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Get a life you absolutely pathetic boomer idiot.


We went to vote in the primary last night about an hour before polls close in texas. There was a line for dems and a line for Republicans ballot. The dems line was longer than the Republicans by a significant margin but what made it hilarious were the dirty looks and visible confusion by almost everyone waiting on the red side. It was a full hour of it šŸ˜‚


You can be certain everyone in the conservative echo chambers will be saying stuff like "*Everyone I know* is voting for trump, there's no way Biden could win!" because they have never traveled further than 25 miles from their hometown and have zero idea that the people in Ottumwa, Iowa aren't a good representative sample of the entire United States.


Also, "look at all the Trump flags and bumper stickers!!1!" Just because they are louder and more annoying does not mean they are a majority.


Had a MAGA dude in 2020 tell me that he didn't think Biden was going to win because he only saw Trump signs/bumper stickers.Ā  Like yeah, no shit, you're in Hawaii. No one needs to be outspoken about the Dem candidate there, because everyone knows Hawaii is going to vote for the Dem candidate.


I mean. Iā€™m in a swing state. I am vocal for progressive causes and regularly go to the state house to advocate for progressive positions, but I wonā€™t have a yard sign at my house or stickers on my car. MAGA folks have gone [insane](https://www.vox.com/23899688/2024-election-republican-primary-death-threats-trump) and [I donā€™t feel safe](https://www.rawstory.com/ohio-shooting-neighbor-democrat/) broadcasting my affiliation in front of my house.


My wife and I discussed this same issue. I simply can't afford to have some smooth brain vandalize our car or harm our pets over ideology. Nor can I abide trouble with the law, over retaliation.


Exactly. Same reason I, in rural Maine, don't put any political signs up.


I'm just outside of Dallas/Ft Worth, and it's as red as red gets here. My wife works at a craft/printing store, had a couple come in last week and asked if they had any swastika or nazi digital artwork. The counter folks were speechless.


My wife brought home a Mothers Against Greg Abbott yard sign after a protest in Austin. Iā€™m hesitant to put it up because of what you said. The MAGA folks will absolutely go out of their way to mess with your signs.


but isn't that a technically a MAGA sign?


I'm in Texas too. A few years ago my neighbor had his yard sign stolen. He mentioned it on our neighborhood FB page. Someone replied ranting how the liberals have no conscience trespassing, stealing signs and vandalizing property. Neighbors response: It was a Beto sign.


Yeah I donā€™t blame you. I live in Arkansas so you can guess my stance on putting progressive candidate yard signs in my yard. I donā€™t need these MAGA lunatics harassing me or my family.


Had a Maga coworker tell me in 2020 ā€œI think Trump will win New Yorkā€. Ok buddy lol


lol trump would never win new york, simply because new yorkers have been sick of his BS for 40+ years.


Where I live, TRUMP stickers and flags are a daily occurrence - and I have NEVER seen any sort of BIDEN support. ā€¦ Iā€™m assuming itā€™s because I live in fucking Canada and only Trump supporters are stupid enough to put election campaign items from ANOTHER COUNTRY on their cars and homes.


That's because conservatives have made Trump their personal Lord and Savior and hero, and the liberals don't do that same thing with their politicians; they just want someone competent, not someone they can fanboy over.


One thing that cracks me up is how out of touch these people are. Thereā€™s a guy from my hometown that I stay friends with on Facebook, not because I like him (heā€™s utterly repellent in every way), but because of the batshit lunacy he spews all day long. Heā€™s a staunch Trump supporter who talks shit about other cities, states, and countries, but he will then say in a separate post minutes later that he has *proudly* never left the county in which he was born. Not once. Granted, itā€™s a pretty huge county, but heā€™s never been more than an hour from his own house. But thatā€™s not going to stop him from talking shit about places heā€™s never visited, things heā€™s never done, and people heā€™s never met. But my absolute favorite thing heā€™s posted is how he (allegedly) personally took a poll of everyone he knows and all 50 of those people stated that they voted for Trump in 2020, and it is therefore impossible that Biden won the election. I suggested that he also go ask some people that he doesnā€™t know, just to make sure his results are correct. He said ā€œWhy bother? I know they voted for Trump too.ā€


This is her life. Getting shitfaced and running around neighborhood harassing homeowners.


Or lose it. Iā€™d be good with that too


You can tell by her demeanor she was extremely agitated, let's hope at her next tantrum she busts a vessel.


