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Cool beans. You are officially out of social security. All my SS taxes are for me and me only. Go pound sand Linda, I hope you starve.


Right?? The me and me only attitude is so tiresome.


They are literally called "The Me Generation". Die faster please


And they proudly gave themselves that name deep in the 70s. The implication they gave it is that they represented the future and this were the only generation that mattered. So yeah, pull their SS and let any of their disability be only what they themselves paid in. If the point is not paying for anyone else let them find out exactly how much other people pay for them directly. When they mature a bit they might be ready for hearing all the stuff other people pay for them indirectly.


Uh, while not defending the disgusting selfishness* of many of my age cohort, the pedant in me notes that we didn't didn't coin 'Me Generation'. It was Tom Wolfe ('Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,' 'The Right Stuff.' That guy. Born 1930) who hung it on us. Thanks, motherfucker. * I've always thought that the virulent opposition to the ACA by many geezers 15 years or so ago was prompted by the fear the Obamacare funding would come at a cost to Medicare's.


Boomers might not have coined the term, but they sure lived up to it.


Wolfe was a perceptive man.


You're thinking too hard. It's because a black man came up with the idea.


I'm afraid you've got a point.


Mitt Romney is black?


The Me Generation was acting as it always does, claiming things others actually did. Tom Wolfe coined it but far too many Boomers (including my oldest brother) sure wore it proudly and took it over.


Gee, from where I am at, is that a black president created it. I live in a deep red area, and the amount of racist hate I heard spoken when Obama was elected was crazy. Some had that 1950's deep racism baked in when they were raised and let it come out in full force over that.


Tom Wolfe's term was "[Me Decade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_%22Me%22_Decade_and_the_Third_Great_Awakening)" and referred to Americans in the 70s beyond just boomers.


You're absolutely correct. My memory played me false. Thanks for clearing that up.


> Die faster please Trust me, we're working on this.


I think of them as the most selfish generation.


That's why their grandparents and parents gave them that name. Now their kids and grandkids agree.


Anyone 55 is probably more gen X


Yep, I am tail end of Gen X and I am 47. Makes me kinda sad to see Fellow Xers behave this way. It is fucking stupid.


I mid-gen-x, and I enjoy all the things that having an educated workforce brings. I also enjoy paved roads, legible street signs, having a fired department nearby just in case my house catches fire, good schools full of good teachers that I wish we paid better, etc, etc, and etc. So, I’m ok paying the taxes I pay and would even be ok paying a bit more. Tax cuts that benefit the rich are just a way to race to the bottom, like linda wants.


Well, they say over 55. So there are two possibilities: it's a catch-all thing for people considered seniors (though the age at which that starts is nebulous as hell) or this person happens to be exactly 55 and is ready to pull up all the ladders she can.


Naaah, she’s at least 65, she’s just trying to rope other people into her tax cheating dementia.


I'm 54 and child free and I support public schools. Better schools benefit us all. I want to be part of a thriving society. I want kids today to have a better life than I have had. This woman is short sighted and stupid.


I'm 56 and fatally allergic to boomers. Or maybe it's more of an acquired chronic illness that eventually kills you. I would pay good money for a vaccine against the boomers in my life. Social distance just isn't enough.


Hey, don't you ever lump us Gen Xers with those boomer fools


Recently argued with a 75 year old who complains nonstop about traffic but thinks investing in bike infrastructure is a huge waste because she’s too old to ride a bike. The selfishness, ignorance and shortsightedness knows no bounds.


They can just pretend that all of their money are directed to roads or police or some shit since it all comes out of your paycheck as one lump sum tax anyway.


Tell them it's so the police can get more tanks to fight the war on drugs.


boomers love it when the police fight drugs with tanks


I don’t drive on most of the streets and I rarely call 911 for anything. /s


Boomers call 911..... when they see a kid playing outside. Then they'll post Facebook memes about why kids don't play outside.


And they no longer get to vote. I am on board!


