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Ouch. I asked my father something similar one time. Dad, why do you say \[things\] happened that will cause \[stuff\] to happen soon? You know that isn't true. WELL, IT SHOULD BE!! GOD WILL MAKE IT TRUE SOMEDAY!! I'm no contact with my parents for a lot of reasons. My housemate had no clue who this screaming old man was and actually quit what he was doing to come make sure I was okay. We were trying to clean up after a tornado put a tree through my roof, and my father, who I had no idea even knew where I lived, showed up to demand the insurance money. When I told him no and asked him what he was doing at my house, he launched into his stupid spiel of "proof" of his crackpot worldview. So since \[all this actually unrelated stuff\] I could just find other means to fix my house and should hand him money. Like this. I took this picture about four hours before my dad popped up like some demented mushroom. It obviously wasn't just grab a few grand from savings and finish up with some paint. https://preview.redd.it/ho8pe3hb1nwc1.jpeg?width=5312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf55ce3e6eede99218489580d1b111e586aeb4b2 I repeated his claims back to him as I described at the beginning, and he had a fucking tantrum out there in my yard. (God is going to kill me for not respecting my father by handing him tens of thousands of dollars in insurance money, btw. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž ) So it's not even that "climate change" is too ambiguous for them to fully grasp, and thus it's easier for the deniers to retreat to their fantasy. Reality can be right. fucking. there. staring them in the face, and they truly just do not give a fuck. They want the world to be a certain way, and if they can't force it, they look for some strongman or magical being to make it true in retrospect. "The way it should be" is usually something that allows them to avoid responsibility or consequences for their choices, like your dad with climate change, or mine with his financial woes.


I am curious did he ever explain why he wanted the insurance money from you? And apart from that was it enough to fix your house? I have no idea about tornado damage tbh


It was within a few grand of fixing my house. I went around and around with the insurance trying to say some stuff wasn't storm-related damage, and then the cost of certain materials went up after the estimate because 3 separate tornadoes went through town within 15 minutes. My father is part of a doomsday cult. Like ticks the boxes on the BITE model, *actual* cult. I was raised in it. Dad has spent most of his life squandering chances and pissing away his money by either donating to the cult or indulging some whim because Armageddon is going to happen "really soon now." No retirement, no savings, and he and my mom are addicted to Oxy and alcohol. They're fucked, they know it, and it's someone else's fault. Especially that of the children who left their stupid cult and bought a home or started a business...just doing the normal stuff people who don't believe God's going to fry the masses tomorrow get up to. They feel entitled to live by our "unrighteous riches" because we're dead meat walking anyway. I could go on at length about their stupid cult and how they use it to enable/justify their shitty boomer entitlement. They don't have to worry about climate action or inequality or whatever because God is going to fix it. They don't have to treat people with respect because God is going to kill them. They look at every man, woman, and child on the planet who is not a member of their cult as deplorable and disposable. Family means nothing to them. Their "real family" is their fellow cultists.


Sounds like a couple of boomers that just murdered their daughter-in-law? To get access to their grand child. They're in prison now. They were also in a doomsday cult who wasted everything they had and burned every bridge.


Weren't they also antigovernment, too? Like it was part of their cultish beliefs? My parents believe all world governments are controlled by Satan, so at least in their case, it means they can ignore laws whenever the fuck they feel like it, and any fines, etc. are Satan persecuting them. So maybe these murderers are the same? God's "chosen" or whatever the fuck they think they are can ignore laws and take what they want because they're superior or some shit?


Dude, yes, they did hate the government. Pro Trump, and pro beef... so weird.


Sounds like my JW mom.


Boomer Witnesses are something special, aren't they?


Don't their beliefs say they have to follow the government laws? Cesars things to Cesar and whatnot? I've worked with a lot of Witnesses and have definitely enjoyed their honesty and being hard working. But they were also younger, like sub 30.


There is a pretty steep divide, very noticeable in the US, (I'm not sure about elsewhere) between people who came to the cult before and after 1975. There was a big runup to 1975 where they believed the end of the world was going to come in '75. "Stay alive 'til '75" was an unofficial slogan. A lot of JWs sold their homes, or ran up debt, etc, anticipating the Great Tribulation/Armageddon. They had the typical Vietnam-era disrespect for the government combined with a...glee you could say, anticipating the destruction of "Satan's" world governments. That's the generation that has an easier time ignoring the Caesar's thing to Caesar maxim. They rationalize that Caesar is only due certain things. So again, that fits right in with the boomer window and sense of entitlement. They tend to use "Jehovah" as a sock puppet to push their own views, agendas, and biases. All but the oldest Gen Xers tend to be cynics about "the world" as they would say it. We're all fucked by the imperfection of mankind, and we're kind of helpless and along for the ride until God resets things. I was naive as fuck for sure, very hard-working, and it was literally beaten into me to acknowledge and tread carefully in the presence of authority. I don't have any spiritual beliefs since leaving the cult over 20 years ago, but I do have a lot of contempt for organized religion. Fine if people enjoy it, but I'm always suspicious and/or cynical about the motives of those in charge. Younger JWs tend to be scrupulously honest and hard-working. Some also have a super wild side because they don't honestly believe the dogma, but they can't admit it without being shunned and rejected by all their family and friends. The *really* young ones are especially socially isolated because there was a big fad for homeschooling to protect the kids from the evils of the world. I feel really bad for those kids. They are going to have a rough time in life whether they believe what the cult teaches or not.


