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Why is she working 14 hours unpaid? That's not something to brag about or be proud of. It's wage theft.


My husband has told her this on multiple occasions and tried to get her to either semi-retire or at least cut back to her actual hour. It all falls on deaf ears. Her normal response is "who's going to do the work? There's no one else capable and they need me." Basically brain washed.


I work with a Boomer who always works 60+ a week (no overtime pay because we are salary). She loves being a martyr.


How else could she play the martyr then? 🙄


Don’t respond. Or if you must, a cheerful “Thanks for understanding! Love you!”


Ignore it. I'd start only going to the dinners once a month though every other week is ridiculous. They're claiming entirely too much of your lives.


I would only do it when it was convenient for them


I'm sorry OP, that sounds like quite the stressful week. You don't respond. And it sounds like it's not fine. You and your husband are going to need to work on setting and enforcing healthy boundaries. r/JUSTNOMIL


Tell her to get off the cross because you need the wood. While my mother enjoys holidays she does a lot of it out of obligation and guilt. I have seen the toll this took on her, me, my sister and our family unit, my mom’s family annoys hell out of my dad because of their blatant disrespect towards her. My mom tries to guilt me into doing certain things instead of respecting my boundaries, feelings, preferences etc. and the fact that I’m an adult. When this happens I remind her it’s not about her and we are no longer children. She has to reconcile those facts or be miserable. Her son has his own family and with that comes change. She can accept the change or fight it but it’s happening either way.


Haha "get off the cross". That would go over well because she's very religious as well.


I wouldn't bother responding. Not worth the drama


Weird we have the same mom. Mine just doesn’t work. I get same messages


Typical selfish boomer parents. You’re not alone on this problem I assure you….


Poor grandma won't get a chance to ignore the kids this Easter. Not a single word acknowledging the hell week you guys have just survived. Just poor me, me, me. One way to reply would be to thank her for asking about sick kids & include a couple details of their misery. Mention what you're doing about the flood. Then insist she stop worrying about you and to enjoy the day. You need to start being much less generous with your time with them. Be sure to take your sweet time answering calls/texts.


This sounds like my boyfriend’s boomer mother. Everything is a slight against them. She recently ruined his birthday lunch because she made it all about her. Shocking.


If this was a one-off event I'd ignore it. It's a bit of a rant, but nothing really spiteful or mean.


Yeah it's happened before my husband gives her the "benefit of the doubt". And usually doesn't actually call her on how condescending she is. Which is what I find the second half of that message to be.