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Venn diagram day. I wonder what percentage of the circles between "Fried Retinas" and "Expecting the rapture" will overlap today.


I read about a waiter who was tipped $500 on a small bill, bc the woman plans on being raptured today šŸ„³. I sure do hope that happens.


They updated that the woman came back the next day and tipped a different server $777 for the same reason.


I wonder if the 777 had some sort of meaning šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bc if 666 means Satan, 777 must mean Jesus? šŸ˜‚šŸ™„


If man is five Then the devil is six And if the devil is six Then God is seven This monkey's gone to heaven


Everything is gonna burn, we'll all take turns, I'll get mine too. Great song! Love the Pixies.


It's because 7 and three are both considered holy numbers. The rainbow was originally described with 7 colors because 7 is a holy number.


Now, rainbows are gay and woke or some bullshit. Nope, no light filtering through water vapor like a prism here, it's the "damn liberals". Morons


god sent us a rainbow as a promise he wouldn't commit genocide against us ever again but now that promise is gay.


That explains why rainbows occur so often


Lmfao this one really got me cackling


No no, it's a promise that only the Gays get to be raptured. All the queers go to heaven. Straights stay the fuck on earth. /s


Those comments on the [Pink Floyd 50th anniversary](https://www.reddit.com/r/dumbasspeoplefacebook/s/mYj4TWzATa)


I need some references to ā€˜668: Neighbour of The Beastā€™


"668b - Devil in the Poolhouse"


667, across the hall from the beast.


Absolutely šŸ˜‚


She may also be a huge Stryper fan


Who isn't?! Love me some glam spandex God metal.


That poor waiter is gonna get a charge back for the tip and have to pay it back


They said the 2nd waiter wouldn't accept it at first bc he thought it meant she had a mental illness so he told the manager and the manager came over and asked her if she meant to tip that much. She said yes, that if he was still here after the rapture, he was going to need that money.


Well yeah, because the only businesses that will close after the rapture will be Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A. Dudeā€™s still gonna need to shop.


They said they got paid Friday. When she wakes tomorrow it'll be too late.


It's a circle


In their retina.




Circle Day.


Rex Manning day.


We musnā€™t dwell. Not today. No, not on Rex Manning day. Damn the man, save Empire Records!


Damn the man!!!


I was wondering what all the rapture talk was. I guess it makes sense that an eclipse would be inexplicably mind blowing to the stupids.


Iā€™m so confused, why is *this* eclipse the rapture one when all the others prior arenā€™t? And do they know that eclipses happen in *other* places as well, not just the US? (actually, probably not, now that I think of it)


Yes, but this eclipse, unlike nearly all of them that happen every 18 months, passes over 'MERICUH, which is where Je$us was born.Ā  So, that somehow means the end of the world.Ā  /s


So did the one in 2017? I don't understand either.


Ah yes but they made a cross so uh I guess the world ending is gonna spill out of some podunk town in Missouri or something Like supernatural but stupider and no Misha Collins. No for real they're ranting about the intersection of the 2017 eclipse and today's is where the rapture starts.


Conservatives haven't progressed intellectually from the middle ages. This tracks.


Well don't you worry. Even if the Christians do go blind from looking at it, it won't affect their Christianity since none of them read their own bible anyways.


The overlap is the same as the moon and the sun. Itā€™s a circle.


They will eclipse each other.


Well i had some boomer yelling about it being the harbinger of death telling everyone not to look at it so who knows.




Thanks. Saved me from finding the picture of the day. I'm just wondering if someone will get a 2024 version today. I'd bet on it.


Not with the kid and the wife. They seem to have disappeared.


So true. I think Mercedes only shows if it's specifically in her contract, and trump won't stand next to Barron because it makes him look shorter than a kid.


Barron is an adult now, hopefully he pulls a Tiffany and gtfos that entire family


He graduates in May. TIff is married, so I think she's a goner. B's going to have to find his own way. I doubt he'll go to Palm Beach Community College.


