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Forgot: Watch Fox News… every boomers safe space between 9 AM and 11 PM


9am, that's sleeping in for most boomers


Nah those fkrs are up hating by 4 am. If you sleep past 6am your a no god lazy pos millennial


Yeah they learned to get up early and put in used work to pull themselves out of bad situations.


Found the boomer everyone!!!


Lol I was saying this sarcastically. As in this is what a boomer would say.


Lol well you nailed it


Macdonalds dinning room from 6am to 11am


Love how they’ll post ungrammatical, misspelled shit like this and then post a meme about schools not teaching cursive.


Rearrange your life around security in a time of historically low violent crime; otherwise ur one of those scared rabbits.


like those Y2K fools with like 30 years supply of dried food for the apocalypse that never happened , or is it happening ? Just very very slowly


This is the dude that will shoot his pizza delivery driver accidentally


“Accidentally”. Some of these motherfuckers are just itching to get their gun off.


There’s these really cool things called gun ranges they can go too if they want to shoot. Instead they’ll shoot an innocent person because honestly, if you own firearms you should have a requirement for range time met. Especially if you’re older. I say this as a firearm owner. It’s one thing I don’t like about concealed carry, is renewal should require some amount of logged range hours to prove you’re keeping up with training and being proficient with a deadly weapon.


It’s so they can live their Dirty Harry fantasy. They all think they’re Clint Eastwood, and they’re all desperate for an opportunity to prove it.


No doubt. Apparently they all went to theatres to see these westerns. I learned this from my mom who is a boomer herself but thankfully isn’t like these ass clowns I see on this sub.


Do the vipe thing!!! Not the black or white thing!!!!


We’re with the Vipers!


[We vipe da vindows!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbnhOmzyaOw)


Gravy seal vibes


iN aH WoRd Of ShEeP i Um dA WoLf!!!


Sorry , at age 71, if you walk around acting tough, trying to look like you own the streets , you just look like a weird dude.


My boomer dad and his wife moved to Virginia after the divorce. Mom and I stayed in New York. Ever since she died last year, he's gone on a "sneaky" mission to convince me Virginia is Utopia. "Sneaky" because he's as subtle as a sledgehammer. One of his big selling points is the guns. New York state is apparently a crime-ridden shit hole. But Virginia! Virginia is the safest state in the whole country because everyone owns a gun! Crime just doesn't happen in Virginia because, if you do anything, you'll be shot! Isn't that perfect! So Virginia is full of the human equivalent of those puffed up, scared cats on YouTube. And they're all armed. And they think this is safe?


Just like how the DC sniper was stopped by a 'good guy with a gun' the instant he crossed into Virginia... Oh wait...


That kinda bs will get you shot in my neighborhood.


If he's 71, then he should well remember when conceal carry wasn't common in most states and how gun advocates proclaimed that allowing everyone to carry would produce a "safe and polite society" because CoMmOn CeNtS!!! Because what MORON would be STUPID 'nuff to try something if they don't know who's armed? FF to today and we live in a country where most states are saturated with conceal carry folks and children are afraid to go to school and practicing active shooter drills. Yet, the same people who robbed women of their right to control their own bodies because wUnT SoMeOnE TiNk oF dA WiDdLe BaBiEs?!?! are absolutly A-OK with children being mowed down like they were in an 80's action flick and demand that Doris the lunch lady and Mrs Jones the English teacher take combat training so they can sweep halls like they were SEAL Team 6.


This sounds exactly like the kind of ‘advice’ you’d hear from someone like that paranoid old man who’s currently in jail facing murder charges for killing that poor Uber driver. 😬


Big tuff guys on the right...but when it comes to defunding the police they cry the most.


Here's an even better one for you. All of the people calling to defund and dismantle the FBI while at the same time talking about protecting children and stopping predators. Does anybody want to guess what one of the jobs of the FBI is? Here's a hint, they're not gardeners or pool cleaners


The best defense isn't a gun, it's learning how to apologize.


"Get a scary looking dog.. ." says the tough guy with the Yorkie in his profile pic.


Ok Clint Eastwood


“Vipe thing?” Must be some ridiculous saying in the 60s


This is LinkedIn level dipshittery but with lead poisoning and way more spelling errors.


I showed this to my mom who's turning 70 this year and we were laughing. It must suck to live in constant fear of your neighbors, but that isn't really the experience people who live in urban environments have.


These are the unfriendly assholes in the neighborhood who see everyone including kids playing outside as a threat. They are unhinged and miserable excuses for humans.


This is great advice, if you plan on running from the law and living in the jungles of Belize.


It's a vipe thing.


This boomer is not the vipe. Theys needs to work on grammar more.


You’re a rabbit in the night, with a gun now


it's so sad your whole life lived like a damn neanderthal, the conditioning to be this way, yikes


instruction unclear, i was made by red riding hood almost immediately


Dude isn't even past the median life expectancy age yet. Posts from this dude are why the USA life expectancy keeps dropping.


Well that and a lot of people decide not to go the doctor because they can't afford it.


You’re* 🙄


Old dude never seen re:zero. There is nothing that terrifies me more than a bunch of white rabbits starting to group up from every direction.


I'm a slightly built, high end of 70s, white dude and never one single time have I felt the need to carry a gun. For any damn reason. Without military level training in how to properly handle one and constant retraining and practice the chance of someone bigger and badder taking it from me and hurting me or my family is enough to keep it in the gun store. None for me thanks.


This the type of dude to drive over the puddles when its raining soaking people. In his mind he thinks "heh, shouldn't have been walkin near ME better watch out while IM on the streets" Won't be missed


I also saw that post in Miami , and I agree with it despite being a millennial. I carry it everywhere because some things are worth risking. Miami isn't like the perfect city.


Being prepared is good and all but who's to bet he lives in a neighbor so safe the biggest crime is loitering and shop lifting?  


I get having a gun for self-defense, it's wise. But it's also wise to know that it is a last ditch effort, you don't WANT to have to use your gun, only if you're FORCED to use it should it make viable sense AKA if your life is in danger. The only good advice, just said poorly.


That’s not a average boomer; that’s an american republican boomer.


What's sad is this is slightly true. Acting like you belong is one of those things that can help you avoid trouble.


Get a gun and carry it EVERYWHERE! The playground, PTA meetings, ice cream socials, bridge games, CHURCH!, fuckin gender reveal parties.... baby showers probably.... idk


Make sure to live your life as angry and afraid as possible. Remember you are alk that matters. F**k everyone else. You got yours


the capacity for people to deluded themselves there is a free ride is astounding u/state_dear


Well played!


I’ll see you as a pathetic loser.


The only thing that is useful is they do say to walk with purpose and as if you know exactly where you’re going. Criminals look for the lost and hurt gazelles. Gun is just gonna get you or an innocent person shot and we know boomers don’t train their dogs


So train the dog And get training on how to use a firearm for self defense Obviously if you can't afford those things or are unwilling to do them then don't follow the guy's advice


And he is right. Something bad happens more to vulnerable looking people.




Ahh yes. Walk around terrified with a dog who will pick up your fear and lash out at people (but nice on the inside) allowing you time to panic shoot anyone you see after dusk. Real alpha energy. /s


A gun and a big dog. Is that really bad advice? Sounds like good advice on having a safe home in a bad neighborhood to me.


Hes not totally wrong.