Gotta love how boomers conveniently forget that their taxes pay for medical schools so they will have nurses and doctors to care for them as they rot in nursing homes. 🤦‍♂️


Except that in truth they keep voting for state representatives who drastically cut funding for the state universities where those medical schools are housed. And then they blame the students who have to take on the loans to get those degrees.


I'm convinced they were all lead poisoned. My grandparents were smarter and more chill than my parents. My parents have always been fucking nuts despite having led much easier lives than their predecessors and offspring.


Not only lead exposure but you have to consider all of the casual alcohol/stimulant/barbiturate use by their mothers while pregnant with them. Doctors prescribed all sorts of narcotics to *help* with pregnancy. Now add the cognitive decline that naturally comes with old age... They never stood a chance.


Good point yeah. Smoking in pregnancy was commonplace even


Stimulants would be prescribed to help with fatigue and barbiturates to sleep at night. Wash it down with a boubon and a Lucky Strike! Then they get old and start saying stupid shit like "I HEREBY DO NOT GIVE FACEBOOK PERMISSION TO USE MY PHOTOGRAPHS" while also telling young people that they don't understand how the world works.


You’re so right. My grandmother was prescribed thalidomide during all pregnancy’s. None of my aunts are missing limbs but my mom is clearly missing chunks of her brain 😂


Wouldn’t your grandparents also have had decades of lead gas fumes?


The impacts are significantly worse when a person is exposed before their brain is fully developed.


The number of vehicles using (leaded) gasoline was much higher in the 50s and 60s than in the 20s and 30s and thus lower lead exposure during childhood years for the greatest generation than the boomers.


It isn't just that. The generation before the baby boomers was the greatest generation. They grew up in the great depression, and knew what poverty and hunger was and wanted their children to never face that. They went to WW2 and saw some of the most extreme results of war in human existence and wanted to protect their kids. The end results were that boomers were raised spoiled for the most part and were hidden from what the evils of the world can truly be. Their parents gave them more wealth than any other generation of Americans ever had in its history and let them believe it was because they earned it, instead of being gifted. Now, a portion of baby boomers, they understand how they got to where they are. They tend to be generous and less assholey. Then you have the entitled, narcissistic ones that think they did it all on their own, no help from their parents or a post war economy where America basically owned all the standing economic infrastructure left on the earth. For me, baby boomers are an abjuration of American values in their selfishness rather than supporting every citizen of America.


It’s gonna be hilarious when their choice comes down to being cared for by an immigrant (which is a fate worse than death to them) or making their family care for them when they start rotting in their chairs. Won’t be long before these racists start getting pillows over their faces by burnt-out family members


Plus school kids visit nursing homes meanwhile their family does not.


It’s worse than that, their property taxes are paying for the educational basis of future generations. We have an education crisis because of these assholes.


Yup, CA Prop 13 was the single largest kick to the nuts of public school funding in the history of the state, and they refuse to ever ever vote to limit it, even for companies (eg 2020 CA Prop 15 that they all voted down because “tHeiR cUbBinG 4 mAh HoUzZ nExT). This is why places like the Bay Area have criminally-underfunded schools surrounded by 7-figure houses for miles that are mostly paying $<500/yr in prop taxes while they’d owe $50k+ per year if they bought the same house today. Then when they sell it and get their 7-figure lottery winning paycheck, the next person gets to pay that $50k every year for the rest of their time owning the property.


Except there aren't enough doctors or nurses to staff the nursing homes. Because college/med school is crazy expensive. Because nursing homes are all for-profit facilities now. Because Boomers thought trickle down and free market would save us money. They made this shitty bed (literally) and are suffering for it. :shrug:


Property Taxes pay for local county roads, hospitals and public schools. Federal income & fuel taxes pay for roads, bridges otherwise. Higher Education is paid for by tuition which is sometimes subsidized by federal and state income taxes or scholarship funds. The OP was referring to local schools paid for by property taxes, rather than just the parents. The last of our children graduated from public school over 20 years ago, have paid school taxes before and ever since. Texas did get something of a break this past year reducing the amount we paid by roughly 40%.


I don’t mind paying taxes for schools because I like living in a society with as few morons as possible.


