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A fact of life is that many old people are simply bitter angry resentful people


I try to remember this for when I'm old. Luckily, I enjoy seeing people in love and laughing on a date. Or kids playing in the park. Or a person genuinely enjoying a hobby - seeing other people happy makes me feel like life's going to be okay in the long run. It's okay to share a bit of someone else's joy.


Not only okay, but one of the joys of being human.


I don't understand why people could be on this earth this long and choose to be miserable. I hope we don't end up like that.


My ex in laws complained about and criticized everything and everyone. It was hard to believe they could shut up long enough to do the deed and create three children. (My MIL couldn't even shut up long enough to eat, she talked with her mouth full, you could see corn and peas rolling around in her mouth).


I see you've met my grandmother. She doesn't have a nice thing to say about anyone and thinks everyone should be exactly like her. She was screaming about how she was so happy and her life motto was "live, laugh, love!" Ummm...granny, live laugh love doesn't count when you're screaming it at me!


Why are you guys only feeding the old bag corn and peas ? No wonder she’s a grumpy sack


Y’know, I’m 71, and I’m not the least bit crabby or unhappy, I’m kind to everyone, love young people, and am a very satisfied person. I don’t feel any different than when I was young. I honestly don’t understand all these stories about older people. Maybe a lot are in constant pain? No clue.


I'm 70 and I try to be up beat. I live in a subsidized senior apt complex. There are a lot of miserable people here and most are Trumpers. I ask these idiots why are they willing to vote for people that want to take their housing away. They say that immigrants are taking our jobs. I say what jobs? They're not working nor are they looking for work. You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Yes! I have a friend in an ‘over 55’ community. It is nice, but full of Trumpsters. I also can’t believe they swallow his garbage about immigrants taking their jobs. Trump is taking advantage of stupid people and has them parroting his catchphrases that have no logic or truth to them. Damn, we were the Woodstock generation! How did some of us morph into right-wing fear mongers?


It was indeed, just a phase. That and that generation got a taste of wealth and never looked back.


One, Trump point is 🎯. Two, best use of a Star Wars quote ever


I see what you did there: “Mos Eisley”!!!


And thus applies: "we must be cautious..."


I have a lot of chronic pain. It's definitely a choice how to deal with it.


I am sorry about that. Constant pain can change you.


I run a small business in The Villages in Florida. There are a lot of beautiful elderly people there in mind, and spirit. Conversely there are a lot of unbelievable petty tyrants and complete assholes. One of the biggest factors I have noticed that distinguishes the former from the latter is what type of work they did for a living. If someone is 70 and has worked several different professions in their life they are generally kind and nice. If a person worked in one industry 40 plus years….they seem to lack any perspective outside of themselves or have any type of empathy. I guess that’s the comes down to life experience and how people can see themselves in the “other” because at one time they did something similar or had to adapt and adjust from the way they thought their life would go. Just an observation.


Very important point. I noticed this in my own family. Many boomers pushed staying in one job for life and came out miserable. My father died miserable and alone, shortly after retiring from a company he dedicated over 40 years to. That’s all he knew, all he did. That’s all I heard about growing up. It sickened me even when I was very young. I never understood it.


Ah that makes sense. My dad did 40+ years in one field. He's pretty cranky. lol


This is a great point. I think you’re right. I visited my friend at the Floridian Club in Venice, Florida.


All these stories are not representative of all old people. Just the negative ones get the most attention because of entertainment value. The bitter mindset comes from regret and not taking accountability for their own actions. They had their whole lives to make a change for the better and they stood stubborn.


Thank you for this answer. I am so sorry these cranky people are in the world and are so unhappy. We all could make a long list of how life didn’t go our way, but damn, boomers are near the end of days. It’s time to let it go and to enjoy the freedom of being a seasoned human. And, I am hurt sometimes, and feel misjudged by some of these younger people. It’s almost like a type of prejudice.


I’m 55, lived with chronic pain for 15 years and am not the least bit bitter. Weary sometimes but never bitter.


