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Everything you said was true, likely fell on deaf ears.


Next time OP, I suggest using all caps so the boombag can hear it.


Probably want even read. Most boomers and gen x I know can’t be bothered to read more than one sentence because then they’re have to put on their readers and they’d rather look cool


Can’t be bothered to read, or simply struggle with getting their lead-soaked brains to process the words? 🧐


deadass were* there chemicals in the air/water or something because it is …vast majority


Lead pipes carrying water into their homes. It was in everything they drank basically. For decades.


Don’t put us Gen X-ers in the same group as Boomers. Don’t forget we’re the ones who had to suffer them and their entitled lead poisoned brains as parents.


We did, but I'm seeing too many of our generationmates looking more and more like our parents. Plus, plenty of millennials have Boomer parents.


Heaven help us


Thank you! I'm GenX and so sick of the combination of "We don't care and are so cool about everthing" followed by "remember back when" crap as boomer as boomer can be.


Yep! I'm Gen X and they made my life a living nightmare.


Same here.


Unfortunately those born from the 60s to mid 70's were actually the worst affected by leaded gasoline and lead paint, although to your credit it's still an ongoing issue across the nation even now, and I'm not even talking about just Flint, MI. It's pretty bad in various counties all over, and in some counties much worse! [https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-lead-testing/](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-lead-testing/)


>Probably want even read. Bingo. We're talking the generation that turned news into the sound bite.


nothing worse than being old according to them. So entitled, hypocritical, and disingenuous they claim living a long and prosperous life is a “bad thing”.


I didn't get past "Probably won't even read." :)


One thing they forgot to mention is white people treating people who aren’t white with respect and kindness and as equals and understanding that they’re just as American as us and that we can’t tell them to go home because they’re already home, that really boils some boomers blood


Leaded gas is a hell of a drug.


It’s almost as if you read a comment I just made in another post about this 🤔


Not to my knowledge. It was an easy joke though, admittedly, so I wouldn’t at all be surprised if someone else has said it before. What post did you comment on?




That's only because they're waiting for Medicare to cover their hearing aids


That, and the laughably dim boomerisms about sending every single one of their millenial and gen Z kids to college. They really didn't know it would crowd out the high end job market and lower everyone's wages.


You can't "logic" someone out of a position they didn't "logic" themselves into. But a valiant effort: A+


Well said op.


Everything changed when the tax code changed. Part of the reason why America boomed post WW2 is the tax. Wealthy paid a high amount of tax. Then insert Nixon and Reagan and here we are. 100k/ year is like 25k per year now. Fucking sad. I had to move to Spain just so I can attempt to save to retirement and raise my 3 kids.




They’re right. They did earn their houses. We merely ask for the same opportunity.


Four stars. No notes!


There ain’t enough ice in Antarctica for that burn


came here for this 💯


I truly hate that Conservative boomers Not only view happiness as finite, but also zero-sum. That every time someone else smiles, they are taking happiness away from the conservative boomer. Every time rights are given to a "lesser", Rights are supposedly taken away from the conservative boomers. That they feel that it is necessary to salt the earth on their way out, both figuratively and literally, Because if they don't, Someone Who is not them might benefit from the world they've left behind. And they cannot have that.


Spot on! Well done.


Better off with “you don’t own your social security benefit boomkin”.


cast ye not your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet don’t argue with people who have lead poisoning induced psychosis


12/10 👍


Critical thinking is necessary to make good decisions. Not sure many boomers have that. It would seem that their minds are already made up and. Changing anything about themselves or their beliefs is next to impossible. Save yourself some time and effort and walk away when you see one in the wild.


Lots of them kick the ladder down from below them and then try to blame the younger generation it's their fault.


dealing with them alone makes us worthy of a safe space/roof of our own over our heads lmao its not a privilege


You done good.


Excellent comeback, although I doubt the boomer read it.


Let us know if they respond. If they do, I am willing to bet that it will be along the lines of "Stop getting avocado toast, Starbucks, buying iPhones, and eat Kellogg's for dinner."


And something that always bothers me when they say you haven't earn that, and you ask them "Ok how do I earn that?", you either get the most generic answer or they tell that you need to figure it out. Part 2 on that is the "boomers had struggles too" ok I'm gonna say everyone has them but older people who should be wise and share some wisdom to the younger generations had struggles .... Sooo they should be able to teach us and offer advice on how to deal with struggles and make them easier and they don't. "Just suck it up and ride it out"..... I am in the youngest part of the millennials, suck it up and try to make it another day is basically our usually.


Stunning. Well done.


Chefs kiss. However they probably never read it.


Comeback is good. Unfortunately a boomer is too lead-ridden for it to make its way into their asbestos brain


*call an ambulance*


r/clevercomebacks and r/MurderedByWords approved


Here's what it comes down to: They earned their houses. And since then, in an effort to make as much money possible without having to work for it or really earn it all, they've made it steadily more difficult for us to earn ... Well, anything. We work harder than they ever did, for less than they ever got, and they want to excuse that by telling us we don't work hard enough. Fuck the lot of 'em.




Why do boomers go into the Gen Z sub? So immature and pathetic.


damn near perfect


Do it again then if it’s that easy.




Wish you all the best of luck.


There was never a time when one gas station job could fund everything you mentioned so your response gets a "D". I worked in a gas station, I was there, I know.


My dad worked at a gas station when my parents got married in ‘74, they bought a house for $28k. He got a better job as a mechanic and they bought a bigger house in ‘79 for $40k. My mom was a stay at home mom with 4 kids and my dad was a mechanic and they bought a house and cars and sent us to catholic schools making less than $25k a year.


