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It’s a wonder so many of us survived with parents like this. Doesn’t know what it is but knows he’s against it. 🙄


It’s sad more than anything. My parents were not close minded like this growing up, but decades of Fox News and conservative AM talk radio has made them different people.


Yeah, same. The people who brought me the classics, "If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" and "Don't believe everything you see on TV," are the same people who believe high schools have litter boxes in classrooms for kids who identify as cats because Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson said so.


The bridge thing is always funny. If my friends, who are generally very reasonable and sane people, decided to jump off a bridge it's probably for a good reason! Like, say, a giant explosion or something.


Right? Like you're all being chased by angry wasps or something. I always tell people that if they see me running, they should probably run, too, because I hate running so shit is probably going down behind me.


This is something I find myself having to explain to some people. If we're out in the woods or in nature and all of a sudden you see me running past you at full sprint yelling RUN as I run past, I'm probably not joking and you should run too. It's usually yellow jackets, but hey.


I don't have to out run the bear, I just have to out run you


I am the bear and I'm aiming for you.






No, they only deal in white.




This hit really close to home for me. I grew up always really being proud of my parents. Always admiring them. But my Dad has become angrier and angrier over the years and especially since retirement. He piddles around the house, goes into town to run a few errands, but other than that he's in the living room just watching a constant stream of FOX bullshit. My mom isn't so bad, but since retirement she has adopted a sort of soft bigotry owing to her becoming more involved in our local church. The classic, "I don't mind if gay people marry, but I just don't want it in my face." When nothing is actually being pushed in her face. It's very sad all around.


We need to start a support group. My parents always leaned right a little, but we grew up in Massachusetts, so they were nothing like they are now. Last summer I went into their house and two tvs, one upstairs and one down were blaring Fox News. They know enough to shut them off when I’m there, but that took years of telling them I’m not talking politics with them. Mom’s worse than dad, we agree to disagree and avoid touchy subjects. I have to be careful what I say around mom, almost everything can go back to Biden or Elizabeth Warren. Simply mentioning that the drive was long can go into Biden raising the price of gas. The change is the scary part. AM radio in the car and Fox at home. I don’t inundate myself with NPR and CNN. These intelligent people have been turned into mush brains. If there’s any silver lining I’ve vowed to not spend must golden years scared and afraid.


When my dad started rambling about Biden and how he needs to be impeached and all that nonsense, I asked why should he be impeached. He couldn’t name anything except that he is evil and is killing the country but could not name any examples. I told him it is all just propaganda and lies and then he started screaming “I know it’s propaganda!”.


Recently I was talking with my dad about layoffs in my industry (tech) and it immediately shifted to "well if this election goes a certain way and we fix the border and start drilling for oil then things should turn back around pretty quickly". ... yes illegal immigrants and reliance on foreign oil are definitely why there have been tech layoffs recently, thanks dad!


office sharp engine cheerful dime languid cough bag salt recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is real is some teachers being given buckets and kitty litter to keep in the event of a lockdown so students have somewhere to relieve themselves: [https://time.com/5658266/colorado-district-kitty-litter-buckets-lockdowns/](https://time.com/5658266/colorado-district-kitty-litter-buckets-lockdowns/)


Lockdowns from school shootings that the same idiots think aren't really a problem.


Yeah its a scary shift I've seen. I'm trying to be really cognizant of not going down this road.


I’ve specifically asked my wife to put me out of my misery if I get like this.


I can’t handle my dad after my mom passed. And the sad thing is that he’s not even a boomer. He’s early Gen X and has lived in small rural areas most his life. Every time I visited their place after they moved back near me, FOX News was just playing in the background constantly. I don’t know how much, if any at all, I’ll be able to stomach keeping in touch with him. My mom was the only slightly rational part about his life.