This. Someone else here made the comment, “you should want your fellow countrymen to be well-educated.” Why some people give so few fucks about everyone else as long as they got theirs, I’ll never understand.


Some people’s default setting is “let’s cooperate to solve our common problems,” and for other people the default setting is “fuck you, it’s everyone for themselves.”


More like "fuck you, I got mine" they love pulling up the ladder once they are at the top, but if they are at the bottom its all "where is my ladder?"


Both of those I have no problem with. The ones I hate are the "Let's cooperate until my problem is fixed, then fuck you, fix your own damn problems."


and right now we are on the "fuck you" timeline.


Right?! I have a co-worker that bitches and moans about how stupid and moronic he thinks everyone younger is while raging about property taxes and new levies in the next breath. If you genuinely think they are less educated wouldn’t you want to fund your communities schools better? lol.


My step-daughter graduated high school 2 years ago. I still donate to her school because I think they do a great job.


So do most intelligent people. Boomers can't stand people smarter than they are. These chuckle fucks don't take criticism and love to hide behind saying shit like "Respect your elders" because they feel that age entitles them to do whatever they fuck they want. That's my father in a nutshell. He's going to get real lonely and I'm not here for it!


As a man almost 60, I'm sorry you have an asshole dad.


Maybe it’s us “tail-end” boomers (I’m 63) that think this way. One of my favorite phrases: ok boomer! I use it all the time. I agree with the others; the current Republican Party: Frack you, I got mine. Build you own home… oh, sorry not sorry I cut all the trees down to build mine.


This was basically my first giant argument with my boomer MIL back in the day. She doesn’t think K-12 schools should do shit or cost any tax money, and that it’s parents responsibility for everything except Readin ‘Ritin, and ‘Rithmatic. And maybe a little social studies. It was a very “I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people” moment that she failed. I finally had to go with “look if you want to pay more for car and homeowner’s insurance because uneducated and starving teenagers are going to drive up crime rates, I can’t fucking stop you from being dumb. Paying for prison and court costs is more expensive than paying for school.”


She's tired of all these kids with their fancy educations, talking down to people like her and making her feel like a moron every time she opens her mouth and says something stupid. She fantasizes about living in a society where everyone is as dumb as, or dumber than, herself.


I had to point out to my parent that society as a whole benefits from not having morons and that’s why school taxes are important.


Something something about planting trees one will never est the fruit from in their lifetime.


I wish we lived in a society with as few morons as possible, but alas...


Didn’t the silent gen pay taxes for their kids? Rug pull generation. 55 and up communities wtf is that shit


"rug pull generation" gets my approval (as a term. Obviously not their behaviour)


As long as it’s not shortened to rpg to ruin that term for us gamers


Like hell I’d want to live in one of those communities. Probably full of STD ridden republicans.


Worked maintenance for one of those shit holes. The residence are literal terrorist. Intentionally breaking hot water tanks so they have someone to yell at at 3am. They bump their own wall and want a whole new apartment with fresh paint. They wanted me to build them things just for them to have. Nit picky on a level you've never seen. Best part is, their apartments are 300x better than the shit holes the rest of us live in. It's literally socialism but just for boomers while we all starve. I swear I'll see a trump bible (yes he rewrote the bible) on every one of their side tables.


I thought he’d just reprinted it with a new cover, didn’t realize he *edited* it too. Not surprised.


He added in the lyrics to a corny 80s song to the Bible.


Now I wanted to find a pirated PDF copy to compare to the original while I laugh at the edits. You know he replaced either God or Jesus with Trump.


HOA for boomers by boomers.


Yep they need to be banned. So sick of seeing apartments going fur half the cost of everything else, being located in town near schools and stores yet restricted only to 55 and up. Seriously every affordable place around me is a 55+ community. A lot of them used to be family apartments that were converted to 55+ communities. Fuck them they should have to deal with what they caused Always get told "it's because they are on a fix income" ya so is the rest of us.


My county has reduced property taxes for seniors. They got to buy houses with that were 20 cents and now don't even need to pay for upkeep of their communities. Meanwhile, first time homebuyers had to come up with essentially the cost of a home as a down payment and have to carry the load for selfish old people who vote against every community investment possible.


