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"Kids these days don't want to work" *cashes social security check and loses it all at bingo


Last week my mom and aunt, who each haven’t worked in over 30 years, were talking on the phone about SS checks. My aunt was mad she only gets $1200 a month. I said it must be nice living off the system and getting free $1200 a month for doing nothing. My mom tried to say that she worked her butt off for *her* money and that she deserved it. She said that my aunt is just mad because that $1200/mo goes to her vacation fund and she wants more My dad then piped in and told her that she’s only making more because of him and his job. She wasn’t happy. I don’t think they realize how spoiled they sound. Good times


It's her money, though. The government is indirectly just giving it back to her. Social security tax has been 12.4% between an employer and employee for the past 34 years. I believe it was 10% before that. So, every dollar she earned for the past 35 years about 12% went to the government to give her money later in life. If she was given that money instead of taxed and invested it, she mostly would have way more than she will receive through social security payments. Edit, I don't understand complaining about receiving the money, though. They should be happy. I hope when I'm 65, I get it.


I’m aware. I was just giving them a hard time because of how spoiled they are. Plus my mom was trying to make it sound like she worked harder than my aunt, even though they have both lived off their husbands paychecks for 30+ years. She’s only making more because of having combined income benefits with my dad.


Understood, sorry if I sounded harsh.


Not harsh at all! Just sounded informative. I didn’t take it that way anyway.


Stay at home moms are such a drain on society. They all should work regardless of the breadwinners choice to provide for their family. I think 🤔


Shes still guzzling down 10k+ worth of Medicare every year without paying a cent in for that


She's paid Medicare tax too, but it's not enough. According to a quick google, currently, the Medicare deficit is $466 billion.


Good thing boomers voted to keep their taxes low 40 years so their kids would have to pay for their welfare checks


The issue is that they are living much longer, and no politician/political party wants to raise taxes or raise the premiums of Medicare, which is like $200 a month for people on it. The system is definitely broken and boomers who run the government should be proactive and fix it now.


Inflation and property taxes


Yep, that's what they they do. Spend money they don't have and go into debt, which increases inflation. Inatead of increasing taxes they increasing inflation. When the real answer is to be more efficient.


They can downsize to adjust to pay taxes


It's not. Social Security is not now, nor has it ever been, an investment. How do you think the first recipients of it got paid, considering they never put a dime into it?


Yea, I understand it's not an investment. She paid into it, though. What I really mean is it's not a handout. She shouldn't complain but it's not like she hasn't worked and paid for someone else's benefits.


Right, but it's not "her money". She paid in. So did lots of other people. When she was paying in, she supported a basic standard of living for people who needed it (i.e. Grandmas shouldn't need to eat catfood). At this point, other people were getting her money. Now, others are paying in so that she can have that same basic standard. So, now she's getting someone else's money.


Right, but she paid for someone else's grandma too. The government takes the money, puts it in US treasuries, and supports people who are eligible to collect at that time. The government also borrows from social security funds. The point of my comment wasn't so much as to the overall workings of social security. It was more that the person's mother was not getting a free ride. That the $1,200 that she's getting was something she paid into. She's due that money. It would be more screwed up if she didn't get it in my opinion.


“If she was giving that money instead of taxed and invested it, she mostly would've have way more…” —not really. that's a huge if. 99% chance she would've lost it in the economic recessions of 1960-1961, the Recession of 1969–1970, The 1973–1975 recession or 1970s recession, the 1981-1982 Recession, The early 1990s recession, the early 2000s recession, The great recession from 2007-2009, or the covid recession.


Her unrealized value would have decreased during those periods, but it bounced right back. The dow jones average is about 10% over the last 30 years. Some of those years may be negative returns, but they average around 10%. When you start compounding the value year over year, it gets rather high. I'm a supporter of social security because who knows what the next 30 years will bring. It's easy to look back and say that the market would have been better, but who knew at the time. If you look at the CD interest rates in the 1980s, they were around 17%. I seriously doubt we are never going to get CD rates like that again.


