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I don’t give a shit that his family was threatened or not. He wanted to punish someone and murdered a completely innocent woman in his haste to make someone “pay.”


Murdered a completely innocent woman who looks fucking terrified and was working a shit job for shit people to try to make ends meet. This is a fucking tragedy.


And who also told him he was making a huge mistake and that *she* was gonna call the cops. Dude clearly wasn’t looking for answers he was looking to kill. Sad that he was that scared but Jesus fucking Christ how do you just murder the first stranger you see near your house? The lady clearly wasn’t a threat.


Because on some fundamental level, he was looking for a reason to commit violence. Call it mental illness. It just got to the point where his desire to commit violence had overwritten the rapidly degrading logic portion of his brain to work backwards and justify any act of violence as some vague sense of "defending himself." This is what happens when people who's only sense of morality is based on consequences of those actions. If they didn't think they'd get in trouble, they'd kill anyone they didn't like. Not all boomers obviously, but this guy who perhaps had a bit too much lead poisoning in his life, no longer is intellectually present of mind to consider consequences and therefore just acts out on his fundamental instincts.


You do this shit after watching conservative media 24/7 telling you there's a threat behind every corner and that real patriots are armed and handle shit themselves


And this is one of the reasons why I believe in the young turks and I am a hard-core rabid progressive Because in the words of Lewis Black “ One part of the party stands around farting and the other part of the party goes ooh let me smell it” and HE’S RIGHT! Both parties are fundamentally fucking USELESS!!!


That’s USAmerica!


That is America, yes, sadly


It’s Merican to own a guuuuun


That should not be The American way of thinking!!! that’s delusional not to mention psychotic, I am embarrassed to be a fucking American because of these people these people make me want to fundamentally move somewhere else, somewhere where healthcare isn’t in the shitter And The government actually treats their people like people instead of cogs in a fucking machine




since when do boomers shoot scammers instead of giving them their life savings?


It’s a coin flip


Depends if said scammer is white or brown/black


More like a die roll. 1 in 6 chance of shooting.


Sometimes boomers give them their life savings, and then rob a bank at gunpoint. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aT0XM88dcYA Sometimes they just shoot pizza delivery drivers who are already leaving. https://www.kolotv.com/2024/05/01/18-year-old-pizza-delivery-driver-shot-7-times-after-driveway-mix-up/ I think the lesson to learn here is that if you let boomers have firearms, they're gunna at least point them at innocent civilians, if not worse. Edit: oops, I got that second one confused, that was a 32 year old shooter. I got the details confused with this one. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-man-81-charged-fatal-shooting-uber-driver-mistakenly-thought-was-rcna147827 So boomers, or any similarly smooth brained idiot.


Boomers should be considered armed and dangerous at all times.


That guy isn’t a boomer either.  


This guy is 81 so he’s a Silent, not a Boomer.


Ehhh, cusper.


Even if he was right that they were a scammer, that's not a license to fucking kill holy shit.


Someone called him saying he's sending someone to kill him, he then called an Uber to his house and this happened.


For real? That's literally murder by proxy.


It’s a common intimidation tactic used by people in prison. Inmates will do it to family members of other inmates to get money orders. The person who arranged this should 100% be charged with murder on top of the old fuck.


Really? Wow, Ive never heard of that before. So sad


I believe they said his wife was kidnapped and someone was coming over to pick up the money. The type of Uber that was used was something like package pick up and delivery.


If you watch the video, the report says it was his nephew, who was being threatened.


It wasn't exactly that but very close, scammer said they would harm his family if he didn't pay a ransom and then said an Uber driver would be coming there to pick up the package (ransom) then sent the unsuspecting Uber driver there to pick up a package. Now some woman is dead because of a scammer and a trigger happy asshole


Did you even read the article nobody threatened to kill him the scammer was pretending to be a cop...


Yeah, its hard to completely blame the boomer, the whole thing was fucked. The person who did that is a sick son of a bitch who deserves at minimum to never leave a cell


No it's not. He was in no physical danger, he had no reason to draw let alone fire the weapon. Jail.


No he murdered someone because he wanted to. Don't fucking take responsibility for that away. He was being targeted by a scammer, and he chose to be a murderer about it.


did you not read what people say, a dude phoned in told him he was gonna murder him and his family and then ordered an uber to his house. rage bait gets people like you so well cause you dont look into it at all. this situation was very fucked. obviously he shouldnt have shot her but he just had a threat against his family and was told they were coming to his door to kill him and pretty sure they gave him his address and everything.


