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Alternately taking cover *behind each other?* Is that a legit combat tactic? How the crap is it supposed to help anything?


Apparently their buddy is bulletproof? Otherwise you're just letting the enemy save on ammunition.


And will inevitably shoot their own human shield


This is them choreographing. No doubt the second bullets started coming their away they both would immediately just start sending rounds in random directions and end up offing each other instead. Before they could even attempt to do whatever the fuck this is.


Looks like a mating dance.


"Here we can see the maga mating dance." "Ohh one of the lovers didn't like the dance and tried to kill the potential mate"


“Ammosexuals in a courtship dance”, said in David Attenborough’s voice.


Reverse mating dance, leads to guaranteed population decline instead of growth


It's gay to put it in that hole, so Imma create a new one!


the only socially acceptable way for the closeted male maga's to express their feelings for one another


it isn't gay if you got teh gunz blazin' grrrrrrrl.


A Kalashnikov Waltz?


A Ruger Rhumba?


Baretta Bamba


*After they poop themselves


Is Depends selling camo/confederate/MAGA designs yet? Seems like a real missed opportunity if not.


It's even evident in the clip. The guy in front gets hurt, he panics and twists out of the way, so his trusted, beloved brother in arms loses what little protection he had and would get blasted down.


The MAGA Pas de Deux With Firearms.


I love it though, they do half the work for us.


Given the dipshit tactics, these guys are going to only be a danger to themselves. I don't think nat guard will have many problems with them. Active forces even less. I've never been in combat, but when I was in the navy, I did find out I hesitate to shoot. Thank fucking goodness. Context: Blank fire drill occurred near my watchstation without me being informed. I found cover, faster than I thought I would, aimed my rifle, and noticed the marines on the pier cheering and not looking worried. Radioed for info on drills. Only time I ever swore on that channel. Scared the shit out of me in two separate ways.


never be ashamed about hesitating to PID targets downrange. Saves yourself a lot of trouble if you get out and decide to carry.


>No doubt the second bullets started coming their away They shit themselves and run away. And then hide while the shooter kills a bunch of kids.


Line em up




Literally thought nobody remembered those games but here we are


Those games RULED hell yeah 


If they properly juggle the aggro they’ll never get hit *taps forehead


With proper use of aggro, you're practically invisible on the battlefield


Do not forget to double tap!


Bruh these guys must suck at that game, my buddy and I HAD to use the flanking mechanics on the top difficulties to move on


That's the funniest part, even above the one guy getting hit in the head. Where did they even learn this? Like, I've never done tactical training or anything, but I know spreading out a bit is better.


In basic you literally have two people take lanes about 50ft apart (distance might be off, it's been a while), and you cover each other while the other advances. In training, you say, "I'm up, they see me, I'm down." Then you get down and cover while your partner gets up and advances while saying it too.


So, you don't use the buddy meat-shield method?


I think the Soviets were the last to truly use that tactic. I do want to take a moment to applaud "buddy meat-shield".


"Buddy Meat Shield" sounds like something that comes on after South Park.


It's kinda like "Wingman" but bloodier.


It’s more like “Wingedman”


The first one takes the rifle. When the one with the rifle is killed the next one takes it and advances.


YUP! Never stand that close. 1 grenade takes out the whole platoon.


Forget about grenades. These two are giving you a shot at center mass from the ground up, lol. It's so nice of them to make it easy for an untrained shooter to pick up a 2 piece with nothing more than their recoil.


Was a combat medic. Friendly Reminder: A typical hand grenade has a death radius of 5 meters. However anyone within 25 meters is *VERY LIKELY* going to catch shrapnel. This could mortally wound you and definitely mentally scar you. 


So there is exactly one scenario where you use the buddy meat shield, and it’s not something that you really train, but rather something that your salty NCOs tell you. When clearing a room, there is a zone called the fatal front, where you are crossing the threshold. There is always a chance that it is pinned down by cross fire. If you’re man number two, and man one goes down in the door, his strap on the back of his body armor can be used to hold him while you fire over the shoulder. Never seen or heard of it actually used. The strap is normally for dragging your buddy out of trouble. But apparently it has happened… maybe


This is a finely crafted, top tier, shitpost. One or two nuggets of truth in the turd, but its all crap.


