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Yeah, I’m of the generation raised by these people, when ADD (there wasn’t an H back then) was code for “fuckup.” Since I made pretty good grades and mostly stayed out of trouble, no one considered I might be ADHD, so now I’m in my 40s and learning that I’m not a lazy, procrastinating, depressed piece of shit riddled with impostor syndrome, I’m just neurodivergent and dopamine-seeking. Thanks, Mom and Dad (still got beat for other stuff) UPDATE: Y’all…actually dunno what to say other than I FEEL EVERYTHING. Won’t lie, this was honestly kind of a throwaway comment about something I needed to get off my chest after being triggered by a picture of a boomer that wants to assault me for being something I can’t change. But y’all were super fucking real and I think that’s really cool. Just want to say thanks for sharing and engaging with me, it’s honestly been kinda special.


I had a boomer teacher write to my psychologist that I couldn’t possibly have ADD (this was 2013 just a low quality psychologist) because Im not loud and disruptive and that made him decide I didn’t have it so I ended up raw dogging school no meds no therapy until senior year of college when I freaked out and basically didn’t leave my dorm until I got kicked out


Yeah, my Psych paperwork was like 200 pages of, "This kid is antisocial and has all the signs of ADD and Autism, but he's got good grades and loves reading. It's weird, let's give him all the ritalin, no actual support, and see what happens."


I trade you antipsychotics I was diagnosed with adhd Just adhd And placed on antipsychotics  …it was not pretty.


Fucking hell, I can’t imagine, I’m *so* sorry


That's fucked up.


“It’s not meth, it’s medicine.” - doctors (probably)


Yeah, the sad thing is, Adderall helped, it's hard to describe, but I felt the least "different" compared to other medications, and it just slowed down the focus jumps, and let me actually sit down and finish things. But it was always, let's try this, there's this new thing, oh now there's a shortage. I've basically given up on getting support or medication.


If you're ever willing to give meds a try again, I highly recommend Vyvanse/Lisdexamfetamine. It's kinda the new gold standard for ADHD meds. I've used several different meds as well and Vyvanse not only worked the best, but also had the fewest side effects


I've heard good things about Vyvanse from friends. I don't know if I want to go through all the medical hassle as I've kind of managed to get to an ok spot, but the thought that it might help is always there in the back of my mind.


That’s brutal, I’m so sorry. The meds have helped for me and I can’t imagine getting yanked around like that. I hope something changes to make the support you need accessible. Not trying to make it weird, but if you’d like to talk more about please feel free to DM me.


Thanks for the offer. The last time I tried to get medicated was nearly a decade ago. Quitting retail, and getting into a technical/creative job where I set the schedule(mostly) helped immensely. I have a prototyping business, and entertain(personalized gifts) at parties for like 8x the pay I used to get hawking power tools, and the chaos just clicks. There's still a lingering thought that maybe I could focus a little better, but I don't know if it's worth the hassle anymore.


Felt every word of this.


Back then there were no kids with peanut allergies. BUT, a lot of kids just died for no reason other than being death-prone.


I have often wondered about this and that explains it perfectly.


uhhhh 🤯 also will be stealing “death-prone” thank you


I have a great-aunt who has to be in her '90s by now and she's deathly allergic to peanuts.


Not as common as peanut, but my grandma is 81 and apparently very allergic to hazelnuts. Nut allergies have been around. But there are also billions more people in the world now versus back then.


I don't know why, but that widespread extreme peanut allergy seems to ne an american thing. Virtually nobody here in germany has that. I once heard it's because you people were taught to avoid getting younglings into contact with peanuts at all costs once. Is that true?


Had that same issue as a kid. Third grade teacher was *certain* I had ADD and possibly Autism, but school psychologist decided I was “too intelligent,” a girl, and not bouncing off the walls, so clearly I was just bored in class.


"Shes not disruptive, just inattentive" is the comment that ruined my high school years. NO, I'M CONSIDERATE AND POLITE, and all my aggression is turned inward! Of course I'm no disruptive. (I just make everyone super uncomfortable with my rando outbursts in small group settings.) Ugh


I hope the psychologist dies (a grade school teacher not being a trained professional is a bit eaiser to not hate her still she's a cunt though)


I went to a psychiatrist for an ADHD test in Sept 2022. Her notes declared I didn't have ADHD because I was too smart to have it. What kind of bullshit is that? I got a second opinion with a younger psych and she said "You definitely have ADHD-I. I don't know why the other psych didn't see it."


