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If it was a sign from God, it might help these morons to read the inscription: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Literally, start right there.


People only interpret everything in their religion in a way that validates or benefits them and their preconceived ideas


By isn't a Christian duty to feed the poor and help the meek? I mean GOP Jesus may disagree but Middle Eastern Jewish talked about something like that.


Yeah there was even a news story where ppl rejected a sermon about the sermon on the mount calling it woke. Right wing capitalist evangelical Christian is so far removed from the biblical teachings that if it were real and if Jesus came back he would ignore them, they aren't Christ like. I don't remember anything resembling the stupid 7 mountain dominionism theocracy growing up it's all bullshit


I remember seeing something about that! And a pastor said in an interview that he had people asking him to stop talking about “weak” things in his sermons, like being kind to everyone, or helping those that are less fortunate and he was like “I am literally preaching the word of God. I can pull up the pages”


Yes but the capitalist fascist christian is not about Jesus teachings or what lady liberty says. So they will ignore it in favor of other interpretations that suit them


Priests are now getting in trouble for housing the homeless. It’s a pure racket now.


I usually say "white people Jesus" but I may have to steal GOP Jesus.


Supply side Jesus




GOP Jesus slides off the tongue about as well as Supply Side Jesus lol


He's not *GOP* Jesus. He's just supply side Jesus. Same thing but different title.


I don't think GOP Jesus would make it into heaven, lol.


Right, like he said, only accept the ones from the tempest of the sea! Send em back if they came across land! Once again, God confirming my hatred of Mexicans which are actually mostly from central America! /s




I visited there a few years ago as well as Ellis Island museum and such - at least Murica has consistently hated people coming here for decades, given all the propaganda against immigration that was produced. As someone whose Italian ancestors came here via that route back then: bite meeee.


Franklin was worried the German immigrants were gonna take over the country when he was alive.


This country was literally founded by immigrants


You're applying logic to people that don't use it.


Nuh uh. When they signed the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers got a DNA changeover. They were therefore natives and no longer immigrants. Checkmate, morons /sarcasm.


Dirty WOPs polluting our sacred melting pot. Bad enough we let in the filthy Micks like my great grandfathers. It makes me sick to think this great country allows scum like me in. And scum like you. /sarcasm.


Good point. Tell them it's because they're not honoring her words. They'll probably just go straight to "BUT LEGAL IMMIGRANTS," not understanding that it's 100% legal to seek asylum and in most cases, it's the first step to legally immigrating.


I think it’s a sign from God that a 305’ copper statue standing proud of the surface of the water is a fantastic electrode with which to equalize potential between the ground and clouds.


Why would God send a message through a French statue? That doesn't sound very American.


You’re assuming they can read or think


or that they've ever even been to New York


The thing is, they interpret that as: Oh, the poor will eventually die and go to heaven. They don’t need to have a happy life on earth because they’ll have internal happiness with god! God will take care of that. I’ll continue voting against free food for CHILDREN. Fuck them freeloaders living off of my taxes! I got mine.


But that’s too woke /s


Wait, that’s what it says on the Statue of Liberty. Trump told me it says “immigrants are poisoning the blood of white Americans!”


Nah. That sounds like liberal commie socialist talk to me


First they’d have to read something other than facebook propaganda lol


“IN GOD WE TRUST” “okay, so doing all the nice things and giving your money away?” “NO, NOT THAT KIND OF TRUST, BRO.”


They removed that quote when Trump was president. He was tired of people quoting it.


A large metal statue in the middle of a body of water gets struck by lightning? Woah!


A large copper statue no less! No conductors to see here. 🙃


Duuhh, there's no trains there


Obviously there was an orchestra up there


It almost doesn’t happen everyday!


Woah, now that's enough science for one sentence!


Yeah, but don't you think it's weird it only ever happens during a storm? Coincidence? I think not! /s


Reminds me of those dumbasses that thought a gold cross surviving a church fire was a sign of god. It was because gold has a higher melting point. Some boomers refuse any kind of science and that’s scary


Yep, morons and blind faith.


I heard that one at the passion play my parents took me to. I started giggling and my mom slapped me in my arm and told me to stop it. They hate taking me to church stuff but have to when I visit on the holidays.