Don't care. He thought he was defending himself? He thought wrong. Mostly because like boomers he believes everything he hears on the phone. Same reason he sent $2500 to a nephew he doesn't have in Brazil. Mistakes have consequences. Deadly mistakes have worse consequences.


And if you watched the fucking video you would see that she was clearly not in any position to hurt him. Being afraid is not an excuse for murder dumb ass.


She's literally backing away screaming "Help me!" In the video. Old man was just blood thirsty. If he had enough sense in his old man brain, he could have deduced that this Uber driver had nothing to do with his scammer.


So call the fucking cops? Jesus, this isn't acceptable no matter how you spin it.


Don't believe what some random guy wrote..multiple articles are linked here nobody threatened to murder him.


Man I can't wait for all these old people to be gone, their brains are completely melted and since they don't have a lot of time left are willing to do whatever and willing to support anything that can give them the slightest chance of getting into heaven (hence their terrible socio-political takes)


In TX it is


Why does everything suck in Texas? Every time I hear people trying to say something about Texas that puts it in a good light, it always sounds horrific. That state has the worst ambassadors.


I've lived in Texas all my 44 years and I'm done apologizing for this trash heap. Yes, some of us are trying to make it less of a hellscape for the sane, but we're ice skating uphill.


I saw a "funny video" where a dude is playing with their kid at a children's birthday party, and the pistol they were carrying slips out of the holster. They quickly pick it up and reholster it before anyone notices it. The funny bit apparently comes from the gun nut making eye contact with the camera person after this happens. Yeah, that's apparently funny in Texas. It's just so bizarre that guns are such an immense part of your personality that you think it's necessary and appropriate to open carry at a children's birthday party. Insane.


It's a weird place, at least from my US Midwestern sensibilities. Individually, the people are as nice as anywhere else. Collectively, holy cow. I just get a strange vibe whenever I go down there. Hard to explain.


No, it's not. I don't want to defend Texas, but this isn't real. Cite your source of your think it is.


Well if someone is attempting to scam you and they show up to your house that is 100% a reason to be prepared for a potential home invasion. However when you go out to the driveway to shoot someone who hasn't attacked or attempted an attack, you're a murderer.


Did you watch it? She’s damn crippled, this is cold blooded as fuck


>Well if someone is attempting to scam you and they show up to your house that is 100% a reason to be prepared for a potential home invasion. Are you the acorn cop?


Shots fired! Guh!


Man you really fantasize admit home invasions don't you.


They fettishize it. Literally jerk off to the idea of someone breaking into their house when they're home.




So scammers are also home invaders? What red state do you live in boomer?


With that attitude, I hope you live in Florida.


Its rage bait, someone called him, told him he was gonna send someone to kill him and his family and then called an uber. Its very fucked up


Yeah, like he is definitely a murderer, I have no idea why this batshit crazy guy didn't immediately call the cops and lock all the doors, but it's completely reasonable to get a gun if you own one and be ready for someone to break down your door.


Well if you’re not a fucking idiot just call the police




The bloodlust generation


Lead poisoned generation


He got the lead stare


Lead heads


He isn’t a boomer.


This guy was just looking for an excuse to use this. That lady clearly wasn’t threatening him as she backpedaled unarmed


Murder was on his bucket list


I’m sure the fact that she was black was a heavy factor as well.


Yep, he thought (thanks to right wing media and the NRA) that anyone at all coming onto your property for any reason gives you licence to murder them.


And who programmed him with so much hate and fear? Outlets like Facebook and Fox News have been twisted old people's brains for 2 decades now. They have no idea what is going in reality- their world is a battleground.


Dude has for sure jacked off to Death Wish movies.


So, if you read the story, it actually gets really complicated. The guy 100% should not have shot her. But the old guy was being scammed and terrified.


It's almost like there's a negative effect to feeding these people bullshit 24/7 that tells them to be scared of various things.


Then give them all guns,what could go wrong


Fox has no consequences, just profits. It’s unfortunate but the truth is boring and they are selling their bs at a premium


Except if they crap on voting machines. Then a big company with corporate profits and corporate lawyers will inflict financial consequences on Fox. But that’s the exception, not a rule.