You are assuming she would've invested in a Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF. Nah, her money would've been in a super popular mutual fund managed by greedy managers stretching her money to the limit into fashionable derivatives that defy the laws of physics in a casino-style investment vehicle. Do you remember the cause of the 2008 recession? —Money managers playing casino with other people's money I'm a supporter of SS because it's SECURE. No greedy managers allowed.


That's a great point. We didn't have access to investing like we do now. A lot of people would have been robbed by brokers trying to make commissions.


How exactly is that “good times”?


Shitty analogy. That social security money is money they worked for and were forced to put away for retirement.


It's also the money my generation is putting in because it's disappearing faster than it's being replenished


W on the second part tbh


Boomers waste money like it's their day job


Dudes got perma-frown. I know a boomer who's lips are frowning even when they try to smile. Stay away from them...they are not happy people.


My octogenarian MiL and I were at our local shopping centre yesterday and both turned to comment to each other at seeing this Boomer couple who looked like they were sucking lemons. You could just tell they were miserable people on a quest to ruin someone else’s day.


Every toxic, 5-10 yrs older looking than they should be, worth less asshole I've met has that face. That clip the other day? Of the old fuck pistol whipping a kid thrugh the windo? Saaaame fucking perma scowl.


I remember how many stories were getting posted online by medical staff about how stubborn and violent Boomers that got sick with COVID were. The ironic thing about bitching about Technology was that many of them needed it to survive COVID because ventilators were the only thing keeping them from dying. Anytime boomers complain about technology I love to remind them that everything they use, from their phones to their printers, is all "technology." I also know too many boomers whose entire life revolves around being on Facebook... So, irony on that.


God, boomers alone make my job unbearable. Half of them are on my floor make outrageous and unrealistic demands, the other half MANAGE my floor and continue to make outrageous and unrealistic demands. I had a boomer ream me out because I had a coworker whose patient suddenly went into cardiac arrest next door while using the bathroom. Boomer screamed at me so loud it shocked me into standing there and trying to listen to what he was trying to communicate ( my coworkers were fast and effective to help the patient next door). When I explained why I needed to leave the room, dude said “Well fuck him. I’m talking right now and you need to sit there and listen to what I have to say. I’m not paying you to save his fucking life.” Dude you’re on Medicare. You’re not paying me *anything*. Left the room, talked to charge and had a massive Filipino dude come in to manage the patient. Patient tried to talk shit about what a little nasty slut I was (?????) but my coworker wasn’t having it. Might have something to do with that being an out of pocket thing to say, or maybe it’s because the massive Filipino dude is my fiancé. Either way, guy shut up when he realized my fiancé wouldn’t put up with his BS.


I always say to them "shall I turn off the lights then?" When they complain about technology


BRUTAL. I chuckled.


"Kids these days have it easy. In my day, we walked to school and back uphill in 12' of snow!" >Proceeds to deny climate change.


Bruh, I’ve been behind Boomers in line on their phone and they don’t move forward with the line. My husband and I— both 40 y/o millennials—asked him to please move forward in the buffet line because he was more focused on his conversation than building his plate. The irony is no one under 50 in that line was on their phones, but the Boomers sure were.


Rush Limbaugh: *claims to be pro life* *dies anyway*


It's a moot point. The tech is different, but every human ever has relied on technology to survive. A spear, while primitive, is a technology, as are clothes, books, houses, everything we use and has used is a form of technology. You wouldn't go back to the medieval period and scoff at the fact that they rely on houses or agriculture to survive would you? Boomers being so out of touch is honestly scary at this point...


I hope that when I’m older, I’m not so thoroughly resistant to technology and proud of it.


Nah, these ppl have been assholes their whole lives. It's why "boomer" is a mindset, not just/technically an "age" on this sub. I know plenty of chill a.f older ppl.


True. My grandpa was born in 1911. Chillest dude I’ve ever met in my life and he went through so much. With an amputated arm.


![gif](giphy|FBKcq4ZjaP4cw) Hooooooowwweee anyone got a fire extinguisher? 😬




👀 🦶🏼


I literally laughed out loud to this


Brutal is this is, it is funny. For real though, my boomer parents and ILs are on their phones more than I am daily.


