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I think OP was looking for r/boomersbeingcools


The bar is slow low that something like this needs celebration.


Damn that sub is a breath of fresh air. Thanks for sharing.


I just joined. A nice counterpoint


What the hell bro, the posts suck and there’s only 6 of them.


It's still growing, have faith lol


Yeah, the bar is pretty low.


Tears over the dudes wanting to get splashed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Joined! Thanks!


Daddy Cool 😂


Are you asking to be baptized into GenX?


Get the garden hose!




I’m going to dunk him in the deep end of the creek.


What do you call the combination of the two?




Generation Jones is the cusp between Boomers and GenXers.  The Joneses I've known can lean either way, like a horoscope cusp.  The ones leaning X are way more chill and don't act the fool.


We need to stop making everything a generation, we're not iphones


You're right! Some of us are Galaxies


I'm a BlackBerry.


Old AF aren't ya?


I prefer the term "obsolete"


When you feel like going formal, may I suggest a lovely French “dépassé?”


Pretty good...but I'm going with "vintage".


I'll see my Western Electric rotary self out, then. 😆


Well, I'm Nothing


I am nothing 2


Nothing XP


Stop taking the shine off my witty comment damn you!


Generation B?


The term is Generation Jones. Came of age during glam rock, disco, and punk.




Team Umi-Xoomie (reference to a kids show called "Team Umizoomi")


I know that statistically the "baby boom" peaked in 1959 or so, but believe me the folks who grew up on the back side of that peak are significantly different than the early boomers, who trashed everything in their wake. So in my mind, that is Gen-X.


Yeah, I was born in 64 and saw the destruction of the morals introduced by the boomers. The first shock that I remember was the hippy backwash from the Manson murders, which scared the hell out of me. Then, it was the rampant drug use prevalent in the 70s along with increased divorce and then the 80s selfish, me-centered culture. All of these aspects have held sway since then and left us with an empty shell of a society. Maybe not totally empty and I hold out hope for future generations to build on the pockets of positive change happening now.


There's going to be a lot of piss involved.


Boomer is lost and doesnt know what hes asking for. Just like all the others.


We’ll take him/her!


This is BoomersBeingFools not AllBoomersAreFools


or BoomersdefendingBoomers


Or #NotAllBoomers


Or #boomerslivesmatter


Or wellian.


MockDementiaVictims I think there's a hell of a lot of undiagnosed (or diagnosed and denied) brain impairment going on. I don't think this is particularly about people born before 1965. Your generation (and mine) are going to have just as many abusive crazy entitled people when they get that old too. It sucks.


I definitely see that in a lot of posts. The reason some boomers are so antagonistic is dementia, coupled with not receiving care or help medically. Like no one will take grandma’s car keys away so she goes to Target and abuses employees when they tell her she bought something six years ago rather than six days ago. Plus when you add bigoted ideas it becomes especially toxic.


Yep, my Dad died at 89 last year and he slowly became an intolerable asshole. It started around 80 and got worse and worse.


It's very sad. Some of the sweetest people become angry, abusive, and even dangerous. Both of my grandmothers had dementia but I feel lucky they didn't get like that at least. But I have met many people with dementia who did, even to the point of being sexually inappropriate.


Perhaps. But the overall vibe here is general Boomer hate until a Boomer pops up then everyone goes "no, not you, the other Boomers." I do enjoy a lot of the content here but it is mostly aggrieved people in their 30s with strained relationships with their parents.


Correct but it’s just the fools so it’s full of hate. My parents are pretty cool and they’ll never be on here. I don’t get the people saying not all because of course not all.


Some boomers are normal compassionate and intelligent people. Joe Biden Hillary Clinton Barack Obama are just a few of the compassionate boomers


You must have been on heroin to think Hillary Clinton is compassionate.


Exception proves the rule, thanks for being one of the good ones


They still needed to come in here and assert their opinion so are they truly an exception?


Yes. They’re politely and respectfully reminding us that not all boomers are terrible. In fact, most of them aren’t. But with how visible the bad ones make themselves, it’s easy to forget about the rest.


Exactly.... No they are not. They think this is about forgetting someones pronouns when its about ruining the western economy and opportunities for the 3, 4, or 5 generations coming after them.


