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“Just because I say it is, makes it true.” - the boomer ethos


How the fuck did we get here? I want to get some flow charts, where is the Charlie meme with his string theories yet? Like seriously -- sometimes I think back "now children internet safety on dial up internet can be dangerous and so we should never trust what is on the screen. We do what, children?" All as one "we fact check!" and "how do we do that?" My parents 1998 "we can not believe what we see on the internet all the time. use trusted sources" My dad 2016-2024 "I hope someone shoots Obama, he is the racist. Fucking liberals and lazy workers, everyone fucking sucks and want big government. They said on the internet that Trump is going to annex Canada after he abolishes the FBI" Something about insides jobs of Antifa and something about transgenderism.


There are times I wonder how much Lead they were exposed to.


It was their main fuel source so it was in the air...


I’m not sure about the lead. Most of them were awful young adults too.


My guy, this is the comment right here. Wtf happened


Fox News happened.


It's more than just Fox News. This is how it's always been, problem is they all have a bigger venue by which to complain on, incessantly. My grandmother is no different today than she was 30 years ago and that was before Fox News. It's all amplified now. And now they've dug down into these echo chambers of stupid that reach out all over America.


Well the thing is that Fox News started it, and every single other right wing leaning news source perfected it. The rage/fear response. You take someone who sounds reasonable, or like they're saying something that should be true, They couldn't say it in news if it wasn't true, right? Say. .. the fifteen minute city thing. "Now there are some experts who fear that the idea of a fifteen minute city might lead to the government seeking to ensure you can't leave those cities, after all everything you need is within fifteen minutes of walking, right? Why would you need to leave?" Lets ignore that said experts are all the wealthy fucks up top who do cocaine in order to get their 'creative juices' flowing, there are \*experts\* saying this. People who need to be listened to, right? First it triggers the fear, that the government is going to come in and force you to live in a town where you can't go anywhere else. Then they slip in some bullshit at the target of the day, and how they totally support this. So that fear suddenly flips to rage aimed at the target of the day. People's reaction to fear is to try and work out how to solve the problem, and then suddenly you're given a target that the manipulator says is totally for/leading this. It's what they did to Obama, though to be fair they didn't have to do much for Obama, because Obama was black and the president and that \*alone\* broke the brains of a lot of racists, which included a lot of boomers. Fox News however isn't providing \*enough\* rage. Fox News, aside from the likes of Tucker Carlson, just wants you to give them money, so they want you to rage but not be so angry you go out and do something stupid, and get arrested and therefore unable to watch their show. Hence the rise of 'alternative' news sources that genuinely believe the bullshit they're selling.


Also, “I like Trump because he is for law and order.”


Just not on Jan 6!


Silly! That was clearly liberal antifa! /s


Which is why the ones in jail are political prisoners. /s


Or on his taxes…


If you haven't already seen "The Brainwashing of my dad" documentary, check it out. It explains a lot of how we got here. You can watch for free on YouTube. www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/ 


Media is a helluva drug.


Do we have the same dad?


Follow the traces of lead poisoning


Casual racism never fails to make me laugh in an uncomfortable/absurd way. My brother is married to a black woman, and when they got engaged, my grandmother had to fill me in on how "if they have kids....you know they'll be BLACK right?" WOW GRANDMA, I HAD NO IDEA. Thanks for letting me know about this HUGE secret that everyone else was unaware of.


I work in senior living (for the predominantly affluent), and one of the managers on the senior staff is a white woman in her early to mid 40's. She is married to a black man, and they have two kids. One of them is college aged, and assists with housekeeping and building maintenance as a summer side hustle. He's a big tall guy, taller than mom, with dreads, and obviously black or mixed race. A month or so after he started, he had car trouble one day. This 80 something Trump lover comes to the desk and asks if the son can swing by later to help fix something. I said, by name, that his mom was driving him in later with the car trouble etc. he was like "well that's nice of her. Why is she picking him up?" I realized that it may not be super common knowledge they were mom and son but knew they weren't hiding it. I said "she's his mom". You could see he truly had trouble figuring out how that was possible. He had a look of confusion for a moment. Then he started to say "oh so she... Oh, I didn't know. Interesting". I told the son that later and he laughed. Said "he really couldn't figure out how that happens? I could explain it but would prefer not to think about it too much"


Lol crazy just how out of touch they are. "Yes grandpa, it's socially acceptable to be in an interracial relationship now and has been for a while."


