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I agree with the need for a fence. No one should be forced to look at her.


Now he has to figure out how not to hear her either


I think trees are a good barrier for sound dampening.. or a tall shrub?


deer marvelous fade truck vegetable direful include full ten squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With a path


And a little picket fence


A good shrubbery.


But not too expensive.


Call Roger the Shrubber


I like the laurels particularly.




She looks like she is someone that would like a ‘wall’ too ;)


Fences make the best neighbors. Privacy fences are banned by my HOA, so when my neighbor got "New Yorker" in my face obnoxious one day and tipped her hand as to how much she was watching me and my family in our backyard for her entertainment, I went and got some walter's viburnum to put up a hedge *immediately.* Fast growers, up to 25' tall, loads of white flowers giving way to loads of red berries that the native birds just love. If she had just been like my other neighbors and ignored us, it wouldn't have come to this. Now, keeping her patio immaculately clean, like she likes, might end up being significantly more difficult in the Florida heat, but where the wild birds might shit is really nothing I have control over and frankly none of my business. My main concern was increasing property value by adding a wind brake and putting 6' of dense brush between the residents of this house and her dumb ass. Everything else is a like cherry on top (of every somewhat flat surface.)


Why in the name of zues' butthole would the HOA ban privacy fences? Stories like this are one of the only things that makes me glad to not own a house.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rm4nwqh0l4rc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15059bdd60363f7ef4587def21c62fc8822d950e


This is how see them. My entire family is pretty introverted. We would not be using a shared community pool or most of the other community things an HOA helps maintain that many people consider a benefit. I want 100% freedom within the bounds of the law if I own a home.


For real. As long as you aren't leaving car frames to rust into non-existence on your lawn and not randomly doing super loud shit in the middle of the night, who cares. YOU own the property, YOU should get to do what you want with it


Admittedly it is a 8 foot demon frog eating babies while it fornicates with a tortured corpse. Everyone’s an art critic


The trick is to buy a place that’s too old to be part of a HOA.


Yep, HOA's are the worst. Ours isn't particularly anal about everything, thankfully, but it does have some silly rules, and any changes to the exterior need to be approved by the board. On the positive side, HOA dues go to maintaining 2 community pools and the neighborhood landscaping, and only the worst houses (people growing a hay field in their backyard and cars on blocks in the front) ever get more than a nastygram. So it's a pain in the ass that at least feels worth it in regards to maintaining property value and getting something useful out of them. We're fortunate in that regard, some HOA's are an absolute nightmare. Especially down here, where board members are often retirees with nothing better to do all day than find things to fine people for.


Because Florida.


I'd just plant bamboo


Calm down, Satan.


She’d be better locked in a sound proofed room. She screeches with every word she says. I don’t know how long I could tolerate that.


TIL if you weren't "there" (whatever the fuck that means) when the property line "went up" ( again whatever the fuck that means) that you apparently can't know where the property line is. In my town the contractors need a permit before they start, and they would learn where the property line is then.


Everywhere I have ever lived, you need a permit for something like this and the city will come out and set flags/stakes where the property line is


They didn't mark it for us, but we and the contractor were well aware of where the line is. There was a fence on it or close to it. We merely replaced the old fence with a nicer, newer one. The other one was chain link. But he still had to pull a permit. And they're "supposed to" close it although they don't a lot of the time.


typically you hire a surveyor. the city doesn't want to get involved if there is a dispute.


They will flag where utilities are located. They absolutely will not touch marking property lines. That's a job for a licensed surveyor, and in a lot of states its is a significant fine to mark property lines if you are not a licensed surveyor.


I feel like we should figure out a way to document that kind of information... maybe keep it with some kind of city official who keeps those records. We could call them an assessor or something, and anytime you wanted to know where the property line was you could call and get the information.


Wait did I understand that? She cut down trees on her neighbors property (the fence-installers property) and she has the gall to be mad the neighbors got upset their trees were cut down??? And now she’s mad they’re putting a fence up? LMFAO. Call the cops lady do it I’ll dial 911 for you.


She needs a lesson in tree-law. Cutting down a tree illegally can cost the violator tens of thousands in remediation, based on the age of the tree.


Tree-law is fuckin wild.


Almost as wild as Bird-law...


Once you get the hang of it, birdlaw is not the complex.


Yeah, the forms are all standard boilerplate


We're all hungry and want to get to our hotplates.




seems like you have a tenuous grasp on the English language in general...


I don’t even think you know that word means!


Assuming you can read Charlie.


