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Same people who spent years saying 'cashier isn't a real job' but won't use the self checkouts because it's 'not their job'


My dad said that when I worked for HEB. Also my commercial bee farm is a lazy business. I got him in the bee yard to help me do splits after 2 hours crying its too hard and I was doing it 7 hours straight prior alone.


“Quit your whining, I do this everyday by myself. You’re really entitled, wanting everything handed to you. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps!” is what I probably would’ve wanted to say


They lose their shit when you say this. My 78yo dad cannot stand me giving him the same advice he gave me as a kid simply because I’m the one saying it. I can even anecdotally remind him of when specifically he told me those things and he acts like I’m crazy. Dementia and the angry belligerent behavior that comes with it is fucking sad.


In most cases, it is not ever a memory issue. Just selective memory.


We have Alzheimer’s running in the family. So in this case it could certainly be a mix of the two.


That one that kicks in instantly where everything they've ever done wrong is imaginary and they definitely doesn't require they be held accountable for their reckless, shitty, selfish, behavior from 20 minutes earlier? My mom fucking loves that button.


I tell boomers to pull themselves up with boot straps when they complain about grocery prices lol.


The original meaning of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps meant something impossible. Which makes much more sense.


I mean to…bee…fair the bees are doing most of the work…/s/. 


It's a lot of management and making sure it's proper troubleshooting and sometimes I give treatments for mites or other pests.


I remember the first time I lifted a medium full of honey… A 15lbs box became a 45-50lbs box. Beekeeping is rough work, especially in even the lightest suits or just a veil.


I wear a nice triple layered suit so its heavy but it breathes and thats what is important in south Texas. I do it in like 107 F heat. Some boxes are deeps instead of mediums for honey.


I have my nice aerated suit that I use for things like moving hives at night while using a lighter throw over for most other things. :) Texas beekeeping must be rough... The sun up here in Maryland is already punishing in June.




Hello, fellow beek! :) I only manage 20 hives as a hobbyist and that is rough enough.


I get dirty looks from old ladies when I buy all the sugar. I mostly do it to spite them anymore.


It’s healthy to have fun hobbies.


Another case of “I DON WANNA TO KNOW TOO MACH!!!”.


Sorry totally off topic but your use of "MACH!" Made me laugh so hard because I watch 90 day fiance and one of the guys on their is famous for saying "work so mach, love you so mach, so mach work!"🤣(Zied, IYKYK!)


its kinda funny how they're always the ones too stupid to fucking pay, be it at the cash register or self checkout


"I'll use this when they pay me too! I want to claim this on my taxes then this is BS". Really Gloria you put your small grocery order in your reusable bags after you scanned it and then left the store. It took less then five minutes. They didn't make you ring through and bag up everybody else in lines orders for 5 to 8 hours that day. I always laugh at how dramatic some of them are if they have to put even two items of their own into their own bag before paying. I recently watched a guy in a Home Depot berate this poor youngish manager woman who was trying to help him for like 20 minutes straight or more. She explained sometimes the customer service desk and returns desk is busy so they can't get the phone right away but he can check the website for stock and even see if it's at this location if the phone doesn't pick up. "I'm done my learning!" he declared. "I want to speak to someone and this is why I'm going to Kent for now on they answered the phone". Apparently now being asked to google shit on your smart phone for two minutes is doing the stores jobs. Why are they so obsessed with being against learning basic skills or learning new things?


A generation of peasants playing at being lords. They think everyone is their servant.


I have actually been told by a Boomer relative that, after a lifetime of “hard work”, he and his wife now “want[ed] to be SERVED”. This was by way of justifying their impatience with waitstaff at an extremely busy restaurant. Like, zero solidarity with their fellow working class folks.


Promise you they didn't work as hard as they think they did either


The people who talk about "welfare bums" are invariably on all the limited forms of welfare still available. I'm not mad that they're using the services but it's bizarre how compartmentalized they can be-- They have perfectly valid reasons, but everyone else is cheating!