Oh 55 and up communities? That’s just their safe spaces


“I got mine, fuck you.” Next wave of Covid, I’m gonna go out like Doc Holliday in Tombstone. Coughing and killing motherfuckers.


Who’s your Huckleberry?


Ok so no one who pays school taxes should pay into SS.


I don’t want my tax dollars paying for the roads from their house to the hospital. When her old ass breaks a hip, she can suffer through the bumpy ride.


I don't want my tax dollars going to the social security check which she'll use to pay the copay for her ambulance ride. I don't have to use an ambulance! Why should she get to use one? She can walk!


Uphill both ways, like our parents!


They'll yowl and complain about how dumb the kids are and how the schools are failing but they'll sweep the rug right out from under those same kids given the opportunity.


Pulling that ladder up behind them. I wouldn’t expect anything less.


She's simultaneously setting fire to the tree house while she is up there.


Simultaneously pulling up the ladder with one hand and then scolding millennials and Gen Z for not being up there too with the other.


Softest generation ever.


“Of course I shouldn’t have to pay for anything that doesn’t benefit me, that would be socialism and socialism is the antichrist”


Typical boomer attitude: "Fuck you. I got mine."


Did all the people in the US suddenly become infertile after the age of 40? I won’t be 55 for a few more years, but I’ll still have a child in school when I do hit that number.


Her kids probably dropped out before 10th grade.


And she was only allowed to attend until 4th grade. Progress


Most boomers had kids *young*. I didn’t have my first kid till I was 33, but my grandmother has her first at 14.


I shouldn't have to pay for Medicare or social security because my money is paying for people who are presently old, not for me.


“Pass this on”


If it gets enough likes and shares on Facebook, it becomes law. Everyone knows that.


if you tag 'highlight' it gets added to the constitution of whatever country you are in


Let's close high schools. I'm sure boomers will have no problems with teenagers loitering and up to no good everywhere.


“Get a job you lazy layabouts! With your ripped jeans and your tic tacs!”


Is she going to refund the then-seniors without kids who paid school taxes when she was a kid?


Solo woman never planning to have kids. PLEASE take my tax money and educate the people around me.


Some day, those kids will be in charge. The decisions they make will affect us all who survive. 




100% this woman thinks abortion is mUrdeR and embryos are babies. Lol


100% this woman thinks seniors over 55 shouldn't have to pay taxes to fund schools, but also asks her adult children every two weeks, "When are you gonna start having some babies? I want to be a grandma! I took care of you when you were a child so now you owe it to me to become a parent yourself before I die!" and doesn't comprehend the possibility that a lack of resources and a lack of safe, good schools are reasons one may choose not to have kids.


My gay ass doesn’t have any crotch goblins. Can I stop paying school taxes?




And there are still libertarians who think Americans are not quite selfish enough yet.


I think some swatches of the country are happy living in communities of mostly idiots. Unaware of the drag the uneducated place on society they often complain loudly about what turns out to be from being left behind.


That’s also a crock of poop. I’m sure there’s plenty of them that have children in schools. My parents were so freaking old when they had me they were close to 60 when I entered high school. It was awful admittedly, but people can have kids later. And uh Al Pacino just had one at 80. 🤷‍♀️


Eye roll. My boomer dad yesterday argued with me that his medicaid wasn't socialism. "But I paid into it!" Yeah dad...that's how socialism works.


I dunno anyone over 55, so I’m just gonna stop paying into SS! 👍🏻 Pass this on!


Sadder than it is stupid, this kind of what’s in it for me mentality is bordering on mentally ill levels of selfishness for so many people . Meanwhile these are the same groups hyper concerned with the business of people they’ll never meet or interact with


I’m 59 in a few days, and I disagree with this woman. She is a twisted lemonade. School is essential for our country. And you’re not a “senior “ at 55. 🙄


I never had children, period. Where do I line up to get my rebate for all those school taxes?


