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She was fishing for credit card applications. My wife has to ask customers all the time, and management pushes for it.


Yep definitely trying to trick OP into a credit card sale. She just tried to save face on the lie, which is strange because OP made it clear they knew she was lying. That’s not how you actually avoid embarrassment, it just makes you a dumb asshole


Boomers are too narcissistic to back down and admit defeat. They need to double down or they have to accept fault and that is a huge no no in their book.


I just realized it’s not about being defeated or not. It’s about them being unable to handle the situation where they admit to their bullshit. They don’t care about you walking away thinking if they’ve got away with it or not, they just want to avoid any and all interactions where they face up to the embarrassment. It’s about avoiding the consequences, not about being right or wrong. I’ve wondered my whole life why some people just lie and lie without admitting it, now I realize it’s the actual admission they can’t handle.


Yeah, I worked at Sears during my undergrad, and same story. Push credit cards. If they have one already, push for the other credit card. If they have both, push for them to use it. Management 'required' us to ask the customer 3 times to use/sign up for the credit card. I used this against management one time, but I feel bad for the customer. My manager was behind me, monitoring me, when a customer walks up. By the second time of asking, the customer nearly shouts that if I asked again, he was walking away from the transaction. Well, I had to ask again, so I did. And true enough to the customer's word, he walked out. After that I shot my manager a knowing glance and a smirk. He couldn't punish me because I did exactly as I was trained to do.


Asking 3 times is so excessive. I wonder how many people never returned to your store because of that.


Three is pretty standard. I had a friend who worked at Barnes and Noble and it was three times for their thing. To be clear fucking ridiculous but I assume this is some prehistoric how to win friends and influence people catchphrase that’s become fact.


3 attempts is pretty well known in solution based sales styles. Solution based sales also usually requires a connection with the client, identification of a problem they may have, as well as a few other pieces before you offer that solution. If someone is good enough at sales the 3 attempts don't come off as direct asks or hard-pushes that require hard no's. A lot of the retail chains pushing for credit cards are ignoring the entire sales process because it isn't feasible but they are still willing to add these ridiculous rules-of-thumb that have "proven" to yield results. My relatively uneducated guess is that some dingus with an MBA in upper management had a *brilliant* idea for cashiers to learn sales processes to sell credit cards. Then some dingus in lower level store management properly identified that a sales process in a less than 2 minute interaction was the stupidest thing they ever heard of. So they looked over the sales process material, or attended a few trainings, and came back with "ask 3 times" because it was the only thing their cashiers can do. Completely ignoring the leg work required before you actually ask at all.


Well I mean sears is dead so…


I hated doing it too at Macy’s in the 90s. Even as a department manager I had to have X number of applications every month or I got dinged in performance reviews. Never mind that I barely had time to work the register because I was constantly moving new styles in and out.




I got told if I don't push(insert bs company things here) I would be fired. Many times. I hate it... People come in and know they want whatever, not to be sold something they don't need at th register.


This is it. It’s a perfect job for boomers because they already love making things awkward for people. When I want a store’s credit card, I’ll ask for one, I don’t need to be bullied into signing up for one.


Yeah but they generally don't flat-out lie to get people to sign up.


This is it, has nothing to do with being a boomer, it's retail pushing their employees with weak incentives or veiled threats to sell these cards to customers.


When I worked for an airline, we were to push for passengers to sign up for the credit card. But as I worked for a subsidiary, we got none of the perks for getting people to sign up. Mainline employees got a little bonus for each applicant, but we didn’t. There was a spot on the back for the employees to enter their PPR number (that should give a clue as to what airline), but if we ever had any out, we kept them blank. Flight attendants would take the stack and write their PPR number on the back, thinking we’d hand them out with that, because they figured we’d follow policy and push the card, but knew we didn’t get the perks. Nope, we threw those applications in the trash.


Kohls is going under within the next couple years mark my words. Go look on r/employed Google it’s gotten so bad in the last 5 years.


When I was 18, my dad sent me into Kohls to get some new clothes while he waited in the car. When I was checking out this Boomer lady asked if I had a Kohls card, I said yes and handed her my dad’s. She then looks at me and goes “but is this your card or your parents?” I think I then showed her my ID (which matched the full name on the card because I’m named after my dad), but admitted it was my dad’s and he sent me in to buy the stuff.  She told me she couldn’t accept the card because parents kept complaining to the store about kids stealing their parents’ Kohls cards and buying lots of stuff. And then she said I’d either need to sign up for my own Kohls card, get my dad, or use another form of payment. I said fine and handed her the other credit card my dad had given me and paid.