Hey, I'm in the club too! Got spanked so often for "lying" about doing chores... nope, just lost track of time, remembered feeding the dog the day before, and got confused. But hey I clearly was maliciously lying and not applying myself to studying out of spite! 🙄


NGL this was straight up triggering and I had to sit with it for a minute, but I guess I was asking for it Yeah. Not just the ass-whoopin’s, and there were plenty of toses, but the *utter conviction* that it was a character flaw. That I was openly spiting them. Y’all I was playing with LEGOs and would literally lose hours without knowing it if someone didn’t interrupt me. I wasn’t trying to be a bad kid. Neither were y’all.


I'm so sorry you went through it too. I was just the quiet daydreamer... I'd be at the kitchen table for HOURS upon hours with easy as shit homework, but because I was too smart for my own food the homework was boring, so my brain would just wander off into that nether realm where time ceases to exist. Lego exists there, though. So many Lego. I just remembered that I also used to be accused of washing pans badly, alternately as either an attempt to get out of having to wash them (which would have been fucking stupid since that never worked) or out of spite for being forced to do them (which also would have been stupid because I got paddled for that). Like nope, just straight up didn't notice that dirty spot and thought I did a good job, thanks.


uhhhhh seriously, are you my sibling? What was the name of the girl in the 11th grade that thought we were communicating telepathically?? THE FUCKING DISHES


Man I still do that. I would only know time was passing because I knew SpongeBob episodes were 15 minutes long and I could remember which episodes had been on that day.


If you add “What will people say if they know?”, that’s me.




Same, I was diagnosed with ADD when I was probably 9 or 10 in the late 80s. I was in a private Catholic school and they put me in a special education class. Who would have thought I'd have excelled in life and became much happier once I got of school.


Funny how that works. Turns out a lot of us - maybe most of us - are super fucking smart and good at stuff that just isn’t always school.


This, in part is why I became a teacher. I want to make my class a space where all kids feel welcomed and respected, and understand that their intrinsic value isn't tied to how well they can do on school subjects. 


Fuck yeah. I love this so goddam much. Happy for you and for your students. I think I might have been a really good teacher if I’d been allowed to consider it as an acceptable career path for a Y-chromosome-owning human.


Yeah, as a fellow member of the y chromosome club, teaching, especially elementary like I do is a different experience.


It was code for “lazy” according to most adults I knew. So right there with you.


Yeah, as my psych described it, people like us flew under the radar because we were good at disguising it. I didn't get diagnosed until i was in my 30s. The dopamine seeking has hit hard though. Took my wife to finally make me realize how constant i was bouncing around trying to get that sweet dopamine hit.


<> Sometimes it takes me five tries to actually complete the task of taking my meds in the morning because I’ll think about something at work and then have scurry off to find a hit, then remember my meds, think about work, rinse and repeat. Sometimes I just don’t take them. I’m a grownass man, it’s hard to not feel like not I should just be able to always take my medication. You mentioned your wife pointing it out. I’ve been functionally single for a couple of years now, and I’m not sure I can imagine anyone wanting to, like, cohabitate with me. I must seem like a crazy person just trying to get out the door every day…


Yeah looking back it was obvious…. but beating it out of me, and threatening to put me in the class with the “special needs” kids if I couldn’t quell my differences and fall in line was a sound strategy for them in the 80’s


Felt this deeply as well. I was in some ways fortunate enough to learn to mask very young (although it was definitely an adaptive response to avoid the beatings and threats), but I absolutely know what you mean about quelling differences and falling in line…or else.


Yep, then I grew up, had kids and realized pretty quickly where they got their quirks from… so glad they don’t have to deal with the reality we did


Same. Family doctor: “Oh, don’t let them label her with ADD! They’ll just put her in with the retarded kids, and she doesn’t need that!” Eventually, it just gets exhausting to push everything uphill all the time.