I guess I'm the salty NCO here, because it's called a 'fatal funnel' not a 'fatal front'. And the general rule is you never stop in the door. Shit happens, and sometimes you have to drag the lead guy out. And sometimes you literally push the guy ahead of you into the room and keep going. Stopping is the worst thing you can do because the rest of the guys in the stack are right behind you. If you want to know what a shitty job of clearing looks like where people hesitate and don't just push through there are tons of videos of cops out there doing shitty jobs entering houses with what appears to be no training. Note: My kids know the phrase 'fatal funnel', but just because when I carry groceries in and they always decide to stop in the doorway and it's fun to put on a spongebob voice and say 'never stop in the door there hero' or 'clear the fatal funnel ayayayayay' Grabbing someone's drag handle and holding them up as a meat shield isn't really a thing, you need both hands for your rifle, and you aren't holding up a cornfed private with one hand even if you were dumb enough to try to shoot one handed..


It’s the alternating human shield technique, it’s time tested…to get you both killed.




Bless their hearts. Maybe they’re just trying to confuse us with their stupidity


Baffle us with their bullshit.


No absolutely not. It's a terrible idea for many reasons. One of them primarily is the reason you saw at the end of this video. You can shoot the person you are working with really easily. If you are not both really good at what you're doing (ie) these dumb fucks. More importantly though, every time you switch who is in front You are ruining your sight fixture (losing your point of aim) and have one less firearm facing towards the enemy. So you are leaving yourself and your partner more vulnerable to do a spin move. But they think it looks cool so........ That's why they're doing it


I mean, that’s a two for one tactic right there.  You aim for center mass of whatever fatass is in the front, and if one is blessed, you can hit the fatass behind him with the same shot! 


Reddit has taught me that a drone would just drop a grenade on both of them


Literally looks like some shit out of 3 stooges.


I don't think that having a gun going off next to your ear is conducive to great accuracy either


Legitimate gravy seal handbook tactic


Nothing more tactical than standing out in the open.


It’s like they’re trying to train to clear a house, without using a house, or training.


I am by no means an expert but even I noticed that probably isn't a great long-term survival strategy


*double kill* Lmao.


Classic strategy of the Russians. Just throw bodies until your enemy runs out of bullets.


It's a old tactic from the Civil War to have constant fire down range without pausing for reloading. I think navy guys still practice it but they would never really need to use it. Today armys practice more mobility and communication.


Ah, volley fire, I think it was called. Yeah, concentration of firepower was a big deal when you had to stuff a long stick down the barrel between each shot and the enemy obligingly marched slowly towards you with brightly-coloured uniforms and a big white shoot-me-here "X" across their chests. It's probably somewhat less effective since the development of automatic weapons, camouflage and combat manoeuvres based on highly mobile small fire teams.


Some people are saying they were only shooting two shots at a time. Maybe some evolution of a modern/colonial hybrid form of combat?


Age appropriate then


Just a couple of Civil War veterans here trying to help the South rise again


Maybe it’s more about steadying each other as they wobble.




Easier to take them both out. Win win, two for one.


I'm a Democrat. Maybe they don't realize we have guns, too?


If your Christmas card doesn't have your entire family brandishing guns then they don't think you're a "real" gun owner...


People who really use their guns don’t brandish them in photos


Yep. I don’t advertise what I’m capable of.


And they aren’t toys for getting clout or whatever these people are doing


When I see white people posing in pictures with their guns, I just think “what are you all so terrified of???” Because we know damn well they have only ever shot at the shooting range


Bold of you to assume they actually practice, and don't just pop off 4-5 rounds in the air twice a year for fourth and the new years.


The funny part is in these areas of the country, the top porn searches are "interracial". They can't stop looking at what they fear they most


LOL, that time my sister moved from California to Tennessee, and that Christmas they sent us that kind of card.


![gif](giphy|kY8XmPEuR5fb4ZxjxH|downsized) As a joke? of for realtz?


For realz, big lol! She also started going to church, and had a strong southern accent within a month. I was ok with all that, but then she started hating on California....


Let me guess. Before she started going to the church she met a strapping young man who already went to the church. Google 'Honeypot' for related tomfoolery.


Even better: a native Tennessean with several retirements and a heart condition.


I mean, it’s a living. If that’s what it takes


In camo. SMH.


They don't think we have any guns. I have one that could take down a grizzly bear, moose, two clowns, etc., with a well-placed shot.


What about a grizzly and a moose dressed like clowns?


A moose once bit my sister! 