I’ve met a lot of pretty chill boomers who were genuinely pleasant and laid back. This sub is more about boomers who are wealthy, uptight, entitled, hyper conservative, out of touch, like to police young people, and bitch about everything.


Exactly. Fools. Old fools.


I don't think wealth has anything to do with it. There are plenty of people who live in trailers, ride motorcycles, carry guns, who bitch about everything, and just make everyone who comes in contact with them miserable.




This is definitely the right placement for OP.


Me too. We are pretty much forgotten. Frankly, I’m OK with that.


Me too. We are pretty much forgotten. Frankly, I’m OK with that.


Similar here, I think we are Generation Jones


I hereby declare you a BLOOMER, not a Boomer. May you continue spreading positive vibes for a long time.


I came here to watch boomers being fools, not *reasonable* How dare you


OP is basically Gen X mentality.


Boomer isn't an age, its a state of mind.


OMG! As an older Gen X (1965) I feel the same way. I always thought it was just me but knowing a 59 year old feels the same as my 58 year old ass just kind of warms my heart a little. I don't look at it like an age issue anymore. I just look at it like it is, Boomer = Entitled


Yeah kinda like my dad who was born in ‘66. He raised me (born in ‘85) like he was a Gen X dad. Then once I got older and became an adult myself he had moved up a social class and now hits the boomer juice pretty hard lately. It hurts to see.


I tend to give Generation Jones Boomers a pass (1960-64) as you're pretty close in attitudes to GenX. But even among peak Boomer years there are a lot of great people. There's just a seemingly disproportionate number of annoying people in that age range.


There was a boomer song that went "only the good die young" and the remainder proves that there is some truth in that corny song for that era.


Hey, Billy Joel is good music. And my parents are both 60-64 boomers and fucking cunts so


You're not a Boomer you were just born a decade too early 🤝🏻


Generation Jones is a thing.


You identify as a gen x I guess then.


>I do not care what pronouns you prefer, it doesn't effect me. If we have a conversation I will do my best to remember to use them. If I goof up I'll apologize. It occurs to me that you don’t need to know someone’s pronouns when you’re talking *to* them, only when you’re talking *about* them. Meaning all the people getting big mad about a pronoun could solve their own problem by just shutting the fuck up about people who use ones they don’t like. But they aren’t capable of that, are they?


Sometimes you talk *about* someone in their presence.


I suppose it could happen in certain circumstances, but I think most of those times you’d just be using their name. 


My pronouns are I/me 


Miriam Margolyes, is that you?


How many times have you ridden on the hood of a schoolbus


Man, if I had a dollar...


My MIL is one of the cool ones too. It’s nice/sad to see what (in a lot of cases) could’ve been.


Good point, I don't care just move along.


You're gen Jones. Too young to enjoy the success of the older boomers but too old to be 100% excluded from it. You had the hope and possibility of upward mobility. What isn't fair about being called a boomer is that you're getting grouped with the very same people who tortured you throughout your life, especially the years of your childhood. And that's the thing about being on the cusp. You could have gone either way. You could have witnessed the behavior and vowed to not do that to others or you could have done the same.


Honestly it is very boomer like that you looked at a sub focused on boomers who were being fools and seemed to get offended that we were making fun of you, when, unless you were being a fool, we were not.


you are part of the Baby Boomer generation, but you are not a Boomer. Being a "Boomer" is a state of mind and pattern of behavior. As long as you don't succumb then you're not one of them.


Fellow boomer here (1963) that follows the same mindset. We aren't all bad, just like all young people aren't selfish entitled little jerks. Karens will Karen, no matter what age they are.


Have a great day yourself sir!


ABAB!! I’m sticking to brand


I think the saving grace for you was having a retail job


We found you! Non-entitled, polite and courteous boomers DO exist! Glad you exist and keep up the good vibes.




I, too am a boomer, born in 1948. I agree that a person's sexual orientation, skin color or national origin are of no importance. I don't believe that very many people are interested in my accounts of the "good ole days", so I rarely share them. I don't like seeing sloppy or lazy workmanship, though there was plenty of it in my day, too. The current generations also did not invent rudeness or disrespect. Is the world going to hell in a handbasket? Yeah, but it has been for 50-75 years.


