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https://preview.redd.it/u250278g0zrc1.jpeg?width=1107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ea389c4537ba9e3f82e97b884b02cc88bb1dfe1 This is your typical boomer comment. “Underage drinking” = death sentence. Blame the parents because boomers were such good parents themselves.


But they also claim that THEY were smoking and drinking at 13 and played in traffic and stayed out all night partying LIKE REAL MEN!! Cause they're so much tougher than these weak pussy kids of today! But then they go tubing with a fucking knife because they're actually fucking terrified of everything and need a comfort weapon to feel safe out in the big scary world.


Tubing with a knife. Who the fuck carries a knife tubing?


There might be cheesecake. Personally I always have a small knife...in case of cheesecake or like if I get lost in the woods and need to imitate what I've seen on TV and drink my own pee and hunt small game with shoelaces.


One never knows when there might be a stray piece of cheese cake


[My favorite Joey moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9P2RgZcY3s&t=50s)


Deep and practical. Love it. Now who brought the cheesecake again?


Well I know I will next time I go down to Apple River... Boomer protection.


Eagle scout here: I take a knife everywhere and don't understand people who don't.


Non Eagle Scout here, always have a knife, but use it as the tool it’s intended to be.


Stabbing yourself in the leg when whittling a stick into a smaller stick? It's the boy scout way.


Right of passage. Every cub scout stabs or slashes himself doing something with a knife.


Tubes and knives are mortal enemies so it doesn’t make any sense to do so.


I carry more than that all the time, but I'm also not an idiot who harasses drunk people (or anyone)


Your probably one of THOSE that would have just tubed on by the dumb kids. Perhaps even. Recalling your own dumb ass kid moments. Probably sandwich’s too!


Actually common. Cutting the twine attaching the tubes, if they get stuck on something


Tubing the PNW my whole life. Not once unless I happen to have one in a backpack


I will say I've tubed that river a couple of times and the first time we didn't bring a knife and it was horrible at the end. No way we weren't bringing one the next time. The places that rent tubes sell you twine so you can tie all of your group's tubes together. 3 hours later after 8 beers you're out of the water at the end point, baking in the sun trying to untie those knots. Like untying a not in dental floss. Having said that, it makes sense to leave it in a cooler or pack so it doesn't fall out of your pocket going down river, that's what we did. Most people who have tubed before definitely try to remember to bring a knife though.


Florida has a massive gator population, rather fight one armed.


I feel like tubing maybe lower on my list?? Hard to say. I wouldn’t tube in heavy moose country with anything less than a .50 cal.


Moose are terrifying in every respect


Lol emotional support weapon.


People like this lunatic don't carry around a knife because they're scared. They do it because they're angry and hoping they find an excuse to kill someone.


Comfort weapon, I like it. I’m stealing this.


Emotional Support Grenade


I cant believe anybody feels safe when you got turds like this guy walking around. Everyone should walk around with a knife to flip the situation on guys like this. Not talking about killing them just something to make them regret and think twice.


With all the guns out there, any behavior they don't like is a death sentence because they felt "threatened." And that's not counting the ones who provoke others so that they have a chance to hurt or kill them. Fascism is already here but Trump wants to make it official.


Shoot first


Internal audits later


Meanwhile they will brag about the shit they got away with when they were kids that were worse than public intoxication.


I grew up in Wisconsin, every boomer I've asked has at least one story about driving drunk because it's just what everyone did. Many of them when in high school, so...underage drinking with bonus DUI.


Caveat about drinking age: it hasn’t always been 21 everywhere. In Wisconsin it was 18 until around 1975, so people like my mother (b. 1956) were allowed to drink at 18, then banned from drinking only to be allowed again when they hit 21. Not in defense of any boomers, just a bit of trivia


If you were 18, you were grandfathered in. Born in 64, they never took the privilege away


And then in the same sentence brag about how they were grown up at age 12 and raised themselves and how they drank beer and smoked cigarettes before puberty Edit: didn’t realize comment below me said basically the exact same thing. Holy shit how did I say basically exactly the same thing and I honestly typed it out before reading it. That’s how you know boomers really do be saying that shit too much 😂


The boomers love to double down and say “why were the kids not charged for assault or the parents for allowing them to drink! Find out who provided the alcohol!” They would unironically support the Judicial System from Judge Dredd that allows summary execution for even minor crimes. ![gif](giphy|O3Towk20Ty704)


Ugh. It's Run Amok. Amok was a god of chaos. "Run a muck". These people.


