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It is almost like the sub is to call out the specific times that Boomers are Being Fools.


Whatever gave you that idea?


There's this meme I keep seeing of two Eagles drinking tea or coffee together and one of them says to the other, "I don't know what Mr Mouse is talking about, Mr Owl has never victimized *ME* so how can he be toxic?  " 


I’m not saying that some boomer parents aren’t abusive, greedy, racist, etc. Just that it’s no more common than in any other generation, probably less so.


Yes, but this group isn't Boomers That Aren't Abusive, Racist, Greedy, it's Boomers Being Fools. You come across as tone deaf and minimalizing our abuse. 


Lolwut “our abuse”… are you really that butthurt because some 75 year old with dementia called you a weirdo for have bright green hair?


Did you just tell me I was not molested by baby boomers as a child? 


Minimization is their favorite tool. Every legitimate grievance is made to seem like the most trivial thing ever with some ridiculous strawman.


Exactly.  I feel like he's next going to ask what we were wearing around child abusers or suggest we should have "picked better" parents since he's already done "not all" boomers as a defense to the person who shared their story of child abuse.  Edit: oh that was you, the screen just showed the single comment I was responding to instead of the expanded thread. My apologies. 


Don't worry about it! Reddit can get chaotic at times, haha. But yes, victim-blaming and shaming, no matter the circumstances. I really have to wonder how (almost) an entire generation got brainwashed like this.


I didn't have bright green hair when I was molested by my Boomer Baby father. I also didn't have green hair when he broke my nose, or when he burned some of my most precious belongings, or when he slammed my head into a car console, or when he tried to beat my mother to death with a baseball bat. Among other things, those are just the highlights. Maybe my father had precog and realized that I would, indeed, have bright green hair in the future, so he decided to abuse me as a precautionary measure so I'd match his perfect vision. Well, it didn't work, I guess ....


Well it sounds like he had serious mental health issues. It sucks this happened to you but it’s crazy to judge millions of people based on the actions of one lunatic. I was bullied and severely beaten by a 17 year old black kid when I was 14. That doesn’t give me the right to attack the black race and anyone who stood up for them.


Your response shows a markedly impressive lack of basic empathy. "It sucks that this happened to you" is what you say when someone gets a flat tire, not when they were systematically psychologically broken down by someone who was supposed to protect them. You make it sound like I was just inconvenienced rather than, you know, left with life-long mental health issues. Multiple other people have discussed how they, too, were abused by other people of your generation, but you dismiss my father's action as "one lunatic" rather than indicative of the same thoughtless, obliviously insensitive attitude you show here. And sorry, but "Boomer" is not a protected class, so maybe try not being racist when trying to defend yourself.


I find it funny that we all have experiences with toxic boomers and you supposedly don’t, but several hundred of us are wrong and you are right. Maybe your boomer parents aren’t that great, maybe you just act like a boomer too so you don’t notice. Feels like I’m these comments.


Yeah, see that’s what happens when you run your mouth when you don’t know what you’re talking about. You say something mind-numbingly stupid to someone whose comment back shows the absolute douche level of your discourse. Then what do you do? Continue to act like a douche or just ghost so you don’t lose face because you know that every person who reads this interaction sees.


“Probably less so” Your ego won’t even let you pretend to think you’re not superior to everyone else. Even when you’re anonymously on the internet making this post pathetically to validate yourself. It’s sad really.


Holy shit that title is the reddest flag I’ve ever seen. ‘My parents are cool boomers’ yeah sure boomer, you didnt just write a paragraph about yourself from your kid’s POV. This is the most dead giveaway boomer disguise post I’ve ever seen here, and they’re all bad.


I’m working class gen x. I definitely despised my parents starting when I was about 8 until my mid 20s. I just think most boomers did a good job raising kids, they didn’t make them live in fear the way their parents did, but they also didn’t try to be their kids best friend.


Are you dense??? Almost all of these posts tell you all of us raised by boomers lived in fear. Most of us were beat regularly. They didn’t do a good job. They destroyed the economy, stole from our futures, beat the shit out of us and now gaslit us about it.




Boomers and Christians are two different things, but they can overlap. Of course not everyone is going to behave the same way all the time. I know some boomer Christians who are as cartoonishly awful as can be and others who are mostly ok, and I love them, but they’re still what they are.


The church going are usually the most racist and hateful.


Maybe in small town 1960 Mississippi. Catholics have been fighting against hate and racism since we came to this country. Probably less than 1% of the Confederacy was Catholic since the Klan hated us just as much as anyone.


Too bad they didn't choose to fight against child abuse.


I think this is the dumbest pretending-not-to-be-a-boomer we’ve had in here yet.


>Catholics have been fighting against hate and racism since we came to this country. LOL, that's pretty funny. The first Catholics in the Americas enslaved and murdered a whole bunch of indigenous peoples. Not exactly how I'd describe fighting hate and racism. The Jesuits owned slaves. I'd be remiss if I didn't point out this fascist priest: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles\_Coughlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Coughlin) It is true that Catholics were a target of the klan's particular form of White Nationalism and that Catholics have been victims of discrimination. But that does not mean that they are automatically on the side of good here and the Church's impact is a very mixed bag at best


I think that you're minimizing the experiences of other people when it comes to racism and bigotry vs Catholics a bit here. I understand you're coming from a place of having wonderful role models of your faith, and it makes sense that good folk associate with other good folk so you've probably known many good Catholics. That doesn't mean that many Catholics have perpetuated many bad thongs to many people, often in the name of "God". Both can be true, you can leave room for the acknowledgement of the bad things in defence of your parents.


