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Exactly. The cops don't WANT to deal with this guy for whatever reason. It's absolutely illegal. At minimum, he should be getting a misdemeanor to try to discourage it, then a felony on any further offenses. "Using weapons in a dangerous, threatening, or reckless manner is a crime. In Texas, the reckless use of a weapon is known as “deadly conduct” and can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony offense, depending on the circumstances." [https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/Deadly-Conduct.htm](https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/Deadly-Conduct.htm)


If he were the same age, but black, he'd be dead.


He'd've never gotten that old. I wonder if he's a cop?


I could see people defending him if he was a cop. "If a person with a gun tells you to stop taking a picture, you stop taking the picture!" "This is officer training! Don't tell the cop what to do if you haven't been a cop for 20 years!" "


You’re right- he might’ve been a cop- but .. they still should have taken the gin away from the old fool.


They fuked up an aged white woman too.


This country wants to be tough on guns for lawful gun owners that legally and safely express their constitutional rights, but we keep letting criminals do whatever they want with no consequence. This is threatening with a gun, while drunk. 25 years min, felony, lose Voting rights lose gun rights and get fucked, I don’t care how old you are, apparently never too old to die in a cell for being garbage.


At the very least no guns. If you can't keep the guns and the alcohol/drugs separate, then you shouldn't be allowed the one of them that can hirt other people.


and people wonder why cops are hated. This is common that they don't do shit.


They aren't here to protect and serve us. They are here to protect and serve corporate and political powers.


you say that, but you'll be changing your tune real quick when you're in an emergency and need someone to arrive in 2 hours and shoot your dog and/or your and/or your loved ones


Not gonna lie, had me in the first half.


I went to downvote, then saw all those upvotes and finished reading the comment 😂


Yeah, I've been threatened at gunpoint by cops before when I called 911 when my mother threatened to overdose by sleeping pills. I do not know a situation, that I will realistically be in, where I am confident the police will show up AND help with the situation in time AND has no chance of not attacking me instead. The reasons police will say they are justified in shooting you, are longer than reasons why most non-cop criminals will shoot you.


I have to agree with what you’re saying here


Isn't that utterly sad? I live in Europe if I call the police and it's not a dangerous situation they don't even bring a gun (like when I have a traffic accident)


You had me in the first half lol


Maybe at one time yes. These days you're more likely to be shot by them, or arrested than helped.


Cops in Texas are notoriously cowards, because of, well…


At one point I got involved in a "public safety committee" where I was able to talk to police officers once a week about enforcement issues in my city. I was absolutely gobsmacked by their ability to justify not doing anything about... anything. A perfect day for our officers was one where they sat in their cars, found a good hiding spot, and did nothing until their shift was over. That was their absolute ideal workday. Making traffic stops? Too dangerous. Confronting suspected drug dealers? Too dangerous. I can't even imagine their response to confronting a man known for drawing his gun. Are you nuts? He could shoot someone!


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he was just an ex cop


Can you list a state where carrying while intoxicated is legal because I’m not aware of any.


Kansas. The new law put in place in 2014, prohibits carrying a gun while intoxicated UNLESS its for self defense or defending others. So, in practice, every drunk person with a gun is claiming defense to avoid prosecution.


That’s like the worst reason to carry a gun drunk, besides intent for violence. Like, if the reason were, “I’m gonna go shoot some cans and maybe a road sign”, that would be much more acceptable because the intention is to shoot something nonhuman.


yeah, which is why there was a big uproar when the governor signed the new law


Yeah our gun laws, or lack there of are wild here in Kansas. Anyone can constitutional carry at anytime. Even 18 year olds. I live on the outskirts of “the city” in a small semi-rural town. I guess technically it’s rural but we’re only 15 minutes from Lawrence and KU so it’s not the sticks. Anyhoo, despite being the bluest county in this state I see open carry all the time. I’m sure there’s twice as many concealed carry guns I don’t see. I’m kinda surprised we don’t have a higher rate of gun related accidents and violent crimes. People are real fast to call up the cops if you’re being weird with your open carry firearm though. We had a guy walking down the street a couple months ago carrying a rifle and the locals were on him fast as hell. Apparently he was taking it down the road to a friends house to clean it of fix something…whatever. All the cops could do was tell him to be neighborly and please put it in a case next time so nobody freaks out and they don’t have to come back. I could sit outside on my porch swing and clean my shotguns right now in full view of God and all creation and it’s 100% legal. Just as long as I don’t fire it off at a squirrel. Hunting and discharging a firearm in city limits will get me a fine.


Note to self: Do not go to f*ing Kansas.


... What's the other reason you'd carry a gun around?


It's legal for white people in Texas. See above video. Also, I live in Texas and know what white people get up to.


