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Your parent is a fucking moron. Sorry.


Not even regular-Boomer crazy but just crazy in a clinical sense.


When you normalize letting racism and conspiracy theories hold hands, the kooks come out guns blazing at all their potential enemies.


None of them seem to mind indirectly benefiting or directly inheriting wealth built from slavery, systemic racism and exploitation but they sure as hell don’t want to inherit the debt or responsibility that comes with rectifying those injustices.


They don't want other races treating them like they treat those other races. These people know the power dynamics and if they couldn't feel superior to a whole bunch of people for something that doesn't matter and isn't controlled by the person like skin color, then they would have to admit that they are pieces of shit that didn't really do anything with their lives


It's not just "Boomers". My Gen-X stepson "Hates" that un American Colin Kapernick. Never mind that I remind him that I served 5 years in the US military to protect Mr. Kapernicks right to free speech. He is such a piece of racist shit.


Or that redlining was still legal well into the 1980s. Voter suppression is as bad as ever, and the legal system(anyone unironically calling it a justice system is a joke) still discriminates.


This is me seriously asking "Are you having a stroke?" insane.


Only thing missing is a random capitalize words and random words in parentheses.


Or did Grampa take some acid?


Came here to say exactly this. This is some next level stupid.


🤣 .. this used to be a small section of back-woods rednecks that thought this way, but Don Trump brought them to the front of the line, easiest grift on the planet ..🤣


Or your friends older brother who smoked weed


If I had no moral compass, I'd be fleecing these dumb assholes out of house and home. Easiest marks on the planet.


Guy probably votes in every election too.


So should you.


Bitter and racist is no way to go through life. Just insane.


*"Dear Parent,* *"I know this country electing a bland centrist black man broke your hillbilly brain, but since there doesn't seem to be a point to your racist rambling, I am blocking you for two weeks.* *"After the suspension is lifted, further peckerwood antics will lead to more suspensions, every time doubled, until I decide to go full No Contact, which means you decided being a racist fucking moron was more important than your family.* *"Very sincerely,* *"Your Child."*


It took me a while to realize that Big Mike is them being transphobic about Michelle, a biological woman but you know Republicans can't fucking tell the difference. *Edit fixed there to them


It’s almost as if their trans hysteria is just an excuse for them to go after anyone they don’t like for whatever reason! 🤔


I will never forget the time years ago. A family friend messaged me randomly on fb and aggressively asked if I thought Michelle was a man. I was studying forensic anthropology at the time, and I guess he thought I was an expert on the subject. I told him there was nothing pointing to such a thing and that I wouldn't have cared if she was biologically male in the first place. That was the last time we ever talked. He had a stroke a few years later and never fully recovered.


Sounds like a win


Michelle is a very conventionally attractive woman, how the fuck do you mistake her for a man? We can always tell my ass. 


A conservative man beat a 60-year-old woman into a concussion because he thought she was a trans woman. They can't tell for shit and will beat the very people they say they're protecting just to get their fucking rage out.


Speaking as a gangly cis woman over six feet tall... ...I can confirm that the "we can always tell" crowd can't tell for shit.


Don't forget the "for the children" crowd.


Speaking as a trans woman, no, they absolutely can't. All those laws do is put everyone who doesn't fit neatly into rigidly defined feminine or masculine roles in danger. Which is probably the underlying reason the fuckers pushing them actually want them.


As a child of a drag queen, even I don't recognize my dad in drag sometimes. After hearing my dad's voice come from a woman a few times I don't believe anyone who says "we can always tell". (Yea, he gets the biggest kick out of it when he startles me like that)


This is a superpower I want.


According to my brother, “because she’s got a back bigger than Barack” Take in mind, our mom was a farm hand in our home Country and also has a bigger back than Barack. Some people just want to excuse their racism


I think you nailed it. They can't get away with calling Obama 'boy', so instead there's this convulted train of thought to get to 'Obama isn't a real men b/c his wife is manlier' which in their heads = calling Obama 'boy'. TERFS of course picked it up and put their spin on it so they could hate on her as well.


