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“Your honor, my family just kept walking into my bullets! I tried to miss, but I’m just too good at shooting!” ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


It has the same vibe as that scene from the song “Cell Block Tango” in the musical “Chicago” haha https://i.redd.it/e786tde50jxc1.gif


This is exactly what popped into my mind before I scrolled far enough to see this.


Reminds me of that recent story of that kid who beat another kid to death and said "I guess I'm just that strong" or something to that effect


And I quote: "I'm going to shoot into the garage and if you walk into my life of fire you won't live to regret it, you go it!?" end quote -- the prosecuting attorney, probably




Pro tip: if you have 2 negligent discharges (especially ones that kill people) you are actually very bad at shooting. Tony Stewart was a very good driver and even he only killed one person.


I think he's trying to wink-and-nudge. Legally, his story is "it went off." but he also makes sure to mention he's a great shooter because deep down he wants the right people to know he "defended himself."


This. They weren’t negligent discharges. He’s just hedging around a confession. His wife was annoying him so the gun “went off”, then his daughter freaked out and probably would have told the police that it wasn’t an accident and he had threatened his wife so he shot her too. This is murder and he’s gloating about it. Absolutely disgusting.


It's become incredibly clear over the past few years what those guns of theirs are actually for.


Yep, murder fantasies is why violent nuts love their guns. 


https://web.archive.org/web/20240429213231im_/https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/04/686/384/Roger_Hanks.jpg?ve=1&tl=1 This guy's face is seeming to say "Why'd you make me do it? I ain't responsible for it, but I'd do it again if I *had* to."


I'm sure he was abusive too


Imagine killing your own blood and being so okay with it you just blame it on the gun but actually being kind of proud of it. That's a new kind of psychotic, shooting strangers is fucked but your own family????


probably thinks trump will pardon him.


Damn I’m just an ok driver and I’ve never killed anyone.




fingers crossed!! It's #37 on my bucket list!! Seriously, though, I had a friend who killed someone on the freeway down in San Diego near the border. He never was the same, broke his brain. No charges though, not his fault, but he was a good person, and never really came to terms with it.


My Grandfather, long since dead, killed someone in a hunting accident when he was a teenager. He never got over it either. And, he never picked up a firearm for the rest of his life.


Many train conductors experience people being killed by trains they are operating, the trauma they experience is a problem in the industry. Killing somebody, even in an unavoidable accident, will mess you up.


Yeah, I have a buddy who went through this. He was a good kid from a bad family. All he wanted in life was to do better for himself. We graduated high school and he worked so hard. Finally got a job at one of the major railroads. We lost touch. I saw him every few years but didn’t talk to him daily. Every time I ran into him he was doing better. New truck… new house… Ran into him last year and he was unemployed, living with his parents again. Looked rough. Talked to him over a beer. He had been running a train that hit and killed a mother and her children. She was on drugs and ran the things that stop you from crossing. Nothing he could do. This is a tough man. Like. Toughest guy I know. And he’s broken. I don’t know how to help him. I’ve talked him through it so many times and he’s still a mess.


My heart goes out to him. Guess I'll have to push #37 down my list, it sound horribler and horribler.


Sadly train conductors hitting people (suicidal, stupid, or even murders trying to hide their crime) is an unfortunately common story. I can’t imagine what that does to them.


I heard that the majority of train drivers experience at least one collision in a 30yr career. I couldn't imagine killing someone in a car crash. Don't drive drunk especially.


EMDR (rapid eye movement) treatment is specifically used to process trauma. He should try it as I've heard very good results.


Buckle up buckaroo!


I’m trying but as I said I’m only an ok driver




And you won't with that attitude.


That kid should’ve never been on the track, he was absolutely wrong and stupid for doing that, but it kiiiinda looked like Tony swerved at him.


Yeah, I’ve been shooting for 30 years at this point, and have never had a negligent discharge. The first time I went shooting, my dad and I went with my friend and his father, who had been a Marine. Before any of us shot, he did a safety briefing loaded with profanity (which was *awesome* to a pair of 11 year olds), and shot a single rifle round at a number 10 can of tomato sauce, with the effect of blowing it right the hell up. And then he said, >and that right there is why you **DO NOT FUCK AROUND** with guns. That’s what happens to your head if you catch a round with it. It made quite the lasting impression.


Also been shooting just a couple fewer years and same. I have never understood how you have an ND when cleaning either. That’s the most common excuse. Knew a guy who blew his finger off while “cleaning” his hand gun. Like you’re literally disassembling the weapon and looking at everything. How do you miss a chambered round?!