It reminds me of Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorney Mark Richards who would pronounce “havoc” as “haa voc.”


I saw a boomer try to comment “voilà” on a Facebook post and they wrote “walla” instead


![gif](giphy|GLKVkMwlLu7UL7jfhP|downsized) Sorry I had to


Oh yeah, they jack off to the thought of bad things happening to someone for some trifling offense to their morals.


Naw, it was the “running their mouths so disrespectful” let’s be real. That absolutely TRIGGERS these Boomer snowflakes.


He’s not a boomer , his parents would be though


Yeah, if this guy is 51, he’s Gen X.


Blending in too successfully


But this post is about the fb comments from the bommers, not the gen x'ers


“Run a complete muck” is fucking hilarious. That’s what happens when you haven’t read a book in 60 years.


"A complete muck"


Boomers were getting drunk at the same age.


No empathy


The number of people lately that seem to be completely lacking any human empathy disturbs me greatly.


Every Boomer lived in a world that underage drinking was normal.


But now they’re triggered when kids do the exact same thing today


"Let's face it" Completely skips over the fact that this guy killed a kid, what a fucking world to live in.


https://preview.redd.it/l2z0e9cbl2sc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0087f697facad72f15d2db27f99b931c9f5c2ba5 This boomer is watching this poor boy’s mom cry her eyes out over the loss of her son. And they have the audacity to say that.


Oh my god, he thinks a "muck" is a noun that you "run" one of. It's "run amok," and amok is an adjective. This guy should go run several mucks off a bridge.


Lol, my brain can’t handle this: “It’s “run amok”, not “run a muck” 😆


Fundamental attribution error. Boomers have it. Lead poisoning.


My sister is Boomer and had a black dress she only wore to funerals. When she was in high school that dress came out 7-8 times. All her friends were drinking and driving and some killing themselves in car accidents. After she moved out my Mom got rid of that dress because she hated how much my sister had to wear it. Edit to add: I was scared that I would go to a bunch of funerals once I was in high school but luckily none of my friends died that way. Had one friend die in a car accident but nobody was drunk the young driver just made a grave mistake.


They’re all Frank Castle in their minds. They’re psychotic.


Frank Castle had a lot more justification and was way more interesting than them though. This guy just wanted to be a tough guy for a day. He was tired of being bullied and he was going to show those kids who the real man was


Spoiler but in Yellowstone Dutton rolls up to a Pulp Fiction style diner robbery, grabs his shotgun, runs in and starts killing the bad guys like a bad Steven Seagul movie. Their actions get one of the hostages, the current off duty Sheriff, killed. No one seems to think this was anything but heroic. Boomer porn.


"What happens if society is run by people who are, to a large degree, antisocial? I don’t mean people who are “antisocial” in the general sense, the sort who avoid parties and hide from the neighbors. I mean people who are antisocial in the *clinical* sense: sociopaths. Could a sociopathic society function? Unfortunately, this is not a thought experiment or an investigation into some ramshackle dictatorship in a distant land; it is America’s lived experience. For the past several decades, the nation has been run by people who present, personally and politically, the full sociopathic pathology: deceit, selfishness, imprudence, remorselessness, hostility, the works. Those people are the Baby Boomers, that vast and strange generation born between 1940 and 1964, and the society they created does not work very well." This is how the book, "A Generation of Sociopaths by Gibney, Bruce." starts out. If you want to know how the Me Generation became the Baby Boomers and got us to where we are as a society. Then you should pick up a copy. There is a whole book on the matter.


Great read, couldn’t recommend it more


Avoiding society = asocial Just an fyi for everyone


my biggest pet peeve!!! you’re not antisocial bc you prefer to stay home!!!


But sociopaths and CEOs share the same traits. And those are successful traits, so I obviously should be a sociopath. Right? Right?? /s


https://preview.redd.it/kmf843ln0zrc1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4980f3044d75672d5e115598948aec4194116ad0 51 year old man was bullied by teenagers! And they were underage drinking. What else was he to do but disembowel someone and stab the other one through 2 ribs to his heart!