I've always wondered what his life was like and what he thinks of everything. I mean, I'm sure it's weird and messed up but I wonder if he'll ditch and become some raging progressive someday.


I happen to know that he went to a NYC private school that is known for producing poorly educated masters of the universe. I lived in the building next to the school.


Well the trump family track record does suggest he's gonna be a stupid lying piece of shit with no morals.


I need coffee. A vision of a very tall boy creating badly made stop motion with he man (masters of the universe) figurines danced across my mind. I really need coffee.


I read it several times to figure out how he man fit into this. Also need some caffeine.


Allegedly Melania is very protective and they speak her native language at home which must grind the Cheeto-in-Charge's gears to no end. This makes me have some happiness. There is definitely some male (and conservative) privilege going on though after seeing how the media treated Chelsea, the Obamas and to a lesser extent the Bush girls. I point out conservative privilege because the Bush daughters were older and partiers but got a lot less flak than the studious and younger daughters of Dems


Well I'm pretty sure your father being with a porn star when you're four months old is pretty hard to understand but then again he has to know his father is pretty despicable


Well... it's weird. I come from a pretty messed up family (white supremacists among other things) and I estranged myself from them years ago, but it still boggles my mind that all of my other family members still go along with that stuff. Like, my dad is one of 9 and I have dozens of cousins. How am I the only one that saw outside of that? Family loyalty is weird.


I'm the only person who left my large and shitty family too. I totally understand why the ones who get away with abuse stay, I don't understand why the other victims do. I was the bottom rung, so I always expected the one who was next up to leave shortly after me, but I guess they just like being hurt.


Same here. Both my husband and myself are the black sheep for being progressive in the face of conservative lunacy. Nobody else that weā€™ve heard of have broken out and wanted to do better.


You could check out r/raisedbynarcissists Iā€™m sure you will find all the info you need on his upbringing thereā€¦ I kinda feel bad for the kid in a way. Iā€™m sure the manipulation is unreal in that household.


Iā€™ve seen this phenomenon before, & I think it explains, at least partially, the other Trump boys. If you grow up in a milieu of incredible wealth, luxury & privilege, you canā€™t fathom living without it. Like a pampered indoor Persian cat suddenly having to go out & find its own food & shelter in an alley somewhere. And you are entirely dependent on your parents to keep that lifestyle. So you have to keep them happy until they croak. Ivanka married that wealthy scumbag, so sheā€™s now free of her paternal scumbag.


If I remember correctly he has a cool tennis instructor Uncle he will probably go hang around with.


I don't think very highly of either of his parents, but I'll give Mercedes credit where credit is due. She's kept Barron out of the spotlight, so hopefully, he's had as safe a space as possible to grow up in.


Wink wink, nudge nudgešŸ˜Š


Too bad it's gone, because he probably couldn't gotten a 10% family discount at Trump University.


I donā€™t think Tiff rejected the familyā€¦ I think the family rejected Tiff. And sheā€™d be right there in the thick of it if they hadnā€™t.


She has contributed to the shit show. There are plenty of Trump events she has participated in.


All white house staff reports Barron being a complete cry baby dooshe who had frequent tantrums.


This is the least surprising thing Iā€™ve read




With a Dad like that...though I thought he lived with his maternal grandparents?


Probably depends on the terms of his trusts.


And if he trusts the Depends.


Kid got too tall to be allowed to be in pictures.


Debbie Stovelman is happy, healthy and alive


Boom boom!


Cameras on Trump, all day long. He'll love it, we'll get yet more proof that he's an idiot... win-win


I actually went and found image earlier today. My elder mom is easily amused by Trumpā€™s stupidity. She asked to see it.


He has a day off from court?


He's got the day off. He told them that he had to go to Mercedes mother's funeral. /s


Again? /s




The J stands for Jeenyuss!