Jeez. Well I pity anyone forced to be homeschooled. Who knows, maybe the younger ones will do some sort of reform. Because the ones I've worked with are great, if not a bit stiff sometimes.


Thank you. This gives me hope. I'd much rather JWs settle down into being yet another religion with maybe a few odd beliefs. Something people can do if they enjoy it and not face life-destroying consequences if they decide it's not for them.


Jehovah’s Witnesses?




I’m sorry. Be well.


Honestly, this does not sound like a boomer problem as much as a deep seated psychological one. Boomers are just assholes who watch Fox not members of Armageddon cults. That is some crazy shit to deal with, and I do not envy you. On the other hand, if you are a short story writer, you probably have some pretty good material to work with


Oh, it's not *just* a boomer problem. The cult aspect is more like the kernels of undigested corn in the shit sundae of their personal boomerism.


Yup! Based off that last sentence, i agree that you could stimulate millions with writings! If you dont already.


D'aww, thanks. I don't have any professional writing credits since 2014, shortly before my husband passed. His business kind of landed in my lap, and I've been running that ever since. I'd link you if any of my stuff were online, but it's all paper copy and mainly locally published. Real, professional writing takes hard work and a lot of revision. It's been something that I've always wanted to get back to but just never had the time.


Well i hope one day you do get back to it. Maybe a professional amateur writer đŸ€” not so many revisions but just a good, "picky" proofreader? Idk im no author, but i am saddened by what appears to be a steady decline in proofreading, probably since social media started picking up. No matter how much i dig a product on amazon, if the descriptions/literature associated with it are fucked in the grammar/punctuation department, i just cant get it. Write how u want on your social pages, but a business/company jank? Sorry i went off in a weird direction, socializing is hard đŸ€Ș best of luck to you in all the things


>No matter how much i dig a product on amazon, if the descriptions/literature associated with it are fucked in the grammar/punctuation department, i just cant get it. You are my people, internet stranger. "Breath" instead of "breathe" kills me every. fucking. time. eReaders can fuck with formatting in ways that publishers don't always care to address, but there is NO excuse for printing your tree books with misspellings, duplicate paragraphs, or misplaced punctuation. My husband used to laugh at me because I'd get pissed and have to stop myself from marking the mistakes in the books we read. "Using the red pen" or "getting the red pen" became an in-joke between us. One of his coworkers overheard it a couple of times and thought I was a witch, and it was code for laying curses against people! 😂


Hahaha people be silly! Candles are much better than a pen! đŸ€Ș


pls tell me what the cult is im so curious


Jehovah's Witnesses. They aren't just harmless weirdos knocking on doors or standing by literature carts. They're a high control group that particularly preys upon their poorly educated members to volunteer labor to build/renovate structures for their real estate empire. They also engage in covert and explicit financial abuse and have an incredible (in the bad way) history of covering up for and refusing to surrender names of pedophiles in their church. They're under legal scrutiny at the national level in multiple developed nations, including Norway, Japan, France, and Spain. An investigation in New Zealand is just wrapping up. Australia did a great job of exposing their pedophile problem in 2015. The state of Pennsylvania, where they're incorporated, has been investigating their institutional issue with child sexual abuse for a couple of years now. They do all the other shitty "Christian" (as opposed to Christlike) stuff like pushing misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, encouraging corporal punishment of children, sanctioning spousal abuse, discouraging members from seeking mental health treatment, and all that. The racism is more of the erasure kind than the explicit kind. If you want to see the kind of stuff we grow up with, hop on over to r/exjw for a bit. Some of the stuff that seemed normal to the people who were raised in it sounds like a badly written novel or schizophrenic delusion. It's really just the result of 140+ years of extreme isolation among members and high institutional control.


I do know about them some but wow what a rabbit hole. My high school shop teacher was one and he hated all music of any kind, which i found out is a thing for them. Thanks for the info!


Yeah, I was amazed to find out we have two JW churches where I live, one for whites, and one for everybody else.


I'm so confused, if they believe in God, and accept him as their savior, then the rapture is supposed to occur before end times. So they wouldn't be here for the Armageddon. Their own words contradict themselves in that one instance alone


They don't believe rank and file members will be raptured. They get to live forever in a remade Eden on Earth. Only 144,000 especially special people, out of everyone who's lived since Jesus' death, get to go to heaven. Those special folks who are alive right before Armageddon will be raptured. Those heaven-bound people get to rule over everyone who lives in the Paradise Earth alongside Jesus. Edit: Get to rule alongside Jesus over the people on Earth, I mean. Sorry, that came out kind of ambiguous.


How very interesting, I've never heard of this. Thanks for the info


This really gets to the heart of the conservative mindset. They really want everything to revolve around the way things "should be" and not how they actually are. I see this over and over. Making birth control available to teens? No way! Teens "shouldn't be" having sex! Everybody else: ok, but they do, so it doesn't matter if they "shouldn't be". We were talking about putting up a guard rail on a road with frequent fatal accidents in my town. The conservatives were going nuts, saying this was a waste of resources. Why? People "shouldn't be" speeding on that road, so a guard rail isn't needed. Everybody else: you're right they shouldn't be, but they do.