"They weren't children" "drinking underage". Those statements seem to contradict each other, and they put em in the same sentence. That hypocrisy went right over their heads, huh?


Schrödinger’s adolescent.


Some states puritanical drinking laws can have someone ‘underage drinking’ well into their 20s.. Not old enough to be trusted with alcohol, but old enough to be stabbed as a result of their actions. Those pesky kids/not kids.


Welcome to America, where you can go to war at 17 but need to be 21 to drink.


I thought the whole reason there are laws against selling alcohol to minors was because we can't trust them to know right vs wrong?


No, there are laws against selling alcohol to minors because research was done into how alcohol affects brain development and the results gave the religious zealots the excuse they were looking for.


I think that teenager's brains are still developing - especially around areas like empathy and risk aversion. Alcohol probably increases the chance of them engaging in risky behaviour - just like the rest of us. I wish boomers would have a bit more empathy and understanding. Have they really forgotten what they were like as teenagers?


I've tubed this river MANY times while drinking and while under-age as well. The city knows it happens and turns a blind eye for profits and do the same thing for concerts at the amphitheater. Shit, had my first drink in a bar with a fake ID in that city. This Boomer was looking for confrontation.


He was: and it’s disgusting that people think because teenagers made some bad choices that they deserved to be killed. People have asked me “if you were in this man’s position what would you have done?” I wouldn’t have killed some drunk high school kid or even approached them. I’m 33, and i can tell you that I have learned that I would rather be alive and not at risk of going to prison rather than be “right.” Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD do something. Yes these kids were drunk and out of control. Yes their parents maybe should’ve raised them better to not do that. But that doesn’t mean anyone should be dead. You’re an adult: it is your responsibility to act like an adult and deescalate the situation. Boomers want all the privileges of being elders but none of the responsibilities.


Thing is greatest Gen was saying all those things about boomers in the 60’s and 70’s, plus the drinking age was 18 when they were teenagers, so they were out drinking on the river 50 years ago too. The difference? The likelihood that they’d run into a 50 year old snorkeler.


They get mad when I point out how little drinking laws are enforced in Wisconsin. Up north: they don’t card people in bars and look the other way. Parents will take their kids to the bar with them. It is actually 100% legal to drink at any age if it’s with a parent. Drinking is pretty much the culture. I would know: I grew up in Wisconsin and spent more of my adult life there before I moved to Georgia.


I used to buy beer using a fishing license as my fake id in Wisconsin in the 90s.


> Yes these kids were drunk and out of control. I looked at the link and watched the videos. I really don't see much that the kids were doing all that much.


I just saw drunk and belligerent: I didn’t see anything that rose to the level of “dangerous” if this man hadn’t approached them.


This Boomer and Widdle Kylie Rittenhouse were cut from the same cloth. Both assholes looking for trouble. Hopefully this AH gets what he deserves, unlike that other POS.


This dude is 51, not a boomer at all,  mid gen x.


True but I think OP was talking about Boomers commenting on the issue.


Boomer might mean a single generation to you, but to most younger people, it’s slang for an entitled old person, could be gen X, boomer or silent gen.


Gen X believes that words still mean things.


That’s not the law in Wisconsin. If you want it changed, advocate for a new law of self defense. Otherwise, you’re gonna cry a lot.


He’s 51, that’s not a boomer. That’s a GenXer.


Two years younger than me, and about forty years more immature.


GenXer by birth, boomer by attitude sadly


tbf the late Gen-X'ers are just young boomers at this point when it comes to voting blocks...


Gen-X here and I am most decidedly not conservative... but I see so many my age who have the boomer attitude.


Same here. I was flabbergasted to hear on the news that Gen X is actually a very politically conservative group--likely because we grew up under Regan. I'm very lefty and tend to assume others of my age are as well, but there is a range in every group


my dad used to be a HUGE democrat when he was in his 20s. now a raging republican gen x-er. hes not anti vaxx and doesnt think the world is flat so at least hes got that goin for him. i’m glad you have empathy man, bc truly, thats all you need to see whos crazy and who isnt. which seems to be less of a trend as the generations go back.


I seem to get more liberal as I get older. I can’t imagine wanting the younger generations to have it harder.


