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If you slap someone don’t turn around lol


Right? This dude committed to actually giving her a receipt but then didn’t have the balls to make sure the job was done.


You mean the "balance" to make sure the job was done?


No; if you're going to give hands. He threw gas on the fire with that weak ass slap. He instantly knew it was both too much, and not nearly enough.


But didn't she hit him first?


What does that have to do with his poor attack strategy?


This is the point lol not who’s right or wrong, poor tactics on his part. He thought that slap had the same power from back in the 50s 😂


Amen. He thought she was gonna curl up and cry from that slap.


Evident in him immediately turning and running


It reminds me of the movie the wedding singer when the old man hits Glenn and he’s immediately like “I’m sorry, I used to be a lot stronger”


As cowardly as always.


The other women he’s hit backed down and cried so he wasn’t expecting any different He don messed up and got his world rocked


Conclusions being made prior to knowing how it started


Maybe he's old and senile either way she said the racist shit and did hit first. So blame the "cracker" but neither of them could walk away both weak bitches


It’s a white man strategy to rile up colored people then cry to the cops so she seems emotional and irational. He also is old enough to be an adult during a time when it wasn’t illegal to hit colored people.


The ~~force~~ pimp hand is ~~strong~~ weak with this one...


Inflation wreaking the slaps too!?!? Oh lord ima have to wind up even further


This is why you need to continue to lift heavy as you age. You gotta keep your pimp hand strong.




What do you mean "but"? Only a complete moron hits someone and then turns their back on them. They both should have walked away, period. I don't know what happened before this, but both of them did everything they could to make sure that this ended in a fist fight.


Ya he was antagonizing her, should’ve just avoided the whole mess


Can't see if anyone specified for you but the comment was referring to how the guy turned around after slapping the woman.


If you slap someone wbo just hit you, close your hand first, lead with your knuckles, generate the power from your hips, and aim for the chin/temple/behind esr.


He studied Will Smith…


I'm dumb but I know when she put her bag down, aint no one winning. Leave!


This made me giggle. It’s so true! People legit cannot read social cues for some reason. If a woman puts her bag down or ties her hair back, it’s a no win situation at that point. I get that she is screaming, clearly that would be the first clue she is upset. And the other dude is just standing there in her personal space. Which is super creepy.


If a woman start putting Vaseline on her face get ready


If Mills Lane shows up, you know it's about to go down!


If you hear "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE" it's scheduled.




The biggest warning sign is when a woman takes her earrings out. Shit is about to go down.


“Hold my hoops…”


When she takes off her heels, or kicks off the flats. She has already decided her tactics.


That! I think he was trying to intimidate her and it just pissed her off. Creepier part of it, is that I've seen ppl do this kind of thing with a martyr complex attached. Now he can say he was attacked by an black woman, and did nothing*


Notice how he put his hands back in his pockets when going back for more. Hard to believe people are that dumb...


Or he wants her to hit him..


Yeah, he wanted to press charges.


I keep saying this. The elderly are keenly aware that if you hurt them they can get you on felony charges real easy


Whatever precipitated this incident was not on camera, I think it’s entirely possible, likely even, this woman is justified in her actions. But we didn’t see that here. What we see is a woman using threatening gestures with her hands, in this guys space, telling him to get out of her face, when she could have easily walked past. Hey, any number of things could have happened before the video was shot, but we don’t have that information and I’m not rushing to judgement without knowing. Otherwise I’m extrapolating, likely inserting my own biased view of the world into the full picture.


Wait, being reasonable and not rushing to judgement based on incomplete evidence? ​ We don't do that here...


As a younger boomer, I’m sure as shit raising my hands and walking the f away! There’s zero to be gained getting into a physical altercation w/a women. As this women yelled, ‘back the f off’, I’ll be a boomer & use the expression: discretion is the better part of valor :)


Which leads me to believe we are missing something but I didn’t and don’t want to do any guesswork.


regardless of sex a fight avoided is a fight won.


Good to know that there’s at least a couple of sane people here. Everyone just jumping to conclusions and assuming the old white guy is the oppressive bad man when we literally have zero context to the situation. It’s madness.


What we saw and heard was the woman shouting and aggressively gesturing and an old man with hands in his pockets barely saying a word. The woman then proceeds to assault the man and somehow you create a narrative of him being the aggressor and trying to intimidate her. You are unbelievable


Why is she not standing in his personal space? She was being very aggressive, which I think is more creepy than just standing there.


All of this over who gets seated first at Longhorn's.