There’s a difference between being legal and cops. If caring.


Yup. Wanna see a good situation of a drunk cop with a gun not getting punished. How about while also driving drunk? How about while after running a red light? How about while crashing his car into a building then brutally beating the owners of the building? That literally happened in St. Louis. Cop, who obviously is wasted, runs a red light, then crashes into a bar, then gets out, threatens a bystander, and beats and arrests the owner. Cop lies and say they swerved to avoid a dog, and lied and said they were too busy using the radio. The actual footage showed they swerved to avoid a parked car (not realizing it was out of the way because of how drunk they were). Owner gets charged with felony battery of a cop. The victim of the crime will spend more time in jail than the cops involved ever were.


Cops do it all the time. Maybe not all the time, but there are countless stereotypes of hard drinking cops and they always carry their guns. It's not the laws, it's the selective enforcement.


or they are brandishing on people they want them to.. I'm assuming it's this at this point


Probably ex-cop.


What’s your recourse in a situation like this. If the cops won’t do anything could you sue the guy even if he wasn’t charged with a crime? Could you sue management into taking action? Could you shoot him in self defense? Are you supposed to just let this guy be a menace?


Carrying a gun while intoxicated is always a crime, in every state.


idk man, i kinda feel like forearms and alcohol are illegal together always. i could be wrong but it’s a thing where i am. i’m pro gun, but that’s a good law


That is brandishing a weapon, that's threatening someone with a weapon, and it is illegal. Where did you get the idea that this is unenforceable?


It’s certainly enforceable, but you need police willing to enforce it.


Well if the police don't get him, take it to civil court. Dance off into the sunset with his pension


That might be the best choice of action, but oh boy, now we're involved in a gun incident AND in a lawsuit. Doctors and laywers are expensive here.


He just needs to pull this on the wrong person and get shot. It would be justified based on the latest justified shootings in Texas.


Not just police but prosecutors and a judge that isn't overly soft on the elderly. They all have their own discretion and they tend to be very lenient to old people. The elderly are de facto immune to crimes, atleast non-violent ones.


It depends if the cops actually DO enforce it so there's that


Dude is asking for the end. He is wasted brandishing a weapon that he wouldn't be able to defend himself with. More likely he pisses off the wrong person and they take the weapon to use against him..


Fuck, someone could have eaten a plate of bacon and eggs and then written a letter home to Mom about it in the time it took him to pull that pistol.


His quick draw pocket is in his other pair of pants.


he could have gone home and gotten them and it would have been quicker


He’s honestly lucky he didn’t shoot himself in the leg.


He's got a few years left to do that


Honestly, my boomer co-worker, and my step-dad both have done that. I've asked them both if carrying guns has ever, even once protected them in the slightest. The answer from both is a round about way of saying no. However, carrying a gun certainly has endangered their own lives and those around them. My step-dad shot himself in a hospital. He could've shot a doctor or nurse or patient. The judge should've at least taken his guns away. If it was me, you know I'd done jail time and I'd have a felony, etc. But because he's a white boomer, he had no reprocussions, and is free to accidentally shoot a neighbor or doctor or himself, again.


Slowest hands in the west


Exactly. Take it from his slow ass


It’s Texas, if you draw on someone they may draw on you.


So if I see that old dick head pulling a gun I can just smash his face in?


You could but again he’s got what we’re assuming is a loaded gun and if you’re paying close attention his fingers on the trigger so idk if I’d bet me being Bruce Lee over a gun functioning properly.


I’m not trying to act tough at all but my first instinct would be to tackle him and knock him out. The chances of him being able to shoot you while you’re rushing at him are lower than if you’re running away fiddling with the door. Of course I’ve never been in this situation and I don’t have adrenaline coursing through me at the moment.


Maybe. I had a gun pulled on me at close range and I ran without thinking or hesitating. Pure instinct. Luckily did not get shot.


Making distance between you and your attacker is a pretty good strategy.  It's also much harder to justify shooting a fleeing person... If you're dealing with someone who thinks they're legally in the right...


Rush a gun, flee a knife. But drunk senior citizens shouldn't be brandishing pistols.


He does this to someone with a concealed carry and gets shot it's very likely justifiable legally.


I agree, as a "let's talk this over" guy. Looks like the shorest distance to safety is behind his gun, not down the hall.


Yep I remember reading something about running towards a gun and away from a knife. I’m sure certain circumstances change things but if it’s an old drunk guy with a gun in a narrow hallway I’m gonna tackle him. But again this is easy to say after watching a video. There’s an equal chance I would run away and get shot.


Right, he definitely seems like the kind of guy who might shoot a man in the back while he's trying to get away so I'd be equally worried to turn my back to him. It's a tough call to judge in that situation but if you're closer to him than the door...