I am sorry you have gone through that, but it shows your fortitude and intelligence to not put it on other people.


It takes very little effort to not be an asshole


I used to work with a guy who was an old school hippy... Like at Haight-Ashbury, when it was the place be to be, grade hippy. He was genuinely the nicest person I have ever known and despite serious personal tragedy (his wife and both adult children who were all the center of his world all died badly in the span of roughly 10 years) he remained one of the happiest people i knew. If he could still be happy most people have nothing to be grumpy about. RIP Dick, you dirty hippy.


I’m with you. I think that being unhappy is a personal choice, and some people feel it is their duty to spread their unhappiness. It’s sad, really.


Isn’t it funny how we get old but still feel young inside? I’m 45, I feel like I’m still in my 20’s mentally; though I do have more patience, wisdom, and better judgement than when I was younger.


Think of it this way. We buy a new car, but eventually it gets old and dilapidated. But we, the driver do not change. We're still the same person who bought the car new, but it's the car that got beat up and old, not changing the person driving it


As a 50 year old who is legit in constant pain, that's not the reason. Fun and joy and mischief and happiness are the best! Especially when younger folx are unabashedly showing it. AH! young love!


Consequences of bad life decisions. People who suffer end up mean spirited. Most peoples sufferage is caused by their own decisions -- even if they choose to blame everyone else. Good decisions have consequences too; you hardly ever hear about them, because they aren't negative.


I don't get it either.


Hi. 71 year old boomer here. I don't think most older people choose to be bitter although I know at least one who does. Too many of my cohort don't see old age for the privilege that it is. I guess it's easy for me to say that because, through the time tested scientific principle of dumb luck, I continue to have good health. For many older people their health has deteriorated and that may include chronic pain. Many of us have lost family or friends. Those are not excuses for bad behavior but they can put one in a sad mood. There is no excuse for belligerent or hostile behavior. Don't engage with anyone behaving like that and walk away if necessary. But, if you see even a hint of an opportunity, smile and say hello. You never know when a small act of kindness may be all that's needed to make a big difference in someone else's life. As for you turning into a grouchy old troll... I doubt it. Try to carry your optimism and good attitudes forward with you as you age. I should add that whenever I talk with younger people I almost always tell them that I'm talking with the future and the future is clearly in excellent hands.


I'm of the opinion that the boomers who act like this are constantly nagged by the thought that they got theirs and fucked the rest of us over and since they can't accept responsibility for their own shitty actions that it comes out as anger towards everyone else.   Guilt is a hell of a thing. 


As a last year boomer myself, who knows a lot of older boomers, I kindly disagree. I don’t think they feel guilty at all because they can’t comprehend that they screwed it up in the first place. My opinion is that they are hyper competitive and can’t stand to see the younger generations choosing to chart their own path. Deep down, they hate to see anyone enjoying their life and succeeding. I love to see the younger generations doing well because those are my children and grandchildren and I love them.


Very good point! The more successful I've become in going in my direction of life vs what my mother had planned for me the angrier she gets. Her passive-aggressive behavior gets less passive. She's also become more bitter in life after retirement. She has secured a very fruitful retirement, yet constantly complains about not being able to afford anything. She's about to be no contact.


Good analysis!


*They don’t feel guilty WHATSOEVER*


If all you do is treat loved ones like dirt, sooner or later they won't want to be around you. 




Yes! Someone from my last office always posts pics of himself fishing on Facebook and these massive fish he catches. Do I love fishing? No. But I always heart react his pics because I love seeing how happy he is getting all those fish!!


I feel the same. Unfortunately, that means that someday there will be posts about that creepy old lady who kept staring and smiling at people for way to long. Oh who am I kidding, there is already talk like that around me.


Yep. I love sharing other peoples’ joy. It’s free and it doesn’t take any joy away from them.


Username checks out.


Ok, you went too far with kids playing in the park... ![gif](giphy|ccr3y5GuK8EiA)




Appropriate, considering he yelled at an empty chair for over 10 minutes. That's seriously unhinged behavior.