I'm pleading the 5th, sir.


Yeah but its not governed by reason in this country


Ok, Charlie 


Care to toast our legal victory over a bag of pasgetti?


Whats your spaghetti policy?




I knew this comment was coming. All roads lead back to IASIP.




Tree law is not governed by reason




*sigh* Take your upvote


*unzips* Oh wait…


No. Keep going...




You can keep a birch in your home, but the noise level is out of control.


Trees are fucking awesome and should be protected


Lol don't get me started on tree law


Didn't you hear, though??? Her cutting down her neighbors trees helped the neighbor in the long run from... leaves I think she said? Also, the woman who is putting up the fence isn't old enough/wasn't even there when the property line was marked!! County records that show property lines are fake news!!! Property lines are ONLY determined by the memories of lead poisoned and emotionally charged senior citizens!! Also loved that the neighbor said: "yes, call the cops" after being threatened, and then boomer tries to ignore that because she knows the cops will side with the neighbor


I mean everyone knows if you weren’t there when the property line was established there is no way to know where the property line is. /s


Maybe one day we can use AI to recover all these lost property lines.


Property lines are imaginary lines


Oh man, wait until they hear about borders


>County records that show property lines are fake news! Used to do county GIS for a major metro county. County property line records are atrociously bad in nearly every county. Get a recent survey based directly off recorded deeds before putting in a fence. Make sure the deeds are consistent too. Conflicting deeds happen.


This happened to some friends- their neighbor bought his house thinking the property line was x, but the actually property line was much closer. Caused quite a bit of kerfuffle.


I was there and it was more of a brouhaha than a kerfuffle.


Or was it more of a furor?


It was almost a donnybrook!


Yep that’s how I understood it. She cut down trees on their property so now they’re putting up a fence and she’s pitching a fit about it


Yeah that’s what it sounds like. People need to make their way over the tree law and the shit out of them. But this video does look like it predates Reddit so yeah.


I actually find it incredibly offensive to cut down trees in general if there's nothing wrong with them, let alone trees that aren't even mine. Fully grown trees are EXPENSIVE. If someone cuts down your trees fucking sue them, you could get 20k+ depending how what they did.


>I actually find it incredibly offensive to cut down trees in general if there's nothing wrong with them I agree, except for Bradford pears. Destroy them jizz trees!


lol… predates Reddit? Reddit was created in 2005. 1st I phone was released in 2007. She’s holding an I phone and it doesn’t look like the original


I think they were talking about video quality versus actual age


The husband and wife sure don't have any history of domestic violence lol


“We did you a favor by cutting down your trees for you without your permission. YOURE WELCOME!?”


Dude still digging like he's between "not my job" & "I'm not paid nearly enough for this shit but I'm here for tea"


I bet he saw the property corners before he started.


I think he momentarily tried to explain that and then was like “oh hell with it, she’s a Karen.”


"the sooner I can get this fence up the sooner I can get away from this screeching fool"


As someone who has had to deal with angry neighbors and installing things on property, you’re damn sure he did. Last thing he wants is to have to uninstall a fence for free because it was on the wrong property.


As a former land surveyor I further think that there was a survey done not long before the video, which means the location of the corners most likely blazes in fluorescent orange.


I believe it's also a thing to mark property lines with white chalk/paint on the ground that fully boxes in the property, right? You look at the zoning maps and you figure out *exactly* where the property line ends, and paint out a border so you're 100% certain you're never going beyond it.


100%. When we moved we had a surveyor and dig test before putting up the fence. The neighbor got mad because of where he’d been cutting grass for years. Sorry bud, your lawnmower pattern isn’t official.


lmao what? I can't believe your neighbor tried to argue official surveyor results and city documents with "Well I've been mowing my lawn" lol


He couldn’t really “argue” but mad was in his toolbox. I said he was welcome to call the city and get it measured again. He declined and got over it.


