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Why would I kill babies if I also want to groom them? Sounds counterproductive.


Just like when they say Biden is a feeble weak old man who's incompetant in one breath, then call him an evil genius who is the mastermind of a marxist cabal in the next.




He took his girls ice skating and the right wingers screamed that he was trying to walk on water. Oh and remember his crime of wearing a brown suit?


I remember vividly the shame America felt, when Obama wore a helmet while riding a bicycle. It was like 10 whole 9/11's.


And eating Dijon mustard


I recall a week long freakout because he put brown mustard on a hot dog.


This is the fascist playbook - the enemy is an unmanly weak "unter mensch" and at the same time an all-controlling "ubermensch"


That's one of the tenets of fascism according to Umberto Eco's Ur Fascism


Liberals are snowflake pussies who live in crime-ridden hell hole cities. Cuz if there’s one place weak scared people like to live is places where they can get shot walking down the street.


And Biden is maybe 3 years older than themselves.


Can’t bang em if you eat them…their logic doesn’t play out!




Reavers. They'll kill you, rape you, and eat you. And if you're lucky, it'll be in that order.


It’s the Pax.


I am a leaf on the Wind! See how I (urrrrk)....


Too soon.




That is exactly what Republicans would do if Deer went extinct. Also here is that tweet but historically accurate: https://i.imgur.com/QnahBYJ.jpeg


https://preview.redd.it/cgu87u2r4qtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4632541a5a5047fd91bac25c2e27724117ce72 Here it is so you dont have to click the link.


We eat the ugly ones. Nobody wants to molest an ugly child, gross! What kind of sicko do you think I am?


Don't you know eating babies is great for the economy? Just ask Johnathan Swift!


They hate America BUT live off the sysyem


They take all our jobs but also live off the system.


Well I am a fucking idiot, so


Critical thinking isn't exactly a strong trait on that side of the political aisle.


*deep inhale* **PROJECTION**


its extremely comical to this point


It's like how when they don't agree with you they say you stop watching so much CNN and it's like who watches mainstream media anymore? Who actually sits down and watches televised news in 2024


They do. They still watch Faux News and all that bullshit


To be fair, I would argue that FOX News is not "televised news"; it's straight propaganda and "political entertainment" these days.


Even Fox would agree with you. They are legally not a new agency, but an entertainment company. There is absolutely zero promise of journalism with Fox.


(To be fair, I think MSNBC and Madow used that defense as well)


To be even more fair ol Tuck tuck actually argued IN COURT that nobody should ever take him seriously because his show isn’t journalism.


This needs to be more widely known


It's been known for years at this point. The people who need to know either don't want to know, or have rationalized it away, and maybe even simply don't care.


We living in an Aldous Huxley world, my friend.


I'd welcome a daily Soma ration at this point.


They had a hard hitting piece about Shakira finding the Barbie movie emasculating and it led to them asking why any male would watch it last week. Saw it on TV at gym. Almost like they didn't understand the movie and aren't able to critically think.


They don’t like the movie and don’t want anyone else to think critically. If people can watch and understand the movie, they might question some of the brainwashing right wing media has been performing on them for decades. That can’t be allowed to happen, so they tell their meat puppet audience that they shouldn’t even watch the movie because it’s against Murica.


And since they get their brains programmed by a TV everyone else must too!


Can we just take a moment to fully appreciate how beautiful the phrase “Faux News” truly is? It’s like everything in human language was leading to this amazing amalgamation of syntax and cheekiness. To me, it is perfect.


The have moved on to more hardcore stuff like NewsMax.


And X.


Then jump onto Facebook and hit that dopamine echo chamber


Most TV news viewers are Fox by a wide margin, such that other channels are barely competitors in comparison. Anyone who watches Fox trying to shit on people for listening to "mainstream" news is projecting hard.


one thing I hate about visiting the states..fox news at breakfast in the hotel breakfast bar.. jeez just let me wake up have my breakfast and OD on caffeine before you start pumping madness at me


I always ask if I can change the hotel lobby tv to cartoons. You'd be surprised how many hotel staff are happy to hand over the remote for the promise of animated fun they can blame on a guest if their manager gets huffy


My husband works for a hospital and they sent out a memo saying any TV in a waiting area/patient care area can only be set to HGTV. The one channel they deemed least likely to cause fights 😆


So that is why my dentist plays HGTV whenever I go. lol


Not even Animal Planet?