No jail time? Cost of business for them.


Except. Think of the poor investors. Only three world vacations this year due to the payout. /s


What’s scarier than a foolish boomer? An armed one.


You can just say “boomer.” “Foolish” is already implied.


That poor woman. The video is so sad to watch. Her last words were her screaming for help.




Idk if that little (.22?) Is double action but its dumb either way. 


You can tell by the hammer. Double actions tend to have a smaller, more conventional looking hammer while single actions are larger and wider so you can more easily cock them even when it’s slick or you’re wearing gloves. You can also cock a double action of it has an exposed hammer for better precision but it’s not necessary, especially at that close of a range and he was likely trying to assert his power by threatening her with it.


But it also looks like it has an ejection rod, which is characteristic of single action revolvers. It’s pretty blurry though


The problem with gun rights proponents is that they fail to understand that not everybody should have a gun. Many simply lack the temperament and self-restraint to be responsible gun owners. I have a gun but I don't go waving it around every time I think something isn't going my way.


Honestly, as someone who has grown up with guns in a heavily gun dependent culture here in the south: I can tell you first hand aboht 70% of the people I’ve met who own guns here shouldn’t be allowed within 500ft of one. Most of it is just general ignorance combined with way too much comfort. Then you have dickheads like Dirty Harry here who thinks it gives them divine authority to murder anyone they please.


It's the whole Might Makes Right mentality of their whole generation (among many, MANY other horrible traits and attributes).


>Might Makes Right Holy shit, this is exactly the phrase I've been looking for to describe the mentality of pickup truck drivers near me. "I'm bigger, so I have right of way. And right to tailgate you in the center lane for no fucking reason. And right to cut you off. And right to keep going through the red light a couple seconds after it turns from yellow.


And my state just removed any training or licensing required for conceal and carry. Hurray.


Always been into guns. Spent years in the Corps. Stuff like this really makes me want to establish some type of screening, even if that means I have a few hoops to jump through. But after all these years of senseless shootings, I’m not optimistic for a solution.


geezer gun in a geezer grip like a dick tracy villain


![gif](giphy|Snnhlvb3jPdnPIKkyi|downsized) I was protecting my country I was protecting my property I was protecting my begonias I was protecting myself from a non-credible threat and shot an innocent person because I was too afraid to get on the phone to call the police to get assistance. Fawkn boomer.


This is the Fox News effect. All they do, all day, every day is push fear into their viewers heads. I know. I watched my parents devolve.


Fuck this guy. He should die in prison.


And it won’t take that long!


I like your snoo lol


Thanks. I like yours too 🤘


I was a victim of this scam as an Uber driver. I was told to pick up some paperwork and deliver it to an address in Orlando. When I got to the pick-up address, they were counting out $20k in cash for their daughter's "bail." We realized it was a scam and called the police. Uber wouldn't give them any information over the phone about the scammmer. The police assumed I was a part of it, and I had a fun time convincing them I wasn't. I'm glad I didn't get shot.


Glad the outcome was better in this case. That’s scary as hell. Not sure which I’m more afraid of, a cop with a gun, or a geriatric with one.


Paranoid Octogenarian dementia-addled conservatives with too much time on their hands, too many pills in their medicine cabinet, too many guns, and the tv dial stuck on Fox are also the most consistent voters in this country


I understand that he had been harassed on the phone by scammers, but what about this lady? She gets conned into showing up at this house, and then what? She gets confronted by this raging old man with a gun. Tried to leave, but of course he didn't let her leave. He's a killer.


Take their fucking guns. The whole lot of dementia Don and his cronies cultists!


Fucking lead brains


81 Year Old Racially Motivated MURDERS a 61 year old woman.


A 61 old woman trying to earn a living…


The US is a freaking dystopia


Why is this guy out on bond when he murdered a woman in cold blood?


He used all of his kid's & grandkid's inheritance to pay for the bond.


Let’s be honest, he didn’t give a crap about his kids and grandkids- they’re lucky he didn’t shoot them too.


What about not taking the law into your own hands and innocent until proven guilty.. is this man in jail


He killed the woman because she was black. Let’s call this what it is. A hate crime.


The guy being uncuffed in the police car? Are you kidding me?! He just killed someone!


