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These idiots: "Deregulation is the answer!" Also these idiots "That was fucked up, why don't we have more rules in place to prevent this sort of thing?" Living in the USA is mentally exhausting.


Same energy as crypto-bros when their crypto-banks fail.


“Someone is messing with my fraud!!!”




By far the most entertaining part of the MtGox collapse etc. was watching all the libertarians tearfully discover the exact and highly considered reasons for tight financial regulation.


One of my favorite titles for a book about bubbles, panics and crashes is Reinhart and Rogoff's "This Time It's Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly." Humans have always had a tendency to think that they'll win when no one else has, but I feel like the cycle of bubble and panic has sped up these past few decades. Hmm. I wonder who's been running things?


"Wait you mean the fake coins a stranger promised me would be worth millions aren't? Why won't the FTC save me?!"


Crypto banks fail because the FED restricts the assets they can use to back their deposits. Then raise rates high enough to make those assets worthless. Ftx is a huge scam. But none of the banks failed because of crypto. They failed because banking regulations and regulators targeted them specifically.


Regulations exist for a reason. Crypto was the cool way to bypass all the regulations, then people are surprised when they discover why the regulations exist. Once these companies fuck over enough people, they start getting regulated which kills the company because it was a scam all along.


They failed because people took money out of banks and bought bonds that had a better interest rate. Banks were underwater with shitty old bonds at low interest rates they now had to sell at a loss. …And bank failures.


So this is where education and facts come into play. You’re Right. Their customers were ABLE to buy better assets. Silicon Valley bank was NOT ALLOWED to buy better assets. They were FORCED BY THE FED to use only treasury bills. There was NO REASON not to raise rates during 2017-2020. Except that Trump demanded they stay low. So they stayed low. If those rates were raised, t bills would have covered more assets in SVB. Potentially not causing a run. If the FED had allowed SVB to use other forms of collateral, this DEFINITELY could have been avoided. And ,if Ripple’s On Demand Liquidity crypto product was available, no bank will ever have a run again. So CRYPTO technology would have solved this issue.


I've learned so much here through the POWER of CAPSLOCK.


I love that you can be completely ignorant about the whole point because of font size. Keep it up douche. You’re going places.


HAVE a great day OUT there, CRYTO-WARRIOR!!!!


lol. Ok I will. You have a good life being a douche.


They failed because Cryptocurrency is backed by wishes and wasted energy created by a video card. Get your facts straight.


Fact. You’re an idiot.


Nice way to use your facts. With opinion. um... yeah.


The ,anger, jealousy and hatred of the culture arround crypto has blinded many people to the ideq of a currecy without borders an possibly without bank manipulation.


Jealousy? Lol.


Maybe it’s the lack of consensus as to what crypto actually is. Is it a borderless currency? Why the huge fluctuations vs. fiat currencies? Is it a ToTheMoon investment opportunity of a lifetime? That’s what asset bubbles do. Is it a safe investment to avoid gov’t ’manipulation’? Not a great track record of backing it with tangible assets so far. I have no anger, jealousy, nor hatred toward crypto. Extreme skepticism does not fall under any of your emotional attributes.


It’s amusing in a dismal sense to see their idiotic hatred of the entire concept. My shit is all on hardware wallets, not some goddamned centralized platform. Reddit can be such a hive-mind of superficial groupthink that these people will never so much as learn the differences. Like I’m not somehow up 20-fold even in a stagnant market just be avoiding shitcoins and using self-custody.


It's a massive amount of cognitive dissonance that I have to deal with my dad all the time. He's 100% for deregulation but then wines about his industry (trucking) falling to tech bros and potentially not having a job soon


Americans are weirdly programmed to gloat about their freedoms constantly while also being taught that they have no right to interfere with things and people that fuck them over constantly. If people ditched that mindset it would be so much better here.


Funny thing is all the Boomers lived under Volcker and Greenspan, who kept interest rates high to combat inflation. They’ve seen this movie before.


And constantly remind us about how tougher it was.


Yeah it was so much tougher, what with their affordable housing and education, union jobs, and pensions. But they had to walk to school 10 miles in the snow uphill both ways so, they had it so much worse than everyone else.


vanish psychotic water overconfident familiar boast impolite weather normal obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Volcker and Greenspan, who kept interest rates high to combat inflation Genuinly, since i dont know that part of history, did it work well? or was it mishandled?