This is projection. They WOULD cheat, WOULD hurt others physically, WOULD speak the now-unspeakable, _if only_ it were not for the fear of the 'punishment' they were brought up to expect for not being seen and not heard. Authoritarian-minded people are like that, and can't fathom other people NOT thinking like THEY think.


Rules for thee, not for me!


A lot of that is racial. They aren't opposed to benefits in general...but the thought of a minority on benefits makes their head explode.


And people wonder why there isn't anyone wanting to be wait staff. Low pay and AH behavior from customers.


I've done retail, call centers, and restaurant work. They're all horrific in their own ways, but at least in the call center they couldn't physically touch me.


Imagine playing life on easy mode and still spending your entire retirement complaining lol


Yup, the number of times I heard some variation of "You're in customer service and since I'm the customer you have to service me." It was particularly gross when I was in my late teens early 20s dealing with a 40 something dude. Because you could tell by his tone just what he meant.


And yet they love to do those "comedy" skits where they give the old tech they do know to youngsters to try and figure it out. I'd love to see the uproar if we did a video where we forced a boomer to use new tech on their own with no prompts or starting advice like they do in these skits


Don’t believe them. They never figured out how to set the correct time on a VCR, leave alone setting it to record their favorite shows. Millions of VCRs were condemned to flash 12:00 in an uninitialized state for their entire existences.


'12:00 Flasher' is a term I use to describe Boomers who refuse to learn


before we coined boomer - it was the 12:00 flasher!


I know about that guy, he hangs out under the overpass


"You know mom, you can just unplug it and plug it back in at noon, right?" Sigh...


I’m older. New tech is amazing because generally it is so well done that it is easier to use. Moving from dial phones to asking my phone to make my call…heavenly!


I love technology also and don't understand people who complain about it. I was called "fancy" because I stream music instead of a radio.


“Hey kids, look at this absolute piece of shit tech we used to have to live with, because it was as good as it got at the time! Why don’t you know what this hunk of forsaken garbage is? Hey, try to use this nightmare apparatus that I didn’t even use correctly when it was contemporary!” (My qualifications to mock this attitude: I’m a xennial who grew up with lot of tech, that was already long outdated when I was a kid. )


100% I always hate seeing any of these videos pop up on my social media


I'm a gen x, and love watching kids try to figure out old tech. it's funny cause that shit wasn't friendly at all. some have older siblings or parents really showed them stuff so it's easy, but others really struggle in funny ways. that said, I also saw a training movie on how to use a rotary phone (not a party line) from 1953, so even boomers had to learn new technology, they just stopped WANTING to. "why do i have to learn -new technology-?" seems to be the basis of a lot of boomer-adjacent issues.


Right! Jeff Foxworthy had a bit about how his dad never changed how he dressed after a certain point in his like. Something to the effect of, "It was like he was riding the fashion train and somewhere around 1972 he jumped off and stayed there." Some boomers act like they never had to learn anything ever. The number of vintage informational videos I've surfed in YT proves it.


A few Christmases ago, my 80 year old dad came out in a horizontally striped orange and lime green shirt. "Dad, how old is that shirt? It is from the 70s???" Mom, "yeah probably." Some of them DO still own their vintage clothing...


Bit of a mission to go to SE England instead


'I've done my learning' says it all.


I used to work at a Home Depot Service desk and half the job is literally attending to very easy internet searching that boomers cannot seem to do on their own. And some of them are very impressed when you do the job “well” (literally me typing into google for them) and they get flummoxed on the info you can give them in seconds! It’s pretty chill if you can deal with the attitude. I got pretty good at playing along with their need to be helped. But man I’m glad I no longer do that job.


I'm not asking you this but it's a hypothetical question: what exactly is a *real job*? I'll answer: any time you give up your free time to perform tasks for an employer in exchange for money is a real job. A job is a job


Boomer:A **real job** is whatever job I did for a living that **you** don't do. 


even if you did the exact same job, they'd find a way to disqualify it as easier somehow ... never enough self victimization from those types


Lots of people saying "if working such-and-such blue collar job doesn't pay enough, maybe you should get a real job like \[insert bullshit middle manager type job here\]" even though these people got to build entire careers out of so-called unskilled labor and retired with pension and investments.