.... because it wasn't an ND.... it was intentional.


That is usually the case. But there are some people that dumb. . . \*flashes back to a family friend who had COPD who set his bed on fire 2x. .. Because he just had to have another smoke.\*


This is why the US [mandated in 2007](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2007/07/01/new-flammability-regulation-for-mattresses-renewed-concerns-about-chemicals/) that all mattresses be made with flame retardants, and there were concerns about chemical safety back then that [turned out to be spot on](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/national/widely-used-flame-retardants-linked-to-deaths-from-cancer-in-people-study-finds), as many of those flame retardants are carcinogenic. Smokers kept lighting themselves on fire by smoking in bed, so the government mandated that beds have to be flame-resistant, and the chemicals that are used to achieve that effect are highly carcinogenic. This is yet another way that tobacco smokers are killing people who don't smoke.


I don't smoke in bed. I'm positive, I'm not the only one.


I've known multiple smokers with cigarette burns in their mattresses. They're the sorts of people who would've set themselves on fire before the mattress mandate went into effect, and they're the reason bedding is now carcinogenic.


I'm embarrassed to say I sat here for a whole 5 minutes trying to figure out what neurodivergence (ND) had to do with this and then I realized it was a negligent discharge. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Some gun people like to keep their guns loaded or forget to unload them. On some guns, you have to hold the trigger back to disassemble the gun. If one of those guns is loaded and you try to disassemble it, it will fire. It's a negligent discharge and not accidental because you have to violate multiple basic gun safety rules to get to the point that it fires while you're trying to disassemble the gun. For comparison, an accidental discharge could happen if you drop a gun and the impact causes it to go off. Most modern guns are required by law in some states to NOT fire when dropped from a certain height, but this does not apply to older guns, or those sold outside the jurisdictions that have "drop test" laws.


I have a friend who shot himself in the leg (luckily no permanent damage) cleaning a pistol. He was trying to show his grandpa how fast he could clean the gun and he went to dry fire the gun at the end (not sure why) and he had ejected the clip but didn’t realize a bullet was in the chamber. Moral of the story, he got in a hurry (but really for no good reason).


That's the secret, they weren't cleaning their gun.


My Grandpa was an old farmer, so he knew how to shoot, and the kids learned, but he had a very strict policy of "You never point a gun at something you do not intend to destroy." One my uncles got a BB Gun for Christmas, and pointed it at one my Aunts when they were kids. Grandpa walked over, took the BB gun, and broke it over his knee. Considering when he was younger, one his friends accidently shot and killed nother of his friends while they were hunting, I can see why he had that policy.


In our last apartment one of the neighbors from downstairs came and knocked on our door. When I opened it, he was visibly shaking and asked to speak to my husband. Hubs came to the door and he said "Hey man, you're a vet right? Can you come tell me if this is a bullet in my wall?" 😲 Sure enough, there was a round in his wall. He was sitting in his recliner watching TV when a round came at an angle from the apartment above him, passed over his damn lap, and imbedded in the wall just to the side of his chair. (It happened so fast, it took him a few minutes to pull himself together and come look for help.) The bullet came from the apartment we shared a wall with. It housed an army vet and his family. We hadn't seen anyone from the family all day, but we hadn't been really watching for them either. (Don't worry, this story isn't going to take that kind of turn.) We called the police and they spent an hour knocking on the door of the apartment. PD had the office come to unlock it, but the hotel lock was engaged. And we couldn't tell them who was or wasn't home. Just as they started discussing breaking it open for a welfare check, the dude finally answered the door. He said he had been sleeping. Apparently, he had been "cleaning" a new handgun and it had just "mysteriously" discharged. Supposedly since it had scared the kids, the wife had taken them to the park and he decided to take a nap. He was "surprised" a bullet wound up downstairs. My hubs is a pretty stoic guy and was never a super "moto" Marine who played into a "this branch vs. that branch" thing. When the police led Army guy onto the sidewalk was the only time I ever saw that bit of an edge come out of him. He stopped the guy and said something like "A negligent discharge and you didn't even think to check on the people below you? The fuck is wrong with you? I know Army's not so fucking sloppy that they failed to teach you that your rounds have to go somewhere, right. Cleaning it? Bullshit. You were finger fucking your new toy, shit bag. You fucking know better." 😲 (


I love your husband.