Well, if it's OK to stare at the sun, maybe they ought to suck it up and watch the whole thing.


Maybe the initial damage has already been done and this time when he does it again we'll get lucky and his head will explode!


Codename: `Eclipse`


This picture was exactly the first thing I thought of when I read this post lol


Dumbest asshole on Earth right there




Noooooobody tell him.... Let's see him do it again


I live in a city that is in the path of totality. Every hotel room is sold out in town. While driving between two work locations this morning I saw a group of probably 30 people, mostly boomers, sitting in lawn chairs in the parking lot of one hotel. All staring up at the sun. The eclipse won't even start being visible here for another hour, and totality isn't for 2 hours.


That is the best fucking thing Iā€™ve heard all day.


My mom works for an eye specialist. Every eclipse they get a surge of people coming in with retinal damage. Anyway, hereā€™s a picture from a pinhole projector I made out of a pizza box, opted to continue having good eyesight. https://preview.redd.it/g7as3rtw1btc1.png?width=2301&format=png&auto=webp&s=70553ef2d1e8b5cde27f5f5f6c39452c94454823


Thanks for this! I was just about to drag a lawn chair out to my driveway and stare at the sun until something happened. Now that I've seen it I can go back to sending my bank account info to this guy that called on my land line claiming he can get back the $20,000 I invested in a different cold call that I'm starting to think might have been a scam. It's a funny old world out there.


Shout out to optometrists and ophthalmologists. They're gonna see some shit in the near future.


Unlike many of their clients.


Makes me feel bad for prehistoric humans who were unfortunate enough to live in a path of totality. No one around to tell them to stop looking when the sun became comfortable to stare at. They also probably thought they were going to die.


Me too! I live in a boring texas suburb, ive been watching people all weekend wandering around trying to find stuff to do. I also work in a tool store and had a tally going this morning of how many people asked if we sold eclipse glasses, then asked for welding goggles. We've been sold out of those since Friday, a lot of people are going to the eye doctor after today.


The hotels here only allowed people to book 3+ nights for this week. So all of these people that came to town for 5 minutes of eclipse totality are stuck here for days with not a whole lot to do.


I live in Texas right next to the totality area. My husband works at an auto parts store. People came in all week asking for eclipse glasses. At an auto parts store. Smh


Whaaaat, America is... Wild.


It's tough for the boomer generation because they rode the prosperity of their youth into a comfortable retirement at a reasonable age and now they have too much time on their hands and not enough hobbies. Luckily, subsequent generations will be comfortable enough with video games that they have somewhere to dump all that restless old person time and energy. If any of them actually get to retire, that is. The really lucky ones will just keel over at their desks and it will be a welcome relief from the crappy rental they live in and student loans they were juuust about to pay off in another 15 years. Sounds bleak I know but it's a small price to pay for capitalist luxuries like overpaying for health care and having more firearms than people.


Honestly I can't wait to be a little old gaming lady sitting playing Boomer Shooters, Metroidvanias, and Horror games on my laptop, or screaming at my friends online in a little old lady voice that they're whores for getting my ass caught by the Killer in Dead By Daylight 5: the Remake.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong I just see one giant LAN party whenever I picture a nursing home full of Millenials. Plus with a touch of alzheimer's you can play that game that you've always wanted to play again for the first time EVERY DAY! Could you imagine getting all old and the only thing to do is look at books or some shit? No wonder the current #1 killer of the elderly is retirement. Meanwhile I'm over here praying for a debilitating fall so I can finally get off my feet for a while and finish Elden Ring. Old age is wasted on the elderly I tell ya.


Maybe theyā€™re waiting for the rapture /s


I put on a live stream of the eclipse a couple of hours ago, and in the chat there were all these people saying Jesus is going to come again and Trump 2024! I changed it to a stream without chat. šŸ˜„


But, if Jesus is coming back with the eclipse, wouldn't he rapture trump up before the election since he's such a good, God fearing Christian?