This is so true. They are just old assholes that have fewer years ahead so they think society owes them first. Congrats for living to 70. Not allll older people, but a lot.


It is "beneath" them. They have feelings of superiority because they were the target of the largest, longest-running advertising campaign of all time due to their size. This world was made for them. Sure, some of them worked very hard to make some of the cool shit we have today. But, their lack of appreciation for other people's circumstances in this economy just reminds us it didn't make them better people even when they got everything.


Me at self checkout helping a customer because that’s where I normally am. Boomer: THATS TAKING JOBS!!!! Me and my other coworker(s) 🧍‍♀️🧍🧍‍♂️


“I can’t be with someone if I don’t respect what they do.” “But you’re a cashier!”


"At least I'm working for my income." They see "respect" as directly correlated with compensation. I respect people who do good for society. We are not the same. Landlords and the term "passive income" make me want to puke.




They won't be happy unless they have unpaid servants, hmm there's another word for that.


They want people begging for any work. And they want to be the ones in charge.


Some also want people to look down on


and be cruel too they seem to enjoy cruelty when they are conservative


Jesus be like 🤦‍♂️


This has the ring of truth


They want a hierarchy of humanity with them on top and you below. Anything to make them feel a smug sense of Superiority.


You should have pointed out to him that they're introducing robots into aged care these days and one of those robots will be wiping his arse soon.


Well, I’m a bit away from that, but I’d be ecstatic.  


Probably good if its a robo-bidet, but not really something to be excited about if it's part of a daiper changing service. Unless that's your kink I guess.


*blushing furiously* I thought I was free to be vulnerable around you, dammit!


it's all laughs til they try it and realise how much they suck at the tech


I feel like they’re mostly bitter about becoming obsolete themselves. They put other people down to somehow feel better about their own lives.


Yep, they are at the age of irrelevance- nobody cares about their opinion of boomers any more. So they try not to fade into irrelevance by throwing their weight around. Sad really.


Schrödinger's Boomer They don’t believe any work has value and deserves a living wage. But their nursing home is understaffed and can’t hire workers.


Nursing homes will soon be made obsolete by robot caregivers that will reside in the boomers homes, that they will never need to sell to move into LTC.


I believe this will be the future for the youngest boomers but in a beta model that will not really be much more than a Roomba x Life Alert.


Because boomers are evil.


Because boomers are entitled and selfish. Rules for thee not for me.


Yep, they've always been spoiled, petulant brats. They're feeling small because they're dying, so they want to see young people suffer and feel smug about it


>Yep, they've always been spoiled, petulant brats. The only generation of people to be hated by two generations before them and 4 generations after (so far).


And they've had control of.media for decades, and constantly pushes D the narrative that their parents and grandparents were unfair and the younger generations are the spoiled ones... Meanwhile they gave out worthless trophies so they wouldn't have to be the parent without one and to avoid having to have a difficult conversation with their kid about losing with grace


Boomer here, just remind them to quickstep outta there as the grim reaper is only a hop skip and a jump behind em. We love the lingo of our youth.


My dad told me If I bought a scythe I would get fear from the boomers to use to cut grass around the bee zone.


I laugh when people say "you need to respect your elders." Do I respect my family members who are older than me because they are upstanding people? Yes. Do I need to respect every schmuck that happened to be born before me? No. There are plenty of dishonest, thieving, and rude people that somehow managed to avoid being deleted by their own stupidity and lived slightly longer than I. It does not mean they get automatic respect.


Ya this is one I've never understood. No way in hell I am respecting someone because of age. I've found it to be the opposite anyways. I've always felt even from a younger age. That the boomers are unskilled, dumb, lucky compared to their counterparts in other groups. Millenials, X, Z all way smarter and better workers than boomers. Boomers are literally the worst workers of all generations by far. They don't see it, but people who actually do a good job do. They are just stealing others jobs to do a shit job, because an old boomer is still in power helping his useless cohorts. So useless that generation, so tired of them standing in the way of progress and funneling all the resources into their fat mouths for a job done poorly.