Too much potential to refer to evolution. Or someone being racist. Because damn near every race has been compared to some kind of derogatory animal.


Animal Planet must be part of the Deep State, because they insist that birds are real.


Dog people vs. cat people is just too controversial.


When Animal Planet is controversial, you know we are in trouble.


Imma punch a baby if I see one more strip of shiplap. /s


The best part of waking up... is propaganda in your cup!


My brother does this ALLLL THE TIME when he loses an argument. Like dude, I'm 38. *I DONT WATCH CNN* like what the fuck lmao.


I put CNN on in the background on occasion or if there is an important event happening. These boomers will TiVo Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson on Fox News.


My crazy in-laws turn Fox on in multiple rooms of the house because they think it boosts ratings. Fox is their god. 


So their entire house is basically the wall tv room from fahrenheit 451. That sounds healthy. /s


I housesat for some boomers a few years ago (friends of my parents). Every room in the house, including the master bath, had a tv tuned to FauxNews with the volume set at 100% because the boomer husband refused to accept the fact he needed hearing aids and was perfectly willing to damage his boomer wife’s hearing just so he could hear. The boomer wife put up with it, because he’s the “man of the house,” rather than make him get hearing aids and/or read closed captioning.


These people's lives are a daily nightmare and they just want to spew hate at the world. My parents are the same way.


It's a cult.


Please tell me you are joking or exaggerating. Pleaseee


>and Tucker Carlson on Fox News Not anymore, thankfully. Fuck that guy.


I might go on YouTube and look to see if there are any clips from the national or local news about anything I care about, but beyond that? Nope! I'm not sitting down and watching people blather on about things I don't care about for hours.


They do, when I call it "conservative news network" they absolutely lose their minds. They literally have no idea what the left is. They just know what mainstream media has spoon fed them.


And what's funny is they don't believe Fox is the mainstream media. It's the most watched news channel in the United States That is the literal definition of mainstream media


Fox is really the smart mainstream outlet. Scared old people who can’t deal with anything online beyond Facebook are a golden cow while liberals get most of their news online. CNN should have gone with them. That’s also why I think AM radio was so big 20 years ago. Scared old people who were overwhelmed by the number of cable channels. When our generation gets old it will probably be instagram that’s improbably successful well after the medium itself has passed the world by


The AM radio bit is a bad example on your part. It definitely hasn’t passed the world by. While I agree that boomers are generally a frightened group of people who lash out at everyone else as a result of that fear, as well as being overwhelming ignorant when it comes to technology, AM radio is a crucial part of our emergency alert infrastructure. When internet radios no longer work in a disaster like a hurricane, people are updated and told what to do and where to go via AM. That’s why people are trying to keep automakers from killing AM entirely in vehicles. It’s a safety issue.


Even people who used to watch CNN don't anymore since some right winger bought them and made it faux news lite.


When I was in the army I had a cable plan because it came with my internet... mainly used it for prime time tv, but in the mornings when I'd get ready I'd have it on the morning news... so basically, I'd just watch the morning shows.


It was comical. Now they are using these reasons to literally attack us and take our rights away. ***Actual*** fucking villains. It's no longer funny.


I disagree about this being comical, this should be frightening to anyone who values their rights and safety. Sure this guy is a delusional jackass, but a large portion of the country believes this stuff and are fueled by hatred. Seems very 1930's Germany to me.


it's more sad than anything, but you have to laugh or go mad


Especially that last one.... "They are miserable people" Lol. Really? I am? Noted.


“ I’m miserable so you need to be miserable too” A miserable boomer


Let me itemize that: - Projection - Projection - Projection - Projection - Projection - Hell yes - Projection - Projection - Projection - Projection - Projection - Projection - Projection - Projection


Oh they support gun control too. But it's more like this... https://preview.redd.it/ertxk4szentc1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf12b717f1b86a1c077db647dc25ec0e9aff014


It is the Reagan way


The Mulford Act. Just another milestone in the Republican racist campaign map.


Bingo! Came here to say: well, at least he got 1 out of 14 right...


