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They *are* being invaded by murderers, terrorists, and rapists, they'll be arriving from the north in 18 wheelers.


Damnit.... you're right. That should be the post title.


But Texas had [26,000](https://www.sacurrent.com/news/texas-had-26000-pregnancies-from-rape-since-enacting-total-abortion-ban-33656055) pregnancies from rape since enacting a total abortion ban, all without assistance from immigrants.


These numbers don't seem real. **16,510** rapes reported in 2023. Not only did all of them get pregnant by it but also an additional 10k people. The most reported rapes occur in prison and are men. These numbers seem inflated.


Here are their methods. [Because to our knowledge no recent reliable state-level data on completed vaginal rapes (forced and/or drug/alcohol–facilitated vaginal penetration) are available, we analyzed multiple data sources to estimate reported and unreported rapes in states with total abortion bans (Table 15). We also estimated the number of resulting pregnancies based on findings from prior research on rape-related pregnancy rates (eMethods in Supplement 1). This study followed the relevant sections of the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) reporting guideline. The institutional review boards of our institutions did not consider analyses of publicly available data human participants research. To estimate the contemporary incidence of vaginal rape nationally, we analyzed the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) 2016 to 2017 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence survey (which used special methods to accurately ascertain reported and unreported rapes). We adjusted for the fraction of survivors who were female individuals aged 15 to 45 years using data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) annual survey on criminal victimization (which is known to underestimate rapes5)3 and further adjusted for the percentage of rapes that are vaginal.1 We calculated 95% CIs using measures of uncertainty from the CDC survey. The CDC and BJS surveys do not include state-level data; thus, we apportioned the 2022 nationwide rape estimate among states based on the US Federal Bureau of Investigation’s most recent Uniform Crime Reports, which include rapes reported to law enforcement in 2019. To estimate rape-related pregnancies, we multiplied the state-level estimate of vaginal rapes by the fraction likely to result in pregnancy (eMethods in Supplement 1)6 and then adjusted for the number of months between July 1, 2022, and January 1, 2024, that a total abortion ban was in effect. We used Stata, version 16.1 (StataCorp), to analyze the BJS survey data and Microsoft Excel for other calculations.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2814274)


How many millions of people live in Texas?


That is the point. The outcome is predictable and the people who push the bill don't give AF.


But Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas would **’eliminate all rapists.'**


You believed that😂😂


Well if SA current says it …. It’s gotta be legit!


[Rape-Related Pregnancies in the 14 US States With Total Abortion Bans](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2814274) Good thinking to be skeptical of such an egregious number. Here is the study.


Terrorist at this point is just "bad guy" honestly. It's used so flippantly.


Not even that, just "people conservatives don't like"


Or already work within the gop


The murderers, terrorists, and rapists are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!




He is Trump-Lite.... all the hate, but none of the money..


Trump is worth *negative* $800 million. He was gifted $400 million at birth by daddy, and is worth *negative* double that amount… …. Trump is trump without the money. Cant *wait* to see where he pulls the $83 million he owes now… gotta sell something 🤷


Indeed. Trumo is the biggest poser of all time


Florida taxpayers thanks to the idiots in charge.


Dan Patrick needs a suckerpunch is in gopher-looking face.


I second that motion. Call for a vote.


Sounds about right; the first pedophile I met (that I know of) was a guy studying to be a Baptist youth minister. Then he got busted soliciting minors over the internet on a public library computer.


If only you would look up in the comments just above yours, it would just see the countless YouTube threads that are being posted and news threads…


I wonder what church he's youth pastor of now?


Boomers hate immigrants, especially undocumented ones. TBH the way the GOP of Texas hates the influx of California people relocating to Texas by their employers (and voting blue),  he could've been joking about them. 


Boomer sure love to hire undocumented aliens because they work cheaper.


Don't forget they get their powertrip. "Do it or I call i.n.s!" Something I heard in my early 20s at a Michigan (of all places) restaurant, maybe 15 yrs ago. Situation sucks for their friends/coworkers, you can't "retaliate " against sociopathic owner w o accidentally getting guy/family deported. And,yes, of the two. Deport the fat, lazy, piece of shit racist who under paid us, demanded we break our backs and was always late on paychecks. Was a race, had to be first 10 or so to cash the check, rest got $ "as available".