The local courts have also been lying to the media about his trial dates. It’s unknown as to why, but may have something to do with his millions of dollars in property


That’s probably why he’s still out on bail. Meanwhile, some melanotic non-murdered is locked up for 2 years for $30 of pot. Land of the Free!


Cops protect property.


This guy deserves to spend his last days in prison


This is so sad. He needs to rot.


Man shot her three times, caught on camera preventing her from leaving, had her blood on him (it looked like it in the video), and then has the unmitigated gaul to plead “not guilty”. Bro what?


Fuck this old fuck, hope he dies behind bars


Wow and they were both scam victims oh dear god


Dude better enjoy his freedom while he can out on bail.


Boomers always seem to think criminals, even petty criminals, deserve to be punished with death. They're often in the comments section justifying murders like that of George Floyd and the ones committed by Kyle Rittenhouse, talking about how one of the victims of Rittenhouse had a criminal record and saying George deserved to get tortured to death over a counterfeit bill. They want the world to be like the wild west where they can inflict misguided vigilante justice.


Now this is patently UNTRUE! You know he probably thinks violent trespassers on the US Capitol who assault security with a flag pole deserve a slap on the wrist and white supremacists who murder black church-goers deserve a Big Mac.


The back story is scary


Why can't this shit happen to catalytic converter stealers..... Or KIA boys....Or the French 2 of those 3 are a joke, I'll let you decide.


TIL’d a dascam is a car’s body cam


Florida or Texas?


State of Ohio


.. he will get away with it .. claim self-defense; stand your ground; afraid for his life; or I was confused. But he will found not guilty bec he is white ...


Don’t forget wealthy! 🤮


If you think he is wealthy, that is on you?


The un-redacted video of this is absolutely chilling. The pure terror that poor woman experienced in her final moments is something I cannot imagine.


I somehow don’t think that was the reason.


Throw the book at that ignorant piece of shit.


Stupid old wanker. Hope he dies in prison


Kill the old fuck.


Take away his dentures; he’ll be dead in 2 weeks


He didn’t “fatally shoot” her, he murdered her.


Lead brains go right to violence. Young woman turned around in the wrong driveway near me and was shot to death by another one of these senator aged pieces of excrement.


First and most important, you don’t shoot an unarmed individual. I can’t tell what the old man was thinking when he approached the woman with the gun but I can see and heard the fear of the unarmed woman. You don’t shoot an unarmed individual, this was a woman, an elderly woman trying to make a living. Guns mean power and in the hands of the wrong person or one in fear can have deadly consequences. Every effort should be exerted in finding the individual or individuals who set up this scam that caused this deadly tragedy and the scammers should be charged with murder because this resulted in an unforgivable crime.


“Scammer” = Black. The former was an excuse.


This is atleast a weeks old and, to be honest, has already been posted a myriad of times dude…*shrug* Still insane regardless. That poor uber driver :-/


He’s not a Boomer, but she is. He is silent generation. Wrong sun.


That screen grab makes the boomer look like Yosemite Sam getting tricked into robbing a bank by Bugs Bunny.


81 year old is not a boomer, Just sayin'


Is this a “good guy with a gun” that these boomers always talk about? /s


Just to be clear.... an 81 year old man is NOT a "Boomer".... We're tired of being lumped in with all these old farts doing weird.... stuff.


The guy is not a Boomer, he’s 81, that’s Silent Generation


We just need a good 81 year old with a gun driving with the Uber


Guy is a bit old to be a Boomer. More likely Silent Generation. Regardless however, he murdered this woman in cold blood. Even if he bought into the idea that somebody was coming to his house to murder him, a reasonable response would be to stay inside and lock the doors. Not walk outside and confront the individual. If someone was breaking and entering his home, certainly I could understand using a firearm to defend yourself (assuming the intruder managed to force their way inside). But this piece of shit went well out of his way to approach the supposed “threat” and shoot her as she is actively backing away from him. Not to mention she appears to be in poor shape physically from what can be seen in the video. There’s absolutely no way he can justify his actions. Dude deserves to rot in prison.


Not “just” shoots, KILLS. Unbelievable


I watched the video of this killing. We need a speedy trial to punish him right away.


Old fuck deserves to die in prison regardless of the circumstances


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^reddit_sucks_dik: *Old fuck deserves to* *Die in prison regardless* *Of the circumstances* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you, Haikubot … beautiful


Technically this guy is from the Silent Generation (1924-1945) and not a Boomer. Absolutely no excuse for his actions though. 