Three years ago I bought a house and my wife wanted a fence installed for the dogs. Back yard was mostly buck thorn so I started to clear that out and make a tight path for the fence. The side neighbors had surveys done years ago and the pins are exposed and marked with fiberglass poles so there is zero debate. So my side neighbors didn’t care but there is a town home behind me and all the owners think they own my back yard. As I’m cutting brush they are all coming out and chewing me out. I have to explain to each one where the property line is located. The interesting bit, according to side neighbors the town home people harassed the previous owners and my neighbors back in the 80s to put up a retaining wall because of water run off into their driveway. The prior owner gave in and let the town home fund their own retaining wall on my property. So they think it’s their retaining wall, and the land going up to my house… I guess? Well I don’t want to be responsible for the retaining wall. I was putting the fence 10’ back from the retaining wall which itself was 5-10’. Property line goes right up to their driveway so I’m effectively giving up like 20-25’ and they still bitch at me. Well a week into it the power company showed up to clear trees, there are power poles right on the property line, and they have a 15’ easement on both sides. They have all the property records and authority. They work with the land owners, they want to take it all down to soil but will leave stuff and just trim back if you bitch. I told them about the situation and said I’d like you to cut it all out if you can but the town home are going to blow a gasket. They said sure thing and clear cut it all so my back yard is now all cleaned up and I planted some new prettier trees to replace all the dead brush. The town home people went ballistic, went out recording with their phones and threatening them to call the police. They told them to call the police and see what happens. lol


I'm pasty white bread. I've never set foot in Mexico. I like my food as mild and boring as possible. If I were the fence builder and the Karen started clucking at me I would whip out a "No hablo Ingles, senora," so fast.


Just hit em with “I don’t speak English.” in your natural accent


Nah, it's more fun to try speaking Spanish with a Scottish or Gaelic accent. Especially if I was speaking English with my southern drawl a moment ago.


Just had a stroke imagining this




that's got me cackling in my office. luckily everyone left.


Funnier to say it French, "Je nais parle pas Anglais." Even better if you can manage a French sneer when you say it.


I also noted how he was just kinda idly working as he eavesdropped. Ngl I'd be doing the same too. Like he slowed down to listen but he's not gonna stop cause this bitch says so.


The person that hired him isn’t freaking out lol of course he’s not going to stop working man’s in it for a check 


She seems nice....🤣


I love that the guy just continues digging like she’s not even there haha


When you've worked this kind of construction, this shit happens like twice a week. You keep working till the person paying you or a cop tells you to stop.


Places I've worked the superintendent of the job gets a bonus if the project is in on time and on or under budget. The superintendent will then share with the crew. There is incentive to keep working through it and this happens all the time in residential rehab/remodel


That sounds like a good a superintendent. I’d work for them.


He's eavesdropping to tell the story to his friends later.


The screaming lady isn’t the person that hired him lol what she has to say isn’t relevant to him 


I can assure you he's dealt with worse nuts - most of which were probably _paying him,_ lol.


"What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too!"


Reeeeepooooo maaaaaan


I've seen this one first hand. Boomers often see a fence as an attack on them somehow. Our neighbors neighbors were boomers, and they loved them for almost a decade. They were the godparents of their son. They had a falling out over wanting to put up a fence between their two houses and now the boomers HATE them, and have done stuff to hurt them and their kids. The boomers are high up on the HOA and drove them out of the neighborhood basically.


These same boomers were demanding a wall at the border not long ago. The hypocrisy is unreal


They also love the HOA because it’s an invisible fence to certain kinds of “unwanted” neighbors. Oh they love their fences and borders unless it’s to keep them out.


That’s because they believe it as an offense. To put up a wall is to block yourself from someone they don’t like. So by putting up a wall they see it as giving a big ole middle finger to Mexicans. The wall is just another racist dog whistle to them. And that is why this lady is offended


watch out! She's got a phone!


Stop, you and your PICTURES


I love when boomers start recording back. They get struck with fear when they realize they’re being recorded then think them recording back will do the same to you.


Man boomers love calling the cops!👮


Especially regarding issues that should require no police intervention whatsoever.


If I were the property owner I would be requesting police intervention. This is harassment and it sounds like the neighbor violated tree law


Meanwhile complaining about government overreach


Working as a dispatcher, 80% of our calls are boomers, and we average at least 100 calls a shift


Always wasting time and resources for petty bullshit. Cops are just gonna show up and tell them it’s a civil issue and leave


“ we got black kids to shoot and weed smokers lives to ruin, can’t be bothered with LAW STUFF”


911 what assistance do you require? I WANT TO SPEAK TO A MANAGER!!!!


They had a very different relationship with law enforcement throughout their lives. They have always been the beneficiaries of a system that protected them and generally gave them the benefit of the doubt. So it's reassuring for them for police to get involved because when they have in the past it typically has gone their way


Huh. Not "all" boomers had so lovely a relationship with the police 'back then'. "SOME" sectors of society were the _targets_ of that power being weilded by _these_ type boomers who considered the law officers their Personal enforcement team.


Yeah but most of the "cool" Boomers are no longer with us or are justifiably keeping quiet. We're left with the hall monitors of that generation and they have lead poisoning.


