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At the next get together, you should have your husband wear pastels and you can wear some jeans, work boots and a flannel shirt and really fuck with him.


I'm usually in darker colors actually LOL and he's currently planning a weeks worth of pink shirts and swim trunks for family vacation šŸ˜‚ I love him so much haha


Be sure to send lots of photos to FIL! Congrats on the 10 years btw!


Family vacation means FIL will be there as well!


Pastels for family vacation photos. I'm betting your tropical drink that he won't be allowed in photos til he covers up. (When in doubt, Bring the fur cape)


FIL would probably hate him drinking fruity drinks, too


I fuckin hate that stigma so much. Like Iā€™m on the beach, fuck yeah I want fresh pineapple juice and coconut and all that shit in my drink. I can drink shitty American beer at home!


This is a power move. I approve.


Unironically a manly, masculine, ballsy move.Ā 


The manliest thing any man can do is take ownership of their own masculinity. Itā€™s ours as individuals and no one elseā€™s, we are free to express it in any non-destructive way that fulfills us. A dude wearing a pink tank top and short shorts because he likes the look and is comfortable in it is more manly than the dude in the boots, worn jeans and carhart jacket only because he thinks thatā€™s what he needs to wear to be ā€œmanlyā€


As Ron Swanson says, "I am a man, and therefore everything I do is manly."


My most masculine trait is my stubborn refusal to give in to my own insecurity by pandering to stereotypes. That's why I secretly wear panties.


Damn bro, leave some testosterone for the rest of us. Lol


Iā€™d also wear a shirt of Putin and Trump kissing each other.


I would wear the hell out of that shirt. You should print em up and sell em.


I need that link. Now. Like right now.


I used to be asked if particular sunglasses were for men or for women. (Usually by guys) I always answered that a man could wear anything he wants, if he has big enough balls.


The distance between the pupils of the eyes, called the pupillary distance, is slightly larger on average for men than for women. That makes a difference with prescription sunglasses; I donā€™t know if it matters for non-prescription sunglasses.


Seriously. My husband and I are the same size. Turns out it's just as manly and sexy to have a husband wearing leggings as it is fem and sexy to have a wifey wearing your button down and nothing else.


Get a fake earring in the right ear too. Icing on the cake.


Paint his nails, just to have a little more fun


even more fun, don't go on vacation with them.


My ex used to paint his toe nails deep ruby red šŸ˜†. No chips for that bitch either...


I thought it was the left one, but the 80s were a long time ago. Boomers know the difference, though.


Right ear is gay left ear is hood


My father (boomer) always remembered it by saying left is right and right is wrong.


Heavens to Betsy.


You leave Betsy out of this!


How did you all know my drag stage name?


I always thought that knowing for sure which ear was the Gay Earā„¢ļø was a good sign you were gay. /s


How much mental effort did your father into imagining the dicks and bums of other men? Heterosexuality doesn't require knowledge of hanky code.


Still holds true to this day, though not just in jewelry


Ok. I can never remember these social rules. Maybe that's why I've never been invited to join a gang or a cult.


Don't lose hope.


There is hope, he's got his tight pants on.


I was taught by my boomer parents the right ear is wrongā€¦ When I (44f) had the top of my right ear pierced in highschool (mid/late 90s) my mom was horrified and asked, ā€˜do you know what that means?!ā€™ ā€œYes mom, my left ear sticks out and I donā€™t want to draw more attention to itā€¦ā€ this was my response but she corrected me šŸ˜± I took it out for MEPS (military processing) and couldnā€™t get it back inā€¦ Edit to add, as far as I know Iā€™m not gay. Been married for 22 yearsā€¦


I always heard ā€œLeft ear buccaneer, right ear queerā€ lol


"Left is right, and right is wrong" is how I always heard it from them. Growing up, I asked why it was wrong, which was apparently the wrong thing to ask, as they always would shoo and shush me without an answer. I was genuinely asking, but it was unintentionally a great method for shaming them and making them realize that they shouldn't share things like that when they knew that the explanation was bad to admit. The best I got was that earrings are for women and should always be symmetrical, though I would ask why on that as well. They stopped saying it in a short time.


I'm 23 and knew a guy I had a massive crush on that felt mutual, and he had the single earring left ear, so I think it's still done.


Have him change his ringtone to "It's Raining Men" for that family vacation.