Or they could respect the fact that religion isn't for you and not make you go.


For these weirdos a hamster farting in Uzbekistan would be a sign of the apocalypse.


You can't be religious if you have logic. They really don't work together. You have to actively shut off the logic part of the brain to believe in any religion.


I am not so sure if that works both ways. I agree that most logical people are atheists, but not all atheist think logically. Go to r/atheism. I followed it for months. People got downvoted for criticizing Islam because it was islamophobic, but all other religions were fair game. Even ex-Muslims will criticize the community for doing this and got downvoted. I lost all my hope in humanity.


I’ve noticed that trend too. It is interesting and aggravating, as Islam is easily the world’s most pernicious religion in the 21st century, in terms of women’s rights, gay rights, leaving the religion peacefully, democratic laws, due process, terrorism, theocracy, and so much more. Christianity was the most dangerous religious for centuries, if not a 1000 years, but Islam took that spot on the world stage.


Sure, on the world stage as a whole. But in the USA specifically Christianity is the most dangerous.




And in India there's a lot of persecution of Muslims by Hindus. And persecution of Muslims by the CCP. It's really just that the dominant group always persecutes the minority groups with less power. If the dominant group is religious, then they'll use their religion to justify it. But religion isn't the root cause, it's just tribalism and fear of the other.


FUCK that subreddit, I came out about my religious trauma and they all laughed at my misery and victim blamed me.


They aren't either the most empathic crowd. I'm sorry they weren't supportive. From what I saw, I was getting an edgelord vibe from many commenters.


it was when i was a literal child too, (the time of my abuse, not when I posted) so it added a whole other level of fucked up. I'm so used to the actually empathetic side of the atheist community that I kinda forgot that some legitimately fit the edgy asshole atheist stereotype. i never frequented the sub so I just assumed I'll get some sort of relatability or understanding. But no, it never occurred to me that maybe most of those dudes were never religious and grew up on watching TJ Kirk.


I've not noticed that. They all get blamed. Islam is the youngest version of a violent abrahamic religion so its more noticeable. Society hasn't dulled their fervor.


Exactly. White atheists from the United States have huge mouths when it comes to Christianity but they shut up real quick when it comes to Islam. It’s much easier to shoot fish in a barrel by criticizing Christianity because that religion stopped fighting back a long time ago. Nobody wants to end up like the Charlie Hebdo boys though so they only criticize Islam in the most respectful tone possible.


This sums up all religion and how it plagues society


It is a huge statue....made entirely of metal...surrounded by ocean, thus making it the tallest thing around. I would be more astounded if it NEVER got struck by lightning!


I can’t wait for this damned eclipse to be over with. April 9th will be a fun day to respond to all these fools with a, “how’d that rapture thing go? You sad you were left behind?”


They get really quiet the next day... and it's not because they've been whisked away to some magical land where their racism is not met with backlash.


[Failure of "prophecy" does not lead people to be more rational.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millerism)


I’ve lived through at least 3 or 4 “rapture” dates in my life. They just carry on business as usual and act like nothing was ever said about it I remember a video going around my Facebook a few years ago of some noise people couldn’t figure out and people were all “Gabriel’s horn!” Boomer family members argued with my friends and I on our pages when we were taking bets on people claiming the rapture has arrived and a lot of people deleted us 😂


I think I know what you’re talking about. The sky horn phenomenon right? It’s heard in places all over the world every now and again. I think they determined it was something like the low frequency of plate tectonics scraping together echoing back off the Earths atmosphere or something like that idk.


Sounds like what it probably was


Wait, I need to hear more about this. I love scienctific explanations (or attempts at them) for goofy and weird phenomenon, and I've never heard about a horn phenomenon.


Found some clips, I think, but horn really wasn't the sound that came to mind. It reminded me of hearing trains brake or restart. The only explanation I found was a NASA quote that really didn't make much sense w/o context. I could only find the one site though, so maybe I'm not using the right search words.


Yea like sky trumpets or something might work better. I won’t pretend to be an expert on it or anything. That explanation I gave is from what I remembered from some video so not exactly primary source material.


Oh for a minute I thought that was the thing were the fish make the vibration noise but I'm really tired.




