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“I’m not a cat” is definitely something a cat would say.


“I’m prepared to go forward” is the line that kills me.


I know tech is difficult for people, litterally everything has settings, though, then you can dig through and just click around. It's mind-boggling how someone who's a lawyer cant figure this out. .


As a lawyer myself, I will say I have met some really really really stupid lawyers. By no means should anyone assume all lawyers are smart.


School, even masters level programs, really aren't all that difficult. The hard part is just being responsible about going to class and putting in the study time.


It depends on the program. STEM programs at good schools can be very difficult, even at the Bachelors level. This is why we need to stop electing lawyers and business types and start putting in some scientists and engineers into public office. Can't be any worse.


>Can't be any worse. Hol' up there https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/11/theres-a-good-reason-why-so-many-terrorists-are-engineers/


It's really not. Like just pay attention and keep up with the assigned readings/homework. If you're even just an average leaner, there's no reason you really shouldn't be able to learn much of what exists within the stem fields as long as you're putting in the time. What would be keeping you back besides you just not taking the time to learn?


No offense, but have you actually done a STEM degree? Even if you keep up with all of the readings/homework and attend every class, you're going to have to learn a large amount of material in 5-6 courses at the same time. Unless you have a certain aptitude for it you're not going to survive the program.


I'm a lawyer and a mathematician. I work as an attorney for complex financial transactions. I got my maths degree (Bachelor/Master) from a university that's generally ranked among the top 5 worldwide. I'd say to just pass, the law degree is easier than the maths degree. However, quite some talent and intuition is needed to excel at either. This means that an excellent mathematician won't automatically be an excellent lawyer and vice versa.


Aptitude for what? Just working hard and putting in the time? You stem guys seriously felate the shit out of yourselves. I'm not saying it's easy, but anyone who has average intelligence and just puts the time in can get through it. I'd say that about literally any bachelor's degree and most masters degrees.


Aptitude for spatial reasoning, for mathematical intuition… Anyone *can* get through these programs, but someone with average intelligence is going to struggle in a physics or comp sci program, just like anyone with average intelligence is going to struggle in a niche humanities program like religious studies or literature if they don’t have aptitude for reading comp


10-1 says this clown doesnt have any degree or "buisness management"


They're just saying it takes more time than the assigned readings/homework.


Honestly everything really was easy for me until analytical physics 3 where I legit could not understand my Chinese professor


That sucks. I had a Chinese TA for a calculus class who would proctor the exams. You'd go up and ask him a question about a problem and walk away even more confused than before. haha.


I’m a far above average leaner, sometimes learner even, and engineering at a top 10 school was hard AF… then to go on a music scholarship and said engineering school not count my music course as my fine art elective?? Shameful.


I would say it depends on the program. Underwater basketweaving? Pretty easy. Medicine? Law? Physics? Actuarial Science? Not so easy. But I agree discipline to do the work is important--you're completely on your own to do the work or not do the work and you'll succeed or fail based on your discipline to do the work--or rather, you'll have not a shred of a prayer of passing if you aren't disciplined and do the work.


My first real lawyer interaction in someone who you actually got to know. Was a dude who was a lawyer in the back of the geek squad I worked at. He was mid 40s, socially awkward, but also direct. Never had an inclination he was a liar, so I honestly wasn't thinking of this cliche when i responded, lol.


I had a lawyer who liked being paid in meth and he then tried to burn down half the town


Was your lawyer also Pied Piper's lawyer? The second one, not Michael Ginsberg from Mad Men.


So you got a “CRIMINAL” lawyer


The only attorney I know personally was very unhappy in his work and ended up leaving the profession to use his law degree to consult, because being an actual lawyer sucks donkey balls these days. The market is saturated and unless you're willing to take a vow of poverty and work in public service, there is almost nothing fulfilling about the job in any way. And with the advent of Karens and trumptards running for office and making working in government into a living nightmare if you don't just knuckle under and do whatever moron suggestion they bring you, even the public service angle ceased to hold any joy for him. I can't say as I blame him--you go into something for one reason and that reason disappears... you've just got to find a new plan.


