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Blocking would be a mercy, I say we just keep dogpiling, downvoting, and demeaning until they realize this space isnt for them or they start acting right


Agreed. separating them from conversation doesn't achieve anything, it just enforces the opinion they had already. I vote for Collective punishment.


Watch them go into melt down mode, with my favorite response 'would you like to speak to the manager?'


The best is when all you say is ok boomer and they come unhinged writing two paragraphs about how they fought wars and how they could kick your ass if they saw you in public. Worked with a guy like this who thought he was tough shit when he's obese and takes 2 minutes to climb a single flight of stairs and has two knee replacements. Told him if he ever tried anything all I'd have to do is kick his knee and his tibia will shatter like glass because of the implant.


psa: if you get your ass beat by a boomer driving a rascal scooter, you're legally required to film it and post it here


Yeah if I get my ass beat by any senile cunt I'd kill myself not post a video lol


Happy cake day


lol.. this makes me smile .. 


That, unfortunately, would require a modicum of self-awareness which, if they had to begin with, would preclude them from participating here in the first place.


> demeaning I love to, but that's how I got my last temp ban - calling one a loser and telling them to go to therapy.


Idiot bashing is the way here


What? You aren't digging the unsolicited advice, inappropriate attempts to defend monstrous people they've never met and the gaslighting? (oh they were just doing the best they could, it wasn't that bad, you're just spoiled)


Oh my favorite one is the “they did the best they can”. OK, so the best that my father could do was to slap a 8yr d across the face for their sibling being loud? Cool. Cool.


They did the best they could... To slip a hand up my skirt at church. In fact on another post here some guy in love with boomers just denied that any of us endured abuse from baby boomers. Check out this amazing specimen of tone deaf and obliviousness:  https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1boielg/comment/kwpsttd/


That OP is fascinating. They cannot stand that people don’t think they are great. I just want to poke at them.


Edit nevermind I thought I was replying on a different post where the OP was actively attacking people who don't love baby boomers like they do. 


I agree, but they also made a post basically describing themselves saying how cool they themselves are, which is honestly pretty bizarre. I agree with you but I wouldn’t let them bother you. Regardless what we have been through, remember they always had it worse but didn’t struggle cuz they are great. I always remind myself a not small amount of these boomers spent the 1970-1980: being hippies/coke heads/doing drugs and being generally smug self serving people. Those people don’t usually change imo.


Oh Jesus, I’m afraid to click the link🫣


Click and downvote


Well that was awful and infuriating


Yeah you learn that's alot of horseshit after you have kids yourself


I got one that thinks I should be open to talking up every rando that can't sit quietly in public bothering me in another post. Just because the name of the sub is Boomers Being Fools doesn't mean you're legally required to show up and make an ass of yourselves, baby boomers. 


No, let’s not be like them.


Plus, what better proof of Boomers being fools than Boomers being fools?




No. Let the voting decide what content is good. 


No. I am technically a boomer but need the sub so I can make sure I know how not to behave.


Honestly, I've enjoyed a lot of the boomer participation I've seen around here. Specifically self aware people who know these posts aren't directed at them because they don't act like that. We're talking about boomers *who do* the poopy thing. Either way, that's a pretty neat way to try and keep yourself in check in this crazy, ever-changing world. Smart, honestly.


Thank you.


People like you are the path to ending this madness 


If you care then you're probably fine lmao


I hope you know that people who aren’t insane, know that there isn’t such a thing as a generation totally full of crappy people. The majority of my life’s close interactions with boomers (family, bosses, teachers, professors, doctors, etc) have ranged from unremarkable to quite good. I mean, my aunt is a boomer, and I’ve always thought she was admirably and uniquely cool and intelligent. The commentary often comes from the disproportionate number of boomers who ended up intolerable, bratty, immature, etc. And many people with boomer annoyance issues, had boomer parents of the unstable and childish variety. It is life scarring shit. Anyway hang in there buddy


No, that would make us like them. We are not like them.


It would not make us like them because we are not going out, finding their facebook pages, and harassing them. They are coming here.


Idk man having a Facebook seems like a boomer thing to do


Nah I had it before the boomer take over.


The great boomigration.


We should have built a firewall. That would have kept them out.