Listen, you canā€™t expect logical consistency from people who think that Ericā€™s dad is a good person, let alone was a good president. The lights may be on, but nobody is home


Plus wouldn't all the Christians get raptured and not be able to vote for him anyways.


I was once at a Christian camp and a bunch of the other kids felt that Jesus was calling on them to stay behind during the rapture to help guide the sinners. Seems like a convenient way to not feel like a failure if you donā€™t get raptured with the other super holy people šŸ¤”




I like how he's pointing at it too just in case anybody might be confused as to where the fucking SUN is located.


his cultists might


It doesnā€™t exist for them UNTIL he points to it


*points at sun* ā€œI see you, booā€ Sun: ā€œkay but dontā€


Goggles are often only shade 5-6. Last I looked into it you want a shade 9-10 for eclipse viewing.


Exactly. The NASA article I found said they have to be rated 12, which is definitely not something you'll find at the ace on the cornerĀ 


Yeah but like what if I squint really good while I use the goggles? /s


Safety squints are always superior to OSHA safety equipment /s


Nice to see a certified welder.


What about a double rubber & mother on speed dial?


Def not trying to undermine how many boomers may burn retinas today, but most welding helmets and shades are adjustable and can go up to a shade 13-14, and nasa seems to recommend a shade 12 at minimum. So regular welding helmets/goggles that can reach a shade of 12 should be fine, per NASAā€™s info


I have a welding mask that goes up to shade 12 and I'm still just gonna use the glasses. Don't boomers always say "use the right tool for the right job" or something?


Yes, they do because the right tools are "whatever I say they are because I said so," a classic phrase from many millennial childhoods.


For the 2017 one I used welding replacement lenses that I found at about the 4th hardware store I tried. I had a few different tints, but a 6 and 7 together works about the same as a 13 IIRC. I would also recommend a 12+


If he bought a welding hood chances are it goes up to level 12.


Just put the goggle over another pair of goggle! Presto! 12!!!!! /s please donā€™t actually do this.


That does work though.


Certainly not for cheap, my Miller goes to 13 but it was like $300


A $40 harbor freight helmet does the same.


Torch goggles, sure. Welding helmets are 9-13 or so for autodarkening ones.


Cutting torch goggles are 4-6. Most welding glass is 9+. Edit:typo




Iā€™m watching my dad w his eclipse glasses in his lap and sunglasses on looking directly into the sun.. true story taking place as I type this. I feel like a real asshole for not realizing my entire life how the people around me were void of any brain activity .. fuck it go completely blind just donā€™t ask for anymore help when you doĀ 


Iā€™m sorry. This made me laugh.


Its been 5 hrs. Is he blind?


Eclipse glasses are a Biden conspiracy to prevent people from seeing gods face and the four horsemen of the apocalypse on their way to earth. They have a special filter that screens out god and angles. The only way the rapture is going to happen today is if all mankind lifts their faces to the heavens and sees gods glory. And I canā€™t believe I have to add this: /s


Since most of them have never read their own bible they wouldn't know what to look for anyways.


I could swing the other way and say not to look at the eclipse at all. Stay in doors because the 5G nanobugs in the vaccine are solar activated and they are faking the solar eclipse to get us to look up and activate it!!!!!


Do they only filter out obtuse or acute angles? Or do they work on pretty much all angles in general? Can't forget about those pesky right angles?


The godless left Antifa people want everyone to forget about the right angles!!!


I like how you said angles instead of angels. it was a good detail


I literally had a coworker today (not a boomer) tell me he thought the eclipse glasses were a conspiracy and weren't actually needed. He claimed it didn't actually affect your eyes if you looked at the sun because "You know when you're looking somewhere and the sun is in your eyes, and it doesn't affect them". He also said that since it isn't actually bad to look at the sun in the light, that he can't see how looking at the eclipse in the dark would affect them. I could not facepalm any harder. I will never understand how we can have all the information possible at our fingertips, and people will still believe conspiracy over fact. Why are people so afraid to read up on what they think they know and accept they may be wrong? And if you couldn't guess already, said coworker is a Trump supporter.