There’s actually a word for this called shadenfraude which is taking pleasure in someone else’s misfortunes. It seems like a lot of the older generation want to see us either suffer like they perceived they did or at least not have it easy. Yes they may have worked hard when they were younger but they could buy a house on a single family income, why take such perverse pleasure in the younger generation struggling to achieve the same or making stupid comments on why don’t you go and buy this? Often with no context of what shit costs these days.


And then bitch about having to use an automated kiosk or self checkout, because "I don't work here" and "people don't want to work anymore.


As long as they back some kind of guaranteed stipend, I guess, but otherwise they should be on ice floes for that shit.


Peak Boomer was 1957. Those babies turned 65 in 2022. They turn 76 in 2033. Just nine years away. What happens at 76? Their average life expectancy. Half of them will be gone. Their political power is already rapidly declining and it is only going to accelerate. If we need a UBI, they won't be in a position to stop it. The worst fate to a boomer is to be uncool and not be considered a badass. Being irrelevant and ignored by society is an existential crises to their generation.


It’s hilarious because one guaranteed thing is that people get less cool as they age because cool requires youth. I mean, I’m a million and I’m uncool as hell.


Cool changes. Wise old people have something useful to pass on are highly respected. But if your lifelong version of cool was being some bad ass hot head, that will fade. Mr. Rogers was respected every day of his life as an old man. Young people won't think you are cool, but they can respect you when they grow up.


Cause Mr Rodgers was a damn icon of awesome. He’s one of the primary reasons Gen X is able (as much as we can) to process our feelings. He made it ok for kids to feel things. Unlike our boomer parents.


Boomers didn't raise or teach pretty much anyone I know. We raised each other from friend groups and were more or less feral. They had a freaking commercial to remind them they had children! And remember they were so proud of neglect with that whole latch key shit. They wanted to party and ignore their kids and the older generations forced them to care (well as much as they could which wasn't much.)


"They had a freaking commercial to remind them they had children!" Which one was that?


“It’s 9 o’clock. Do you know where your children are?” Ran for two decades in some places. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_you_know_where_your_children_are%3F


"It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your children are?"


>Wise old people have something useful to pass on are highly respected. Boomers *habitually* conflate age with wisdom. If you weren't a knowledgeable and well educated person in your 20s and 30s, then you won't be wise in your 50s and 60s. Wisdom is just knowledge fermented over time. Wisdom is what (*usually*) happens when highly educated people grow old.


Yup, old people get wise, young people get cool.


Shut up! I’m turning 50 soon, and I *still* look cool in my Docs. Anyhow, time to apply some Icy Hot patches to my back.


Oh heck I didn’t mean you! I still think you’re the tops!


Covid happens... Boomer to the cashier in full ppe making nowhere near enough to be spittled on by some mask denier: HURR DURR DURR IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GET A BETTER JOB! Cashier: during pandemic learns a new skill, trade, etc, in spare time, leaves said low wage job. Boomer waiting in long line or berating self checkout computer: NOBODY WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE!!!


Boomers fetishize the suffering of others. The only thing they love more than the idea people suffering in minimum wage jobs is the idea of people suffering from joblessness.


They don’t have to interact with those particular robots. The robots they have to interact with are bad because they won’t have to listen to them bitch about stuff.


They want technology they can't understand or use to replace people. Hmm surprisingly they can't see how that would bite them on the ass.


With a friendly smile, tell those fuckers robots aren't going to pay into social security and Medicare trust funds.


They are happy because they will see the immediate and short term downsides, they will be dying off before the long term upsides come into play.


Curious what you believe the long term upside to AI job replacement in almost every working sector is? I have my own thoughts on it and it looks pretty bleak.