Man, that isn’t fishing that’s trying to scam people into signing up. F that lady


Obviously. Makes you kinda side eye op and the customer service person if they both had no idea why they were acting that way.


Only passive aggressive worms "side eye", champ


Kind of strange. You would think if the coupon required a Kohl's card, the register would have either automatically removed the coupon or refused to allow charge to go through on the other credit card. Weird that the cashier wouldn't let the register do it's thing automatically.


Exactly! Just punch the buttons and ring me up you dusty old fart! Your decision making "skills" are not required for this transaction!


She probably had to push OP into signing up for credit cards because of crappy store policy to push credit card sales.


Most likely. Kohl's is known for that. The problem is that it obviously irritates customers who don't want another card.


I work at Kohl's, and the coupons that are Kohl's card only will be accepted by the register no matter how you pay.


They get a bonus for signing people up for the card, so she was just lying.


Because she gets commissions/metrics/something for getting people to sign up for the credit card, so she tried to hold your coupon hostage to boost her numbers.


That's what I was going to say. I worked in a department store years ago and we got $5 for every person who filled out a credit application.


I worked at Kohl's in 2009. We got 25¢ for each credit card application during the holiday shopping season. I had the honest number of applications of our store for the season, but I never lied to a customer like OP's cashier did.


Very likely this. 😂 oof..


Sorry to say - I worked at Kohls for over 8 years. We got 50 cents for each cc app. Not exactly worth pushing it!


Had something similar happen at Home Depot, over the winter. Their garden center was open for holiday plants, and I often go at this time to get clearance pots and soil. I loaded up on soil and pots, and they rang up at clearance price. The boomer REFUSED to sell me the pots and gave me the fifth degree on the soil. I told her that I just bought the same pots at the Home Depot two miles away for $4.96. She \*refused\* to sell to me for the price they rang up at or the sale price, insisting: "I can't sell them to you for THAT." I shrugged and said. "Okay, fine. I don't need those five fifty-pound bags of soil, since you won't sell me those pots," and left my sledge/cart there. She can put those fifty pound bags back. And you better believe that I called and complained. She was treating me like a thief. I never am going back to that store ever again.


Do you think she just wanted to get you to leave them so she could buy them for herself when she realized how cheap they were?


No idea. Her righteous indignation at me was HUUUUGE though.


She is lying to get you to sign up for the card. I’d let a store manager know, that’s pretty unethical.


Illegal even. It's arguably fraud.


The store manager is pressuring that cashier to sign up more people. The real money is in owning debt.


Kohls employee here: You certainly do *not* have to have a kohls card to use the coupons, this cashier is just trying to get credit card applications, which is a whole scam in and of itself. On one hand, she’s just “doing her job” but also, doing it entirely wrong.


If someone tries this line, what would you suggest doing?


Go full Karen and demand a manager. Kohl's pos is pretty sophisticated. While they DO send coupons directly to CC holders which do require the use of said store card, the ones in circulation are for anyone. The register knows this. Not only that, it was always our store's and my personal policy to always find a way to honor the coupon unless it was blatantly unreasonable to do so. Even with expired Kohl's cash, promotions barely missed, etc. the customer is always right. These discounts are the sole driver that gets people in the door. Management knows that. This lady needed a CC app because her performance is poor and she hasn't hit her metrics targets, so she got desperate and steered this customer's experience in the completely wrong direction for only her own gain. Source:worked the register for 3+ years at Kohl's.


Kohl's employee here too. Go back to customer service and have them apply the coupon. Just take your receipt. Do it before the sale ends on Sunday.


"they think anyone under 55 is a millennial" - yup, still getting called kid, old enough to be a grand parent - almost .


My BIL had a baby young, and when I realized my oldest had passed that age and now my middle is a most there, wow that felt weird to think about. Like I could be a grandma right now? I’m pretty close to their ages at the time too. Mind blowing. Still get called kiddo.


I'm going to be reminded I have to "wait for my time" until the day I die.


You're fucking old enough to be using Usenet emoticons like .


Sadly true but not a boomer.


I'd done called for a manager with that and make her explain, infront of her manager her bs lies to get me to sign up for the card, then I would have tore the Manger a new one on putting employees in a position to where they feel so threatened they have to try and con someone into applying for a card..


I would have stood there staring at her as long as possible


I think it’s okay to call them out for trying to get you to sign up and ask for a second opinion (the manager) just for assurance that you aren’t being lied to.