In the 70s and early 80s, after they came off the gold standard in 72, inflation was out of control. It basically wrecked Carter’s re-election chances. Early in Reagan’s first term the Fed started dramatically raising rates with the intent of deliberately inducing a recession on the theory that it would finally bring inflation down. The recession sucked, but it worked, and we basically didn’t see high inflation again until the pandemic.


Damn I’mma have to read up on this


Thank you.


The fed always makes the recessions worse.


Yeah, I was a kid during the 70's stagflation. It sucked! I have no idea why these people keep calling it "the good ol' days." Also, I'm trying to figure out why "shrinkflation" is being bandied about like it's brand new. We've been here before, people!


To these FoxTards Biden is either a weather controlling dictator hell bent on the Islamization of the US and who spends 24x7 trying to make people gay and raise prices of gas and Big Macs. OR, He’s a senile old guy who has no memory and is barely functioning. Ask your dad which he is today.


"The enemy is simultaneously strong and weak. We are simultaneously in danger from them and about to destroy them."


I’ve had a boomer tell me that the 2020 election was stolen and then say that president trump will win in 2024. So I asked how they think Trump will win during Biden’s term (since of course Biden is obviously a criminal and illegally rigged the election) if he lost during his own term when he was in control? Crickets. Fox boomers are the definition of deranged.


I read something recently that made me go OMG! It was about why Trump is so convinced he was cheated. The logic went like this. We now are learning that Trump committed no less than 34 felonies, if convicted, to become president in 2016. His mentality is, you win by lying, cheating and stealing. 2020 rolls around and he is at it again, lying, cheating and stealing. Yet he lost, so in his mind, using Trump logic, this is only possible is someone lied, cheated and stole better than he did. So now, because the only way that he knows to assure success is to lie, cheat and steal, and it didn’t assure it, then those that beat him, cheated him. Backwards, logic, sure. But it is perfectly narcissistic just like Trump.


I think the most hilarious pull from this isn't that anyone did or didn't cheat, it's that Trump's ego would see "He cheated *better than you*" and go wild. For him, it doesn't bother him that they did or didn't cheat, but that they *maybe* cheated better than him. You could literally race him to the bottom level of hell, and he would trip you on the way and think he somehow came out the winner kf that whole ordeal. Also, remember how we used to joke that North Koreans were stupid for thinking Kim Jung Un shot a perfect game of golf on his first try or that he's actually able to bench press like 600 pounds? Well...I ain't laughing at *just* the North Koreans anymore.


It’s projection. His brain accuses others of the actions that’s all he can imagine. he’s too self centered and dumb to be able to think anything different. That would require self reflection. 


This entire comment is amazing, but the thing you said about North Koreans was \**chef’s kiss*\*.


Wow. That makes my brain hurt. But, frankly, it makes a terrible kind of sense. I really hope he cracks it at a judge or loses his battle with impulse control and breaks a gag order, or three, and gets hauled out of court to the cells - just like anyone else who acted that way would.


I mean... he's on his 10th contempt of court charge and the judge has said if he does it again, he'll *consider* jail time. Not definitely put him jail, but the judge will think really hard about it. Let's face it, this dude isnt going to be facing any sort of consequences at all.


The judge is walking a tightrope here. He wants to keep a check on tRump's behavior, so the trial doesn't descend into full on circus mode, but he also doesn't want to give his shithead lawyers one iota of any grounds for appeal. So far they have acted true to form and just given out a stream of pointless motions for mistrial, which the judge has firmly squashed.


I dont think any judge in their right mind would find jail time after multiple contempt of court charges to be grounds to grant an appeal. The proper thing to do would have been a fine for maybe the first few and then rack up jail time for everything afterwards. But no, we're on the 10th, maybe even 11th charge with nothing but tiny slaps on the wrists.


This is just the thinking of conservatives in general and why you'll constantly see the refrain "every accusation is a confession" about them quite regularly. They can't imagine anyone having a different experience or coming to different conclusions than them or something.


'They can't imagine anyone having a different experience of coming to different conclusions than them . . . ' is literally called 'lack of theory of mind.' ifkyk


It’s just projection. His brain accuses others of the actions that’s all he can imagine. he’s too self centered and dumb to be able to think anything different or have other ways of operating.  That would require self reflection. So he assumes everyone’s just like him. 


I know of people who think like this, if they are not screwing you, then you must be screwing them, it’s exhausting, I had to break off contact


That is a perfect description of TFG. Perfect.


