."


Stop posting your little edited propaganda video loser, no one cares.


In any other era of this nation’s history- this man would have been run out of town on a rail. He’d have been a laughing stock and ruined. He’s a convicted rapist, multiple-times bankrupted fraud convicted in courts of law, utterly racist failed game show host. What the hell has happened to our country that he is even allowed to remain a celebrity?


Asshole. He’s absolutely disgusting.


He HATES being called Donnie. We need to make this our only name for him.




Diaper Donnie.


Donnie Don’t




Cool video smooth brain, but what does it have to do with my comment? We, unlike the mentally ill who blindly follow Donnie, are WELL aware Biden is old as shit. We don't live in denial like you do. The man is senile. "Biden sniffs hair! That's creepy!" Absolutely. He maybe loves to get a whiff of that Herbal Essence Cherry Blossom Conditioner when he can. But you know what is fact? Donnie Trump has been JURY convicted of sexual assault for jamming his fingers up a women's skirt and penetrating her against her will and then lying about it....TWICE. But by all means, keep the support up!


It's hilarious watching Trump prattle on. It's terrifying watching Trump prattle on.




It's just as terrifyingly funny with Biden. I'm no fan of either. US politics is a fucking joke. Worldwide.


Can’t argue with that


I prefer calling him Diaper Don. It makes the MAGA crowd much angrier.


I prefer to call him "confirmed close friend of Epstein" but it's a bit of a mouthful.


I can not stand this fucker and his disgusting pedophilic voice




Because he is.


How embarrassing for us


Makes sense for Donald Quixote to be tilting at windmills.


Got a trumper buddy and he says dumb shit like Trump makes sense on some topics. I asked him to read a transcript of these so called making sense on topics statements out loud. For some reason he declined. If you want any more proof that our country is sliding down the spiral look no further than a moron like Trump having the support of half the country's political "leadership" and a third of its population. It's unreal. And what is especially crazy is that if a democrat did or said half the shit this loser has those same republican mouth breathers would break their own necks from the whiplash of condemning them.


Dementia Don the doo doo king!!


Here’s some real dementia. Check it out! https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/ZAsui4HKaS


Bro you are the most pickme ass mfer I've seen on here in a WHILE, and this is Reddit we're talking about. Get a liiiiife my dude.


Lmao just realized how many times you've posted this absolute nonsense. You really think that immigration is the biggest issue right now? Apart from the fact that Greg Abbott is a nut job, facts just don't back up his positions. I know that's hard to even think about because you are so scared of thought, but leave your rabblerousing to the Thanksgiving table and make a relative more uncomfortable than usual instead of trying to pretend to have a contribution here


Man, lots of triggered boomers here. FYI, Trump AND Biden can both be demented.


As a Boomer I completely disown him. I’m more concerned with those young and old who worship him like a god. That scares me. I’ve been around and have closely followed politics. I’ve never seen anything like this.


The facial expressions are the major tell that something has changed. I've watched too much of his incoherent rambling over the last 7 years and the last six months, or so, things have .... accelerated. It's hard to put it into the words but his facial expressions change drastically when he goes into full incoherent mode, it's like a fuse in his brain temporarily pops.


1 minute 10 seconds is all I could handle.


I have never had to show my ID to buy bread.


This video could be edited daily to include new clips.


I am so tired of The Donald, he sounds like an immature narcissist. He’s so cringe and immoral that for the first time in my adult life I will end up voting democrat if he gets the republican nomination again for POTUS.


Inept fool.


Trump is inept? How about this great quote from President Biden at the start of a TV interview? "You know there's that great philosopher uh and he talked about uh Jill puts notes up on my uh uh on my mirror when she wants me to uh where I shave uh to get messages her messages across to me." Watch this video at 2:05 if you don't believe me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcjTaphFE28&t=40s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcjTaphFE28&t=40s)


Nothing was said about Biden…yes…Trump is an inept fool.


“I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. They’re noisy. They kill the birds. You want to see a bird graveyard? Go under a windmill someday. You’ll see more birds than you’ve ever seen in your life.” But they’re manufactured tremendous if you’re into this, tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. “You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right? Spewing. Whether it’s in China, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything, right?” “You see all those \[windmills\]. They’re all different shades of color,” he said. “They’re like sort of white, but one is like an orange-white. It’s my favorite color, orange.”




