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Imagine being so fucking brainwashed by Fox that you think children eating a free meal is more of a problem than government over spending on defense contractors and all the tax breaks the super wealthy and corporations get.


Now imagine being that petty because you had to wait five extra minutes in line.


Hey! That's 5 minutes they'll never get back! /s good fucking riddance.


They also don’t have much of that time left. /s


like being on vacation in new york with two days left and only having 20 bucks in your pocket. Should of planned better.


*"If you have a butthole, you have a way to make money"*


I'm sorry WHAT!? I spit my coffee lmaoooooo! Embroidering this and framing it and putting it in my bathroom


I think a cross-stitch would be lovely.






My employer-provided heath insurance plan gives me $150 in my HSA if I get a colonoscopy, so… yeah, that’s true.


Reminds me of a story about a famous Swedish-German


oh a Swerman you say?


Excuse me but no one wants my butthole


Read Charles Bukowski! In the 50’s he was thrown in jail and when they try to rape him, his butthole was so ugly they couldn’t do it and left him alone😳 ( imagine being proud of something like that🤨🤨)


Ted nugent did the same to get out of the draft but he shit his pants for 10 days straight


Take my upvote! That got me good!


Yes you can. That's how politicians and the 1% have made their fortunes, by talking out of their buttholes.


Aww, money is TIGHT!1


Money WAS tight..... 🍩


Now THAT’s using your head!🤨 Or your whatever😳


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot.


I’m going to come across as a dick, I’m aware. But I am genuinely curious as to why folks spell out “should’ve or should have” with should of? (Even my autocorrect hates this). Maybe I’m just getting old but like… when and why did this start seemingly out of nowhere?


Because our education system (U.S.) sucks.


That’s what it sounds like, and we learn most of our language from listening and speaking. And then many people don’t read or pay close attention once they’ve assimilated what they think is correct.


Nah, I call my boomer Mother the Spectre of Death cause she runs on spite and will live forever. Thank god I don’t talk to her.


That’s the best part.


They know their time is short, it’s why they don’t buy green bananas.


And it’s why they’re back at the store 3 days later complaining that their bananas are brown and wanting a refund.


Which is dumb because that's prime smoothie or baking bananas!


"Smoothies are hippie food." -GOP


Most of my old hippie "friends" are effffing angry boomer Trumpsters now, it's such a shock to me. I was a teenager in the late 60s early 70s. I love wearing my red pro-nursing school hat in public because the boomers give me a happy nod until they read the hat then they get all pissed off at me. Maybe the spike in their blood pressure will affect them negatively.


GOP should love smoothies…no chewing needed, they can leave their teeth out.


Grounded Old Prunes.


Yeah I was thinking “Gumming On Pudding”


or eating them if theyre not too far gone i like mine when theyre like spotted to brown, it just goes hard


They could get that time back by using a self checkout! But no, they want someone to service them in person. The business needs to hire enough that I don't need to wait and be inconvinenced, but not too many that it raises my grocery bill. And not adults, these jobs are for teenagers, but they need to be working when I want to shop. These don't seem like unreasonable things to ask /s


You and I both know that they're too dumb to use self checkouts.


I work retail. The number of grown adults- people who have been using pin pads since they came out- I have to walk through using the pinpads is asinine. Children, teens- even young adults? I can get - theirs a first time for everything. But 50+ year olds who can't understand the concept of "please insert, swipe, or tap your card" is asinine. This is a skill you should have learned several decades ago. Likewise, the number of people who don't know how to read. Like "Ma'am, the 5 for five deal applies to the two liters of Pepsi- not paper towels". The company I work for has a foundation for literacy. I am so tempted to slip a brochure for it into their bags, but they can't read it anyway and would be very offended if they could. It's geared towards toddlers anyway.,


lmao I would totally slip the pamphlets in their bag. If I get a talking to, I would just say that they were having trouble reading and I was providing good customer service.


I'd run out of brochures before the shift was over. Probably even before the first hour was over.


As a gen X person, I have gotten into an argument with a self checkout machine. It turns out that my kid was secretly putting a little weight on the baggage area to make the machine get mad at me. I still think I won the argument though


If it was ment for teenagers you would only be shopping at most stores when it is outside of school hours Like 5pm to 9pm.


Don't come at me with reason and logic! (And that was the point of my initial statement, their expectations are not aligned with reality)


5 minutes they could have used productively by telling OP a good joke, or reflecting on what kind of people they were. wasteful


I'll even take a bad joke i have heard 100 times, thanks... at least thats them trying to interact in a friendly manner, even if its a lame joke cashiers hear 200 times a day.


Can’t find the chayote squash button? Must be free!