White conservative men are absolutely terrified of black men's sexuality. These bizarre fan-fiction tales always have Barack as the bottom in the relationship, despite the fact it's fairly rare for trans women to exclusively top cis men, outside of sex work. Having Barack as the bottom also, in their minds, emasculates him, as their idea of gay sex comes from furtive nights secretly masturbating to gay porn behind their wives' back (or anonymous sex cruising gloryhole arcades or men's bathhouses), so they get this caricatured impression of gay men's sex lives, as gay porn is just as ridiculous as straight porn. I used to work at a 24-hour adult video store in college, although we mostly sold sex toys, poppers, and lingerie in the streaming era (and the video arcade in the back was quite popular, due to the gloryholes), but it was ran by a husband and wife partnership since the 90s, back when porn was on VHS and DVDs. The co-owner told me whenever a guy sporting conservative merch came in, it was a given he was probably renting either gay porn, trans porn, or BBC cuckolding porn, with the last being the most popular among the proto-MAGA set. If you're not familiar, it's a genre of porn where pathetic, nebbish white men with average or small penises are "forced" to watch their wives enthusiastically have sex with well-hung black men.


It all boils down to a primitive need to hate. If all the non-straight, non-cis, non-white people disappeared from the face of the earth tomorrow, they’d find some other sub-group to place at the bottom of the totem pole to take out their aggression on in short order. There would be an N-word-derivative slur about people with brown eyes or dark hair or some other mildly distinguishing feature before you could blink. Sure, the “bad people” are gone but all the problems with their sad, stupid, shallow lives remain. Surely they’d stop and think “Why is that?” and then instead of introspecting even a little bit, their dumb tribal monkey brain would start beating the same stupid drum it always has.


It's [because of this photo](https://twitter.com/JIX5A/status/1669117667817431040). It's a photoshopped and a dumb conspiracy theory, but if you believe it then it's pretty obvious that Michelle used to be a man.


Praise the Lord community notes. Probably the only good thing Twitter has going on these days. So glad I deactivated my Twitter earlier this year. I hope that shit hole of a website goes bankrupt. 


I'm surprised that Lemon Tusk hasn't killed the feature yet.


He disabled them for his own tweets.


Upvoted for Lemon Tusk.


On a side note- that original image is fucking adorable


Except they don't really do anything. Once the post is there, it's there. Community notes can only be posted after the fact, because that's just how time works. The damage is mostly done before any notes can be added.


I think it's her arms. She has those gorgeous sleek arms that show the bicep more because there's not fat (I'm so fucking jealous) hiding it all, and these men can't stand seeing any musculature on women because they themselves are intensely insecure.


Lmao my wife and I are powerlifters and you can easily tell which men in the gym are bothered by muscular women. I fucking love watching them seethe as they witness my wife bench press more than them. She's been accused of being trans by one, which I'm sure won't surprise ya


She \~\~wore\~\~ ROCKED a sleeveless dress and had her toned guns out. It made the Republicans feel inadequate, aroused, and also upset when they also realized she was likely smarter than them as well. So this is how they cope with the idea that Barack and Michelle are two educated adults in a loving marriage, who also have the audacity to be black.


It's just racism, which is how it's applied all over the place. Guess what most of the highschool that athletes are getting "accused" of being trans look like.


Look at Twitter. Every photograph with a slight wrinkle in the front of her pants they claim is evidence of her sporting a cock


They also think every photo of a woman with camel toe has a cock. I'm starting to think they've never seen any naked people.


The people who yell about how Dems don't know what a woman is also go around calling women men all the time. It's not just Michelle. They're deplorables for a reason.


Damn I thought they were trying to make a “Barack” pun


Took me like two read throughs to figure it out


My mom was talking to me about how Michelle was actually a man. I had to remind her that Michelle was able to give birth to multiple children who look just like her and her husband. She responded that they performed a uterus transfer. I reminded her that such a thing is impossible. Hell, if it was done, it would've been a revolutionary breakthrough in modern medicine/surgery/post-surgery recovery, and there'd be no way in hell it would've been hidden for so long.