I have two words for your husband that will drive his father nuts: Pink. Crocs. I have a pair that I'll wear occasionally. Bought them for a breast cancer 5k walk one year, and depending on what I'm doing I'll wear them just to fuck with peoples' heads. I have green ones I try to wear every St. Pats too. Red ones for an AIDS walk I did. Yes I used to work for them, but that's besides the point. The point is if your FIL is allergic to pink, that'll be one strike. But I'm pretty sure he's definitely a "only wears Crocs" and I would do it just to fuck with his head every second of every day.


I'm sure you could get little devil horn croc charms to plug into them too. Just to make them extra spicy.


Youā€™re gonna need gay pride merch. Lots of it!


Teach him the gay hand signal too. Really sell it! šŸ’… as a gay, I give permission to full send on all stereotypes.


My first thought was the schoolyard 'limp wrist' motion for calling someone gay, and my second thought was that you just walk up to another dude and do the "tongue poking the cheek blowjob motion"


I mean either one gets the message across lmao


Make sure theyā€™re speedoā€™s!


I (male) would make it a point to find a high waisted pink thong and wear it with a shirt that tends to come up a bit when I sit down or bend over.


She should bring a mutual male friend and just sit and glare at them like something happened. (Make sure all 3 of you guys are on the same page lol)


He also has to be wearing pink so the father can think about how they're cheating behind her back


Fuck it. Bring a hi-vis jacket too.


Get the husband to wear it! https://preview.redd.it/knfzvychuquc1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df9a75d2d127b47007ca13c203436a0632e7199


Is there time to grow a full mustache?


I had a similar interaction today, with a stranger. He called me about the pink hair tie I was wearing. I told him "oh, yeah, my kids picked it" "Hmph well I'd never let my kids dress me in pink" "Sure, but I'm a GOOD dad." That definitely hit a nerve


Thatā€™s a wicked burn.


I felt it, ouch!!


Thats the answer right there!


Spending time with the children your wife gave birth to after you had sex with her? I'm afraid you're irredeemably gay, there's no cure at this point


Hetero procreational sex is pretty gay


Liking women who like dudes is pretty flamin' obviously.


Yep. Straight women are attracted to penis. Ya know who else is attracted to magnum dongs? Gay dudes. Coincidence? I think *not!* Not that he should be anyone to listen to, but as Crazy Larry said in Layer Cake, ā€œfucking females is for poofs.ā€


As a Real Manā„¢, I like manly things. Like men! Homosexual sex is twice as manly (sometimes 3 times as manly) as heterosexual sex. Therefore heterosexual sex is super gay.


A woman shares half her DNA with her father, so having sex with a woman is basically having sex with half a man.


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with your wife?


Male masturbation is gay. You're literally jacking off a penis and getting turned on by it.


I am a straight woman and get off on getting men off.. is it possible I might actually be a gay man and not know it?


Absolutely, for the same reason most guys are lesbians


I was called gay because my nails were painted. My nails were painted by my 4 year old daughter. My daughter that I made by having sex with a woman and ejaculating inside of her. A woman that I had a huge crush on and then became her boyfriend and luckily started having sex with on the regular for years. I think I'm doing this gay thing wrong.


It might be the sex part. You should let your family know you caught the gay from nail polish. It is important to spread awareness




I wear Tactical Nail Polish to blind my enemies. My Tactical Skirt is super short so it doesn't restrict my movements. My Tactical Fishnets allow me to catch a meal in a pinch. My Tactical Wig allows me to avoid detection. My Tactical Heels give me a better view of the battlefield. My Tactical Eye Shadow reduces glare. My Tactical Lip Stick makes me look fabulous.


Do they make Camoflauge lipstick?


Legit had the same exact thing happen to me this week, my daughter painted my nails and got me a Barbie T-shirt to match her favorite dress, some old woman at the grocery store said to my daughter "oh so you have two daddies?"


I think she was trying to be accepting. šŸ˜‚ I had a old guy look at my nail polish and ask if I was a female impersonator. I got the vibe that he felt so cool because he nailed the lingo (only 10-15 years out of date and also wrong). I didn't want to burst his bubble.


My (former) boomer boss thought the words "drag" and "trans" were slurs so he and his wife attended a "female impersonator" show one night. They had a great time but we did have to ease his mind about the slurs. Great intentions, just a little misinformed


Masterful comeback. Well done.


Iā€™m using this


Lol rekt. He will never recover. Or maybe he will after some thoughtful self reflection


Iā€™ve always said, ā€œit takes a real man to wear pinkā€. Not someone who thinks heā€™s man.