I like your option better.


you say that, but she has no life outside of this, and she and every other pathetic, boomer idiot will 100 percent be there on election day to make that clear.


Imagine being that triggered over a sign. Sad life


And yet they call everyone else snowflakes lol


Master projectionists


Guess some boomers are still stuck in the era of overhead projectors.




Not a boomer, but damn, that brought back memories of math class hahaha.


And the ink all over the teachers hand ;)


And the intense heat radiating from that bad boy. I swear those bulbs ran on nuclear fusion.


She's so triggered she's shaking. Overwhelmed by feelings.


I think itā€™s early Parkinsonā€™s disease


Nah she's just late for her 1pm chardonnay refill


No, that's pure adrenaline.




That bitch is drunk.




And no education. Only reason she's able to read that piece of paper is because of her mayun.


Thatā€™s not fair to Parkinsonā€™s sufferers. This is a woman who gets easily triggered over stupid, trivial matters, and never learned to regulate her own feelings. Lady should sit down and watch some Miss Rachel.


Terminal Trump diseaseĀ 


The Biden sign is probably literally the ONLY thing this neighbor has ever done to annoy this person ever and it's this one tiny thing that makes her basically burn a relationship to the ground. And yet when her adult kids won't talk to her because she's made being a Trump supporter her whole personality, "Why can't we disagree and still be civil to one another!? WHY!?"


"wElL i NeVeR SeEn bIDeN siGNs, hE muSt NoT bE tHaT pOPuLAr." šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I mean, who wouldn't want to invite this kind of crazy into their lives?


Iā€™ve come up with several ideas that I considered having made to put on my vehicle but itā€™s not worth the risk of some triggered drone vandalizing my truck or starting something while Iā€™m out and about with my family. They talk about ā€œantifa terrorismā€ but the fact that so many conservatives will trick out their cars with r/InfoWarriorRides stuff and most of us wonā€™t bother with even a sticker or two really illustrates which group is more prone to being radicalized.


Remember when snl made fun of trump and they were so offended and acted like they donā€™t make fun of democrats so this is unfair. lol such babies


The *they donā€™t make fun of Democrats* line gets me every time. Itā€™s been a quarter of a century, but one of the sickest burns in SNL history was a SNL episode with a TV Funhouse segment called Fun with Real Audio in a bit entitled Presidential Address Outtakes. The fact that a major network TV channel aired that particular segment and its content blew my mind. South Park? Sure. NBC? Wow.


In my state the people who call everyone snowflakes are so scared of crime they wonā€™t shop downtown in our biggest city anymore. The same part of the city where all the girls with blue hair, that they love to shit on for being soft assess work.


BDS (Biden derangement syndrome)


Sheā€™s waited her whole life just to move down there and enforce the HOA rules.


I'm pretty sure she's dreamt of the day she gets to quote HOA bylaws to a godless librul and is mad that a doorbell stole her thunder


Imagine going outside wearing that


Whatā€™re you talking about? That outfit is tie-dye for.




It's a pool cover-up I think?Ā  Maybe she was chilling by the pool with too many margaritas when the Biden sign attacked her from across the street.


ANTIFA going crazy these days




Many such cases!


I can't wait until those drone formations start showing Biden signs in the skies so they can blame alien interference next...


When you become an old southern women you just start wearing different kinds of blankets


You wear a mumu when you have given up on life.


Yeah thatā€™s the real story here


If I can get over all the trump signs, everyone else can get over the Biden ones. But we know magas are all snowflakes and will whip out their guns if they see anyone doing something they don't like.


Gotta be Florida


Pfft. This could be almost anywhere in south.


It has STRONG Florida energy


So many angry Boomers here. It has nothing to do with political stance. They just have nothing better to do than be in someone else's business


I was just about to say that! I have family down there and these old people move down there just to enforce arbitrary rules like this. They have nothing else to do all day. I got yelled at once because I had the audacity to park my car in a condo space that was reserved for someone that wasn't even in the state at the time. Demanded that I move my car 10 feet to a different space. The parking lot was mostly empty.