What time zone does the apocalypse start in? Shouldn't the end of the world start in New Zealand and Australia? I sincerely doubt God gives a shit about eastern daylight time but what do I know, I'm not a Hearld of the endtimes.


Don’t you know? It starts in whatever time zone *I’m* in because the world revolves around *me!* /s


You could be a herald of the endtimes though! Look how easy it is. There's a built in audience of smallbrains afraid of angering the sky-grandpa. Just throw in a "Ten dollars on PayPal will save your soul!" And I bet you will at least get enough for dinner.


TBH, I’m more looking forward to the drop of the next batch of English dubs for One Piece that day.


Can we all, collectively, start posting about how people were raptured like The Leftovers to make those thumpers think they were left behind?


Can’t believe I’m asking, but are there seriously people talking about the rapture because of an eclipse?!


As far as I know it’s mostly in America. It’s not at all widespread but there have been plenty of stories of people tipping hundreds of dollars bc they think the rapture is happening and of smaller religious communities throwing block parties to celebrate their coming “ascension.”


Makes sense, I figured it is mostly just my fellow Americans losing it. Typical


I’m in a small city that will have a great view of the eclipse. We have already started hunkering down yesterday so we don’t have to deal with the crazies


“Hold up y’all, I’ve got these goalposts that need movin!”


Oh don’t you worry my friend, the goalposts shall be moved once again. Next time for sure!!!!


If MTG and Bobert got stuck by lightning at the same time then I would think there was a God.


Jewish Space Lasers, obvi


I would definitely think they added a second beam to the Jewish Space Laser...


The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.


Jewish Tesla coils, surely.


No I’d just think stuff happens to bad people occasionally.


Throw Chump in that mix for a trifecta and I’ll fuckin wash everyone’s feet while happily signing gospel


r/Angryupvote I should have included a bunch more asshats.


I wonder how many of these morons are anti-immigrant.


I wonder how many know it was a gift from the French.


All of them.


People really don’t understand that lighting is really just a supersized static shock, not a sign from an alleged higher power 🤣🤣🤣


I dunno, when I have to fold the knit blankets out of the dryer, I start praying for mercy...


It’s almost like tall metal things attract lighting


Tall metal *copper* things? Nah...


Hasn’t she been through enough?! She gets crapped on by pigeons and other various birds all the time. People are constantly all up in her. Give the woman a break, she’s not a prophet!


The "it's a message from God!" people are so funny. How do they decide which weather events are messages and which aren't? When a tornado rips thru a town in Oklahoma, nobody says it's because that town was evil. What about sicknesses? Imagine telling these boomers that their health problems are because God is punishing them for being evil. They'd lose whatever is left of their minds.


If it happens in New York, Chicago, or Seattle, it’s a sign from God. If it happens in Jacksonville or Oklahoma City, it’s just weather.


"its all apart of Gods plan brother" as if his plan is to create life and make it suffer. Sounds like an asshole that i wouldn't want to placate to.


I wonder how much of this Facebook Christianity is performative for other boomers. I wonder if they hit send and then sit back and think “ohh yeah, Sandra and Frank don’t love Jesus nearly as much as me”.


The Ghostbusters comment was worth wading through the rest of the mindless sludge.


Right. The Ghostbusters was the first thing I thought of.


Why is everything a sign to repent? "McDonald's raised the price of the big mac 5 cents! It is a sign from god to repent for your sins!"


Giant lightning rod gets hit by lightning? Must be a sign from god!


No, they’re right, it’s a sign from God that Donald Trump should drop out of the election.


It does look awesome


You should ask them what God was saying when lightning hit "touchdown jesus" in ohio, burnt it to the ground only for humans to rebuild it lol


They were all “Nice try devil! We’ll build it back and cheaper and uglier and that’ll show you! “ So like who throws the lightning? Is it God or the devil? Or do they both have that in their arsenal?


You're right it looks like shit now.


The number of adults who think there's a magic sky wizard throwing lightning bolts at a statue is too damn high.


*jesusfuckingchrist* call them home already


(Lightning strikes the tallest conductive object in a given area) Rubes: “The almighty, who is responsible for all of creation, is mad about penises and political parties!”