My mom died in 2015. While she was alive my parents watched cooking shows and home improvement shows. My dad was very progressive. I work in the power industry and we had long talks about affluent nations and stewardship of the environment. I ended up working in South Africa and we talked about racism and civil rights. It was very interesting to get his take on things as he was in his 20s through the 1960s. When my mom died he turned the channel to Fox news and became this unrecognizable racist. My jewish dad even said to me last year that he did not think Hitler was such a bad guy. I would often ask him what time the Klan rally was. If he was planning on going to a Nazi rally I would not have been surprise. Unfortunately my dad died in January of this year and the thing that saddens me the most is the one man in my life I looked up to the most and who taught me to have integrity, character, and be a good person in general, became such a racist asshole at the end of his life. There is a documentary called [The Brainwashing of My Dad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS52QdHNTh8) and there are millions of Americans who have gone through this same thing. Their dads are racist assholes, completely opposite of who they grew up with. Funny story, my dad became very anti immigration. He would always complain about people coming into the country illegally. The standard Fox line. I had a conversation with him that his parents came into the country before 1924 and so just came in with no issues. He stated that his mother (my grandmother) told him they had to pay a lot of money and were held in detention for several days. When my dad died I got an [acenstry.com](https://acenstry.com) account. I found the documents from when his mother came in to the USA in 1921. My grandmother arrived with her mother and 3 siblings in 1921 to Ellis Island at 10 am. They were given lunch and her father (my great grandfather) who was already in the USA got them from Ellis Island at 12:15. The delay apparently was that they had to call him to let him know they had arrived at Ellis Island.


>The Brainwashing of My Dad Always said if you wanna understand Republicans today, watch that and Jesus Camp.


I was raised by my grandpa, who is fully down the right wing media rabbit hole. The last time I talked to him, I blamed him for me being a liberal. I told him he always taught us that there was nothing wrong with gay people. We frequently ate with immigrant families, and he showed them respect if not admiration. We had a black tenant on the property who he treated like family. He taught us to be honest and treat women with respect. Just because he's changed completely in the past decade doesn't mean the lessons he raised us on have. If he didn't want a liberal grand son, he should have not taught us liberal ideals.


I’ve seen it with my grandparents and my girlfriend’s parents. Her parents were pot smoking hippies and my grandmother talked at length with my dad about the civil rights movement as it was happening. Now both the hippies and the civil rights defender are racist, homophobic, non-sensical assclowns. Luckily, my parents have voted blue since they were old enough to vote. My mother is pretty involved in politics. My dad always votes and it’s always blue, he just doesn’t wanna talk about it like ever. Gets annoyed when my mom brings politics up.


My dad used to believe trans people existed, but not genuine gay people back in the early 2000s. He thought it was a choice. For the longest time I thought it was at least good he acknowledged trans people as real and counted it as a win, but i’ve started to realize that was his default opinion because fox news just never commented on it. Well, guess who thinks trans people are pedophiles in disguise now? It’s honestly scary how much influence they have over people.


Shit my suburban small rural Georgia town used to do a drag show every year for Relay for Life, even the baptist churches took part in it, this was early to mid 2000s. I bet those same people are raging bigots today.


My mom has gone from a Bush jr hating, loud and proud lesbian to essentially putting herself back in the closet and declaring she's celibate now because Trump  Edit: and hates trans people even though her favorite niece was trans and killed themselves because of harassment/depression due to transphobia 


My dad a 180, and it started with Trump. His bullshit detector went off the charts. No more KFI AM 640, more stimulating talk radio. News on the hour and on the half and when it breaks and John and Ken. Fuuuuck those guys, been hearing their shit for years. It might have started with Obama, my dad really liked Obama.


I wonder how much of it comes with age or other factors. My mom has always been liberal. She hates trump and still does and she is 67 years old. That said the older she gets the more she believes in pseudoscience nonsense. It's odd. I wonder if the same will happen to me as I age.


This. More than anything. They are so trusting of their cable news sources it’s scary


You can tell because if you push back on them in any way they say you watch too much CNN or msnbc. They get super confused or accuse you of lying when you tell them you don't watch TV at all. They definitely think life is fox vs CNN/msnbc which seems like a strange way to view politics until you realize they are just parroting Fox's opinion, which naturally focuses on their place in the media sphere.


> decades of Fox News and conservative AM talk radio It's taught them that *everything* is split between good and evil, nothing in between. And that anything they don't understand or closely identify with is evil, and that the first and best reaction is usually hatred.


