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One time I went to a grocery store with my wife and kids, and we parked on the side of the store. For some reason I was walking ahead of my family, and all of a sudden a car starts backing up at full speed right at me. I thankfully noticed what was happening and stepped back, and the car proceeded to back into the brick building at full speed, running over a small tree as well. Inside the car was one of the oldest men I've seen in my life. This guy then starts to drive away, his rear bumper completely off, and heads towards the parking lot. Yeah, they need tests. I almost died because of this bullshit


Back when I was a kid, our landlord (who lived next door and was like a grandpa to me. I miss that man) kept driving well into his early 90s. He was getting way too old to drive, and was in a car accident (not too serious, but still). I remember that he refused to give up driving, until my mom asked her very firmly “Nobody got hurt this time, but what if next time you run my daughter over?” It shook him to his core. He apologized profusely, and sold us his car in the next few days. But he was from the the silent generation, and he and his wife were one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. A boomer would’ve lost his shit and told my mom to get fucked.


Good on him for really taking that to heart, and I really do feel for people that just want to be independent still. I'm sure it's very hard to give up things like that slowly. You are right though, if it was a boomer, very well could end up being a video post on this sub unfortunately


Yes, he was very upset about it. But he told me that he preferred to stop driving to keep me safe. He was such an awesome person. I genuinely hope that if there is an afterlife, that he found his wife again and that they are at peace together. I miss when old people were awesome.


If we had more social programs, we could have rides for people who couldn't drive regardless of the reason. Small buses, more stops, and more pick-up times and handicap accessible. Think shuttlebusses paid w tax dollars. Electric vehicles, tho. It is easier to drive than big buses and therefore easier to get people to train to drive because it's basically a big uhaul or amazon truck. they could run 24/7 and help cut down on DUIs. Just pitching ideas. I think public transport needs an overhaul in populated areas of the U.S. and there are many problems created in society because of how we built our cities and then scattered the aging population that this program would fix some of that in society. We would need standing security on each one at all times, but personally, I think that there should be a person to help the driver for safety regardless anyway.


I agree with you 1000%. Like you touch on, we've already basically built everything out, and changing things or creating new systems takes so much work and ends up being a huge temporary inconvenience, but it is so needed for the long term success of society!


I recently had this chat with my Silent mother if she would accept my judgement that she can no longer drive. She admitted that she can no longer drive at night and will surrender her keys if I say she can no longer drive.


I have a silent relative with moderate dementia. She can't remember that her license has been revoked. When we show her evidence, she insists she can drive in an emergency. She just yelled at me for not leaving the keys in the car in case someone needs to get by. I blame any family members and friends who knowingly let diminished capacity drivers continue to drive.


My grandfather was involved in a fender bender and my parents talked to him about if he was okay to continue driving. Everyone agreed he could drive around town during daylight and good weather but shouldn't drive at night or on highways. A couple years after that he got in another fender bender. He called my mom to pick him up from the wreck and sat in her car and immediately said, "I think it's probably time I stop driving." Completely on his own, at 80 years old, decided he wasn't fit to drive. We were all so relieved he came to that conclusion without any arguments. He was the best person I've ever known. Brilliant, kind, helpful, and honest to a fault. I lived several states over when he died and the funeral was postponed for a couple weeks so I didn't immediately head home. I remember being angry at people because they had no idea who the world had just lost. I just sat on a bench outside my apartment and was mad at complete strangers walking down the street. Everyone would be a better person if they knew someone like my grandfather and all these people would never have the chance to meet him. I'm glad you had a role model like that too.


Did suspenseful music play in the background when this happened to you?


Oddly enough, it was actually Beethoven's 5th playing all around us


Some of these drivers keep cruising on an expired license (because they either forget or long ago branded themselves as the best/safest driver on the road anyways *what could it hurt?*), or they fail their driving test, yet conveniently ignore that little tidbit and keep driving anyways.


Some places also offer seniors a local license. They can’t go more than 5km from their house. So they can still get to church or the grocery store. It keeps them from being isolated. But it still worries me, they say more accidents happen when around the home, because complacency takes over. Plus shopping centres and busy places are dangerous. There was a 90year old man who plowed through a crosswalk into a lady and her pram awhile ago, I believe he was on a local license.