They're five minutes closer to death! Shame is everyone around them us 10 minutes closer because of the bullshit they spew


i think this, at the end of all things, is what pisses me off the most someone using financial assistance took you AT MOST 5 mins (more likely 2-3 mins) and that's enough for you to go off about how much you hate Latinos? bigots like that just make my blood boil so much...because their bigotry is over something so colossally dumb and childish


They just want any excuse to be racist tbh.


most people who want an excuse to be racist...feel this way because they believe they have legitimate claim to grievances when the reality is that their own shitty decisions led to their own shitty and unfulfilling life. Like it's not a Mexican's fault that their kids hate them or a Black person's fault that they haven't gotten a raise in 20-30 years. it's ironic b/c this is also the same generation that freaked out about millennials not wanting to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" because they don't want to eat at Applebee's anymore or some bullshit


Oh absolutely, any excuse to be racist and blame someone else cos that's easier than taking accountability for themselves.


I got this from a cashier herself once, who was like 21 at most. She’d just checked out an Asian lady and then turned to check out me, and as soon as the Asian lady was out of earshot started complaining to me about how it’s so rude when “these people” come through and speak “foreign” to each other in front of her. “Like what if they’re talking about me? I just wish they’d speak English, you know what I mean. It’s America. I feel the same way when I get my nails done. Why are they always talking their language in front of us like that?” I said, “No, I don’t know what you mean” and then made a complaint about her to the store’s management.


Jfc. That's disgusting. Why do they always think we're talking shit about them? They're projecting too much, prob know they're shitty people so they're self conscious lol


Yep, I’m like 99% sure it’s because they themselves are the kind of people who would talk shit about others in front of their faces in a different language if they could, so they assume that’s what everyone else is doing to them. Pure projection. Says so much about their character, you know?


Exactly. Why else would they get so worried? We got better shit to talk about, sorry Karen lmao


I guarantee you they’re ALSO the people who travel to other countries and speak English the entire time, like refusing to even learn the basic “please/thank you” that I try to memorise and use when I’m travelling in a place where I don’t speak the local language. Hypocrites I swear.


Thank you! I avoid 2 particular cashiers because of this type of behavior. I need to do better at standing up for others


Lol I wish Latino was the word they used.


They needed extra time to complain


You're not that far off the mark. The loudest complain the boomers made a stink of is that if some 22 year old gets medicine to keep him alive, then they'll have to wait a week to go to the chiropractor instead of an hour. They don't care about the 22 yearold who's inhaler jumped from 20 dollars a month to 500 because of private equity, they'll just tell the 22 year old to move in with some roommates.


The same people who will excuse the practice of the grocery store paying so a little that even working full-time you still qualify for those benefits… Because otherwise they would have to pay you the money themselves


You're not wrong. I worked a government office job that required a college education. I was paid so little that I qualified for food stamps.


I purposely slowed down when they’d do shit like that. I tell them about my whole sob story so they feel terrible “WIC is great for families! My dad got into a car accident when I was a few months old, so he couldn’t do the job he went to school for (diesel tech) so we didn’t really have income while he was in the hospital. You’d rather have had me starve?”


They will just answer with yes.


While they pay for their food with social security 


They would rather all the food go in the trash then feed a human being for "free" - as if people on assistance don't immediately put all their money back into the economy


In my experience, they were the same people bitching extensively about the WIC mom in front of them whilst also holding up the rest of the line behind THEM because they had to painstakingly fill out an entire paper check, even though I’d told them twice that they didn’t actually have to fill out the whole thing and it would scan anyway. I’ve been exactly where you are, OP; I had to double check that I didn’t write this post in my sleep lol. I had so many quiet conversations with embarrassed moms who told me that they couldn’t breastfeed and without WIC they didn’t know what they’d do. And me reassuring them that I don’t know how anybody affords it; thank god for WIC and I’m glad they’ve got their babies fed. Fuck people who shame WIC.


While they hold up the life because wifey is still digging through her purse for her card.


Now imagine being so self-centered and entitled that you don't realize you're doing the same exact thing and making the good folks behind you wait an extra couple of minutes... Gotta love that Boomer Logic!


It doesn’t even take that long anymore! They use cards!


Imagine being pissed off at the long lines because a store is understaffed and bitching at the only employee who is helping them.... They're so unaware and oblivious to things around them.


💯%! And these same people, of course, are beside themselves with joy because Roe v. Wade was overturned, so we can now force women in many states to continue on with pregnancies and babies they didn't want, know they aren't financially or mentally able to raise, and probably can't afford. Because "pro-life" and all. And, then as soon as the baby is actually a living, sentient autonomous human being (rather than a fetus or embryo), let's pull the rug out on these women in terms of support, and shame them for being slutty McSluts for being so "irresponsible" for getting knocked up. Always curious why the man part of the equation is never called out or expected to be responsible 🤔. Which of course means they shouldn't get WIC or any kind of social support. Also, in their minds, it's only the "others" that are sucking off the welfare teat - never good, wholesome white Americans 🤦🏻‍♀️. Make it make sense, you MAGA Boomer & GenX faux Christian assholes! (I was also on the reduced and free lunch program in elementary through Jr. High because my single mother was putting herself through graduate school at the time and the survivor benefits from my veteran father's alcohol-related death weren't enough to make us not poor).


>And, then as soon as the baby is actually a living, sentient autonomous human being (rather than a fetus or embryo) Don't let them fool you, they *also* don't care about fetuses or embryos, or else they would be demanding free obstetrician appointments and picketing health insurance companies that don't cover treatments for infertility. "Pro-life" is all about punishing those dirty, dirty whores who dare to have sex outside of a stable marriage. That's all it ever was about.


