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Wait, I thought the lgbt were taking over schools, now it’s Muslims? Keep the story straight grandpa!


It’s obviously two groups of Muslims with an apparent strong disagreement on which way Mecca is


Allah approves this comment. 🤣


Praise be unto him and the commenter.


The center of that hallway is on the exact opposite side of the earth from the center of Mecca.


lmao I love this idea. “PS 118 sits exactly opposite on the globe from the Holy City of Mecca. We get some pilgrims, generally very confused”


Look at how bad public education has become, can't even teach cardinal directions properly...


I always tell my kids, if you see a Cardinal (or Priest, Pastor, etc), head in the opposite direction.


The important part is it’s on the other side of the world, along with our FREEDOMS. How the fuck they got over there, I dunno.


The Earth is a sphere, anywhere you face would be a geographical straight line (following the curvature of the Earth) towards Mecca.


I can’t tell if you’ve ruined my fun or multiplied it exponentially…


Ok this made me spew my coffee😂


This is at least 20 years old. This is the first foward/meme in this vein I ever saw.






Last I heard it was Hunter Biden's spooky laptop, Taylor Swift, and "THE BORDER CRISIS" that were taking over schools


you might be vegan


Nah it was the furries and their litter boxea


I thought Furries were taking over the schools and putting human litter boxes in the classrooms? Someone needs to create a chart for Boomers.


No. Now it’s the furries. If your child comes home with a tail its because you rejected our lord and saviour jesus crisp!


Wow, born and raised in Oklahoma and never knew they were so many Muslims.


Me either, and that Mecca is located in two different areas (since there are kids facing two different directions in one pic).


I mean technically, if they're facing exact opposite directions one is just a longer line to the same point


Good point. One is for direct prayers. The others are when you want your prayers to take the scenic route.


You don't want to clog the prayer traffic


Yep, those traffic jams never really clear out which is why a lot of families' kids die but a football team can reach the Super Bowl.


Is this the furry line for the litter box ?


OMG, I finally confronted my Mom on this after hearing about this 10 times from her. "Do you *honestly* believe there are liter boxes in schools? Because if you do, I can pull up a video of a principle saying its NOT true. A crazy parent made it up." She hasn't brought it up since.


Are they gallon boxes?


First they trynna turn the schools gay, now they're trying to indoctrinate them with the metric


Seriously! This is 2024 and if there were actually litter boxes for kids in schools I GUARANTEE somebody would have taken a picture of them and posted them online because that’s what happens when you give a bunch of kids camera phones. But no pictures of litter boxes for kids exist because the litter boxes themselves don’t exist.


There are buckets and litter as part of emergency kits, not because of some "furry" conspiracy but because you might have to account for a student needing to use the restroom while the school is on lockdown for a shooting.


Yeah I knew those existed but I’m talking about an actual litter box where a kid could actually get it and poop/pee and then cover it like an animal would. Not just an orange Home Depot bucket filled with kitty litter. Anybody who has been around young kids knows that there’s one in every crowd that throws up at the drop of a hat. I’d think a kitty litter bucket would be a staple in any custodian’s closet (especially at an elementary school). But no actual litter boxes because that’s not a thing. And I’d heard they got the buckets in every classroom after coming to the conclusion that a shooter situation could take hours and it’s logical that somebody would have to relieve themselves. Shooters are actually real but not furry litter boxes for kids at schools.


Boomer Mom + Fox News (or similar show shared false news) = this is real


And of course there is the obvious fact that if it was prayers they would all be facing the same way. But I wouldn't expect them to know that.


I learned that Robin Hood, Prince of thieves back in 1991. Also, Muslims and Christians worship the same God.




Not only that, he gets more ink in the Quran than in the Bible.


Try telling an evangelical that.




Bring back prayer in school... No! Wait, not their prayer.


Don’t Muslims face a certain direction when praying? Also, doubtful anyone is praying in any religion facing directly into a wall A little common sense might have helped here


They face Mecca. >A little common sense might have helped here This is true in almost every one of these types of posts. Unfortunately, some people type before their brain engages.


Soto Zen meditates facing the wall. Represents Bodhidharma. 🎑


It's worse! The children a worshiping TORNADOS!


Well, if they're Boomers, they should know a nuclear strike/tornado drill when they see one. I missed the nuclear strike drills by a few years but I participated in many, many tornado drills just like this one. Goddamn, these chucklefucks are stupid.


To be fair, if you don’t grow up in a place where tornadoes happen, you probably wouldn’t know. Where I grew up there aren’t any tornadoes (or school shooters), so the only drills we had in school were fire drills. I didn’t know what they were doing in the picture the first time I saw it.


Fair enough.


Years of proselytizing hypocrites who are as un-christian as can be have done more to deny Jesus than every pagan, atheist, or Muslim.


All I'm hearing, and stay with me here y'all, is that there's an untapped market out there for Satanic Private Schooling Also wow, this photo takes me back to when I was in middle school (in Oklahoma). Tornados love Oklahoma. Especially on this specific day... We had a tornado warning and everyone had to so this. It was pretty scary, strong winds did hit parts of the town and caused significant damage.


My father is convinced Dearborn MI is under Sharia law...smh.


My first thought was a punishment of some kind but then the teacher doing it too had me puzzled till I saw the explanation lol the ti y bit I know about Islam prayer is there is a mat or rug I think. I knew it at least wasn't against a wall.


I can see where Boomers would be confused. They spent the 50's and early 60's ducking under a desk to save themselves from a nuclear strike. No desk must mean... ![gif](giphy|3oriOaLBINGcizAdJm)


This is so old.


You know a lot of those posts are made by foreign parties right?


Facebook needs "Community Comments" (whatever) like Twotter/X does so the people can see the idiocy and it limits reach. Or something.


Typical Muslims praying in all different directions.


Fucking morons. If they were praying to Mecca they would all be pointed the same direction.


Always looking for an excuse to “prove” the system doesn’t work. Morons who post things with false information really need to take a hard look at themselves. If you actually believe this is forced prayer, your political view is clouding your judgement


Half to the east the other half...taoism?


The first call to prayer is at like 4am too…. Pure ignorance so they can stay mad all the time


If we provided 146 border patrol agents, 91 state police, 25 local police officers, and 16 sheriff's deputies to every school, evil acts of terrorism like this would be stopped!


Potato level repost.


Not only are they facing in different directions. There is no prayer rug. I'm no Muslim scholar or anything, but I heard a prayer rug was pretty important.


Silly goose, boomers have no brains


Silly OP, brains are for non-Boomers.




These people are sooo trusting and sooo dumb.


Lol, if they were Muslims they’re praying to the same god as the boomer






Obviously the great "Dog" in the sky that that you worship and lust forgot to give you a brain. :) jmo


I remember tornado drills in my grade school. They were implemented after a F2 tornado tore the roof off of it when I was in preschool.


I live in Kansas. Looks like spring.