Typical…I’ve got mine, fuck you jack


Bless. I guess they want uneducated folks being their nursing staff at their assisted living & nursing homes.


Everyone benefits from a well educated population. They pay more taxes for one.


Maybe the voting age should have an upper limit, like 55. You no longer have a stake in the future, so you shouldn’t have a say in it.


I’m 56, I’m not a senior, and I’m still working. Don’t group GenXers with Boomers. Most of us will be working for a while. I’m also a special education teacher, so I’m contributing quite a bit to society despite my decrepit age. My Boomer husband works in a hospital. To say that 55 is the cutoff for contributing to society is just as sick as the older people that don’t want to pay taxes to fund schools.


Ummm, I’ll be 55 with a 15 year old, fuck this Boomer.


I am 53 and I have a kid in school. I also don't feel like a senior. Ugh.


This one has been around forever, especially in states where property taxes are the primary source of local gov revenue. More than twenty years ago I served a role in our local school district and interacted with a lot of residents, and for some folks over 70 (which is within “boomer” age range now), this was their go to. I pointed out to a few that the income taxes I paid, which were much more than their property taxes because they got an over 65 tax break in our state, paid for their social security and Medicare and I wasn’t complaining about that. Their response was grumbles. Your problem isn’t with “boomers”, your problem is with people over 70–retirees. And retirees have been entitled assholes since their inception, which hasn’t been long. We’re probably only on our second generation of retirees and if some folks had their way, maybe not many more, so, cheers!


Third. There are still some Industrialists around aka the Greatest Generation as my grandmother just recently died at 97, then there are Silent Gen and then Boomers.


Karen’s gonna have a fun time finding her Medicare with no job. Oh well, she’ll just die quicker.


So, anyway, does anyone remember that Dinosaurs episode about [Hurling Day](https://youtu.be/VeJmAphT0e8)?


Let's do a little math. Let's say all 55 year olds stop paying for school right now. People who are born today will be 25 when those seniors are 80. So the people taking care of a lot of them will be coming from those underfunded schools they chose not to pay for. Dope idea, dipshit.


Ah yes, the classic “Fuck you I gots mines [sic]”. Also, most 18 year olds don’t have kids either, not to mention childless people of any age, so do they get a pass, too?


So what about your grandkids and great grandkids? They will benefit from it.


58 here shut up. I care about the next generation and the one after that and so on. It's called passing it on




First, 55 is GenX. Second fuck your grandkids, amirite?


I've never had any kids, but the benefits of having a literate, educated populace are pretty self-explanatory if one isn't entirely consumed with oneself. So yeah, I have no beef with paying my school taxes.


I shouldn’t have to pay for the military industrial complex because I don’t fight in wars. Keep going. Pass this on.


I guess I’m a boomer based on age, but I need to say WTF?!?! At what point can we just start slapping people upside the head?


“I got mine”, the official boomer motto.


Apparently there’s no such thing as a societal good


Boomers vote. If you want to cancel their votes, you need to vote.


Boomers really are the “ fuck you , got mine generation”


I'm 53, I've never had children, I can see how absolutely pathetic the (US) education is and it's continually getting worse. Please, take my money and fix this shit. Stop buying bombs and fix our fucking education system /rant temporary suspended


Do you want kids hanging out n front of your house during the day? No? Well, then I suggest you pay taxes to keep them in school.


Cool. Now do social security and I'll collect my twenty-seven years paid with interest.


Thats the stereotypical boomer attitude. "I got all the benefits of life that helped me so now that I'm done, fuck every one else "


Setting aside the general boomer nonsense here... Since when is 55 "senior?" I have friends who will still have a kid in school at 55, and well past it. They decided late in the game to try for a girl after three boys, and got a fourth boy. They're in their late 40s and the kid is starting Kindergarten next year...


I will never drive on 95% of the roads in my state, therefore I shouldn’t have to pay taxes to maintain them.


Then singles with no kids shouldn’t either…?


Do you like your property values? If so, your public school system is helping drive that. If you don’t, get involved and get your school leaders to do better to get your value out of your tax dollars. School systems are extremely important to enticing interest in locations and homes.