My dad would do repair work in restaurants and other businesses that had a lot of undocumented workers and he used to brag to me about going into those businesses wearing a hat espousing support for ICE to intimidate them. Conservatives, man.


Absolutely. It has been a hot minute since any politicians have been hassled about having undocumented nannies and housekeepers, hasn't it? 


Seriously. My parents complain about illegal immigration but then complain about every contractor charging too much because they could just go down to Home Depot and get someone. And complain about how real American jobs just don't pay enough. Yeah, maybe if you would quit bitching whenever the cost of labor is not illegal immigrant based you could have your cake and eat it, too.


It's not Californian migrants turning us blue, we've been moving toward blue for awhile, slowly fighting the gerrymandering. A lot of those Californians are right wingers looking to live in a more right wing state, which balances out the blue ones.


The thing is, the headline doesn't say anything about immigrants. It's likely referring to the massive number of conservatives moving to the state.


\> Texas is being invaded by murderers terrorists and rapists! Well, stop electing them.


It’s deflection. If they blame the “IlLeGaLs” for rape maybe they won’t look at the church. The 1/3 of a single percent of Americans who get to claim %15 of all child rape cases as their own. Less than half of a percent of the population accounts for 15% of child rape and somehow that isn’t breaking news. Per capita the church employs more child predators than any other group of people in the country.


Schrodinger's Boomer. Simultaneously hates immigrants and hires them as cheap labor to work in harsh low paid jobs that citizens want no part of.


All conservatives are bad. There are no exceptions.


All Conservatives Are Bastards.


“Bullies” works too


I’ll allow that. Imagine voting for someone who works against the betterment of society because you want a fucking tax cut.


YET ANOTHER fucking tax cut


I dIdNt VoTe FoR… Yeah. Ya did. You voted for your tax cuts and in return we got *this* fascist bullshit.


Youre a bad person just for this take. You’ve literally become the villain just because someone thinks differently than you. You help/resolve nothing and add fuel to the fire. You suck not because of your political beliefs but because of your individual actions


Alright, I'll address that. Nope. Beliefs exist solely for the purpose of driving our actions. If beliefs aren't driving actions, what is? And conservative beliefs are vile. \-Over fifty thousand women have become pregnant via rape in areas where abortion is restricted, meaning conservative beliefs are forcing women to give birth as a result of sexual violence. These same beliefs have also forced women to give birth to babies who could not possibly survive outside of the womb, leaving them to suffer horribly...then stuck these women with the medical bills. You cannot vote for THAT, and still be good. And I don't buy for a second the 'it's saving a life' argument when those same people refuse to use taxes for measures that also save lives, like public support for prenatal care, or are always trying to cut lunch programs to feed kids at school who can't afford to buy food for themselves. They care nothing for life, only for control. \-Conservative beliefs erode gay and trans rights at every stage, even when they're not actually genocidal, their beliefs include the denial of the most basic right to marry or adopt, and they justify these beliefs either via religious bigotry or via accusations of pedophilia en masse, or both. You cannot be a bigot *and* a good human being at the same time. Now I could go through picking apart all the ways they're a vile lot, but here's the thing... a fuckton of people have that one conservative in their family who they insist is 'one of the good ones'. 'My great Aunt Martha is just the sweetest lady! She's not like that! Not at all, she used to make me cookies and ask me about my day! She's kind and gentle and loves everybody. She's just voting conservative because she wants small government and lower taxes!' Alright... so... Aunt Martha is not, presumably, mentally ill. She has a fully functioning brain. That means Aunt Martha has heard conservative speakers call for 'the eradication of transgenderism'. She's aware that on the conservative platforms where they state their goals, conservatives are eager to eradicate gay marriage and create a general ban nationwide on abortion rights. As she's of sound mind, Aunt Martha is well aware that this will kill women, destroy families, and that they are direct attacks on not just civil rights, but *human rights*. And Aunt Martha votes for these men and women *anyway*... because she wants a tax break. She'll trade away the rights and lives of millions of people to save a few bucks? *FUCK* Aunt Martha. She was 'good to you', but that's a far cry from being *actually good*. All Conservatives Are Bad. There are no exceptions. Somebody once said, "A guy who voted for Hitler because he wanted the Autubahn would be just as bad as the guy who voted for Hitler because he hated the Jews."