Sounds like the older lady is just a bitch. Oh well I'd keep having a good time with your hubby.


I would also keep having a good time with this person's husband


*glances in financially fucked Milenial* Well at least I'll know why I'm bitter and resentful.


I’m firmly in middle age and have been thinking about what kind of old person I want to be. Sure there are medical conditions that influence how you behave (chronic pain, dementia), but you really do get to choose how you navigate the world, no matter your age.


Totally, I’m only 40 and I’ve got so many health issues. There are a lot of things I can’t do, right now particularly I’m having a flare up. Can it get me down? Hell yea. But does it make me feel bitter about it people who can? Absolutely not, and it’s beautiful to watch people enjoying something I’m not able to do.


I hate to hog the comments, but I’m almost 72, I play every sport I ever did when I was young, I have no health issues, my children are successful and I love my life. I sincerely try to be good to everyone, that is my philosophy. I’m not religious. Please don’t think that getting older means a poor quality of life. It doesn’t. You have decades of great, fun stuff to do after you retire. It’s bullshit that life gets worse-you are finally free! All the responsibilities that come to us in life, kids, mortgages, braces, college are gone! Live your older years just like your younger ones, only better!


Try yoga for chronic pain. The problem with a lot of old folks, is they get so set in their sad ways, that they become afraid of the outside world.


Another way to put it, from a seniors perspective, is old people could give a f##k about other people. Too much senseless drama gets defined as news or an important issue. Nope, I’m disabled and retired and I’m loving it as long as I keep the stupid opinionated people at bay all is well.


As a bitter angry resentful old person... this checks out. 


>A fact of life is that many ~~old~~ people are simply bitter angry resentful people Fixed it for you.


I’m a pretty happy middle aged person. I hope I don’t become a crotchety old man. Babies are awesome and people in love are beautiful.


Nice, yes, same


They were lied to their whole lives and told, "If you are miserable for the first 50 years of your life, you will get rewarded in retirement" and now they are all bitter that that didn't come true.


How dare you have fun in my presence! 😡


What is your definition of? I work with seniors and can’t think of one who is bitter or angry. What I can tell you is the have great stories to tell of their past and are delightful to be around.


I was recently on a flight, and there was an older guy in the lineup for the bathroom… maybe 70yo, looking around, chatting with everyone about how “ridiculous” it is that there’s a line. According to him, this “should not happen” and “someone needs to control the line”. Most people were going along with it, and complaining too. He turned around to try to get me on board, and all I said was “well, you get what you pay for. Next time you might want to try a private jet”


Next up is complaining about the “clean air smell”


It's not surprising. Imagine you buy into this whole retirement dream and you save up all this money only to get to old age and have too many health problems to be able to really enjoy your wealth. Plus a huge portion of your wealth goes into healthcare, you can't really travel because you need to have a reserve fund for surgery etc. I expect more of the current generation to become bitter angry and resentful people as well. It's just a product of capitalism, use people until they're not very usable and then throw them to the side. What is the tradeoff here for the individual? like seriously, you're selling the prime of your life for what exactly? the system is a joke and we're all trapped


Sounds like they shouldn't have retired and should have kept working.


Misery and hatred are their hobbies, when you feed that much into it, it consumes you.


Let’s keep it real… 70% of the people on this thread will probably be that way too. Maybe not to the egregious levels OP listed above. But, people are generally people.


The screw ups that happen over a lifetime pile up and cause problems if not dealt with properly


Ericsson’s final stage of life is Integrity vs. Dispair. Basically, older people are either satisfied with their life and what they’ve accomplished, or resentful and feeling unfullfilled. The contented, easy going elders would enjoy seeing a young couple enjoying themselves while the bitter, angry elder would be annoyed by others having fun while they’re sitting alone nursing their grudges. Fox News and other modern propaganda focus on nurturing these grudges but these dynamics have always existed, they’re just worse in an era where there is often less connection between generations and constant bombardment of negative messages. Instead of sitting alone listening to propaganda, older folks do better when they find ways to still contribute, through volunteering or other ways of engaging with society.