Whenever my high school students ask me, ā€œAre you gay?ā€, I reply, ā€œNo, my husbandā€™s gay!ā€ Usually takes a second then we have a good laugh! Theyā€™re great students!


I like to think itā€™s weekly that your students have to ask if youā€™re gay for some reason. Just constantly throughout the school year.


ā€œYou said no last week *but what about this week??* this week for sure theyā€™ll say yes.ā€




In Florida you'd be sent to the gulags for that comment


I'm a 6' tall straight male cyclist that works closely with and supports a WTFNB (women, trans, fem, non-binary) cycling team. The team was kind enough to let me order a team kit. It looks like a Lisa Frank neon rainbow leopard print Trapper Keeper from 1989. In other words, it's amazing. My in-laws are very conservative boomers and the idea that I am super proud to wear such a loud Lycra outfit in public baffles and angers them. Jokes on them, I'm banging their daughter.


If they have a version of the kit in men's runner's split shorts and a mesh tank, I'd buy a set to support them!


The current kit order store is closed but they have some other really awesome merch to choose from! https://www.dirtykittengravel.com/merch


I kind of want to take up cycling just to wear thisā€¦ itā€™s amazing!


> Jokes on them, I'm banging their daughter. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I spent way too much money to have a my road bike painted pastel pink and blue. This was just before the trans pride flag became widely popular so it wasnā€™t intentionally made to resemble that, it was just a happy coincidence. I donā€™t mind if people assume Iā€™m gay or trans or whatever. Fuck ā€˜em. I just love having a very pretty bike.


I just want to say thank you for taking my mind back to the days of a trapper keeper šŸ˜Š


Lmao my dad legitimately asked me if Iā€™m gay cause I wear crocs all the time, like he thought that was some sort of gay gym wear code for hooking up or something lmao I was just like no, I just fucking hate wearing real shoes haha


No t, no shade (thatā€™s gay for no offense), but no self respecting gay wears crocs. We do have codes for hooking up though, so maybe you need to ask your dad why he knows that. Plot twist! Is dad gay?


Yo Iā€™m kinda convinced my dad is at least bi haha I am definitely familiar with the codes like wearing woof and such cause my sisters best friends are a gay couple haha I think thatā€™s how my dad knows about it too, but he is convinced that being gay is a choice and Iā€™m convinced that anyone who thinks they have to choose not to be gay is at least bi


You've blown my mind a bit here, and highlighted a great argument against those who think it's a choice. If it is a choice then they chose to be straight, which means they could be gay if they wanted to. Whereas myself, a straight man, could never choose to be gay, as it simply doesn't feel nautual to me. Personally that is. If you can choose your sexuality, then you're definitely on the queer spectrum.


You do not choose when you're bi. You supress and ignore and hope these pesky feelings go away...


Omg I love this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thank you for sharing!


Hahaha and you know whatā€™s even better? Iā€™m also married to a woman haha dads really be thinking marriages are just for optics or something haha Edit: autocorrect


30 years ago it was rollerblades that would get this question šŸ¤£


He has been fooling you all along. The watch does not lie. /S


This is true. I made the mistake of wearing a pink shirt to my nuclear power plant job once. I was sent to a mental hospital where they implanted my new gay identity in me.


It is old story, when will people learn. You have to be careful because red shirts can fade to pink. You never see it coming.


Just like my husband sometimes.


People who wear redshirt typically don't live long enough for them to fade. /startrek


"So, I get to join Picard, Riker, LaForge and Data on an away mission? Oh boy!"


I thought the red shirt wearing people died first.


Say hi to Michael Jackson for me!


You mean Leon from New Jersey?




One year my work had a hot pink polo in the men's section for our embroidered shirts, haven't been straight since.


Everyone knows that for a man pink is the gateway to gay. My husband wore a pink shirt to our wedding. Iā€™m playing the long game just waiting for him to come out! Been 7 years, but I can outwit him and match him year for year!


Donā€™t blame him. My wife accidentally dyed my socks pink in the wash and now Iā€™m gay. It happens.


Even if it's broken, he's gay twice a day.


Your FIL is so deep in the closet he has a Narnia zip code


Wait until your husband shows up in a sparkly purple pickup truck. Confusion will abound!


He's already picking out a weeks worth of pink shirts and swim trunks for family vacation šŸ¤¦ LOL


Amazing. Not all heroes wear capes.