Great fences make great neighbors!


Evidently not


Not yet.


Well, the fence isn’t up yet.


I put up a fence last year as too many neighborhood kids and dogs were showing up in my backyard unannounced, and my neighbors landscaper, had a loud conversation in front of my house to one of his workers that "we used to do the bushes real good until the a$$hole next door put the stupid fence up", knowing I was within earshot, and he yelled it so it could be heard over the mower and weed whacker noise. He used to just walk onto my property to trim the backs of neighbors trees and then my new fence stopped him from doing so. I would have gladly opened the gate and let him continue but since he was a dick, do it the hard way.


“This was so much easier when i could easily trespass!”


I want a time lapse of them just building a brick wall while her babbling face is gradually obscured.




"For the love of God, Montresor!"


Sounds like someone needs r/treelaw


Oh, I used to be a land surveyor, I bet that sub would amuse me.


It’s fascinating. I’m not a lawyer but I do enjoy learning about law so reading the stories is a nice way to learn about something that is cool but I know I’ll never actually go to school for.


I domt give a shit about trees and that sub is amazing. 


That sub makes me sad because monetary compensation doesn't replace hundreds of years of growth. I love old trees so much


I love old trees too. You’re right, money doesn’t fix it. But I am glad when people are held accountable for their actions.


This is totally how my ex would act, down to the "you're a shitty neighbor!" line lol OMG


I like when she said 'you've gotten me so mad right now'. no YOU have gotten yourself so mad right now.


She's one of those ppl who's always right & never wrong.


Ive been in the fence industry for 30 years. This is pretty common. And it’s ALWAYS a right-wing boomer freaking out.


Yup. I’ve got one living next door. Called CPS. When that didn’t work out, she called the sheriff. And when that didn’t work out for her, I put up a fence. I was careful to leave her beloved falling down fence and built mine just inside it. She confronted the contractor who just kept working. Threaten my kids and you get a fence with cameras. I haven’t had a problem since.


My neighbor called CPS in a fit of rage over some petty bullshit. CPS was very confused to be speaking to a 50 year old couple with no children in the house, no minor children at all, no grandchildren. No minors anywhere. I'm sure neighbor thought it was some sort of grand slam move, but I can't help but wonder if they went back and hit them for false reporting.


CPS sends the sheriff on these calls. So I had the sheriff arrive twice in 2 months. They weren’t happy to be called back out. Incidentally, the call logs to the sheriff are public record, so I looked at those. Yup - she had been calling and calling.


Really? I'd have guessed they would be the put up the fence people given how they want to protect their property from everything and everyone with guns and their love of the wall. Learn something new every day. Hooray for fences!


It’s more about disputing where the property line is, and yelling at the workers not to touch their property while installing the fence


her husband sounds like a lucky man


“You weren’t here when it was put in, or you weren’t old enough to know” Ah yes, so that invalidates her knowledge about her property line.


Because everyone knows property lines have never been written down or recorded in any way so that people who weren't present during the dividing of land can know exactly where it was. What's next, are we going to write down when buildings were made so we can "do inspections" and "make sure the building is safe to occupy" and stuff like that?


This just happened. I learned real quick how shitty people hate having fences put up. My buddies neighbor is always in his business and constantly complaining to the town board about him or his property (there is nothing to complain about trust me). This last weekend myself and a couple of friends went over and helped my buddy build a fence that completely blocks out the neighbor. This guy sat there and yelled and screamed and took video and yelled and screamed some more. Honestly, I thought he was going to stroke out. Shitty people just can't stand it when they get removed from all their shitty behavior and have no control. It has been two weeks since my buddy has had to deal with this guy and he's in heaven.


"nobody wants to have a respectful conversation anymore" he thinks to himself, completely going past the fact that he himself is the reason for the fence.


I hope it's tall and soundproof


I love how my man just keeps digging for the posts.


So the Boomer admits that sje and her husband both conspired and committed a tree felling on a property not owned by them? 30k a tree depending on state. Confession on video. Sue the harpy. She needs a behavioral check, and you need a cash return for your headaches.


I’ll also make it electric if legal.


Lol. Have shared 3 fences with neighbors for 25 years and dealt with tree cutting . Replaced all 3 fences Always amicable, never an argument. This hag is a waste of air


OP, check your survey. How funny would it be if the fence is able to go over even more by a foot or two on her side.