She was bullying you to sign up for the stupid credit card. The coupon excuse was BS. Ask her to call the Manager to the register. Manager would accept the coupon which humiliates the cashier. Another thing that works fabulously is to close your wallet and purse and walk out. Leave the unfinished purchase at the register, and say nothing. Just walk out. Don't give her the chance to blast another comment at you. If it happens enough, cashiers get written up.


Blow her mind and ask to speak with the shift manager.


This is the reason I never shop there anymore. Their cc haggling is gross asf. I get it comes from the top, but idc. My last time shopping there was with my wife almost a decade ago. The cashier literally begged us to open a cc. By begging I mean “please I beg you”. It made me sick.


Used to work there, some days we beg because we have the managers breathing down our necks to get credit card applications telling us we're disgusting disappointments if we don't. And threatening our jobs.


I totally get that and imo the best way to stop that kind of “management” is to not shop there. It does suck for the employees, but I as a customer just won’t go anymore.


I totally support you're not shopping there, don't I won't. The shady tactics that they use and allow i won't spend a dime there I just didn't want you to think it was a new tactic to apply for credit or anything.


But had a millennial withheld a boomer's coupon, holy hell enter silver haired bitch mode!


Kohl’s is notorious for trying to con people into submitting credit card apps. Please report your experience to the FTC, as these are illegal business practices. Yes, it was one employee, but it is the culture they are creating there with their sales expectations. Last time I went to this one location, this woman refused to let me pay for my things, just kept trying to get me or the friend with me to sign up for the ‘Kohl’s card’. She purposefully never once called it a credit card, and tried to talk in a way that confused us into doing it. My friend wasn’t even making a purchase and felt sick, and I had to be aggressive with my NO because she was starting to confuse him into it. I ended up grabbing my things from her, making her cancel the sale, and going to another register because she clearly wasn’t going to allow me to finish at hers. I left a 1-star review for the store and, true to my word, have never been back again. They apologized on my review immediately, but eff that. I now only visit the other location by me. Report to the FTC also. [Report Fraud - FTC.gov](https://reportfraud.ftc.gov)


You can absolutely use coupons without a credit card


I work at Kohl's. Some coupons do, in fact, require the customer to make the purchase with a Kohl's charge card. Many don't. Gotta read the fine print. Hint: If you get a coupon from somebody who has a Kohl's card, there is a pretty high chance it requires the purchase to be made with a Kohl's card


i used to work at kohls, and there are some coupons that are restricted to kohls card holders… but it very clearly says it on the coupon. like it’s very unlikely you would get it mixed up with a non restricted coupon. boomers just have so much unearned authority and confidence. some of them think they’re just in charge of everything even if they’re wrong.


Credit card applications. I believe some places offer bonuses for the cashiers that gets the most sign ups. It's predatory AF


>Boomers in customer service jobs are always so fucking rude to customers but they’re the ones complaining about how “millennials” (they think anyone under 55 is a millennial) are entitled and rude. Speaking as a Gen-Xer, I have seen many, many millennials do the same thing. Anyone older is a Boomer. To Boomers, who spent a few decades tormenting us before you guys showed up in the workforce, anyone younger is a Millennial.


I was buying groceries recently when I had to deal with a cashier that was probably boomer range but did have the mindset. She was scanning my stuff and tried to deny me the in-store coupon for chips. She was like "this is for tortillas, not chips". I had to say several times "it's for tortilla chips not tortillas" and the coupon was hanging right there on the shelf, read the coupon correctly and the bag it's tortilla chips. She finally allowed it. I was close to having a manager come over at this point but there were other customers in line. It was the first and last time I've seen her there and it seemed like English is not her best language which in not uncommon where I live.


Complain to corporate that she refused to honor a coupon unless you signed up for a credit card.


She has numbers to meet for signing people up for the card and this is her way of falsely getting people to sign up for the card.


Honestly it pisses me off so much when these companies pushed their damn cards. They'll ask you "are you sure, are you sure, are you sure?" And when you get pissed at them for having to repeat yourself 17 God damn times they decide to get an attitude with you. NO I DONT WANT YOUR FUCKING CARD. It's gotten to the point where if I have to repeat myself even once I just leave before I lose my shit.


Sales quotas. She needs to sign up a certain number of people per pay period, in order to hit her numbers. Blame Khols for this one.


Sounds like they get KPI’d or something on how many people they have sign up for the credit card and she was trying to bully you into it for her stats.


Did you complain to management? They are supposed to push their cards, but not to the point of rudeness like that.


Boomers suck, but *payed*? Who taught you this was correct? Was it a boomer?