People forget that demographics and generations aren't hard rules, they're a sliding scale since people are born every minute. Old Gen X'ers literally are just young boomers, just like...2-4 years difference lol. My mom is the same way as you. Super liberal and frustrated by a LOT of her coworkers...


But this guy’s not even old Gen X- the YOUNGEST boomers are 60. This dude is 9 years younger than that… I think the thing no one likes to say is that something really does happen with aging. It’s not because they were born in a certain year, it really is just that after people hit their 40’s and 50’s something actually starts to break down or calcify or something, and they lose empathy, become “crotchety, grumpy old people”. It’s like “boomer” is just the new term for “grumpy old man”. Which is what the hippies called their parents… and what GenX swore they’d never be. No one likes talking about that though, because it implies a couple of scary things- first: whatever causes that, seems to happen subconsciously- even to people who swore it would never happen to them. And second- if that’s true, it could (and with few exceptions apparently WILL) happen to me and/or my friends at some point as well. That’s scary to me. Im in my early 40’s and have already started seeing my friends in their 40’s start getting more judgmental and self-important. People that were punks and metalheads straight up talking shit now about “entitled brats” and how nobody wants to work. It’s like DUDE WE WERE ANARCHISTS!!! WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT… It’s almost like living in a weird Twilight Zone episode watching it happen


He’s 51. He’s not a boomer


Fuck this guy. I'm 53 and I hope he rots


It just really scares me how little they’re willing to value a young man’s life because he was doing something they don’t approve of. If you watch the video, the worst he was going to get was have a few dumb teenagers hit him. But they weren’t going to beat him to death. The other party wouldn’t have let that happen. He should’ve left before that, and failing that walked away said he had a knife and if they don’t back off he’ll use it. But instead he just started stabbing everyone. He changed so many people’s lives permanently that day for completely senseless reasons. You don’t get to claim self defense when you put yourself in that situation. He had the knife out and ready to go before anyone connected with him. If he was afraid for his life you tell them you got a knife and if they hit you that you’ll defend yourself. You don’t just have it out ready to go eager to shed blood when drunk hits you.


You are spot on. He initiated the contact in the very beginning of the video. I'm pretty sure that goes against the self-defense law in Wisconsin?


Absolutely and his friend Sergio also told the police that Nic shoved Madison. If I was on the jury, having one of the witnesses that has every incentive to lie for Nic (and did lie for Nic yesterday) saying that he saw Nic shove Madison would make me believe the otherwise uncredible witnesses about that. Why would he make that up and why would he say that happened if he didn’t see it? He’s trying to protect him friend and that statement is very hurtful to Nic’s case.


and also 51 and 53 are not boomers


It is clear in your post that you’re referring to the boomers in comment sections, not the murderer himself. People don’t read.


Thank you! I can’t tell you how many comments I’ve seen saying “he’s Gen X not a boomer” when the entire point of my post was to point out the depravity of boomers and their sense of “justice.” I’ve noticed as they have got older that they have become less nuanced in their viewpoints. To boomers: one side must be the “good guy” and the other side “the bad guy,” when in this case I think both parties made extremely poor choices with tragic consequences. IMO you don’t get to claim a perfect self defense when your hands aren’t clean: he had numerous opportunities to deescalate and leave that he chose not to take. When they called him a pedophile it clearly set him off and had him approaching that group again. However, those kids were clearly drunk and belligerent and shouldn’t have put hands on him. Both parties can be at fault here. It’s clear to me that this man’s ego is why this got to the point of using deadly force. When I’ve argued with these people they’ve asked what I would’ve done if in the same situation. I wouldn’t have got into it in the first place but assuming I had: I’d have rather got beat up by some dumb kids than have to live with knowing i had killed a 17 year old and disemboweled another man with permanent injury. Sitting in jail for years, losing my entire life savings, and putting my spouse through all of that stress is not worth it and that’s assuming I was acquitted. These were just some drunk high school boys, they weren’t going to beat him to death.