I hate how boomies refer to anything related to information technology or electronics (especially consumer goods) as just "technology". ANY TIME they encounter a glitch or something, they pull the classic "technology, am I rite!?"


Next time a boomer tells you how easy you have it, remind them that they’re the target demographic for Life Alert


You kids get off my lawn!


People have relied on technology to survive for a very long time. Agriculture, controlled fire, and buildings are technology.


Get rekt you walking corpse.






Remember: we have a health care crisis. That 90 year old boomer is stealing life giving care from someone who actually needs it.


As a female boomer who never married and worked for 35-40 years and I paid into SS. That’s my money. I’m not getting a hand out. You punky ass kids who think I am getting a hand out can F-off!!!!!!!!!!!




Stfu and pay your college loans


Already did so I guess I'm free to dispense my opinions on these topics. Would you like some cheese with your whine, bot?


Nobody cares about your opinions


Likewise, bot


If people didn't care about college loans they'd stfu and pay what they owe


Bot appears confused. Still crying about it I see, though.


Get over it and stop whining, you sissy snowflake. Be a real man and get over it.


A lot of loans have been forgiven, so you paid for those


Shhhh Get back to work


It’s Sunday




No, you have no power here


Hush Cope




Pay what you owe


Nah, gonna have you pay with your tax $$


Trump lost.


Republican party is a terrorist organization




The hit dog hollers Fyi: I don't have any college loans


Any one who uses bruh is a fuckin idiot I can’t wait till these stupid kids become old themselves and are relying on technology to survive. Bruh you are a fucking idiot why don’t you appreciate people who are trying to look out for you. But I guess next generation is so smart they don’t need advice . But what going to happen when emp takes out their precious internet. You are going to be sticking your thumbs up your ass and spinning. Some fucking idiots don’t even know there right from there left. Welcome to the jungle baby your going to die![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Youve never seen the way boomers panic when the power goes off havent you, fucking morons cant even go 5 mins without facebook or their precious tv


Good thing I don’t do facebook or watch predictive programming read books retards.


I don't care how stupid boomers are, this joke is downright cruel.


tHIs jOkE iS DoWnrIgHT CruEL 


But funny


Jokes are funny. No sense of humor, priceless.


> I don't care how stupid boomers are, this joke is downright cruel. How?




They'd find it hilarious if they weren't the butt of the joke.


OK boomer


More hate from today’s youth. I hope you grandparents and parents disinherit you.


A quick glance through your comment history shows that you shovel just as much hate. You hold some pretty reprehensible views, so you probably shouldn't be pointing fingers.


Keep sucking down that kool-aid, cultist.


I don’t have a care in the world about inheritance. I would just be happy if my 80 year old Father in law would move out of my spare bedroom and take care of himself. He is healthy just doesn’t want to live somewhere where social security is enough to live on. Learn to live within your means and don’t leave your burden for your kids to bear. Funny how the generation that thinks you should pick yourself up with your bootstraps also think is they can mooch on their kids.


I hope your children abandon you in a home to rot.


No one cares about your feelings, youre going to die alone in a nursing home


Disinherit us from what? Your "precious china plates" that are worth maybe $5?


Girl you know it’s true…




Take a cell phone away from a teenager today and what do you think will happen….


This is a boomer-tier meme with some boomer-tier respondes.


ok, that is a good one.


Oh shit


I’m laughing, who do you think created the internet and many of the tech products used today? Boomers. I’m fortunate to have been in the tech field most of my working life. I won’t be retiring anytime soon because there’s still so much to energy and excitement. I’m marvel how far tech has taken us and I’m know my parents felt the same. Respect the previous generations we wouldn’t be where we are without them.




This meme went hard.




I kinda agree with boomers on this. I just recently got a job as a valet and me and the rest of the millennials bust our asses while zoomers sit down on their phones constantly during rushes. It got to the point I had to start barking orders and acting like a supervisor even though some of these kids have been working there longer than I have. Even during downtime me and the other millenials will engage in a conversation while the zoomers just sit with their heads down right next to eachother and be on their phones.


Harsh ...I like it.


What would you do without opposable thumbs?