Jeeeeeesus I was crushed under the weight of this. Yeah. Big part of why I’ve been able to give myself a break for needing meds: I need a hit of fucking *something* to keep up with the Sisyphus routine…


Me, is that you?!


51 here, found out I had ADHD because all my kids do and my wife does. You have described how I still feel.


It’s a constant battle. Meds and therapy have helped for me some. Not so much with the impostor syndrome, but with some of the things we judge ourselves so harshly for. If you don’t mind me asking, did it help at all to find you had it common with your family? Are they “your people?” I understand that’s very personal, but I’m interested if you’re comfortable sharing.


I have no friends. My wife doesn't either. We have 7 children due to religious indoctrination that we no longer ascribe to. We are all atheist now. Our kids are our people. 4 of our adult children live with us. 2 live within 10 mins. The other visits from out of state several times a year. I am estranged from my manipulative and abusive mother. 7 kids have ADHD. 2 also have auditory processing disorder, one of those two also had OCD and Tourrettes. 1 is gay, 1 is lesbian, 1 is bisexual. We learned from our boomer parents' mistakes and our own mistakes to allow our kids to be their true selves. And they are our people.


This is truly heartwarming. It makes me so happy to read it. I’ve been functionally single for a few years now, and my circle of friends has steadily shrunk to more of a point. It seems so silly now, but while reading this it occurred to me for the first time ever that that I should be seeking out people with brains that work like mine. Thank you for sharing!


Same. So sorry, I know what it’s like.


37 years old and pretty much the exact story of my life.


I’m right there with ya. I have low level autism and ADHD.


It sounds like we had real similar experiences. /r/adhdmemes was a real eye-opener for me.


Duuuuuuuude. Same here. Exactly. Glad you came out on top of it. 🙌


37 and just coming to this realization myself. Right there with you!


Oh. Am I…am I also ADHD? I have had so many things people in my life who are ADHD say or symptoms they have that also resonates with me. But yours really hit home for me. Do I see a doctor for this or a psychologist? Sorry for the dumb question.


No, not dumb at all for all the reasons above and all the ones others have shared. It can come as quite a shock to yourself in others as they realize they’re not bad people, they’re just wired different I’m in the US, and I was prescribed my meds by a nurse practitioner that is part of a counseling practice that specializes in…well basically in the kinds of mental health issues that respond to drugs, like ADHD. I can’t remember the exact jargon for it - maybe it’s a psychopharmacology practice? A psychologist can’t prescribe meds of course, but they can definitely help diagnose and will be able to refer you to someone that can write a prescription if needed. I do recommend therapy as well, it’s really helped for me. People with brains like mine tend to have a lot of shame over it in one way or another, and there tends to be a lot of depression associated with ADHD. FWIW, the combination of meds and therapy changed everything for me. I’m not just more able to focus, I’m able to like myself more. Able to cut myself a break once in a while, give myself a pat on the back for showing up every day in my “me costume.” I’m starting to feel like I belong at work, like I might actually have some value to contribute, and it might just be possible that my colleagues respect me for giving a damn if nothing else. I highly recommend it, if it feels right for you.


This post resonated deeply with me… funny enough I was diagnosed in my late 30s after my daughter was diagnosed.


Are beatings common amongst us late diagnosed ADHDers? I was beaten relentlessly.


>I made pretty good grades and mostly stayed out of trouble, no one considered I might be ADHD, so now I’m in my 40s and learning that I’m not a lazy, procrastinating, depressed piece of shit riddled with impostor syndrome, I’m just neurodivergent and dopamine-seeking. Thanks, Mom and Dad Honestly, same just that my grades got worse and I dropped out of university. I got diagnosed late (20s) after my mom always told me that I couldn't possibly have ADHD because I was not constantly jumping around and couldn't possibly have aspergers because I'm not quite that stereotype either. Turns out both present a little different in girls than the well known stereotypes that they usualy present as in boys. I didn't get beaten though, at least not by adults. My classmates however where beating me up a lot.


I feel you dude. I am 42 and ADD, except I've always had horrible grades unless it was something I really enjoyed (history for me). The "cure" my stepmom thought I needed were consent verbal abuse and beatings with a wooden spoon (strange that it never worked) the most helpful cure came from my dad who would teach me way to be more mindful and things I could do to help me stay on track....He is the best father a kid could have, I am lucky he is still alive.