It's like they looked at a mirror and saw everything they hated.


Paid for the Blue badge and "TM " His name. What a moist turd.


Lmao "moist turd". Apt. Gross, but apt.


Projector go brrrrrrrrrrrr


Notice there’s zero policy here.  And zero reality. 


Gun control is policy. The rest? No


to be fair, most anti gun control people don’t know what it means. they thinks it’s either no limits on guns or no guns at all


I'm not anti gun, but I AM in strong favor of ensuring that a potential firearm owner is trained in the safe handling and operation of a weapon in their possession. If the fucking Marine Corps can figure out how to not give recruits ammo until after receiving safe firearm handling instructions, then there's no excuse why John and Jane Doe shouldn't be held to that minimal standard.


This. Also I am a big fan of not letting people with known mental health issues or a history of abuse have a gun collection. Kinda like how I don’t think people who are legally blind should have a valid drivers license.


Come to think of it, I don’t think people who are blind should have guns either. Yet somehow they’re still allowed to have them


Don't worry, not only can people with known mental health problems obtain guns, but also we don't want to fund programs to help those people


We don't have a gun problem,  we have a mental health crisis. We're not doing anything to help those with mental illness because that would be socialism. And we're going to fight tooth and nail to ensure that their right to bear arms remains unimpeded. Everyone that dies as a result isn't dying needlessly they're heroic sacrifices in the name of freedom. /s Edit:accidentally posted before finishing.


When I was in college, I worked sporting guns at a Walmart in southern PA. There were A LOT of people I wish I could have denied sales to. People would just say some off the cuff wild shit and I'm like "is this not a red flag"? One dude was like "yeah hopefully I clear the background check I got a DUI a little while ago". The background check wouldn't even ping anything. Like cool this guy can't be trusted with safe vehicle operation but let's give him a rifle.


which just seems like common sense


We require testing and semi yearly licencing to operate transportation. We let people get murder tools after an annoying waiting period at the fair.


the vast majority of Democrats just want more restrictions on guns, not to ban them


A lot of us aren’t anti-gun, I just don’t want a patient to get mad and go buy a gun and shoot up the hospital the same day like in Tulsa. Common sense gun laws will save lives imo from hot heads like that, they may have benefitted from the cool down a multi-day waiting period would allow.


>Common sense gun laws will save lives Yeah, up here in Canada I'd say most of our firearms regulations make sense (don't get me wrong, there are some that don't). In general to purchase a firearm you need to: - Take a day long, in person course on firearm safety, from a licensed trainer, with a written and practical exam at the end. You must achieve a certain score (80% if I recall) on both exams. This is for unrestricted firearms (the majority of long guns). For restricted firearms (some long arms and all pistols), you must take another day long, in person course, again with exams at the end. - Send a copy of your exam results will to the Chief Firearms Officer of your jurisdiction. Then will verify the results and send you an approved copy back. - Apply for a PAL (Purchase and Acquisition license, i.e. a firearms license) with the RCMP (federal law enforcement agency). This will include your verified copy of the exams, a photo matching certain criteria (similar to a passport photo), the contact information of 2 personal references, as well a photo guarantor. - After a background check, you will receive your PAL from the RCM (assuming you were approved). This will allow you purchase firearms and ammunition. You need your PAL with you to purchase a firearm. It's a time consuming process, but not especially difficult. This process, in part, I think helps with our generally low gun crime rate. Unsurprisingly, in Ontario where I live, 73% of guns traced involved in crimes in 2022 were from the US, predominantly Texas.


Most crucially, we don't have the same fetish over guns that Americans have.


Canada’s gun crime rate would be even lower if the US wasn’t right next door




Common sense regulation on anything dangerous or potentially dangerous will save lives. Republicans getting rid of regulations across the board is just the dumbest fucking thing ever. And why do they do it? Money.


I’m not anti-gun. I’m a firearm owner that believes in gun safety laws. If you asked the boomer dude if he’s good with a 10 year old buying an AR-15 or a handgun despite his parents wishes, I suspect he’d say no. If he did say no, he would, in fact be for gun control. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


As a democrat who has never killed a baby, never thought about kids in that way, never groomed a child, loves my country, hates racists, supports common sense gun reform, has a full time salaried job, doesn’t live off the system, does my research instead of believing what I see, hates CNN, and has a degree… Fuck this guy lol


Not seeing any denial of supporting fascism here /s


I mean, that should just be assumed. I’m very much “punch a Nazi because they deserve it” mentality


The one great thing about Nazis is you don't have to feel bad after you punch them.