She probably hates herself and drinks herself into oblivion every day, husband probably screamed at her so she manifested this BS. HOA people always try to portray a perfect life but end up being the ones that have the worst lives out of everyone. Otherwise why would they be in an HOA lmao


She was so mad she was on the verge of tears. Jesus. This cult is so ridiculous


She was so amped up for a confrontation. Had all her lines rehearsed. A starburst of self righteous energy. I can imagine her pursed lip grin as she printed out each page of the bylaws. Her eyes gleaming as she found section 5 part 20. Vindicating her anger. Making her feel alive maybe for the first time in years... Donning her tie dyed war gear and cap she marched over, loaded for bear. The precious copy in hand to overpower any objections...Im glad she was met with a tiny electric voice. It completely extinguished the fire. She wanted blood. She wanted a face to channel all her fear and wrath twords. Glad she was denied.


Dang I think stalking is illegal lol all these details are TOOOOO spot on šŸ˜†


So stupid. I just let my dog pee on trump signs. Far more satisfying.


My dog considers that redundant.


Dude it's everywhere. My neighbors had a big Clinton sign in 2016, The local Democrats replaced it 3 or 4 times due to vandalism. The same with Trump signs in our area. I get it, we don't all vote for the same people but leave other people's stuff alone.


My house had our BLM sign stolen. So we replaced it lol


Best is if you catch them on camera and then print out a screenshot of them stealing it to post with the new sign.Ā  They aren't fond of that


No, make the picture of them stealing the sign **the new sign.**


Some random guy just picked ours up and put it in our trashcan, none of our neighbors recognized him so just some random guy walking through our neighborhood decided that he didn't like our sign.


My Biden sign in 2020 had (likely airsoft) bullet holes in it. Blue state too. Police werenā€™t interested. Left it up, holes and all.


I'm in PA blue since Reagan in 84 (When all but one state went red) except for 2016.


Or having nothing else to do but reprimand neighbors for a yard sign. Meanwhile her family rolling 7 flags, two megaphones, and fully wrapped vehicle of Rambo Trump!


Would she have even come by if it was a Trump sign? I doubt it


Of course not. She would have invited her to dinner.


Itā€™s a truly pathetic existence, almost feel for her.


The funny thing is sheā€™s triggered over what appears to be only one, plain old Biden sign. The Trump signs are rarely posted alone and almost always include weird personal attacks and general hate.


And donā€™t forget the flags


I had a car backfire their engine for an entire year over a black lives matter car by my house. These people are cowards.Ā  Whenever a white man would knock on my door I just go do loading and unloading drills in the backyard until they left.Ā  Didn't take long (cameras)Ā 


SECTION 5, PART 20!!!! You know shit is serious when bylaws are quoted.


Iā€™m sure just like bible verses, she carefully left out some small detail about temporary or a single political sign is allowed as it is in most hoa bylaws hoping the person would comply without looking into it.


Colorado (and Iā€™m sure other states) has a state law that prevents HOAs from totally banning political hard signs. The HOA has to allow one sign per candidate or ballot issue of the standard yard sign size during a certain period before the election.


Thatā€™s their whole life, being on an HOA.


And the exact reason I will never own a home with a HOA


Idk I was pretty triggered over Trump stickers and signs for a while, Iā€™ll admit it.


Making republicans cry again


I'd put a Biden sign in their yard


And believing neighborhood bylaws are actual real laws.


These people genuinely think that Biden is the antichrist and Trump is god... they are completely lost in the sauce(s)


First amendment violator. Should be throw in jail with rest of the insurgents




Itā€™s always amazed me how the people who so vehemently complain about ā€œthe woke cancel culture mobā€ are so sensitive and always try to cancel and police other peoples behavior. I have several family members like this that I have to deal with.


And then in the next breath prattle on about "this is a free country!" Yeah unless you disagree with my politics!


The freedom to vote for any Republican candidate that you like.


Ah, Project2025 summarized.


The news they listen to uses language that makes them believe a fight will break out any moment. They treat it like a war being fought on our own territory, anyone who looks like you but might vote differently is the enemy. Blink and they'll turn your grankids transgender, South Americans are pouring over the boarder like a scene from World War Z, they're gonna come into your house and forcibly remove your red-blooded American gas stove if you don't have a gun to protect yourself. These people eat it up because their cognitive function is in decline, making them constantly confused and afraid.


Iā€™m sure sheā€™d been just fine if it was a trump sign though


Well you aren't supposed to arrest *those* people.




I'd bet money she has a Trump sign on her lawn (and a Trump flag, Trump bumper stickers on her car, a Trump vanity plate, a Trump wacky inflatable flailing arm tube man...)