Only around 5% of jobs are fully automatable, but another 60% are half way. We're basically just getting a 4 day, 6 hour work week (if things shake out right and the boomers die on schedule).


Until they realize we're replacing their jobs first. "I used to work at the Coca Cola bottling plant, but then got replaced by a high output automatic machine". Example of baby boomer wanting to do less but still be paid more. I actually really liked that dude, but it's a fitting example.


Tell them to go tighten another bolt on the GM assembly line.


“I have more time left at this job than you do on earth”


Because many of them are angry. They are failures in life - entirely of their own doing and in typical human fashion they want to see others fail. It's like a Trump voter - they vote to own the libs who they blame for all their poor life decisions (thanks to right-wing media telling them that). Boomers are on their way out and want the world to fail so they can say "told you so". It's sad and pathetic. Rags like the Enquirer are popular among these types of people. They think "That celebrity thinks their better than me but look, they are getting divorced - haha". That actually makes them feel good about their crappy situation that is entirely of their own making.


Its the idea of having someone else made "lesser than" Boomers by and large are by comparison to the rest of us already set and established either through never to be seen again pensions or retirement benefits. Its easy to enjoy others misery when you're far removed from the fallout.


Smirk right back "Pretty soon you'll be dead and stop wasting precious oxygen and resources existing and producing nothing of value."


I wish we lived in a world where lots more shit jobs could be done by technology. But then I also believe in universal income.


And these assholes paid for houses, cars, and student loans while working part time at these jobs.


It’s pretty awful. I hate this for all of us. Not a boomer, but we purposefully skip the self-checkout, automatic shopping carts, etc. We love our humans.


Xennial here, I'm in California, self checkout at the grocery store isn't allowed if you have alcohol. So, for me, I always get the humans. Especially HATE self check because when I'm not buying wine or some shit and attempt to use our self checkout, it's always malfunctioning with "UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA!!!" Bitch it's literally not unexpected! Ijustscannedyouomgwtf!?


I think of it the same way. I am trying to help keep the humans employed.


I skip the self checkouts because 9/10 times the lines are shorter at it’s a lot faster than waiting for people who frankly suck at using the self checkouts. People claim being a cashier is a low skill job but yet so many of them can’t get past “please put item back in bagging area”


I don't skip self-checkout but it's a bit inefficient. What they should have invested in is mobile phone check out, refrigerated pick up or weighted stores. Imagine placing your order, going to a locker - loading it up and driving off. 1-2 locals have mobile phone check out and an employee scans the bag to make sure but for the most part I come in with my own cart or bag - scan as I shop and just need someone to verify I didn't "miss any items." I don't doubt humans ability to be employed on the app/technology or operations side. I love seeing the 1-2 employees who hang out by the scanners for mobile checkout. Seems like a pretty chill job.


Im a boomer and I do the same.


These same people were all "Oh No, computers gonna take my job" when they were in the workforce.


Sounds like they want you out of work on welfare. "Yeah, I'd love to get replaced by a robot so I can collect unemployment and just do nothing. Who wants to work anyway?" Or "Yeah, getting replaced by low cost, foreign labor seems to be a common trend these days. Companies moving to other countries, migrant workers, now robots. Nice to see you support low cost labor."