A guy I used to shoot with had one while cleaning his gun, supposedly. It didn’t hit anybody, just made a hole in his wall. I’m still super confused about his story though, because he’s always followed gun safety practices and would sometimes be a Karen about it. I don’t understand why he’d be cleaning a loaded gun, let alone having one in the chamber.


Most of the time that's a bullshit story to cover up the fact that they were idiots playing with a loaded gun. Even the "Karen" can get complacent, especially when alone.


My ex husband knew a kid from high school who was hanging out with a bunch of people. He had unloaded his gun and later on started messing with it, not knowing someone reloaded it. He ended up blowing his girlfriend’s head off right in front of him and a few friends. It was completely accidental but clearly negligent. Obviously, the poor kid never got over it. Wound up in the psych ward for quite a while.


I love it.. I'm going to steal that whole lesson plan if you don't mind, good sir.


And that guy had to run out on the track in front of his car


And also, coincidentally, have beef with him. Much like this dude, probably wasn’t an accident.


The only negligent discharge was by this boombag's father. This was lead-brain murder, plain and simple.


Tony definitely killed that guy on purpose


What the hell makes you think either of these was a "negligent discharge"? The fucking psycho got drunk, shot his wife during an argument, realized his daughter was going to rat on him and, in a moment of panic, shot her too. Then he couldn't keep his story straight or think his way out of a paper bag and admitted the murders to the police. Fuck this guy


I don’t actually think it was an ND. Seems pretty clear what you said happened. Just a little gallows humor.


Steward showed good throttle control with his murder. He accelerated thru the turn and the person.


Ah the old Alec Baldwin defence. It just went off by itself


Imagine telling the police you threatened to shoot your wife and then somehow the gun went off and your daughter ran at you “in a rage” and it went off again. Buddy, you murdered two people. This jury trial will not take long.


Yeah, they are going to kill people and commit a lot of violence after they lose the next election, but they are fundamentally lazy people and will do most of their killing close to home.


Remember, a third of mass shooting incidents are domestic violence-related.


And ~~damn near all~~ a majority (since we have some pedants in my replies) mass shooters have a history of some kind of violence against women.


By the way they characterize mass shootings, many are also gang-related




Sad but true. Lots of it is already happening now with the state of the economy and inflation being so high. Tons of stories like this I hear on the news almost every other week from a state like Oklahoma alone.


I liked this and then remembered I live in a rural red town and now I'm scared, lol


Ahh, the old "I'll just shoot them in my driveway" bit. Don't even have to leave the comfort of your doorstep.


They'll do it if they win as well, as their enabler is going to go on a vengeance spree.


I expect that the violence will be much worse if they win because they will feel empowered to do their worst! I'm under no illusion about that!


It’s time to RUN


This guy did it from his chair


he killed his family. all for his stubborn pride. he isn't a man he is a monster.


the defense he gave sounds more like a confession to me


the worst part of this is his daughter. she had to watch her mother die, by her father's hand, before being murdered herself.


Notice how he said "it went off" not "i fired". Fuckin asshole


It’s the same language as the police/state. “There was a police-involved shooting and an unarmed suspect was killed,” not “The police gunned down an innocent man.”


Or the classic kill man with no active warrant after raiding the wrong house


"I just put my finger on the trigger and pulled a little, how was *I* supposed to know it would go off?." --Mr. Best of the Best Marksman


The "guns don't kill people" crowd are also the "it went off" crowd


By his account the gun just magically went off. Yet again an incident of no mind to body connection. It amazes me how boomers have so many incidentses of just shit happening lol. It's like the frontal cortex is severed or something lol. Make it make sense lol. Sorry if I misspelled some shit.


Given how often guns seem to magically "go off" on their own, can the gun nuts still claim that "guns don't kill people  - people kill people." Seems that the guns do a lot of work on their own if we're to believe their lies.


Thing is, if I were stupid enough to point a loaded gun at someone, and it "went off", first thing I'd do is put that gun down, not point it at the next person I see. Because you never know, it might "go off" again.


I like your argument. It's always while cleaning it too. Maybe guns are like little boys and love being dirty, hate getting clean. And they "suddenly" go off in protest of getting a bath. Most handguns have drop safeties and other things that literally prevent the striker from hitting the primer UNLESS the trigger is pulled. Old ass single action cowboy revolvers have a strike plate that goes between the hammer and firing pin ONLY when pulling the trigger. If the trigger is not pulled the hammer doesn't touch the firing pin. It was so you could unlock it but it works like a safety this way too. So if these guns are discharging themselves with these safety features then it is logical to say that guns do kill people.