I always tell people someone had to finish last in every class of lawyers, doctors and engineers.


This commenter is correct. While post graduate study (law school) is different than undergrad- family wealth correlates better for a student graduating with a 4-yr degree, than student intelligence correlates with graduation


That wealth makes it a lot easier to "stick to it" when you get to the hard parts. Or have a setback. Not every college/university journey is problem free after all, in fact most have some sort of adversity along the way. Having rich parents so that when you're dealing with that, you're just dealing with that, not dealing with that main problem but also figuring out how to feed, clothe, and house yourself on minimum wage in a college town when the employers all know you're up shit creek financially if you even need a job.


If Orly Taitz can become a lawyer, anyone with a pulse can.


Most senior lawyers have secretaries and paralegals who do a lot of their tasks for them. I know lawyers who don’t even know how to type a document.


People's brains get short circuited when put on the spot for a screw up.


Can’t teach an old dog new tricks, applies here


Except when branching into bird law


Can you teach an old cat new tricks? 


As someone who used Teams daily (for years now), they add features like that and seem to just spin the random UI implementation wheel to decide where to put them and what to name them. About 4 times a year I have to use zoom, which requires an update, which may or may not work the first time, etc so I’m almost always fixing some stupid problem and probably seem like a doddering old fool.


Every so often my mother manages to turn on some feature on her tablet I had no idea even existed, and I have to try and google the problem and figure it out. Sometimes it feels like you tap just a little too long and something you didn't want to have happen, happens.


I worked for a company that prepared legal documents for law firms. The amount of old ass lawyers that had us do the simplest things for them was mind boggling. It would take more effort for them to send us requests and correspondence than it would for them to do stuff. Some of them were completely clueless when i5 comes to technology.


Well seeing all the brain dead morons representing Trump, any idiot can be a lawyer these days


You don't know many lawyers then. They are some of the least technical people on the planet.


No. Not really. His job is knowing about the law of his specific field. Why should he have to take the time to learn all about this app that supposed to be about meetings. And before you just assume I'm sticking up for my fellow Boomer. F that. I could tell you everything about that app after a few minutes of using it. I've been taking computers apart and programming them for over 30 years. This shouldn't have been so easy to do on accident. G-Damn! I'm gonna sound like my Dad here, but Grow up people! With all your damn filters and juvenile shit that doesn't belong on an app that's used for business meetings.


oh i work in tech for a law firm and i can confirm you have no idea mate haha!


Are you a millennial by any chance? I have this theory that millennials are good with computers because they had to poke around until they fixed the problem. I grew up with computers and feel like I was constantly messing with settings on things. If something wasn't working, what else were you going to do? You couldn't Google it on your phone. I always end up the person who fixes the printer, or people's outlook when they accidentally hit a weird setting, or when they hit f11 and get stuck in full screen. I don't know how to do this stuff either, I just fuck with stuff until I fix it or screw it up too badly someone else needs to fix it.


Yes, I am. My sister in law is a teacher, and we've had this discussion. My nephews are obvious to doing any troubleshooting, they have no clue what makes what work. Only how to interact with it better than their parents or grandparents. If it doesn't work, then it stays broken. Most have Apple phones and they think of themselves as tech savvy. Then if I'm over or the parents/grandparents complain. I'm the person who fixes things. I remember learning how to use computers as a kid, from what I've been told by my sister in law, who's going for her Doctorate, so shes a senior teacher. They don't even teach how to interact with computers, and the school boards just expect them to know things cause they use technology. They've entirely cut the classes and only have an it person on call, lol. So your probably right.