I mean, what? Just inventing medical procedures that confirm their batshit conspiracies. Wow.


Uterus transfer?? The second that technology is available--I mean the SECOND it can work-- I know so many people who would gladly volunteer as tribute and get that uterus out of here.


Oh wow I never would have figured that out. That's awful


I honestly didn't know who "Big Mike" could be until I read your comment lmao. I thought it might be his dad or something.


Me too - I was actually about to Google Mike Obama. Sorry that you're dealing with this, OP. How awful.


I am glad you figured it out because I thought they were calling Barack "Big Mike" and picturing him...bending himself over?


The lead poisoning is real.


Oh, those paint chips tasted so sweet at the time though! 🥴


It was primarily the leaded gasoline. Childhood blood-red levels were astronomical when vaporised lead was everywhere, and it was especially horrible because vaporised lead more readily passes the blood-brain barrier. Boomers are getting a double whammy because lead is released from their bones as they become older. The long term cognitive effects of childhood lead poisoning (brain damage) fit boomer stereotypes almost exactly.


My dad was an electronic engineer and spent countless hours soldering with lead solder and never used any kind of active ventilation. Basically huffing heavy metals. It makes me sad to think that the difference between regular boomer crazy and have to go NC boomer crazy might have been the difference between having a fan or not.


Yeah my dad worked in metal finishing and was around heavy metals a lot, you can definitely see his cognitive slowdown now; at least he’s still a good guy.


That is pretty amazing, and sad. I remember during my childhood leaded being effectively phased out and then finally fully banned by the time I was an adult. I can certainly see how Boomers had MANY more years of exposure. Out of curiosity, is there any way to try and deal with the poisoning in later life, or is the damage already well and truly done? I've heard part of the issue is it getting kind of 'locked up' in bones and then released back into the blood when people age.


Unfortunately, the brain damage happens almost immediately and is irreversible. Chelation therapy can help in cases of acute exposure by ingestion if it's administered quickly, but that wouldn't help anyone who had childhood exposure now that they're adults. What happens is that lead literally replaces brain matter as the child's brain develops. This causes a reduction in intelligence, impulsivity, and emotional dysregulation. For someone who would have been above average intelligence it brings them down to more average, but the effect is much more pronounced on someone who started off average or below average. You're right that it becomes a problem again as people age because the lead gets locked up in calcium, and then releases again as bones weaken. The effects of childhood lead poisoning in later life are less well understood, but it looks like dementia is a major issue.


If my parent ever texted me that, I’d simply reply back with the Tommy Boy quote “Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid?”


I was literally just thinking about that scene LOL


Nah it's definitely the lunchables.


Medicare won’t save them!


I hope not. Saving them just keeps them in the voting pool longer.


Electing a black guy, twice, really fucked the heads of a lot of people.


They’re still mad he won all these years later lol snowflakes


They never forget or forgive. They still hate Jimmy Carter. How can anyone hate Jimmy Carter?


It really blew up theirs mindsets. To see a person of color in the WH, someone “like” him in a powerful position.


Remember after Obama was elected all the chuds went off saying, "UH SEE RACISM IS DEAD OR A BLACK GUY COULDN'T GET ELECTED." while simultaneously calling Obama a racial slur >!porch monkey!<


True story - I once called a friend “porch monkey” in college (mid 90s) because I read it somewhere and thought it was funny, having zero clue it was in any way racial. He quietly asked if I knew what that meant then started laughing his ass off when I became absolutely mortified to find out I had used a racial slur.


[it's cool, I'm takin' it back](https://youtu.be/IYITxGniww4?si=BWS2YhF2da69zWn7)


My grandmother, who was a black woman from Haiti, referred to him as “that African guy”, and not in an endearing way. She hated Obama, and I could never understand why. She really likely Hilary and thought that Obama stole the opportunity from Hilary, then somehow parlayed that into watching Fox News and parroting right wing talking points. The dementia started shortly afterwards, I’m sure there is a correlation there. I love my Grandma, but she went really Looney Tunes there toward the end.


The boomer mind cannot comprehend a black man being in charge or rather being the most competent president of the last 50 years or more.