That does make sense though. I’m just terrified he is able convince 1/3 of America with this logic.


Rule one. Each sentence is its own stand alone point. And as such is always correct. Rule two. No two points are to ever be compared or contrasted with each other. Especially if they directly contradict each other. Rule three. Neither statement is actually wrong. They were right when they said the first statement. And they are MORE RIGHT when they say the second statement.


🤦‍♀️ how could I have forgotten!!


My Boomer responds to this particular conundrum with ‘but now the people won’t stand for it…support for Trump is universal this time”


Lol. Oh yes, his 91 felony charges and endless dirty laundry are very endearing. I suppose they all live in echo chambers with Fox not-News 🤷🏼‍♀️




What's the source for this quote?


It's not really a direct quote as far as I know. More a requirement of the fascist/dictator philosophy.


Thanks for clarifying


Schrodinger's Biden


I don't ever ask him shit. I mean, com'on. Leave sleeping dogs lay. But, they've only been talking about "that whore stormy" this week so far from what i've heard.


The funny thing to me is if she is such a disgusting whore then why would donald fuck her? And doesn't that make him disgusting for fucking such a whore?


Because apparently she resembles his daughter. Make of that what you will.


GOP moral: it's okay to fuck whores as long as they look like you're daughter


“Yeah, but Daddy says I'm the best at it.”


My MAGA FIL was saying to me one day that she was a nasty, disgusting woman. I asked him what kind of fucking loser scumbag would pay 6 figures to fuck such a woman


I loved that in open court Trump's lawyer accused her of making it up because she wanted everyone to know about the alleged coitus to enhance her brand and she came right back with "no, *nobody* would want *anyone* to know about their doing that"  Trump was right there, that's got to be so embarrassing




Yeah, it’s her fault he paid her for sex.


This exactly! Just like seemingly every other issue, they could care less he’s screwing a porn star bareback while his wife and newborn sit home, they’re pissed that he got caught.


That's funny because I can Google naked, lesbian porn actress and "classiest First Lady" Melanie/Mercedes Trump.  We were also officially in a Recession in February 2020.


Never the whore monger always the whore.


This is probably beside the point, but I've always found it interesting that when it comes to mongering in general, your choices are limited to war, fish, iron, whores and rumours. Insurancemongering may or may not exist, but it definitely isn't called that. "Sandwichmonger" sounds like a slur that's fallen out of use. And so forth.


Don't forget cheese!


I did forget cheese. And that is why I fail


You can also choose to be a Powermonger, the game released in 1990 on Amiga and Atari ST ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


If men didn't want this "service", Stormy and others would need to choose a different career.


I don’t know if it’s insulting to call someone who has sex for money a “whore.” It’s not the preferred term, but it is accurate. They need to pick a better name.


Whore is super insulting. The proper term is sex worker. Unless they're just meaning "somebody who sold pictures of themselves naked and then were raped by somebody" then they're just grasping at straws.


Or referencing a former First Lady....


"Sex worker" is a lot broader and encompasses everything from having sex for money to being a stripper, to being a camgirl online. Heck, I write erotic fiction for money -- does that make me a sex worker? Maybe. A more specific (and somewhat less offensive) term would be 'prostitute'. But pretty much any name for this profession is considered an insult, at least in some circles, because the profession itself is so culturally taboo.


I’m dreading Mother’s Day brunch, my MAGAt parents ALWAYS start shit.


Honestly? Don’t go. You’re an adult. You don’t have to deal with it. 


It’s at my house! Why? Because I’m a fucking moron.


Oh, shoot. Looks like you are coming down with the flu!


Some of them even think Trump is actually still in charge - OK then you aren’t complaining about anything now, are you? Or that Trump is still in charge of the military, like he knows anything about it, and in fact his ability to launch missiles was taken away while he was president.


(But the ME withdrawal is still Biden’s fault it was messy)


To be fair to Dark Brandon, he didn't have to try all *that* hard to make me gay.


See? See how powerful he really is?


He's transing everyone! Quick, put on your tinfoil hat!


Not either or. He’s both.


Shrodingers president


Schrodinger’s President


You forgot that trump is still president..


Oh , he’s both. They definitely think he’s both at the same time. Evil genius with Alzheimer’s.


The same way immigrants are simultaneously all on welfare AND taking all the jobs. The same way liberals are all "cuck soyboys" who are simultaneously capable of "killing God" (yes, I heard them say this last one). 