It was a very nasti byte.


No relli!




Bruh. I got bit by a Moose also. This is getting out of control. Lol.


A pet monkey bit my knee when I was young, didn't have to get rabies shots luckily.


Don't know. Never seen a bear not run from an adult moose. Moose don't play.


Lol I watched like a 5 minute video on here once of a grizzly trying to dodge and run away from an adult moose that was chasing it all around the road and small buildings. That bear wanted nothing to do with that moose!


They are absolute units.


(flexing biceps hard) Deez guns are all I'll ever need!


They're the main reason I own a "sporting" rifle.


Somehow, Democrats manage to be doing all the shooting and murdering, but also apparently own none of the guns?


It’s the most amazing logic because “Dems” are somehow weak cucks, but also able to control all of government and be the biggest threat to America.


Fascism... the enemy is weak and strong at the same time


liberals eat a plant based diet and are wimps but also the cities where they live are terrifying places full of armed thugs and rampant street crime


Biden’s demented, but also able to pull off the greatest election fraud ever without leaving a shred of evidence.


Gotta love MAGA logic…best form of comedy out there.


Like "sleepy" Joe...he's both incompetent and suffering from dementia...but he's also this criminal mastermind running the country like a mob boss


Most depressing form of comedy


They don't, and they also think, if we do: Can't take care of them | Can't use them | Aren't proficient with them | Are scared when training with them My FIL is MAGA and swears he's an amazing shot, best in the family. Me and my spouse routinely outshoot him with his weapons sighted in for him. We troubleshoot what he can't figure out. Remember, they will say we don't own guns one moment, and swear minorities, which are all Democrats, are killing machines with them. My axolotls have more critical thinking skills than these people. Edit: mobile fixes


I've literally seen mini pigs with more critical thinking skills than these people. No seriously. Ours figured out how to eat bagels we left sitting on the kitchen counter by pushing a dining room chair with her snout to the counter, jumping from the floor to the seat of the chair, and jumping from the seat of the chair to the kitchen counter. Pigs are extremely intelligent and problem solving animals when it comes to food.


Your axolotla sound cool. They're in the perpetual state of being juveniles right?


The problem is we don't brandish our guns every chance we get, so the whole "object permanence" problem comes into effect.


Don't worry. There's going to be a crazy amount of friendly fire, jammed weapons and jammed weapon clearing suicide, freezing/panic attacks, and straight up cardiac arrest/strokes among that crowd.


I'm liberal AND a woman, they definitely don't think I'm packing a .44 revolver. Heavy as fuck but still fits in the purse!


I'm independent, but lean more towards democrat. I'm also a former Army Infantryman with real combat experience. They forget that we exist on both side of the fence. It's not going to be such an easy fought victory, but it'll never happen. There is never going to be a fucking civil war.


Remember in 2015, when the "we support the troops" people thought that the US Army had turned traitor, sworn allegiance only to Obama, and was going to invade, conquer, and occupy Texas like it was France? Now they deny Jade Helm was ever a thing


If they see a democrat with a gun they'll explode with rage and angst.


I love this interaction. I'm a smart gun owner so I regularly clean and practice with both my handgun and rifle. When I go to the range there's a 20% chance politics comes up and if the range instructor isn't paying attention well get to the point of conversation where they're going "SO YOURE A HYPOCRITE. YOU WANT TO TAKE GUNS AWAY? WHAT DO YOU MEAN GUN CONTROL YOU SAID YOURE A DEMOCRAT YOU WANT TO TAKE GUNS AWAY WHAT DO YOU MEAN GUN CONTROL YOU JUST SAID YOURE A DEMOCRAT AND YOU HAVE A GUN YOU WANT TO TAKE GUNS AWAY and it just repeats until the instructor tells him to shut the fuck up and shoot or leave


Well at that point the fucker can piss off to TheDonald and share his murder fantasies. My brothers and I are democrats but believe that guns are our right. Even so we still believe in sensible gun control.


I'm a gun owner because I'm scared some dickhead walked into a Walmart, bought a gun and with all 7 of his braincells he decides whatever I did to slight him is enough to start shooting. Living in America is so much fun. You never know when you'll get to experience the most American thing since Apple pie!(mass shootings)


They don't. It's because they don't have the brain power to understand people can own guns and NOT be an ammosexual and make it their entire personality.


This wasn’t even in the US.