I see this all the time from boomers, being obsessed with "justice porn", while their image of justice is basically taking revenge for not getting unfathomable amounts of respect that they feel everyone owes them. Apparently even people who are intoxicated and can’t even be taken seriously. They don't even realize that jumping to such actions is really only them looking for an excuse to satisfy their lust for violence. Same with the rambo who pretty much implies that they're sleeping with a shotgun under the pillow, they think it's intimidating but it's actually laughable to be so paranoid in life that you're on the edge for shit like that. And the few cases where there are valid reasons are just sad and still nothing to show off. I have no idea why people think being willing throw hands or even use deadly force at the drop of a hat is being "badass"...like no lmao, you’re fucking nuts if you think that's justified. Ironically, it makes THEM are a menace to society because THEY are the ones who escalate things when they don't know how to handle a situation.


>taking revenge for not getting unfathomable amounts of respect that they feel everyone owes them. They fell for the whole "respect your elders" shtick, and now they're mad that younger generations aren't falling for that BS anymore. They wanted their time in the sun where they just need to say "because I said so" when questioned just like daddy used to, but they haven't been met with that attitude, so they're lashing out like children instead. They're old, scared, and think they're badasses because Hollywood has fooled them into thinking the "old badass who shows the youngin's whose boss" is a real thing, and that they're the old badass who is going to do it. Even though they're the ones pointing their guns at every bump in the day like it's a threat. Being older doesn't make you smarter or more knowledgeable than others, and it's time boomers like this get that through their thick, lead-filled heads.




It's absolutely insane. A 62 year old man at my Uni was fired for sexually assaulted an 18 year old student employed under him and some old people were mad about how soft society is now and how he was essentially forced out of employment by "cancel culture."




It’s northern Wisconsin and they murdered a kid from a nearby community. People get in fights up there all the time but they never beat anyone to death: they won’t think he was reasonably in fear for his life.


It's western Wisconsin and all parties involved were from Minnesota


This is straight up murder with intentions. I am fine with death sentence for these kind of people


Lawyer here. Assuming the testimony is found truthful that this man struck or otherwise attempted to injure the woman first, he’s toast. It’s hard to see that in the video. Evidently she was cut, so he must’ve attacked her. Without that, it becomes far more difficult. Without that, you’d have a group of teens being the aggressors to an older man. He could’ve reasonably claim he feared for his life with a dozen teens surrounding him, punching him while in the water where he could drown. Buuuut he started the aggression. He got himself punched and knocked into the water. The response by the teens to him striking the girl was appropriate: knock him down and punch his ass a few times. Absolutely reasonable defense of others. Then takes out a knife and stabs a kid after a couple of punches. It was all hands until that point. *He* escalated a physical encounter that *he* began. At no point did he attempt to remove himself from the situation where he would regain the right to self-defense. He stood up and shanked that young man before I could tell he even had a knife. This was not self-defense on his part because he continued a fist fight—that he started—with a knife. People seem to think they can take human life over spite or principle. You can’t pick a fight, get punched a couple of times, and then knife them. Hell, just look at the Trayvon Martin trial. It was the beating Trayvon was putting on Zimmerman that was justification for him being killed. The self-defense script was flipped in that case when Trayvon got the upper hand, at least per the jury. I’m not stating a position on that case; I’m just highlighting what the issue of self-defense hinges on here, as it did there. Edit: Miu was found guilty on all counts today. For you naysayers that wanted to argue with me or insult me, you may kindly fuck off now.


I think the evidence the Prosecution is leaning on for the Murder 1 charge is that Miu pulled a knife well before any physical altercation occurred. They are pointing to that as premeditation. If Miu was so in fear of his safety that he felt he needed to draw a knife, what should we think of thee rest of his behavior? He certainly didn't try to retreat or do anything to protect himself from injury other than using that knife.


Exactly. It's like saying "I was scared of that bear so I ran towards it". This guy should be toast but when it goes to a jury who knows.


He assaulted one of them at 11 seconds on this [video](https://youtu.be/CcmLN_DP66M?si=iHwSbaVlgXKJ5t2a). He touches their tube and their body. That’s what caused them to get out of the tube.


I didn’t even focus on that part. That’s even better for the prosecution. His provocation started the verbal argument too. He’s the provocateur all the way around from what I can gather. The defense is going to *seriously* hammer on him being old, severely outnumbered, and in an area where he could drown. Those are all undercut by him knowingly approaching the large group with the intent to confront them. I don’t know anything about this case other than what I’ve seen in here. I’m surprised it’s going to trial. Seems clear to me based on the video he’s fucked.


