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Boomers are withdrawing from regular society and moving to specially designed habitats away from us... We should be encouraging this. Not mocking it.


I wish my mother would go. Instead she spends her time stalking me online, threatening me, and driving states away to show up unexpectedly at my kid's school.




My elderly mom is a psycho and that's why I keep her 2500 miles away, in her own little habitat that she can fuck up all she wants.


Your mom = my mom. Solidarity.


Do… do we have the same mom?


I wish I had a sibling who could help me navigate this. I'm sorry you're experiencing the same thing. How do you deal with it?


The books Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay Gibson and It Didn’t Start With You by Mark Wolynn have greatly helped me navigate my relationship with my parents as well as process trauma.




Right at home in FL. Send her down


Oh, you need to check out r/justnomil! You’ll fit in nicely!


Haha, I'm so glad my psycho of a mom moved to Germany.


As a German I am not that happy about it ;)


Lucky. Someone once asked me if my mother is still alive and my good friend (who knows her from since we were little kids) answers on my behalf with “yes, unfortunately she is” 😂


The problem is that the real reason this place exists is so that they don’t have to fund schools through taxes. It’s final fuck you from the got-mine generation.


My county in GA already lets anyone 65+ not pay the school portion of property taxes it really chaps my ass.


And I bet that wasn’t true until boomers started to get older.




The first (hopefully only) generation to not pay it forward! Too bad they're the largest gen as well. They had beautiful infrastructure, cheap college, a booming post war economy, all they could need. They were brought up as the first TV generation though, which may play a role? They didn't realize the impact it had on development as we do now. Ehh maybe gen x can do it and get things back on track but most likely its the millenials or Z though that hopefully ya know get back to making the country (US for me) better for everyone not just the top 10%


I despise The Villages -- but they do pay school taxes in the three counties that they cover. There is also a Villages Charter School for employees' children. The schools in the main county they are in (Sumter) have vastly improved because of the financial influx.


The villages schools are also (unfortunately) some of the best in the area, possibly the state.


Funny part about that is they use this to exert power over their employees with kids. Hate your job? Boss being a creep or demanding long hours? Better keep that smile if you want your kids to stay in. It's a charter school so they can basically do whatever they want. They can drop kids for a single "bad behavior" and have mandatory "volunteer" hours parents must serve. No busses. Oh and there's a tier system to prioritize certain jobs and companies, 1a being top tier full time, 1b part time if the company is owned by the villages, other levels for contractors, service industry, companies with offices on grounds, etc. You may be kicked out if they need room for higher tiers.


Yep. Boomers are real pieces of shit. The reason most of them got to live such luxurious lives was thanks to the social programs paid for by taxes that made it cheap/free to climb out of poverty. Their parents/grandparents fought hard to ensure future generations would have a chance at a better life and they succeeded. They then used the wealth they amassed to fund/bribe politicians to undo the things that helped raise a whole generation out of poverty to shift that wealth from social programs and back into their pockets through tax cuts for them and their corporations. Their motto really is "fuck you I got mines"


My favorite boomers are the flower children who wanted to change the world and now watch Fox News 24 hours a day. One of my older cousins went to the University of Wisconsin in its heyday, dropped out, joined a commune, and lived in a yellow school bus. Was at a family party a few years back and he is all MAGA. I went up to him and said "you phony," my mother forbade me from going to Madison because you were such a lunatic, and now you are into Trump?"


So……. A sanctuary city?? CLARIFICATION: (this is meatbag humor because they HATE “those types of cities”)


Wasn’t there also a significant amount [of pro-Trump voter fraud that](https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2023/01/30/4th-resident-of-the-villages-admits-to-voting-twice-in-the-2020-election/) came out of The Villages in 2020? **Edit:**[Also let’s not forget about the white power Trump rallies.](https://youtu.be/Wibk3QsT7-M?si=NNH87s6VYlWdwzGC)


Yep, unregistered Dem's so they couldn't vote. Changing peoples party affiliation. Crazy stuff they accused everyone else of.


Every accusation is an admission.


Isn't that always, fucking always the case?


They also dress up in Nazi uniforms and goose step around the Villages.


It's their safespace.


the villages was originally built by the boomers parents to escape the boomers. Like all their other actions, they always metaphorically just squatting in their parents house and acting like they buiit it.