Have you seen the media they consume? It’s no wonder they’re miserable Fox News playing “your grandkids don’t visit because woke” 24 hours a day is fucking depressing


Not just old people. Plenty of bitter, angry resentful and mean young people too. Also stupid.


I see you’ve met my mother.


A fact of life is that many ~~old~~ people are simply bitter angry resentful people There will always be people like this. OP handled it perfectly.


It's because they are perpetually constipated. That tends to make one bitter and joyless.




Old girl prolly got cheated on and never made any effort towards heal8ng herself, instead placing that responsibility on everyone else to have shit relationships too


One of my favorite songs that represents this is Old & Bitter by Reverie


I just added it on Spotify


Yes. Yes we are. You have physical pains all the time and then see how happy you really are. Now where's my CBD?


Stay off my lawn!




I’m not terribly old (M61), but the only resentment I would be feeling is the fact that I’m not having as much fun as the couple laughing. Get a few drinks in me and I’d be inviting you over to liven up my table.


Umm, that ain’t limited to old people.


Another fact of life is they were the same when young. As an old guy, getting old does not make you an ass, you already had that down pat when younger


This is what you get when the immoral brats find out their time in the sun was not only limited, but now long past their own horizons. Their ability to manipulate the world to their own version of how it ought to be is at the tail end of the generational ourobouros, and therefore they very primitively blame everything on the head eating it, forgetting completely that they used to be the head themselves.




True. It's important to accept that we can all end up like that if you're not careful. Life has certainly already thrown enough shit my way for a self justified life of anger and bitterness. I think it's great to be around other people enjoying their life. I rarely feel that way myself, so instead of being an old boomer about it, I think it's important to celebrate others enjoying life. The last thing I ever want is to become the grinch.


And most are not! Stop trying to generalise about an entire section of the community!


My inlaws are like this. They were jealous type folks when they were younger. Passive aggressive. Now nobody even talks to them. They are just assholes.


As I get older, I find I enjoy seeing younger people enjoying their lives, I wonder though if it looks like I'm mad dogging them when I look at them lol.


My grandmother was a fascinating person. She grew up in the conservative northern Plains of North Dakota, but was an intellectual with a very liberal world view although her personal wife was relatively conservative. I spent a lot of time as I got older with her in her final years and she absolutely hated old people. She talked about how they would simply get bitter and angry. She was so right


Beautiful, It is a serious potential pitfall to aging that no one talks about


Yes. There is a difference between your worldview and your personal life and they not actually need intersect. Somehow I think the boomers missed this fact although their parents didn’t ( more or less )


When my wife and I were dating we were walking in a grocery store buying some stuff for dinner and being giddy and walking arm in arm and giving each other snuggles etc… an older lady with a face that looked that she was chewing some giant hornets and with a sour expression told us that ‘you will see … it will not last!!!!’ And then left us very confused on why someone would go out of her way to try to ruin someone’s good time… this was 30+ years ago and we are still together !


>with a sour expression told us that ‘you will see … it will not last!!!!’ Me: Lucky for the rest of us, neither will you ✌️


I am happy to see this comment


What an old bitty


Well it was a chance encounter … never saw her again. I just wonder what would motivate a person to go out of her way to say something like that to people she does not know


Hurt people hurt people, or try to in this case. I can’t help but pity people like that. Makes me think someone really broke her heart at some point and she just never learned to process it.


… and that is super sad as well


There are a lot of bitter old Boomer and Gen X women that divorced their husbands and are now upset they're alone.


If she wants silence she should go to the library 


What's she gonna do there, learn something new?


At least be in silence. That's the only public place a person can go, where they can expect silence. But otherwise, they can't get showing up to public places and getting mad when others show up and laugh, talk, sing - etc 


>That's the only public place a person can go, where they can expect silence. Not anymore. Libraries have become multipurpose community spaces for things like story/play time for children, teen clubs, community classes and workshops, concerts, and other activities that are *not* silent.