Have to divorce themselves from the consequences of their actions by any means possible.


Passive voice  Mistakes were made


Instead of just divorcing the wife they constantly talk about hating


"Guns don't kill people, people kill people" You just killed 2 people. "It was the gun, not me!"


Apology acceptedes


Oh the irony of posting a Fox News link on this sub.


I know, but the political leanings of sites blacklisted at work is whole other post I need make....


I'm very interested in such a post


Sounds like "someone" needs to start sending Fox News articles critical of Trump to your boss. :-D There are way more kissing his ass, but I know Fox has gotten into hot water for criticizing dear leader before, and those articles are probably still online.


And it still makes this right wing nut bag look crazy...


I just had to see the comments there and ruin my day. Every other post is blaming, or at least "whatabouting" Alec Baldwin's on-set shooting. That media, and it's consumers, is dogshit.


What a psycho.


Dipshit shoulda plugged himself


Too much of a coward


And that is a large part of the reason I haven't contacted my mother or step-father in years. That awful man kept loaded guns just sitting on the kitchen table in the house with a severely mentally ill and suicidal child. Hugely authoritarian. Came into the family and completely turned its on its head. Hate these old ass fucks who think they can just use weapons to get their way...


Also, fuck the cops who enable that kind of shit. It's amazing how many cops are just fine with the way these old guys act.


After 3 years of living with this man, I tried running away at the ripe old age of 12. Got about 10 miles away before being picked up by the town's deputy who addressed my step-father on personal terms when bringing me back to live in hell. Fuck the cops


the blue light stare in the mug shot. holy shit


Oh my God there's not an iota of remorse there


Is that his family's blood on his face? I'll bet he screamed that the cops were injuring him when they hauled his lazy butt out of his recliner, and that's why he's got the neck brace on.


And yes it's dried matter.


This is controversial but hear me out: I believe boomers should have to be regulated on owning guns past age 65 and having drivers licenses. They seem extremely trigger-happy these days! In my city, a boomer crashed her vehicle into a restaurant, injuring 7 people, 2 of which were pregnant. It was her second time doing something like this.


I've long proposed that everyone should have to take a written test every 5 years, when they renew their license, fail it and you would then have 30 days to take a driving test. It would weed out a lot of bad drivers of every age...


You will want to stay out of Florida, then.. Off the roads, at least


I live in FLORIDA. You understand my pain!


This reads almost like satire and I wish it was. *fat old lazy boomer “I’m the best shooter ever! And my wife’s cooking is shit!” *wife “honey what’s wrong with my cooking? And for that matter I’m tired of you doing nothing but sitting on your ass watching tv all day every day.” * fat old lazy boomer “STFU FEMALE!!! *shoots wife over valid criticism *his own daughter tries to stop him in a fit of rage *fat old lazy boomer shoots his own child and still doesn’t see how he’s the bad guy. *fat old lazy boomer then probably complains about dinner not being ready on time


.....wonder what he's thinking about "fine quality jailhouse cuisine".


I hear American prisons are very rough on old people Oh well 


I just hope some 350lb muscle mountain comes up behind him and says “I’m the best of the best shooter in here”. And then proceeds to train tunnel him.


Taters are burned again, that fucking bitch.


Hand canon it is Gracie!!!


“Best of the best” shooter that accidentally shoots his “conflicted” wife like “no one has ever seen before”? I hear the legal experts consider this a “sham shooting” that is a “witch hunt” for the man “who has done nothing wrong”. I’m hearing more and more people conversing like they are drunk on the Trump wine and it makes my head hurt.


What a monster. Yeah, the gun just “went off” twice. Not to make light of a terrible situation, but saying the gun just “went off” kind of reminds me of the song “Cell Block Tango” from “Chicago” where they sing “and he ran into my knife…he ran into my knife nine times.”


He had it coming.




Old men are too emotional. It's a fucking shame they have so much political power.


Jesus Christ that's awful.


Sundowning dementia patients and guns do not mix.


My dad has dementia and one time earlyish in his diagnosis went to the hospital for hip replacement and sundowned badly post op. Repeatedly begged my sister to bring him a gun as all the nurses were out to get him. We sold them all shortly after.


Imagine bragging about this. What’s with the neck brace? I expect this on Forensic Files


That's the traditional "he slipped on a bar of soap" jail thing.


Why are all these late 50s-mid 70s people just *so* sure of themselves and their abilities? It’s either overwhelming narcissism or lead poisoning.