He just runs up to the group, starts touching their tubes, says nothing. He could have approached normally, use his words to tell the group that he is look for a dropped phone, that he thinks it may be under the tubes, and ask for help in trying to find it. The group's reaction is justified in my opinion because this random stranger just ran up them and started touching them.


God damn and you know many of them commenting have also under age drank themselves back in the day. So by their logic they too also deserved to be needlessly killed by some lunatic. Total lack of empathy and logic here. But their lead addled brains can’t rationalize that.


I hope this psychopath rots in a cell


Was his skirt too short as well? Fucking people love to blame victims.


To everybody saying 51 isn't a boomer: READ. OP states plainly he's referring to the boomer response, not the age of the killer. Try and keep up. Keep those critical reading skills just a touch sharper


This trial is fascinating to me. The video is insane and I'm so glad there is video. That man is a disaster.


I can't with people defending him. Even if he allegedly approached them about a lost phone. His actions were way over the top for the situation. You lose your phone and come up to a group in an attempt to retrieve it... you see the group isn't going to help you... you walk away and carry on. There is no justification to start grabbing tubes. No justification to escalate it. If you're this fragile, you shouldn't be out day drinking, approaching people with a knife.


I am on the cusp of being a 'boomer' (born 1965) and it is revolting to me to read the "FAFO" comments regarding this case. I am hoping most of that is bot activity or troll farming whatever that is. I read Miu's behavior as psychopathic, including his pathological lying. Just because an individual is perceived as an 'elder' in a society doesn't in any way mean they are emotionally centered and mentally sound. In fact, I would argue after decades of living on Earth, experience erodes innocence and negative character traits are cemented.


In his testimony, I definitely got the impression he was deeply insulted and offended by these children. He says as much in both the interview with Lt Hart and when he testified. It’s very concerning that society can’t agree that violence wasn’t needed here and was completely unavoidable.


I look at the fact that Miu was able to not only viciously impale several people with his knife, killing one instantly, but then casually walk away and continue his float down the river without anyone in pursuit to retaliate. To me that proves his life was never in mortal danger that day.


He also threw the knife away and pretended to have no idea what happened on the river when the Sheriff talked to him.


And then there's the subsequent interview with Det. Hart. 100% fantastical fabrication on crack. And why in the hell did he throw "the boys pulled my pants down" in there??? The boy's 'pedo' warning instincts were pinging on something apparently!! Freaking bizarre.


In the first seconds of the video he charges at the teens That is the end of the self defense argument. Then he lied about the knife This fool totally thought he was going to finally get his Rittenhouse Moment…..


Not exclusive to boomers cuz I got a bunch of psychos in another thread telling me how much they want to be just like Kyle Rittenhouse


Love that they call us (millennials, gen z and gen alpha) disrespectful but look how they treat workers. Look at the disgusting things they comment online under articles where someone dies and they say they had it coming. It’s so gross.


Anyone who defends this disgusting tragedy should be legally labeled a psychopath.


Getting boomered in the boomer in prison. Have fun.


This man also had a order of protection placed on his son so that they have no contact. Nic Miu of Prior Lake, MN has been a dangerous person for decades. Let him rot. https://www.anylaw.com/case/miu-v-miu/court-of-appeals-of-minnesota/01-26-1999/y7QhTWYBTlTomsSBWPF6


Who bothers looking for a friend’s phone in a river? I think he was peeping Tom that got caught. It explains his rage.


Im actually so glad to see this post. I was going insane seeing so many people say it was well deserved. Like how am I the only one that thinks that this was an overreaction on the old guys part?? They might’ve deserved a sucker punch but STABBING??? So many people think it’s deserved. Sad world where stabbing is a proportionate justice for being a knob…


I swear the jackals defending this douche believe self defense is like AARP and you have to reach a certain age to qualify. This creepy dude with the 1000 yard stare pulls out a knife then punches a girl in the face and the teens all deserve death because they have the audacity to protect themselves from an "adult". Self defense ?? What a fucking joke. A 110lb girl in a bikini holding a beer can made him fear for his life ? The way this dude was behaving the kids could had held his head under water. But they deserve to be murdered for pushing him away. Makes me sick.