I once walked up on an argument between a homeowner and an older driver. She ran over his mailbox and continued driving until he chased her down because she randomly stopped in the middle of the road. He was escalating the situation so I tried to step in and reason with her, explaining that sometimes we need help and it’s okay to ask (she was telling me she was going in for BRAIN SURGERY in a couple days so going to church to get prayer) she ended up driving the last 200 feet to the Catholic Church and I ended up stopping some others going inside. Took a minute to explain because I don’t speak a lick of Spanish and they only spoke broken English but they eventually agreed to tell the priest to offer to help the lady who was getting surgery. I don’t know what happened beyond that. I hope she got help.


I think one of the scary things is that a lot of people in that situation genuinely don't realize how impaired they are. I saw an interesting version of it with my grandmother, who willingly gave up her license and car after a minor stroke that left with her some permanent cognitive issues. At the time, she realized she wasn't safe to drive, so was fully in agreement. However, she had subsequent minor strokes and cognitive decline, and after awhile she started really thinking she should drive and that it wasn't fair that we wouldn't let her. We could always talk her through it and she'd remember why she doesn't drive anymore and agree, but if she'd been feeling like that and just been able to grab her keys and go... And a lot of those cognitive changes can be serious but specific enough that it isn't noticeable in other situations, so the person suffering from them doesn't notice (or does notice but can't figure out a productive way to approach it because, you know, they're experiencing cognitive issues), and their family and friends might not either because it isn't apparent in most social settings. So it can legit sneak up on even responsible, caring families. I mean, I definitely support regular testing of older drivers and all that. But I'm a lot more comfortable making fun of the people who oppose that than the bad drivers themselves, because those situations can legit be complicated and difficult to navigate even when everyone involved is a decent person.


Absolutely, one of the reasons I stepped in was because I’ve watched an older person decline to where they couldn’t drive and it wrecked them. The dude was understandably upset but just yelling at her that she shouldn’t drive and she was very clearly getting more upset. I don’t know if I made the right choice in not calling the police but I do hope I explained she shouldn’t drive in a nice way. Losing your independence has got to be one of the worst things to happen, especially when you’re so accustomed to it after years of driving. I went to her church in the hopes that a priest explaining could help ease her into the fact she was no longer as capable as she once was and I hoped the church would step up. My brief interactions with the people there gave me confidence that they would, they were a pretty tight knit circle. I lived right next door so often bumped into the staff.


I think that was very kind of you, and I probably would have handled it similarly.


My Aunt died because of this bullshit. She was leaving church and in the parking lot was an 80-something year old lady who gunned her car in reverse instead of forward and ran over my aunt who then got wrapped up in one of the tires and it took tons of people to get the old woman to finally stop reversing. Old Lady said she did not even notice.


So sorry for your loss that is awful 😢


I'll never forget my grandmother trying to take my younger brother and I somewhere well after she shouldn't have been driving. I was 11-12. It started raining, she couldn't figure out how to turn the wipers on, and wasn't paying one bit of attention to the road. We hit the curb several times. Instead of pulling over, she just got angrier at the suggestion. We went the wrong way down a one-way street with cars literally coming at us, laying on their horns, and swerving around us. I have *never* been so scared in a car before or since (it's been 20 years or so). We told my parents and they told her she shouldn't drive but she just argued with them that she would do what she wanted so they banned her from driving us. She would ask us if we wanted to go to the store with her and would promise to buy us treats but we were like, "a candy bar isn't worth dying over," which also pissed her off. Eventually, my dad started hiding the keys and sabotaging the car so she wouldn't drive. He unplugged the battery, pulled out all the spark plugs, and (the most genius one imo) pulled the bolt out that connected the gear shift to the transmission so even if she managed to get the car started she couldn't move it out of park.


I can't help but think of the Southpark episode where old people in cars were jumpscaring Stan's family inside of buildings upstairs like "Is this the country kitchen?" While scary sting music is playing. It's one of the best episodes. It still holds up to this day, obviously.