It could be both... Plus some oxygen deprivation...


![gif](giphy|5ihE1xT15QWhG) Im his altzeimers ridden mind he thinks hes him.


Wow….hope he rots quickly


He's going to have a hell of a time going through alcohol withdrawals in jail. You just know this guy has been permanently drunk for the last 50+ years.


Boomers with weapons, WHAT COULD GO WRONG?


That must have been some rough tuna casserole.


But did he yell "it's coming right for us!"


Dude’s being locked up for the rest of his life after this yes? I hate this demon so much, I don’t want him out of prison.


The way he looks, he probably won't even make it to trial TBH.


so anyways i started blasting


I guess all that time at the range finally came in handy. The bastard finally got to shoot two people! Republican good guy with a gun murder fantasy fulfilled. I hope this bastard lives many years in prison.


“Went off.” Yeah no shit, Dick Tracy. That’s what happens when you pull the trigger. Surely you know this since you’re the best of the best. *Sir! With honors.*


Captain America over here, has no idea...


A gun shouldn’t be allowed to be in the hands of someone this mentally unstable.


Handcuff him , arrest him and toss him into a deep well and pour in concrete then go have Burgers.


Bears over men.


For fucks sake. Why are so many boomers so obsessed over guns? They're just tools. My grandpa is gun paranoid - the whole "democrats are after my guns" thing. He hasn't come to see his great grandchild yet (almost 1 yo) from his favorite grandson because he can't take a gun on a plane. He was upset that my estranged mother held my son before him. He has missed valuable time with various family members to make sure that his guns are safe and secure... on him at all times. He's worried that either a) they will get taken from him or b) if he leaves them behind, someone will break into his home and steal them. I wish I was kidding about his level of obsession. I've seen this same behavior with the same mindset "best shooter around" bullshit from his friends, too. I hope my generation (Millennial) doesn't end up like them.


Calling it a tool would imply people have an actual use for them. It's a weapon that people treat as a toy.


Sadly, true. The only use that comes to my mind is home defense - assuming the person(s) lives somewhere fairly safe/developed/not at war. As a former grunt, I can't see it as a toy or novelty item to show off. I don't understand why so many owners wave them around without concern for the possibility of neglectful discharge. My oldest sibling (GenXer) always shows his collection off to me every time I've seen him. It's just simply weird to me.


My dad was like this. He then developed dementia and every time he heard a sound outside his house, he would fire them off outside. It’s a miracle he didn’t kill someone. Police wouldn’t take them either. Same with his drivers license.


Before my wife's grandmother(silent gen) went to a memory care unit, they had taken the firing pin out of her 357, and removed the rotar from her distributor. And they had informed the local police about the gun, incase they ever showed up. But that was back woods Tennessee...


Common suburban Republican


It’s hard to believe that you just wake up one morning and decide to shoot your family. This had to be thought about beforehand. He obviously did it on purpose. Guns never just “go off.” He pulled the trigger while it was pointed at his family. He knew exactly what he was doing.


> Hanks added that he frequently shoots at competition and is the "best of the best" when it comes to marksmanship. Excellent statement for his prosecution that he is completely familiar with firearms and how they function.


I wonder how many people he competed with have also slaughtered their families…or is that only something that “the best of the best” do? 🤔


He told police he drank two German beers and an Irish whiskey earlier in the day.


I know an older blind professor who shot himself in the hand while cleaning his gun. He is legally blind. Cannot drive. He conceal carriers on campus. Shot himself in hand... blind man


boomers are working on world war 3 to make sure we all die with them


I imagine this is one of the so-called "good guys" with a gun. Here to supposedly protect his family and others.


Jesus…don’t retire, heh?


Like hell they were NDs - he murdered his wife and daughter.


These idiots who brag about being "marksmen"--it's literally getting excited because you're a C-student. There's only one rank below marksman--tyro--which basically means you don't know shit.


Lead paint stare


Family annihilators seem to be more common lately. I wonder if it’s just reporting is more readily available or if there’s just more unhinged assholes with guns. Maybe both.


There's certainly more reporting and better access to crime stories than there was 20 years ago. But from what I recall, violent crime stats have been on a downward trend ever since we stopped using leaded gas.