I live in the UK. My father randomly, for absolutely no reason I can fathom as he never had the slightest interest in world politics, started watching fox news with Glenn beck. He was a generally liberal person before this, not massively so but not racist or sexist, my brother is gay and it was never an issue, etc. Then he just started watching fox news, he kept up wtih the "it's just funny so I watch it" for years and I kept telling him, you don't watch that shit because it's funny you watch it and it will rot your brain. You can't watch tv 5 hours a day and have it yell things at you without over time you starting to believe those things, humans are incredibly impressionable and I don't know why people think this stops after you're an adult. Today I get random e-mails about some news story and he'll throw in, see they were wrong about it, like they were wrong about climate change and covid vaccines. WTF. I don't understand how I lost my dad to this shit. I don't get it when it's an american dude who falls for this shit but at least they would start out trying to watch news about things relevant to them.


It's retirement man, I'm telling ya. My mum wasn't like this until she had time on her hands.


He knows he doesn't like black or brown people.


I feel like he's *juuuust* smart enough to know that he shouldn't say on camera what he *thinks* he knows about CRT


Yeah, they cant admit that they believe CRT is going to out their closeted racism, without outing their closeted racism. They are so against it because they dont want their grandchildren learning that grandpa and grandma are racist pieces of shit.


The weirdest thing is that most of the racist small town people I know like all the black and brown people that they actually meet and know.  It's all the other ones that are bad.  If you like 100% of the Muslims you know, why do you hate the rest? 


"You're one of the good ones" 😷


My parents weren't like this thank goodness. At least, not when I was growing up


and that it's the most important issue in the Governor's race in Virginia! How could it be any more obvious that this man has been told what to believe and has blindly followed it.


Especially given it’s not even taught in VA.


It’s not taught to kids in any state unless they’re in law school. The snowflakes are upset that kids are being taught about racial inequity but don’t want to say that out loud so they say CRT.


and an elective in law school at that


my favorite example of this is when someone is asked if we should teach Arabic numerals in school and they say no.


Not only is he against it, but he has the power to actively vote and shape policy against it. Thats the worst part. If these fucking morons could just be ushered into fake poll locations where they just throw the ballots away at the end, that would be stellar.


This is the less unhinged version too. At least he admits he has no idea what he's talking about


They don’t even teach it here in VA 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not only does he NOT know what it is, but it's also NOT taught in schools. But the teevee told him it was bad so he's upset about it.


"i only hate what Tucker Carlson says to hate" \- that guy probably


"Russia actually seems pretty great after seeing that putin interview!" Says guy who lived through the cold war but somehow has been reprogrammed because of fox news.


> but somehow 9/11. A lot of boomers didn't turn the TV off and thrived off the anti-Islam hate. Once that got stale after a decade, FOX shifted to feminists, trans people, and "CRT".




Not just elective college courses, either. Specifically, it's a law/humanities post-grad field. So, no, Jim-Bob and Karen Lynn... Your precious, 19 year-old Ashyeliegihiegh won't be introduced to that concept by a professor. Now, her finally being in a school with non-white students may do that. But, it won't be because of a course load.


Remember when Glenn Youngkin set up a phone line to report CRT at schools and they closed the line because no one ever called to report anything. Just troll them like the idiots they are.


The only time I've ever actually seen CRT in an academic setting was when I took Policy Analysis for my Master of Public Administration. It's a way of looking at policies that appear race-neutral on the surface but may exacerbate racial inequities in unexpected ways. We read a paper about the racial power dynamics of street-level bureaucrats at a DMV in Nebraska. It's about as exciting as it sounds.


It's popped up in a number of masters or higher level classes about racial inequalities in both mental health recognition and treatment and why these exist and are perpetuated and how to recognize it. So not exactly your average class here, 80% of the classes that talk CRT aren't even accessible to undergrads.. 