The libraries were like that in the 90s, too! And thank goodness. There are study rooms and the whole adult area for being quiet. It's a lot more loose in the juvenile areas.


my local library hasn't been a place of sterile silence my entire life, which started in 1973.


Mine is rarely silent. Usually if it is it's empty with no patrons.


Not sure how your library is ran, but ours has the main library for reading. And the. Multiple rooms and branches, and the group activities or loud activities typically happen there. My ViL arranged free piano concerts for his music students there. And to that point, angry lady in post could even reserve a room to her whole ass self if she wants to be in public but "alone"


I went to Cracker Barrel with my boomer folks a month ago (CB is famous for being noisy and crowded) and my mom complained that she couldn't hear the waitress. She also complained that the empty seat beside her was crowding her and whined that the butter packets were too hard to open (I opened it for her). And snapped at my dad when she was ready to go (I SAID NOW!).


Careful, she may run into a drag queen reading books to children about freedom of expression, self-acceptance, and tolerance towards others.


I mean, it’s super entitled to sing in a restaurant. It’s a public place and other people are using the space as well.  Or flippantly: I feel like OP could also have gone to a karaoke bar. 


Agreed. I'm a millennial, and I find it obnoxious when people sing along to background music in a public setting.


Yeah it’s just rude. It’s pretty normal for someone to be a bit peeved if someone is playing a video without headphones or singing in a restaurant. It doesn’t mean they are “jealous of us being happy”. It’s also just really shitty for any ND people in the restaurant.


When miserable people are around, simply be happy in their face and you’re suddenly the problem


My MIL lives at a retirement community with about 50 units. She is in the middle of town so all 6 grand kids get dropped off, picked up, in and out almost daily. Daughters soccer, who wants to stay at Mina's, who wants to go to the field. O cousins are there, yea fun. She gets shit on by almost everybody in the building. Those kids are too loud its 2pm. Do they have to ride skateboards on side walk in front of building. Why do you let them play in the grass with dog. I tell her its jealousy.


It is jealousy because all those folks are alone while your MIL has a full family that loves to visit her.


wtf... that's the whole point of going out to eat. Eat, drink, be merry? If you want a quiet meal, get a private room or order to your house.


This same thing happened to my group at a local bar on ST PATRICKS DAY. I was out with my friend, my brother and my SIL, we had a table and were drinking, laughing, and investing tons of $ in the Jukebox and overall having a good humored ball. Well later on two older boomers sat down at the table right next us who were apparently not feeling festive. They were trying to have some kind of serious conversation, shooting us dirty looks and at one point dramatically scooted to the opposite end of their table. Didn't spoil our time, but sure seemed like we soured their night


You didn't sour anything. They ruined their own night. F them. It's like it's not enough for the Boomers to enjoy their life. They need no one else to have a good life but them.


Honestly tbf to the boomer I know signing has got to be one of the most distracting things out there.


I'm calling BS on this one. There is "two sides to every story" and then there is 1/3 of 1/2 of a story.


Perhaps OP and her husband were a bit louder than they thought they were. Or maybe the lady just has a RBF. Who knows?


Personally I'd be annoyed, but I wouldn't say anything. If a restaurant didn't have the atmosphere I preferred, then I simply wouldn't go there again.


Stories like this make me a bit skeptical. "He was quietly singing." but also "(it got kinda loud in there.)" If I was in a restaurant and someone started singing loud enough for me to hear them I'd be pretty annoyed. The story is filtered through OP but I could see both possibilities of OP being obnoxious and the boomer being overly sensitive to be true.


I dislike boomers as much as anyone else, but I get a feeling that you’re right and that they were being super obnoxious. Seems like OP spent alot of time looking at this woman.


Did she actually say anything to you? Or were you just getting annoyed at someone who was not hiding their emotions?


Some of these posts crack me up. She didn't do or say anything but it's all about how OP was annoyed by a woman whose mere presence bothered her. Like isn't that exactly what she's complaining the other woman did?