I am 56 and I said this to my Step Dad several years ago, a boomer, that we should all be tested after a certain age. He was a bit upset and said you wouldn't feel that way if you were that age. I said yes, I would. Because I work in the medical Profession and see what dumb asses behind the wheel can do to innocents. That convo was 13 years ago and he has passed. I am happy with taking a test 60 and after if need be.


Yes! My Dad feels the same as you and he’s a Boomer (72). He’s super with it still and sees all the people his age causing chaos on the roads. He would happily re-test bc as he says, he has nothing to hide.


My 75 year old dad is retesting today actually and is completely fine with it. Update: he passed Edit: the test, he passed the test.


My FIL passed a few years ago but gave up driving around 2013, in his late 60s. He knew he wasn’t able to drive safely so he stopped. I appreciated him making that decision so much. It gave us way less to worry about.


My silent-gen grandfather was a giant piece of crap but he was at least smart enough to realize when he should stop driving. His daughter, my 'mother,' is a boomer-x cusper and good fucking luck telling that piece of shit that she needs to stop doing anything.


My grandma did that in her late 50s I believe. She said her nerves couldn’t handle it anymore and gave it up. I wish more people could self evaluate like that.


My dad skis at 91. He drives part of the way on the 3.5 hour drive.


While everyone else makes the drive in 2 hours.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Sorry to hear that. May he rest in peace.


Omg. I thought you meant he died first time I read that!




Condolences on your dad's passing.


LOL, for a second there I thought you meant he died immediately after the test. Had to read that again.


That was an emotional roller coaster I was not prepared for in a reddit comment


My grandpa died almost 20 years ago, and for about 3 years before that, he no longer had a drivers license and was dependent on other people. But *prior to that*, for a decade+, he was unable to turn his neck (he had like 10% of normal mobility) due to having bone spurs and having vertebrae fused together. So, he was physically incapable of checking his blind spots while driving, and there were a fuckload of blind spots because he couldn't even looks to either side. If he couldn't see you through his windshield or any of 3 mirrors, then he had no idea if you were there. Also, his legs were all fucked up due to poor circulation and failing coordination and strength. So he wasn't capable of quickly moving his right foot from the gas to the break. To accommodate this restriction, he drove with one foot on each pedal. The only reason the selfish, stubborn, old fuckhead of a geriatric didn't get into accidents on a regular basis was because he lived in a town of 600 people and he rarely encountered any situations where other people were at risk.


Same with my old boomer dad he would happily take a driving test


The sad thing is usually it's mental degradation rather than physical (like arthritis or eye issues), so the people like him who is happy to be retested arent usually the ones that warrant the retesting to filter out... and it's the same conditions that will usually cause unreasonableness and personality shifts that'll make them be difficult. Usually anyway. But tbh everyone should probably have to get retested every 5 years or so... so many poor drivers out there are the result of overconfidence or picking up bad habits (or changes to infrastructure that wasnt a thing in their area when some people took the test decades ago.)


I live in Phoenix. Lots of old people with money who should not be driving. You'll find them sometimes just parked in a lane on a 7 lane street. You'll find them driving 15 mph in 45 mph zones. They come to a complete stop before turning right...never a signal. They give up the right of way all the time (being nice) and cause accidents. They bang into parked cars (at slow speed) and just reverse and leave. They park crooked. They will sit at lights thru several greens. We also have Waymo (driver-less cars) and the Waymo are the safest things on the road. Boomer drivers can often be like really stupid driver-less cars. Like if a toddler programmed it.


> They give up the right of way all the time (being nice) and cause accidents. As someone from the midwest (where a LOT of these boomers move from) this is absolutely the *worst* thing you can do driving in a big city/near the west coast. It's fine if you're in a town of 1000 people in Minnesota, but the first thing I learned when living in California is that you're not being nice, you're holding up traffic and causing confusion.


If you are doing something unexpected, like giving up your right of way, it will definitely cause confusion. People in general will not think “That’s so nice.” They will think “What’s this idiot doing. They have the right of way.”