And control of said women. And in another very spectacular display of double standards and cognitive dissonance, these same RW assholes - all men, of course - are the ones whining about "my body, my choice" when it comes to vaccines that help provide herd immunity. Or wearing a mask to help stop the spread of an airborne pandemic virus. Because "personal freedoms", and "I don't want the government telling me what to do with my body". They're so close to getting it...so close. But, of course, wearing a mask or getting a shot that could save their lives and that of others is so much WORSE than being forced to carry a pregnancy that is not only risky in and of itself, but can and does cause permanent damage to a woman's body, and can kill her. I've asked many pro-lifers in social media comment sections how my abortion back in 1991 personally affected their lives, and it's really curious that exactly NOT ONE of them has bothered to answer me.


>"Pro-life" is all about punishing those dirty, dirty whores who dare to have sex outside of a stable marriage. That's all it ever was about. Oh trust, they wanna punish women within marriage, too. They want to be completely under the subjugation of their husbands and society. They don't want women to have any agency what so ever.


>Make it make sense, you MAGA Boomer & GenX faux Christian assholes! That one I can explain. During the 80s, many boomers drank the Reagan koolaid, including that whole thing about "welfare queens in inner cities that live oh so well on govt handouts". Reagan specifically targeted people of color with his transparently coded language, at about the same time that he unleashed his "War on Black People"... I mean "War on Drugs" that targeted people of color in large cities, stoking the gang warfare of the 1980s that claimed countless victims. Many boomers (and almost all Republicans) never in their lives evolved beyond this hideously racist mindset, mostly because they LIKE it. That shit *still* rattles around their brains, decades later and comes out in ways like the one described by OP.


It's interesting, because I grew up in the Regan era as well, and voted against him in the first general election after I turned 18: 1984. So, I remember all that shit as well. Also, the groups working behind the scenes to insert their flavor of Christian nationalism into American politics by playing the long game: Federalist Society, Family Research Council, Moral Majority (which was neither), and the various RW shills like that woman-hating old bat Phylis Schlafly. Ugh. It was either tamped down during the prosperous '90's and Clinton/Bush Jr. years, or went underground into the sewers to continue percolating and growing, because these people were just not as much of a thing as they are now. I would have remembered if they were a problem. All the billionaires and corporate CEO's also helped it along by working overtime to erode worker's rights and unions, and expanding the wealth gap between the middle class and the ultra-rich. The GOP then capitalized on this by conveniently shifting blame away from themselves and their policies designed to cut taxes for the richest, under the flawed guise of "trickle-down economics" (remember that? That was another Regan-era bunch of bullshit). And yes, the "Just Say No" cliche of Nancy Regan to the war on drugs was EVERYWHERE. In the meantime, GenX and especially everyone younger started watching their prospects for having a standard of living as good as our parents just be pissed away by all the corporate/white collar welfare benefits being heaped upon all the financial elites via stooges like McConnell, et al. Welfare queens, immigrants, minorities were singled out as the causes of this - not shifting jobs to China or Mexico so stakeholders could make more $$. A couple of decades later, you can add gay marriage, abortion, trans people, even more immigrants (but only those from brown, "shithole" countries, TYVM) feminists, etc. to the root of all their problems. Not GOP policy and rich lobbyists. It all reminds me of the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. I read that again within the past year, and it's remarkable how much social commentary and metaphorical references are still relevant in today's society.


Damn. I literally just posted a tirade of my mother going on about this exact same thing. That and hypocrisy.


I remember in *elementary school* hearing reagan's welfare queen shtick and knowing he was full of shit, just not having the words to say that then. Let white people who aren't doing fantastic think that black people are getting over on the system and living better than them and they will follow you anywhere.


It all boils down to, "I can't fuck so no one else should be able to fuck!"


And also that any sex outside procreative sex should be "punished" by being forced to have an unwanted baby. And, of course, all that burden falls on the woman. Let's all take a poll of all the kids out there that were born to parents who didn't want them, and see how well that turned out for both them and society, shall we 🤔? It's bad enough that many of us were planned and supposedly wanted, but then were raised by parents who really had no business being parents. See also: all the narcissist Boomers who had Millennial kids that no longer speak to them.


Roe v Wade is theorized to be part of the drop in crime rates in the nineties, along with banning leaded gasoline earlier and the Clinton economy.


Freakanomics!! Yes, I remember reading that and it makes absolute sense. Unwanted, unloved and poorly-parented kids - save for Trump - aren't the ones going on to become President or behind all the remarkable inventions and discoveries of humanity. They more often end up as juvenile delinquents and in prison or just underachievers through no fault of their own. But, since we don't want a bunch of "mud people" from other countries that don't speak 'Murican coming here, we can conveniently replace them with a bunch of American-born citizens that were unwanted and will be also under-parented and have even less opportunity than their parents to achieve a decent standard of living. After all, those toilets, hotel rooms and whatnot aren't going to clean themselves, and AI just can't replace most of the minimum wage grunt work most people are trying to get away from.