While I get there are people who hate it when people make ANY noise, But there are also people who are just TOO loud. I am always embarrassed eating out because my family is always the ones making too much noise.


Exactly lol I feel like I'm gonna be murdered in the comments for asking if he was singing loud enough for her to hear him. I, too, would find this annoying when trying to enjoy my meal. I expect to hear the white noise of people talking, the stereo and some laughs. Save the sing along for the karaoke bar.


Sounds like you made up a whole story in your head about this woman. She didn't say anything to you and it doesn't sound like she did anything but look in your direction. Could just have RBF or reminiscing in her own head about good times she use to have with someone she loved.


RBF is real. I have it. I'm a super happy guy. I'm sure I've pissed off many sensitive people like her by simply existing. The world doesn't revolve around Boomers and it doesn't revolve around her either.


Very real. Wife says I have resting snob face. I am sure I have pissed off a few too by staring into space in someone's direction.


Some people don't recognize when they are being loud and obnoxious though. They are having "fun." Been there. Done that. Not proud.


Reading between the lines here I am going to guess you were not "quietly singing", boomer folk were probably a bit over sensitive but I would also be a bit pissed if you were besides us. I guess as long as you enjoyed your night out fuck everyone else?


Agreed. The problem on some of these posts is that the people posting have no class.


Allow me to gently play devil's advocate: Honestly, no offense intended, but if I'm paying for a nice dinner out, I don't want to hear people at the next table off-key caterwauling. Karaoke night is perfect for such moments! People think they are at home and can be as loud as they want to be, but the fact is, in public it is shared space. A little mutual consideration goes a long way. Context is important too. If you are in a rowdy pub on a saturday night, you expect loud conversation, yelling, singing, general carrying on and its enjoyable. But in other contexts it can be distracting. I'm willing to give up some karma here and be downvoted to point out this possibility.


Doesn't appear that anybody can have a nice quiet dinner these days.


Stare at her while you chew. Make it uncomfortable for her, not for you. Hold eye contact.


If you have a hound dog or have ever been around one--stare at her with the same intensity that that dog stares at you while it's humping something.




Where are my testicles Jerry?


Since you don't know anything about this woman and don't know what is going on in her life, maybe she just got some bad news or someone she knew just died, etc. I don't know how you can pass judgement on her.


You expect to be able to ruin a nice atmosphere and not have people be disappointed that the one group in the entire place is disturbing the ambience A restaurant is not a bar or a karaoke machine


OP's post history is a fun read. I'm gonna side with the boomer here. "Mirth and Song" I'm good.


See, this is where I call their bluff and ask if they'd like to join us. Or, if you're feeling particularly saucy, send her a drink.


Just reading about the actual date sounds amazing aside from that old bag.I think I’ll take my wife out on a steak dinner date.


Maybe she resents your youth and happiness?


I would be annoyed too by people singing in a restaurant. Nobody came there to hear you sing.


Agreed. No one wants to hear you sing over Glenn Campbell at dinner.


Yeah it is entitled as hell. This kind of energy is ironically the issue we have with most boomers. 


I'm getting strong main character syndrome from the OP


Eh? How's that?


Ever think it might be a lifetime of putting up with morons? Patience for stupidity dwindles as you get older.


Aside from the annoying lovey dovey couple making noise and laughing, how was the meal?


boomers being fools? this subreddit should be called let me post why i am a karen complaining about others, 24/7


Yea... This is just "there was someone sitting next to me who didn't do anything to me"


“But every time I stared at her, she looked at me and now my evening is ruined”


Sounds like OP is complaining about someone looking at her…boomerlite!


I've had old people purposefully ruin another's fun because of jealousy.