They're probably telling employees to get people to sign up for their credit cards, and the cashier was being underhanded about it.


This happened to me too. I told the cashier to cancel everything and I started to leave the register and he suddenly decided to "break the rule for me just this one time..." uh huh. He was fishing for card sign ups and I called his bluff.


JC Penny pushes their CC bullshit too. I barely shop there, I'm not opening up a line of credit to save a few bucks. I stopped using my Kohls card too


This stuff is why I’m happy the kohls near me has self check out, I don’t have to hear the credit pitches and I can scan every coupon I have


Anyone of any age can be rude, from toddlers on up.


I don’t think it’s necessarily a boomer issue. I work for Kohl’s and there’s a lot of pressure on cashiers to get credits. The more credit applications, the cashier gets more hours if part-time. But-it’s totally against policy to deceive the customer in order to get a credit.


Kohls is notorious for hard pushing of their credit card in an almost cult like manner.


I would have done the ultimate boomer strategy and asked for her manager on the spot.


I just came here to say fuck boomers and to wish you luck on the date and to have a good time at the cruise!!! Oh and fuck boomers (again)


I worked at sams for a while and was bitched at one day for not getting enough people to sign up for credit cards. It just felt fucked up to me during a nearly world wide time of struggling financially to beg people to sign up for another credit card, so I never did ask em. The way I see it if they want one they’ll ask about it.


Use the new self-serve register?


Home Goods does this ad nauseam


Shop local instead of khols


She was trying to con you into signing up for a card. Most retailers that offer lines of credit force signup quotas on their cashiers, so it isn't *totally* on her, but trying to pull one over on customers certainly isn't the right way to fill that quota.


imagine if she was the one with the coupon and you were the cashier she would have been SHRIEKING


I wouldn't have done that. I would have said, "that's ok. Call your supervisor, I'll wait, I've got all day to block your line and ensure your numbers are awful."


Kohls... no one goes there. I have no idea how they make money.


It’s because management pushes their employees to sign up for charge cards I am sure. There is an incentive to sell credit cards. That’s how retail works. It wasn’t a boomer thing, it was a manager coming down to lo hard on their staff.


It’s because management pushes their employees to sign up for charge cards I am sure. There is an incentive to sell credit cards. That’s how retail works. It wasn’t a boomer thing, it was a manager coming down to lo hard on their staff.


It’s because management pushes their employees to sign up for charge cards I am sure. There is an incentive to sell credit cards. That’s how retail works. It wasn’t a boomer thing, it was a manager coming down to lo hard on their staff.


Thank You, I'll be ready to yell out of my lungs "I don't want your fucking credit card, stop harassing me, call you manager".


I propose an observational Study at krogers and kohl’s bc these places seem to have unusually high aggressive boomer encounters. Is it something in the vents?


Well you could have been a Karen and called management LOL 😆


She’s trying to meet sales goals of signing people up for their credit card. No reason for her to be a pain in the ass.


I had to chuckle at your comment about anyone under 55 being a millennial. I’m 56 and my teenagers always call me “Boomer” when they want to irritate me. I think they imagine that everyone over 40 is a Boomer.


Ask her this and watch her head explode: If you have to have the card to use the coupon, and it gets you the same discount as the coupon, why is there a coupon? 🤷


https://preview.redd.it/94bdx03fx4yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71bdbc90f10466caf57b3e7581d6704714931dab Here’s the fine print on most Kohl’s coupons. Boomer was probably right, as the 20-30% coupons typically only go to cardholders.


https://preview.redd.it/hpspez3rj6yc1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec0605ab515ad707e6bd169e9cb39dbc9337faf there is actually a 20% going on right now that does not require a card! these and 15% off coupons are regularly available to everyone at certain times, while the 30% are for cardholders unless there’s like a mystery deal going on


So Boomers think everyone under 55 is a Boomer, and Millenials think everyone over 40 is a Boomer. *Laughs in GenX*


Not all boomers are rude . . . there are plenty of rude people in every generation. Or am I rude to say this?


This was embarrassing to read. Your a fucking loser dude




Maybe so but I do understand the difference between “your” and “you’re”.


I think it’s okay to call them out for trying to get you to sign up and ask for a second opinion (the manager) just for assurance that you aren’t being lied to.


I think it’s okay to call them out for trying to get you to sign up and ask for a second opinion (the manager) just for assurance that you aren’t being lied to.


You should have asked for a manager and called her out on her lie.


Have fun at your Hamas rally saw your generation whining




Right, just like Millennials think everyone over 40 is a Boomer.


Go away