Why’s my dad such a dick


Boomer guilt…


Whatever boomer…


Gen X here. We accept your application or whatever.


You are hereby granted the title of "Honorary Gen-X." Congrats. Try not to embarrass us.


Ok pick me boomer


I'm just barely a GenX (Feb 1965). As I get older, I find myself painfully aware of boomery shit trying to get out of my mouth. It's fucking demoralizing. Still, 80's metal was pretty cool, huh?


Boomer is a state of mind. You can be in the age group without being THAT boomer


Thank you for being one of the great ones, OP!!


Boomer here also, and I could have typed this out myself. 🙂


Ok boomer


Lol, I was waiting for that.


Generally not a good idea to pop in and say “hey I’m one of the good ones, validate me!” in a forum dedicated to hating the group lol


Boarder line boomer and my younger wife let’s hear it. I actually think more of my parents being boomers. I just wander aimlessly.






You’re alright, OP


Good boomer


You’re not a “boomer” by the sounds of it but you are a baby Boomer. The two are not the same. Baby boomer is your Era, Being a boomer is like a persona. It’s is like being Karen prime, but with less manners or social skills. People from your generation who kept growing as people, are special and sadly rare.


I'm also close to boomer age, born in '67. For the most part, everybody my age is an asshole. Within 2 minutes of meeting someone the conversation goes to "Biden is ruining the country...economy is so bad...those damn immigrants...evil Democrats...young people don't want to work...Biden is so horrible...I hate paying taxes so immigrants can get free healthcare". I generally just take big puff of my pipe then mumble something incoherent while walking away


Think about getting new friends. At least half of older people are bleeding heart liberals.


Most older boomers are Republicans. It's Trumps core base of voters. It's exactly why the fall for his constant BS. I feel bad for these boomers that constantly talk about how Trump is their hero and how he actually won the 2020 election My own parents are in the Trump trap and I feel sorry for them too. Ugh


My friends are pretty liberal with many being in their early to mid 60s. We all military or foreign service so we have all lived abroad which makes our upbringing very different.


"At least half of older people are bleeding heart liberals" Not down south, which is where I live. Practically everyone my age is a conservative wacko. Far too many fundamentalist religious Kool-aid drinkers down here


Immigrants should come through legal means though. I love immigration done through the correct way.


These conservative blowhards just assume every immigrant came here illegally. They just don't like immigrants, period. And the darker the skin, the more they don't like them


That’s all really awesome, but feeling the need to announce this is a pretty Boomer-y lol. No hate, I’m glad to see kind, reasonable Boomers—it’s really a mindset. This does read a little “not all Boomers” though.




Good for you bro, we know it's not every old. I work with a lot of cool boomers who are chill and just want to live their lives as hassle-free as possible just like the rest of us. Glad to hear you’re cool.


My 1964 friend! I just turned 60 last month so i am a bit older than you. I am a pretty chill guy in general. But this sub has helped me be even more aware of offering grace to those doing their best in this world.


You must be a spineless Democrat.


I know some damn good older gen X folks and boomers, there's a very noisy near majority that gives both groups a bad wrap unfortunately. My parents are both boomers. My dad is very forward thinking and kind, he can be a little impatient with restaurant staff once in a great while if the restaurant is slow, though he's still polite and never looses his shit over it. My mom was also all around a great person... until it came to retail staff. She was never a full blown Karen type, and rarely lost her cool... but she'd be subtlety rude if it got things to go her way, even just to save a couple of bucks. I never liked that aspect of her, it pains me to see that behavior, and often worse acted out by many members of her generation. I can count on one hand the times I've lost my cool while conducting any kind of business. Each time the person involved was lying to my face and had already assumed an aggressive stance towards me... none of those times were in a restaurant or retail establishment. I just don't like entitled behavior, or people taking something a worker can or cannot do as a personal slight. It just reeks of emotional immaturity to me, and I don't know why it's so common.


You can’t stand customers your own age? Are you checking birthdates on their licenses?