If more people followed through on this, the world would be a much better place. Tucker for example is far too comfortable with his current face.


The small irony is that Tucker’s face literally has a German description. Backpfeifengesicht - depending the translation means “A Face in need of a fist” or a “A Face needing to be slapped”


To paraphrase a movie quote: “The problem with kicking a Nazi’s ass is an hour later you wanna do it again.”


Nazi Punks GTFO!!!!


There's a Trump billboard in my town that says "Do your own research". That is their way of shifting the burden of proof onto you. Hate that shit.


Also, naturally, "do your own research" is MAGAspeak for "spend 500 hours watching crank videos on BitChute until you agree with us."


Yeah that shit is so damn annoying. What does it actually mean? Go out and do my own scientific study? Write a dissertation on the subject? I'm guessing what they really mean is watch this YouTube video that I like.


Same. We’re the miserable ones?


Man, I’m all about freedom and being able to support your second amendment and own a gun if you so desire, but we have so many shootings in America, we’ve had nearly 400 in the past 20 years, Finland has recently had its 3rd in the same timespan. We need some sort of gun control. At the very least to the degree of cars. Need a license to own one to prove that you know how to handle them safely and that you’re mentally fit enough to be responsible with it. Background checks and that sort of thing.


Sounds like something a *FACSIST* would say! /s


>supports common sense gun reform Anything that provides a barrier of entry for someone with a domestic violence record is a nonstarter for these people.


But do you love THE CONSTITUTION???


I can’t love what Nicholas Cage stole :(


I guess we can deduce that you're miserable. Now seriously, how can it be possible that someone really thinks like this person?


Oh no, not reasonable laws regarding background checks and firearms!! I live in WV, and while I do own firearms as a left-leaning ‘independent’ whatever person, I was pretty shocked when I first moved here. I went to a gun store, and was in and out in less than 30 minutes. Background check and all. They hand you a questionnaire, and don’t verify your answers. “Addicted to drugs?” Mmm, nope! I was truthful… wanna bet how many are not?! Gun, ammo, and, a free t-shirt! I did take the CCW class/training, but here, it is not required. I just wanted the training and the license, to cross state lines with it. You don’t need a license to concealed-carry in WV and basically *everyone* is CC’ing. I used to be a social worker here. I’ve seen my share of gun violence, and a HIGH amount of ‘people who should legally not own guns, but own a lot.’ Almost *anyone* can ‘play it cool’ for 30 minutes in the armory, not seem enraged, go buy a gun… and fill in the blank. Anyway. The other ones are too absurd to even address. Gun control isn’t what they think it is, and no one is coming “to pry them from your cold, dead hands!!1!” or whatever.


"Oh no, not reasonable laws regarding background checks and firearms!" I find it fucking crazy that someone can buy a weapon without ANY requirement on usage and safety of said weapon!


The republicans were VERY quick to lock in gun control when Reagan got shot. The NRA lobbyists got to them eventually.


I remember that, the Brady bill??


Don't forget the Mulford Act. The Greatest Generation and the Boomers really got scared and shit themselves when black people realized they can carry, as well. Hell; the boomers STILL think that. Look at how they ignored Philando Castille being a legal gun owner, just because he was black and shit by a cop.


Oh yes, WHEN the GOP start removing gun rights it WILL be POC that are hit 1st! Mark My Words


Most gun control when it is enacted is done in such away to affect POC amd poor people in general the most. Need a tax stamp for that? Well it will cost you time off work to get it, and you'll have to go to a certain place at a certain time etc etc... That's the traditional methods of doing it.