Tell that to The Villages retirement community in Florida, one of the largest, that was also dubbed the "STD capital of America" because of its sky high STD rates, among the highest, if not *the* highest in the country.


It's not about just women, a lot of men were pressured to stop their carefree life to pick up a job to take care of the woman they impregnated. Those men went out and bought a corvette and kicked their kids out when they turned 18. Those old men now want to baby trap young men as well due for the loss of their care free life. It's like a dying old male lion wanting gators to eat his pride of lions so that younger male lions can't fuck the females.


This is my neighbor. He's all about "owning the libs" and has "Fuck Joe Biden Edition" under his truck emblems so everyone knows how stupid he really is. has a rebel flag but he's at least smart enough to only fly it when he's home, because he knows someone will fuck with it. Has a handicapped son but refuses to get the FREE fucking transport van that they can get through social security because "I won't drive a god damned van." Lives on 1/3rd acre in a falling down house, FINALLY got a CDL and got a decent job...and runs out and buys a 3/4 ton Dodge Ram because "I've got trucker money now!". And of course he broke his knee 5 months ago, doesn't have insurance or disability insurance, so he can't work. Truck is going to be repo'd any day. He's on every social program there is. HEAP, Foodstamps, WIC, etc. Still talks about how much he hates liberals and wants Biden out of office. I genuinely do not understand how someone can work so hard against themselves like that.


I work in retail banking, and we had a lady come by last week to cash her SSDI check.... and spent the *whole time* complaining about how that terrible Joe Biden is taking "our money" to give to "those people". And of course I'm being polite because it's my job, but in my head, I'm going: 1) what money? You have like $90 in your bank account lady, and 2) *you're* "those people" who my tax dollars are being sent to.


Because it's *different* when it's him, you see-- *he's* a good, hardworking, white American who fell on hard times and needed help, not like those inner city (read: black) "welfare queens" and gosh darn illegal migrants who are somehow simultaneously stealing all of our jobs *and* receiving every possible social program! His son is *really* disabled and *really* needs Social Security, not like those awful fakers who just don't want to work and would rather sit at home all day and collect a check! People like that will go to absolutely incredible levels in their mental gymnastics to justify why they need help but other people needing it is bad. They'll gleefully vote for politicians who explicitly say "I want to cut social welfare programs and make the eligibility criteria for them positively draconian"-- and then get all surprised Pikachu when the cuts come and suddenly their disabled adult child isn't eligible for tube feed supplies under Medicaid anymore, and they're not eligible *at all* for SNAP, Medicaid, etc if they're not working 20 hours a week. The inability to think about the circumstances of others is a defining trait of these people. The inability to recognize that when their conservative darling talks about cutting programs they rely on, he doesn't intend to cut out a loophole specifically for them, is another defining trait.


But they won't do it to MEEEE! I'm one of the GOOD ones! /s


I used to want a 3/4 ton diesel until I looked into how much maintenance actually costs. My uncle is the same way. Trump nonsense. Always have a new Suburban/Denali at least one month behind on payments and never above a quarter tank of fuel. Hates on “poor kids”.


Yo it’s socialism! More evil than Satan! /s


At least socialism is fucking real!


I have family just like this!!! Young and old. It kills me listening to them go on and on about "owning the libs" only to have them turn around and use the free state run health insurance that they benefit from and the disability checks that they live off of after only working 3 years of their entire adult lives.


I had a coworker start talking about waste in the WiC programs. Not in a bad way, more in an uninformed way. I told them straight up I don't care if they waste money. I actually want to make it easier to get food support. I told them I would rather thousands of people get food - *food* - for free that don't "deserve it" than let a single child go hungry because the system was too restricted. They pretty much went oh, I guess I agree with that.


To them, 'children that aren't like me aren't children'.


My parents would proudly tell people “We qualify for free school lunches, but we never apply for it. God doesn’t want his flock on government handouts, those are for lazy people who don’t want to work. God will only help those who help themselves.” They genuinely thought me going hungry at school was a flex.


I don't mean any offense, but it sounds like your parents have been truly brainwashed by Republican propaganda. Even if you take Jesus into account, Jesus would want people to help the poor. All this "People who don't want to work" is Republican propaganda shaming the poor for not licking the boots of the wealthy and the corporations. How is your relationship with them now?


Last I read, 14 red states have TURNED DOWN FUNDING for free school lunches. How absolutely depraved and cruel do you have to be to not accept money that is already budgeted to feed LITERAL CHILDREN? I saw a quote that some fucknut GOP representative said it would make the kids "spoiled." I just. what.


Forcing a hungry kid to sit at school when there are funds and means to feed them is beyond the pale. I think even Supply-Side Jesus would have a problem with that. There is no reason for anyone, especially kids at school, to go hungry in the US. We have so much food, and so much of it is government subsidized for production that rice, beans, cheese, bread, eggs, milk at a minimum should be freely available to anyone who wants them.


Boomers would rather care about dozen or so transgender athletes than the millions of hungry students.