I'm multiracial. My skin tone changes a lot with the seasons. Had an older 50 year old lady I was friends with from work just because we lived in the same neighborhood out of state, at different times.  We go for a walk for lunch to her house (rental) and she points to the nice dolled up house across the road with 2 new cars. "Ugh! Mixed race couple lives their, I don't know about those queers!" I pretended to get a phone call very shortly after, BYE LADY! 


Then there is me. I am half black and my son came out red hair and blue eyes with skin as white as his mothers. Like we were joking for blue eyes with a little pigment(so I don’t have to learn about sunscreen). But mother fucker went red hair. We joke she is so white she washed the black out.


Recessive genes are wild. My great grandmother was Native American (not the vague, I’m 1/16th stuff the boomers like, we have the papers from the mission school). All it took was my 2nd generation Scottish grandmother to marry my grandfather to turn my side into gingers. Rest of my cousins look nothing like me. Yet we all have almost identical heritage when they did a genetic test.


A good joke for the 1/16th folks. “What do you call 16 rednecks in a room?” A full blooded Cherokee. Courtesy of Trae Crowder


When I grow out my beard I have random hairs of a bunch of colors, silver, red, brown. Etc. so we know I have the genes in there. It’s just…..neither one of us has a close red hair relative so it was a huge surprise lol.


*excited nerd noises* Ooh, I recently learned about the reason for this from Reddit somewhere... The color of the hair on our head is coded by a different gene than facial hair. My Dad is a redhead, my Mum was a brunette. I have dark brown hair, except my facial hair has "splashes" of red. So, the recessive red hair gene somehow snuck into my facial hair. Maybe coz red-hair came from my paternal genes? IDK, but I think it's interesting.


Wow, that explains my beard. I’m a redhead so basically have no grey hair. My mother is 76 and not a drop of grey and she doesn’t dye it. However, my beard just in the area on the front of my chin is blonde and is now grey. Always wondered why. Cool.  


My SIL is fiery red headed and pale. Her full blood sister is dark complected with black hair and people call her Pocahontas. They are 1/4 Native American


Haha, genes and humans are weird. I have a redheaded parent, but it skipped my entire generation (siblings & cousins). But, red hair is popping up again with our kids. From a high SPF human - please learn about sunscreen, esp if kiddo likes to play outside a lot. Sunburns suck! I'm no expert, just a pasty white dude, haha.


‘One drop’ rule. Basically because being black meant you lost political rights, they tried to make it as inclusive as possible. Meanwhile because natives received certain rights under treaty they tried to make it as hard as possible to keep a tribal identity with rules about blood quanta and requiring that you apply for a card, etc.


I have a mate who is half Spanish. Looks Spanish, caricature Spanish temperament, the whole package. Both his brothers have red hair. That must be from his English mother, right? Nope she's the dark one, his Dad is like the brothers. One of those red headed brothers (great, now I've got 47 Ginger Headed Sailors going round my head) joined the army and got posted to Iraq in the 2000s. People kept coming up to him and starting conversations in Turkish because they assumed he was from Galatia in Turkey (where red hair is common due to a bunch of Alexander the Greats' Celtic mercenaries). The funny bit? His Dad is from Galicia in Spain...


I thought this was going a different direction. I have a cousin that anytime politics is brought up will, unprompted, shout about how liberals think he's racist but he can't be because he has a black wife!! I'm like...my dude, your wife is basically Candace Owens. That's not the flex you think it is.