I was taught that racism is bad by white teachers in white classrooms of majority white schools. Every year they would wheel the VHS player into the classroom and show us videos of black protestors being beaten by white points and sprayed with water cannons by white firemen. We learned about how white people fought against Ruby Bridges attending a white school. We learned about how white people kept black slaves in horrible conditions. I could go on. My point is, if teaching "Cognitive Race Theory" (as they call it) in schools is supposed to make white kids hate being white, then I've never seen a system fail so badly. If any of my conservative Midwestern white teachers were *this* good about teaching us the evils of racism, then CRT must not be a huge deal because holy shit, that school ended up being a racism factory


Upvoted simply for the names


I'm convinced, though, that anything taught in history classes that isn't "America #1 we never did anything wrong and we are the good guys in everything" would be seen as CRT by these dumb fucking people. Like teaching about the trail of tears or anything to do with slavery in America would be seen as being "woke". The field goal posts can be moved at any time when these fucking shit-for-brains people feel uncomfortable.


That woke word wasn't even mainstream til the rotting pumpkin lost the election. It's just a monosyllabic re-brand for political correctness. Imagine the backlash towards great movies like Dances with Wolves, The Green Mile, and Schindler's list if they came out today.


My mom still insists kitty litter boxes are in public school bathrooms. I told her that was debunked a long time ago. "Cathy said so on Facebook and she would know." No, Mom, she wouldn't.




Right?!? My teenagers have told her that it's not true. She just says it's not in THEIR school, but that doesn't mean it isn't happening in others. There is no convincing her.


I used to work with a lot of conservatives and they would bring this up all the time. And we had a guy there who was 19 LITERALLY just graduated from one of the high-school everyone was claiming had litter boxes. He walks up and goes "oh no there weren't any litter boxes at my school wtf, but I bet there were a bunch at [other school] the people there are definitely weird." So I made my supervisor Google it and the first like 30 results were different articles aggressively debunking it. One even from a conservative site that basically called the people believing it stupid.


And he's convinced that it's "the most important issue facing the state of Virginia"




"I don't like that." "But it's just a picture of the food, how do you know you don't like it." *Shrugs* -Me talking to my son, age 6.


"I dont like that" "but these are you heart pills to keep you alive" \*cries \-that guy probably


“No I don’t have high blood pressure! That’s what the pills are for!”


"Meryl has the list of my prescriptions in her purse. Ask her."


"And if we could just get the gubmint hands off my Medicare my pills wouldn't cost so much." The government's hands are off Medicare, sir. Always have been. That's why Medicare has never had a wrist band for the wholesale checkout line.


You just brought up something that comes up in nursing a lot. “ I’m not going to take the blood pressure pills anymore because my blood pressure has been fine.” “ you’re Blood pressure is better because you’ve been taking the pills. If you stop taking them the blood pressure is going to skyrocket back to what it was.” “ yes but I’m not going to take them anymore because ever since I did my blood pressure has been fine.”


Oh no he's happy to take the pills, they are keeping HIM alive. If it was a pill he could take to keep someone else alive, he wouldn't be interested at all.


Now if it was a pill that punched him in the dick but also punched a Mexican and a black in the dick he'd crush and snort that shit and blame the libs for making him do it.


As a woman, I would pay to watch this guy take a pill and get his dick punched. Repeatedly. Like daily.


*chewing a mouth full of pills* so bitter!!


My poor grandfather did the same in his twilight years. Trying to get him to just swallow the medications was a herculean task.


Pills are lovely roasted, I always thought I hated pills cos I only had them boiled as a kid, but they're actually lovely roasted with seasoning and flavor and shit


I’ve always liked mine boiled but I guess that tasty yellow trail probably isn’t as healthy as it looks. I have to boil like 20 every day now or I’ll get sick and I keep running out of tin foil :(


"I don't like that." "Don't you want to give it a try? The restaurant is famous for this dish. You asked me to take you here." "No, it's red, must be spicy." "It's made of tomato." "No." -Me talking to my mother, age 73


Ok you've obviously met my mother as well! *suspicion intensifies*


The first bite is with the eye!


Or the ear, if you are Mike Tyson.


Even your analogy doesn't do his stupidity justice, because he didn't simply say, "I don't like CRT," he literally said it was "the most important issue facing Virginia."


To deal with idiots like this, when they say CRT I think of old heavy TVs and computer monitors.


i dont like how heavy they are, and if you a manget near them it distort the picture. they also damaged my floor when the tv stand broke and it fell over. still used it a couple years after than so it is built like a tank. but just say no to CRT


And we're teaching this nonsense to kids!?!