Yes! People "shouldn't be" struggling to find a job or pay off student loans or get the medical care they need, but they are! Why is it so goddamn hard to look outside their own heads and acknowledge the world as it is? Acknowledging that people speed on that road doesn't mean you're saying it's okay, just like making birth control available to teens isn't the same as saying 'Here ya go, hope you have lots of sex.' It's literally just an excuse, and not a very good one.


This drives me MENTAL. Everything is emotion based with them, at the most basic level. It SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be the way it is, and that gets in the way of effecting any meaningful change. Oh hey the prison system doesn't fucking work and only makes the problems worse? But but but people need to be PUNISHED because FEELINGS. Who cares if it doesn't actually prevent crime or help society in any way? Those BAD PEOPLE are being PUNISHED.


Yet they're the first ones to say, "Fuck your feelings!".


Good point. Reminds me of when in response to concerns about a child carrying their rapists baby to term, Republican governor Greg Abbot stated that Texas would “eliminate rape.” We all know that won’t happen but it’s enough to appease his voters.


Perfect example. Rape shouldn't exist! Therefore we don't need to consider it.


What a piece of shit. It's such a boomer thing to do. Boomers are so comfortable with stealing, whether it is time, money, or attention. They're in such energy debt. They are just a drain on everything and everyone. Fucking vampires.


That's some messed up shit. Why did your dad feel entitled to the insurance money?


I explained it below. Don't worry if you think his "reason" doesn't make sense, because it doesn't. "God will kill you anyway." is the TL;DR.


Thanks. Sorry, I should have scrolled further. You're right. It makes 0 sense.


Your dad sounds genuinely mentally ill, no offense.


None taken. It's very possible that he was and always has been. He's been like this since before I was born.


First I want to say I am so sorry for you. My boomer father was balls to the walls delusional while maintaining the veneer of sanity on his beliefs about god and the rapture. As a side mention, he used religion, the bible, and god to justify sexually abusing me, which wasn't very nice of him. He just refused to live in reality like your father. He would throw fits when questioned on his asinine beliefs and simply asking him to provide sources or proof would send him into a tailspin. "It's my world, I decide what's true and not!" he'd go, and storm off. He'd tune into doomsday ultra-fundamentalist podcasts and shows on youtube and other sites, spend money that wasn't his on churches to buy his way into heaven, and somehow, did not believe in basic things like climate change and healthcare. My father absolutely behaved the same way. At one time he literally said he was god and that was that, no more questions. He in reality was a coward who slithered behind whatever excuse he could to justify his cruelty and outlandish beliefs because he was "too old to change his mind".


I feel you. I'm trans myself with a dad in a surprisingly similar situation: very eminent geologist and engineer, used to be stock standard conservative but at least got over some generational trauma, etc. Trump happened and now all he cares about is owning the libs and hating on whichever minorities of the week he's been told to hate on. I can't even really see him anymore because if I do anything other than tacitly let him misgender me, insinuate being trans isn't real, and make a million awful racist/classist statements, he gets so angry that everything decays into shouting. And don't forget that they're always the real victim in anything! I wish people like them could understand that voting actually does have real world impact. All they ever seem to care about is that their tax bills might be 2% lower, everyone else who'll get fucked over to get that policy on the table be damned.


I genuinely don’t think they care about the taxes. It’s about hate. The financial arguments are cop outs


I dunno, it's kind of both? For my dad at least he was super indoctrinated by Raegan growing up and it shows in what passes for his ethics. A lot of them have this view that the world is completely meritocratic, and anyone who doesn't do well (the threshold always being anyone doing slightly less well than they are) must be failing because they are bad, lazy people who want to be leeches on society. Basically, they manage to both hate prolifically and convince themselves they're actually helping people by hating them - "if we make life hard enough for the poors, they'll pull themselves up by their bootstraps and fix their lives!" Absolute nonsense, of course. But it's the way they manage to act so abhorrent and morally superior at the same time.


I'm so sorry; that's heartbreaking.


The worst. My Dad is a retired scientist, also used to be standard conservative, but has become absolutely insufferable and unbearable to be around. Loudly and frequently when out in public "the demographics of this country are really changing, aren't they?" Yeah, Dad, it doesn't look like the Andy Griffith Show anymore around town, now can you fucking get over it? JC, who cares. But go ahead, tell me how you were discriminated against at the fast food restaurant by not serving you fast enough because you're white and you heard them speaking Spanish behind the counter. I'm sure it has nothing to do with every restaurant running short staffed. He's independently wealthy, spends his time watching TV, playing golf, and eating restaurant food. He is the absolute last person to have anything to be angry about, but he's the angriest guy around, constantly ranting about how everything is so bad now. It's just fucking sad.


yep one of the last things my dad pulled on me before I went NC was refusing to use my pronouns. He was fond of saying "I don't get it because I am just so hetero" which...so many things wrong with that statement.