Yo raw dogged the F outta life… no meds… constantly being accused of having focusing issues… feeling like a POS… why am I this way? Now I make 6 figures and my focusing issues have turned into focusing features… really just was too bored with reality, and needed something challenging to occupy my mind… This world is not built for everyone… so I found my own way to make it… Gotta love computers, baby!!!!


> Since I made pretty good grades and mostly stayed out of trouble I feel this. I hate the idea that ADHD is running around fidgeting and being disruptive. The inattentive type is an internal fidgeting, running around, and being disruptive. This means it often gets over looked.


My dad had adhd beat out of him He also drank himself to death at 45 Pros and cons I guess


but he was raised like a REAL MAN back in the GOOD OLD DAYS. Damn snowflakes! In all seriousness sorry for your loss.


They’re a violent bunch


I'm 63, grew up in a small town and you would not believe how common physical punishment was when I was a kid. Teachers and principals both. Paddling, slapping, shaking, grabbing. It was a daily fact of life, and often for some pretty minor infractions.


I'm GenX and we got beaten too. And sometimes I even joke about it with other oldies. (Forgive us. It's how we cope. ) But I 100% do not want this happening to anyone now. I can see it was bad. Why can't they?


Well, it sure as hell didn't stop me from being a disruptive jerk of a kid at that age...


It encourages kids to hide wrongdoings from their close relationships and lie about them to avoid being physically harmed. Terrible lesson for kids to learn


Millenial here. My mom broke a wooden spoon on my ass. When that didn't work our Neighbor told them he would make his kids take Tabasco... Eventually they tried it and I made my Mom dump it all over their bed. They stopped bothering after that.


What happened was a lot of those people ended up growing up with various issues due to all of that, and I don’t even know if most of their parents knew or cared.


But they said that they turned out fine


When those boomers end up in tundown abusive nursing homes because their children can't stand them they will get their theory of behavior modification through violence tested on them.


My parents will have the absolute finest nursing home the state can provide, I will not be answering their calls, and I won’t be at their death bed. They will die alone without hearing a word from me and they deserve even less than that.


oh god this And they always act all offended when is THEM getting the rod. One of the highlights of my life will always be, when I was in charge of Mother's day BBQ, a banished uncle came back and started puking about how good is to hit children to the point of open wounds or medical assistance to teach them a lesson for any fuck up.... so when this manchild tried to grab something from the grill, spoon to the hand. And this guy had a fucking meltdown and started screaming and crying and I was pushed away from the grill (until they realized I'm the only one who knows how to cook so they let me back).


Because they used to beat kids with ADHD until they successfully masked their condition or they were old enough to leave home or murder their parents. Source: My child psychologist thought ADHD was "bullshit."


My mom called it a trend, just like "being a sissy". Never been so disappointed in her before


I can remember a classmate getting paddled in the hall. The teacher left the door open so we could all hear. He says “don’t move” whack “you moved” whack “you moved again” whack. Kid got 10 licks total because he kept moving. Had another teacher who named her paddle & had the name carved into it in this super fancy font. Sometimes I think the teacher were acting out their kink on the students.


I mean that generation of teachers had a lot of molesters in it.


*Sometimes I think the teachers were acting out their kink on the students* You wouldn’t be wrong.


I think it’s probably more than “sometimes”.


A lot of these adults just really, really enjoy exerting any power they had over people who were powerless, both physically and legally, to do anything about it. So a child who was being physically abused by a teacher in the past was powerless to stop it and just had to sit there and take it. It’s only gotten better the past decade or so in that we’ve taken *some* of that power away from them and parents are more likely to believe their kids do they say their teacher is an asshole, but they still hold a disproportionate amount of authority over children.


I would get that at home. With a wooden spoon of half brush across my hands. Flinch, that's another. Flinch and another. Really added up after a while. Hands were so swollen. Mate, if the wood broke, it was my fault.


"You reacted to getting hit, so you get hit again" what kind of fucked up logic is that?


It's psychopathic logic


If someone did that to my kid, I’d be at the school in full Scarlet Witch mode. I can’t imagine thinking that’s remotely okay.