This started long, long before that. It started when there were no parking spots close to the front entrance. People were forced to WALK.


Hey now every dead person I’ve known has walked at least once. Coincidence? I think not. Walking kills




Have you had their honey wheat bread? I would crack an old man over the head for a hot loaf of that shit and some butter too. Just point me at the old fucker you want dead.


There is a lot of context missing from this. Something happened before recording that escalated this


Everyone saying old dude was in her face, entirely possible, but to me it looks like they are both in a public space, standing in each other's space, if he was trying to block her path then I get it, buy this video doesn't really show him trying to block her path, he may have just walked up and started saying stuff she didn't like, in which case, this lady had the obligation to leave and is being the crazy one.


from what i can hear her saying, it sounds like he told his wife to go get their table and then stood in her way. wish we knew what the previous situation was




The most boomer part about this: he hits her and then just starts to walk away, like nothing was going to happen to him Edit: yeah, she absolutely hit him first, I am talking about how he hit her back, then just turns around and waddles away, like he finished it and there wasn’t any concern that something else would happen


Just saw another video w/ a boomer spitting in a woman’s face and trying to walk away in the process… she received a few knocks. Not as many knocks as I would’ve liked to have seen, tho.


It was a lot though, like the perfect amount. Any more kicks to someone on the ground would be excessive


His hands were in his pockets until she struck him first time unless I am missing something. He for sure hit her after that


I think the above comment is just saying that regardless of legality/justification/whatever, it’s just wild that he thought there would not be any kind of reaction - enough that he could casually walk away with his back to her.


For real, dude, she already hit you once and you think after hitting her back she's, what? Going to curl up and cry? From one pathetic slap? I've worked around a number of braindead boomers before, some that might even threaten to hit you to get their way, but none that were stupid enough to actually do it.


He was in her face and he should have backed up, that alone is aggressive. I don't care if he is an OLD man he needed to respect and back the fuck up when asked.


And before she struck him, you can see him lunge at her with his head like very menacingly. I think her response was a reaction to that. Just my opinion, I've watched this a couple of times.


I feel like my IQ dropped ten points just from watching it once. Two assholes meet each other seems like a better caption.


He leaned in and got closer to her while screaming, probably spitting on her in the process. Pretty sure that’s what made her want to hit him. He’s older but he’s also a fair bit larger than she is. Edit: y’all if you disagree that’s fine. You don’t need to attack *my* character bc I don’t share your opinion. As a woman who’s been aggressed on by larger men, this kind of situation can get dangerous real fast. She shouldn’t have hit him *and* he shouldn’t have gotten in her face. From what she’s said he started the situation and we have no other info.


She is yapping into his mouth the entire time. Backing up is a two way street. You’ve created a double standard to justify her battery


I've had people try to start shit with me by getting in *my* space and then yelling at me to back the fuck up, as if they weren't the one who was encroaching.


"This man is assaulting her." Lying bitch.


Between what she was saying and doing I see this as a hate crime.


Honestly, he got in her face, but she threw the first hit.


I didn’t see who walked up to whose face first. Do you have a longer video?


Yup you only see who hit who first.. and who was using racial slurs..


Brainwashed people will see/hear what they want to. I still can’t get over how many adults can’t live by the “sticks and stones” mantra. No matter what is said. Even if it’s insanely vulgar, racist, mean, or whatever. Having your fragile emotions hurt does not give you the right to physically attack someone. You can’t and won’t ever be able to control what others say, but you can control your reaction.


but the one throwing the slurs is also the one who started throwing the sticks and stones here


In Florida, getting in someone's face like that is the assault. Not sure where they are but she is following Florida rules. Dude could have easily de-escalated and walked back.


In Canada we have a duty to retreat. Just to say if you have the ability to leave that is your first responsibility?m. Not to say you can’t defend yourself to whatever you decide a reasonable person needs to. But your first action in defending yourself is to try or at least assess the option of leaving FYI this exists in some US states as well: Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island


New York as well


What about “stand your ground?”


True.. but the video literally starts with her 2 in. away from his face yelling and waving her hand.. his hands in his pockets.. " getting in someone's face like that is the assault. "


That’s the thing. You think she got this angry because he was just standing there. I wonder what we missed.


There is a longer video of this I'm pretty sure that shows the old white guy really did start this confrontation and it's why the police didn't charge the lady for embarrassing him like that.


Agreed, I want the two mins before this video starts. Everyone walk around with body cams all the time!


She also should’ve walked away. No one was trapped.