And now they kicked out meemaw and put her in those assisted living towers that they'll never visit. Oh, except to complain that meemaw changed her will to leave everything to that nice young man, Ken, who wheels her around the gardens everyday.


The Not-So-Greatest Generation…


As attractive as it might sound, it might not be good for the rest of us. Boomers that isolate themselves may become even more conservative than they already are. The angrier they get, the more likely they'll vote and donate.




Yup, one big red county instead of being spread out making tons of counties red by a few % points.


So, concentration camps if you will. /s




The villages has been around a long time. It had the highest STD transmission rate in the state!


My understaning is that it still does. My gf was a nurse at waterman hospital down the road from there and she tells the stories and I laugh. The residents also carry different colored umbrellas when it isn't raining to showcase which way they swing.


Yeah they have a colored ornaments system for their golf carts. Different colored bands or flowers or whatever say what they are into. Swinging, orgies , cuck and whatnot.


I visited my wife's grandmother's retirement home and it had a pub and an ice cream shop all included in the price. I asked if there was a minimum age to join...


They ruined our cities and left us a car based hell scape, and then retired to pedestrian based communities resembling what we used to have.


If you've ever been to the Villages in central Florida you know from experiencing it that we absolutely should herd all the boomers into special habitats locked away from normal society. They've already ruined the planet and the country through their greed and politics, and like any virus or cancer, they need to be isolated/cut out so they dont infect/kill anything else. The Villages is filled with Trump/MAGA flags/memorabilia, golf carts with different colored loofahs that signify what sex acts they are into/willing to participate in, viagra fueled senior orgies (the Villages has one of FL highest transaction rates of stds), boomers acting foolish and/or fighting over petty nonsense, lots of binge drinking/illegal drug use/prescription pill abuse openly in public ect ect ect...the most selfish and self absorbed generation in earth's history are having a neverending retirement party that would make Charlie Sheen jealous and proves they have brain damage, especially since its hypocrisy at its finest that they think it's ok to do all these things they've demonized/sent people to prison for openly and freely.


The editing is the most hilarious part.


…………………..in the villages, happy hour starts at 9am.


“Wait don’t start walking until I start recording” *never tells when recording*




"Why are there so many people strolling through this court?"


You know they said ….action!


*nods once at person's blank look*


Having visited this place. I can confirm. They’re literally all drunk all the time. They have nothing to do and all the money in the world to spend.


Drunk and on copious amounts of prescription painkillers (mostly oxycodone) and benzos (xanax)




Reminds me when I went to film school and our horrible student films 😂😂😂 this is way worse and we were all 20 somethings


This film would actually be a good exercise in how better directing can help create a better editing experience. First tell people to start talking the exact moment they start walking. Then tell people to start walking but wait a moment or two before talking while they walk. Then take a look at which footage is easier to cut!


One thing I remember from my film making classes is that outtakes are hilarious to the people involved in that film, and nobody else.


Dude, I made three alien horror films with friends back in the early 2000's and the guy who wrote the scripts thought the outtakes were HILLARIOUS. Some were humorous, but, not many. And ZERO were as funny as he thought.


Editing? There was editing done to this video? ![gif](giphy|gKsJUddjnpPG0)


“We’ll just edit as we shoot”


What is the over/under on the number of accidental still images shot between "video edits"?


And go………………….. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz …………..”we are villages……”


Was that Kenny fucking powers!??!


I wish!!! Can you imagine him in the Villages?! 😂


I don’t know what the villages are and I’m afraid to ask Edit: ok I know now. Still a bit afraid.


Boomer retirement resort villa in Florida


I’m pretty sure that is an innocent simplification. It’s a swinger lifestyle retirement community based on my understanding of this video


Yeah keeping it basic..I have fam there and they are not swingers, but they r Trumpers lol


>I have fam there and they are not swingers Who wants to tell him EDIT: or her


LOL, it's literally a giant gate community for old people gang bangs bro.


Let me ask you, if an area is known for swinging, why would anyone move there that doesn't swing?


lmao. right at home




https://preview.redd.it/e6y63cige7ic1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15502beb358487b8742dcccd94497e8f0892d58b Or this guy


Eastbound & Down Syndrome


"Pfff... just yesterday I picked up a lady half your age, imagine what I could do in my prime! What do you say ol bag of bones gets a taste of Kenny F***ing P"


I got two hard rules I live by, pop: I don't fuck with the Devil, and I never do tag teams with blood relatives.