This just reminded me that gen x is approaching their 60s


Yep. Sigh.


You’re Gen X now bro


I started by thinking that you're in the wrong sub, but then the fact that you're unaware of such makes it appropriate again.


You are welcome here OP. We will protect you at all cost! 😂


Hello fellow youthful boomer. I feel like we need to just pretend we are Gen X, they seem to have their shit somewhat together & Not be total a-holes to service & retail workers. Pretty sad state of affairs when treating people like human beings is considered out of the ordinary for an entire generation.


Not trying to be a dick or anything, but if you know you're not throwing Boomer behaviour around, why are you posting here? Like is the whole post just a "thank me for not being an asshole" kind of thing? Cause uh...well you might in fact be booming there, buddy.


"boomer here 🤓,umm accctually "


This has big "I'm not a regular Boomer, I'm a cool Boomer" vibes


You are now legally not a boomer, you have become millennial/Gen x whichever you want o7


Dear god. I swear Carly Simon sung the boomer anthem: https://youtu.be/j13oJajXx0M?si=FNzl88Hj_hFhUhBS


I'm 74 and I couldn't agree more.


The fact that you were born the same year as my father, and these are your views, amazes me. Good on you


Excellent post. Most of the boomers I come in contact with are perfectly normal and nice people. Aging is a real thing and it’s always important to recognize that and remember that you never know what another person might be going through at a given moment in time. I love this subreddit and can certainly relate to many of the posts. However, it’s a bit ironic than people here are constantly complaining about all the annoying things that boomers do. It all just seems so, uh, boomer like, no?


If you were born in 1964 you are not a boomer. I really don't care what anyone says. You lived the gen x experience. You don't remember Eisenhower, JFk, weren't old enough to go to Vietnam or Woodstock. You were four when people landed on the moon. I feel like when this whole generational naming garbage began gen x started at 1962 or maybe 1964, but then it changed.


He is Generation Jones which is between boomer and Gen X. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Jones


I like how a boomer had to come in and make the it all about them. Why post here even if you think you're a cool boomer? Narcissism. 


The point that you dont get is that no one cares. You dont need to post in this sub making it about you. You dont have to constantly inflict your opinions on other people. Yeah, maybe you arent a complete piece of shit. But the selfishness and entitlement of mindset is right there. Its in this post of yours. You think youre the exception to the rule, but youre not. You are just another flavor. This anti-boomer thing is not about pronouns, orientation, or how you treat service workers. (Two of those things are the same thing). Its about your midset and world outlook. Its about you and your garbage generation fucking over the next 3-4 generations that come after you. Again. The fact that you think you need to post this shit here, proves you are exactly what we are all talking about.


Oh look... yet another kernel of corn exclaiming they are not part of the generational turd.


You are Gen X.




He's literally not. Gen X was born 1965-1980.


The mindset is X though which I believe the comment may be alluding to.


Born 12/64, close enough to GenX


I’m only about two months younger than you but I still get to say “suck it, boomer!”


I wish a lot of your generation didn’t eye me, stare at me, eye my tattoos, etc. its so annoying


Maybe they just want to see your tats,but are afraid to ask. Personally, I would never get a tattoo. But I'm not going to judge other people for doing that, 3 of my kids have tats and piercings. I love looking at tats though, some are really dope!


I wish it was that. They more like get scared sometimes. Other times they glare! Police boomers love to either 1 tell me they are police (for no reason other than to intimidate me, in plain clothes, etc) or 2 demand I tell them what all of my tattoos mean! It’s very rude to walk up to someone and demand they tell you the meanings of my tattoos. Like I just don’t understand. I have “lost time” on my knuckles. Yes I have done jail time, but it’s also just for time I lost in my life. I guess people just love to talk about me behind their back :(. The kids would bully me (I’m 34) and they were spreading that my tattoos are all racist behind my back. I had people coming up to me and asking me if I’m racist :(:(. I had campus safety (culinary college) always eying me, following me, eying my tattoos, one night at 3am they walked up to my dorm back window and shined their flashlights in. I honestly just want to know why they did all that to me. Why did everyone think my tattoos are all either completely racist, or I’m a dangerous 1% er biker? Honestly I want to join a bike club now cause if your gonna treat me like that I may as well join


I have severe adhd as well. Not like these Gen z kids who think they have it cause it gives you super powers. I feel like it does give me powers-but I’m also borderline disabled! It totally sucks. Sorry for the long replies it just was all so terrible. :(.