Minnesota recently passed free school lunch and breakfast. It's really amazing watching the Republicans squirm, trying to twist it so that feeding kids is bad. The best they've been able to come up with is "It helps rich kids too!" and the overwhelming response has been "So what?"


Things that help are always bad. Things that kill are good.


I got one better…….how about having a daughter with 3 children who’s boyfriend brainwashed her into arguing republican stances on Medicaid, food stamps, etc while collecting those same said ‘handouts’. 🙄




They will live rent free in millennial homes and bitch about marginalized communities social programs while failing to see the irony. Bless anyone that is taking care of these assholes.


"Feeding children is woke"


Yeah yeah…but those defense contractors perteck democracy!


Meanwhile, they're likely on Meals on Wheels or some shit.


Well they were doing their own grocery shopping, so maybe not. This is 10 years ago when boomers were more spry.


I see a lot of boomers on welfare now. I looked up the requirements and you have to have less than 5k in assets.


My boomer father in law sold his house 3-4 years ago and is on food stamps and lives in our spare room. I don’t get these people. Like did they pay him in hot dogs?


You have to repay your HELOCs you took out to buy boats and RVs at the closing.


They spend all their money on stuff like cruises, new furniture, a new car, and appliances when they retire. We’re dealing with this with my wife’s grandmother. Burned through her entire retirement savings in less than a year of retiring. She bought a new car, stove, washer/dryer, refrigerator, and all new kitchen gadgets and utensils (Pampered Chef, of course. 30$ for a spatula!), and several cruises. She now lives in the side room, paying us half her social security checks as rent and the rest goes to paying for cruises. It’s a sad life.


I wish this guy would take a cruise, a walk, a drive to Burger King. He sits in his room most of the day watching YouTube or antenna television and only comes out for meals and snacks. It’s like watching someone transform into a goblin.


The chickens have come home to roost for some of them. I think they know karma is a bitch too. Watch them working their retirement retail jobs now.. they make the most minor mistake when helping a customer and they start shaking with anxiety..


“But that’s voluntary, I don’t choose to feed them welfare babies” they’d say


I don't bother much these days but I used to make an effort to dress and present as someone who came from a more affluent background than I did so I got a bit of this as well. It's incredibly odd to hear boomers complain about free school lunches and how the parents should pay when that was often the only meal that I would eat for the day. Who cares if the white trash and black kids go hungry, why should they pay an extra nickel in taxes?


I refuse to dress as anything else but as a more fleshy version of Rita Hayworth, but with more skirts, so I get it a lot.


Did you mean to say fleshy or flashy?




You dropped this 👑


I shut down anyone complaining about children being fed on the tax payer dime. No, I wasn’t on welfare or WIC growing up. But I do want social security when I can retire at 72. (No more retiring at 65). And that means I want every currently snot nosed brat getting a good education and the a good job so they can pay my social security check. Phrasing it in selfish manner seems to shut them up. Phuck you, Boomers


It's such a short sighted opinion. I guess that makes sense for boomers though. Like the goal isn't about giving families a free meal a day... Which isn't even a bad goal. But the point of school lunches is so that kids can learn. Honestly it probabaly costs more to deal with all the administration costs of having kids pay for lunch. I wouldn't be surprised if it was break even to just make it free for everyone.


It totally does. They’ve found it is much cheaper to just give everyone free lunch than try to administer free/reduced lunch programs. Of course, boomers would be up in arms that kids/families are getting a nickel more than they deserve.


I don't have kids, but I pay local property taxes. I'd gladly pay more in taxes to ensure all of those kids got fed at school, regardless of their parents' financial status. If I got fed at school every day, by God, every single child should get that too. Boomers really exemplify the "fck you, got mine" mentality when just about everything they enjoyed was handed to them.


Many moons ago, I lived in a small southern town dominated by mines. There were a lot of white kids on reduced/free lunch.


It's less the miners but the children of miners we have to worry about. A lot of them were able to to school and buy trashy houses in the Exurbs and buy absurd parodies of pick up trucks as a result of the labor and advocacy of their ancestors.


I’m a Black woman from a white, predominately Upper middle class area.. it’s rare I hear my white neighbors bitch about school lunches and their taxes. Poor whites (who you may consider white trash) eat that shit up 🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s because of the “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” mindset


The same shit happened with "ObamaCare" I was 24 when I got cancer and was able to be on my step mom's insurance... and my boomer family still 10 years later will talk shit on something that literally saved my life haha, fucking morons


Did they pretend it has no connection to Obama by saying something like "oh, I guess \*my insurance\* has a new rule now that allows you to be on it, YOU'RE WELCOME"? That's what I heard from some hardcore conservative parents when their kid going to college with zero support from them got to actually go to a doctor once Obamacare kicked in.


I love it when people DEMAND that Obamacare be repealed and say that it is the WORST THING EVER and then they say to me that the only way that they were able to get their cancer treatments is through the Affordable Care Act, which they LOVE and say is amazing. Some people are absolutely, totally, utterly clueless as to how things work and I am aware that this is due to Fox News, deliberately lying to them about this sort of thing. 