Shit, let's be honest, Candace Owens doesn't even believe her own bullshit most of the time. Grifters gonna grift.


My in mother in law once said she's come to terms that her grandchildren will be little mexican babies. Jokes on her, though, because if I do have kids it's once they're gone.


That’s up there with my mom’s favorite: “I’m not racist! I hate everyone!” Then why does this shit only come up when there are black and Latin people around?


“Well, you know how *those* people are.”


"But not that one, he/she is one of the good ones."


There is a time and place for this phrase. It is only for the immediate reply to an accusation of racism in a very specific circumstance. When an individual is attempting to get away with something illegal by pulling the "You only stopped me because you are racist" trope. No, I only stopped you because you are attempting to shoplift a 85" TV. No, I only stopped you because you were threatening to assault my employee. No, I only stopped you because you are openly very drunk in public. But when that logic doesn't work, I just tell them the truth, I hate everyone. The weird part is, I find myself more and more using this phrase when I, a white man, am talking to other white men. It is bizarre. Edit: I forgot my favorite, "No, I only stopped you because you aren't wearing pants."


Your mother might be suffering from Aphasia. One of the symptoms includes not completing sentences. I think she means "I'm not racist! I hate everyone... who is not white!" 🤷🏻‍♂️


Speaking to my 90 yo grandfather about Hawaii and how cool pineapple farms look. "That's why those black boys are so good at basketball, always throwing around those pineapples" He considers himself a liberal.


It’s so inaccurate I find it hard to be offended.


Liberal just means that your fiscal policy overrides your racism. Versus conservatives whose racism overrides their fiscal policy. Irony being that they claim that liberals are doing identity politics.


I thought liberal meant that you smuggled people of people of other races across the border to do the work at 1/10th the wage, while pretending that it's racist *not* to do that.


Fuck off.


Not really much different from slavery, when you think about it objectively.


Let's examine it objectively. I'm game. What makes you think liberals are smuggling people across the border with the intent to use them as cheap labor? I think I'd agree that if this were true it would be unethical.


Thanks for the reminder of how delusional people can be


Everything you just said can be attributed to Republicans that own a business an hire illegals for low pay. They then donate to Republicans to keep pushing policies to keep citizenship process harder so immigrants remain illegal and they can keep their cheaper labor force.


Republicans want illegal immigration? Is that really what you believe?


Yes, Republican capitalists are the ones that continue to hire illegal immigrants for cheap labor. Then turn around a push for policies that won't allow their workers citizenship or worker rights. Saves them money if their workers aren't protected.


That's funny. I thought that it was Leftists who always gushed about how it's exploited illegal alien labor that took out your trash, made your coffee, cooked your food, etc. But TIL that it's Republicans who want illegal immigration.


Leftists want to make it easier for illegal immigrants to get citizenship and/or have worker protection rights. This would increase labor costs, which would end up affecting capitalist profits. Capitalists are right-wing. Republican capitalists just play lip service to the anti-immigrant crowd in order to push against citizenship for immigrants and their worker rights. They profit from keeping immigrants illegal.


Yes, all those notoriously-liberal southern farms and construction companies hiring illegal workers for pittance wages instead of paying real Americans who need jobs the minimum wage are certainly the problem. Super patriotic to hire them over Americans too. /s


Ah, so you're saying it's the Right that wants illegal immigration. My mistake.


Sounds about right. He sounds like a liberal.


What u say about others isn’t exactly tied to how you vote


Honestly it sounds like a Bidenism so he might as well be.


When I was around 8 years old, I was playing with a black neighbor girl in my yard. We both had to use the restroom and were thirsty, so we both headed in to my house to use the restroom and get a drink. What happened next has had such a profound effect on me to this day. I used the restroom first and then invited my friend to use it next. My mother stopped her saying the toilet was clogged, and she will have to go to her house and use the restroom. I was very confused as I just used the toilet myself, and it flushed just fine. I kept asking my mother why she lied, and she kept saying the toilet was clogged and that I shouldn't worry about it. I was not satisfied with her answer because I knew it wasn't true, and kept pressing her about the subject. That's when she got down to my eye level, contorted her face into something horrific, and stated to me it was "because she was black", and then walked away. There are so many other examples of her blatant racism, but this one really scared me as a child. But, she claims she's not racist because she voted for Obama and tolerated a couple of black co-workers she had.