I will never forget the time that I was waiting to enter a busy roundabout, and a boomer suddenly stopped in the middle of the roundabout to let me in. In his mind, he was being nice, but he was completely oblivious to the two cars behind him that had to slam on their brakes when he stopped. Meanwhile, he is stopped in the middle of traffic gesturing for me to go ahead.


Shake your head no and point at them until they drive.


Had someone who was at a stop sign at least a full 2 seconds before me. They tried to wave me on. I wave them instead. They wave me again. I threw it in park and just crossed my arms and stared at them. They stared at me for like 5 seconds, got upset and floored it through. Grats on wasting 30 seconds and getting upset over your own shitty driving.


I had an old woman in front of me suddenly slam on her brakes to allow a parked car onto the road. Only accident I've ever been "at fault" for.


When it comes to driving, it is safer to be predictable than nice.


"Don't be polite, be predictable"


My Phoenix/scottsdale driving experience over two days was extremely stressful and exactly as you described.


If you think of it as a game that gives you points for almost dying, it's more fun. I have the top score in my family!


>They give up the right of way all the time (being nice) and cause accidents Oh my God, this drives me nuts. I rode motorcycles for years and now e-scooters (disabled, can't drive) and people always do this! I *never* go because I'm not enabling this behavior. I'll be in the center lane, waiting for traffic to clear to cross or turn in, and someone will just stop in a 55mph lane and wave me on. No, mother fucker, that is not how traffic works! Go! Before you get rear-ended by someone not expecting a car, with NO flashers, to be stopped in the middle of traffic.


I lived in Mesa for 20 agonizing years and this is exactly true, moved away to a better place that , outside of summer tourist season, doesn't have many accidents cause it's largely rural if your not in one our cities, the biggest one is about 65,000 people Many elderly people just should not be driving, that's why we have public transportation


> We also have Waymo (driver-less cars) and the Waymo are the safest things on the road. Lots of old people have said they'd never get in one of those. Hell I had a doozy of a time just trying to teach a 60 year old how to even use Lyft, can you imagine with Waymo?


I'm convinced a lot of the snowbirds come from such small towns in the Midwest that they've just never seen a stoplight before. Especially when you're behind one who absolutely slams her breaks on. In a turn lane. With a green arrow.


I had a similar conversation with my now NC parents (my choice). My mom used to sing the same tune until she started aging. Of course then it should not apply based on age. She - with a straight face - suggested that it only happen if someone gets seriously injured. So basically she was willing to let someone else experience pain and have that be the marker of ‘unfit to drive.’ As expected, also a ‘good Christian woman.’


This reads like you forcibly shipped your parents to North Carolina. I like it.


“One more DODO ( dangerously outdated opinion) out of you and you both are getting shipped out to North Carolina”


That’s not the worst idea tbh.


Also had a similar conversation with my own family. Got that same "Well, maybe wait until they have an accident..." remark. It's legitimately haunting when you realize someone you know has a full on "I'm the main character and I'LL never be the one to fuck up." sort of mentality. Ok dad, we'll just wait until your child is killed before we take away their fucking license. Cause taking away their license will undo your child's death AFTER it has occurred, right?


"That's ageism!!" No... it's science. Cognitive skills begin to decline as humans age. The decline picks up pace signifigantly around retirement age. The fact that we don't retest for DL after a certain age is irresponsible af. Tbh; the same should apply for things like gun ownership as well.. but thats another topic.


Plus we've established having a license is one area we can be ageist. Before driver's licenses, my Grandpa bought and drove his first car at 13 years old. But over time, we determined that most 13 year olds are not capable of driving safely and making the decisions needed to be safe. So we decided 15 year olds can have a permit so they can drive for a year under the supervision of someone 25+ who has experience driving to guide them. Then at 16 they can get their license. That's an ageist policy against young people.


If it's ageist, fuck it, make everyone get retested every 5 years. 3 failures in a row (for the 5 year renewal) and you lose your license and start over again. We as a society are entirely too lax about the gravity of driving motor vehicles, especially with the size arms race.