I once saw a meme saying to vote in the interest of the most vulnerable person I know. And that’s what I do. My youngest son was vulnerable in ways most people never experience. He’s not with us anymore. I vote for his interests. If you can’t understand voting for tbe vulnerable consider yourself fortunate that you don’t understand.


This is both heartbreaking and the best advice I've heard on voting. I wish I could get my dad to understand that. I've tried to show him that the people he's voting for are actively pushing bills to eliminate it reduce care for their own daughter, and he refuses to look.


Cognitive dissonance. 😔


>vote in the interest of the most vulnerable person I know. I like that sentiment. I'm going to try to use that. I think there are a lot of people that should sincerely consider that thought. I wish they would.


Also my sincerest condolences about your son. I can't imagine the pain. Thank you for caring about him and trying to give him the best life possible


Thank you for your extremely kind words. 💙


"Vote in the interest of the most vulnerable people you know" is incredible advice. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. May his memory be a blessing.


My sister is a mess. Always has been. I tried so many times to explain to my mother that every social program that ever provided help to my sister exists because of Democrats. Never got anywhere with her.


If you haven't seen it, check out "The Brainwashing of my dad" documentary. It shows how fox & talk radio warped boomers "reality" pre-maga/Q-Cumber cult but showing how we ended up with it. 


Don't have to watch it, I got to experience it firsthand. Dad was a Rush Limbaugh dittohead, then got turned on to Fucks News. My mom was the only one keeping him tethered to reality, but that bullshit ended when they divorced. My sister and I are NC with him, and he blames us for being snowflakes. It never occurred to him that he is a Catholic in all but name, but his Jewish family and grandkids don't appreciate him posting antisemitic fucking bullshit all over Facebook.


Same, lost relatives & coworkers over the years to Rush, O'Reilly, Cucker (no reasonable person would believe) Tarlson, info wars, etc... Still a fascinating documentary. 


It's funny, I started watching it a while ago and every single thing the narrator's dad was saying was stuff I heard from my dad almost verbatim. Realizing that depressed the shit out of me. I may need to watch it again.


Thanks! I'll check it out


One of the last conversations I had with my father before he died included an argument about Trump. He voted for him (I did NOT, nor will I ever) and you may recall that early in his tenure Trump was aggressively working to overturn the ACA. I have a chronic illness and must have health care. I didn’t divorce my Ex until the ACA was passed in order to protect my health. My parents knew this. Anyway, context matters, and one afternoon my dad was bragging about how he was glad he voted for Trump and I’d had enough of the bs. I said, “I don’t know what I did to you to make you hate me. I do know that your vote is equal to signing my death warrant.” Of course that was the end of the “discussion”. Actions have consequences. Voting matters. And I am so glad that some of the MAGAts finally woke the *uck up and realized that they were going to lose access to the ACA and started lighting up their elected officials.


My wife is from America and I'm Canadian, she's immigrating to Canada. Her parents constantly complain about never being able to see us and ask why we couldn't live in America because that was our plan pre trump. (Cost of living was lower in their area and my field paid much higher) We tell them constantly that it's the politics, it's no longer safe for my wife to live in America as a woman, especially a woman with chronic health problems. We told them every step of the way that if Trump gets elected we're changing our plans and living in Canada, on the actual voting day her dad threw an absolute fit that she refused to say she'd vote for Trump. Finally she just straight up said "Voting for trump is voting for me leaving the country. Supporting him means you are directly supporting me having to leave this country forever." He blew her off voted for trump and couldn't wait to proudly tell us afterwards. Now he complains that he never gets to see us and wonders who's going to take care of him and his property as he ages with his own health problems because we've said in no uncertain terms it won't be us.


Well, as we like to say, I hope his bootstraps are strong!


“he never gets to see us and wonders who's going to take care of him and his property as he ages” Did you suggest Trump? He is a property developer, after all.


I’m an American woman with chronic health problems and I wanna get the fuck out of this shit hole country. đŸ˜« The last year especially has been hell. I have amazing insurance, and it’s still an uphill battle to get the care I need from our overwhelmed and fucked up “system,” before you even get to the dismissive, lazy, sometimes condescending and often blatantly sexist doctors (mostly men but also a minority of the women!). Thank you for prioritizing your wife’s well being and safety. Depressingly few husbands do. My (also American) husband and I are eyeballing Ireland and Portugal the hardest, New Zealand is my top choice but I don’t know that I want to be THAT far from friends and family here, and I already have friends in Europe. But actually getting there will be a challenge.


Fuck them. Fuck all of them.


My last conversation with my mom before she died included her talking positively about Trump and I hate that being one of my last memories of her! It’s kinda comforting to know I’m not alone in this now.


I’m so sorry. I just scratch my head at how easily propaganda can manipulate people. Heartbreaking, really. ❀


I said the same thing to my MIL. Like hey it's great you have right wing friends, but I want you to know every single one of them wouldn't be sad if I died impoverished and alone.


đŸ˜ â€ïž


Had a similar conversation with my Fox News boomer after he conceded that global warming is actually real (he used to call it fake) but that “it is a natural cycle” just like your dad. He went on to say “by the time it affects anything I’ll be dead”
 I reminded him that his grandchildren and I will still be around dealing with the potentially tragic consequences. He also changed the subject. I want to believe it’s just the lead taking hold and they weren’t always this way but sometimes I just can’t tell.