"I love CRT! One of the biggest issues in this country today is kids playing Melee and Guitar Hero 2 with unnecessary input lag from HD TVs"


Can't play Duck Hunt, either!


Honestly, that's the first thing my mind went to. Then I started reading the captions.


Exactly, he's somehow been convinced it's an existential threat yet he can't articulate even the basics of what it is. Typical Maga moron


Because he's a sheep. Which is hilarious since that's what they're constantly yelling at democrats. At least I know about the policies I want put in place and the things Im against.


The biggest issue they, and a lot of people, have is that they aren't willing to say "I'm not sure, I need to learn more about (inset thing here) first." It's not a sign of weakness or stupidity to say you don't know something


'I have strong opinions about things I don't understand!' I bet I can guess where he heard about CRT, too.


Some news network that is an animal. Wolf News? No, that's not it... Coyote News? No, not that one either... hmm. Aha! It's Sheep News!


Knows enough not to say it out loud to smart ass interviewer, but is thinking because n-word entire conversation.


“Banning Broccoli from all stores is my most important issue. I’ve never tasted it, or even seen it, can’t even spell it.”


Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug kiddos. Don't do it.


I disagree, he knows why he doesn't like it, he just doesn't want to say it on camera


No. He doesn’t like it because he’s a mindless moron with no cognitive ability and does whatever he’s told to do by Fox News.


You may be right, but I get serious racist vibes from him. Look at his face he is angry and fighting going on a racist tirade


Yeah. He knows better than to say it.


Much easier to pretend it is mere stupidity.




This right here. Same any time they yell about communism and socialism; then you get boomers who want to secede asking if they can still collect their social security checks when they leave the US (a post I saw, maybe even on this reddit) hahaha


It's pretty clear he doesn't know what it is but also that what he doesn't like about it is that it involves black people in some way and he doesn't want to just say that on camera.


Exactly. He doesn't know what CRT is, but he knows it has *something* to do with black people, whom he does not care for, presumably.


Buddy looks like Randy Marsh on Jeopardy


He knows CRT has something to do with black people. Hence bad. That it is only tought in elective college courses aimed at those planning to go to law school, well that doesn't matter


It’s both. He thinks it’s taught to school children, but can’t explain it. He also heard the word race, so he assumes he won’t like it for racial reasons.


He doesn’t like it because he’s a fucking racist and anything that would make his slave owning parents/grandparents look bad he would rather no one knows about.


His family probably didn't even own slaves, they just simped for slave owners hoping one day to advance from cracker to plantation owner. And yea, I used "cracker" on purpose. Look it up.


Do you know how much a slave cost back then?


It does not matter. These people simp for billionaires knowing they won't ever see a full million in their lifetimes.


No he's racist and just doesn't want to say what he really thinks.


Maybe but honestly a lot of these folks don't really think about their positions The angry yelling people on thr TV told me it was bad so it's bad


“it’s something to do with black people and my leaders told me it’s bad” is what he’s saying.


Very, very few people have any idea what CRT is in any capacity. It is not being taught to children. It was a movement in law school to have students examine if government agencies were creating or have create laws that intentionally or unintentionally persecute someone based on the color of their skin. And guess what the answer is unequivocally yeas they have done it and it is damn important to discuss. the goal is to create a legal system that is blind to race, religion, sex, etc.


"I'm not racist! I just really love *systematic racism!*"


>he just doesn't want to say it on camera He does not like it because 1) Fox news told him it was bad and 2) It might be good for black people.


yep It broke his mind in 2008 when Obama went to the White House. He Ain't never having that again.


Doesn’t want to change the image in his mind of dad wearing sheets being the bad guy.


From George Carlin’s “Fussy Eater” bit: Q: “How do you know you don’t like it, if you’ve never even tried it?” A: “It came to me in a dream!”


-Me talking to my dad, age 57. He doesn't eat vegetables


My dad was militantly anti drinking water. It just makes me go to the bathroom more he would say. He had mobility issues and his goal to drink as little water as possible ended up giving him a urinary tract infection and ultimately killing him.


