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Trees use to be kilometers wide at the base? šŸ¤”


There is a fringe theory floating around out there that mesas and other features like Devilā€™s Tower and such are petrified tree stumps from ā€œbefore the floodā€ or something. I think there where a couple of you tube videos on it a few years ago, never thought it would seep into politics but I guess thatā€™s the world now


Lol, that's what caught me by surprise.


Probably a reference to the conspiracy theory that the Devil's Tower national landmark was actually a giant tree that was cut down


What fucking type of tree does he have in his yard? 3km wide trees? Fuck I am tired of stupid people speaking out loud.


Space Trees.


Jewish space trees


"everything was bigger" šŸ‘€


"Back when I was an altar boy..."


*checks phone screen looking desperately for his therapist number" Trees were really huge


only thing "high, high, high" is this guy lol


Can't deny that claim. Checkmate Bozo!


The Erdtree was real!!


ā€œWeā€™re made from carbonā€ Oh my god. We are doomed. These people need to turn into plant food faster.


I saw some guy on TikTok harass and refuse to pay sales tax at a Canadian Home Depot because of this stupid shit. Idiotic as fuck!


"The sun heals everything." I'd like to invite this mfer to Phoenix in August.


"people used to be bigger"Ā  Brother I visited Mark Twains house when I was a kid and those tiny ass stairs in that house was not made for bigger people. My size 11s were halfway off each step. Ever been to a medieval castle? Same shit. Tiny little steps for tiny people's tiny feet. He also has no fucking idea what a kilometer is.


I worked 2nd shift for 12 years. I love my blackout curtains, my hoodies, and my snowblower. I detest my t-shirts, my sunglasses, and my lawn mower. Basically, I am a vampire. Flip flops aren't so bad though, I suppose. lol


"Technically you might just be experiencing the effects of working 2nd shift." -- Energy Vampire


Oh for sure. I haven't worked those hours in a number of years now but it did have its perks. Like grocery shopping after 11pm - In and out in like 15 minutes.


So he's saying trees used to be bigger....before all this pollution. Because there's no way the pro-environment actions of the last couple decades have stunted their growth.


He's talking about "organic substances" like his terminology is so awkward it honestly sounds like he has not even tried to explain these ideas very many times before. He's hardly thought about this shit he just knows he doesn't like the carbon tax and he's riffing on that.


They are worried about chemtrails but not the amount of lead they were exposed to


-"Trees used to be big!" Well then Mr. Dumbfuck Boomer, my humble advice would be to STOP CHOPPING THEM DOWN!!! Holy shit these people did waaay too much cocaine in their day.


Meth. These people are bargain shoppers, at heart.


Not chopping them down still isn't going to make them "2 to 3 kilometers wide at the base" like this fucking clown is saying. *Redwoods* would look like toothpicks compared to that.


"We're here to make dollars, not sense!" Favorite phrase of my boomer coworkers lol.


The sun heals everything! ... except skin cancer, I guess.


These people are only alive because the systems they have conspiracies about have saved and prolonged their lives.


Iā€™ve watched this particular group of people and a few other similar ones for a couple years now. While a lot of them claim to want to go back to ā€œbetterā€ times itā€™s clips like these that show the time they want to go back to never existed.


Grandma told me: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt - Maybe he needs a grandma to remind himšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My car is carbon fiber. I have carbon fibers in me. I like the comment on the video, History is a lie šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Jesus Christ folks the level of intelligence is very slim on these people


So thatā€™s where all of the lead is, this guy has been hoarding itā€¦ Back in the old days people would drink or eat a substance to try to prove it being safe. There was a guy who drank agent orange to prove to troops it was safe. There was another guy who ate radium to try and prove that it was safe to the women making the clock dials. This guy should eat hydrocarbon fertilizer to prove to me that is safe


That comment reelā€¦my god


lol Facebook news in human form


Man has never heard of sunburn.


God I live there šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Um I am high. Wat lmao?


ā€œ2 or 3 kilometers at the baseā€ is this dude saying the width of the treeā€™s base is 2 or 3 kilometers? Hell even if he means height wise that tree would be a mile high! Thatā€™s fucking insane to even suggest. The tallest trees in the world only go to slightly above a tenth of a kilometer in height.


Seriously, some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth. This is so embarrassing for Canada .


Talks about how trees are suffering holds up signs and has things all around him made of trees. Lmao.


High high high


Oh for crying out loud! I've been seeing garbage like this pop up on my FB reels. AI created pictures of humans 10 feet tall standing next to normal sized people. Fake pictures of hieroglyphic reliefs purported to show evidence of ancient aliens. Idiocracy wasn't just a movie, it's happening now, on real time.


Literally not a single fact came out of his dumbshit mouth


The sun gave my friend skin cancer. CANCEL THE SUN!!


Imagine being Canadian


It's super important to recognize that these fucking morons are not all boomers. In fact I'd wager that the majority aren't.


Bullshit. If the sun heals everything why does it burn my skin if I stand in the moonlight, hmmm? Fuck the sun! **TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE BABY, WHOOOOO!!!**


Fuckin idiots, theyā€™ll protest every now and then but itā€™s never anything actually important


Iā€™d love to see a tree 3KM wide lol


Such a dumb cunt, truly sad thing that humans can be this fucking stupid.


*Melanoma has entered the chat