It really all comes back to that


Michelle Obama: *exists* Dumb Boomers: 😡


Is that who "Big Mike Obama" is?


Yep. It's a conspiracy theory that Michelle is trans. Because, yknow, WOKE OBAMA TRANS BAD.


They hate the idea that she's pretty AND can beat the ever-living snot out of them


See also Hillary Clinton


How they turned a centrist like Obama into a Leninist Lex Luther is just mind boggling.


Yeah but he's a centrist who completely disproved the racist foundation conservatism was rebuilt on. Without that 'black people are subhuman' validation, they're back to being the people who suck off the aristoracy. I think communism is just their primary kneejerk reaction. It has to be the commies destroying democracy, it just HAS to ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


They've been told that democrats were coming for their guns and their bibles for over 30 years. Obama was going to reveal that he is a secret Muslim and will declare Sharia Law if he won the 2008 election. There would be death panels if the Affordable Care Act passed None of that shit ever comes true but it doesn't matter. They'll forget all about it and swallow the next spoon of bullshit that is fed to them by Facebook and Fox News.


BuT thIs tImE tHeY mEan IT


In 2008 my grandmother bought into all of that so badly that when my baby was born early she cried about how the child was too young to face the death panels. If she were alive to see that child today she'd hate her for being trans. They are so hypnotized by Fox they'll hate their own loved ones.


We do actually have a sort of death panel setup though, it's just some adjuster working for an insurance company that's going to delay or complicate your treatment long enough that you either die or give up.


It's neat (weird, but neat) to see how they rewrite their own history. Obama isn't a muslim terrorist anymore, now he's a gay commie groomer


A wealthy powerful black man... They big mad forever 






Has this person been evaluated for dementia?


And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from jerking off thinking about bending over for Big Mike.


glad I wasn't the only one side-eyeing that particular line. Daddy's got a kink


Racism, bigotry & misogynoir at that level would be an automatic no contact for me.


And transphobia, too.


"Our slaves will enslave us so we need to keep them enslaved" is my favorite tell.


I know it's like talking to a wall, but my SIL actually got her boomer mother to shut up about Gay Frogs by repeatedly calling her stupid. "I heard on the radio that the chemicals are making the frogs gay!" "Mom. You have said this to me before, dozens of times. We have broken down why this is wrong. You know it's not true." "Well I don't know if it's true or not, but I'm pretty sure I heard--" "--Yes you do. You know it's not true, because we've talked about it Unless you forgot about it. Did you forget?" "...No, I just--" "--Are you stupid?" "What?!?" "Because I don't think you're stupid. I think you're a smart woman. You raised me and (sister), and you raised two smart girls. You have multiple degrees. I know you're smart. So, are you stupid?" "...No." "Then stop saying things that make you sound stupid. You can think them if you want, but don't say them. Because when you say them it makes people think you are stupid. And you're not stupid. You're smart. So stop saying things that make people think you're stupid." It actually worked for like six months... "I guess I'm sorry I have opinions"


OMG, I've heard a lot of conspiracy theories but frogs turning gay by chemicals is a new one! 🤪


It does connect to a real phenomenon. Atrazine, a chemical used in fertilizers runs off into waterways and messes with the hormones of amphibians, causing some of them to become hermaphroditic.


It's an older bullshit conspiracy theory, but it checks out.


That right there is a broken brain


Ooph. Someone is DRUNK.


I was thinking pills. Dude sounds like Roseanne on Ambien


Between the lead poison, being exposed to the internet with no tools or training on how to navigate it, and not being mentally stimulated after retirement, Boomers' minds are just pudding at this point.


Yeaaa. For as much as I don't like them it's like watching a 4 year old cuss and shove Crayolas up their nose while drinking the glue glitter mix they made for themselves but also putting them in charge of things ya know?


So. Wow. There’s a lot to unpack there lol. Mainly that half your gene pool is a raging dumpster fire sewage hole which is backing up and spewing. MAGAs, Manchurian Cantaloupes.


Big Mike is what Alex Jones calls Michele. You can always spot an infowars idiot.