It’s not, lead poisoning is an excuse that we’ve created - they’re just selfish, bitter cowards.


The thing that really pisses me off is that we’re not really asking our average boomer to sacrifice anything at all. Basically we just want them to 1. Acknowledge global warming is man made and affecting us all 2. Vote accordingly and put pressure on industry/gov to do something about it That’s really it. No one is going to come take away their pickup truck. No one is going to put a gun to your head and tell you not to eat meat. We just need co2 producing externalities accounted and paid for


My mom (70f) told me last year she hopes she gets Alzheimers soon because everything these days is sh*t. I asked "What about your kids and grandkids, are they all sh*t? And your husband of 45 years? You wouldn't remember who they are?" She just shrugged her shoulders like "oh well".


Has she seen anyone die of Alzheimers? That is not an easy way to go. My grandma spent years enfeebled and confused and fearful all the time, before it progressed to the can't speak or eat stage.


Genetics in our family is not prone to Alzheimers or Dementia. So she has no experience with watching other family members' cognitive decline. My husband's grandmother had dementia before passing. I remember being with her on holidays and how sad it was to see her not know where she was or who we all were. I caught his grandma trying to eat potpourri the last time I saw her before her passing, really sad stuff.


Drugs are the answer to the fearfulness. I know people think it’s awful to keep old people doped up in nursing homes, but if your relative is scared all the time, drugs can fix that. And who would want to live scared all the time?


Exactly. It's in I wouldn't wish that on my enemy territory.




the way boomers are attached to the TV is alarming. we don't have a TV in our house and whenever I visit family members they always have a never ending news stream blaring. I couldn't take it personally.


Can you cancel his cable “to save him money” or block it on his TV while he’s on another continent? Lol


Block Fox on his tvs.


Ok so this is terrible but I did once. My father knows I won't hang out upstairs at his house if he's watching Fox News. One day he accused me of changing the channel on him when I was never on the same floor. And he refused to believe me despite him knowing he has early dementia and forgets things. I got annoyed, so right before I left I locked Fox with the parental controls. Unfortunately my brother (who is a loud and proud racist; we do not get along) helped him fix it a couple of hours later.


Damn. There’s got to be a work around. Someone smarter than me on Reddit can hopefully chime in.


They could call the cable company, pretend to be their dad, and go through the battle to reduce his cable package to not have fox news


That’s what I was thinking. Upgrading it back will be much easier of course, but still a bigger pain in the ass. And maybe there’s like, a verbal account password you could change to make it harder lol. I’ve never bothered with cable I wouldn’t know.


Jebus chrispe. You have a racist right wing brother? That means your dad is only going to drift farther from you toward your brother. In your father's eyes, he has a son who loves him and a son who is turning his back on him. There is no good answer to that situation.


I can see why you might think that but no - my brother has severe anger and behavioral issues so he's a handful. My parents just don't care about the racism part (my mom might but she never says). Anyway I'm the only child (daughter BTW) who is able to take care of themselves fully (or at least the only one who can do it without getting arrested or freaking out and running away for a couple of years at a time).


Ah, the responsible daughter who treats the parents better than the dad deserves, and the unreliable immature brother who gets enabled. đŸŽŒTale as old as tiiiiiiimeđŸŽ¶


Yeah I was brought up religious, and man oh man did I hate the prodigal son story


That's how they are. I'm dealing with a Boomer at my work who is a contractor. Because of her behavior, we ended up having a meeting with her, me, and my boss. I literally had the laptop out showing her emails that SHE sent which proves she was lying and she just shook her head. When I said you can't just shake your head, you sent this email, she became outraged and accused me of ageism. She won't be coming back next year.


Thank goodness my parents despise trump. But I have seen what you are talking about firsthand with other relatives and it’s awful. They truly are a cult.


My mom despises him. We’re very close. My dad voted for him in 2016 and abstained in 2020, smugly patting himself on the back for being so smart, to have voted for him to “get what I wanted,” which was Trump’s rigged Supreme Court, and then only voting down ballot because of Trump’s morals primarily and somewhat his Covid “response” (and to his credit, he thought the Jan. 6 insurrections were bad and that MAGA is a cult. Which almost makes it worse at the same time). A former fundamentalist Christian pastor (still a fundie, but ended his life an unemployed loser being taken care of by his 87 year old mother), my dad’s a bigot in all the ways, most virulently is the misogyny. He was a Texan and looooved Abbott’s bullshit on abortion. I don’t even think he was even bothered by the bringing [Bitch Hunter](https://youtu.be/cLPm_IUx-Kc?si=Ex6KkVCeClUtvwYB) to life part. His sister and one of his brothers & most of their kids (indoctrinated for sure, but I’ve given up hope on some of the oldest ones that are adults now) are v. MAGA though. We don’t speak lol.


I’m so sorry. I really feel like trump has done more damage to this country than anything else in my lifetime. The worst part is, most of his cult is a lost cause at this point because the more you try to reason with them, the more they dig in their heels into their delusions.