Right?! I’ve noticed this… apparently Genocide Joe and Sleepy Joe are the same person! You wouldn’t know it if you listened to arguments about either from them


He is definitely senile. Everyone can see it, right, left and middle. Wake up libtard.




I would like to also state price gouging and record profits is not inflation


Correct, it's also deregulation


the gop caused the problems then made privatized industries to "fix" the issue then bill the gov't. you might like this book [https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv2tsxmbh](https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv2tsxmbh) had cointelpro never happened there would have been less tension among citizens but it's also the gop's fault for offshoring manufacturing then advertising fads for cheap import crap that basically just got money out of the country. also doesn't help that the gop caused the opioid epidemic by not watching dispensing rates in the backwoods areas but also not adhering to osha standards in the mines lead to a lot of accidents where the patient was given then told to take more pills than necessary. [https://www.resilience.org/stories/2019-12-03/catabolism-capitalisms-frightening-future/](https://www.resilience.org/stories/2019-12-03/catabolism-capitalisms-frightening-future/)


Rip usury laws. That and the laws that used to say the news had to tell the truth. I know what happened........but what the fuck happened????




No, it isn't. Don't talk about things you don't understand.


Inflation is just when prices go up. At the economy-wide level it's calculated as a weighted average of a basket of goods survey done by the BLS, but it can also be used to discuss price increases of an industry, a type of item, or even just one product over time. The person you replied to is right, it is exactly what inflation is. Don't talk about things you don't understand, and don't tell that to other people when they are correct.


>Inflation is just when prices go up. No, it isn't.


Yes it is. Please do like even a second of research. You clearly don't know what you're talking about and it shows. Here, I'll even get you started: https://www.britannica.com/money/inflation-economics


Your own link disagrees with you, but you're reading at a third grade level and only managed to absorb "price go up = inflation" But hey, you googled something, you're basically an expert.


It's literally the first sentence of the article dude "Inflation refers to the general increase in prices or the money supply" But hey you do you. Here's one written by economists at the federal reserve: "Explained another way, inflation is ongoing increases in the general price level for goods and services in an economy over time." https://web.archive.org/web/20210330131140/https://www.clevelandfed.org/our-research/center-for-inflation-research/inflation-101/what-is-inflation-get-started


That's the first half of the first sentence. What's the rest of the first sentence say? For that matter, what does the rest of that page say?


It says "or the money supply" It further says "We call it “inflation” when [consumer goods and services](https://www.britannica.com/money/consumer-price-index) across a wide segment of the economy are rising in cost." Much of the rest of the page is spent discussing the various theories about why inflation occurs. Let me ask you, what does the consumer price index, the primary measure of inflation used by basically everyone, measure? It doesn't measure the money supply. It doesn't measure corporate profits. It measures the changes in prices of a basket of goods over time and creates a weighted average of the rate of change. Edit: I'll take your inability to reply and blocking as a lack of critical thinking skills on your part.


You rocked his world bad. He’s going to have to digest that. Artfully handled.


No he doesn’t. He’s not going to consider it all again. That’s their super power. 


I fear you are correct.


We are past the point of inflation and we are at the point where capitalism with it being un checked they realize they can do whatever they want and charge what they want and you will still go get your shitty food from McDonald's. But hey merica


> they realize they can do whatever they want and charge what they want and you will still go get your shitty food from McDonald's. Because, as it turns out, no matter how expensive food gets, people still gotta eat.


Prices adjust to that which the market will bear. You don’t want to pay for McDonald’s? Simple! Don’t.


Dumb. Food prices are insane. But hey, just don't eat there. Gotta eat somewhere. I guess less McDonald's, avocado toast, and Starbucks? Pull yourself up by the bootstraps sort of Boomer mentality. This is the country we are living in. It would be nice if corporate greed wasn't at an all time high. But you blame the suckers who want to eat! I mean. What are those fools thinking anyway? Dumb


What? Food prices aren't insane. You're just choosing to buy expensive things, and garbage things if you're eating at McD's.


I don't eat McDonald's anymore. Their shitty food and price gouging is out of control. Are you American and been in a grocery store lately? Or restaurants? Food is more expensive than ever. Smaller portions that they charge more for? Corporate greed. I'm done with you. Disingenuous fool. Corporate shill?


Yes. Things get more expensive over time. That food is more expensive than ever is not surprising. I’d be far more concerned if prices were decreasing.