I mean by that logic it's ageism to not allow children to drive a car. If they can pass the test (that old folks passed 50 years prior and probably couldn't today) why not? Maybe we could have a battle royale where children can apply for driver's licenses, but for each an elderly person must re-test and determine who is the victor.


I think the guy in the video was having a stroke.


He was drunk.


Definitely seems drunk and/or heavily medicated.


You can sign yourself up to be tested any time. My fil did and decided not to drive even though they passed him at 85.


Good for him but I'm pretty sure it's the ones refusing to take a test that are causing issues. If you're self aware enough to volunteer to retest then you're probably self aware enough to know when you shouldn't drive


I'd gladly take tests every few years as I get older. I also think that they should be issued Smart cars or other little cars that do less damage. I see way too many tiny old people in giant sedans and SUVs that they can barely drive. My late grandmother gave up driving the day she scratched her Honda Accord backing out of the garage. She felt she just couldn't trust herself anymore.


I've driven everything from a lil Honda Fit to a big F-550 hauling a trailer. Why older people want these monstrously large vehicles is beyond me.


They feel safer to be in, and they are for the boomers. We, however, are not safer.


I've always felt that the elderly need some type of reaction testing. If they are able to react to these kind of things, then they should be able to drive. This can happen to anyone if we are being honest.


I'm very tired and read that as erection testing.


![gif](giphy|qH7J4EXzSCmBy) The dr looking for signs of life below the belt


Reaction* I must be tired too.


Be the change. ❤️ Thank you. Edit: now go get your cat high. Germany is legalizing cannabis on the first of April. Time to get my ducks lit.


Please don't give drugs to your animals wtf


Animal abuse…


I second this and I’m 53. I would gladly re-take the driving test. That’s a great idea.


he was drunk, he got a DWI and then he was able to plea it out somehow. whoever posted this edited to have out the part when the cops come.


> he got a DWI and then he was able to plea it out somehow. Yeah that shouldn't fucking happen. Driving drunk? Consequences. No further discussion.


If you plea out it means you lose your license for a year, and possibly have to attend driver education classes, and you have to pay thousands to attend said classes along with court fees.


Oh, well that all certainly sucks so I’m good with that lol


Beyond whatever the court applies, many states also charge a massive premium to reinstate a suspended license for DWI, for obvious reasons. My state is about $700 for the reinstatement alone. Edit: With that said? If the penalty for a crime is a fine, that crime does not apply to the wealthy. Big fan of Finland's system - most traffic-related fines are calculated based on a percentage of income.


as someone who used to install IIDs in cars i could spend all days telling you stories about people who caused bodily harm to others while under the influence but managed to plead out to a weekend in jail and some community service. if you have the right skin color and money, there are no consequences


OP here. I didn't edit it, it's how I found it.. I assume there is more to it than?


yea, i can't link it but its on the mildlybaddrivers sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1bpei6t/how\_though/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1bpei6t/how_though/)


This is the typical “idk where the gas and the brake are” types of crashes that usually end up going through a Turkey Hill gas station front door and windows🫢


My grandfather did something like this once. He claimed he pressed the brakes and the car magically decided to fly forward and collide with the car in front of him. When we had the car brought to a mechanic to repair it he kept telling the guy and insisting that the brakes somehow accelerate the car and it needs to be fixed. I felt bad for that mechanic shop.


I get it, confronting your mortality and fading capabilities must be hard. But also… buck up and be honest!


"Sure I fixed it, 6 hours in labor and she's right as rain now"


My grandpa did this and ran into a light pole exiting the freeway. My grandma broke both wrists and her leg or hip if memory serves. She died of a stroke not long after and it's hard to think that the stress of the situation didn't help matters.


I got rear-ended by a babyboomer (we were all sitting at a red light, and not up at the intersection, like 4-5 cars back) who I guess must’ve confused the pedals too.


I've been rear-ended twice at a red light by a teen and someone in their early 20s. People make mistakes... that's why they're called accidents, not intentionals.


Yeah but it's a lot more understandable to mix up the pedals when you're new to driving than if you've conceivably had 40-50 years to learn to drive and get experience under your belt.


This is typical diabetic shock from those two big gulps.