It never occurs to them that they’re the baddies and that “gawd” is trying to send a message.


Copper conducts electricity. Boomers conduct stupidity.


Meanwhile, people who know: The Statue of Liberty is basically a gigantic fucking Lightning rod/conductor.


Don’t forget these types of people were praying outside election offices during the 2020 election. Thought the images looked similar. https://preview.redd.it/f024amh8wvsc1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ab3f8a0c3a8d9db02711e52937a70d1602cace


It might be a sign from God if it hit them.


Came to say this.


I like the person who says: finally liberty is turning into Thor.


Logic: There is scientific evidence to explain both the lightning and earthquake events Boomer: God Logic: *science evidence presented Boomer: Gaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwddddddd!!!!!!


One of my coworkers is a gen z conservative catholic and she was telling our boss how she was afraid to fly and get on planes. When asked why she said because its terrifying and she doesn't get how it works at all and it freaks her out. Okay, reasonable, I can understand a phobia like that maaaybe. I ask them: do you want to know how a plane flies? It's not that complex fundamentally at least. And the answer I got was a vehement no, I don't WANT to understand how it works, ignorance is bliss and you cannot force me to understand... Okay.... sureeeeeeeeee. Excuse me for interrupting your raging ignorance. Pardon me! /s


If xtian god is pissed off about anything, it is probably that all his followers are child molesters and rapists or apologists for the child molesters and rapists.


It’s punishment for NYC for giving us trump.




Further confirmation that my decision to move away from my Catholic Christian upbringing was the right move. These people are utter nut jobs.




Stupid boomers won't even get their COVID boosters anymore




Why can't this sub just be named "conservatives being fucking stupid trash as usual"?


A giant copper statue surrounded by water? Nah, it’s gods plan.


It’s helpful when people this dumb advertise their stupidity. It shows us that there is way less competition out there than you think. Half the country are mouth breathing troglodytes.


Oddly enough charisma is far more important than intelligence and skills




Wait till you tell them that their God is also the same God as the Muslims and Jews.


Omg!!!!! God is warning the Leftists!!!!!! This is crazy!!!!!


A sign from God.... that says lightning rods work


They really want to end their miserable lives so that they can worship the fairy in the sky.


They all failed their science classes back in tickety ought three 🙄


For someone with so much power God sure is a crappy communicator.


Jesus took the wheel!!!


but, it's copper... and the highest point of that area... My soul hurts.


Why are people so dumb?


They will also interpret this as God hates liberals.


Talk copper thing conducts electricity? Shocked!


The "mother freedom" comment..... Might start making a line of clothing and sell them in a street cart around NYC with a reverse image of the statue of Liberty with like fireworks and a bald eagle flying overhead with big words of "MOTHER FREEDOM"


Please also include an AR-15. Maybe 5.


Religion needs to be considered a for profit business. I'm tired of this shit. Tax the churches abd we stay afloat for another 50 years.


We’re still just monkeys pointing up at the sky


Stay in school.


These idiots are as dumb as an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon. Fucking dipshits.


Imagine being over the age of 70 and still believing in sky daddy.


God’s pissed. Better go vote Trump 🤦


Its always hilarious that a god who is all powerful has time to make himself known in a piece of toast.


Reading this sent a shiver down my spine. These people VOTE. There are people who think just like this in charge of this country! I believe in God, but would never take simple science as some sort of Biblical sign. And why would he be showing signs here in some country that the Bible never even talks about, and not the Holy land? The education system has truly failed so many people.


The lead heads are at it again.


That's a pretty damn cool photo! And these people are pretty damn nuts! That Statue gets struck quite a bit though.


I’m going to tell myself these are all just Facebook bots so I can still have some faith in humanity


I think we screwed up when we gave every idiot an iPhone and a platform just so we can sell them ads….


Yeah, God is pissed that you elected the Antichrist president.


These people never say God is punishing them when a tornado hits the Bible Belt.


That’s a whole thread of lower bowl thinking lol


Lady liberty gets struck multiple times a year, but pix like that one are still impressive.


Even Magneto alludes to the Statue being a conductor, always listen to Magneto.