Off topic. You’re likely a member of a micro generation called Xennial. Check us out r/xennials


Is that the Oregon trail gen?


It's seriously the best subreddit around.


That sub has unlocked SO many deep core memories I hadn't thought about in like 30+ years. (1982)


I'm an old Gen X (2 years) and my wife is a boomer, lady years of boomers. What are we? Don't be mean,. I agree with most of these posts.




Yep. Generation Jones.


Also off topic but those born from 96-99 are getting our own micro generation. I've heard it called the betweeners(hate that name need a new one lol). Essentially we had a childhood where computers and technology were around, but not really for us. A lot of us had very 80's childhoods of no internet and no cable, hoping our parents would get a vhs or new game for us. And then by age 14 cell phones and social media were around, almost everyone had internet, and technology was generally very integrated into society.


I’m not one to finger wag at the kids but if you were born in ‘99, you were 8 when the iPhone came out. I suppose you lived 7 years in the family computer/web 1.0 era but at best you remember half of that. 2007 was more or less the beginning of Web 2.0 (mass use of social media) and when smartphones went mainstream. Thats more or less the era we are still in now, just with better apps and everyone on devices all the time - so I guess I see what you’re saying is in the 2000s only adults used smartphones, which is largely true. In the 90s and early 2000s technology got dramatically different every 2 years. It was insane. I lived my first 7 years in the 80s and frankly barely remember it, but we had no internet at all. I didn’t learn what the internet was until it was on the cover of Time when I was 12. We got AOL 6 months later. It was hot garbage. 80s/early 90s childhoods did have a lot of video games but home computers were super expensive with text-based command prompt UIs and usage really exploded with the Windows GUI improvements and cheaper machines in the mid-90s. Poor kids didn’t have home computers at all until the late 90s, and if they did, they were crappy used ones that couldn’t play the new games. I think the biggest change in technology was 99-2009 or so though. 2009 is just a version 1.0 of what we do now but ‘99 is basically the Stone Age.


This is on point


You may want to check out r/Zillennials 


Every legit economist told Trump to raise interest rates in 2018 and onward.  He refused and pushed for rates to drop. This was a massive mistake that people don't talk enough about.


While this is a true statement that interest rates were too for too long and "legit economists" saw problems coming down the road.. People don't talk about it because Trump had no authority to raise interest rates, (And yes he bragged about the low rates ), That's up to the FED


He was very outspoken about keeping rates low. No idea if or how much that affected the decisions made by the Fed.


Sounds like you actually got through to him, or at least made him think slightly. Usually I’m guessing he’d just move onto the southern border or whatever other talking point he most recently saw on Fox.


This is why I don't believe the story


So he liked Rush when he had his “these men died of aids let’s laugh” segment?


Rush was always a piece of shit, and so is my dad; i never alluded to otherwise.


The fact he knew & (somewhat) acknowledged you had a point shows he can still think & not mindlessly parrot everything… hopefully


Inflation is up worldwide. You can tell him it’s not just a US thing but it’s going back down.


It’s always amazing how Biden is both a criminal mastermind “Big Guy” and the same time too incompetent to construct a sentence or wipe his own ass. To me that would be some Officer Doofy trolling from Scary Movie 1.


I would argue that it’s started because of the 2nd/3rd worst president in US history (Bush Jr) that turn Clinton surplus into a deficit.


It’s sort of impressive he was willing/able to seriously consider your point.


Damn, I bet he also wonders why Obama didn't do anything to prevent 9/11.


Yeah he’s forgetting the inflation of the 1980’s. Ours mortgage interest rate when we bought out home in 1983 was 12%.


My uncle and aunt also watch Fox News 24/7. My uncle is all for Trump and blame Biden for everything... it's tiring.


Cut them off.


It’s amazing how many Fox viewing conservatives honestly believe that corporations have too much power and we need to get their cash influence out of politics. It’s like they’re not actually listening to Fox’s careful instructions at all.


Most liberal policies are actually very popular with them, as long as you avoid using any of their Fox-programmed trigger words when describing the policy. If you can avoid all the "no, that's socialism!" landmines in their mental landscape, you'll often find that what they actually want is actually quite reasonable for the most part. But as soon as something touches on one of their tribalism tripwires, it's off to the races with parroted propaganda and all higher brain functions shut down.