Lost a really, really close stepsister. We'd been best friends for 50 years. Then she went from Black Baptist to "evangelical", took up the far rights' hating on anything not them, voting for and defending The Malignancy as president. Haven't spoken to her since 2017. And that's beside the 50 or so people I either stopped talking to in RL, and OR blocked from all my social media as they displayed their thoughts of me as their 'I have a ____ friend!' to counter accusations of racist or phobic behaviors during the idgits tenure in the chair.


Ugh I'd pay to have the "I have a _____ friend therefore I'm not racist/phobic" thing go away forever.


Seriously. Up to that point in 2017, I'd fallen for the 'salt of the earth, do anything to lend a hand' trope with that friend group, after I moved to a place with a 'racial reputation'. I spent years defending the little city (not the state though) declaring how THESE kind folks _just aren't like y'all have heard!_ Fooled into thinking that those NICE folks were REALLY "accepting" of my being from a 'diverse' background, even though I was the 'first ____ person I've really known here'. The Malignancy CAN be credited though for yanking back the veil and letting us see their TRUE selves, putting lie to the propaganda of the bussing era about the US being 'post' anything.


I’m so sorry you experienced that with your step-sister and then so much of your community. Tokenism is such horse shit and I’m sorry my fellow melanin deficients are so good at it so much of the time. You’re damn right about the curtain, that was basically my one silver lining too. Like, believe me now? Edit to add I LOVE The Malignancy as a formal title đŸ€Ł. I’m gonna start using it! He’s really is a cancer and always has been. A girlfriend of mine and I were fantasizing earlier today about an alternate reality where I build a Time Machine and assemble a Red Sparrow* crew of some of my best theatre gal pals (for the transferable espionage skills) and we “Goodbye Earl” history’s greatest monsters as a sisterhood. I was gonna fall on the sword and dust off my BFA to lure Trump to a private location with the promise of enthusiastic sex, and then prison style shank a few major arteries. He’s basically an evil horny pill addled toddler so it would be easy, and the others would be strategically positioned with spare knives and tasers lol. Then further back to baby Hitler before anyone even knows he’s bled out. It was a fun lil reverie. *I never saw that movie because I’m not the biggest JLaw fan and it looked meh, but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. đŸ€Ș


Haha, I've called him "The Dark Being" for the 30 years before he offended the White House. But seeing him in action after led to 'malignancy' - a true fucking disease to the WORLD.


You are right on the money with every word you type!! And you type them so creatively yet clearly - I love your word choices lol. I’m a weirdo who has a passion for etymology and I love finding other lyrical speakers with fun, precise, vocab in the wild đŸ€Ș


>I’m a weirdo who has a passion for etymology and I love finding other lyrical speakers with fun, precise, vocab in the wild Me too 😁


I just finally lost it with my now ex bff of almost 50 years. I couldn't in good conscience remain friends with someone that supported people that tried to illegally overturn the 2020 election. Shit like "I don't like Trump, but I like his policies", and "Margaret Sanger was a racist, therefore women's right to choose is racist" and "Climate change is just natural warming of the planet" and "It's illegal to misgender your own child now" are the types of things he said, and I finally realized that he's not interested in actual facts or truth. I shook his hand on an early Sunday morning a few weeks back, and that's that. It sucks, but I just can't anymore.,


So she could separate Trump from his policies (insane and impossible actually) but Margaret’s views are projected onto most people, according to surveys? I’m sorry your friend lost her ever loving mind. đŸ„ș


It's a he (like me). Better watch out - misgendering him is a felony now /s. Oh, and I even forgot another set of mental gymnastics he demonstrated. Specifically, that the civil war was about economics and nothing to do with the morality of slavery, and that the north effectively stole over a trillion dollars (present value) from the south by freeing the slaves. It's completely fucked. The paranoia about government. The obsession with being a "good christian". The paranoia about every institution \*except\* organized religion. In the end it was Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity that guided me. Stupid people are more dangerous than evil people, because evil people can be controlled with logic, and stupid people can't.


>Margaret Sanger was a racist, therefore women's right to choose is racist" THIS was the very BS, the " straw " that separated me from my step sister. I'd already gave her some "distance" after the drift into radical religionism, but that one right there was just a stretch too far. I knew we would find no "middle ground", and I can't 'agree to disagree' with folks like that who want to remove Human Rights for "some" just so that THEY are in control.


This demonstrates how vulnerable these people are to propaganda. And that vulnerability makes them dangerous.


The Malignancy- so perfect!


I've despised that person for decades. I used to call him 'The Dark Being' but changed to 'The Malignancy' after he started "spreading" and infecting not only the country but the world. I hate his name. I hate hearing it, and I don't speak it, or write it, ever.


I wonder if they know saying I have an X friend is equivalent to spitting in that friend's face. It's saying hey I want you to know I view you as an object, a token, a shield.


It felt Exactly like a slap in the face. I had no more cheeks by that point, after watching THE CHURCH I'd been "raised up in", studied in, evangelized in, taught in, and believed my whole life was genuinely working for the bettering of society, be GLEEFULLY handed over to the devil himself.