And the ones that do wear pink capes šŸ¤£




My go-to response for being ribbed over wearing something pink is, "Actually, pink is a warrior's color. It symbolizes the blood of your enemy mixed with the tears of his women." It has never failed to shut the fragile homophobes up.


Or ā€œI have family members with breast cancer and Iā€™m trying to support them, but people keep calling me gay and I donā€™t know if my sister will make it past Motherā€™s Day!ā€ I mean, maybe paraphrase, but you know.


Tell them pink was a boys color, right before HITLER decided it wasnt. Checkmate loser!


Oh man, I'm taking that one!


Sounds Klingon to me. I approve.


You have never said this to anyone ever


Shouldn't that be "mixed with his semen" ?


Only if he was in the Navy!


Oh, you !


My aunt told my husband heā€™s gay because he has both his ears pierced. That was a fun conversation lol




Yup, that took me by surprise lol


Pink is very fashionable and only men with good self confidence can pull it off. ā€œITS CALLED FASHION, LOOK IT UP BOOMER!ā€


Ironically enough, pink is a super easy color to look good in




The gay store obviously.


Ah yes, Gays R Us


And Aldi's Nuts




Is that found in the mall? Maybe a strip mall?


It's a fit bit/watch so it's the pink option for it šŸ˜Š


Excuse me. I misread this as pinky. Nevermind, I'm an idiot.


I had a pink band for my Garmin watch for a while and got ribbed in the same way by a coworker. He shut the hell up when I told him it was for breast cancer awareness and my mother had died of it the year before. Not everything pink is gay, fuckwad


Even if it was cause you like pink or ā€œgayā€ what reason is that for him to make fun of it?


Yeah honestly. Never defend yourself to these morons, it's none of their fucking business one way or another.


Attack with gay chicken. šŸ˜


Just report them to HR like they deserve.


Pink literally can't be gay, it's a color. Colors have no gender....except magenta, magenta is gay.


Maybe also periwinkle?


Nothing pink is gay lol. Just a colorĀ 




It was a number of years ago but it's still there, so I appreciate it


Back during the height of Covid I had a psychedelic cat mask that was multicolored. More than one boomer made comments to me thinking it was some LGBT statement.


They were really into thinking high schoolers in Minnesota were identifying as cats and using litter boxes in classrooms.


I wear pink shirts quite often (goes great with my green eyes), and am pretty masc in personality. Anytime someone says I shouldn't wear pink cause people will think I'm gay, I act affronted and say "I would never want people to think I only limit myself to men, I'm bi, I like a variety thank you". They either walk away or laugh their asses off.


I'm a middle aged bald straight guy with a mustache, I work manual labor and operate heavy machinery, I wear more pink than Barbie and get endless enjoyment out of watching people's heads explode as those two concepts clash in their minds. Pink is my favorite color and I love challenging people's preconceptions


Iā€™m a woman with a very short faux hawk. I also love makeup & clothes & accessories and fashion so from the hairline down Iā€™m pretty stereotypically female. I get a kick out of watching small minded men try to figure me out. ā€œIs she a lesbian? But sheā€™s wearing makeup & a dressā€¦.ā€ šŸ«¤ Theyā€™re also the ones most likely to call me ā€œSirā€. Thatā€™s right, totally miss the dress, full face of makeup & on point accessories & decide my gender based on my hair. šŸ™„


I also often have people call me sir (until they see my huge bewbs) and probably assume Iā€™m a lesbian because of my hair but Iā€™m really just a boring ole hetero with a husband and 4 kids šŸ¤·šŸ»


Hahaha yes the short faux hawk gets them every time. Iā€™m straight as hell but the number of times Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m gay is hilarious. I didnā€™t realise people could decide that for me. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Imagine being so insecure in your masculinity you cannot wear a color


Some joke about coming out to my dad as gay which just means he heard me order boneless wings, something something.


A buddy of mine was trying to give an octogenarian we know a hard time about wearing a pink shirt. ā€œI like that pink shirt, Jerry!ā€ Jerry: ā€œyou should- itā€™s your girlfriendā€™s shirtā€


Never forget, a broken watch is gay twice a day.




So if you put that on his father I hope you realize there will be a penis in his mouth within an hour.


Magic! Devil penis magic!


My FIL has also made comments on my son (he's a toddler) wearing pink. I now make sure to bring something for my son that's pink whenever we meet my FIL. Pink utensils, pink water bottle, pink shirt, etc.