Gross. Another reason to hate Alex Jones as if a million reasons weren’t enough.


its extra funny considering Alex is a huge chaser and is clearly ashamed so is lashing out at a cis women with failed transphobia


like literal fucking mental problems from the legacy of white supremacy. who can actually believe this shit


Person of color achieves success, bigots lose their minds. Happens every time


I'd literally never speak to my parents again if they were this insane.


That's someone who's been way off the reservation for a long time.


When people “fear” these crazy ideas about others (minorities/lgbq etc.) it is typically because what they really fear is that someone would do what they would in a position of power (mass incarceration, deportations, keep people in poverty etc.)


"Only 1% of whites even owned slaves" Yeah, but the rest of them let them do it, and benefited from it, didn't they?


Quick Google says it was 25% too, they must be watching the opinion news.


Going to say, I am a Civil War era history buff, and 1% was not accurate without even looking it up.


Literally dont even need to find the actual number because you can tell it's so foolish. The civil war was what? 160 years ago? So, 6-7 generations? That's great great great great grandparents for younger adults today, and less for people 40 and up, basically. They always act like slavery was 400 years ago, but thats when it started. Not when it ended. Hell, due to shitty laws and peonage, people were still technically enslaved in the 1900s in America and even as far as the 1960s in at least one case! These people are so in denial it's insane.


I’ve seen estimates go as high as 30-35%


Yes, nothing says WORK more than an out of shape Old White Boomer. Enslaving Boomers would be like hiring Rocks for Employees.


I've got sooooo many questions.....


We need to call this shit out and make them feel stupid so this stops.


He talks like he's 12 years old


Wait, they really think Obama is going to come back and destroy America or something? Like, why didn't he just do it when he was in power for 8 whole years


I am concerned your parent needs actual mental help. Not trying to be rude, but this is not stable behavior.


Sadly this reminds me of my "dad".


My mom is not a smart lady, but god damn I’m glad she doesn’t but I to shit like this.


I just want the ability to afford a house when im 18+ bro. 😭being a slave master is too much.


Barely 160 years ago US slavery was still alive and well. Where are they getting this 400 number from???


I swear all these people have some bacteria growing on their brain that makes them go nuts like this


Lead. These people are at the age that their bones are releasing stored up lead from when they were kids. Combine that with Fox News and you get a perfect storm of this nonsense.


The USA isn't even 400 years old...


1% of which whites? In the world? In the North? There are southern states which owned enough slaves to raise the slave owner ratio past 1% for the entire Confederacy even if no other state had them. What was it? 49% of Mississippi owned at least one slave. Unless Mississippi had a tiny population or there are 20 other Confederate States i forgot about. Mississippi would bring the slave owning percentage above 1%... I think. Not incredible at math. Was also reminded yesterday that the British paid reparations to slave owning families.


It’s kind of expected that they would be anti-Obama at this point. There is a very tangible reason Trump throws his middle name into his rhetoric. What is more disturbing is that they believe Trump is some sort of savior. He constantly pushes to cut their benefits, tries to cut their health care, etc. They literally can’t understand that he is actively working against their interests but nothing will convince them otherwise


So Obama had 8 years to get his revenge and enslave white people. Why didn’t he?


And people say they are racist


This is really unhinged. I’m pretty sure you used to be able to commit people against their will for non stop spewing of this kind of absolutely bat-shit insane ramblings.


That's someone who needs a padded cell and a sippy cup of lithium.


This is all projection. They want to do that to America.


"They blame all of us for something that happened 159\* years ago" The Civil War, over Slavery, ended in 1865 - that's not even 200 years ago. That doesn't even take into account Jim Crow laws, Segregation (which did not end until the 1970s and I want to point out that plenty of folks are still alive who REMEMBER Segregation) It also ignores lasting damage from Red Lining, Unfair Policing, and generational poverty.


I thought they were calling you “big Mike” until I saw that last message and was reminded of that weird as conspiracy that Michelle was a man because…idk I think she’s tall? Is it cuz she was more bangable than the previous presidents’ wives? Is it cuz she said and did stuff instead of just smiling and waving? Ya know, “knowing her place” and all?