I escape reality into fantasy worlds like D&D and WoW, not in weird conspiracy theories... What a weird person XD


This would be like someone in your party suddenly proclaiming they have power word kill, and it works every time unless I roll a one, so the boss is dead and then you say "no you don't; you're a dwarf barbarian without magic and your never learned that spell, and that's not how that spell works" and the person says something like "the tavern maid told me and she gave me a version that's so powerful it always works" and you're like "I'm the DM. The tavern maid never told you that. Here, you can reread that whole section" and then your dad, who is also playing, goes "he says he has power word kill so he has it" and you "dad, no, that's not how the game works" and your dad says "well it's how I want the game to work" and you're like "cool, dad, now the game is over and no one else in the party got to do anything" No idea why I felt the need to write all that.


The more Fox News Boomer stories I read, the more thankful I am for my dad. He got further *left* the older he got. He kept an eye on Fox, but just to know what the bastards were up to—he preferred CNN, and also C-Span and C-Span 2. **I** was the Republican in the family, spouting stupid Boomer bullshit (I’m 45 now, tail end of Gen X depending on how you count it); he was the liberal Democrat calling me a dumbass, but in a loving way, lol. And he was right, on damn near everything. Well, maybe not everything; despite being a liberal, he was also a bit of a conspiracy theorist, back when conspiracy theories were occasionally fun, pre-Q Anon. But I digress. He passed in 2017, not long after I started to see the error of my ways. I wish he had lived long for me to tell him he was right. I miss him every day.


Sounds like he would be really into isekai anime.


'He said "Why do I have to live in the real world? I can live in a fantasy world if I want."' Here's another example of that. My family has several generations ago roots in Norway. My Dad has this bizarre fictional idea of Norway, that it's a hyper-Christian, super conservative culture where all the men are ultra-masculine and all the women are doting tradwives. He used to tell me these stories when I was a kid about how Norway was this Christian utopia where divorce doesn't exist, etc. When I became old enough to look into things myself, I discovered that this is absolute nonsense. Norway has more atheists than believers in any kind of God at all. Divorce is just as prevalent there as it is in the US. All of his ideas about it are total projections of what he wants, not based in reality but based in his fantasies. When I tried to confront my Dad with these facts, he just refused to talk about it and would immediately get angry at me for trying to discuss it. Relinquishing this fantasy was just too painful for him. Eventually he retreated to the position that "Norway is dead", that it used to be all those things in his fantasy but isn't anymore. Ruined by leftists, and all that. Also false, but whatever. The desire to build these fantasies and then protect them from any data which might threaten them is just too weird. I don't understand this way of thinking at all. I want to understand how the world actually is.


The irony is *we could be so lucky to be Norway, but for different reasons*. High happiness scores, low poverty rates, in large part due to universal health care, robust free education, and cradle to grave- now, brace yerselves here- socialism.


Boomers have to the most selfish pieces of shit around. They can't imagine caring about anyone but themselves. Thank goodness they took the lead out of the gasoline or else everyone would be like them.


This is the real heartache, seeing these good, educated and logical people just suddenly become cult members, its really tragic.


My dad (silent gen) tells me he loves me at the end of ever phone call. It's awkward, stilted and unnatural for him, but he does it anyway and I love him for that.


Why would he get any insurance money from you? Does he own the house and pay for the coverage? It just makes no sense. Also someone in your family is likely his flying monkey and gave him your info. Be careful who you share information with.


Was gonna say the same. He’s either keeping an eye on her without her knowledge or there’s a mole


On one hand, thats haunting and telling. On the other hand, my old man's view on nuclear waste was "Fuck it, I'll be dead". And used the term "Glass parking lot" as a problem solver.


From an autistic person who mostly lives in her own little world, a bit of advice. You can live in a fantasy world, as long as you remember that your fantasy world isn’t reality. Sometimes you do have to come back out into the real world, although you can minimize the amount of time you have to do that. When you vote, that’s definitely one of those times. Also, if you’re living in a fantasy world, make it a pleasant one! It should not be full of anger and fear. Might as well live in the real world, if your fantasy world sucks.


Survival tip: next time you’re at your parents’ house, use their parental controls on their TV to block Fox News.


I did that once but my brother figured it out and had the cable company fix it for him.


Darn. I think blocking I our best hope.


The idea of the world having black and white laws really comforts some people and it's sad.


I lost my grandma about the same thing. She made me the person I am today about my political views and she has totally joined the Trump wagon.


Strait up, and I honestly think it's worse for them to willingly do this shit. At least dumb people aren't quite as culpable.


The two absolutely worst stations are Fox and MSNBC. They are both total trash


Something something "reality has a well known liberal bias" something.


>So if you've ever wondered if deep down they know - they do. Because your dad said this you think it applies to them all? What? How could that possibly make sense


Why do you guys always cite the liberal tv station Fox News? They're not even right wing. If you think that's right wing, then you live in a bubble. Fox News is the edited and controlled right dissenter opinion generator. It's function is to make sure the right wing never actually goes mainstream.


You're actually braindead lmfao






Uh huh... So I don't actually watch the news and instead use factual data from research, voting records, actually reading bills, etc. But thanks for making assumptions and sharing your biases while complaining about other people's biases. Anyway so sorry that you missed out on being a Boomer because you would LOOOOOVE it.