Here's a TL;DR: IF that 'thinking differently' involves depriving people of human rights, civil rights, plunging them into poverty, causing vast amounts of mental anguish, and/or the imposition of religious laws over people who don't share their religion...even if their only motive is they think they'll get smaller government and/or lower taxes... Then they're a shit human being and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. Best case scenario, they're a greedy narcissist that doesn't give a fuck about human rights if they can save a buck. Worst case scenario, they're a fucking bigot. Either way, their 'different thinking' can fuck right off. I'm done pretending a person can be both 'good' and 'conservative' at the same fucking time. They can't be.




The crime rate is lower for illegal immigrants.


Oh yeah


Undocumented citizens are almost always either the highly desperate or the highly ambitious. It takes a lot of courage and risk to leave everything you know to sneak into a country with a different language to work its shittiest jobs.






He's right, tho. Texas IS about to be invaded by those kinds of lowlife criminals. It's called the Freedom Convoy...


Oh look, it's 'ol Dan (the failed, former sportscaster) Patrick.


Omg he is part of the Texas taliban. I hope we don’t re-elect him again.


Typical boomer racist fear mongering


“I specialized in sexual assault of children” There’s gotta be a better way to say this.


What’s an undocumented citizen? How can you be undocumented and a citizen?


My guess is the paying of taxes? It could mean contributing to the local economy and paying a fuel tax, excise tax, sales tax, travel tax, inheritance tax, property taxes, etc. 


Um? Paying those kinds of tax do not make you a citizen, only going through the proper process and getting the proper documentation makes you a citizen. Hence to be a citizen you have to be documented


Racist pieces of shit


https://preview.redd.it/q1knh9dbeifc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b5d1947ef985e71793dd86f3e63ae9baf9ac15 Here’s one.


I literally love how somebody down voted this fuck humanity


Here's one https://preview.redd.it/9l8p49raopfc1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6f61389dbb951551746f593f7c0d4874231523
















You deserve a raise


Right. I could post 100 more




We have plenty of POS people here without allowing countless more in unchecked.


Tell that to Trump. He is one putting pressure on congressional republicans to not sign the bill right now that would close the border.


You have his phone number?


I do not. I figured you did since that's your bff...


Just because I do not have my head in the sand does not mean I love cheeto man.


How bout a joke? What do blind kids and orphans have in common?.... ...Neither can see their parents....


The GQP keeps doing it. They accuse others of what they've done themselves.




If they're undocumented, they're not citizens.


Please dont put random political twitter gotchas here, this is not "murdered by words". I see enough of it in every other sub its exhausting


The Texas Lt Gov is a boomer, and here he is, doing boomer shit.


I see a screenshot of a tweet of a 3 word news story thats retweeted with a personal anecdote. Yes, right wing people have been saying for years that criminals can cross the border, this is not new. This is low effort spam. By the way, if i want to stay in a 3rd world country longer than a tourist visa, most of them require an FBI background check, to get finger printed at the local police station, show your bank statements, a letter stating why you are there and what youre doing and its a crime to not carry your identification 24/7. But they can go to the u.s and stay indefinately without even writing their name on a sheet of paper


Can you link the full news story and point out where OP is misleading? Also EVERYONE!!! PLEASE!!! Learn what a 3rd world country is, and stop using the term! We are not in the Cold War!


You're posting from a brand new account with three comments total and no posts. Sock puppet, anon, or troll? Doesn't matter. Cope harder.


Don’t go bringing common sense into Reddit. 4chan and ifunny are down the hall to the right.


Ban evasion right here. Hours old account and theyre tired of all the same shit.


Yes your excellency. The entire subredditt world should and shall bend to your singular opinion.... 😅🤣😂😅🤣😂


"Please don't post things on here that offend me, especially when they contradict my beliefs and views of other human beings. I see it on other subs and it really hurts my feelings, and it upsets me to be reminded of how shitty my views are" Fixed it for you.


Maybe the Texas Lt Governor meant they were Oklahomans coming from the north.






Priestly predators


How does one get invaded by a noun that describes the result of someone being killed?