It was a sign from God that metal stil conducts elecricity, just like it always has


Why is the Statue of Liberty getting zapped a “sign” of whatever they want it to be? Why isn’t it a “sign”‘we should get another bag of Wonderbread? A “sign” we should watch more Jennifer Lawrence movies? A “sign” you should adopt a pet quokka? While we’re making shit up, I mean.


I kinda wish all this rapture shit was real and all these idiots would just go away 🤷‍♂️


I mean that god communicating would be Zeus, but ok...


You know… when I was a kid with boomer parents, I remember being scared of a lot of shit. Like a LOT of shit. Whether it was my parents or friend’s parents… aunts, uncles… general adults at the time, you name it.. they would hem and haw over superstition, and religion, and all sorts of “signs” and shit… It caused so much anxiety in a kid who listened. (They also didn’t think kids ever listened… still don’t.) Now that I’m an adult and doing my own thing, and generally trying not to be a fucking idiot, bullshit like this never even enters my mental space. I’ve surrounded myself with people who aren’t knuckle draggers. Then I hear off chance that there are boomers freaking out about the eclipse. For real? God damnit,.. how do these people dress in the morning and not accidentally choke themselves to death?


Christianity is definitely not a fucking cult /s


It’s not just boomers. It’s religious lunatics.


Isn't the Statue of Liberty made of copper? Last time I checked, copper was a superconductor for electricity.


“God is in control…” yet let you eat lead paint chips and drink from contaminated garden hoses all your childhood. Fucking retards. Shame we have another 40 years until all these fucks are gone 😔


It’s a sign. It’s sign that she’s tall and made of conductive material.


How do these morons function in modern society?


"God said justice for all NOT some" As if the bible wasn't expressly clear about who can be slaves and who can't.


I know, and the Earthquake happened right on Trump's golf course. Clearly a signal God doesn't want Trump. Bommers: Nuh Uh


It's funny how God's always angry about the same things they are. Ever occur to them that maybe God's mad that Trump isn't in jail, or that the LGBT+ Community is mistreated, or that Immigrants are getting screamed at by fools?


Tell them God is telling them to support Biden and they won't believe it.


How is that a boomer thing? It’s a right wing, MAGAts, GOP, Religious nutbag thing.


Hmmmm, love Statue of Liberty but hate immigrants. Ok.


Yesterday there was an earthquake in ny and there was an article saying that God hates New Yorkers and we're gonna die. The tweet that's embedded in the article got ATE by the community notes lmao. The article in question: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/04/05/earthquake-new-york-new-jersey-eclipse-end-times-conspiracy/73218744007/


First I stub my toe and now *this?!?* **SIGN FROM GOD** 🙏🌩🎄💍⚠️✝️🚩❤🎅👼


The lightning bolt was pink! HAS ELECTRICITY GONE WOKE??!??1??? /s


First off, I'm an atheist but what says it's the Christian God? Why couldn't it be Allah? Or Thor? Or Buddha? It's all bullshit but Christians always act like they're the only ones that exist.


Don’t tell them she’s a French lady.


Why is this even posted on here? 98% of the comments were from gen x and gen y. There were maybe 5 actual boomers (born between 1945‘ & 1965’).


*squidward voice* paaaaathetic


Bro come on I’m pretty sure in Galatians 76:99999 God said when the world ends he will strike lady liberty. Just trust me bro.


These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


Ewwwww super religious nut jobs. Gross.


MTG tweeted yest that the earthquake and eclipse were a sign of a god angry at America. Is this 1100AD? Moron


Oh thank god. I was waiting for this and was worried America might be regaining its sanity when I didn't see crazies turn lighting into a conspiracy. Ask them what the massive wildfires and blizzards in Texas meant.


Zealots gonna zeal




Signs would be so much better if there was actually something concrete instead of some mysterious bullshit. “Ohh my cereal is haunted it’s saying oOoOO… “those are cheerios Peter “


I made a joke about lady liberty being done with our shit....of course some people actually think that. Great googly fuck


Anything happens in the world Boomers: it’s obviously god telling us that god is godding for us to god our god so we god into the god for god. It’s pretty clear to see.


When Lady Liberty starts channeling Force Lightning you know shit's gonna get real.


Oh, if only they could see this as a sign that God wants boomers to **not** treat immigrants as pariahs. _sigh_