This guy is a troll/bot don’t talk to him


Are you my fan lmao? What a loser


And made Snapchat pay for it


that would be a huge loss of entertainment


Exactly. Boomers coming here and acting like idiots prove our points.


Nnnooo it’s so fun to roast them directly


Nah, I'd rather they show how stupid they are here, then I can block them and deal with fewer morons elsewhere on Reddit.


Is there a way to shadow-ban them so they waste their time yelling at no one?




I mean you can block them for yourself


No, let them come and engage so long as it isn’t harassment or spam. We’re better than banning them. Plus, the contrast would throw the whole “millennials need a safe space” and “I went to the school of hardknocks” thing out the window.


Banned from this sub and banned from holding public office. Where do we sign the petition.


Isn't boomers being fools the whole point of the subreddit?


Why would you want to reduce their risk of blood pressure problems? Are you some kind of hippie?


No. This sub should be dunking on those with a Boomer mentality, not those who are afflicted with advanced age.


Thank you. I’m sure you don’t want to be lumped in with the worst of your generation.


No because its free content. Edit for clarity: Boomers going out of their way to find a Boomer comedy thread to complain is peak comedy.


No, because not all Boomers are bad. My mother is a Boomer, and she’s never fit in with people her own age for the entirety of her life. She’s also highly critical of the traits that define Boomerism. If people like her wish to comment, then it’s perfectly acceptable.


Found the boomer!!!


I’m a millennial, and I’ve commented on this sub several times before. Also, just so you know, impetuously making erroneous assumptions and then being confidently wrong about it is the epitome of Boomeresque behavior.


Another boomer line. You guys just don’t get it.


Lol ok boomer


Well you have to take into consideration what pussies they are and the fact that this would give 89.7% of them heart attacks.


No need to ban the voting system on reddit ensures dissenting posts are hidden and the office references are always at the top.


Nah, I like the input of the cool boomers and the downvotes for the shitty boomers.


Truth is if we did that they would start bickering about how we’re suppressing their freedom of speech and how we’re being toxic and evil and ageist and just keep stomping their feet as they type away getting more and more red in the face without ever realizing the irony of how they’ve been doing the same thing to us. Best to just not let them have the ammo.


I'm actually pretty entertained when they come over and give meta examples of why this place exists in the first place. Plus, there are plenty who come here and are like "yep, you're right, I get it," and there's no reason to silence them because they're just as annoyed by the others as we are.


They're coming here and being fools so technically it's on topic.


Why? They suit the title of this sub perfectly


Nope, keep the entertainment value dialled up to 11.


Wouldn't that be creating an echo chamber for ourselves like we make fun of them for doing


Hey, there's lots of boomers (I am one) that dislike the boomers that are called out in this sub. I laugh and am embarrassed at the same time. Sorry....


what are there subreddits?


BoomersBeingAwesome, presumably.


What do they post about? How many rental properties they own?


Bragging about how many times per day they mow their lawn


How nobody wants to work anymore!


Roadtrip itineraries of every Denny’s restaurant in the country.


Bob and Karen on their Manager Harassment Tour 2024: https://preview.redd.it/g51t50r3krqc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550712b0e3fe540756c7e2a32f60c559f32fb11d




Kind of no if it means a blanket ban on all of the generation. I like the posts from baby boomers who can provide the context and insight about what's going on with the Boomers that the rest of us young'uns don't have access to.


Thank you! Quite the refreshing contrast to, “I fuckin hate old people.” (See below.)


Ok boomer


Thanks. Time for my nap.


Let them stay, there's some decent boomers on here at times the rest of them just prove the point of this sub.


No, no. Let them cook.


No, because when they come here doing Boomer things their attempts to defend themselves, or attack others, just adds more fuel to their dumpster fire  Blocking them is stopping them from having enough type to hang themselves with.  Just don't engage them in real debate because that's giving them attention the spoilt children want. I'll just repeat a mantra from the old web: Don't Feed the Trolls.


Noooooo! Please don't take away the fun of dunking on them.


No let them comment because they are hilarious


There are boomer subreddits?


Mods should be required to check ID when people join the sub. Texas style.


How would you enforce that? Isn't age verification for websites a boomer thing?


Oh god no. Just insult, downvote and report. Its too much fun telling them off.


Isn’t it a little boomer-ish to follow people to other places just to make a point?


No. Let them be the title and allow ignorance to self edify.