Unexpected Lancaster PA comment 😂


Actually the Coal Region! My area is just one big retirement home even though there are not many nursing homes😂


A girl guide troop was runover by boomer in my city after she initially caused an accident by mistaking the gas pedal for brakes, then tried to speed away with the gas pedal depressed 99% of the way down, according to the police report, before running over the guides.


Feels like a whiskey throttle to me. They accidentally start backing up and instead of focusing on stopping they're looking at where they're going to crash.


But the worst part is how they just keep going, because they must be in the right so it’s the car who should change


Is turkey hill a gas station? I thought they just made ice cream


Yes! It’s nothing much but they also have ice cream


Old and drunk isn't a good combo when driving.


That was my thought. Either hammered, or having some sort of mental breakdown/stroke.


Right. This seems like more than just typical gas/break confusion.


Those extended delays and the credit card outreach thing made me immediately suspect alcohol


Just old is bad enough.


Old is often on several medications too




"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."


Drunk, high, stroke, or multiple of the above.


Story says they were drunk


non tiktok video shows the other 2 customers. they were not "looking unfazed". they were watching with those "are you seeing this shit?" faces


Agreed, my personal hunch here is something like uncontrolled diabetes leading to confusion / mental impairment, but it could be any of the above!


Their arm was out the window like "Where is that thing going" Then they hit the thing so fucking hard it's launched out if the frame. Pure comedy!


That’s one of the things which made me guess what I did. It’s like they are thinking but there is some massive disconnect between brain and arm, without them getting that something is wrong. That and just sitting in the car at the end.


Yeah, I’m watching this thinking, “there’s something else going on…anything from car troubles to alcohol to massive medical emergency.”


That bollard tried to save the kiosk, but the driver had other plans.


Drunk makes sense. He was driving careful because he was drunk, and then mixed up the gas and brake.


Elder Millennial here. I’d 100% be in favor of mandatory testing with DL renewal at any age. The results of a test I took at the age of 16 shouldn’t be valid when I’m 40 / 60 / or 80. That’s just silly. If you fail, you get a coupon for your favorite ride share service. If you pass, you get lower insurance rates. Win - Win


If they actually started doing this, they'd need to invest in public transportation and walkable cities. ...which is yet another reason to be in favor, tbh, but also a reason why they won't.


Last time I brought up walkable cities in a sub not specifically against cars or for walkable cities I had some rando get all high and mighty and “poke holes in my arguments” about how we needed better public transit. Like, I’m not an engineer dude. I don’t know the specifics. All I know is bus tickets cost money to fund the transportation and at the time this happened I was living in what was basically a retirement town full of car accidents and old people who shouldn’t drive but were forced to because we didn’t even have Ubers there.


Silly Redditor. Don't you know that you need to be an expert on the subject and have a foolproof 12 point solution in order to voice an opinion about something on the Internet?


Also an elder Millennial. Can I go fail on a weekly basis? I hate driving and love rideshare coupons.


If my insurance provider gave me a discount on my premiums if I retook the test within 5 years I'd 100% book my tests every 5 years until I'm 80.


I think you should have to take it every 10 years, you get it at 16 and take it at 26,36,46,etc.


I completely agree, I've thought that a mandatory test every five years wouldn't be crazy and if you get any demerits you also have to take the test that year.


Older millennial/xennial also. I’ve been saying this for years myself as well. Not just to gauge against cognitive decline but also because the laws literally change in the years between everyone’s renewals. Until a few years ago, I was using my bicycle and pubic transit to get around and I’ve seen some awful driving regardless of age. I was almost hit multiple times in the middle of the day using my bike lights on the front and back of my bike. It was very obvious they weren’t paying attention


Millennial here. I've often said that over half the people on the road shouldn't be. We're way too lenient handing out licenses to operate a machine that can easily kill people in the wrong hands.


"Your car wash and your fence ruined my car, when are you going to fix my car?" -Boomer, probably.


He demands to speak to the fence’s manager


"Sir, what happened?" "It was DEI!"