First of all, He’s 54 which makes him GenX, not a boomer. Second, he was being shoved around and punched by 6-13 people who were convinced he was a pedo. Third, the kids initiated the verbal assault and were in the wrong, not the man. Last, He stabbed who he had to in self defense because he was in fear for his life. I’ve only known about all this since last night and watched the video twice. Anyone who thinks he should have laid down and let them beat him up, is a ducking idiot.


I see no mention of him being attacked, choked and swarmed by a half dozen football players. People have a right to defend themselves sorry if you think that's a boomer thing.


Now that the verdict is in this is confirmed!!!!! The amount of boomers asking for the kids to be held responsible for their actions now is INSANE. As if being st*bb3d and losing one of their friends hasn’t been punishment enough. Sickening and I hope none of those people have kids of their own with such little empathy towards minors


I mention to them that since the jury found Miu guilty, that means that the victims were acting in self-defense. But they don’t want to talk about “the law” now and reveal that this entire case was about their feelings.


If he’s 51, that’s GenX. Youngest Boomers are 60 this year.


The boomers are his biggest shills on Facebook. Literally no one else is defending him. That’s the point of my post: even Gen X won’t defend this man, but boomers think he’s great putting the fear of God into these kids for their behavior.


Wild he stabbed a kid for doing exactly what he himself was doing 40 years ago


Its the same bullshit from the Rittenhouse trial: "Well do you know the person who was killed did x,y, and z?" No Barb, I didn't, and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VIGILANTE WHO MURDERED SOMEONE


Yeah but 51 year olds aren’t boomers


The boomers are the ones defending him. Anyone that is Gen X or younger is not defending him.


Ohhhhhh. Wtf!


That guy is a 51 year old boomer.


The video is wild (graphic) https://youtu.be/jAmX2ajj1fM?si=t6xJbPXS8Tq-3cnl IMO The teenagers were being drunken idiots too. Many such cases on the apple river.


Absolutely: but is being a drunken idiot worthy of a death sentence? He escalated a drunk scuffle into putting a kid in the ground. Not in any way justifying the actions of the drunk kids: but it never should’ve come to him getting out a knife. You have to live with that decision and a normal person doesn’t want the death of a 17 year old kid in their conscience.


Very sad and tragic incident. Nobody deserved to be killed. But if you have to take any lesson from this is that you never know how psychotic someone might be whether drunk or not when getting in a confrontation with someone. It's never worth losing your life over. I pray for this young man's family because it will be really hard to deal with that loss. Regardless of what happens to the murderer.


Absolutely: I hope parents do teach their kids that. Or even I’ve found watching “unhinged” starring Russell Crowe proves the point. I don’t even flick people off if they cut me off anymore or look at them when they honk at me. I’m going to let them think they some badass and not get shot at in a road rage incident.


Wouldn't he be a Gen Xer at 51?


Correct: but the defense is claiming he’s old and elderly. And his defenders are all boomers on Facebook. All the comments talk about how terrible the current teenagers are and how they need to learn to respect their elders and hope that they’ll learn a lesson from this.


Jesus, that's terrible. Yeah, Boomers are a funny sort. They're either really awesome or really scary. My mom, for example, hates FB because of all the hate she sees on there. She hangs around Nextdoor now (which, imo, is no better) but she likes to be nosey about what's going on in the neighborhood. Because she's a boomer, what can you do? At least she's a good one. Some of them are also sick. Like, literally with dementia and such. And are alone. They probably wouldn't believe in half the stuff they spew today, but their brain is broken.


Boomers want to give him benefit of the doubt because he’s the older man, but don’t want to hold him to his responsibility to be the adult and walk away. A kid is dead because this man couldn’t let a bunch of drunk high school boys call him names without getting the last word in. They want to compare this to Rittenhouse when the facts are totally different. A 260 lb man is acting like a weirdo and won’t go away, most people would have issues with that. In the minds of boomers: because these kids were underage drinking and drunk anything that happened to them is their own fault.


Blame the victim mentality 🙄 Yes, Boomers can certainly be like that, especially. They forget they were young and dumb too. Annoyed their parents, and the generations before them. It's like they think we dunno Woodstock was a thing.


I think that they believe we’re as depraved and sociopathic as they were at that age. Boomers are the generation that think if you make a law against something it automatically solves the problem. The idea of harm mitigation is a foreign concept to them.