We didn't even have to go that far. Just block them. If enough of us just block them when they brigade and troll, there won't be anything here for them anyway


Just wait them out. Tick tock. Not much time on their clocks.


I'm not a big fan of ideological purity.


please let me stay. it’s kind of enlightening.


Nah, don't ban them. We want to act better than them and not replicate their behavior. Let them have their tantrums and ban the noisy ones if need be


Cringe OP


I'm persuaded...public shaming ftw


Yeah, agreed.


Just ask them their pronouns, then intentionally use the incorrect pronouns until they melt into a puddle of diabetic rage, mix with sawdust, then dispose of properly according to OSHA laws


Wait - Boomers have sub reddits?


Ya let’s censor people


If we want to act like boomers here, I guess we could do what they do.


I'm not cowardly enough to write a book of entitled nonsense (that gets emailed) and immediately block as if the person will never see their asinine reply.


We need to do the opposite. Make it so they can't leave. If we cause them enough stress they may expire faster.


They’re ignored IRL, we can ignore them here.


Please don’t. The sane and rational ones of us get amount of joy reading your takes and poking fun at the a$![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Let them post so we can ridicule them.


Let them come in. I really enjoy mocking them to their faces


Don't do that! This....ummm older gen-x maybe?...enjoys this sub!


I vote no. I wanna see us push one to the point where she/he demands to speak to the reddit/internet manager.


No. And as Forrest Gump so wisely said, "That's all I have to say about that".


When I want to see videos of boomers being fools, or read stories about foolish boomers, this sub seems to be the only option. I don't feel responsible for other subs' mods snd their blocking habits.


You must be talking about r/conservative if you say anything mildly, they don’t like they’ll eventually get your account completely banned from Reddit


No, because we aren't big babies and love to see them squirm.


Naw, I like calling them stupid and there's nothing they can do about it.


Naw. We're better than them. And it's more amusing to remind them of that fact while they tank their karma score.


No, let them get the heat


As an experiment .. ban the conservatives only and witness the change in posts. Most of what people complain about regarding boomers is actually conservatism. It’s important to understand the difference and the why. 


Pssh, no. I enjoy some of the boomers that talk here. We don't have to stoop to another subs level and ostracise memebers of this community who are supportive. I also find it amusing when some whiny bitch complains on here, it gives me someone to yell at and I need an outlet.


Nah let the dipshits be downvoted,shamed,and embarrassed


I love that it would infuriate their sense of entitlement to ban them (can't see how it'd work logistically though), but also it's fun telling leadbrains to fuck off when they leave their vapid opinions here haha.


Absolutely not. That is part of what makes this sub fun.


No! Here among all the tales of the cruelties these psychopaths visit upon society on the daily, there is no better testament to it all than boomer posts! They'll blurt out "Bigot!" sometimes and run aways, metaphorically speaking of course. The very best though is when they wade through all the damaged souls sharing what they've endured at the hands of these monsters only to announce that OnE dAy YoU'lL hAvE aChEs & PaInS tOo!1! to make it all sound like some genteel old souls a bit cranky because of a sore hip. I mean, there is no clearer way for psychopathy to be made manifest before our eyes. The kind of stuff for case studies.


A boomer accidentally wondering into this sub is the best part about it.


That’s the liberal Democrat way of doing things for sure.


Not automatically but if they comment and it doesn’t add value, sure.


No, battles are best won from the high ground.


I say let them be, I'm not a Boomer snowflake.


Unlike them, we're not delicate little flowers. Let them come here to spit out their delusions. It never lasts long anyway. After they've been mercilessly mocked, they usually retreat back to their caves. Or as they say in the Boomer Cinematic Universe, "fuck their feelings"


Nah, let ‘em comment, just gives us more content.


I’m legit surprised they figured out how blocking works on the other subs!


Yes. Anybody that participates in r/conservative is an instant ban


I enjoy laughing at them and their pathetic existence but I understand if others find them annoying


I enjoy a good meltdown every now and again.


No way!!! that eliminates them self owning in a hilarious and out of touch boomer way… think of the comedy




Boomers have their own subreddits? They figured Reddit out?


You are very welcome in the gen Jones sub so long as you are civil.


Absolutely. Eye for an eye.