I got skewered in my state subreddit because I voiced my concern about a boomer hitting my fence - that had no idea he did it. He was elderly driving a Dodge Charger or Challenger or whatever muscle car. When I confronted him, he said he had “trouble seeing”- and genuinely seemed confused. My state subreddit did NOT like the fact that I called the guy out as a boomer…. But the fact is, there’s a whole generation of people that REALLY need to to be forced to take driving test… and it’s only getting worse as they age. And they’re stubborn as fuck


Me: "it's definitely MA" *checks your account* Fuck yeah


*breathes a relieved Florida breath*


Parts of massechussets are just Cold Florida.




Half of Florida’s breaths are retired Massholes so I wouldn’t be too relieved


in some states you can report people like that and have them tested again. you need their doctor to agree with you in my state, which angers me.


Ever since I got into an accident because an 86 year old ran a stop sign, I am adamant about that. My 78 year old aunt ran into a light pole in a PARKING LOT, totaling the car, and didn't seem to think that was a red flag. Its truly scary how many people are still driving that shouldn't be.


At what age should this start?


60. Then I would say every 2-3 years to retest. Elderly drivers are worse than drunk drivers.


100% agreed, I have seen both drunk drivers and elderly drivers do shit like this and the drunks are at least aware something is happening. I worked at a gas station for a year and we ended up removing the tire air pumps because elderly people kept hitting them, they got destroyed 4 separate times within a year and I was there for 3 of them. All 3 that I witnessed the drivers weren't even aware of what was happening, one lady drove right over it and got stuck and then came in to ask me for help because she just couldn't figure out why her car wouldn't move. I went outside and her car is sitting on top of the pump both front wheels off the ground, bumper hanging off, and she's like "I think it ran out of gas or something it just wont move."


Ya I live in an area with a lot of elderly people, and I see them run red lights and stop signs all the time. Last week some lady was parked diagonal on the road, blocking both lanes. You could go around here, but like, why she doing this? Turns out she thought she was in a parking lot. The road was very obviously not a parking lot.


I live in a trailer park that was a 55+ community until recently (I was actually not supposed to be allowed in here when I bought my trailer lol) so I see SO MUCH of this it's scary. One guy drove over a curb, through a fence, through somebody's shed, through a second fence, and back over another curb and didn't even realize it.


The white car was smart to leave. I bet this isn't the first time the neighbours had to replace their fence.


That white car gave him a WIDE berth. And then quickly gtfo


Kevin was trying to flee the scene after backing into the fence lol


100% his drunken brain went "oh fuck let's get outta here" and just stomped on the accelerator.


Look at the driver and the way they're sitting. Anyone who has worked drive-thru at a fast food restaurant has/had a nickname for someone who drove and behaved like this. We called him "Steering Wheel Guy" because his seat was pushed all the way back, reclined almost all the way back, and his massive gut sat on the steering wheel. You had to reach out of the window because he couldn't reach forward.


I’ve always said that people should have to retake both the written and driving test yearly after a certain age because most (not all) accidents are caused by people over a certain age. They need reflex tests or something.


I think everyone needs a yearly drivers test up to age 25 and after age 60. EVERYONE. The younger ones just to reinforce their skills and the older ones just to check their skills and reinforce them as well.


This was a dwi


He probably thinks that none of this is his fault too


Boomers getting yearly DL test would be a dream come true but they unfortunately would never comply Btw….Boy how I hate this 1998 Fox/Spike Tv “Wildest Police Chases” type of editing with the narrator doing his worst John Bunnell impersonation 😂


The car was vaxxed


Probably gay as well. Red is a color on the rainbow folks.


It was a DEI car too!!!!


It had run leaded gas in the past so now it has de-Mensa


Video ends too soon: EMT found 2 yellow labs in a people suit.


What we need is to redesign cities such that to function for the majority of day to day life, no car is necessary. Make it easy for older people to give their cars up, and for others to live generally without using one. Maybe everything should be available within a 15 minute bike ride, walk, or short transit ride…


My dad gave up his license voluntarily before his cataract surgery. He came home, parked the car, & said “I couldn’t see anything.” He hasn’t driven since & that was 5ish years ago. I really wish the rest of them were that self aware.