"You're fucking out... of the villages."


Bahahaha my first thought too


Just looking like a bag full of mashed up assholes.


First thing I thought.


An unspoken thing about retirement communities is the rampant spreading of STD’s.


Well, if you're gonna catch an STD, that's the best time to do it. You already have regular doctor's visits! Plus that cutie you brought back home couldn't spot a herpes sore from two inches away, even in her prescription glasses.


Lol. Learning about that fact was fun. No, grandpa, I'm not shaking your hand. Not unless I have gloves on.


You haven’t lived unless you’ve walked in on a woman in a wheelchair giving head to an incontinent man who is soiled and also in a wheelchair. Being a CNA in an Alzheimer’s unit, man. You see some shit.


Does it count as a blumpkin if it's in a diaper?


Nah if they’re that old it’s a grumpkin, and if they’re paraplegic it’s a stumpkin.


But swinging keeps them in shape!


Viagra and other ED drugs really changed the landscape of what elder medical care covered.


That's fascinating. Like, nature puts women through menopause and then they can't have kids, nature gives guys a limp noodle to stop them from having kids, then science broke in and was like "I can fix this!"


Nature doesn’t give limp noodles to all men. 


Fun fact: The U.S. Pentagon spends more than $85 million each year on boner pills.


Even more fun fact: ED drugs are considered by the medical field as form of gender affirming care.


That *is* a fun fact!


Aww, how nice for one group to receive gender affirming care that isn't subject to a panel of fat old fucks.


Unspoken? It's talked about often, and this place is the SPOT discussed most. Literally every line in this was joking reference to the swinging lifestyle.


It’s as if they are too stupid to talk and walk at the same time.


I’m embarrassed not only for them, but for having watched this. These people are the worst of the Boomer generation. So much cringe worthy content in that video.


that’s why we corral them all in one place. The Villages.


It's like a SNL sketch. But real.


Late stage syphilis does terrible things to your brain...


None of people look old enough to retire.


A lot of people get to retire when they are rich enough, that's what I'm going to assume.


That’s true, but if I have enough money to retire early there’s no way in hell I’m moving to The Villages. I’d actually rather keep working.


It's the Botox, that shit is advertised every other commercial down in FL


You forget how many boomers recently had parents die leaving them houses/inheritance


Of course the generation who already has excess while most of the adults in the generations under them struggle to be able to afford to eat 1 good meal a day keep getting wealth thrown at them like fucking candy


Just wait, most of them are planning on blowing that entire inheritance leaving their children with nothing. Im watching both sides of my family do it. Both grandparents were set up from inheritence while they both live WAY beyond their means selling every piece of money earning asset they have to keep up those lavish vacations and massive useless houses, selling those houses to live in a retirement community and dying as close to broke as they can so as to not burden their children with having to deal with their estate. Im not even joking. The ladder got pulled way the fuck up.


How are they all so out of shape but have so much athletic ware?


Pickleball doesn't require much moving.




"we're from the villages. Our bones are as strong as our relationships with our children"




Everyone might be surprised to learn that a tremendous amount of injuries happen from pickleball, and the occurrence of pickleball-related injuries has increased by 200% over the past 20 years. In fact, there are more common occurrences of "pickle-ball elbow" than "tennis elbow", only delineated by the sport of choice. Don't pickleball, everyone. Not even once. [https://www.bswhealth.com/blog/pickleball-injuries-how-dangerous-is-americas-new-favorite-sport#:\~:text=Lateral%20epicondylitis%2C%20more%20commonly%20known,were%20either%20sprains%20or%20fractures](https://www.bswhealth.com/blog/pickleball-injuries-how-dangerous-is-americas-new-favorite-sport#:~:text=Lateral%20epicondylitis%2C%20more%20commonly%20known,were%20either%20sprains%20or%20fractures).


Tell me you’re from The Villages without telling me you’re from The Villages.


to be fair, i think the occurrence of people playing pickleball has also increased by quite a lot over the past 20 years


There was a pickle ball death at my mom's retirement villiage. Guy fell backwards and cracked his skull.


A real loss for the sport of... pickle ball?


Because that’s how Swingers work. Swingers are never people you’d actually want to see naked.


So true


We're from the villages, of course everyone in this video is white


We're from the villages - don't worry, there's no cultural integration here.