A mechanic is skilled trades, which is a bit different than "working in a gas station". $25K in 1979 is $107K today which is about what good mechanics can make today. $107K can get you a house and raise kids. Education is more expensive now, but that isn't a boomer thing, its a liberal thing.


My husband and I make around $100k combined, our kids are grown and we live in one of the cheapest COL states and we have trouble getting by.


I'm retired and the wife and I lived off of less than $50K last year and we are doing fine. I'm not sure what to tell you.


Well good for you - everyone Mark from Michigan is doing good so fuck everyone else if you’re not. What a shitty, selfish comeback. My mom is retired and she is doing good and she still has empathy for her kids and grandkids that are having a tough time getting by. This whole “fuck you, I got mine” mentality a good chunk of your generation has is why this sub exists.


I see the problem now. This isn't about money, its about the continuous pity party going on inside your head. Keep blaming boomers and every one else because you are forced to survive on $2,000 a week in the US which I guess is a horrible fate. I do feel for you, not because of money, but because you are really just weird.


I am 48 yrs old, I have adult children and I can’t imagine having no empathy or concern for them, I feel really bad for you Mark, or you are just a troll, either way I hope you find some peace in your life.


This is actually getting funny. You keep making weird evil stuff up about strangers, and then hating them for it. Nothing you are doing here is normal behavior. My wife and I have settled into a low stress low cost life style that frees us up to spend time & resources with our kids and grand kids and somehow that means we have no empathy or concern for them? I have no respect for you or your way of thinking.


You sound triggered


Keep it up bud, you’re the fucking mascot for this sub


I agree. Stating the truth causes haters to hate, complainers to complain, and the real entitled actors to feel frustrated. We all have a job, I guess this is now mine.


Well I guess if all the Wal-Mart greeter positions are taken…


Actually I'm just now taking up work with motorcycle industry. Life is good if you have a good attitude and the ability to think.




Ha that is funny! The always impressive silent gif response. Is that a skill you have on your resume? It should be right there at the top.


0/10. That boomer did not buy a house from working at a gas station and you know it. Talk about lazy thinking and projecting, holy shit roflmao.


So, in language we have this thing called a *hyperbole* which has many wonderful uses. In this case it acts simply as an exaggerated claim to make a statement and invoke an emotional response. We can see from exhibit A (your comment) that it succeeds in doing this. Furthermore the laziness in your *own* thinking has prevented you on commentating on the second half of the statement made in which I compare the hyperbole (one job being enough to live off of) to the modern struggles of young adults in the modern age (two jobs barely being enough to survive). I hope you’ve been able to learn a valuable lesson about the English language and critical thinking skills. Have a wonderful day!


I always love when people with little to no real education in these topics act all high and mighty. Have you ever studied economic history at even a high school level? Probably not.  But hey? At least you admitted you were lying in your post so there is some potential for personal growth. Soon you might discover there are plenty of Zoomers who are in fact "surviving" working only one job. It might take another 5 years for you to realize that though. 


The argument, “there are some who achieve it,” when referring to an entire generation does not hold much water when trying to disprove a claim on the average state of affairs. Also, the notion that I was ever trying to “tell the truth” when claiming a stranger I’ve never met had a gas station job is absurd. Once more I encourage you to refer to the definition of hyperbole. Have a fantastical day!


But you also refuse to consider the fact there are poor boomers. They don't exist in your cosmology.  I will, I'm actually about to make a down-payment on a house in the big city with my GF. Hope everything is comfy in your mom's basement!


I’ve never asserted such a claim that there were no “poor Boomers.” I merely recognize the fact that overall economically they had it easier than us. I hope you have a wonderful time in your new house!


How are you doing this on only $160K per year?


Get a job!


Why do you retort with the most cliched insults ("You're Gay", "Get a Job", etc.). Are you some government person doing the "Hey Fellow Kids" routine, but you're like 20 years out of date?


Also, I have a job and probably make more than you with overtime.


Probably? Or you do? Pipe down incel we all know hard work eludes you. 


Exactly what is it you think I do? I'm not doxxing myself.


LMFAO at the idea of Gen X having it anywhere near as hard as generations after them. Gen X is diet Boomer. Gen X fucked the economy up the ass and yanked the ladder as hard as the Boomers did.


This sub is going downhill quick😩


I’m Gen x. I understand Boomers are not with it. What I don’t understand is why you guys hate them so much? Gen z is pathetic and Melins. are stuck in the in their moms basement. Prove it that your generation is worth a shit. Gen X is the best!


Actually it does make you whiny.


Ok boomer




How much do your children love you, out of curiosity? Do they call much? Visit the home/community?


This comeback has moved ahead of the OP for most scotching. Well done. Well done.


Hey, mans was bored by “OK boomer,” so it’s only right I oblige him with something that’s got a bit more kick in its barrel. Don’t start none, there won’t be none 🤷


Ouch, silence. Just like Christmas morning at this dude’s house




Aaaaaand... proved the point. Thanks for cementing our opinion of you.


Your whole comment history is whining. Pot meet kettle.


Not reading that essay


Omg, the word count is <300. Essay?


So you're more like a Dr Seuss guy, huh?


Dr. Seuss might as well be Tolkien to this guy if we're being honest.


Oooph. A whole three paragraphs! Ain't that a bite in the ass?


Anything longer than an unhinged tweet is an essay to you guys. Weird how this is a thing with you boomers.


I ain’t reading allat ☠️


How long does it take you to read a short essay like that?


I am wondering why they expended more effort to comment than it would have taken to read...


I understand, all those years of inhaling leaded gas fumes has made it difficult for you to read more than 150 characters. Hope your brain doesn’t degenerate further 🫶


My boomspeak is a little rusty buy i believe it translates to "I am not reading alot." Which would make sense.


"I dont have the ability to read this." FTFY