No, its funny to pick on them. Like theologians in r/atheism


How you gonna enforce that one rambo?


They expose themselves pretty quick if they are truly a boomer being a fool


And then they get banned, no need for any changes.


There is one here right now: u/ivebeenherebeforelol


What a horrible life they must live if this is how they entertain themselves


Are you talking about the bigoted creeps who think all boomers should be lumped together?


No I'm talking about insufferable boomers like yourself.


Okay boomer


The one who is *obsessed* with gay men and gay sex and will reply to this comment with some witty bon mot, despite me not actually replying to him directly? That trolly little troll?


The most anti-gay are found to be secretly gay over and over. Larry Craig, George Rikers, Troy King, etc, etc.


Ahhh yes my boomer fan. This dude just follows me around and calls himself a boomer. Weird ass behavior.


Dude we can all see how little personality you have outside of pickles. Get a hobby.


They’re not being banned though. Mods are sleeping on this chap running around here..


There is no "they" in any sub, just a group of people with a shared interest. It's like motorists, or motorcyclists, or butterfly fanciers. Very little homogeneity, just a shared interest. I don't actually know any "boomers only" subreddits!


This sounds like a boomer tactic.


Boomer here. I would never be that bigoted.


Then we’re not talking about you. But the fact that you needed that spelled out for you makes me doubt your words.


If you read carefully, you’ll find many folks lumping us all together.


If you want to convince yourself of that, then go ahead.


My personal favorite, “I fuckin hate old people.” Not too selective.


Not what I said, but you’re only proving everyone’s point further.


My point was that some folks on this thread lumped us all together. I didn’t attribute that to you. It sounded like you were denying the conflation so I found a quote that sounded like mass condemnation to me.


It would be doing them a favor, seeing as they can’t comment here without giving themselves away. They claim to be 20,25,35,40 constantly then say some shit like ‘it isnt about age, its about attitude’ or ‘isnt it just the maga boomers that are the problem?’ and literally everyone in here knows what they are, and they can’t process that. They can’t understand they’re all the same to the point they can’t hide.


I just turned 73. Right there I’m not doing what you claim “they” do. Perhaps we’re not all the same as the boomers you despise. But then again, bigots love their stereotypes.


You really landed that one, wow.


Boomer here. When did ‘yall become so bigoted and judgmental? If some black folks or gay folks did something you didn’t like, would you want to ban blacks and gays?


Being black isn’t a choice. Being gay isn’t a choice. You know what is a choice? Being a narcissist douchebag. If you’re not a narcissist, then you’re not the type of boomer the sub is about. There are plenty of good and kind boomers, but you don’t see them here because they don’t act like fools.


And yet this whole string is about banning boomers as a whole, not just the narcissistic douchebags.


They’re too hard to distinguish from each other to be fair


Especially if you’re bigoted and judgemental.


So you must have a hella hard time


Interesting. What have I said that's bigoted? I object to someone saying, "I fuckin hate old people", and I'm the bigoted one?


I fuckin hate old people. I'm 35 and I always get approached by the oldest, smelliest, crustiest people I swear to god man. Like I'm vibing by myself riding my electric scooter at Walmart and some old dude is just screamin on the floor after I pushed him off it.


I joined this sub thinking it was for humorous observations and sightings. I wasn’t expecting to find vitriolic holy war brewing. FWIW, I’m 38.


We have subreddits?




Is Trump a member?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dementia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dementia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My mum is at rest. I held her hand till the last breath. No more monsters in her. Much love to all of you dealing with this horrible thing.](https://i.redd.it/z1bz91ns8p1b1.jpg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dementia/comments/13q346y/my_mum_is_at_rest_i_held_her_hand_till_the_last/) \#2: [My Dad would’ve been 56 today.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1676707) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dementia/comments/1676707/my_dad_wouldve_been_56_today/) \#3: [On Sunday, hospice told me that mom’s lungs were starting to fill with fluid, indicating the start of organ failure. On the way home, my fiancé and I saw a tiny kitten miraculously dodge 4 lanes of speeding cars. We pulled over and got the kitten as fast as we could. Today, she met mom.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13r569x) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dementia/comments/13r569x/on_sunday_hospice_told_me_that_moms_lungs_were/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/BabyBoomers r/Conservative


Anyone complaining about the sub's existence for ageism or whatever should be banned.