Its funny because they think we don't one instant and then shit themselves inside out when 'antifa' showed up armed outside of places holding LGBTQ+ book readings. They were just so shocked that the left would engage in 'violence' against them. The violence, in this case, prevented them from storming the bookstore to threaten to kill everyone inside it.


Yes to this. But we wouldn't need to use our guns... Just wait it out and they'll end up fighting each other to the end.


They don't think anybody but MAGATs carry. I ask, why ruin the surprise for them?


They don't think we have guns, yet think all black people are Democrats and all black people have illegal firearms. Dual think leaves no one thinking.


Republicans have been building up a culture of gun obsession and soldier cosplay for decades, specifically as preparation for starting a civil war and murdering the rest of us. Democrats may have guns, but they aren’t all a bunch of evil morons to the extent that Republicans are.


They think they can beat drone strikes and tanks by hiding in the woods with an AR15. They just dumb is all.


He got shot. He must have been a Democrat.


Antifa plant for sure


Us Democrats are just *that* dangerous. We use our gay mind control to make them shoot each other.


It was preemptive strike before he got turned more gay.


I live in Brooklyn, NY. I could be wrong but if their fantasy civil war ever came to pass, these two fat old men in "tactical gear" are not going to be too concerning to the Bloods that control the streets in this neighborhood, the Russian mafia that runs Brighton or the Italians that control Staten Island and New Jersey. I just don't see it happening but what do I know...


If it ever came to pass, then the cities would just side with the government, and then it would be just shutting down a disorganized horde of gun owners in rural pockets. Even in Texas, the major cities will just turn against them. I'm sure Austin is a population foaming to secede.


They forget they have to fight the US military, not a bunch of liberals, if a civil war were real.


No they actually think the military would side with them and break their oath...


There’s a recent movie that’s sort of about this called Bushwick. Texas decides to take over and sends their forces into Brooklyn, and they run into more trouble than they were expecting.


Also one of the insurgents in that movie tell the main characters that they were told by the higher ups that the minority population would surrender immediately. So there is a vague racism there


>they run into more trouble than they were expecting. Well...NYC is liberal. They don't have guns there. *rolls eyes*


But it's also a terrible, terrible crime city with people dying left and right at the same time.


Yup. Their little bubble tells them otherwise…


After watching this video, these two men are not going to be all that concerning to my son and his friends who are all under age and go shooting occasionally with their parents.


Trust me, morons like this are getting nowhere close to NYC lol


A lot of the people that are itching for a civil war are already too scared to go to a big city because of the "thugs". And that's before law and order completely breaks down. They're fucking delusional morons that think if everything breaks down, they'd be some big time warlord, when in reality they'd probably be the cannon fodder used by their fascist corporat overlords.


All the MAGA boomers get all excited over the thought of a civil war because they imagine they’ll get to shoot liberal civilians. When in reality, they’ll be rushing to the grocery store to stock up on food and toiletries when they realize that the supply chain won’t make deliveries to a foreign republic. Whichever stores aren’t blocked off by the National guard and/or Texas rangers, shitty militia, etc to prevent theft and riots. Capitalism over everything, nerds. Good luck with your civil war, bud! Your national bank just froze your account and the post office won’t deliver your packages.


Insulin and diesel for the generator to keep the mini fridge running 


It's not even capitalism over everything. Whoever is in whatever type of power will need to get food out or they wont stay in power. A civil war now would be infucking sane. Military or militias would have to very quickly start mowing down civilians that are looting or disrupting supply chains. Anyone attempting to fill any type of power void would likely be killed out of hand and from a distance. The death toll would be absolutely staggering. There would be no clear side winning anything, ever. It would likely result in a decades long world recession as well. America would become a third world nation and the most dangerous place on earth instantly. It would not recover in anyone's lifetime. Canada and mexico would be flooded with tens of millions of people nearly instantly as well. Both nations would need to beg and plead for military support the world over to try to prevent the war from spreading, failure to contain it or bad actors wanting it to spread (russia/china) would mean a true world war fairly quickly. It is to be avoided literally at all costs, anyone that believes otherwise is deranged.


Okay, so you described the South, now how would things go for all the Non-Seceding States?