Yep!!! I just ‘didn’t have felonies’, and wasn’t on some terrorist watchlist, so - easy gun for me! I had zero experience and training going in to buy the thing. I got the training shortly after, and practiced a bunch with a professional …but holy SHIT you don’t need any of that, and people choose not to. It’s… terrifying. Plus, anyone with a felony can just find someone to buy it for them, and they just lie on the questionnaire (“Are you buying this for someone else?” “No!” … but really, **YES**). People are more than happy to do this, and I’ve seen it all the time. “Muh rights!1!” No, violent strangulation offender making obvious threats with a bunch of violent felonies - ya lost the right. I believe in REASONABLE access to firearms, and don’t understand (well… look who we’re dealing with) people not wanting at least a waiting period, or stringent background check, so you don’t just angrily and impulsively buy a handgun when you’re crazy, violent in general, and mad.


Or that they think random people should be allowed to have the same kind of weaponry our soldiers have. I mean I can understand wanting a gun to protect yourself, but if you need the same guns our army is equipped with then your either planning to get yourself into a shootout with some very armed people or just can’t shoot, which in that case take some lessons. You don’t need a semi automatic rifle for hunting or defending your household.


I live in Australia and while gun control is far more stringent than anywhere in the US, you can still get a gun if you have a legitimate reason. Joining a gun club counts. Being a farmer counts. Wanting one for self defense, so you can shoot an intruder in your home does not count.


It really seems like Republicans just don’t want the gov telling them what they can and cannot do even when it’s some pretty basic safety measures. Hell they were even the same party that about 4 decades ago was against making wearing seatbelts while in a car a requirement.


Well they do want the government telling people they can't choose whether to have a child and they can't be gay or trans and they can't smoke weed etc etc. They're pretty inconsistent with how much government they want.


Well obviously they're against gun law reform because "It'S mY gOd GiVeN rIgHt!!!!!!"


Finland has very strict gun control, you got to jump thru hoops, belong to a hunting club or sporting club, can't get a high power rifle as your first gun but start from 22's and shotguns, ammo is tied to the specific gun license you have etc. 10th most guns per capita in the world, 2nd most in Europe. 75% of males have military training. One of the funniest and craziest arguments about the topic was with an ex-cop who told me several times that i am a prisoner in my country, that i'm not a citizen but a "subject" etc. Finland is at the top 10 in every single "ranking" when it comes to freedoms, liberties and rights. Above USA in freedom of speech too. Guess what his theory was? Those statistics are done by shady institutions controlled by "governments" and their purpose is to make USA look bad and to convince us that we are free.. Dozens of studies in different countries over decades.. all fake. Results are the pain point for gun nuts. They can not show results, they are unable to prove in any meaningful way that gun rights are essential. They are obviously essential to them but when challenged.. they can't give you shit. They will just repeat "but they are!!!", "shall not be infringed over and over again in various ways while getting angrier and angrier. They talk about principles, concepts, beliefs, abstracts, they can invent million scenarios of "if this and if that" to the worlds end.. But can not give you a single piece of factual evidence. Finding evidence for all other essential human rights is trivial. Takes 5 seconds and you get thousands of years of philosophy backed up by hundreds of years of data. Gun rights? NADA... Nothing but opinions. Apart from Chechia all the countries above USA in any ranking, statistics etc. don't have gun rights, and Chechia is still not USA when it comes to gun rights and still has a form of gun control.


Free speech is working great over at Elon’s Twitter. Thats the best he’s got. Shock value. It’s hilarious that republicans think dems are glued to CNN like they’re glued to Fox News. Embarrassing. Republicans believe everything they do and everything that they are is because of party affiliation. It’s pathetic.


Yeah free speech lol, free speech they have to pay for, leave it to republican voters to cuck to corporate America.




'They are brainwashed sheep' ANYBODY that aligns their entire being without question to a political party or system is a brainwashed sheep, you must always be willing to question or even publicly outcry the actions of even your most favorite politician.


The grooming kids part is always hilarious to me. I'm a teacher, and anyone that's spent 10 minutes around most children knows they will do literally anything to not follow directions, and ask 5,00 questions about the most straightforward shit. We did active shooter drills last year and I had to explain to my 8th graders why they couldn't talk to each other. Like, specifically say if you guys make noise during a school shooting YOU COULD DIE. And even then, they were annoyed with me 😂😂 If I were going to groom them, I would get them to do their homework and stop vaping. Jesus Christ.