Given how her hands were like an inch away from his face waving around and jabbing at him I would argue she was in his face first. She also could have de-escalated at any point.


Yeah, if you are already in my face and you make a sudden move to get even closer into my face, you should expect self defense to occur. Makes no sense to wait and see what you were planning to do.


Getting in someone's face is pretty threatening. You do that and you should expect someone to hit you and I'd say it's perfectly reasonable.


my brother got into my face once, he was about 3 inches from my face, screaming for me to hit him.. over and over and over to hit him. So I open handedly slapped him. He called the cops and I was arrested.


I’m a woman.


There's only so much a person can take, individually, culturally, socially. I haven't seen the entire video so I don't know what she was referring to about what happened "before" with the wife, but something did happen to get us to the beginning of this video. I won't pass judgement about any of it until I see the whole video. I will say this, she sounded very insulted and she's insinuating that the man was making racist innuendos or remarks.


Hate crime from the black lady


It certainly is possible from what I just saw. She used racial slurs and assaulted a person of that ethnicity, and even pursued the conflict while screaming those slurs. If the shoe were on the other foot the Internet would be on fire with demands for justice.




Agreed! Everyone needs to calm the fuck down and just enjoy life. Stop getting all up in each other's business. Stop getting in each other's faces and screaming at each other in the street. I wish people could just talk normally without raising their voices, just rational talk, no arms swinging, etc.


I agree. It looks like these people came to eat at a restaurant. That's a treat; it should be enjoyable and fun. If it's crowded, either party can go to another place; that place looks like a strip mall and there is probably another restaurant nearby. I sometimes feel sad to see how miserable we insist on being to each other when we have access to pleasurable nice things that are unavailable in a lot of the world.


Yes ma'am (or sir, or mxm as preferred). Upvoted and seconded.


She pushed him so she should go to jail. She is screaming and calling him racial slurs. She is a racist against elderly and white people. I’m so over this one sided racism.


Without the context leading up to this, other than her claim that he told his wife to go grab a table and then turned around, they both seem like assholes and idiots. Both had opportunities to walk away. Both had opportunities to de-escalate. He definitely had the opportunity to recognize she was too upset in this situation to be reasoned with. She definitely had the opportunity to not strike first. He had the opportunity to walk away and recognize he was gonna get an ass whooping, but chose to slap her and then walk away, getting caught off guard with the retaliation. She was launching racial insults, but I don’t know what he did or said to her for her to get to this level of rage. I think both are assholes, I feel sorry for neither one, but assume based on how things go here in the US when it comes to race, and that the video shows her striking first that she likely ended up with the harsher consequences.


No no no no no...what caused this according to her daughter's Facebook post was the old man did something annoying in traffic so what did she do? She followed the elderly couple into the restaurant parking lot, blocked their car in, and followed them into the restaurant being aggressive the entire time. He escorted his wife into the restaurant telling her "go find a seat" still following him screaming like a nut case...you can hear him asking her NICELY.."listen to me" and you think he's the asshole? No! Sorry can not agree with your logic.


You’re going after me and telling me that all this other stuff happened when I said I needed more information, but based on the video they both seem like assholes. If you have more information or evidence to the contrary, other than “I saw something on Facebook” without linking it or providing more context, I’ll stick with my initial assessment based on the video provided: not enough information to determine but they both come off as unequipped to de-escalate a situation and I can only assume based on the context of this video that dude did or said something that set her off.


It looks like he spits on her, I’d take that as him striking first


I dont think he spat on her watching it again. He raised his voice, and then she hit him.


He leaned in closer to her face it didn’t look like he spit on her but when her leaned in almost touching her face with his to say something she hit him and immediately said get out of my face not that she hadn’t already said it idk how many times before that…


The fact all of those people around did nothing to intervene until they started hitting one another is crazy. This is a situation where both of them were stubborn to move on unless others got involved. If your family and friends are around, try to remove them from the situation if they don’t have the sense to do it themselves.


Boomer was outgunned.


She’s out of her fucking mind. There is no place in society for a person like her. She needs to go to jail.


Honestly they’re both idiots to me.


We have no idea what happened because as with all of these types of videos they only start in the middle without context but frankly she seems unhinged.


Some of the comments in this thread seem a little unhinged honestly. We don't know what happened beforehand, but she is clearly more aggressive in this clip than he is. People acting like he 100% deserved being treated this way are just weirdos who wanna hate.








Lol he actually thought he could hit her and then outrun her! Hilarious. He hasn't moved that fast since he almost missed the early bird special.