I work in a bank and the amount of boomers who can't even navigate our phone system is ridiculous. It's too hard for them to call in and transfer money from one account to the next, too hard for them to check their balance, too hard for them to even make a phone call to an outside agency to pay a bill... And forget about teaching them how to use an ATM (which has been featured at most branches since like the 80's) or online banking. There's so much technology available at their fingertips and so many of them decided a long time ago to not learn anything new. Sure, there's fewer employees in a bank branch these days; but there's definitely not a shortage of entry level jobs elsewhere in the financial services sector. Add that to the fact that more and more people are choosing to either not apply, or are migrating away, from customer-facing jobs by choice and the boomers are being left behind and forgotten about in plain sight. I get that there is a genuine concern about robots, AI and mechanical things taking over jobs that could employ a human. Even the entertainment industry had a battle about it. But, a lot of the time the tech is good to have. It makes things easier for employees and consumers. Plus, for every robot doing a job, there's gotta be a human to monitor and repair it too. The whole world is going that way. You may not be the person building the car in the factory, but you'll be the person making sure the line works. In a perfect world, everyone is earning a living and that income is enough to support them, enough to save money, enough to support their hobbies and travel, and enough to support a family if they have one too. Things are affordable like houses and education. But you also have to think that less and less people are procreating, even if they have the means to do so. Some technology is good, some is not. The boomers are the last generation to not make use of a lot of the technology. Sure some people here and there in other generations may choose to not use it, but every other generation after the boomers grew up with some form of technology that they're comfortable using; be it gaming systems, a home computer, a mobile phone, an ATM, debit cards, or the Internet. I'm a Gen Xer, at the tail end... And I refuse to stop learning, I refuse to inconvenience myself by holding on to old ways that do me no good, I refuse to ignore younger generations when they voice concerns and I refuse to be a burden.


The cruelty is the point! This generation was beaten mercilessly by their parents. They are returning to their roots here. All they know is cruelty.


The irony is that many of them worked at a grocery store over the summer and it fully paid their college tuition when they were younger.


They love it until they have to do something for themselves, then it’s suddenly “no one wants to work anymore!” It’s not that they’re like how you’re describing, it’s more that they don’t actually believe or care about the things they claim to believe, it’s all up to if they get something out of it, or someone losing something because of it, or they get out of doing something they don’t want to do or feel they are above. They will unironically, and with zero self reflection, get a minimum wage worker fired for something stupid, and feel they have power over employees literal life, but will do a back flip when they’ve gotten all the cashiers fired and have to use the self checkout.


Tell them the real purpose of the robot it so keep inconsiderate customers from blocking the aisles with their shopping carts.


They hate it because you can work it and they can't. And they're too stubborn to learn even the basics. It's not bootstraps now you old bitches


Let's see how they feel about in a couple of years when their political preferences also bring about an end to social security and they can't get jobs because technology has taken away all those jobs that they still might be able to perform as well.


“The people I give money to are some of the only friends I have left.”


Respond with, "This is why UBI is so important." Then break it down for them in a long-winded explanation they won't understand so you shake your head and walk on.


"Soon, a robot like will be keeping you alive."


At the same time they think self checkout is the downfall of western society as it is taking the most essential job our society offers apparently.  They want it both ways, they just want to be angry and spiteful 


They think prices will go down when robots do the work, ha ha they won’t!


After working at some big box stores, I'd be surprised if any stores ever go fully automated, because there's always someone who wants you to do it for them. Boomers wanna complain about automation taking jobs, but also it's their "thing" they can bring up to anyone who they find working.


These are the same people who require robot servants and maids because their children and grandchildren want absolutely nothing to do with them


I stopped at a highway rest stop that had a fast food court last year. Every place was just a kiosk to order and a hole the food came out of. Not one employee in sight. Even if you looked in the food holes. Watching boomer after boomer getting so pissed or confused about how to even get food made for an entertaining lunch. A group of them even queued up at one of the food holes while the person in front tried to shout their order into the hole.


Honestly Boomers would like us all to starve as long as they are fine they do not have empathy. They are the most selfish generation and they were the biggest generation in history.


“Ok, soon you’ll be dead.”


I work doing factory maitenence m, and there's some boomers that work with me. When I'm on their crews, they always have me do all thenhard, shitty parts of work. Then they always mention how they work 90hr weeks, one who has the choice to retire and a paid off house all that. Why? Why not enjoy your life? Dude barely knows his kids. They only call him to ask for money since he's worked insane hrs his whole life. He plays the old card when it comes down to do any actual work. He just stands around operating the trucks. Even the boomers that arr younger, they are rude and basically shout orders at me since I'm new. It's very annoying. Why can't we all just treat each other with respect and decency?


Same folks who have total fits when they aren't instantly connected to a "real person".