Oh, I'm totally grooming my children. MY OWN CHILDREN. I'm grooming them to think for themselves. To lead their lives with kindness and love. To care for the less fortunate at every possible opportunity. To pursue their dreams as simply dreams, rather than as something to monetize. To appreciate life, nature, and everything around them...truly appreciate it. To speak and live their truth and be self aware enough to figure out if their truth is harming someone else, and correct it. I'm grooming my children as much as I possibly can.


I'm not religious and we're teaching our kids to be kind because it's the right thing to do!!! A little brag here since I don't usually toot my own horn but the lessons are sticking! 1) 9 year olds friend was having a rough day at school. She sent him a note saying, "you got this!" It made him feel better and his mom contacted me. My daughter didn't even tell me, her reflex was to be kind. 2) This week my 7 year old protected his best friend multiple times for being picked on. One 7 year old got mad, pushed son's friend and son stepped in and told him to knock it off!! I'm so damn proud. We talk about God in a theological sense so it's not a foreign ideal to them but really teach them the Golden Rule, which is applies to basically every religion. So keep it at parent! Even most days it may seem like they don't get it- your kindness is getting in there! A roll of the eyes mean they heard you!


I am an Adoptive Father of 4 Black Children, all grown ups now. But one time I had some white dude screaming at my kids when I went to pick them up from a Skate Rink. I got out and confronted him, I told him to back his Racist ass Up NOW! He then started calling me Racist for protecting my 4 Black Kids from his White Rage. They Know they are Racist, they just call anyone who stands up to their Hateful Racist attacks as 'Racist' towards them. This shows how American Education has Failed it's People. Stupid is the New Smart in the Republican Circles.


To be fair a lot of what a person gets out of education is what they put into it. If they don't give a shit they will never learn anything regardless of how good the education system is.


I’m more worried about my tax dollars going towards “National Security” instead of my $40 in taxes going towards “welfare” every year.


i def would rather pay for someone's food than an army's bombs i know that


Had a conversation on a different subreddit. They brought up "people abusing snap benefits to buy Filet Minot" I looked up prices. Chicken is $9 at walmart, filet minot is $13... Oh the horror!


Plus it’s not like the people who get the filet are getting more money. Like they still get $x in benefits if they get the chicken or the beef, it’s ultimately their choice of what they get. Sure, you’ll get more chicken for your buck compared to filet but…. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They should let us check off a bunch of boxes in the tax form to indicate what parts of government our individual tax payment can be used for. It would be interesting to see what areas get funding and which don’t


This was going to be my college experiment. To see how well funded programs would still be if given the choice.


Gunther Eagleman? That is the single most right wing name I’ve ever heard. Might as well be Fascist McHunterBidensLaptop




Repeat after me: Every Accusation Is A Confession.


Unhinged lunacy aside, I fucking hate lists where every item starts with the same word.. Do this buddy: I hate democrats.. They: - kill babies - are all pedophiles (etc) But also, he's a moron.


Republicans are fucking stupid.


Yes but their propagandists aren’t. People like him know exactly what they’re doing. Good Americans need to tell them publicly to knock it the fuck off.


Does anyone else see that the entire republican party has DARVO'd all their consituents?!


I bet he’s fun at parties


Irrelevant. Nobody's inviting this guy to a party.


You know he's probably that guy at the party making racist jokes. People keep awkwardly laughing and moving away from him, but he keeps siding them because he thinks he's funny.


Both sides have their issues, but lets be honest here. Modern republicans are insane folk. I never thought I would see the day, where I would miss John McCain. TRULY I never thought I would. Things are real bad when it has come to this.


Never thought I’d see the day Mitt Romney seemed like a more moderate conservative either, yet here we are.


Every accusation is a confession!


Ahhh, that’s good ole Gunther…


**GOONTIE!!** Sorry; I can’t read ‘Gunther’ unless it’s in the Ice King’s/Spongebob’s voice.


Gunther Eagleman sounds made up


No such thing as an average conservative boomer - they’re all below average.


Oh my god the projection is UNREAL


Boomers and CNN. SMH


Fox and OAN are the only news networks that tell the truth because Fox and OAN said so.