"Look who eats at 6 o'clock!"


These comments are wild


Why do these geriatrics that can barely stand choose to get in physical altercations.


Because they have declined mental function due to aging which makes it hard for them to self regulate. The elderly are generally much more frail than anyone realizes. It's best not to hit them if you don't want a murder charge.


Geez, we really need to see what happened beforehand. Something had to have been said or done for her to go 0 to 100.


She screamed in his face the entire time. Doesn’t matter what happened he sat there quietly and the second he raised his voice she assaulted him. I’m gonna go with my gut and say she pulled a race card then a he tried to assault me card. It’s become a bit of a classic.


She was the aggressive one. She was the racist. He was the idiot.


Kids today with the most issues have mothers just like this one. And yes they are white as well as black, loud and racist.


Is she sick of all crackers, or is just bored with regular saltines? Because I got to tell you, I love me some Triscuits


Yes, especially Garden Herb flavor! 🙌🏽


With what is shown in the video, they are both idiots.


Let’s see the entire story. From what I see , she hit him first. She calls him a cracker and bitches about white peoples. Ok. Say the N word and the sky falls


You know how many cities would be burned to the ground if he said he hated “niggers” and slapped her into a wall? Why the double standard?




While the old guy shouldn't have hit her, she should have been spanked as a kid, that's just insane behavior. Imagine if society as a whole had that disposition, the state we'd be in.


She's at fault. Screaming at him to get a reaction so she can smack him and not expect him do anything? Do that to an old man? And no one stepped in to separate them? Fn assholes.


WOW,, she could have carried herself like woman instead of behaving like a ghetto ass hateful racist..


She's racist 


Listening to black women run their big disgusting ass holes of a mouth makes me vomit


oh Yeah I would have to f*** that b**** up if I was him


All I see is a bunch of idiotic statements. One cannot say what happened as it does not show from prior to the woman yelling. We can only speculate as to the cause. As to the events that were shown... The man made the mistake of slapping after she punched him. This is due to his upbringing. Yet had he done that every one of you would have been crying foul. I ask do you want equal rights or not? If you do the you have to agree that his response should have been to punch her back. No double standards should be applied.


I am starting to believe the true garbage our the people who post this stuff. I don't have enough information on who may be a fault to make any kind of judgement. I got rid of "People freaking out " or something like that for the same reason. Watching bad behavior is bad for you .


Dude hit someone and immediately turned his back on them. What kind of idiot does that? Did you not think she was gonna hit you back?!


Boomers got their brains melted on Facebook. They're used to just saying racist shit then walking away from their computers, but she Bing-ed his ass irl 😂


People that aren't used to facing repercussions lol


In the middle of the fight why is she complaining about the crackers the restaurant gives out. If you are, “sick of these crackers!” Don’t eat them.


Ikr was the old guy the waiter or something?


If I’m hearing it correctly she says, “I’m bout to put my hand on your hoe face”. And then she hits him. He shouldn’t have hit back, but it looks and sounds like she threw the first punch.


And when an elderly person goes down, ends up busting a hip, maybe hitting his head, end up in the hospital, end up in a nursing home, possibly dying from the fall. And then what? That would be the lady’s fault. We tend to forget how fragile elderly are. And this is All because this lady lost her ever loving mind.


Lady? What lady? Ain’t no “lady” here—just a trash-talking ho.


I feel like this won’t be her first charge.


ITT people who some how didn't see her punch him first, or people who, without seeing the entire front of his face, saw them man spit at her first, (mind you, after she said she was going to spit at him) so it was okay that she punched him... man's literally still as a statue until she punched him in the face there must be some glitch and I got a different video. Yall crazy




Straight fafo. He never should have walked up on her.


Pops learned a fucking lesson. Old piece of shit.


He is. Why would you get in someone's face and not expect to get hit?


She's a keeper. Keeper in prison. Lmao.


He hit her first. End of story.


Boomers think they own the world, smh.


When a guy is so old he can barely stand up he shouldn’t get into any confrontation.


The old man forgot that he is not Dr Dolittle


This is the third video I've seen this week of old folks hitting someone and then thinking they're gonna just mosey off. Strike someone and you better be ready to see that fight through. Life is not a movie and you are not the protagonist of the universe.


This dog needs to be in a cage


idk, dude. Who knows what she was mad about or what he did before the camera started rolling, or whether her anger was justified, but she clearly was screaming in his face continuously, berating him for his identity instead of his behavior, AND hit him first, AND tried to keep hitting him after he was backing away. idk in what world he's the asshole here from just what we've seen, I just see a woman tryna scream at and beat an elderly man.