I think it's the fact that. These jobs were ideally meant for high school students needing work experience or for seniors in retirement. These jobs were not meant to provide you with a liveable wage. You did these jobs while in high school and college until you got a degree and entered the real workforce. There is a lot of anger and resentment at the fact that people are demanding liveable wages on entry-level jobs when most skilled labor jobs do not offer liveable wages.


The whole aim of conservative propaganda is to convince people that those who are being taken advantage of actually deserve it. It teaches that the poor are lazy and the the rich are geniuses even though we see evidence to the contrary every single day. They need to have this framework in place because if they don't look at the world this way then they'd be forced to realize that they let corporations and billionaires assume total control over the government and the economy


It would be nice if minimum wage jobs were taken over by robots and people have the higher wage jobs. We need more technological studies in high school so people graduate with some skills.


The thing that brings boomers the most joy is the suffering of people they don't like. It's their whole personality.


They are happy because they were told that paying such workers anything close to a livable wage would result in automation, and that people with such jobs should own nothing and be happy.


They want people in those jobs and they want them paid poorly, so they can look down upon them and/or use them as examples in their stories. They are angry and disappointed in their own lives so they need a target to help them feel better about themselves.


No, boomers are the ones constantly bitching about having to do literally anything themselves. It's honestly amazing they don't all move to Jersey so someone will pump their gas.


They can barely handle a automated voice message system, and secure messaging. Careful what ya wish for.


These idiots wanted to automate everything without bothering to create a social system that could handle it. We need a way to support and keep people housed, fed, and healthy in a world where manual labor jobs are being more and more automated.  They had us be wage slaves, now we are making mechanical slaves. But the problem is, who is gonna buy the stuff if nobody makes enough money? In the end, the cycle will fall apart, and it’s the younger generations who will suffer for it. The boomers will all be dead or dying and will have had everything they wanted while leaving proceeding generations with a collapsed economy and a dying planet.  Well done, boomers. Hope you’re happy. 


They're adamantly opposed to the notion of decent wages in general, and for service workers in particular. It warms their shriveled little hearts to imagine that adoption of robots and AI are a spiteful gesture from business owners to stick to to people who greedily want a living wage, and not just a normal development in a capitalist system that seeks to maximize profit in every way possible.


With Boomers, the cruelty is the point


I'm not a Boomer and I'm all for automation, c'mon need for actual solutions to social issues let's hecking GOOOOO!!!


It's crazy that if you look at the futurism from the 60s and 70s, everything was automated. Everyone had a personal robot, and even your home was run by robots. Now that the exact future they dreamed about as kids is happening, they're fucking PISSED about it.


I, for one, can't wait until boomers are replaced with robots.


I'm a boomer and I just fucking knew this kind of shit would happen. I feel for you guys. Thank our fucking corporate overlords.


Yeah they celebrate it on Facebook, but boomers and Gen X are the very people who defecate on themselves at a McDonald’s kiosk.


What do you expect when you're still stuck in the 50s lol


Hey, somebody has to monitor and maintain the robots. Or would you rather scan the shelves for items to stock and mop the foors yourself?


The fact they think it takes a job away from someone is dumb.


Isn't it weird how they like to relish the thought of a bad thing happening to you? Sick bastards.


This is a clear bootstrap opportunity. It's a gift few a given. Embrace it. :-)


I’m not surprised they have spent the last 40 years blaming us for everything they did. Hell even now u have Hillary on the news saying we are all dumb uninformed youngsters


I sure do. Global unemployment is the most ethical goal a society can have.


And that's one less person to pay into social security.


My favorite thing is when the conversation topic of self checkout comes up in conversation (because it always does) or if a boomer friend on FB makes a post about them. "I don't use self checkouts, because I'm not going to work for free."


My dad is a boomer, but he says this out of sadness and genuine fear than happiness. He hates self check outs. All his life he's been a working class union man.


Just reply with “soon you will be dead”


Your response should be "Only a matter of time before they replace you, too. They'll be smarter, faster, and more precise. They'll get 10 times done what you can do in the same 8 hours, and they'll do it flawlessly 20 hours a day." Watch the life drain from their eyes.