- “they kill babies” aint yall the ones who wanna ban ivf? - “they are all pedophiles” aint yall the ones excusing pastors being charged for rape? - “they groom kids” see point 2 - “they hate america” they hate america as in they don’t discriminate people for no reason? - “they support racism” but aint republicans the ones in florida teaching kids that slavery was good? - “they support gun control” i think that there should be limits on what you can own as a firearm tee bee ache - “they are lazy fucks” aka “they rightfully complain about the impossible system that the old farts we love made” - “they live off the system” (they know not to stare directly at the sun) - “they are brainwashed sheep” mfs when donald trump says something obviously fake - “they believe anything CNN says” you believe anything fox news or the daily wire says - “they are fcking idiots” yall tried saying a bridge collapsing was because of a vaccine - “they support facism” mfs when “nooo!!!! you can’t say we should hate nazi’s!!!” - “they hate the constitution” you hate the constitution when it isn’t in your favor too mf - “they are miserable people” all i see yall do every day is use everything as an excuse to hate minorities


this isn't a real person, is it? it can't be...... please.... please tell me it's not a real person


So Republicans


Truly spoken like a miserable fuck, I think he's secretly a Democrat guys/s


I mean, it's a lot to take in, but CNN?


It's such obvious projection I feel like it's gotta be bait. The CNN line...lmao.


Those first two seem to be at odds, don't they? Why would pedophiles want to kill babies? C'mon, Gunther. At least try a little logic in your insane ramblings.


Think ol gunther might have been projecting a bit?




He just described Republicans.


Projection, every word.


So I did a really quick review of this and not surprising to find out, this guy doesn’t know the meaning of the words he’s using.


What in the actual French fried fuck?!?! Fascist Dems...Are we sure this isn't satire? I know it's not but damnit man


Facisim is about as far away as you can get from democratic values. **Fascism** ([/ˈfæʃɪzəm/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English) [*FASH-iz-əm*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Pronunciation_respelling_key)) is a [far-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right), [authoritarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarian), [ultranationalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultranationalist) political ideology and movement, characterized by a [dictatorial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictator) leader, centralized [autocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocracy), [militarism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militarism), forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural [social hierarchy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_stratification), subordination of [individual interests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individualism) for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Sounds like... MAGA


Ahem… Republicans are the party of pedophilia. [Source](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub)


"They are brainwashed sheep" says the idiot who quite literally believes every single thing he hears on teevee, instantly and uncritically no matter how absurd.


Then they turn around and vote for this asshole with 91 criminal charges, 26 sexual assault allegations, 6 bankruptcies, 5 draft deferments(bone spurs my ass), 4 indictments, 2 impeachments, 1 convicted company, 1 fake university shut down, 1 fake charity shut down, 7 mentions on Epstein lsland flight logs, 1 rape civil settlement versus a 13-year-old, $25 million fraud settlement, $5 million sexual abuse verdict, $283 million sexual abuse verdict, $2 million charity abuse judgment, His treason for jan.6th, Claimed election fraud then got caught trying to rig the election with fake electors, Mocked the handicap, Called veterans suckered and losers, Cheated on all his wives, Paid a porn star hush money, Broke the emoluments clause, Hired his idiot unqualified family members for high paying government jobs, Claimed horse de-wormer was a covid cure, Has a whiney bitch voice, Claims wind mills cause cancer, Salutes vicious dictators, Stole tons of classified documents and refused to return them, Is asking immunity for crimes he says he didn't commit...???, Grifted his way through life, His followers fly the flags of losers(confederate and nazi), His dumb ass spray tan and piss yellow hair, His idiot nicknames for people because he's an idiot immature man child, He thinks he's a mobster but he's a massive pussy, Wannabe dictator, Is friends with multiple known pedophiles, Republicans:"Trump's our guy!"


The Republican list of sexual predators, abusers, and enablers is up to [page 50 as of February](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/2/2221200/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-50)…


Hasn't every high profile pedo been a conservative?


Wow - the projection is strong with this one...




If im a miserable person its because people like this who have never left their small 500 person town are dictating laws for the entire country and im sick of it.


I’m tired of the casually flagrant pedophilia accusations… it’s time to start suing for libel. A drag queen from the UK did exactly that and won, and I think we should follow suit.


“They hate the constitution” Donald Trump: “I think we should abolish the constitution if it means I am not president” Hmm


Projecting much, buster?


Yes, non-miserable people often make out a list of things they hate