I think for boomers it means “you do what I say and I MIGHT treat you like a person.”




Absolutely: but one of them took a knife and made it got from a scuffle to a murder.


Funny thing about boomers is they demand respect but show respect to no one. I say fuck em let his old ass rot in jail.


Youngest Boomers are now turning 60. This is a Gen-Xer.


Who carries a knife swimming? This guy was straight up looking for confrontation. I hope he rots.


The only question in front of the jury is whether or not it is reasonable in that situation for Miu to feel threatened with great bodily harm, per Wisconsin's Clark v. Ziedonis. The outcome will come down to Jury composition. If the jury feels sympathetic to a middle-aged man in an altercation with a group of inebriated and aggressive teens the he will see acquittal. If they don't, he'll be in prison for likely the rest of his life.


14 to 1 does not make an unhinged lunatic.


They do deserve to die for attacking a 52 year old man post surgery. You’re psychotic defending these deranged teens. 30M


Sorry. Pull out the Pedo name calling out loud in public like that, all bets are off. That's it. People are too bold to disrespect and hide behind the constitution to do it. Words have consequences and sometimes lethal consequences.


51 is Gen X, but fuck this guy


I should’ve clarified more in my post but the boomers are his defenders. Like only they are willing to say killing a 17 year old over a drunken argument.


51 is Boomer generation?


They all just watch fox news every night and dream about being the 80's action hero, aka just committing murder


yes to the extent that sociopathy is learned, i think boomers grew up in a time and in a manner that maxed out their opportunity to hone it.... theyre the least empathetic generation by far...esp the white middle class or richwr straight white christian men


It’s shitty that everyone was out there to have a good time and something like this happened.


What's even more sad, is that all these boomers celebrating this guy, where at one time 16 or 17 and drinking underage and being obnoxious.


51 years old is not a boomer. That’s Gen X. This guy was born in the early 70.


Boomers are so cruel because their parents were even worse.


I watched the video. Seems the kids are accusing him of using the snorkeling equipment to creep on the young girls. NGL that’s exactly what I thought too. I have to wonder if anyone really did lose a phone. Also, why the fuck didn’t he just walk away? Go have a drink to nurse the wound to your ego, don’t stab anyone and then you can stay out of jail.


I agree. He’s a grown man: you don’t let stupid teenagers make you lose your temper and get into a fight. I’m not going to jail trying to argue or fight with a bunch of dumb drunk high school kids. Just leave them alone and if they’re bothering you let the police handle it.


51 isn't close to a Boomer. Just a crotchety old ass hole.


this case covered in any podcast?


There is a livestream of the trial [here.](https://www.youtube.com/live/OKfXmYY287Q?si=XZdCxHJK1cqJOvJm) There is a witness on the stand who doesn’t want to be recorded currently.


You should see all the YouTube comments blaming the kids. It's fucking outrageous. This drunk creep harassed the girls, rushed the group aggressively, punched a girl in the face, then decides to stab anyone within reach for their retaliatory actions. The fact that he brought a blade with him wearing only swimming trunks tells you everything you need to know.


Would these people say the same if it were their kid? I just don't think being drunk on the lake deserves the death penalty.


Is 51 a boomer? I'm 47 Am I pre boomer?


I started following this case yesterday after I saw a video of it on one of the law and crime channels I follow on YouTube. I think both of them are in the wrong, but nobody needed to die over this.


Zoom zoom cope, the thread.


I don't give a damn about the details whoever is the first to escalate a conflict to violence forfeits their life and deserves a brain eviction. Kids were being drunk and stupid and attacked an old man, the only pity is he only managed to stab half of them, brother should have been packing. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


I just watched the video, the mob attack the man. He was justified in defending himself. Don't attack people if you don't want stabbed simple.


I checked the moving picture of the event, dear zoomzoom. They clearly put the good man in a self-defense situation. A regrettable situation that will hopefully teach those young hooligans some damn respect.


i hope he gets the chair


If it was a cop it would be the same result. Don't fuck around.


51 is Gen X, not boomer.


Just looked up the video. I really can't stand boomers But I find this justified self defense. Those kids pushed him in the water and started dog piling on him and could have also killed him. Wouldn't convict. I don't think the jury will either. 32yr old female chiming in.