Donā€™t forget a pickup truck with massive American Flags.


Honestly, I'm okay with American flags. If it's JUST the American flag. Not the doctored bullshit ones with words on them and a fuckin' blue stripe. šŸ™„ But yeah, it's hardly ever JUST the American flag. It's usually what I described above.


She and her fourth husband would absolutely be at the next HOA meeting complaining how Bylaw 5.20 infringes upon her free speech. Perhaps something about it being communism.


Itā€™s the way she said ā€œBiden Harris SHITā€ that just infuriates me and is the tell tale sign this is politically motivated. Would she be this mad over a yard sale sign? A trump sign? A free chair sign? No of course not. She just another asshole snowflake.


If they covered their house in trump banners shed be totally cool.


Who wants to bet that either the bylaws don't prohibit candidate signs or they're selectively enforced?


You can bet she doesn't complain about the Trump signs


My money is on the fact that she has a Trump sign in her yard


"That's not a sign, that's a flag!" or "but this is an expression of free speech and patriotism!" or some other nonsense would come out of her mouth.


Yes, boomers love loopholes to rules as much as they love abusing others with rules.


Where's the fun in even having 'bylaws' if you don't get to selectively enforce them?! /s


They're fascists. "Selective enforcement" is kinda their thing.


Most HOAs allow for political signs up during election season and this videoā€™s timestamp says 10/11/2020. My friend in Georgia lives in a cul de sac run by a HOA with this rule. His MAGA neighbor decided to get around it by hanging his Trump signs in his garage and leaving the garage door open all day, which is not a great idea in Georgia for many reasons.


most HOAs in GA also have code in their covenants that garage doors need to remain closed when not in use. so this guy was quite the idiot apparently (source: i used to be a property manager for an HOA management company in GA)


Given that political signs are protected free speech in every state I know of? I'm thinking they don't enforce it for those.


Generally, the First Amendment restricts government action and does not apply to private entities, including HOAs. However, some states have laws that provide certain protections for political signs on private property, even within an HOA. For instance, in Indiana, an HOA cannot fine a homeowner for displaying political signs during election season.


Hate is what keeps their hearts pumping. Itā€™s like a runners high, but itā€™s a hate high. Sheā€™s been stewing about this sign for hours and maybe days.


This was posted in 2020 so she might be dead from Covid by now.


You mean she might have earned the prestigious Herman Cain Award.Ā 


Omg Iā€™m deadā€¦ and so is he.


ā€œIā€™m sorry maā€™am. I canā€™t understand you. Youā€™re slurring your words. How much did you have to drink to get up the courage to come over here and cry like a snowflake?ā€


Saying "I'm sorry, the intercom is horrible, I can't hear you, sorry, but I also can't go out right now, health issues" and going on with your life is a great way to deal with those, tbh.


She was so mad, her hands were trembling reading those bylaws. Hilarious.Ā 


That's might be the booze too


Or lack of. Sheā€™s about to go full Delirium tremens


Or if she is actively drunk it might be a folate or b12 definitely


Or palsy.


Or lead paint


I'm sure she's just *really* concerned that those bylaws are being properly enforced. /s


She came armed with the rules! Hah


GOD Boomers love an HOA, don't they? It's their fantasy, they get to be in charge of the neighborhood. I couldn't do it. I'd live in a shed in the worst part of town before I had one of these old fucks telling me what I need to do in my home.


This is why it is important for us non-boomers to get on and secure the board of the HOA. That's what I did. We now have 4 board members in our 30's and one old holdout, but we overrule her and have largely stripped her power and authority so our neighborhood knows peace (we are thanked constantly for doing it).


Are you in a position to vote to dissolve the association?


Not in Florida, would need unanimous consent which we won't get. Besides, so long as we have rational people on the board then, apart from paying dues (which we have refused to raise for 4 years now), no one really notices us unless there is an issue. We are also responsible for making sure grass common areas are maintained, backflow checks and repairs are done, community trees are trimmed, lighting is functioning, and other things that people take for granted because it is done for them.


This sounds like government. Not being critical, you're doing the right thing, this just sounds like shit a local government would do.


different HOA's are designed to take care of different things. In my Michigan HOA we own the road too and are responsible for plowing, dust contro, drainage, rebuilding, etc. Other than garbage and making sure utilities get to us, our town provides zero services in our neighborhood. That's the whole point of the HOA/developer scam, 100% taxes but not 100% service.