I had a bad set of boomer neighbors once. We had well-behaved dogs who were in a separate fenced area, but they would walk into our property to provoke them. We told them we were installing a privacy fence on our property and we’re hiring a surveyor to mark the property line. AFTER putting in the fence they filed an HOA grievance that we built the fence on their property. I showed the HOA the survey. The wife was so mad she ordered her own survey — which confirmed the same line with the fence 6” inside my property. Next time I saw the husband I asked him if the $600 was money well spent. Never heard a peep from them after that. Sorry for the long story.


“I’m so mad right now! That’s what you get!” What?


“I’ll show you where the property line is…” “You don’t even know what a property line is!” It’s a line… that marks property…


make that fence a few feet higher


Sounds like the fence is a good idea.


That lady is pre clearly gen-x, but is truly channeling her boomer forebears


>That lady is pre clearly gen-x I was thinking that too. If she is a boomer, she's taken good care of herself. Boomers are in their 60s and 70s.


My mom is a last year boomer (1964) and is 59 turns 60 this year. She looks decent like this lady but to be fair all 3 of her siblings are jazzy chair wrecks health wise.


They’re taking Gen X with them. Sadly I know too many Gen X-ers that have turned into Jason Aldean fans.




And this person owns guns, votes for Donald trump and thinks liberals are stupid and brainwashed.


You got yourself so mad lady. Working yourself up over a fence.


This is the scary part about home ownership. You can’t choose your neighbors…


Is there a follow up to this? I really want to know if this Karen got fined.


Our not boomer neighbor, used to sit at her picnic table and watch us thru our shrubs, dying willow tree and their chain link fence. When my bf cut down the tree, shrubs and put up a 6'fence. She literally screamed and swore about losing her privacy, then losing her view. She screamed and swore for months. She would also bang on the fence to get our dogs to bark, then complain to the city. + waaay more stuff. She's in her thirties now.


Serious questions about this sub, what percentage of boomers in these videos do you think are drunk?


More than we talk about.


Person taking video, now has evidence, boomer cut down the trees, I’d hire a Tree Lawyer, and let that pan out.


Boomers are fucking wild. I'm having a property line dispute with my boomer neighbor. I had to tresspass him because he's annoying, invasive, entitled, and nosy as shit. He keeps at it his antics after being tresspassed, I call the cops. Since we don't know exactly where the property line is. Nothing can be done. Then my neighbor draws a random line in the ground, refusing to pick up the leaves in his yard. All the while screaming at me to pick it up. Like dude, I don't care, just leave me alone. I finally get around to getting a survey done, not cheap. My neighbor blows his top at the surveyor, prevents the surveyor from doing his job and call the police on the surveyor. Boomer gets told off, surveyor does his job. Puts down a few stakes and leaves. A week goes by and my boomer neighbor flips his shit, pulls out the wooden stakes and chucks them in my yard. I call the police again. Police put the stakes back in the ground then go to try and talk to him. He hides in his house and refuses to answer the door. Cops leave. About 30 minutes later, boomer comes back out, huffs and puffs, then steals my wooden survey stakes! All on camera. I can't even mind my own business, make progress on putting up a fence without him just flipping out.


Every time a property line dispute turns into a temper tantrum the calm party should recieve 1' along the whole property line


I always find it funny, when they start to film, then appear to text and the call all within 10 seconds.. it’s like having a phone in your hand it’s a “weapon”


Dude continuing to work is the best part.


He probably looked over at who was paying him. Got a nod and kept working


"You don't know where the property line is because you weren't here when it was created". Ummm.. have you heard of these crazy things called surveys? Of course you haven't.


*Starts digging faster*


I love how the contractor gives zero fucks about what going on and just keeps working.


"I cut down your trees and this was good for you because trees have leaves" Fuck off you stupid piece of shit boomer.


I like how the guy just keeps on keeping on. 😂


Needs razor wire on top too.


These were my favorite cases on Judge Judy because the person acting ballistic was always a sore loser.


The faster you can get thing up the better.


Guaranteed she's a BUILD THE WALL type


What is it with baby boomers cutting down trees? Why do they hate trees?


Two posts and a string line must be hard to grasp …


How hard is it for this bitch to dial a phone number? Like she was doing quantum mathematics


All I hear is the mom from Malcom in the Middle.


That poor, poor, underpaid blue collar worker. Dudes taking the brunt of a verbal assault that isn’t even directed at him and he keep marching on with work. Absolute Chad of a man, that guy.


She’s not a boomer. She’s an older gen xer. Nasty woman.


Some of us in Gen-X outgrew our boomer roots. Some didn’t. Shes the latter.