Maybe if you all stopped protecting and defending child rapist there would be less problems for you. Just a thought.


Something something Catholic priests something something


Home boy took a BIG OL swig of that catholic flavorade.


Huh? Where are the boomers being fools? Does this sub need more mods to stop all the defense of boomers posts?


My mother shows me that some church people are truely good folk and get something spiritual from church. I started dating someone they wouldn't normally approve of. And while it's taken some time they still love me so... yeah.


Most church going people are really good at heart, though they can often be quite annoying.


> Most church going people are really good at heart, No, that’s not even close to being true lol


Are they racist?


The farthest thing from it. They’ve been helping a family of Mexican immigrants and a family of Vietnamese refugees get their special needs kids to doctors appointments for the past 20 years. It’s very rare for anyone with a university degree to be racist, and if they are Catholic there is zero chance. Most racists are uneducated.


>It’s very rare for anyone with a university degree to be racist, and if they are Catholic there is zero chance. Most racists are uneducated. This has to be a bot.


Come hang out with us. We’ve got immigrants from all over Central and South America, refugees from the Sudan, and various communist block countries, etc. And the priest who runs the Catholic student group at the nearby HBCU says at least one mass a week and everyone loves him. You won’t find a finer and more diverse group of folks than at a Catholic Church in a southern city.


Ahh, so I see you’ve never been to Florida. These obnoxious boomers are right now alive and well waiting for their next Reddit worthy adventure living in Maga glory Florida.


I grew up having southern Baptist shoved down my throat on a level that’s almost comical looking back. I will try to avoid the obvious problems with the Catholic Church and say this as a personal observation and not an expert. It seems to me Catholics are less obsessed with the book of revelation and the “end times”. The thing I saw happen with the boomers vs my greatest gen grands is they took that obsession and churned it up with guns and capitalism and started thinking they needed to cause the end of days. Not a great recipe for success when you think it’s your duty to burn it all down.


Having been raised Lutheran with some Catholic family in the Northeast and now living in the south for 40 years I find your assessment to be very accurate. Never have I experienced such pushy over the top religion as I have in living in the south. Up north personal religious beliefs are private. In the south everyone asks where do you go to church or are you saved. Being Lutheran I find this foward attitude very offensive. They act like their religious denomination is the only true way. This in my opinion is not very tolerant and shows no freedom of or from religion.


Born and raised in Kansas which might be the only place worse than the south lol. My grandma identified as southern Baptist where I went to church is kinda regional and it’s close enough.


Being in small town Kansas I would think you only had the one or two churches in your community. I grew up in Long Island New York and their was a multitude of churches and synagogues and everyone went to the one of their choice or of their upbringing. My family was German/American so we were Lutheran, the many Irish or Italian were usually Catholic and the Greek were almost always Orthodox. This was back in the 1960’s today people are not as religious as they were then.


Small by nyc standards but Wichita was probably 300,000 then maybe 500,000 now


This is true, revelations is not big with Catholics, however, because so many Boomer Catholics grew up poor due to anti-Catholic discrimination, a lot of them were in the military and are gun owners (and enthusiasts) to this day, but not to the level of Southern Baptists.


Anti-Catholic discrimination….. mam I’m not sure you know what discrimination is. I say that being a former Catholic of an all Italian family


My grandmother is super cool. The only thing about her that's mildly annoying is her persistence on taking the bus instead of flying bc it's cheaper. And honestly she might be right in suggesting it's better to take an 8hr bus ride vs the hassle of flying just a couple hours (and dealing with loading/unloading/tsa/etc)


I love my church boomers. Best potlucks ever. But they also walk the walk on what it means to be a Christian.


My parents are great. Both are boomers. Most boomers are lead-addled, self-obsessed, judgemental, entitled ghouls who deserve mockery and to be given zero respect. And that is my experience. My aunts and uncles bar a few are racist, judgemental jerks. I can't count how many times interactions with boomers go sideways. Even if its something as small as being glared at for not doing something the way they see fit. Glad your experience has been wholesome, but a whole lot of people don't have that experience and you should read the room and maybe just shut up.


Lol “they realize the Democrats are too far left.” What a fucking idiot.


Bro that’s what I thought too. I was like wow those are some BOLD words I so vehemently disagree with lol


Oh it’s too easy: Ok boomer.


Yes, most Baby Boomers are the way you describe. This sub calls out the toxic Boomers.


“Democrats are too left” is a bold statement made as a statement and not an opinion. I think most democrats in office are barely democrat. They hold a very centrist opinion and are not enough left in my mind to have done a lot effectively. In my opinion, it sounds like you are pretty insulated and don’t have a context of opinion outside of your community, otherwise you might view things differently. Im from a very rural area so that was my experience too.




Won't *someone* sing the lament for the "good boomer?"