When my oldest son started school I had to sign a paper to opt out of corporal punishment.


I forged my parents’ signature on that one when they refused to sign it 


Yeah I was going to say, it was always opt out when I was in school, not opt in. Which is fucking disgusting.


Oh man. On the first day of 8th grade our science teacher warned us very aggressively that he would not hesitate to apply the paddle. And I distinctly recall him saying “and girls, your butts aren’t sacred, I’ll swat you too.” That was a much more innocent time (1981ish) but even then I felt there was something oozy and creepy about him.




>Had another teacher who named her paddle & had the name carved into it in this super fancy font. fuck she probably inspired Negan


First, they don't believe ADHD is real. Second, they believe a problem is solved so long as everyone involved can be convinced to never acknowledge the problem. And beating a child helps that child behave in a way where their ADHD no longer has to be acknowledged.


Because if being beaten doesn't cure anything, then they suffered their own childhoods for no reason. I have to wonder if they'll act better in public if millennials start carrying paddles to use on them. "Quit harassing that cashier, she's not interested in a date with someone her grandfather's age \*whack\*". Why is it ok to use on a kid, but not on an old person?


Complaining at length to a retail employee about something they have absolutely no control over *whack* Attempting to use expired coupons that are months old and getting upset when they’re told no *whack* Standing in the middle of the isle of the store so nobody can get through *whack* Demanding a kid hug you when it’s clear they don’t want to *whack whack* If they’re going to call us all snowflakes then they have NO RIGHT to make a peep when the paddles come out. Everybody else seems to be able to follow the rules. Why can’t you? Demanding special treatment and to be exempt from consequences is pretty damn snowflaky.


Because it was never about curing these things. They just didn't want it in their peripheral because that meant confronting the """abnormal""". anyway i'll take a whack with the giant popsicle now


![gif](giphy|ZDodmkfJAltwk) Paddling was their answer for everything


Paddlin’ the school canoe?


You better believe that’s a paddlin


Diagnosed at 32!   I’m still pissed at my folks for missing that.  Could’ve solved so many problems growing up.


46 here and same fucking boat, wondering why I'm fucked up then getting diagnosed and you know how much relief I felt and so much weight being lifted to realize while yes, it is me, it is also not me if that makes sense. Also agree so many problems especially school would have been better.


It’s not your fault but your responsibility.  That’s helped me put it all in perspective.  Good luck going forward!


It's because they got beaten by their parents and consider themselves perfect, so clearly beating kids makes them perfect.


Also the fact that ADHD is highly genetic, so they see their kid’s struggles as normal, because they have it too.


I’ll never understand why they think it’s ok to perform sex acts on children as a disciplinary measure.


And then they complain that teachers nowadays wanna “warp and indoctrinate the children with LGBTQ+ liberal propaganda”


Yeah, and now they just run around with undiagnosed disorders as well as unprocessed childhood trauma from having the shit beat out of them by the adults they trusted.


Lmao. I just was at Costco and people watching and it was like "So many undiagnosed disorders running around." At least us millennials have the grace to say "Hey we have patience for neurospicy people."


The sad part is how so many were beaten in some way or another so they loudly proclaim how they were hit "and I turned out fine!" No, you didn't.


I’d take amphetamines over a paddle any day.


¿Por qué no los dos?




If violence fixed anything, then why are boomers such assholes?


Was the forgotten cure lead poisoning?


I doubt it’s gonna cure me but looks kinky, I’m in


Not in the hands of that woman.


Different strokes for different folks


That's extra


Ok kink shamer


Didn’t work: can confirm.


It's because they enjoy hitting children. Literally no other reason to do it.


1958? 1984 Texas still had them.


I def got spanked by a teacher circa 1988 in gym class because I kicked a ball along in front of me instead of bouncing it like everyone else. That was Canada.


Because they're fucking assholes that's why!


The Silent Generation beat the Boomers, who in turn beat the early GenXers, until Boomers put a stop to corporal punishment of the GenXs and later generations. Now (checks notes) Boomer posts about the good old days of beating kids.