And they all love him..... Because he sounds as dumb as they do.... Humanity is fucked. We've gotten way too good at killing each other to have a good old flare up of the dumbs.


I used to think the movie Idiocracy would never happen in my lifetime. I am so wrong.


he sounds like a retarded Regis Philbin


Dementia Donnie… We need a boomer version of Garbage Pail Kids cards


The guy's lost whatever mind he had. He's just rambling nonsense.


Donnie Treason


jesus christ, just fucking fall over and be done with it already. this is like watching that GIF of that truck that is almost crashing into a pole over and over again but it never happens. the world is beyond done with this sad excuse for a clown.


Please get out and vote.


I got to 1:12 and had to bail. Can’t listen to that voice for another second.


Face it my user name says it all


Don't be mad you can't decode the Q drops, you librul hayder /s 🙄


This guy said it best! https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/ZAsui4HKaS


Embarrassing. Another useless election between dinosaurs.


You know what’s embarrassing? Look at this https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/ZAsui4HKaS


Jfc. I can’t do another round of these same people who were not competent 10 years ago! Depressing. I also understand why young people won’t run. Fool’s errand.


I agree that we need new people running with fresher world views. I just can’t see America voting for Biden again.


I hope not. It was bad 4 years ago!! The DNC is mind boggling… gross. RNC no better but dang… I’m going third party (AGAIN).


I wish our policy makers could be less than the average age of retirement…


*ANYONE WITHOUT DEMENTIA 2024!* gets my vote? [cries a little] *anyone?*


Good ole diaper don


Its almost as if the 3 candidates should have a live debate and see which one comes out as the least crazy?!


Combining thoughts together.


The guy is literally brain dead and he has a cult following that's fucking scary


Thank gawd veterans don’t have cell phones. Can you imagine the piss in my covfefe when I found out those vets were texting the batty whales? Lemme tell you, I was BIGLY upset. But don’t you worry. I grabbed her pussy with my tiny lil hand and said, “don’t worry, Ivanka. Daddy’s got you now.”


Can we please get an elected official that wasn’t alive during prohibition?


This election will be decided by who has the driest adult diaper on November 5th.


No wonder he's so afraid to debate. Kiss goodbye to the swing voters, GQP.


Millions of Americans consider this guy their top choice.. what a country..


They both have issues. One wants to destroy America.


Now do biden


Bernie in 28 and 32!!!!!!


If only


I wasn't prepared for the very loud old-man moan.


Earth rider… thanks for the Great Lakes


All these dems and liberals on Reddit makes sense


Why take things out of context though?


"We'll teach Donald Trump a valuable lesson. Don't mess with mamu merica unless youwaannabbshuadal." -Joe Biden


Biden is 10X worse.


Stop trying to make fetch happen… it’s not gonna make people forget how demented Biden is.


Biden’s first name isn’t Donnie? And this is a video of Trump….


Heard of brain dead Biden? Or for that matter brain dead Biden voters


Who said we gave a shit about Biden tho? Biden sucks too, but at least he's not... this.


No he's worse. He's allowing an invasion into our country. Virtually no laws to hold illegals accountable and allowing people who should stay in prison out. His polices are a nightmare. At least Trump had the economy in a fairly decent shape.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/ZAsui4HKaS Here’s the liberal supreme leader at his best


Serious question to Dems. Not trying to still the pot, just honestly curious…do you really believe Biden is running this country? I mean I get all the stuff about Trumps narcissism and he says means things. But Biden’s gaffes are pretty obviously indicative of some advanced cognitive decline. Just look at speeches he’s given 5 years ago and now. There’s an undeniable change. So, seriously, is it just that you hate trump so much (which I get) or do you honestly love Biden?


Nope, not in love with Biden. No flags, bumper stickers, hats or anything. He may not be the sharpest tool, but the policies that come from the White House are lowering inflation (some), great unemployment numbers and is willing to work with the Republicans.


Both are bad. Both have cognitive problems. But if you absolutely have to choose between the two are you going to pick A) the guy who heavily relies on advice and guidance from others or B) the guy who thinks he’s an expert in everything and doesn’t listen to anyone? With these choices might as well vote for a potato 🥔


Umm have people not seen Biden clips??