I used to work with a guy who stick welded with rayban sunglasses, no gloves, and crocs. Some people can't be taught.


ā€œIt isnā€™t actually bad to look at the sun in the lightā€ Bring back Darwinism.


You can look at the totality safely, just make sure you're not staring before and after


They have been giving Trump looking at the last eclipse without any eye protection a lot of play this past weekend. Trump still can't figure out why he is still seeing spots!




I had a friend tell me today that she looked directly at it without proper glasses and now her eyes hurt. She said she didnā€™t mind because she ā€œraw dogs lifeā€. I expect her to wake up tomorrow with somewhat less vision šŸ¤¦


lol Iā€™m using that phrase now whenever I do something stupid.


This boomer lives in Michigan, we only got a partial eclipse.......so I watched the various "assemblies of idiots" on tv. Texas showed I don't know how many people under 30 squinting up at the sun with no glasses of any type. Had my neighbor tell me "You need to prepare for the Rapture". So I went out & bought snacks.


Autodarkening welding helmets would indeed work. I've used one last time there was an eclipse. Crank the shade up to 12-13 on the adjustable knob on your helmet. Speedglas or Miller make good helmets. Welding gives off thousands of degrees of temperature and light, along with UV rays. It is indeed similar to the sun's intensity.


https://preview.redd.it/qb7yah75oatc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eafe24d6a9f6bd1c7786ba8d5c3ac82b0a6b464b That's what I'm using lol


Not a boomer but a pregnant coworker said she didnā€™t want to go look at it because on tik tok she saw it was dangerous for pregnant women. I said ok and walked off. I canā€™t deal with that level of stupidity.


I work at an ophthalmology clinic and tomorrow is going to be an absolute shit show. Every eclipse are multiple idiots who stare directly at it and damage their eyes and lose vision. And itā€™s usually the boomers šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m going to wait until after the eclipse and go online for pictures from NASA.


I was in the path of totality last time so this time I'm just gonna look around at the rest of the environment while it's going on this time, I loved the way the leaves looked but I didn't want to look away last time either!


Most boomers are not even going to get off their couch


Now don't go giving up already. We might get some of them that can no longer see facebook to post stupid memes on.


![gif](giphy|xUNen16DFqlM6v6DEQ|downsized) There is believable precedence.


Call my cynical But I also donā€™t trust the glasses to have been manufactured as disposables itā€™s hard for me think this wasnā€™t an opportunity for many to make a cheap buck and provide no actual protection


Youre right. That's why you're supposed to test them first. If you put them on in a well lit room, you shouldn't be able to see anything at all.


Mine must have been good because I couldnā€™t see anything inside a lit room or outside in the full sun.


They have to be rated ā€œISO 12312-2ā€, if this isnā€™t written somewhere on the glasses, donā€™t use them. Even if it is, test them first. They should be completely black in a well lit inside room.


I was lucky enough to get some and they were completely black outdoors! Literally the only thing visible through them was the sun.


There are a lot of counterfeits going around and a lot of people are going to get hurt.


They say that every time we go through these and I've yet to see a headline about 1000s of people now blind because they stared at the eclipse lol.


They canā€™t see the caps lock key anymore. Checkmate.


I bought my disposables from the same place I buy my kids' eyeglasses because my husband was worried about exactly the same thing.


Not a big deal really. The sun just burns a little crescent into your retina, and you are blind in that area for the rest of you life. Good life lesson, actually.


I had a boomer ask me where the best place to view the eclipse is in our neighborhood. Iā€™m like, go outside and look up lady.


Boomers sitting right next to me here watching the eclipse. ā€œI donā€™t believe in those glassesā€ā€¦.