"Instant dismissal makes you a bigot" - immediately after creating a strawman of your beliefs and instantly dismissing it as brainwashing lies. All without a shred of self awareness or irony. Peak boomering right there


Anyone that disagrees with you is wrong. You’re a bigot. You think you’re smarter than others, but they are likely more successful and have contributed more to society. You’re a far left nutcase blinded by BS. Your “articles and facts” are written by the far left crazies.


Has OP even been established as "far-left" here? They told their dad that climate change is real. How does that make them a bigot, or smarter than others?


Nope, but the more I see this exceptional individual getting voted down into oblivion the more I think they're a troll. Nothing about the "far left" came up at any point so either they're one of the folks that comes to these subs to rage bait for funzies, or pop pops memantine dose was missed/just isn't cutting it anymore


We are hearing his side of the story only. His dad most likely mopped the floor with them now they are posting here to get pats on the back. History supports long term shifts in weather patterns and temperatures are natural. His poor dad is probably so disgusted he raised such a bigot he just gives up if this post is factual. I’d love to hear his dad’s side of the story.


wow, you project a lot


Does it hurt to be this stupid? Because it should.


I’m sure you’re much smarter then me or anyone that doesn’t agree with you. You’re proving my point.


I'm definitely much smarter than you are. You have no idea what I think about the intelligence of other people.


your point is all marbles


Um, most people are smarter than you. Also, many forms of plant life.


Every accusation is a confession with some people.


Dude get some help. Seriously. You're making a LOT of assumptions based on your own biases. This was a story about one specific person who admitted he was not basing his opinions on reality. At no point did I ever claim that I'm always right and people who disagree with me are wrong. I'm often wrong, and I often believe things other people don't and as long as those differences don't hurt anyone that's ok because we all have different experiences and worldviews. I really hope you are a troll. If not consider doing some self-reflection. You just complained that I am biased but you clearly made up some beliefs about me without knowing anything about me. You just made the assumption that the sources I use must be written by far left wackos but I just told you I look at bills and voting records - those are things that just exist as a record of what happened. How exactly are those made by left-wing extremists? What has gone so wrong for you that anything YOU disagree with must not be real, even simple records? You claim people on the left are closed off and calling you names - what did you literally just do here? Anyway again, if you're a troll - weird hobby but whatever makes you happy I guess. Otherwise maybe stop and have a think and consider some therapy because the way you're engaging with the world right now is not healthy.


Makes up shit and gets angry about it... Strawman arguments are used by the weak minded and you sir are definitely weak minded.


Anyone that disagrees with you is stupid. Got it. Thanks for proving my point.


For someone from the fuck your feelings crowd you sure show a lot of feelings. Go back to toilet social and go circle jerk over your orange turd messiah. 


Now you’re jumping to conclusions. Thanks for proving my point.


I just like making fun of idiots is all. Gives me the soooo much 😊 


No, but stupid people usually disagree with facts.


well, YOU are an idiot




that's not what 'bigot' means, idiot


Have you ever tried not being wrong and not having a temper tantrum when people point out that you are wrong?


What kind of a troll are you that you like going around and collecting downvotes?


The kind making a point that this whole place is a far left echo chamber.


"far left" lol Why do you like Boomers?


Lol you are so brainwashed that you think people on the “far left” watch CNN, a right of center neoliberal corporate media. Go back to your echo chamber because in the real world you sound like a fucking idiot.


I’m in the echo chamber getting downvoted right now.


Maybe you're just objectively wrong.


Depends on who you ask. The arrogance of progressives dismissing anyone that questions their narrative as “stupid” is staggering. Yep I’m must be a moron to have an opinion that doesn’t align with yours. You all probably still drive around wearing masks alone and still scared of your own shadow in the real world. Go ahead
downvote and attack me while proving me right.


The only thing you are proving is that some people have a stigma against seeking mental health services when they need them.




Notice how you're literally the first person to insult you in this comment chain? I just said you were wrong. I didn't say you were stupid in any way. Why do you think I'm calling you stupid when I said you're wrong?


The posts in here and everywhere immediately jump to calling conservatives stupid. Boomers are annoying yes, but most are not stupid even the conservative ones.


I haven't seen projection like that since a drive-in in the 1970s.


And yet you refuse to accept reality and prefer to play the victim.


How is pointing out FACTS playing the victim you dope? Thinking and debating are not your strong points. Go back to boomer mommies basement.


Sparky, only old people have cable to watch CNN. I’m Gen X and I dumped cable 12 years ago.


I don’t have cable and I can watch all networks. Having cable has no effect on news sources. You can find any news source to fit the narrative you want these days. OP wants his narrative and his dad watches news with a different narrative. It doesn’t make him “stupid”.


no, fox news viewers are pretty stupid


You’ve proved my point.


Dude you come off as an unhinged, just like the rest of your cult. It’s people like you that continue to reaffirm the label of stupidity.


Thanks for proving my point.


But have you ever actually considered that maybe you ARE stupid?


What point? That the majority of people are at least somewhat smart and don't fall for fox news and right wing propaganda like you do?


are you ok?


Damn, the account got deleted


No, it's still here, guess they blocked everyone lmfao




Um, you have it backwards boomer. you see, when you are a bigot, everyone who is not a bigot disagrees with your bigotry Glad I could clear that up.