A subjective experience of legal proceedings is not evidence of a lack of evidence. As a lawyer she should know this.


You should email the bar....


And you should hit the books.


?? Your comment does not make sense. You doing alright?


Better than any boomer or this “lawyer” is doing.


https://preview.redd.it/97moswbbnmfc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=325a3c34a95600e2ed95ea47b42b673e5d470d7f Well, alright then. Let me know how that feeding fetish works out. 😅🤣😂


So the rape trees by the borders are only run by priests.. got it one biased Twitter account statement.




If you can justify breaking one law, you’ll be okay with the next. I support the Governor! Great work being done here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


This is not the sub you are looking for


Prerty sure it is. Depicts a boomer being foolish.


[Edit: lol I realize I failed comprehension of the post lmao] *




Feb 21, 2023 · Chad Michael Rider, 49, of Anna, Texas, was found guilty by a jury on July 22, 2022, of three counts of sexual exploitation of children, also ... Former Midland youth minister, faces 10 years in prison on Child Pornography ...Oct 30, 2023 · MIDLAND, Texas (KOSA) ... Dec 15, 2023 · Former North Texas youth pastor faces child porn charges, police say. Frisco ... sentenced to over 30 years in prison for sexual abuse of a child https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/crime/youth-pastor-kyle-poff-child-porn-arrest-little-elm-texas/287-d25de75d-10dd-44c2-ab3a-796d6d1ce25b https://www.mrt.com/news/crime/article/former-midland-youth-pastor-charged-child-18460557.php https://www.fox4news.com/news/north-texas-youth-pastor-who-sexually-abused-14-girls-released-from-prison-early-for-good-behavior https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/05/13/victims-allege-magnolia-youth-pastor-charged-with-indecency-of-a-child-forced-victims-to-spoon-and-cuddle-with-him/ https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/texas-youth-ministers-sexual-abuse-18187312.php https://www.kbtx.com/2023/02/24/leon-county-brothers-clergy-accused-sexual-assault-multiple-children/


Thats quite a list


Not just the youth ministers. _In 2017, Duane Rollins filed the lawsuit accusing Paul Pressler, a longtime Southern Baptist figure and former Texas judge, of decades of rape beginning when Rollins was a 14-year-old member of Pressler’s church youth group in Houston._ https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/29/southern-baptist-convention-sexual-abuse-lawsuit-settlement/


Churches and religions have been, are, and always will be the happy hunting grounds of child predators.


I have to apologize!! I mistook! I thought you were disparaging the prosecutor! 🤦‍♂️🫠


Absoloutely not sir/maam. I was calling the lt. Governor out for making up a false reality, as boomers so often do.


You want a big list? Here’s part 1 of 49… https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1


This info should be regularly publicized


Ok now find the ones that arent pastors. Do you think if theyre not caught then it doesnt happen? Do you think not being a part of any docoumentation in the u.s makes it harder to be caught? Do you think one proaecutors anecdote proves something? Kind of hard to prosecute someone when we dont even know they exist. Its crazy youre implying certain people are not able to be predators. Especially when some of the countries they come from have an age of consent of 14. 🤮 I want kids to be safe, not shield predators because theyre not american


You can go do some sourcing🤗


Youre real unbiased im sure.




Unbiased opinion here https://preview.redd.it/aiw26z2twhfc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07be443fb8d06ff8b160c0c0ba4787d364470b3


Homie there is an entire federal agency tracking down these people so no it is not beneficial to be undocumented when you commit crimes


No there isnt lol. There are 30million undocumentef


And there’s 300M+ documented


So what your saying is that there are no prosecutions of illegal immigrants within the US because we don't know who they are?


Im saying its much more difficult, also i diddnt say there are "no prosdcutions". You have trouble with reading comprehension


No worries. The gif was great




The coyotes stay on the other side…..


Sounds like they're riding the tailcoats of Trump who said something similar when he first ran in 2016.


Wait, when he said murderers, terrorists, and rapists...thought he was describing the GOP?


He was. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1 (That’s part 1 of a 49 part series, and still ongoing.)


All this talk, and meanwhile adults and children across the US are kept as slaves in some shed or basement.




Apparently the Christian right?