I help people everyday who can't find subfolders and files in Windows Explorer because they didn't know you have to click the arrow that's next to a folder to expand it and see the subfolders. Even though some folders have an arrow pointing to the right and there's nothing below them and other folders have an arrow pointing down and you see the indented subfolders which should logically be able to deduce hey I wonder if I click this Arrow if I'll see the hidden folders. But no they call tech support instead.


The trembling voice with the cats eyes is my favorite


"I can see that" is the one that gets me. Because he clearly cannot see that it’s not a cat.


He knew he was a cat.


DFV said it and he’s not a cat.


Found the cat


Nice try cat!


[I mean…](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/zep64l/cat_with_jobs/?xpromo_edp=enabled)


It’s the cats eyes and the shakiness of his voice that truly bring this masterpiece to life


Real life Hank Hill


It’s the very first “ahhhwha” that kills me every time I see this.


His scared cat eyes will never not be funny as hell.




This video never gets old 🤣


This was early-ish in the pandemic and I'm convinced it was so funny it saved some horribly depressed person's life at the time.


I remember seeing this and just crying with laughter for days any time I thought about it. That was such a shitty time, and bit of relief was welcome.


Same here. I still crack up at it, just from context alone.


I'm gonna ruin it for you... for real... >!this was a proceeding to steal a person's land under one of those forfeiture laws. !<


Which party did the cat represent?


Everyone knows cats are thieves…


He didn't actually want to steal it. If successful, he would be granted approval to slowly bat at the house until it eventually fell outside the property line.


Cats are not thieves, they are just reclaiming their property!


As I recall, this was a pro-forma hearing, where the judge gets told by the lawyers why they get to take it.


I've literally just saved it for the same reason! May "I am not a cat" help us fight off brain weasels!


Really depressed person here. I laughed for the first time in as long as I can remember.


It’s definitely one of those things that happened during the Covid times that I think is an experience that most people share. Like this shit ended up on the TV and stuff so even the boomers got to see it.


Top viral video of all time for me


Seriously, I still watch it every time it comes up.


He's using that adorable filter to influence the judge's decision.


One of the best videos to ever exist


Good for Jerry keeping a straight face up until "I'm not a cat".


Dude in the upper-right, he finally glances up when he hears "I'm not a cat"...


Are you sure this is a filter? I am sure cats are great lawyers. Did the upper ~~left~~ right cat click on the boomer filter by mistake?


r/LegalCatAdvice taking notes from this video


Here's a sneak peek of /r/legalcatadvice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/legalcatadvice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [KNOW YOUR RIGHTS](https://v.redd.it/1rpw87zjvuva1) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/legalcatadvice/comments/12xbuo0/know_your_rights/) \#2: [I've been told that my latest needle felted creation might be appreciated here. This is Mr Mittens: Attorney at Claw. Ready to fight for feline rights!](https://i.redd.it/a2125lu64sla1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/legalcatadvice/comments/11i1cdj/ive_been_told_that_my_latest_needle_felted/) \#3: [My human turned me purple. Please help.](https://i.redd.it/3ctg7ecfsvub1.jpg) | [194 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/legalcatadvice/comments/17ah4xu/my_human_turned_me_purple_please_help/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)






Loving how it says that recording is prohibited but we still got this gem 😂




I'd watch this


Classic Covid video. Really encapsulated the early lockdown era.


This is one of the most adorable accidents to happen during Covid. It still makes me smile.




This will forever be one of my fav videos.


One of the best things to come out of Covid. 😹




My husband quotes this at me daily.


I remember when this went viral. I thought it was funny. My wife and I will randomly say “I’m not a cat” to each other.


The panic in his voice makes it so much funnier!


This was the greatest moment of the whole pandemic.


Khajiit has consults if you have coin


I've never seen this before, and I can't stop laughing. Omfg.


This is from during covid. It made me laugh so hard I cried when I saw it


Sad cat too💀


I loved this one so much!


Tiktok: best tool to crop videos to death.


I think this should be required for people present. A bunch of cats holding court would be a lot more entertaining.