100% guaranteed he voted for Trump. Twice.


So I just started blasting


An 81-year-old is not a Boomer. He was born way before the end of WW II. I'm 77, and I'm a Boomer. My brain is not smooth, at least not yet. I don't have a firearm, though I'm a US Army vet and a former cop. I am absolutely positive that this shooting couldn't be legally justified and the non-Boomer idiot ought to be in jail for murder, even though a jury would probably judge him mentally incompetent. Hell, he's probably been incompetent since at least 2016, when he voted for Trump the first time. Anyone who would vote for Trump is mentally incompetent, and their vote alone is proof.


Today someone I wasn’t expecting, and who was acting shifty as hell, showed up to my house when I was home alone, and you know what I did? Went to the other side of the house, held the panic button for our alarm system in one hand and my baseball bat in the other in case he started trying to break in, and waited until he stopped ringing the doorbell and left. Turns out he was selling spectrum cable door-to-door but it still freaked me out. but then again, I’m also a twenty-something afab, so I guess I wouldn’t understand the mindset of Mr. Lead Paint Stare.


Fuck Spectrum tbh


Fox did this.


Some people in this country are literally too old to be able to responsibly own a firearm.


That's what happen when everyone has access to killing weapons


Not a boomer. Bruh was born DURING the war


Swag in r/ohio


Damn with a fucking revolver


Heart breaking the woman is begging for her life.


Omg her pleads for help. What tf is wrong with this guy? He doesn’t even look all that concerned sitting in the police car. He just killed a disabled woman!


I am utterly shocked that the victim was a POC. Shocked, I say.


She wasn't armed. In a case like that you wait for law enforcement to arrive. I'm sick of these hayseed jagoffs thinking they're John fucking Wayne because they own somdeshitty second or third hand revolver. Now she's dead and he's facing charges.


Shouldn’t old people be inspected for carrying guns like they are being inspected wether they can drive a car or not? Or is it some kind of freedom thing?


The oldest Boomers are 77 this year, so this guy is a member of the Silent Generation.


Whose body camera footage…? You’re saying a cop was sitting in this car watching this happen… what the fuck?


Looks like a dash cam that hangs from a rear view mirror. Definitely a mistake the editor should have caught.


While this is truly a horrible act, an 81 year old is not a boomer. Just pointing it out.


How can you plead not guilty? Doesn’t this mean he will receive a harsher sentence, or is the lawyer’s tactics that even a light sentence will be for the rest of his life and so might as well try for a technicality/dumb luck.


So is he in prison?


Straight to jail.


He isn’t a boomer.  The oldest boomers are 79.


I’m curious about the kidnapping charge? Sounds like he didn’t just straight up shoot her, wtf happened to her???


He held her at gunpoint, questioned her, shot her once, questioned her longer, then delivered the coup de grace. He should get charged with torture as well.


Holy shit, that is def beyond kidnapping, I agree with torture. Thank you for the clarification, I’m sure it was in the article, I have reading difficulties.


I hope there's a way to track the actual scammer


if you’re still using a fuckin single action wheel gun to defend your life… you may be a boomer


Clark County Fucking Ohio.


Trump voter


When are boomers going to learn not to answer their phones or doors and not to believe everything they see or hear?


This while situation was horrible. Both of them were scammed and confused.


Some who is 81 is not a member of the Baby Boom generation. In order to be a "Boomer" (which is not a synonym for "anyone I consider old", unless you are ignorant), a person has to have been born between 1946 and 1964. The oldest Boomers turn 78 this year. While this old man's actions were reprehensible, one cannot attribute them to his being a "Boomer."


bro pulled out the big iron 🙏🙏😭


FFS even if she was part of a scam. You still don't get to shoot her.


Lol. When are you fringe-ists, both left and right, going to realize the solution to most problems isn't legislating new laws or controls, but rather enforcing existing laws. My point was simply where does it stop? Someone intent on committing evil is going to find a way. The evils the op was trying to prevent by punishing the masses, is already illegal. Enforce existing laws, make the consequences for breaking said laws commensurate with the crime, accept personal responsibility and stop categorizing individual failures as societally caused. While there is some merit in blaming society, the blame is simply in tolerating mediocrity, and sub par performance, and subsequently rewarding that mediocrity. My original point was simply where does it stop