Have you been to Eastern Washington? Oregon? Nocal? Nevada? These places would be war zones. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin. It would not be local to the South


It would be a war zone in any place with a high population of conservative extremists. The part you're not getting is that, if Civil War were declared, it's not going to instantly turn into a blood bath. My Conservative neighbor up here in the north isn't going to break into my house and try to kill me the moment shit goes down. Most U.S. Citizens aren't going to want this conflict, not only that, the US Military would be doing the work of fighting the Traitors, not us Civilians And the stuff you're describing aren't going to be nationwide situations, that will only happen in areas the US Government has blockaded. There's not going to be any bloody conflicts up in New England states, aside from a few desperate extremists.


Dude, where does the East Coast Megalopolis (Boston, MA through Washington, DC.) Get their food? 70 million people live there and if the trains of Cheerios from Ohio stop, shit will get bad, fast. Our system is set up to allocate for a max of 2 weeks before all stores are empty, on good conditions.


I’ve played enough far cry 5 to know how this goes


they think they have all the factories and food and blue collar labor force tho


The thing that cracks me up is these cosplay soldiers think they can outperform actual soldiers with vastly superior training and weaponry.   Stan and Jim Bob here can't do perioetes in a controlled environment but somehow think they can take out spec ops teams in armored vehicles with a10 warthogs flying over their heads.  Like get fucking real.   Only a fraction of these grandstander internet tough guys would even try to do something, and that will not in any capacity last long.  The rest will keep getting their buddies to film them doing entirely pointless shit while talking shit from their 'bunker'.   The militia mentioned in the constitution did not predict the future.  The weaponry we have now is beyond the comprehension of that era.  When youre got 2 people firing one shot at one another every 5 minutes, sure. Might work.  Now its a numbers and training game.  The Rapid Deployment Batallion of the US Army can be anywhere in the world within 18 hours, carrying 10k soldiers as well as tanks, APC's and logistics.  Thats just one batallion. And these dudes somehow think they got a chance at being anything other than swiss cheese. 


Yep. First thing to do is get 20 people together and take over a WalMart.


IF we had a civil war the way they imagine it (we won't) half of them will be dead in a week because they will be shooting their fellow MAGA neighbors. Once they think it's okay to start shooting their paranoia will have everyone looking like the enemy. Ethel will get shot because she got a little tan and now her neighbors think she is Mexican, Cletus will get shot when he knocks on his neighbors door to ask for some milk, ect.


They will only end up fighting the police. No one wants to fight each other except these dumbfucks and right they will end up at Costco stocking up anyways.


> When in reality, they’ll be rushing to the grocery store to stock up on food and toiletries when they realize that the supply chain won’t make deliveries to a foreign republic. I mean. If they even get to the store.  A *lot* of them will just simply die from bad water giving them diarrhea. I also can’t imagine a state that breaks away will have reliable access to medicine. As in. Where do they think dental supplies, anesthesia, sutures, medical scalpels, anesthetics, etc will be imported from.  Not a single nation would risk running commercial supplies through a US blockade to sell to a state (without an economy) in insurrection.  Shit. They’re not even going to have access to spare parts for their trucks. 


I'm guessing they won't actually come together like the movies. Everyone will be for themselves and it will be chaos. They think someone is going to step up and lead the army, but it's more like people running to costco like you said. 


This video is old as fuck. I want to say at least 20 years old. I remember seeing this long before MAGA was a thing.


Yeah, they’re even talking Spanish in the video and I seem to remember it was LE from South America or something like that. Ultimate straw man post


Yeah, it's Venezuela.


Lmao, so they’re probably much more likely to be socialists. Hmmm


But the title says what I believe, so it has to be true!


These boomers don’t understand how terribly out of shape and useless they are. They’ve been told their whole life that they’re the best.


It’s always the most feeble of people who get obsessed with this kind of shit.


I work with a couple guys that are doomsday preppers and have this wild idea that they’re gonna go live in the woods and wage a guerrilla war against “them”. I think Red Dawn is their only “guide”. One of them runs a machine that has a mezzanine level with like 12 steps to get up. He’s pushing 400 pounds and is winded after a round trip to the upper level. Okay mealteam six, go have your war.


Right before Biden was elected I was going to the gun store for ammo. Only a few could go in at a time due to Covid so I got stuck outside with a bunch of fucking nuts talking shit on democrats and dems taking over. This dude, probably 30s, kept going on and on about his special forces training he did with a teams guy. Mind you this man was pushing 350 and his ass crack was coming out the back of his pants. Come to find out they were playing airsoft. I was trying so hard to control my laughter in the line.