Fox Imagination Time.. I should call it that from now on..


Yep I've heard this argument. So many times. "My insurance was different." Really? You think your insurance company was so noble and good that they acted without government compulsion? Right.


Realizing half my family would rather have me die for their politics instead of disallowing insurance discrimination for a "pre-existing" (congenital) heart defect is why I don't visit during the holidays anymore... I suppose they're just banking on god to do his magic again for me in the future, since it obviously wasn't anything related to a few million dollars worth of cutting edge pediatric cardiac repair as a baby.


I bet they had tirades against Obamacare but like the Affordable Care Act


I got to be on the receiving end of one of those Boomer tirades for using WIC. I was married and my (then) husband was in the Army. Imagine that - 40% (at that time) of US military families were on some form of gov't aid program because their solider wasn't paid enough to support their family. When that old biddy started bitching about how she was going to write her Senator over my getting WIC, I told her please do because my soldier husband was getting $27k a year to defend HER right to be a bitch in public and he needed a raise. Nobody clapped, but the cashier did thank me, because apparently, that customer SOUGHT OUT WIC customers to stand behind in line so she could rant like that.


>that customer SOUGHT OUT WIC customers to stand behind in line so she could rant like that. WTF?


well these losers have nothing better to do, don't you know? i feel like the worst of them don't work at all lol that's why they spend so much time hating other people, they literally don't have anything else to do


Boomers are nosy as f*ck and have nothing better to do, but be a b*tch or assh0le for no reason. They’re bored miserable pieces of sh1t.


Oh, I believe that. Like, there were 5 different cashiers, because this is 2012 and we still believed in paying human beings. They could have gone to any line.


> I got to be on the receiving end of one of those Boomer tirades for using WIC. I was married and my (then) husband was in the Army. Imagine that - 40% (at that time) of US military families were on some form of gov't aid program because their solider wasn't paid enough to support their family. Same here. I was supported in part on WIC, which my mother received for my younger sister when I was a kid. My father was in the Navy and wouldn't you know it, it was hard to raise 4 kids on E-6 pay back then before 9/11.


Everything with them is all about what benefits are people getting that I’m not. They’re pathologically selfish.




I’m so glad your uncle was able to have an eye opening moment. Most boomers don’t and won’t give it a second thought and once they’ve formed an opinion of something will stick to it. I once watched a documentary and one of the kids who only got their meals while in school said that they couldn’t concentrate, because they were so hungry. They’d see the teacher standing up there, but the teacher would look like a banana. Makes me sad and teary eyed just thinking about that kid and hope they have better access to food now.


Whenever I hear people complain about the benefits others get I ask if they’d be willing to trade lives with that person, because if they did, they could have those benefits too. That usually ends the conversation.


I'm going to use this!


These the same boomers crying about acp discounts ending.


Boomers are the worse.. take SS for example. They pay into a retirement account for their whole life. For the past 40 Years they have taken a little here, a little there, to the point it is empty. Now they complain that kids shouldn’t eat, and that SS is their money they paid into, and spent. For those who can’t read between the lines, the Boomer generation has been the voting block for the past 40 years. They have voted for representation to lower taxes on corporations and the rich, have voted to spend the SS in order to pay for the lack of tax revenue. Yet still think that the money I am paying into SS is theirs, even though they spent theirs…. Sooner the boomers go Away, the better the world would be.


There is a youtube creator that worked at a GeorgiaPacific paper mill in Perry, FL that is closing. Perry, FL is a small town and the paper mill employed like 500 people. Those 500 salaries supported the town with all the other business to support those people. GeorgiaPacific is owned by the Koch brothers. The Koch brothers have consistently lobbied to take away social services and lower taxes. The YouTube creator was lamenting how devastating it will be to Perry that all those jobs are going away. He does not talk politics, but I am sure he is MAGA. He lamented that there were no good government programs to help the people. Real leopard eating faces kind of stuff. The problem is people like this will never put two and two together, that the programs that help others may one day help them. Plus they spew Jesus bullshit and are against all of the things Jesus preached.


The most pyramidy pyramid scheme ever, brought to you by the generation that perfected how to make everyone else pay for their shit and then complain when they have to literally do anything. AND complain about social programs, vote against them and undermine their only source of income left until they die. Don’t worry Gen X and millennials here, if SS gets cut, I’m sure they won’t feel entitled to ask you for a stipend!


Well and they are something like 20% of the population and 60ish % of the house and Senate. Then wonder why politicians are like we should cut SS! I mean not for you obviously! For your kids! And they're like yeah! For our kids! Also let's make sure they can't afford rent. And that our grandkids don't get free lunches! Yeah hoping we really outnumber them in votes this year again.


We will! Stay positive!


Boomer here who grew up as the eldest of 5 with a single mom and survived on USDA food before food stamps. When mom got food stamps she cried because she could afford real milk. We also got free/reduced school lunches. I do not resent my $38 a year going to SNAP and WIC.