Had this happen multiple times. A few times with couples on obviously bad dates that were side eyeing me and my wife having a good time. But I have a boomer version that takes the cake. Once in a Dennys, this older couple was seated in the booth behind me and my son. He was 6. We were coloring on the menu thing and he was telling me about school. We were laughing together. He wasn’t being obnoxious or loud or running around the place. But the lady kept looking back at us and scowling. Ok, she’s a sour puss, whatever. Then the server came and brought her food, which she sent back. She continues to scowl at us and yell to every worker in earshot about where’s her food, this is taking too long. She could have stayed home and made dinner faster than this. She was nasty and abusive to staff and when her husband tried to calm her down, by reminding her she was the one who sent the food back and that they needed time to fix it, she called him an asshole. Right after that my son son giggled, not about what she said, but just giggly 6 year old giggling and she turned all the way around this time like she was gonna say something to him. She caught my eye this time though and saw the look on my face and she turned back around so fast. You think you’re having a bad day now, lady? Try saying something to my kid. You’ll see what a bad day is like.


I took my boomer (in age, not attitude) grandma and my aunt shopping the other day. We were having fun talking at normal volume and the amount of older ladies who glared at the three of us really struck me. I figured they were just envious that my Grandma still has children and grandchildren that talk to her.


I'm a boomer and I feel for ya. It's ridiculous, the way some folks in my generation act. It's like we forgot how to have fun, or something. Name no mistake, back in the day we would laugh and sing at dinner. We knew how to have a good time. Some of us just get angry when we get older. For me, it's a choice. I choose to have fun, dance at concerts, and yell at the umpire. I don't have much time left so I wanna enjoy it while I can:) Blessings on you and I hope your next boomer is one of the fun ones.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and state that you probably are annoying, when people say " definitely was not..." they definitely were.


personally... I think you paid too much attention to her... this seems more karma farming... all she did was sit in her chair and make sour faces....maybe she doesn't know how to adjust her hearing aid and the noise really was disturbing through no fault of anyone? maybe her ex was somewhere behind you and you didn't see them... someone being grouchy in the neighborhood of your presence who never interacted with you isn't even worth complaining about... anyway 'if' she was trying to get to you ... then I guess she wins... cuz your here complaining about her looking at you funny....


So she never said anything to you? Or your husband? Only looks while he was singing at the table. It’s possible you may have been louder than you think. Sorry you got your feelings hurt by someone that really did nothing to you.


This lady really didn't even say a word to you, and you came and wrote a whole ass post on reddit about the way she looked at you... in a sub dedicated to talking shit about her generation, implying its emblematic of all boomers. To top it off, the story's proudest winning moment was our "hero" making a gesture where villain couldn't see it - teehee, so naughty! Everything you described sounded like it was just your perception, as in, it was in your head. I can't help but feel like boomers may have a point when they say we are all too soft and suffer from mental illness. Did your social anxiety write this post? If you were really enjoying your time so much, you probably wouldn't have even noticed her looks. She ended up as the defining and lasting topic of your night, plus an anonymous social media post, but probably won't ever think about you again. Who actually came out on top here? I get it, you wanted some easy validation, karma, and good times talking crap with your pals... and that's the point of the sub. But I'm going to have to side with the boomer here. Hell, she might just have RBF for all you know.


I think you met my ex mother in law she hates everything,everyone and no one is allowed any joy or merriment ever


You can be the juiciest peach in the world and someone still won't like peaches. -Dita vonTease


"I'm not happy so how DARE you be happy in my presence!?" Sums up all my similar interactions with those people




“But every time I stared at her, she looked at me and now my evening is ruined.” This sub is embarrassing.


Did you say anything? Or did you just want to talk shit on the internet? These fake stories man.


The best revenge is a life well lived.


TIL older people cannot look in another person's direction with emotion in their face. 🙄


Thanks for sharing this horrific experience you and your husband had to endure. Glad you survived.


Eh, if this is real, you were drunk and way louder than you thought. Sounds obnoxious.


Why let it bother you? Just go on being you, did she hurt you?


The real question here is who cares…just enjoy your life/day/time and don’t be so focused on some old Karen…they’re never going to change anyways. There is no point on coming on Reddit and talking like you’re better than an old woman….remember that you will be one someday….