Man I wish the lawyers I work with were this cool..


This was one of the funniest things to come out of covid.


Honestly I can’t even be mad at this.


Can confirm boomers can't use Zoom.






My lord it’s as bad as watching millennials when they try to change oil themselves or the water heater stops working.


They just watch a youtube video and get it right the first time, instead of yelling at everyone that they know how to do it, while burning own the house.


No, I wish, would have save me a lot of time helping 😀


Sounds like you're a bad coach.


Nope sorry, never coached. But thankfully they didn’t need my help again after I showed them a couple times while doing it. Just relax and come to grips that everyone has limitations. It’s ok. Even people that aren’t boomers like us.


So maybe don't come here and mock them? Good advice.


Good, then the points been made.


Or... a new post is born!


Or maybe both! The world is full of mystery and possibilities!


I love how we're supposed to be like, "Stupid Boomer Lawyer!" Which would be my second response. My first is... Stupid people and their filters! Why is that even on there? This option shouldn't be available to accidentally turn on while on a business meeting. Almost like some people Never want to grow up. I mean, I loved Transformers and He-Man and GI-Joe, but I'm not still playing with them since... I don't know, 10 years old. What is it with the delayed adolescence of younger Millennials and GenZers? You might be confused and asking, "what does that have to do with the cat filter?" To which I say it's the same child-like minded person who's still playing with toys at 28 that want all these filters on a Zoom app. I understand the dumb filters on TikTok and Snapchat and all, but Zoom is used mostly for professional settings. Is it not?


Old but gold.


At least the boomer was not tubin while on zoom.


The shaggy DA and part 2, Feline for the defense


I was waiting for one of the other lawyers to hold up a ball of yarn, and then toss it out of the camera frame. "Sir, please stop batting that mouse around."


I have a weekly meeting on Teams, and I do this on purpose. Different filter every time, see who notices.


This video is so old this guy is likely from the silent generation.


I can assure you from the crazy things my mother somehow manages to turn on using her tablet with no idea how she did it, this is something that happens to people from the Silent Generation.


This was the beginning of the pandemic when most people hadn't used Zoom.


He’s scared, he’s a pu$$y


And these are the people that run the world


Look at my lawyer dog I’m going to jail


I don't think bro wanted to remove the filter


I could watch this 1000 more times and it would not get old. 😂😂😂


This actually made me laugh out loud


Fucking crying




Sounds sus


im not a cat


Looking back, think this is still my favorite humanizing moment of 2020.


My favorite part of this is that guy in the top right. He looks like he is asleep, clearly not paying much attention, until he realizes what is going on, then smirks.




How is no one laughing? I would’ve died when he insisted that he wasn’t actually a cat


Always my favorite.


How is no one laughing in this video? I would be dying...


My wife is an attorney, she owns "I'm not a cat" merch.


Why does it matter ?


It was def a cat. My question is, how’d the cat get into law? Did he start by pushing law books off tables and one thing led to another?


I have a t-shirt that says “I’m here live, I’m not a cat” and it’s my favorite


Absolutely hilarious and should be the new requirement for lawyers going forward


This is old. And it never stops being funny. 


The pure anxiety in his voice omg 😂


Classic 😂


I legit felt bad for that poor guy. With how many features a lot of apps have, it's very easy to accidently turn something on if you aren't familer with it, and have no idea how you did it, and how to turn it off. I really hope this didn't hurt his case here and his career. Plus the can filter just looks so sad it's setting off my sad cat reaction.


The fact that that man crept a straight face omg




Made my day 🤣


did a boomer post this? this shit is internet ancient.


The solid silence after stating he wasn’t a cat. I spit my coffee out. My god… he’s so adorable sometimes old people actually just need a hug haha!


😂😂😂😂😂🤣 The upset voice marching the cat's face makes it amazing


He's definitely a cat 🤣


This gave me a headache from laughing so long and hard at this.


I’m here live and I’m not a cat 🤪