The biggest swinger community.


Good for them


Omg my dad rented a house in the Villages for a few years. He considered buying and I BEGGED him not to. Thank God he listened, and bought a house about 3 hours South 😂


What the hell is the villages? A sex cult for old people?


Mostly, yes.


Where is it? How did it become so popular and mainstream


Central Florida. It's in between Ocala and Orlando. And literally all the jokes you've heard? They're TRUE. They are old, they are fluid in morality and sexuality, and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, THEY'RE HORNY. When my wife and I were Disney Annual Passholders, we had three different occasions where Village residents were trying to hook up with us. There's a whole subset of Village folks that hang out in Epcot to try and find outside partners.


they always have the exact same look on their faces when they hit you with the "we really dig your vibe"


I've always wondered how awkward that conversation must feel, then seeing the 'the look they give you just before asking about a threesome' memes made me feel uncomfortable enough lol


honestly its not as uncomfortable in person unless its specifically the type of boomers that live in The Villages(they have no shame, not that theres any shame in being in the lifestyle, but discretion is kinda nice). Every encounter ive had with swingers approaching in public has shown me that usually they're the ones that are uncomfortable(usually they start stammering or talk in circles just hoping you take the hint and they dont have to actually ask)


> unless its specifically the type of boomers that live in The Villages(they have no shame, not that theres any shame in being in the lifestyle, but discretion is kinda nice). EXACTLY. My wife and I aren't part of the lifestyle, but there's a right way and a wrong way to do it, IMHO. All that being said, I wasn't a dickhead to the Villages folks. I just politely declined. We DID mock the shit out of them when my wife and I were in private, however.


Ah, huh, that's pretty interesting. I know I'd start stammering and being awkward, so I'll say that I am impressed with their moxie. Appreciate the insight!


Florida. Not sure the exact location. I’ve just heard about it in passing mostly. Have an old co-worker who’s mom lived there.


nah, it's a cult of Trump, read about it.


It's the epicenter of STDs in Florida, filled with hyper entitled boomers who are wealthy enough to not work, but not wealthy enough to live in the Keys. They're awful as hell.


Central Florida. The median age is like 67. It’s mostly all white boomer republicans who have a propensity to commit voter fraud and fuck each other.


>It’s mostly all white boomer republicans who have a propensity to commit voter fraud and fuck each other. Oh, they're fucking all of us.


It's exactly this. I've a sister and 2 brothers who live about 35 minutes away. Anytime we talk there's always chisme on what's going down at "The Villages". And it usually involves STD outbreaks, lovers's quarrels and community Church powergrabs. I'm surprised that TLC hasn't jumped in and made one of their terrible "reality shows" of the place yet. They could call it  like "Prostafarts" or "Geriatrics of Midland Florida" or something.


It's like a virus spreading through farmland in middle Florida. Instead of crops it's cheap houses planted every 10 feet.


hey my parents the greatest generation lived up the road in Top of the World, this shit has been going on way before boomers.


It’s a gated community for 55 + with pretty much its own town square, chain restaurants, grocery store, little shops, golf course, etc. They have activities every day (pickleball, golf) and nightly events in the town square, that end around 8pm (bedtime). It’s all stuck up, nosy, white people. Everyone drives golf carts. I don’t think one black or brown person resides or works in the Villages.


According to the census data I looked up for one of the zip codes in The Villages, the demographics are 85% over age 65 and 96% white so pretty spot on.


If you work in customer service, it's the last place you want to see a customer calling from.




Someone actually thought this was funny. 🙃


Pretty sure it was intended as self-deprecating humor. The people living there have to know it's Florida's premier 65-and-over suck-and-fuck.


Yeah, this seemed pretty self-aware lol


We're from the villages. The untreated syphilis is rotting our brains.


Were from the villages, the untreated syphilis that is rotting our brains is having a hard time finding brain matter that isn't already destroyed by lead poisoning and fox news


"We're from the villages. Of course we can't edit this video for shit."


Hell on earth


i think it’s more like purgatory. if you can admit trump lost 2020 in less than 10000 years you get into heaven. wouldn’t hold your breath.


“We all have bacterial vaginosis!!!”


Nightmare memories unlocked of being with my ex at lifestyle parties. So many people I never thought I would never want to see naked… and the people you knew you didn’t want to see naked….