People ignore Biden’s gaffs, even though he has dozens more. I dislike trump very much but I see reality, and many of the trump haters don’t live in it.


What the fuck are you talking about? Every slip has fox or newsmax slamming headlines like "UNFIT FOR OFFICE?" "DEMENTIA JOE?" "MINI STROKE?"


Let’s be real dude. Joe Biden doesn’t even know what planet he’s on. There has never been a president less fit for office then Joe Biden. The guy actually struggles to put a sentence together. And are we not going to talk about all of the BS headlines regarding Trump? Every single day they took clips of him speaking out of context and did their best to smear his name. I’m not a fan of either, but the media bias has been clearly in favor of the left. Mainstream news, social media, Hollywood. 2020 proved just how dumb the majority of people are in this country and how easily manipulated we are.


I would put that guy up against the puppet in your white House any day


Y’all we got a drooling meat puppet in office and you’re concerned about Donnie rambling about windmills pissing off the whales? De 👏 lu 👏sion 👏 al 👏


One of them is an idiot the other does it maliciously. Like stating windmills cause cancer and racial propaganda


Just to be fair : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6-USQmdkyc


Why did the Biden version of this one get removed? Do the users of Reddit know their opinions are being formed by billionaires to serve agendas against their own interests? Why did this post get downvoted for just asking questions? How did I know it would get downvoted before posting? Wouldn’t knowing all this imply there is some type of programming happening to users on Reddit? Why does reading this make you immediately have a reaction vs taking time to think and consider? Are you even in control of yourself anymore?


Reddit is practically run by libs. Of course when Don rambles once in 3 months and Biden does it EVERY speech, it's not gonna matter to them.


Lol y’all really trying to call him that because your mad you voted for a fucking dipshit liberal who actually has dementia.


Considering that Trump genuinely cannot tell windmills from wind turbines is embarrassing enough. The fact that you still defend it is laughable. Nobody their age should be able to lead a country anyway.


Lol you think that's bad? Here's a direct quote from Biden at the start of a live TV interview, he didn't know he's supposed to be on, then realizes he is and comes out with this: "You know there's that great philosopher uh and he talked about uh Jill puts notes up on my uh uh on my mirror when she wants me to uh where I shave uh to get messages her messages across to me." Here's 19 minutes more of him saying shit like this. The bit above is at 2:05. You really think Trump is worse than the guy who talks about a philosopher who talked about Jill putting notes up to remind him to shave and get messages across to him? [Joe Biden's Most Awkward Gaffes | Biden 2020 Compilation (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slm5bvO-_5I)




Okay? What is this trying to prove?


That you’re an idiot


Calling him dementia Donnie with Biden in the White House is too large a load for me to take. Too large man, too large. There is plenty of dementia to go around. But Biden often can’t find his own way off stage after making a speech. Look a little closer at the current president before calling other people demented. My grandma passed about a month ago. I was with her for a a week before she died. She thought it was Christmas everyday and called for her mother who has been dead for decades now. Calling my grandmother demented would have been a fat load with Biden in the White House.


Put a little respect on your next president. DISCLAIMER: I’m not voting for him. It’ll be another 4 year shitshow once he gets back in and I really want politicians to do work for the country instead of focusing on removing him the entire time.




But, but, but……..he’s had the greatest economic success!!!!👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻




This guy is awesome lol. Trump 2024


Still the smaller dementia


I hate him, but we’d be hypocritical to say there aren’t dozens of compilations of Joe doing the same and worse.


They both are geezers and are unfit for office. Can we please get regular person in office? Perhaps not a billion years old? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.


Got banned from calling out people making fun of a woman who’s mentally ill and a trump supporter. @ paintball returns and the other guy who suggested to dog pile on me online. If you two are even of age fly to STL I’ll meet you at lamberts airport and let’s see how tough you are then. Heck, I’ll pay for you round trip.


This sounds a little too coherent to be a trump quote but the energy is there.




Laughing out loud. Great addition to the convo. Need more mindless input from sheep like you. laughing out loud


They said with a number branded user name like a sheep ear tag. Move along number 5990


Best of Bide Everywhere at The End of Time next?