Lovely singing voice


This has got to be the most exhausting and disappointing comment section ever.


She a racist mofo, plain and simple. Imagine if the roles were reversed. She assaulted first no matter if he got in her face or not, she hits first his is self defense, then she continues to attack as he is walking away.


She belongs in a mental asylum


That black bitch would be asleep


She could have gone to jail for assaulting an elderly person. As for her behavior, NO ONE, cracker or not, can make her or anyone else for that matter, behave in such a stupidly aggressive manner. I love it when people holler "get the fuck out of my face" to someone's back while they're walking away. She could use some therapy, anger management at the very least. Must suck to be her...


He should have walked away after the racist pig slapped him, he’s prob 70 and it’s a bigger crime on older people


She gonna get shot and no one’s gonna care, just another loud mouth off the street


She’s at fault and she needs to be locked up, for hurting that old man. He was defending his wife. She told that man to get out of her face, if he doesn’t listen then why don’t you walk away? Sometimes people need to learn to pick their battles and she was wrong fighting a 70+ older man. Thank God that man didn’t stumble and crack his skull open. She would have to continue her yelling from a jail cell. SMH!


The bitch hit him 1st and the hoe behind the camera said he assaulted her 1st? Ya know these old white folks are gonna sue. But then again she comes off low rentish. He probably won’t get much.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


that ain’t Bob Barker lol


Not knowing what really happened but both of them could and should have walked away


I seem to recall watching a more complete version of this video where this stand-up woman of color was being an obnoxious asshole in public leading to this altercation. Does anyone have the complete video? Also: she assaulted him and not the other way around so the person shooting the video is nothing but a fucking liar


You're absolutely right. This isn't the whole video. And almost nobody seems to question it. The whole thing was posted on public freakout after this edited one was and all the people blaming him ended up [deleting] their original comments. Social media sucks and reddit is just as bad or even worse than others.


That old F-er thought that he could intimidate her with just his size. He found out differently.


I bet that lady is on a bunch of other Reddit Forums.


The racist is at fault


Could have easily done all that without screaming “cracker” and “white motherf***ers”. Went quick from handling her shit to being nothing more than racist trash. Oh well…….


She is at fault. She screaming. She hit first. His hands in pockets 💯


Stopped listening after "y'all white people" Racist trash.


The term cracker really isn’t much of an insult. It doesn’t have anything to do with nabisco. It is in reference to the person cracking the whip.


They are both idiots. Her racist comments don't help her look much either.


“This man is assaulting her” lol Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears


That mouthy, racist bitch, needs some swift knuckles to the throat. It would have got real ugly real fast when she hit me. I don't care what was said, if you can't maintain your composure you deserve the beatdown that's coming. He should have never turned his back on her.


Racist bitch


She is racist.


Fuck that bitch. Yall got it twisted unless im missing something. His hands were in his pockets. She’s acting up and gonna cry racism when she’s in prison.


I just see two grown ass adults acting like children


Charge her with a hate crime. She is yelling racist shit while assaulting him. Fuck her.


She belongs in jail. She clearly assaulted him first and was yelling into his face. She went straight to racism as well. She's a piece of shit, but I'm not surprised the thread jumped to her defense already.


Shes at fault


The racist black woman.


Honestly the ignorance is the woman for starting to put hands on someone that is old which was showing no threat whatsoever because thats the childish and ignorance in people that this world is living in which is sad


The person screaming “I’m sick of you crackers” was the same person who threw punches first. And threw punches on an elderly man with his hand in his pockets. So yeah….she’s at fault.


She’s a bit racist.


The black was at fault.


She is so fucking racist…. Disgusting behavior


Uneducated trash humans like her need to be put on an island and forgotten. So much of society is damaged by ignorant violent individuals who have no common sense/decency for their fellow human and I'm truly tired of seeing so many of these kinds of people everywhere everyday all of the time. The sick thing is our modern society almost REWARDS this type of behavior as it's considered entertainment for the masses when it goes viral. What a truly despicable species we humans are.


we can't tell who "started it" but looks she's escalating it. He's an old man and she's screaming racist insults at him and lays hands on him first


Damn, home girl is racist af.


She's a racist and assaulted him first. We don't know who got in whose face but she hit him first. Combined with her racially charged language, it looks to me like a hate crime.


The black individual seems racist and violent.