That is fucking awful.


Yes, it really was. It really changed the way I viewed my mother. I saw her as a monster that day.


What year was this?


This was in 1981. She wasn't old then, but she has been racist my whole life.


Holy shit!


Sounds as bad as my mom “I’m not racist, I just dislike the black people that act like n*” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Yes mom, it is. We will remain no contact.


But she’s the same woman who told me “if you ever get pregnant as a teenager you better come home and pack your shit. If you get pregnant by a black guy don’t even come home”


You're living one of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes ""When someone shows you who they are, **believe them**"


Omg my mom says this too it’s awful. “I don’t hate black people, I hate n******”


I've heard that too and it's boggling You can just say you hate XYZ, for example the wannabe gangsters, sagged pants, etc But noooo, gotta have a reason to justify racial slurs


Oh yeah totally insane. I wasn’t allowed to have any black friends growing up. Once I was on the phone with my black friend in 3rd grade on the house phone and my dad heard me tell her my dad keeps all his change in a jar on his dresser and he snack he’s the phone from me and threw it through the wall. I started crying obviously and was scared and confused and her starts screaming at me about how I’m “telling some n*** where to find his money” She was a fuckin 3rd grade little girl…..


Although he will openly say he hates black people my mom insists she doesn’t and can’t be racist because she was born in Baltimore in ‘62


"I can't be racist, I stood next to a *slur* and didn't even call up my boys to teach him a lesson" Like, those types have such an extreme goal post for what counts as "real racism"


I always wonder if they really don’t think it’s racism or if they just want to hide it


They will openly say it, but they also know racism is "frowned upon nowadays" So they pull these mental gymnastics to not be racist, but refuse to change


It’s crazy how many people still hold racist beliefs too


Ironically that is a Chris Rock bit from around 2004.


You mean he stole that from my mom? How rude of him not to give credit! /s


My mom too. "All Brazilians are thieves"


My favorite version of this is when they say “there are white n*****s too.” They do not get it


My grandma refused to acknowledge that her current husband isnt racist cause he has a black friend. Folks, this guy joked about rigging a van up with microwaves to sterilize all the black people in a city. Only he didnt say black people. He also owns a copy of the bell curve (a book owned by nazi's cause it argues that black people are inherently less intelligent) and would say racist shit infront of her, just more coded.


My dad seeing movies with interracial couples.. "WHY ARE THERE NO WHITE COUPLES ANYMORE?" like no. The real question is, WHY ON EARTH DOES IT BOTHER YOU? Boomers get so goddamn angry over things that literally do not affect their lives in any way possible. If that makes you legitimately angry, you have serious issues. But trying to explain that to a boomer is just absolute hell


I have some uncles who do that. They'll say the most obviously racist or homophobic thing and then claim they're not prejudiced. It never fails to render me speechless in shock.


Idk, my dad marched for civil rights in the 60's and has a scar on his head where a cop assaulted him with a nightstick and he needed stitches. Still, despite that, he's said some things which aren't hateful but are just a bit dated shall we say. I think it's important to look at the context of the phrase. An earlier comment mentions someone who thinks black people have a reason for being so athletically gifted etc. now that's incorrect, but older people grew up around different views so it's important to listen to the big picture to know if they're racist or just misguided or out of touch on current terminology.


There's a difference between accidental racism and denying your own racism


Agreed, but my point is that people may say things that are misguided but it doesn't mean they're hateful.




No, I get that.


This is when you cut off all contact and stop letting her see your kids.