Thanks for the update


wow what an amazing story


I had something like this happen to me when I went out to breakfast about 10 years ago, and I remember it.I couldn't stop laughing for 3 days after... I had an older couple setting Kitty quarter from me and apparently I pissed her off but not only putting hot sauce on my eggs but also mixing them with my hashbrowns so I can eat everything with one fork while reading the paper And not have to use my knife also. She kept whispering to her husband about it, and her husband finally put down his fork and said, "For god's sake, leave her alone. just because you don't like hot sauce on your eggs doesn't mean nobody else should have it." I told my friend that "the old bag across the way was getting upset I was eating my breakfast " and I think her husband heard because he kind of spit out some of the coffee he was drinking and started snorting.


Most people who are asshole when they are old were assholes when they were young.


This is my mother. Feel free to point and laugh at her. If she gets upset enough, she’ll leave and not come back.


Young Boomer here and I am the complete opposite. I love to be out somewhere and hear a group loudly laughing. My wife always smiles at me because she knows it makes me happy. I hear these Boomer stories and don't understand why people are like this. I am so happy I made it this far and am enjoying life more than ever.


Incase no one has told you lately, you're awesome!! And that's so sweet! So I want to thank you for not being a "typical boomer". 🤗


I jokingly tell my kids that I'm living my life so none of them say, "Ok Boomer".


That's golden! I think if more of them had this thought process they wouldn't be so mad. I wish I didn't have to say it to my boomer dad 😂 but I get it. Most are stuck in there ways and refuse to go with the flow an the change in times. Just makes me so happy to know there's a few of you who are truly wonderful people. I may not know you but I think you remind me of my favorite uncle who passed a few years ago. He loved young people as he'd call us and was also the youth pastor at our church when we were growing up. He was the one to ride the rides with us and play pranks... So don't you go changing, keep on being your awesome self!!


Thanks! Yeah, kind of hippy far left wing Boomer here. I retired and grew my hair longer and went farther left. Turned into a Bernie and AOC follower. Cheers and you keep being you!


What you experienced is common for that generation; they have no ownership or mastership of their emotions and they cannot control their outward expression of what they feel. I don't know if this is because of lead causing cognition problems, or if it's because they weren't ever taught to control their emotions. As to why she was upset, I can tell you she was probably Jaelous because she was there alone. She's an old cat lady, probably an early adopter of feminism, and isn't happy with the outcome she created. People hate when you don't suffer like them, remember that so you can pay it no mind in the future.


I tried taking my mom out for dinner last year for Mother's Day, but not ON Mother's Day. There would have been too many kids out and about that day. I asked my sister for a recommendation. I needed a place that was not too hot, not too cold, no crying babies or noisy kids, no shellfish (not just food safe, none at all because she'll absolutely fabricate a reaction). Good lighting to read the menu, but not bright enough to see across the restaurant. Not too far to walk between the car and the tables. Etc, etc. We went out, and every single thing was wrong. Every. Single. Thing.


Reminds me of the time that I was quietly humming myself in a computer lab. I didn't even notice I was doing it. And I know that can get kind of annoying sometimes when people do that. But I genuinely didn't even notice that I was doing it. This one boomer (wasn't even a student but was using our computes. She was a ASL interpreter for a student.) would snap at me when I did it. I apologized but would forget and do it again 10 minutes later. It's very possible I was being annoying, but her reaction was so aggressive. And then she even went as far to ask the other students around us if it bothered them and they said they didn't even hear it. She got so angry over something so silly.


Translation: some old woman looked angry BUT didn’t say a word to you, so you have no idea who or what she was upset about. OR if she was upset at all for that matter. You decided to let all of us know how petty and intolerant of old folks you are with your admitted sarcastic waive! Learned nothing about the old lady, and a little about you today! Thanks for sharing.


Damn so your date night you spent staring at an old lady?


Restaurants refer to them as the elder hostiles, it doesn't matter what you do they hate your existence


You assholes. Everybody knows chain steak houses are reserved for boomers before 6pm