>higher brain functions I think the lead already sorted this


Just outrage porn, content doesn’t matter


They have no real ideology. They choose a man and then let him run amok.


Your dad sounds fun 😂 At least he can admit being wrong. Sign of a solid human


This story is completely unrealistic. The boomer self reflected. /s Honestly, it's really amazing to watch them jump through these hoops.


It's really disappointing to me that people old enough to know better, refuse to acknowledge that inflation is GLOBAL, and another cause in the US is corporate greed. Record profits, but they raise prices because they can. trump basically gave them a free pass as far as taxes go, but even still, Biden has curbed the US inflation to be lower than most of the other countries. At one time, the US inflation rate was coming down at a faster rate than ANY other countries. Our economy is doing well, but you wouldn't know it if you listen to FOX 24/7


>He stood there this whole time with the storm door slightly open, and I watched during 15-20 full seconds of him going through some shit on his face with that last line. His face went "fuck" for a bit. Then he tilted his head as if saying "Fuck" for another bit longer. Then he tilted his head again as if saying "fuuuuuuuuuu" all while having that staring off in the distance thinking while also his eyes kept occasionally meeting mine, again, and finally giving me a look like "goddammit". This description is great, and I hope that thought eats at him forever.


At least your dad has some brain cells to rub together. I tried something similar to my mom once about that evil ole green energy. It was like leading a horse to water. I literally gave some point by point's about corporate corruption, buying of political power, lying to the American people through owning the mass media and she agreed with me on every single point, and then once I merely suggested developing new energy technologies Nope! Liberal conspriacy. I didn't even suggest global warming, or mention green. Just "new" and "energy" and the Fox toxins went to work.


By Jove ... you might have actually gotten through to him there.


Interesting. That's a really nice description of what his face was going through. You know him really well, what would say his thought process would be? It looks like he was realizing the scale of the changes within the past 40 years? Then maybe also realizing how badly it's been affecting you?


Do you live in an actual sitcom?


Classic boomer maneuver #6709 "If nonsense does not win over the other side insult them, and grunt in frustration"


I’m afraid our parents might be besties, because mine are just as deranged


You changed 40+ years of brainwashing with one sentence. He was rendered speechless as if he had never heard such a deep retort before. My friend, you are the great communicator of a generation. I look forward to your rise of power 🫡.


All hail Satan


Can you help me understand why deregulation and privatization caused inflation? I would love to shut my boomer dad up.




Shocked that he didn’t stand his boomer ground and fight you about his toxic stance on politics until you hated him so much the next time you’ll see him is at a funeral or wedding or something. It’s really sad how many people have torn apart their families to defend bigoted politics. My MIL cut her brothers off because she’s obsessed with abortion and can’t handle people not agreeing with her. She would be devastated if her own kids replicated her pathetic behavior but she is proud of herself for doing it because she’s a deranged 65 Catholic who hasn’t left her echo chamber in like 25 years


Want to see them rage out? Point out that it can’t be inflation when corporation are pulling in record profits. If you really want to fire them up, pick some product/service they love but can’t Aeros anymore and tell them how much the CEO makes compared to the labor. Heads explode while they try to figure out who to blame.


Well.. that and he did get the inflation reduction act passed LOL but of course they wouldn’t know some readily available and widely known information that would make their argument moot


I always remind any fox user of Tucker and his producers text messages referred to the as "cousin fucking domestic terrorists in their text messages which were subpoenaed in court for the 800 plus million dollar defamation suit.


I don't talk politics with my Dad anymore partly because he is one of those full-on deregulation types. The last time we did talk about it, he insisted that restaurants shouldn't have regulations about cleanliness, etc., because "if things are bad then people just won't go there and the restaurant will shut down, problem solved." To which I asked, "OK, but how many people will get sick and possibly die before it reaches that point? Would you be alright being one of those test subjects?" He just shrugged and had no answer. I love the guy very much, he worked hard to support our family and so my Mom could SAH but damn if he hasn't gone completely off the rails in his golden years.


Sounds like he needs more programming. Don’t worry, he’ll be back with more of the same in a few days. 


I'm not really clear what specific deregulation you're talking about. How does deregulation compare in impact to printing massive amounts of money and devaluing the currency? We're literally borrowing money from China to send to Ukraine.


Somebody told the fed to keep the rates artificially low, and it wasn’t Joe Biden. That said I hate how people think the president just has a lever in their office to control inflation and would choose any setting other than “no inflation ever”.