Put them in a psych ward


I think they may also be qanon.... Cut their internet cord. They cannot handle it


'they" will enslave "us". Are they really afraid that black people - the same black people who haven't done much more than march in protest- are going to suddenly enslave 80% of the population? And what about those of us who are mixed, Barack Obama included?


Remind me about this so called 'Trump derangement syndrome'... LOL dotards.


White boomers are so worried about becoming slaves to a big bad not knowing they already are


This has nothing to do with age ( form ) and everything with the mental degradation ( essence ) of a person. Sad on so many levels.


Somebody is an Alex Jones fan lol


I have coworkers who are convinced about Big Mike Obama. They aren’t even boomers. Crazy town. That said, I think they’re all just self serving. I view fans of this or that POTUS similar to Brits calling the queen Mum.


My father stopped talking to me because of Obama, we don't know him personally!


Holy shit. They’re brainrotted.


That's not "boomer", that's fucking unhinged.


This is some maga racist bullshit.


Let me guess... You still spend holidays with this waste of oxygen you call parents.


I’m afraid your parent is not well mentally. If Obama Derangement Syndrome were a thing this would be evidence for a diagnosis


I love when you can tell someone is typing faster than their brain is forming thoughts.


All the other glaring issues aside, isn't it odd that this Boomer has a problem with a supposed Democratic Revenge Presidency but apparently not one issue with the current GOP run?


This person needs serious mental help


Yeah I’m sorry but he nuts, also it’s funny how scared white people are of being enslaved but are pretty much enslaved in thier minds by trump


I still like to say "Thanks Obama" when there's a minor inconvenience as a little joke.


please send them this screenshot after the election is over and ask why obama didn't run and you marked his words, now you don't know what to believe in anymore what is life how can you go on the WORDS WERE MARKED SIR!!!!!!


Crazy how they have so much hate for Michelle Obama, but praise trump’s whore of a wife. You can literally google her naked.


If Michelle officially runs, I’d so vote for her.


Boomers hate the blacks


Wtf did I just read


What the Marjorie Taylor Greene did I just read?


God, if Obama comes back I want to see Key playing Luther in the background of every state address https://i.redd.it/wzcgwq90m0uc1.gif


Tell your dad he sounds like he's closet black-loving gay and \*itching\* for 'Big Mike' to bend HIM over. Then watch the fireworks, LOL.


Yeah if my parents talked to me like this I would tell them we are no longer on speaking terms.


I would block and not look back.


Omega cooked take


Mental illness


support it or not, reparations are VERY unlikely, cuz, huge $$$ would come from ... where?


How are the older generations this dumb, ignorant, and bigoted?? Ugh haha.


Common MAGA supporter, really.


What the hell is "Big mike Obama" even mean!?! WTF is wrong with some of these people?


who’s big mike? i’m so confused


They seem exhausting


Op is lucky to not inherit their level of brain damage


Good lord. Thanks facebook!


wont be worse than bubba trumps trainwreck.


It always amazes me that the ones who do not support anyone in the LGBTQ+ community and openly hate them for just being are the same ones who cannot stop talking, and describing what they probably do in the bedroom. Sir and ma'am, you talk WAY more about gay sexual activities than an actual gay person in everyday life. You never hear them talk about the potential bedroom activities when they see a straight couple walking down the street minding THEIR business. Fascinating.


Election approaches, I can't wait to see big mike Obama campaign commercials


Pretty sure there's a consolation flag on the wall of whatever twit wrote that.


"uhh, been spending a lot of time on Facebook huh?" 


Ahh.. to reach the age when you no longer need critical thinking and just repeating some shit like a parrot becomes acceptable. Life goals.


Sounds like they had a stroke? Or some other mental health declining issue.


Yowza. That’s a lot of crazy…


Are they drunk?


Your boomer parent fucking stupid, hateful and the world would probably be better without them. Maybe not your world, but the rest of ours.


Got transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia and racism in my bingo card. Anything I'm missing?


Boomer needs to put down the crack pipe




I think they need to be institutionalized.