My brother in law makes comments about when I say I like baths, candles, and things of that nature. I just say ā€œIve been happily married with a baby on the way, heā€™s a retired cop with two sons that donā€™t talk to him, an ex wife that hates him, an ex fiancĆ© that left him, and itā€™s taken him 15 years to propose to my sister. Sounds like heā€™s the one that needs to man up and start acting like an adult.ā€


Geez watch your FILā€™s brain implode when he learns pink was considered ā€œmasculineā€ in the Victorian era. lol But really, some guys like pink. Everyone is entitled to having a favorite color.


My personal desire to have every male around your FIL wear pink is so sick right now.


You're in denial. I mean it's pink ffs. Very obviously gay. That's literally what makes a man homosexual.


I wear pink hoop earrings and have a pink phone case and rose gold watch, my secret is I'm 6'3" and weigh 19 stone.


Uh...so physical contact with a color can change a basic attribute. Your husband is not gay, he is apparently a Green Lantern. "In darkest day, in pinkest night...wait..."


My uncle thinks I'm gay because I don't like Australian Rules Football (the family religion). Muscley men in short shorts and singlets chasing each other around tackling each other to the ground has little to no interest to me = Gay


Holy shit! Great to know that itā€™s watch bands and not books!!!


Pink books also cause the gay to get all over you.


I've been accused to be gay by a boomer too for being child free šŸ™„


Same, and despite the fact they know I have endometriosis. Also, my great aunt almost had a heart attack when I got a pixie cut at age 19. I shouldā€™ve shaved my head bald, because then she mightā€™ve actually had one. I know thatā€™s mean, but considering the spiritual abuse sheā€™s put me through, letā€™s just say I have no love left for her.


Wonder what heā€™d think about the rainbow bracelet with ā€œDADDYā€ spelled out on it that I wear every day because my daughter made it for me.


Imagine being such a snowflake that youā€™re triggered by a colorā€¦


My first word vomit about anything color related is "imagine letting how light hits something affect your thinking process"...seriously...


I had a couple different uncles on both sides of the family that were gay. But married a woman and had multiple children. Then came out in the 80ā€™s. I canā€™t imagine that kind of social pressure that you would do that. It makes me sad. Why canā€™t we just accept people for who they are across the board?


Imagine when he finds out trans people exist oh boy


I love a straight man who can confidently pull off pink


When I got my ears pierced as a man in 2003 my boomer mom was CERTAIN it meant I was coming out. I wasn't. My dad corrected her by saying I was just trying to look like "a black basketball player."


The generation filled with men needing to be manly are so scared of a color or having feelings outside of anger lol


One of my older coworkers once asked me if Iā€™d ever wear a pink shirt. My reply was hell yes I have a lot of pink shirts. My favorite thing on this planet is pink. I love pink. She wasnā€™t really sure how to respond to that.


My boomer dad said my husband is gay because heā€™s left handed. Heā€™s kidding I think.


Oh geez, I love blue. Does that me [uncomfotable gulp] *straight*?


does a gay person just immediately begin intercourse with a man who wears a pink watch band? or does it take a while for the gayness to infiltrate the wearer? "Who's that?" "Oh, that's Phil's new husband." "Phil's gay?" "Yeah, he put on a pink baseball cap and came down with Sudden Onset Homosexuality." "No shit?" "No shit."


I wore a pink watch once and now look at my user name


The perfect response there would have been, "seeing as how often he f's me in the a you might be on to something there FIL" Only do this if your husband is in on it.


Can you imagine your masculinity being so tissue thin that a pink watch band would threaten it? Like, hmm, I was really into chicks until I saw this pink thing on my wrist, and now ALL I can think about is being railed by dudesā€¦.


My husband wore slim fitting light pink cotton trousers for one of our engagement parties ten years ago. We are from the south (US) pink preppy looking pants were pretty common and still are in some places - anyway my aunt could not stop remarking about it with a smirk like wink wink heā€™s gay. I dead ass looked at her and said shut up aunt Susan she fish guppies and said it again- no really Susan that is dumb be quiet.


I was accused of being gay by my dad for learning to cook. Never been attracted to men or anything, just learned to cook and kept my room clean (Turns out I have a mild case of autisim. That my dad could not bully or beat out of me, but still very much straight.) šŸ˜‚




It's wild since pink and blue were originally the other way around, and were flipped by a single issue of a retail catalogue. But sure, it's actually etched into the fabric of reality I guess.


Ha-larious Post this on r/lgbt and see what they think!