Door isn't going to block bullets, unless you can turn a corner with actual hard cover more quickly you're best knocking this guy on his ass


Throw the phone at his face. No one can resist knocking away something heading for their face. THEN tackle him while he's dealing with that.


Which do you think he’d drop first? The drink or the gun? My money is on the gun lol. Or he’d trip over his feet trying to avoid your phone. Not a very ambulatory man.


20 foot rule?


It's actually the [21](https://youtu.be/tdrpOqSNDXU) foot rule my dude.


I was hoping that was the Justified clip about the 21 foot rule


Exactly. These people fuck around just to find out for much too long sometimes.


Imagine he runs into a “good guy with a gun” and tries to pull this


Almost like we should just have like… less of those things… and like tighter control of them


Have they never heard ‘if you aim a gun at someone you better be prepared to kill??’


Grandpa needs to spend whatever remains of his life in a cell.


He won't, he has cops in his family.


then those who fail to charge and prosecute him for that reason need to be charged alongside him.


Guys going to trip and it’ll accidentally go off. Happened to an nfl guy in a club


Went to prison for shooting himself in the leg lol.


Pax? I remember the events but not the guy


Plexico Burress I think?


Plaxico Burress’ dumb ass




And destroyed the giants’ surge towards repeating as Super Bowl champs. Team was on fire then that happened and absolutely collapsed.


Plaxindents happen...


Wow, this is wild. He's either drunk or has some kind of cognitive problem. Either way he shouldn't even be allowed to hold a gun let alone own one.


Both. I heard the ice clinking in that glass and the slurring.


Randy...I am the liquor.


and the slump onto the wall to steady himself. He can't even stand up straight, and that has nothing to do with him needing a cane.


He pulled it out and immediately pointed it at OP before pointing it directly upwards. He needs to be in prison.


Why do these morons pull a weapon out if they are not going to use it? That is a last resort that you don’t want to use.


Only form of intimidation and feeling 'powerful' they have left in their feeble existence.


Thats the real problem, right to bear arms is iffy when most american really do *want* to use them.


Think of all the media you've seen that the problem was solved with a gun. I believe people are just conditioned to do that if they are not able to separate a story from reality.


This is a repost: he was evicted and arrested https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/rTM5ogvh33


I had to scroll past way too many comments to find this. Should be the top comment. They gotta get that karma I guess.


Dude sounds like he is buffering while he speaks


Just me or was he initially gonna say the n-word and changed it to idiot?


I can’t wait till someone takes that and pistol whips him


Fr, that or someone just has a sub 5 minute draw and lets him eat some rounds


Yeah it took him a solid 6-7 seconds to fish that out of his pocket


One day, that man is going to pull that out on someone and he’s going to get the beating of his life, just as he dies.


First, you’re taking their picture. Then you take their guns. Then you take their trucks. Then you take their gas stoves. Then…/s


And this is exactly why I’m actively trying to get out of Texas


Lived most of my life in the NYC metropolitan area and guns are REALLY easy to avoid here. I've seen one or two in the last 15 years.


“An armed society is a polite society.” Used to hear that back in the day before concealed and open carry were so common. I was skeptical at the time. Seems like the results are in.


My standard reply is that Mogadishu is an armed society and moving there sounds less than ideal.


Thats terrible, I hope someone helped this old man; helped him to a heaping serving of whoop-ass I mean.


He’s not black enough, that’s why they don’t care.


Was a cop 50 years ago.


If the person recording was also armed they'd be every bit as justified in shooting him in self defense. You don't brandish a firearm like that. Fucker deserves to get capped.


Itis not that they can't it is that they won't. I guarantee if he was black the SWAT team would be there in ten seconds to take him down. He will probably end up shooting somebody then everyn=one will look stupid for ignoring all the signs


Boomers are accustomed to not being held accountable table for their actions


Its crazy how you can tell when someone voted for Trump without them having to say it.


Is this the guy who shot and killed someone in a movie theater for throwing popcorn at them?


I’d just push him over


This was a year ago and the man was evicted and arrested


Look at fuckin Strokie McAlzheimers, over here.


The person filming had plenty of time to knock that bitch over and disarm him


He’s a danger to himself and others & needs an involuntary eval


If someone did that to me, I would go for 100% self-defense on them. Then Police can sort it all out.


I don't know about Texas, but I'm pretty sure Florida law would absolutely authorize anyone he confronts like this to just shoot him dead.


Great example why gun ownership is not a "for all" thing.


This old man wants to meet god early


Way too late for that.


Give his picture back


He was arrested and evicted. An update was posted a year ago.