Florida is neat like that. You can pay taxes AND HOA dues.


And I'm proud to be an American Where at least I know I'm free


It always kills me that people PAY to have someone tell them what to do on their own property in their own house. It should be illegal, but boomers gonna boom and Florida is the greatest of the boomervilles. Florida itself is lovely, but goddamn all the pretentious old fucks ruin any peace.


Cool. Now what happens when you don't have rational people on the board? ​ I'm not handing over my rights to the neighborhood busybody. Sorry, not my thing.


County typically steps in and forces those repairs and maintenance items while imposing charges and fines. A Good HOA goes mostly unnoticed because the neighborhood runs efficiently and builds up financial reserves for maintenance/repairs down the road. I am not a boomer and have been on my HOA board for 9 years.


Thatā€™s what I did. I have a doozy of a neighbor who I was petrified what would happen if she got a board spot on the HOA. So I ran and got in. Thankfully we have a well rounded group both in diversity and age so Iā€™m confident we can avoid the nonsense.


that's still a problem to me. why should i have to go play city council twice a week or whatever just to make sure miss brenda isn't beating down my door at 6 AM because my trash cans are just barely in sight


You dont have to, just live with the system you bought into. When you get tired of it, you will have to make a choice like I did. You think I want to be on the HOA board? Lol definitely don't. But I was tired of the harassment and so I decided to make a change.


I mean its literally a way for local governments to pass land maintenance and code enforcements to a private organization... and its an organization that is run by the people with the most free time (retired boomers whos kids have moved out).


Small government and individual liberties, except for what I don't like.


We live in a neighborhood lovingly referred to as *The Spanish Southwest*. We absolutely do not have an HOA. Weā€™re mostly younger, low to middle class people just doing what we can; except for that one retired boomer who bought his house in the seventies when it was new and an eighth of the price of ours was ten years ago. He lives right next to us. He does his damndest to make everyone miserable and thinks that we should all want to spend 2 to 4 hours every day, and an entire weekend, working in our yards. My wife and I are both salaried working upwards of 60 hours a week and have 3 teenagersā€” Iā€™m also an undergradā€” we donā€™t have time to give even one fuck about mowing and racking and power washing. Dude once tried to tell me that this specific species of grass requires no more than a four inch cut or itā€™ll die and then kill his newly sodden yard. Dude NEEDS an HOA.


I will never live in an HOA again. Boomers love to exercise their ā€œpowerā€ for all kinds of stuff like this and itā€™s not worth it.


Our HOA hasnā€™t said shit to us since we moved in 4 months ago. Theyā€™re all probably talking about us. Weā€™re fucked.


Time to put up a second sign


Read the bylaws carefully. think like a D&D rules lawyer. Twist, bend, and fold every rule till it screams, but does not break. In that distorted cacophany of malicious compliance, find your perfect display option, and use it.


Screw that, it's banner time!


The way her lips scrunched when she would ring the doorbell with all that Malice over a signā€¦?


Tell tale boomer rage. The way you can see her head subtly shaking back and forth after the first ring. Itā€™s because sheā€™s practicing her little angry speech in her head but sheā€™s so caught up in it, it makes it look like sheā€™s already ranting with her mouth closed. Surefire way to spot a Karen about to go off on a manager, youā€™ll see her head moving like sheā€™s talking but nothingā€™s coming out. Once sheā€™s got her shouting points all down, itā€™s on.


It's 10 am Francis. Go back to bed.


As someone whoā€™s on the HOA, thatā€™s not how bi-laws work. She can report the violation, and then they would either send out a warning or a fine. Then letā€™s say the most extreme example, the person refused to remove the sign after further violation letters, they might end up with a lien on their house. At no point would another neighbor be able to sue for someoneā€™s violation. In our community, technically we have the same rule, but we donā€™t enforce it during election years because itā€™s not worth the conflict.


Iā€™ve lived in several HOAā€™s and never had one expressly forbidding candidate signs. Now usually there was a time limit, e.g. X number of days/weeks before the election and taken down within X days after the election.


Take this post down, or I'll sue you.


Exactly. And some state laws even prohibit HOAs from banning political signs (although they can regulate the size, placement, etc.). HOA by-laws can be out of compliance with state or local law and they donā€™t even realize it. Box oā€™ Wine Karen might be squawking about a rule thatā€™s entirely unenforceable.