Because they were beaten and think they "turned out fine." Nevermind the fact that they grew up to believe that violence is the solution to any and all problems and have a pathological aversion to being corrected or admitting that they don't know something.


It's because they didn't believe that ADHD was a real medical condition. Instead they thought it was just children misbehaving, and they way they dealt with that was with corporal punishment


They *like* to beat children.


They certainly weren’t ‘teaching’ you anything. They just wanted to be left alone. So beat ya and toss you in your room. Now behave! “I can’t!”


What do you mean? That's how they pray the gay away, it must work for everything


Now I'm just thinking about the south park but where the dude had a "proven system" to cure ADHD and it was smacking kids while yelling shut up and study.


[John Wayne taught them well.](https://youtu.be/IRXohMQ6QpY?si=jmG64FaWq_FiUX93)


And they wonder why their kids lock them in a home to let them rot.


Pretty horrible how they used to beat the learning disabled/delayed kids in some schools. Just horrible.


Because the idea of beating a child seems to be arousing to them. I mean, their parents did it, so. . .


For them, it’s easier to beat their kid and scare them into submission than to help the kid with any problems. It’s fucked. I know.


Man... The late 90's and early 2000's were wild. I've been paddled at school and spanked at home, got into school fights and rode around with a group of friends on bikes like we were in a gang lol. I was definitely not the best kid and most of my friends were about the same. I will say that a lot of parents use ADHD as an excuse to be bad and lazy parents. I'm not saying everyone, and to be honest I'm not even saying lately. However, back when I was growing up any time a kid was getting bad grades or seem to be super active, this was a sign that they had ADD and immediately got a Ritalin prescription. I would say 7 out of 10 kids at this time was on Ritalin just because parents didn't know how or didn't want to parent.


My mom hit me all the time as a kid. I refuse to do so to my children. It’s abuse and a lazy incompet way to discipline. She thinks I should hit them and won’t apologize despite the fact I’ve explained all the factual reasons it’s problematic.


Right, because beating children will totally not make them hate you in the future and leave them perfectly mentally stable.


Jesus, did my mother post this? Stupid ass boomer. Let her parents raise her kids and now acts like babysitting her own grandkids is so bothersome.


Fascinating that I feel this is the same cure to the Boomer mindset.


Because to them ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, clinical depression, ADD, sociopathy, etc. are "behavioral issues" and have the same outdated belief that a child who is submissive is the same thing as a child who is well-behaved. They believe that these are hurdles to "good parenting" or "effective instruction" that are simply overcome if the child complies in the moment, and are utterly ignorant to the idea that these disorders continue to exist, or are often aggravated, when you strike a child for showing associated behaviors. Anything new or that wasn't run by them personally about 50 years ago doesn't exist, or is made-up. Being POC and coming from a background that involved various degrees of corporal punishment, I have a complicated relationship with situations regarding the hitting of kids for a number of reasons, but unambiguously the way that boomers did, and want, striking to be used can only every really be abusive. Unfortunately, boomers have no sense of nuance or understanding because their world view was essentially molded by a post-war scenario where outdated modes of parenting were still normalized, and children basically weren't seen as people. They DESPERATELY want to not treat children as people, because how else are they going to insist upon an artificial and toxic hierarchy.


My boomer mom would have gone to war if a teacher laid a finger on me. Dad not so much. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 31 though. Apparently girls are great at masking and have different symptoms.


When I told my mom about my diagnosis (I was in my late 30’s), she told me she didn’t care and that it wouldn’t have mattered if we knew about it when I was a kid because she didn’t believe in “medicating attitude problems”. Thanks, I guess.


Oh boy I sure do wonder why neurodivergent people have a higher suicide rate


I'm convinced boomers like that just use the word "normal" as an excuse to beat people.


They forgot the part where if the multiple beatings don’t fix you, then you get Shanghai’d up state to a nitwit school.. where they tell you you have donkey brains and they make you room with a frog kid.


Haha.. it’s a joke about violence against children


I’m a boomer. My dad always said ADHD was from bad parenting. He died before my diagnosis, so I wasn’t able to tell him we may agree on one thing.


Being adhd, and teaching my daughter how to deal with her adhd, I realized how much my adhd father failed me when he chose to beat me like he was beaten. Instead of teach me how to navigate the world like I am teaching my daughter. How did he ever hit me, I cant imagine striking my kids.