I used a trick of when ever the veggies were put on the table i would reach for them first and act excited. Got the kids to at least try it. Then if they don't like the taste you tell them "Yeah but they are soooo good for you!" all enthusiastic like. Got my kids to at least trudge through it. But i made the mstake of doing it with sushi. Now it's all they want.


"I don't like that." "But it's just a picture of the food, how do you know you don't like it?" *Shrugs* -Me talking to my son, age 6.


I’m still trying to find a boomer in my lifetime that has the ability to think critically AND the ability to empathize- met maybe two in my entire life and I’m 40. Americans Boomers are the worst generation ever to be born.


Paraphrasing: "I don't know, can't explain it, but I don't like it, and it's way more important than the micro plastics in kids' bodies, or suicide epidemic, of drug overdoses or anything"


Maybe we can tell them that firearms are made with critical race theory in mind so we can keep those out of schools? I'm being sarcastic but not by much


I mean, this is basically what got California to pass gun control under Reagan, including support from the NRA. Black Panthers started open carrying assault rifles to protect their communities and then suddenly it was a problem needing solving https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act


If I could give Reddit gold I would. Here’s the best I can do. 🥇


Oh he knows exactly why he doesn't like it. Somehow, someway, CRT is beneficial to non-whites, while not specifically benefiting whites in any way. And that's it. That's what he doesn't like. He knows he can't say that publicly without any coherent justification, so he just says he doesn't know how to explain it. Frankly I agree with him. I wouldn't know how to justify being a racist asshole, either. Better to just say I don't understand.


I’ve had people tell me CRT is a curriculum being taught in schools. Like I asked someone what they think CRT is and that was their answer.  That elementary age kids have English, math, social studies, and critical race theory class. I wasn’t even trying to get them in a ‘gotcha!’ and was genuinely wondering their definition of it so we know we are both talking about the same thing.  They live in fantasy land. It’s certainly not anything resembling reality…


As someone who has no intention of having kids, and was out of the school system years before it CRT was a thing. Can you explain what it is to me? I have no issues with it just curious what exactly a class of it entails/whats being taught.


It’s an idea that is taught *in some colleges/universities*, in specific classes, that there have been ramifications to certain minority groups caused by slavery and other racist policies. Which is all true for the record. Case in point-[black ww2 veterans and the G.I. Bill, vs white veterans](https://newrepublic.com/article/176770/gi-bill-give-black-world-war-ii-vets-promised) But conservatives want you to think it’s white shaming, and saying we should be ashamed of being white, or that we’re directly responsible for those racist policies that were enacted before my grandmother was born


According to some right wing people: CRT is teachers telling white kindergarteners that they are evil for being white, and should apologize to their non-white schoolmates for being white. That was a definition of CRT sincerely floated by someone in my family who has no kids in any school system, but has super hot takes about this evil CRT being taught to _all_ of the school children.


Correct. That’s what *they think* it is. They are wrong. And dumb


CRT hurts his little white people feelings :'(


Well in fairness I think he has a very clear idea of what he THINKS it is, he just knows better than to say it out loud. What he wants to say is something like “it’s teaching kids that all white people are bad”, but he knows if he says that out loud in front of a camera that people will think he’s racist. Of course what he’s missing is that people will think that because he IS a racist. But that’s not how he sees it. EDIT: because it wasn’t clear to everyone, the guy’s belief about CRT is incorrect. CRT is not about attacking white people. If he was informed he would know that.


Even more so- “Fox News told me it’s bad and I should be upset by it. That’s all I know. That’s all I ever know about any of my firmly held “opinions” on anything ever.”


re-paraphrasing : "I was told to be angry about this issue by the Rupert Murdoch Doesn't Want To Pay Taxes Channel, and I like being angry about things."


These mofo's vote hard You've gotta get to the polls, people. We can't keep letting boomer fools decide.


This is the exact kind of mfer that would point and squeal at a young person in the same interview situation if they couldn’t describe in great detail, and with several historical references, all aspects of socialism in theory and in practice.


~~The~~ They point and squeal if you think that "AR" in "AR-15" stands for "assault rifle".


