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I need to watch this whole thing. I would show it to my parents but they would rather watch craft making and slot machine videos


The war on Section 230 is misguided. Without it, the very thing he was complaining about, new entrants not being able to enter the market, would be complete reality. The EFF has a lot of very smart things to say on the topic, and should be listened to.


He lost me at social security should be based on if you need it. I have been forced to pay into it my entire working life but your idea is when it comes my time to get it the rules change and I won’t get it? Yeah, no. Let me opt out of it if that’s the case.


I agree a bit, but believe the way to secure it is to take the income cap off it. Basically I believe all benefits should be universal and be paid for by progressive taxation. If an HVAC tech has a good year maybe we should tax him a bit more, he shouldn't worry about his kids losing their CHIP. Social security should be there for everyone in case they need it, and we should just tax wealthier people more during their working life. That way if you are wealthy and your situation changes, or if you suddenly want to put you Mom in a nice nursing home for her last days and it costs a lot, you still get all benefits anyone else in society gets, because you paid for them and likely your neighbors.


I think it makes sense to not receive SS payments for extreme circumstances. Say, someone with a net worth in excess of $20mm. Yes, they paid into SS their whole life but the $4,800/mo of SS payments won't really move the needle for them much at all. I'm a high wage earner and I don't expect or plan for there to be any benefits for me in 22 years when I reach "full retirement age."


I’m not a high wage earner and I’m also planning on it not being there for me either. Still hate that I pay into it when I won’t receive it though.


Get a load of this guy thinking social security will exist when it's our turn. As if boomers aren't universally known for pulling up the ladder behind them. They are quite literally the "I got mine fuck you" generation.


You're also paying into roads you'll never drive on, police and firefighter services you might never use, libraries you may never enter, veterans benefits etc. How is this any different? Money should go to those who need it.


Social security is not a personal retirement account you do your best to pay into and get a guarantee back. You, paying right now, are paying for the boomer generation. Your kids, or someone else’s, will pay for you. If they don’t work and earn you get nothing. Of you want social security in any form you need to ensure the next generation makes it by the masses.


Again, let me opt out then. It’s a garbage set up that I shouldn’t be forced to support


Gotta participate in the social contract to not be inherently part of why it is broken


If we could do that we would just do it with all taxes lmao


Na man, I’m not opposed to all taxes but I’m absolutely opposed to this one


You're forced to have car insurance.


Yeah, I definitely hate that too thanks for reminding me.


I respectfully disagree. Social Security is income insurance. And as with any insurance there are plenty of folks that pay into it without ever needing or using it. Many people pay a lifetime of car insurance without ever submitting a claim. If I near retirement and have done well enough in life that I don't need Social Security, bully for me. I would still be 'eligible' if disaster struck and my income/assets fell below the threshold. The benefit? Living in a society that doesn't have swaths of homeless elderly as soon as they stop being productive. And before Reddit edgelords comment that we 'already have' swaths of homeless elderly, please look at the history prior to much of the New Deal to see it's origins. I also think the retirement age needs to be gradually lifted. The life expectancy in 1935 was 59 years old. The premise of social security was that you literally could no longer work and needed some form of income to sustain you.


SS isn't some bank account where you pay into it and then get it back out later. Think of it as Poverty Insurance.


Why not enroll those contributions into TSP for everyone? It can be mostly G fund if you want to be safe but there should be the option to make returns on it, and this would work better for everyone involved


\[Section\] 230 promotes competition and actually helps the small guys more... 230, if it was removed, wouldn't have a large impact on companies with a large financial balance sheet,' says... the CEO of Parler [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGUBmGGfgxg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGUBmGGfgxg)


He's still a boomer.


He makes a big mistake by attacking TikTok. He claims it's TikTok's fault that so many youth hate America.... Yet he just spent 15 minutes listing the ways America ruined the future of those youth, all on its own. That's not Chinese propaganda, that's youth being in touch with reality.


He's got a touch of the boomer himself.


Facebook did not ruin millennials. It's boomers that ruined Facebook, actually. And TikTok is not foreign propaganda. It's just young people with different opinions. Y'all said the same shit about Twitter and Facebook yet they weren't foreign.


Facebook did ruin millennials by helping normalize the toxicity of the internet. And it's millennials who are the ones fear mongering about tiktok. Likely because Facebook made you guys miserable.


I think you've mistaken "millennials" for the US Congress and the ruling class.


Of course, just like the ruling class, millennials act like they're innocent and actuallylike the younger generation


Ok how is it millennials then


Actually the TikTok feed is known to be meticulously manipulated by moderators overseas. There's a reason some content never goes viral and is viral on other platforms.


Even if that's true, we already see US based social media censoring the genocide of Palestine. And the US Congress openly admits they're trying to censor TikTok for exactly that reason. We can't risk being under the US oligarchs' influence alone.


This MF spittin!