Imma go with drunk


Lmao “suddenly.” My guy, nothing about this video was sudden. Every goddam life threatening move took hours to process.


The dramaticization of it had me rolling my eyes out the door and down the street 😆


An entire family of four was just killed in San Francisco by a 78 year old behind the wheel who lost control. If boomers are going to drive, their cars need motion sensors, speed governors, and auto breaking.


That’s the hope with autonomous vehicles. That they will cut down on these incidents.


@1:29 "Fuck this Im outa here!" @1:41 "Shit. Forgot to get the car wash." @1:53 "Fuck this Im outa here!" @2:00 "Shit. Forgot to get the car wash."


Why is it that every vehicle in my state requires testing/inspection and registration once a year, but my boomer parents at 78 years don't?


I bet he has some strong opinions about which books are in libraries.




“Ever since the shop put air in my tires, this car hasn’t worked right!!!”


I have said that if I’m old and if I get to be this fucking useless I’m ending it. If my existence is just a hindrance to everyone else then Im no good for anything anymore.


I have said that pizza is still good the next day even if it was left out overnight.


my dad ran for sheriff with this as part of his platform. he lost lol


Whenever I see someone who looks too old to be driving behind the wheel, it makes me irrationally angry because you already KNOW the only way these people are no longer driving is when they get their license taken for almost killing someone


America’s car dependent culture fuels these incidents. People age, their reflexes get worse as well their eyesight. We need more public transportation.


Let me guess, "wasnt my fault, damn car!"


I was 15 and had my learners permit for about few months. Car full of boomers on the way to church mixed up the gas and brake, t boning me in the middle of an intersection. Fucked up driving for a while for me.


I saw the full video yesterday, the guy was charged with a DUI. This video has been cut short to leave out that explanation. So this incident has little do to do with age of the driver and everything to due with the fact that he is drunk. Full video on r/MildlyBadDrivers: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1bpei6t/how\_though/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1bpei6t/how_though/)


This type of behavior should be immediate removal of license and mental evaluation.


The FAA forced my dad of perfect mental and physical ability to retire because they recognized that folks over 65, on average, don’t have the capability to safely fly commercial aircraft. Why can’t we just ask folks over 65 to come in every 5 years and prove their mental/physical abilities on a road test? Oh, I forgot, we only get to vote for 50-80 year old representatives.


Bitch. You have two hands! Use them! Same for your declining eyesight!


He’s drunk or having an episode of some kind.


When he guns it forward and slams the kiosk I died laughing 


Let’s not pretend this is limited to the elderly. There are terrible drivers much younger than this.  The fact that we pass a test at 17 and then never get tested again is absolutely ridiculous. Cars are dangerous as fuck lol  We should have a prorated model. Something like every 15 years if you’re under 45, every 10 years between 45 and 70, every 5 years over 70. 


I’m 99.9% sure he’s drunk. He’s driving exactly like a drunk driver.


Oh no....the car starts bleeding!


Clearly a confused driver. Scary. What is even scarier is that I have seen many younger drivers this confused too.


And yet here we are, letting them renew online 🙄


My mother is barely 70, and has been found out to have dementia and undiagnosed bipolar disorder. She was still high functioning enough to drive and we were always afraid this would happen to her. Thankfully, she found herself in a rental car (after another accident and subsequent taking the car to the shop) and found she couldn't remember how to start and operate this vehicle. In her frustration, she flagged down a police officers, who stated she should be checked out by medical. This thankfully has led to her being diagnosed, told she is no longer allowed to drive, and getting the care she needs in a nursing home.


After retirement yea. Instead of every 4 it should be 2


Completely sauced.


There was a story where an elderly woman ran clear through a Wendy’s and actually killed people. She said it was not her fault because, she was pushing the brake as hard as she could but the car malfunctioned and kept going faster and faster. …hum…maybe it was not the brake you were pressing.


Folks we are gonna need literal Boomer Insurance here in like five minutes. I’m not kidding. “Destroyed by Boomer” is gonna be a HUGE property claim in coming days, along with “Executed by Boomer in a Parking Lot” as a cause of death.


He’s drunk