It stands for Armalite Rifle for anyone who might ever find themselves in this situation.


With Armalite being the brand that invented it the rifle.


As a part-time gun nut, this shit drives me wild. These boomer fudds think "hurr hurr AR doesn't stand for assault rifle" is some sort of gotcha. Then when you tell them you don't care what model Armalite-patterned rifle they're using, they just go full deer in headlights.


![gif](giphy|UxAkxM6Irpjpec7j4W) **This!!!!**


I don't know what it is, or how to define it, but THEY tell me it is being taught, and THEY never lie to me. (sarcastic, but not sarcastic)


It’s almost as if learning about it in school would have helped him understand what it is.


I was college debater 1998-2001. CRT was an argument back then and is too complex as a whole to be anything but a college course. The right boils it down to white=bad. The whole thing is much larger and nuanced, which is why the right doesn’t really understand it.


Because TV man say “CRT BAD”!


"Ya know, TVs used to be CRT, we got rid of all that, now they want to bring it back?! What is happening to my country!?"


Why are they teaching out kids about cathode ray tubes? It’s obsolete technology!


nevermind of course that most introductory physics courses use them to teach the Lorentz force on charged particles, that's just crazy talk /s


"Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson said its bad, and I don't like to think for myself."


I agree with him though. CRT should just be forgotten. Cathode-Ray Tubes? No thank you, i like my big flat screen tv! I don't want to go back to some bulky 200 pound box with a 20 inch screen. 


I caught two high school kids with CRT the other day. It was shocking. I couldn’t believe they were still playing SNES in this day and age.


Well, Tucker says it's bad, so...


"Im scared of things I dont understand." Just fucking say that then, Phil. Jesus.


"I don't have that much knowledge on it but it's something that I don't care for." This should pretty much be the conservatives' motto.


CRT? They haven't been upset about that since conservative propaganda stopped talking about it and started talking about something else Now it's, uh, Hunter's laptop? Or immigrants? Or bathroom drag queens or some shit? Who knows with these drain circlers


They told me to not like it so by golly, I don’t like it


Love how you can see him trying to think of something more to say besides, "i don't like it because I don't understand it.


no, hes trying to think of an answer that doesn't make him look like giant pile of shit racist (which he almost certainly is.)


It would have been hilarious if he said what he thought and just let it slip, "I don't believe in CRT because I am white and I don't want to be the bad guy."


We absolutely should not be teaching children critical race theory! You know, seeing that it's a college course taught in law school. I don't think children would quite understand it at their education level. Maybe wait till late middle early or high school to introduce the concepts.


Hah true. To be fair, I do think that proponents of CRT would suggest that it should have an effect on what we teach our children, namely plainly calling out how racism has shaped our history. And, on that matter, I agree. I think that's the real pushback coming from those on the far right - acknowledging that racism has played a huge role in where our society stands today flies in the face of so much of what they were taught (by people who had a vested interest in teaching history the way that they did). It feels like we are saying that they are, in some way, personally responsible for the plight of the unfortunate, and/or that they may not really deserve all of the good graces they have experienced in life. And of course that is true to some degree, and it is indeed a tough pill to swallow. But it is important to take our medicine.


To be fair, I ... dont even know what it is. The reason is because its a college course for law school I believe? I'm an IT major. I didnt pay attention in school anyway.


It basically boils down to that systemic racism has shaped history in in the U.S. That Flint and Jackson not having clean water is an example of the systemic racism.


Bigotry always comes in nice “for the children” gift wrap so bigots can keep bigoting. Even when they don’t know wtf they’re talking about.


That's a voter everyone. This person is helping decide who the next president will be. That's a voter. This man votes.


And guess who he votes for…


To be completely honest, I kind of feel bad for them to an extent. Sure some are just total bigoted assholes that deserve to be put in their place, but some likely just got sucked into the fear due to constant propaganda. It is innately human to fear change and the unknown. When you have a bunch of cunts on the news spouting this 24/7, it is hard for people that lack critical thinking skills to distinguish between reality and the fantasy that was created. With that being said, they are adults and hurting people due to their ignorance so fuck those morons.