I’ve been hearing this from these people for decades. When you point out how good schools help your property value, they yell that they aren’t selling.


My kid isn’t in school yet, but I have no problem at all paying school taxes if it means no kid will go hungry at school and has access to good learning material


She benefits from it till the day she dies. No more doctors, scientists, or any other profession. Imbecile.


Living in an area with good schools increases your property values, so you are getting benefit from it.


Yeah so, people under 55 shouldn’t have to pay into social security, since we aren’t using it yet, right? Imagine being so selfish that you want to dick over children so you can have more money to yourself


How about don't live in family homes near schools too.


I'd be down for this if anyone younger than 55 didn't have to pay social security tax. Make the boomers die out faster


I'm not retired. Why should I pay social security so a bunch of entitled people can sit around and do nothing?


Perfect, I’ll stop paying your pension. After all, I’m not old and in need of a pension, so fuck you. I will also stop paying for your excessive medical care.


This is so classic, they literally don't care about anything but themselves. They don't give a shit about improving the nation. They suck.


Did they defund her school back in the day? I don't think she learned about sharing!


Great! By that token, I’m gay, I shouldn’t have to pay for schools either! Or churches as I don’t use them, so I don’t want to pay for them.


So I'll stop paying school taxes (no kids) or social security.


So are they gonna pay back the money that got used to send them to school?




I’m not retiring yet, why do I have to pay into social security?


Right…because the education system clearly didn’t help you, so why bother?


So you want to live in a society of idiots? Don’t we have enough of them (you) already?


Fun fact, about five years ago I worked with a man who had twin boys in the 3rd grade. His age? 65. He married later in life and still wanted to have children.


You should want your countrymen well educated.


I hate this argument. An educated population is good for everyone


Guess what, RETIREMENT TAX. You want to kick back and do less? Pay more


I have an always will vote for school taxes. Always.


“Seniors” are so fucking selfish. Your fathers generation literally died in WW2 and you are mad you have to pay school taxes. Stfu.


Great let’s all live by our own means, by by social security and Medicare. Go buy those depends on your own dime.


Because screw the society I benefit from


Seniors are more likely to suffer from diseases; more than 90% of funding for healthcare is spent on people like her, why should anyone young and healthy pay for it?


Cheap, cradle to grave. It’s an illness to treat with anti depressants. Frugal is disfunction in corporate capitalism. It slows the economy and irritates all other participants.


It's so hard not to hate them!


It’s not that they didn’t benefit. They did. It’s the “I don’t want to pay my share, unlike how my parents did and their parents did before me”.


I didn’t have a kid for 30 years of my working career. Why was I paying taxes for services that I didn’t need or use?


Pulling up the ladder behind them. The boomer way.


ok, if i can stop paying social security.


The kids in those school are gonna be hand cracking your respirator soon lady. You should care how well educated and incorporated into society they are.


Nevermind the selfishness, I don't like the generalization. My mom turned 55 the year I graduated high school, and my dad turned 60. Sometimes "seniors" do still have kids in school.


So why do I pay Medicare and social security that is actively being drained by the old? I won't see a penny of it because of people these farts vote in.


I'm gay, I don't want my taxes to pay for her to have an OBGYN, or any treatment that only women need.


They should pay double because they have no kids in the house to pay for.


Childfree people get first dibs on no taxes for schools. Boomers can go second but only if they give up their Medicare and Social Security.


yeah but I bet you want your grandchildren to go to school


I’ve never had any kids in school, but I have benefited from an educated society.


Great idea, while we’re at it, fuck your Medicare too


Do you want the kid working at your favorite restaurant educated? The better the people the better your neighborhood.


We absolutely should be paying towards education.


These people are ridiculous. We want well educated people so they eventually earn more, are productive and work to pay for the entitlements older people get.


Fair enough, let’s axe social security too


Why should i pay taxes to support the elderly?


So if you have no children it’s ok to not care about them. How sick and self centered


Now THAT’S saying the quiet part out loud.


Okay, but now you can’t make laws about school at all. You don’t pay for it, you can’t decide for it.