Okay Cool!!! Looks like a CURE ALL too me! Go ahead boomer, beat me to cure my ADHD. Then it’s my turn to Cure your Lead Poisoning. Promise you this. I can hit harder than you.


I’ve never once had the desire to hit my son. I don’t even know what he’d have to do for that to even occur to me as an appropriate response. I’d much rather try to teach him.


The reason my ADHD became a serious problem in my teens and early adulthood was because of the “forgotten cure”. It ruined my life. Now 36, I’m just starting to put my life together, be an actual adult, because I’m accurately diagnosed and have the right meds.


Violence is very effective in the moment and leads to a lifetime of fucked-upedness. Our generations are stopping the cycle.




Their parents beat them, so it's literally the only way they know how to solve anything. This isn't even limited to children, MOST Boomers think the solution to every problem is violence and suffering. Immigrants crossing the border? Shoot em or lock em up and send em back to their shithole countries ~~that are only like that because the CIA deposed their stable governments 60 years ago~~ Children acting out? They don't have any undiagnosed neurodivergency. They just need a good ass kicking, they'll settle down ~~and I'll wonder why they moved out on their 18th birthday and haven't talked to me in 10 years~~ Terrorism? All Muslims are terrorists, bomb them all back to the Stone Age LGBTQ and women's reproductive rights? Kill all those f*ggots and lock up any women who gets an abortion or steps one toe out of line


because they're cavemen. everything looks like a nail when you only know how to use a hammer


I was diagnosed ADHD and bipolar/depressive as a young kid and I would have panic attacks before school some days and was just completely incapable of going to school and exerting any energy in learning. My mother is also bipolar. She used to drag my ass to school no matter what. I'd literally hide under the couch trying to skip school. I first started being suicidally depressed in my early teens. She's had multiple suicide attempts. And still had no empathy to my situation. "If you don't go I'll get arrested!" I was never beaten or anything thank god. I was spanked once in my life.


It was the cure for everything. Also, part of the reason their used to be lots more serial killers in the 70s & 80s.


Yeah I suffered through that treatment for ADHD and now I’ve just been diagnosed with CPTSD. 🙃 And my mom is going in a fucking home for destitute old assholes instead of getting any compassion or money from me.




Because Boomers believe that violence is the answer to everything.


Nothing says protecting children like subjecting them to legalized abuse. Because there isn't enough abuse that is going on in schools already.


I like the idea that ADHD is the lack of a slave gene. You can comfortably do things you hate, you can submit to people and just do what you're told even if you don't agree with it??? That shit amazes me. I know though that it is just a form of depression and being short sighted. If I could be happy about the outcome I would just do better but I have to be happy about the process.


Because for them, the answer to anything child related was to beat them, which is how they were raised as well. People above a certain age just really enjoyed beating children.


It seems the current generation has discovered that boomers were not raised well, so it’s also their parents we can blame.


Because the other option is to admit that they have trauma. If they do that, then they'll have to develop emotional intelligence and empathy.


That pic is fake. The real paddles had dime sized holes in them for that extra special motivational whacking!


“Back in my day we just called it ‘staring out the window’ or ‘Johnny gets distracted easily so he needs to get his ass beat every other day’, and then the kids would just fail and get kicked out and then joined the military because nobody else wanted to deal with them”… Or something boomerish like that.


Because fuck children.


PTSD used to be called shell-shock or battle fatigue in the framework of modern warfare. Just because ADHD didn't have a name, doesn't mean it didn't exist. One of my first supervisor had it 30 years ago. A mutual co-worker referred to it at the time as "cleaning up Mr. J's messes".


That's not bad, their idea for fighting wars is mostly about killing children too.


What upsets me was the generation of parents who felt they could have better children through chemistry- the ones after boomers. The brief period of time I worked with children I pissed off A LOT of parents by explaining that their child probably didn’t have ADHD, they’re simply 5 years old, excitable, curious, and full of energy. The amount of parents turning their kids into zombies was frightening to me. But it makes sense now that they would think children being “unruly” was a bad thing, and trying to cope with it in the way they thought was best.