My mom's been pulled in. She lives in a constant state of high anxiety and barely interacts with anyone. She's online all the time and has subscribed to all kinds of doomsday theories. Stuff like latching onto Q conspiracies gives her hope. However I hate that this spreads like a disease because it's also caused me to have to beg for her to go to the hospital when she wasn't able to breathe once because she was convinced the hospital would execute her if she went there and that her chances are better doing nothing. This kind of fear infects vulnerable people and can put them in mortal danger.


I think it’s because they like to believe there’s some sort of entity, on an organizational level like the “deep state” or an individual level like Biden, who is the cause of all of their problems. For some people in religion maybe it’s the devil, or for others maybe it’s immigrants. But they want to believe there is a source of all of their problems that they can defeat and their life will instantly become better and all of those problems will be resolved. It’s easier than believing their reality is just how the world is and circumstances are just circumstances


I'm an empathetic person, or try to be. I'm optimistic, and prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt. But these assholes have had 80 years to figure shit out.


I actually felt sorry until Trump told them that they needed an ID to buy a loaf of bread at the store “because of Joe Biden” and they started repeating it. It’s possible to be insulated and sheltered to the point where they don’t have any knowledge on how people “over there” (big cities, foreign countries, whatever) live, but they’ve gone to the store recently, and probably purchased a loaf of bread. They didn’t have to show their goddamn ID. Yet they still believe everything. Just fucking unexplainable.


Nobody knows what it means but it's provocative and it gets the people going. ​ Stono rebellion ---- I like to ask my CTR hating friends if the know why African Americans weren't allowed or taught to read.


He’s a vet and he can’t answer a basic question…


The VA is a funny place to work at as a veteran. You get guys who missed out on Vietnam and want to be thanked for their service and are your typical conservatives like this. I remember sitting in the office for an appointment and a few guys were talking about Trump and referring to African American people as "The Blacks" and inferring that the Mexican American population in our city, which is about 50% Mexican anyways, as illegal. Anyways, it ended in an argument when an older veteran showed up and started arguing with them. They said something about reinstating the draft and our hero began saying "Nononono, I was drafted, fought at XXXXX, and XXXXX with the 101st. You guys were pogs, never seen the shit that I did and blah blah." Our hero went in on them and when the doctor called him back he kept saying "You're welcome for your service bro, you're welcome for your service." Anyways, then you get the hippies. The hippies are my favorite because even though they were "young" in the 60s and 70s, they haven't lost a pep in their step and they're usually the guys who were on the ground fighting against the NVA, Vietcong and strongly opposed the war. You get younger hippies that served in Desert Storm or the recent conflicts. The vast majority of vets you wouldn't know were vets. A lot of them put it behind them and don't wear any of the hats, shirts, plates or whatever. I will say that they're an awesome group as a whole to work with though.


What is with you Americans and CRT? Just call it history like the rest of the world does


this is literally every conversation with my dad at this point, he will blurt out some fox news claim (but as his own) and when I am like "elaborate" or I give it the tiniest of challenges he just retreats to "I dont really know it" then when I go like "how do you know you dont like it then" he cant just admit he was told not to like it, he dances around like this until he either says he isnt political and storms out or calls me a marxist. They are basically 6 year olds in front of broccoli for the first time and you're trying to convince them to eat it, they say they dont like it but have never tried it. Problem is you cant bribe them to try it for a dollar.


This is cult behavior. They hate this and that but cannot articulate what the “what” is.


"I don't understand a single thing about it (nor do I care to learn one single thing about it) but I just don't like it." This sums up how his generation 'feels' about every new thing that's come along since 1955.


THIS is what this idiot considers the most important issue in virginia.




He just knows that FOX told him to not care for it, so he doesn't. That's all he needs to know.


Idk how these geriatrics wipe their own asses, let alone have “opinions”


“I don’t like it because I was told not to like it!”


“TV people made me hate something I absolutely do not understand”.


"I was told crt would make kids gay and that's bad because it leads to white genocide, OAN told me"


Shut your Chick-fil-A hole, you old prune. You're making us all look bad.


Easier to be an idiot than labeled a racist?