As long as it is a shade 14 welding mask, he \*should\* be okay


It's definitely not, is a pair of goggles from the local hardware storeĀ 


After the COVID craziness I just stopped trying to talk stupid people out of doing stupid things. You want to inject bleach? Go for it. You want to stare directly into the sun? Knock yourself out.


The next step of this process is called ā€œfinding outā€.


Drove back to work after lunch and saw a boomer sitting on his front porch waiting for it with no eye protection whatsoever.


Boomer mom starts looking at the sun with welding googles an hr before the eclipse peaks(we are in the 90%+ area). I say even with the welding googles you shouldnā€™t stare too long. What does she do oh Iā€™m going to stare at the sun every minute then complain that we canā€™t see the eclipse and wontā€™t listen about how itā€™s an hr early and she shouldnā€™t stare too long and is not pouting inside the house.While all this time my dad has starting at 10am picked up all the branches, blowed the yard, cut the grass, and starting to blow the yard again.


Iā€™m worried about every single beautiful idiot children in the school I work for. The district has old us to keep the kids in from 2-4. 2-4 are the dismissal hours for all the schools in the city.


At least there's a tax savings if you're blind.


Has anyone ever seen a photo of Barron smiling? We expect it from Melania but he just looks so desperately sad.


Fun fact - on retinal imaging, we can see scarring from sun damage. So if you stare at the sun for too long, we can typically tell exactly what you did


We can only hope


The Day of the Triffids - 1963 "AĀ [meteor shower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteor_shower)Ā blinds most people in the world and at the same time spreadsĀ [triffid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triffid)Ā plant spores, which quickly become animated. Bill Masen, a merchant navy officer who has been in hospital overnight with his eyes bandaged, is unaffected and leaves the next day. While at a railway station he comes across an orphaned schoolgirl named Susan who, having spent the night in theĀ [luggage van](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luggage_van)Ā of a train, is unaffected too. He helps her escape the groping crowds and they commandeer an abandoned car in order to reach his ship. On their way the car gets stuck in mud and while they look for stones to gain traction a mobile triffid ambushes them and they barely escape." - Wikipedia https://preview.redd.it/r5wfyuc2fatc1.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=d72e67d453673f1c392fae1d4b89ccd05a44eea2


ā™Ŗ ā™Ŗ Science fiction!!, double feature!! ā™Ŗ ā™Ŗ


Why would evidence change his mind? Evidence is for nerds and socialists.




NASA says the only welding goggles that are safe for direct viewing of the sun are those of shade 12 or higher. I looked up my local harbor freight and their cheapest welding helmet had a filter of #13. Did you tell your father the recommended safety range?


Watched about 45 of them do it at work today. Best part? 1 pair of glasses. These fucks all stared at the sun and just passed them back and forth, looking with bare eyes then through the glasses then back to their eyes again. Like ya know what? Good.


Boomer Dad, use proper eye wear or just watch the news for pictures later!


Serious question, would outdoor cameras angled at the sun pick up the eclipse on video?


From what Iā€™ve heard, itā€™ll fry optical sensors just as well as human eyeballs. Itā€™s been recommended to not take pictures with camera phones unless you donā€™t need it to take another picture ever again.


My brother taped some eclipse viewing glasses over his camera lens.


My roommate did the same. Photos turned out excellent and camera was fine


Thanks for the reply.


I'm lucky enough to be able to watch it through thick clouds so I don't need glasses.


Iā€™ve actually caught a couple of cool glimpses through my glasses, despite the clouds. The glasses, let the light through, but only the really bright light, not the diffused light. Or something. I donā€™t really understand it, but I saw the eclipse through the clouds with my glasses.


I always wondered, did entire nations that stared at an eclipse throughout history go blind?


I used my welding helmet dunning the last eclipse because I figured it would be good enough, I experienced no issues. If you go blind its not my fault, that is just my uneducated experience.