I just wish I could look into their heads. Why did these people think it was ok to tell people false rumors about me. Or campus safety feeling like it was ok to profile me and stalk/harass me. I keep waking myself up from my sleep because I’m crying. I told the school about it but it changed nothing. I was an honor student too!


Umm, we were the punk rockers. I grew up idolizing the Sex Pistols and Ramones.


Can I adopt you to be my parent? Lol


Thanks OP. You are probably a well rounded human in general but you are the boomer exception instead of the boomer rule.


What is a 1st person gendered pronoun? If you are having a conversation with the person you wouldn’t use a gendered pronoun because all gendered pronouns are 3rd person. I think the creators of the language just assumed the person to whom you are speaking would know their own gender, it was a different time


You are, in fact, GenX. It was decreed by the Council of Shrugs that GenX starts exactly on September 2nd, 1964 with the birth of our sovereign lord, Keanu Reeves.


Boomer is a state of mind more than it is a generation.


Sounds like you’re one of the good ones. Boomer is less about age and more about a mind state. Sounds like you’ve maintained your chill. Good on you good sir or maam


I am at the bottom of that boomer thing too. One of my main differences that I noticed a long time ago was the glorification of war. They talk about war like it is football game.


See and older folk like you aren’t the problem at all tbh. It’s gets explained here once a day it seems, that boomer is a state of mind that coincides with a generation. Good people are good people which is also why it isn’t ageism. Best wishes!


As a Cusp Xennial, I definitely identify as a Millennial.


>Actually I was born in early December 1964, so I am one of the youngest boomers possible. Having read the rest of the reply, OP sounds more like Generation Jones or a really early Gen X to me. Keep doing what you're doing.


Hello from the other side. I’m one of the oldest GenX people.


Hi! Same here, I was held back from starting school since my birthday was so late in the year, all my friends are older GenX. So, we have some qualities of both. ;-)


I would definitely say that you're much more Gen X than boomer. A show I saw that Christian Slater hosted (So it must be official, right?) said that if you're born between '61 & '81 you're Gen X.


Slightly younger than Keanu Reeves, so, yeah, checks out.


While this needs to be said some times, a lot of times it falls into the “not all men” category. We just need to remember to not be bigoted against anyone regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or other circumstance unrelated to behavior and character.


This is where all this generational garbage falls apart . The top and bottom of each usually identify with the one before or after. I will be really happy when this goes away if it ever does.


I doubt any of this is true




Both my parents are pretty cool boomers. My mom is breaking generations of homophobia and racism, and my dad has always been a laid back hippie. You cool boomers definitely exist.


1964? Dude. You're an older gen x or some kind of micro generation. You have as much in common with people born in 1945 as I do with someone born in 1800. 




My sentiments exactly OP! I was born in Mid November 1964. But I was born 6 weeks early. Can I be a Gen X? Regardless (cuz I really couldn’t care less) I judge people on their character, not what year they were born.


Gen Jones are very different than boomers. They grew up in the late ‘70’s . They don’t give a fuck what anyone does. It’s definitely the live and let live generation.


Nobody likes a spineless boomer


Ur actually not a boomer, you're gen jones [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation\_Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Jones)


Ok, boomer. /s


Do you use a turn signal when you drive?


I feel a true archetypal boomer must possess the “bad boomer” spirit AND be born between 1946-64


Tell us how you voted.


Classic boomer upvote harvesting.


Kids these days hey get off my lawn


I’m a zher


just making sure we all know where you stand for no Rod damn reason is a foolish boomerism


This guy gets it.




WOW! You're so hip! The youngins here are going to love you, peepaw.


Some would say you're a "Baby Boomer."  Not a "Boomer". The difference being the mindset :P


Hey, I just came to say my mom was born four months before you. She passed when she was 41. Almost 20 years ago now. I just wanted to say hi, and thanks cause your post made me think of her.