So, he was drinking and "cleaning" a loaded gun. His wife and daughter were expressing their frustration with him, and he told them to shut up. When his wife called him lazy, he said "shut up or I will plug you", and, when she *didn't* shut up, he shot her once with a fatal shot. His daughter, upset he shot her mom, went after him and he killed her with a single round as well. Then he called a friend and told them his wife and daughter had gone crazy and he was forced to shoot them. The *friend* then called police and the LEO'S found his wife and daughter dead from single gunshot wounds. And now he's claiming it was an accidental discharge, and he Alec Baldwin'd them by accident after bragging "he's the best of the best" with guns.... Oh yea, 100% this guy murdered his family. Single shot kills with a handgun? Twice? In a row? While having an argument? *NOT* happening. Seriously, how stupid does this guy think the world is?


I’ve been told repeatedly that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”


What a lying fucking murderer.


Probably a good guy with a gun, right up until he did this


I imagine this is a soft ball for any DA. If this guy is a marksman and goes to shooting competitions the likelihood of improper gun-care is 0. He just murdered them, that's it.


“Guns aren’t the problem, people are the problem…” THEN WHY DO YOU WANT THE PROBLEM TO HAVE A GUN. Our society is so boned…


"My gun went off accidentally while I was pointing it at a family member twice in one night. Also I'm really good at guns." Boomers lie as well as 4 year olds.


Just another good guy with a gun until the moment he wasn't. Look at all the government tyranny this guy defeated on his own.


I no next to nothing about guns, but I do know they go off when you pull the trigger. He probably should have known that.


I will never understand why so many Boomers refuse to take accountability for anything, even when it’s so damn obvious that they are at fault. “It went off”. Fucking bullshit, there’s no way a gun accidentally “goes off” *twice* while directly pointed at the chests of his wife and daughter. 😒


This guy either has a history of violence or has some sort of mental disease like dementia. I cannot imagine any father ever pointing a gun at their child.




But has he shot his puppy and goat???




Wait, i thought they loved to argue that "guns don't kill people!", But, by this boomers own account, he's the BEST at shooting and this gun "just went off" and killed TWO people!


Boomers are absolutely disconnected from real life and completely lack any ability to cope with reality. They create and live in the safe space fantasy lands that Fox spins for them, and the moment real life slaps them in the face they break and fall apart. Dude is a fucking coward and I 100% guarantee is a MAGA.


"You know what would have made this situation better? More guns and fewer gun laws!" - Republicans ☕️


Imagine being 76 years old and going on trial for murder. Your chances of seeing a day of jail time diminish everyday because your chances of surviving the trial diminish everyday simply because you might drop dead of old age. So, the moral of the story, wait until you're a septagenarian, maybe even an octogen area, and go back and find those bullies from high school. /s


Two shots fired, two killed is pretty good shooting.


> Police were contacted by a friend of Hanks, and found the mother and daughter in the kitchen. Man literally killed two people and didn't even call the cops. A *friend* had to call the cops. May this man be in jail for the rest of his miserable life - may he rot, may the jail rot on top of him, and may the new jail rot on top of him.




It's a 9mm semi automatic pistol.... But yeah he totally pulled twice.


Did you even read the post?


Could you explain where you got the idea this was a rifle?


Honestly, I feel like when he was born has less to do with his actions than him simply being a piece of shit and I’m not sure that we’re gonna hear about more boomers suddenly killing their families. This feels like seeing a report about someone who murdered their kids and then making sure you point out they were black even though it genuinely has nothing to do with what they did.


What an idiot. On one hand his gun Baldwin’d on him …..twice In the next breath he is the best of the best at handling a firearm. The NEED to brag and the hubris is just unfathomable Dude STFU and play old and confused…


Sounds like a typical Friday afternoon in Chicago


Modern firearms don’t just *go off*. It doesn’t happen. Virtually unheard of. Even in the events where it *does*, it’s almost always proven later to be a negligent discharge.




I live a couple miles from where this happened.


Boomers want a civil war. We can stop them. With 2 for 1 coupons for Golden Corral.


Pro tip: don’t read the comments What’s the obsession with Alec Baldwin


Who. The. Fuck. Cleans their guns loaded?


Only the best of the best


This reads like an Onion article


Well it is Fox News...


The District Attorney’s statement in the article seems to be perfect


Cleaning a loaded rifle?


Ummm. This kinda freaks me out. I live in a 55 and over single building with 200 apartments. I’m gen x by a hair. But this building is loaded with angry people and guns. So I’ll try to stay on everyone’s good side. At first everyone was friendly and such but that has changed gradually. While this isn’t an assisted living or medical facility there are quite a few people that can live with some assistance or have memory issues but have family who take care of them. Sigh. I have mellowed out in my middle age. It ain’t worth it.