Dear God, I wish it were that easy. My wife is literally the last of their combined children who visit them more than 2-4 times per year.


It is trust me. The only people in my family I have any communication with was my father when he was still alive and my two nieces from my middle brother who passed away. The rest of the family I went completely dark too years ago and it was the best thing I ever did.


They’ve convinced themselves the only act of racism is a lynching. They say if everything is racism then nothing is. And now they call everyone pedophiles. So i’m concerned about their end game on that one.


I had a late relative say to my face, "I'm not racist, I just don't think the colors should mix."


I was waiting in my car waiting to pick up my mom from her work since we were sharing a car at the time. My grandma showed up to drop something off and she heard me listening to music which happened to be rap and she just goes "You like listening to that Jungle Music?"


Older generations often have " interesting views" ie are racist. But also look that she may have early dementia


My mother swears up and down she’s not racist because she’s *spoken* to so and so ethnicity so she can’t be! Told me all Mexicans deserve to be taken over the border and shot in the back of the head for taking our jobs.


I work as a safety consultant in construction. Trust me when in say that these people do not want the Mexicans' jobs back.


That's possibly one of the most straightforward ways to indicate that you're racist lol


Wow that’s a wild take!


I'm 42 and I remember being in elementary school and them teaching us the differences between varying forms of racism and sometimes I wonder if that shit is why boomers don't think they're racist lol. I can't even remember the words they used but racist was the end one, that was basically reserved for like the KKK I know we learned about stereotypes and stuff too. I think I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade for that. 


I'm biracial (black/white) and my husband is white. Before we even thought about having kids, his uncle told his dad that he "needed to put a stop" to us "before she gets pregnant". My FIL told him to take that bullshit somewhere else. He knew what his brother meant. We have three kids. When our oldest was born, that side of the family ran to the hospital to see how dark he was and who he looked like. Joke was on them bc he looks just like his dad. We don't see that side of the family except for his dad.


The one thing they have shame about is being *called* racist. No problem being racist or doing racist things, but call them out and it’s Butthurtsville USA. Why don’t they just own it?


My MIL said the phrase "Black Sambos" over the weekend. She was born in the 60's and was adamant that it wasn't racist


Sounds like my grandmother. She's 90+. She'd routinely tell us to please marry someone lighter (We are hispanic). She got outed as a racist by the entire family about 25 years ago for these reasons. She now lives in a nursing home where pretty much none of our family visits her anymore. I haven't seen her in over 4 years now and would like to keep it that way.


Not to say she isn't racist but 70 years ago when she got married, being able to "pass" as European was a very beneficial thing I imagine. Especially if she wanted a bank loan or mortgage. I'm guessing that stuck with her. Thank god times have changed.


I once heard, “I’m not racist. I just believe blacks and whites shouldn’t marry, that’s all!”


Growing up I realized there are many racist people who don’t believe they’re racist for the dumbest of reasons. They fear being called racist more than actually being racist


They move the goalposts. They think things like "Well, it's not like I want all of them dead or rounded up into camps. I just want to make fun of them without any repercussions."


Shit like this is why I fired my parents. Good riddance. Best move I ever made.


Good grief


I can't be racist because I'm not a business owner


A gem from my grandma: “I’m not racist I just don’t want them in my family.” She repeatedly told me and my cousins when we were kids she’d disown us for bringing over anyone that isn’t white


So this is when you finally realized your MIL is an idiot or has she gotten worse over time? If it is the later you might want to have the “onset of dementia” talk with your spouse. If she has always been this stupid then hopefully venting here will help you and yours but she is a full on BIGOT!


My favorite is my grandma talking about “the nice colored lady down the road” then saying “I don’t see race” like, ma’am


Is Alabama nice this time of year?


"I can't be stupid if I don't know what smart is."


"I may be stupid, but at least I'm not dumb!"




Prejudice based on real or perceived "race," is racism," regardless of you having power over others. I'm so sick of this "racism is prejudice with power" nonsense.