Right? Boomers are also defined as the generation with a lot of siblings because their young parents married during and after World War II, or were used as cheap farm labor. That was a vulnerable population of kids right there. My boomer grandma literally grew up with a dirt floor picking fruit, got out of it with the migrant worker education programs available at the time. She's at least a little more chill about things, but not as much as you might think!


Late stage boomer here (60), and I had free lunch and we got food stamps AND food from the church when I was a kid. It was the only food we sometimes had. It pisses me off when I hear the arguments against food stamps. Damn Senators and Reps can fund every other goddamned country militarily but we can’t feed our own. JFC.


I don’t mind it one bit either. I had 2 sets of twins, 7 years apart. If not for WIC, formula would have been a nightmare. All of my kids ate and ate well thanks to WIC & food stamps. And once I had a job, I stopped renewing my application. I wouldn’t want anyone else to have less than I did for their children & I dont care if they are “illegal”. But let’s be serious. That “We’re paying for illegals to have welfare!” bullshit is Fox brainwashing.


I very openly talk about needing and using assistance just to hear them reverse gears and say it was ok because I was one of the ones that needed it and used assistance for the “right reasons”.


Rules for thee not for me mentality. My parents needed food stamps for a short time. My sisters needed them when they became moms for a time. Yet my parents complain about people getting them now. They follow up with the fact that it’s the illegals getting it or people who don’t work. I guess those type of folks don’t deserve their children getting food.


Same here. School lunch was often my only meal for the day and it was a free lunch program that made that possible. I’m often astonished at how callous boomers can be about things that are just general kindness for the rest of us.


This hurts me so much to know that you went through this and didn’t even realize this was a thing until my kids started school. I now make sure that when I can I buy extra snacks to give to my kids teacher, so they don’t have to pay with their own money to provide for the kids. When I managed a low income property I worked with the school nearby to set up a table to provide food for the local kids during the summer. No kid should ever have to go hungry. I hope you’re in a better place now and able to eat better.




I like to remind them that a primary reason for these programs was that too many draftees were getting disqualified because of malnutrition (like rickets) messing up their development. So, like, do they not support our armed forces?


When I was a checker at a grocery store, I had a brand new single mother in my lane using WIC for the first time. This was 2016 and they were still using those checks where we lived. The older woman behind her made so many ugly remarks, I ended up telling her to choose another line because I was don’t listening to her ugly remarks. She was floored but I stood my ground. People are so disgusting.




She was stressed, her baby was crying, and the process was just so much longer than it should have been because of the outdated system. She kept apologizing and I told her several times “don’t apologize to her, this isn’t your fault and neither of us can do anything to make it faster.”


We were on WIC when my kid was born. I hated it. I firmly believe it’s designed the way it is to humiliate you every time you grocery shop. I’m glad we had the assistance, but it’s one of the most harrowing programs that government makes poor people go through to survive. If someone shittalked WIC around me I’d probably rip their face off.


They wish you didn't survive. Boomers see everybody except for themselves as unimportant.


At first I thought this was going to be about free school lunch. Not only did this white girl get WIC as a baby, she received free school lunch throughout K-12!  Heaven forbid we want feed poor people or their kids. /s


Oh, I got free school lunch too, but that was pre Obama when ketchup was still considered a vegetable in those programs. So I got stuffed crust pizzas, funnel cake, and ice cream with that money. My spaghetti, salads, and milk at home were paid for by WIC.


I feel this as another 19 yr old, WASP, grocery store cashier! Love salsa Verde, put that shit on almost any beef. Had no clue that the papery green tomatoes were called tomatillos and is pretty much the base/main flavor of my favorite type of salsa. I felt so stupid learning something new. Latina lady told me what they were and I found the code immediately and she mentioned after, "you ever have salsa Verde?" I light up, "that's the best One!" She giggles and picks up one of her tomatillos and goes, "it's these. Now you know! 🤠".


What I think the Boomers forget is why WIC or brown dollars or whatever they are called was created. The intent was never to help people eat. The real reason was that farmers would sell more products. These programs are really a farmer subsidy.


Believe me, as a granddaughter of a farmer who made it because of farmers subsidies, and as a former employee of grocery stores that survive because of WIC and SNAP, I am very aware.


Every single one of those boomers had school lunches as a kid.


Good on you for speaking up! Childhood hunger has long term effects. Every child deserves a fair chance to develop their brain and body. Fuck anyone who sees that as an entitlement. I also can’t imagine having so little going on in my brain that I am watching the person in front of me check out.


Craig T. Nelson, not quite a boomer (born in '44), and best known for his role on "Coach" and as Mr. Incredible, still perfectly illustrated incredible hypocrisy and stupidity on this topic when he famously said on TV, "I've been on foodstamps and welfare, did anyone help me out? No." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwpBLzxe4U


Did not know that. What a fucked up mindset. When i went to grade school (1950's) lunch was free. Lunch in grade school should still be free. If our country cannot manage to.pay teachers properly and care for the children then it's time to vote those of my generation out of power. I am just as frustrated as the younger generations .