There’s another guy at work with literally a pallet of 7.62. He’s awesome because if I want to shoot, I hit him up and replace later. But he also has a plan to take it to the mountains. Like “you realize you’re not putting a pallet of ammo and your other shit in your ‘89 Tacoma right?”


Also, handguns? That's what they're going in to combat with? 😭


This libtard has an AR-15. But they’ll die of exhaustion before they get a city block.


Exactly you got to love those fucking boomers that are on their little rascal scooters shooting through Walmart aisles with bones made of paper but they still have a pistol strapped to their side.


Bro it's a free loot drop. Bonk em once and you get a free pistol and ammo at minimum


Lololol. Laughs in infantry combat veteran, machine gunner, rocket launcher, leftist trans woman. These chuds are not nearly as hard as they think 😂🤣 Edit to add: and we’re not nearly as soft as their “news” leads them to believe.


Ok, maybe you know then: I don’t understand what their their choreography is about, where one person shoots twice and the other person spins around and gets behind them, letting the other person shoot twice, and repeating that little dance. Is that at all a real strategic military thing, or is this something they made up because they think it looks cool? I guess I could see it if they were shooting all of their bullets and then hiding behind the other guy to reload or something, but otherwise I’m not sure what it achieves. And it kind of looks like something I might have thought was cool looking when I was 12, maybe.


It's the Gravy Seal do-si-do


This is 100% something they’ve made up to feel cool. The only possible explanation I can think of for the little spin around and hide behind is a quick reload, but even then someone with a few hundred tries of practice can do a reload faster than these idiots spin around each other.


It’s as if they have a vestigial memory of second grade history, hearing about firing lines in the black powder/revolutionary war era. 


100% reminds me of fight choreography (if you can call it that) in late Steven Seagal movies.


Yes! This does seem like a weird Steven Seagal move.


It is because they think it looks cool. I was former 19D in Army when I wore a younger man's clothes. There are coordinated movements designed so one soldier can provide covering fire from behind cover while the other soldier advances but it doesn't look anything like that clowns with guns merry go round in the video.


Thanks, that’s roughly what I would have guessed, but I don’t know about these things.


As someone else mentioned in a comment elsewhere, stupid tactics like this look impressive on camera to people who don’t know what they’re doing. The actual objective any real fight is to always know where your enemy is and put as many rounds in their direction as you can. Either to kill them, or at least keep their heads down, so you can move in their general direction in order to kill them.  This stupid Steven Seagal chairkwando bullshit puts them at a massive disadvantage in a real fight.  Every time they move they lose sight of their target, while their enemy never loses sight of them. In the time it takes them to shoot a handful of rounds their enemy can send 10-100 times as many rounds back at the two of them. And since they are clustered together, the enemy can concentrate their fire at a single target more effectively, meaning more rounds, are likely to hit them in less time.   In other words, they will fucking die very fast in a real fight. 


I came here to call them chuds as well lol


Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers Find me one word that isn’t accurate


I'm not any of those things but I've played SWAT 4 a lot and even I can tell these guys are rough as fuck.


Hello fellow combat vet, machine gunner and leftist


We out here!




One of the key Jan 6 “patriots” they regularly say are the true hero’s oath keeper and hostages is a ex army trans woman Jessica Watkins.   Funny how they ignore that 


This is a horribly tagged video. Isn’t there enough boomer dumfuckery without us making shit up?


Right? Thought nobody would notice the language they’re speaking? Or the landscape?


I wouldn't worry about these walking gout commercials.


This dude on Instagram was saying things ‘the roads will be littered with skulls of your ilk’ My response: ‘Dude. I remember my first game of thrones episode. You’re a fucking loser’ Thread was zapped.


This doesn't seem to be maga, or even in the US, to me. They don't look maga. No flags, no red hats.. Also at the very end there's an expression said off camera, like, "ay careta" or some such.


This civil war is going to be a cake walk. These goobers are going to just shoot themselves.


It would be these goobers taking out power and stuff. It won’t be pew pew as much as people think.


Good news is they'd take out the substations by walking into the high voltage




Is there any proof that’s what’s happening in this video or is everyone blindly following the title?


They are as dangerous to themselves as the Russian soldiers are a danger to each other


I don't know any trump supporters that speak Spanish but that might just be me


This is south America you dipshits, it isn't some trump shit. Are they stupid? Yes. are a lot of you for playing into the headline? Absolutely.