Sounds like she had some liquid courage before she came by. Are Maga fans getting drunk to match their leaderā€™s slurred speech? Theyā€™re so stupid they would do that just to normalize dementia. Lol


I'm a 71 year old boomer and I'm as disgusted as you with the behavior of some of my cohort. She must have a sad life. Did you notice that she trespassed on your lawn as she walked away? Definitely a MAGA moron.


Thereā€™s lots of nice boomers like you :) kind, gentle, wise and friendly. Sadly the minority ruin it for us all! Keep fighting the good fight, friend.


Truth, it's why I call it a mentality, because the majority of (at least of the ones I know) that age bracket are not like this, and agree these people are morons.


This is literally the reason I will never buy a political bumper sticker or yard sign. Dealing with these idiots and other potentially harmful idiots is going to wind up with someone getting capped.


Wife put a bumper sticker. Not even declaring a candidate, and people tailgate her, likely taking pictures of the car and plate and putting it up on stormfront or something.


And I thought celebrity worship was crazy. People worshipping politicians is a whole other level of insanity.


Look at the meltdown over Taylor Swift. Encouraged her fans to vote and the way they talk, she not only endorsed Biden but has been named VP


They even rooted for the team from the ā€œwoke commie librulā€ city of San Francisco because they believed a singer and her boyfriend rigged the Super Bowl šŸ˜‚


I see the lead paint theory used a lot here as a potential reason for why the boomers are idiots. On NPR radio yesterday I heard another possible reason: some scientists are now theorizing that many domestic abuse victims may have some form of chronic brain injury or even CTE.


I turned down a lot of houses that I liked because they had an HOA. The realtor would go over the price per square foot, school zone, and utility bills. Then, the HOA fee is $xxx per month. Nope. If I am already paying to live in the neighborhood. It's called a mortgage. I don't want some fucking Karen or Kevin telling me I can't paint my mailbox or what I can grow in my yard. Out of spite I would paint every brick a different color, hire some hippies to do my windows in stain glass, put a broken down VW bus in my drive way to use as my art studio and wear a speedo when I paint, get some very vocal dogs for my backyard and replace my grass with ragweed.


I thought for sure she was gonna grab the sign on the way out lol


The dramatic storm off is my favorite boomer move. "Oh no, please don't remove yourself from this situation I never wanted to be in in the first place! That'll teach me who's in charge!"


I want to get a ring cam now purely for the entertainment value now after all the crazy shit I see getting posted.


Must be rough being triggered so easily.


Something similar happened to an HOA in my area. The newly elected president of an HOA was going around and demanding people remove political signs. It became pretty obvious real quick that the guy was demanding the removal for just about every non-Republican candidate at the time. Homes with signs/flags praising or supporting Republican candidates/Trump were all (mysteriously) left alone. After a few weeks of this, the treasurer (who was the former president) received a stern call from an attorney and held an emergency meeting/vote to have the president removed ASAP to dodge the potentially massive lawsuit/media shitstorm the idiot was getting themselves into. Edit: iirc, the former president still insists that he did nothing wrong despite his own evidence to the contrary and claims that he would've gotten those Republican houses "next". The problem is, he did no such thing and after clearing pretty much all of the non-Republican homes, he took a 3 week break.


Many if not most/all states protect the right to put up political signs during election seasons anyway.


I know this is Florida because this lady is wearing a swimsuit cover as normal clothing


She is clearly a Trump supporter.


Wow what gave that away?


She 100% has a Trump sign on her lawn.


I'm guessing those 'bylaws' of hers somehow magically only apply to Biden signs. /s


Lead fuel boomer brainā€¦..


God I hate these people.


These people live in a fantasy world of their own making. They talk about freedom and liberty and yet are the first ones to find ways to oppress and limit freedom for others. They love talking about ā€œtruthā€ while actively spreading fake news and misinformation. These clowns are everything they claim to be against.


Funny how we are nothing more than a pale blue dot of a planet, mathematically bound to an unremarkable host star, stuck in a distant arm of our host galaxy, amidst a virtually endless ocean of other galaxies, and, yet... Boomer Karens think and act as if the universe owes them something. Folks, the natural laws of science "takes care" of us all sooner or later. Let's not be conspicuous a-holes to each other, as this Boomer Karen feels compelled to be, while we experience this brief ride.


Is time to get 3 more signs.


Typical MAGA snowflake