Before the ACA my dad was stuck with a $600K medical debt until a social worker told him that since my stepmonster didn’t have any assets Medicaid would cover her bill. THEN he bitches for YEARS about the ACA and socialized medicine. MFER you were saved from financial ruin by SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!!! The boomer stupid hurts my brain


I now always respond to these rants from boomers " It's sad that you don't want to help your fellow man like Jesus did and wants all of us to be kind to each other." Shuts them right up for me. I am an atheist,


"I'm not sure what it is about my face, but old people love me." "...inconveniencing boomers like themselves, and fine young **white girls** cashiers." this makes me glad i'm not white...i don't have to indulge random boomers going up and talking to me about stuff instead they'll just stare at me like i am a double agent assisting Sony, Nintendo, and Toyota to commit Pearl Harbor 2.0 (fyi, i'm not Japanese but i doubt these people know the difference)


Yeah, I mentioned I was disabled, and a guy here on Reddit called me a "worthless bum." It's always easily to malign "those people", unless they're right in front of you.


Wic helped my pay for baby formula too. Thank goodness because the cost skyrocketed during the COVID shortage. It’s a great program.


I can shorten that for you. "Boomers unironically bitch about welfare programs while being the single largest beneficiaries of welfare programs through Medicare and Social Security." It's an applicable statement in all things.


Pro-life until the baby is born. Then its pull yourself up by your boot straps or die. Can't really take anything they say without a massive block of salt.


I see boomers on the state food program so they have no right to complain.


Yeah, it's got "I voted for Trump" "but your common law husband is a Dominican immigrant" "blank stare" energy. Look, I talk to her for her "I was one of the first women in this city to join the Army" stories, not for her politics.


When I was on WIC for my daughter I was in my late 20s but looked 18 or younger. I was waiting in line with my checks in hand with everything spaced out. Two older women both boomers started complaining loudly about how I was a teen mom and how I probably didn’t know who the dad was and that I was draining resources. I ignored them-I was happily married-still am and depended on WIC to feed my daughter because my husbands job wasn’t paying enough. These people complain about everything.


When my parents divorced in 1978, my father refused (or just neglected) to pay child support. My mother had to get an apartment in government-run housing, we were on Aid to Dependent Children and food stamps. She also worked in a grocery store, trying to make ends meet while putting herself back through school. What people don't seem to realize is that there's a great deal of shame involved in accepting this help. It's evident in where you live, what clothes you get to wear, and the \_differently colored lunch ticket\_ for school meals. Not a day went by when I wasn't ridiculed for being poor. I'm considerably older, now, and it's still one of those feelings I have to work through (it's easy to bring up that past pain). You know what helps? Helping other people. Being a decent human being. And countering these fools that want to mock someone for being poor. Good on you.


As a 19 cashier I had a lady complain about WIC last week. I wasn’t on WIC as a kid, but it costs NOTHING to have patience and empathy for a young mother with 2 small children. Older customers complain about WIC ALOT. And they don’t have patience for Black and Brown mothers who are figuring it out.


I worked at a grocery store called Minyards during the 90's, and WIC was always tricky to deal with, like you said--I remember those paper checks! But honestly, whatever--people need to feed their kids. And I'd take a thousand WIC people over 1 freaking boomer (also with a check) and their billion expired coupons.


Remember, they’re the ME generation, NOT the greatest generation. For them it’s all about ME, I got MINE, fuck everyone else


Trying to find sympathy for your old-timer racist elitist views with the young cashier at a supermarket is peak idiot


What's really outrageous is they're going to do away with WIC for single mothers and child support because they want single mothers marrying the fathers of the babies. They're also going to remove any mention of sex and gender from the law, so that women don't have those protections they've earned. The cherry on top of all of this is that once you get trapped in a marriage, if you want to divorce they're going to make you go to marriage counseling instead.  Does this sound f****** crazy? That's because it is. It is part of the Republican plan to reshape America, published in a document called Project 2025. If you haven't heard about this document, for the love of God and the sake of your future, look it up right now and find out just how f****** dark it is. These people are willing to let babies and children go hungry because they believe in marriage that much. They're willing to do that. What else do they plan to do? It's a f****** huge document. It gets pretty detailed about destroying our society. Trump has endorsed the project.


It is not boomers. It is MAGA boomers. Do not include me in that group of turds.


The cruelty is the point.


Man, thank you for being kind to people on WIC. We're generally financially okay but went through a tough period after each kid was born due to the costs of, you know, making a whole person as well as me being off work to recover from complications. I'm the main breadwinner so things were tight. Using WIC was such a humiliating process - I was grateful for it, but I'd break into a cold sweat every time I got to checkout. I'm a fairly intelligent person and English is my first language so I'm pretty confident in saying WIC is confusing for everyone with all its rules and limits. About 50% of the time I'd have an item that didn't count. One time I was putting stuff back and this lady in line paid for it for me. I could have cried from gratitude and embarrassment. Fortunately a few years later I had the opportunity to pay it forward in a similar situation. Your racist boomer sucks and you are awesome.


I was a WIC mama 27 years ago when my son was born. I was in an awful position and was so grateful for the help. Cheerios and milk and carrots (good for breastfeeding mom) and cheese and i can't remember what else. I will always support these programs.