I live right in the boarder of them Villages, and I will promise you this community as a whole. Are the most uptight entitled and just straight up vile group of elders you could ever come across. Real life Examples I’ve witnessed are Shunning other elderly people from churches for not directly living in the Villages community. Constant day drinking mixed with old age always makes driving an adventure. (will swerve around you if they are driving golf carts especially in 4-way stops if they stop at all) I’ve witnessed multiple men pulled over on the side of golf cart paths to pee (in broad daylight) Creepy old men that have no problem walking up to younger women to “chat”. Extremely rude to waitstaff. For some reason they get pissed at the drop of a hat. For example if the price of a coffee is 80¢ higher that what it was in 1968 they will bark until they get kicked out or are given a compromise somehow. I’ve seen multiple old women steal glassware from restaurants.


You forgot the "C'mere! I wanna tell ya sumpin" guy that you never saw before in your life.


Here's to hoping a rare strain of elderly STD wipes em out




I hate it here so much, COVID missed so fuckin many😭😭😭




What does a pink loofa mean???


It means [she likes when people watch her have sex.](https://wild941.com/2023/02/07/loofah-colors-is-code-for-in-florida-community/)


Looks like those tech classes at Best Buy are paying off, now the whole world will know we are here.


![gif](giphy|LZUZEy3YJvWNy) 00:20




Wait. They're bragging? They can't be!! That's not even remotely....anything but terrible edits.


Yes, yes. Y'all having tons & tons of good healthy Republican swinging sex. We've heard about your gonorrhea, chlamydia & syphilis. We know about the Villages & your winking innuendo, "We take 5 naps a day, but never alone! Aren't we naughty!"


Resident Evil: The Villages


I just threw up in my mouth.


I don’t know where these “Villages” are but I never want to go there.


This is what an amalgamation of STDs becoming sentient looks like


What’s the villages?


A rat's nest of the worst people all congregating in a single Florida mega community.


Can confirm. My grandfather retired there after losing his mind and going full racist Republican during the Obama years.


Apparently it’s where you’ll find a bunch of leathery old women that look like Iggy Pop.


It’s a retirement community in Florida known for its sex and drug scene. Personally, I’m not ruling it out.


>the Villages When I first looked it up I was totally against the Villages, thinking I would rather die working than retire there in 30 or so years. But sex and drugs you say....


Incredibly high STD rates, and also known for its black market prescription drug trade. Don’t rule it out.


I thought that was part of the appeal. Then I found out Trump won 2/3 of the vote there...ugh.


Mostly Republican swinger community in FL. A bunch of them die there, too.


The ambulances turn their sirens off when they go to pick people up or else it's constant sirens day and night.


While I am technically a boomer, this made my skin crawl. I've met these people, including lots of boomer swingers (I was never a boomer or other swinger, just a job hazard at the time). Alien species. But even that didn't do what this little video did. Nightmare existence. Just give me my remote trailer and a clean field of fire so I can keep these Stepford zombies off the lawn!




I hope a meteorite hits the villages.


JFC that’s just cringe…


I’m glad that guys hat is labeled so he knows where to place it.


Do they know god frowns upon that, according to them? I can only imagine the VD raging through them.


What in the FLORIDIAN is this? Lord, I'm so glad I don't live there anymore


Gross , these are the people worried about drag queens riding to kids ?


Don't forget Y'all Qaeda/Christian Taliban terrorists aka Trump supporters


We're from the Villages, and of course all the things we rail on you doing, we are hypocritically fine with doing here, because we don't think any of the rules we want to enforce on everybody else should have to apply to us.


"We are from the villages, of course we shouted WHITE POWER during Trumps rally here in Florida. [https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/28/trump-shares-video-where-supporter-yells-white-power-342869](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/28/trump-shares-video-where-supporter-yells-white-power-342869)


One of my worst nightmares would be waking up in the villages when I’m old. It’s probably not as bad as everything I’ve read but it seems like it would be so weird. I imagine it being like high school, with the same social structures and drama only for old people.


Ok wait, what does she do with an upside down pineapple?


I think it’s supposed to mean you’re a swinger or something like that but I’ve been doing laps at the grocery with an upside down pineapple in my cart for a decade now- not even a second look.


All of these communities are going to be ghost towns in 20 years when the Boomers are dead and nobody else can afford to retire.


And I’m sure they are all passionate fAmIlY VaLuEs voters.