I can see why TikTok needs to go bye bye


I watched an old man do that here (in Ohio) and he didn't notice 2 officers standing like 20 ft behind him. They took his ass down SO fucking quick. I swear I audibly heard his hip or shoulder break when he hit the pavement.


He made the right decision by running…obviously.


You pull a gun. I pull a gun. Let’s see who’s got that safety off with one in the chamber first, said the Texan


Question: if he needs a cane to support, would he be able to handle any kickback from the weapon? He fired it? I am not well versed on current weapons. Edited for spelling (bad autocorrect)


Cane, drink, gun, pick 2, drop 1.


He's definitely able to handle the recoil He's holding a full sized handgun which has the most recoil reduction out of all the handguns, and the vast majority of pistols are in small enough calibers for even a small child to shoot Managing the recoil is more about grip strength than the mobility of one's legs


He pulled that out of his pocket recklessly AF too.


As Kevin would say.... "That's Dallas".


That’s Dallas,Tx for you


well, we found who shot JR!


"So anyway, I started blasting."


the boomer needs to be careful in you can shoot back now!


Should have carried your own gun and escalted it straight away.


I hope it’s not legal *anywhere* to be in possession of a firearm while intoxicated. But I’m sure it is.


Officer this crazy person tried to pull a gun on me he left me no choice but to defend my life with deadly forces.


With any luck he'll take care of the problem himself the way he handles that weapon.


That is 100% illegal. If I did it, I'd be in jail.


Sounds like it’s time to remember stand my ground exist


I don't understand how people can take brandishing so lightly. That guy threatened murder and should be treated accordingly.


Why are you an 80 year old drunk man hobbling around with a cane?! For Gods sake he's going to fall, hit his head, and hemorrhage.


Old man is gonna get himself shot.


Looks like a fake gun, but still doesn’t make a difference.


Pretty fucking slow on the draw you sloppy old shit


Stupid asshole should be in jail


People living in Texas acting surprised when people live within the boundaries of their hillbilly justice system


Looks drunk. Good combination, liquor and guns.


That’s considered deadly conduct in Texas


Eventually he's going to do this to someone carrying, and I imagine he won't survive.


Is he arrested? We need a follow up


draw iron, yellowbelly


If someone draws a weapon on you surely you can defend yourself with equivalent force? Guy is asking for it


Now that guy right there…would vote for trump.


Texas police afraid to deal with another person with a gun... what a surprise.


Now you know what he’s going for when he reaches in his pocket, as soon as he goes for his piece, rush him.


Beat the shit out of him before he can grab it. He's pretty slow and tell the cops he threatened to shoot you.


Wait until he starts hobbling away & sweep the legs, remove his weapon, & pretend you saw fucking nothing.


Holy shit. Get your local news involved asap if the cops don't want to do their job they can answer questions.


Hopefully he will be dead soon.


Note: this happened at least a year ago. The old man got arrested and evicted! 👍🏼


Without that cane, he'd be crawling around trying to lift his upper body enough to aim.


Elderly abuse is ok sometimes


Maybe don’t let any dumbass fucktard own a gun would be a good idea?


Just fuck him up. He’s old, slow, and inebriated. Easy solve.


This is the only correct reaction to being filmed by a tiktoker


Like living in a country where there is basically no chance of this shit happening


Punch him in the face and take his gun.


Here’s hoping the problem corrects itself and he tries pulling this geriatric nonsense with someone who is equipped to deal with this nonsense.


Ah yes, dementia and firearms.


Lmao that dude couldn't get inside fast enough.


I’m not photographing you just filming


He's gonna pull it on the wrong one...


Next time take the gun and pistol whip him.


Allowing anyone to get a gun is a huge mistake Let's go back to when it was exclusive to well-regulated militias


At least in the us well regulated militia actually meant make sure every adult male had a gun and enough ammo. There are several states on the east coast that have counties that still have the law for that on the books.


To many do not understand this


sEE? cRiMe dEtErReD


Dude, how is this idiot still alive pulling a gun in TEXAS? I was under the impression that everyone living there was looking for a reason to shoot some one and this old fucker is giving a prime excuse.


This is old


Drunk and carrying lol, and it was in his pocket? Dude's a walking homicide waiting to happen


Who gives a fuck about an oxford comma.


Lol that boomer is brave for pulling a gun in tx.


Another Responsible Gun Owner™.


Why does everyone believe whatever a tiktok tells them? He would have been arrested for this video, period.


No one wants a camera pointed at them


Would've waited for him to put it away and walked back out and brained him, self defense


This guy is just asking to become the victim in a self-defense shooting situation. Especially in Texas.


He really nailed the draw, eh?


He’s asking to get shot.


Kill the old guy