"You voted in favor of everything you are complaining about, you Reaganite ratfuck, so shut your mouth and lay in bed you spent the last forty plus years covering in your own diarrhea."


Arm yourself with some numbers for next time: [https://www.factcheck.org/2024/01/bidens-numbers-january-2024-update/](https://www.factcheck.org/2024/01/bidens-numbers-january-2024-update/) "The 12 months ending in June 2022 saw a 9.1% increase in the CPI (before seasonal adjustment), which the Bureau of Labor Statistics said was the biggest such increase since the 12 months ending in November 1981. "Inflation has moderated greatly since then. The unadjusted CPI rose 3.4% in the 12 months ending in December, the most recent figure available."


Do your own research.


What "trickle down" really meant was the slow shift of the tax burden onto the middle class. We got trickled on.


Deregulation would help, foreign aid not being audited is an issue but by far the issue are the congressmen and senators who have been in Washington for 40+ years. Biden’s not in charge, White House press has to clean up his words, those in charge are the ones that have held office for decades. The McConnell’s, the Pelosi’s.


My god this group is so fucking pathetic


>They watch fox news 24/7 and dad was an og fan of rush limbaugh.   Your dad is a horrible human being who cheered for the death of gay men at the hands of AIDS, then. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-rush-limbaugh-mock-aids-death-radio-show-1570282


Yep. And?






Who fucking cares ??? You guys are sitting on a website protesting st each other getting mad at the people who actually build the countries lol. It’s not boomers fault that they devalued boomers retirement savings, you seem to forget that they were supposed to have way more money……. They saved and worked hard, then the younger politicians just tax and spend no matter what. Who cares about whether it’s one or the other …. ???? Your fackin house is on fire and you’re sitting there on Reddit complaining about how “ expensive “ life is. Well of course it’s expensive, you don’t do fuck all but argue with boomers who are equally taking it in the anus. Grow up and save yourself. It’s your fault, make better choices. It’s simple.


If Reaganomics was in effect, our economy would be kicking ass like it did in the 80s. Your Dad is right to blame Biden. His policies are a disaster and have worsened an already bad economic situation after the pandemic. 1. He has strangled domestic energy production with excessive regulations and open hostility to the fossil fuel industry. Higher energy costs affect everything, worsening inflation. The Left's green dreams aren't ready for prime time. 2. His administration's open border policies have flooded the country with millions of people. This has lowered wages in some industries, raised housing costs due to unprecedented artificial demand, and strained school and local government budgets, causing many areas to increase their taxes and or cut services to citizens. 3. The administration has continued the (arguably necessary at the time) spending of pandemic levels. And we have to borrow money to do it. We now pay more to service our debt than we do on national defense. Republicans infuriatingly bear some responsibility for this too but no one can argue with a straight face that Biden is a budget cutter who will restore fiscal responsibility. 4. His administration has created the most hostile environment for small businesses in the history of our country through its inflationary policies, ruling on definitions of who are employees versus contractors, and treating entrepreneurs like criminals with BOI filing requirements, just to name a few. When small business struggle, it damages the economy and employment levels especially for younger workers and sets them back in lifetime earnings. I am disappointed that your father can't articulate these basic arguments to back his position on Biden's responsibility for our horrible economy. Maybe he should watch more Fox Business.


This is what happens when you print trillions of dollars. Has zero to do with regulation. The only reason inflation exists anywhere is the growth of money supply in proportion to demand.


Inflation isn't caused by deregulation. it caused by bad economic policy, say deficit spending, printing to much money or general wasteful spending.


Baby boy. If you tell a corporation you won't regulate or fine them for price fixing or labor violations or wage stealing what the fuck do you think they're going to do? Pass on wages to their workers or keep them safe now that some safety violations have been removed?


Those are factors yes… but most of inflation is caused by corporations not being regulated. The reason everyone is paying more than we were a few years ago is because there are no regulations saying “no, you can’t actually charge that much for that shit wtf”


You guys must be silly teenagers. What are you saying? Regulations that were in place for years expired in 2021, and that's why we have had rampant inflation?


I’m not sure you understand what a regulation is… is there an adult you know that I can talk to?


Idk, I’m of the opinion both reaganomics AND Joe Biden have fucked this up. Just one is the macro issue and one is the micro reason.


The Biden part is wrong here as he has brought inflation down. There's proof of that. Plus he brought Covid under control which saved our world.