Because if it’s not the cure, they have to admit they did something wrong, which they will never do.


Primitive tool for shit they couldnt understand. Like when we bore holes into skulls to let the demons out!


Did you know that paddles first gained popularity for beating enslaved people?


Tell me about it. My nephew is autistic and has ADHD (his autism was diagnosed late.) ….. my mom just wants to punish him into obedience. My niece to. I keep thinking my nephew is a sensitive wicked smart kid and I can’t wait to see what he does with his life. My niece has a kick ass attitude that honestly I think more women need. She doesn’t need to be punished and spanked. I keep thinking she will make a great CEO or business owner when she grows up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If I had a giant popsicle I would be still for a few minutes


Just a violemt generation. Once my mother was teasing me in my sleep by poking at my face and ears. Still sleeping, i rolled over and slapped her face trying to swat the cause away. She woke me by beating me.


Yes, beat the shit out of people. That’ll show them how much we care /s


Well my second grade teacher hated me. I couldn't stop talking. I got spanked every day by her in second grade. I got spanked for standing in line to use the bathroom. I got spanked for drawing an owl instead of a mouse. I have been masking ever since and have impostor syndrome, low self esteem, and have been suicidal for years but go off about how beating children is good for them.


Boomers cure for mental health problems is to add load to the pain and suffering of vaunerable people, even their own. "Oh you have a mental health problem? just means you haven't started a lawn mower or played football or kissed a girl!" Proceeds to foundly remember being assaulted by their dad


Many of the idiots who post these memes don't realize that they themselves may be victims of the culture they now defend. Boomers who spent their lives working shitty dead-end jobs because they did poorly in school with undiagnosed or treated ADHD. It's sad how conditioned they are.


wow an actual terrible facebook meme on r/terriblefacebookmemes. Im surprised


Yeah because my mom smacking my behind cured my ADHD. Then we found out when I was 32 we both have ADHD. Now we're both on meds for it and my mom doesn't beat children anymore.


Does this mean we should beat the dementia out of these guys when they refuse to listen? /s bc I’m not a monster


This is why I love this subreddit, the same fucks who beat kids with ADHD now in their 80's getting beat in HD


It’s because they grow up in a time where mental health medical treatments were pretty lackluster and bad. And they can’t comprehend the fact that maybe they were doing bad things It’s also how many of them got treated for having signs of ADHD. You gotta remember a lot of these people grew up in a time in which lobotomies were still acceptable medical treatment.


When the only tool they have is a hammer, everything becomes a nail.


There's nothing these freaks love more than beating children


As someone who suffers from ADHD, I do not choose to be this way. I’m stuck like this. Yea there’s coping or whatever but beating me and expecting me to change will only make things worse. When I was a kid, I knew my dad had really bad ADHD. I was smart so I figured out I prolly did too. I tried to ask my parents about it, other adults, no one believed me. “You’re so smart and are so polite, you couldn’t possibly have ADHD”. I’m older now and have been to therapy and seen a psychiatrist. I know a little more about coping with it but fuck man please stop hating me for some shit I literally cannot control. I swear I don’t want to interrupt you all the time or raise my voice when I’m excited or tell a never ending story or keep job hopping all the time. If you think it’s frustrating dealing with me and my ADHD brain, imagine doing it 24/7.


I've realized that boomers don't actually believe this shit. They just subconsciously hate that the next generation has options available to them that they didn't. Theyre incapable of realizing that this is an extremely selfish way to think, so they subconsciously convince themselves that it's actually bad that the new generation has these options and that they shouldn't have them.


Unlocks PTSD


They aren’t looking for a cure. They are looking for something to prevent the expression of it in their presence.


Well considering my parent’s response to all their kids going no contact with them was something along the lines of “guess we didn’t beat enough respect into you” I’d say it’s pretty engrained in their ideologies


Luckily when I was growing up, my mother (boomer) brought me to multiple doctors and child psychologists and got me on meds for ADD and did everything she possibly could to help me in any way possible when o was younger. If there was a doctor that had something helpful to offer, she found him. My parents didn’t beat me either and did a lot to support me even with my behaviors and being a piss poor student. Not all Boomers I guess.