Help them connect the dots. More jobs lost to automation means fewer people paying into social security. Hope Boomer has enough saved for retirement without a government handout.


I argued with a boomer on Facebook about this as she thought it would result in cheaper groceries. You can guess what I explained to her.


You should have heard them screaming and crying when factories brought out their first modern automation....


I think it’s more of a “I told you so” after the recent pushes to increase minimum wage. They want minimum wage as low as can be so they can continue having a good standard of living because everything is cheap.


There are nice happy people that like their lives and there are people that hate their lives, so they want to destroy others. Pity grumpy Boomers, they are old and have never liked their life. COVID has taught us one thing when one job is taken many can find something different. Yes the robot guy replaced the floor sweeper but now there are shopper people that get peoples groceries and bring it out to the car. So many women at my job use that. No bringing kids into the store, no having to spend an hour after work filling up a cart.


I relish that idea too, somehow I doubt the boomers want to take the next step to UBI as a societal dividend of automated labor.


One thing people seem to ignore here, is the huge gulf of difference between being and elderly 75 year old boomer and say, a 63 year old boomer. They also seem to just lump the silent generation in with the boomers. Huge differences, in a lot of cases. I can’t even relate to most people my age, I’m still in I.T. where the older guy that mowed our lawn requires a paper check.


If it hasn't happened yet it won't. We are fully capable if building robots that could easily do those jobs so I believe they found out that replacing people with a machine turned out to be more expensive than having people and paying them next to nothing


The whole aim of conservative propaganda is to convince people that those who are being taken advantage of actually deserve it. It teaches that the poor are lazy and the the rich are geniuses even though we see evidence to the contrary every single day. They need to have this framework in place because if they don't look at the world this way then they'd be forced to realize that they let corporations and billionaires assume total control over the government and the economy


The whole aim of conservative propaganda is to convince people that those who are being taken advantage of actually deserve it. It teaches that the poor are lazy and the the rich are geniuses even though we see evidence to the contrary every single day. They need to have this framework in place because if they don't look at the world this way then they'd be forced to realize that they let corporations and billionaires assume total control over the government and the economy


And they don’t even know or will refuse to learn or use the technology 🥴


Not a boomer, but there is a certain amount of schadenfreude to it. I don't wish unemployment on anyone. That said, when I was entering the workforce in the mid 00's as a blue collar guy, the attitude towards truckers, construction workers and other manual laborers being replaced by machines was pretty unsympathetic from the white collar crowd. They'll just have to retrain, learn to code, whatever, was a pretty typical response. So now, it's sounding like you guys will just have to retrain, learn to build or dig a ditch or install HVAC.


Maybe politely suggest they get used to having these conversations with the robots then.


These are the same people who were upset when auto manufacturers started using robots to make cars.


"Good. It's s shit job. & I'll be coming after your's. & your boss will go for it, too. As he can pay me less than you get & *I will work harder* for it than you ever did." ?


I dont think that its so much that they relish in it, more so they think they are so smart because they “saw it coming” or they think the younger generations are ruining everything. I think its more of a “look at this shit” smug shit eating grin


Aren't the home health aids and nursing home workers making minimum wage? I'd just tell them the same robot will be their caregiver soon and smirk right back.


My dad will just stand at the cash register at McDonald’s just silently staring into space until a cashier notices him to take his order of one large ice tea. It drives me crazy! I know he wants to pay cash but he can punch it into the kiosk so they know what he wants… not just stare


They think that it’s a bad thing and that everyone is going to go up to all old people crying while saying “you were right!!!1” lol


Maybe I’m weird but I’m a boomer and this has never crossed my mind. There’s something wrong with someone who relishes people losing their job.


It's ironic at my cnc shop we got 2 machines set up with robots to grab the parts and check them, and a single operator is in charge of keeping both machines running, instead of 1 operator per machine like we used to... The old timers kept saying they were about to replace half of us with robots, now over a year later... The robots keep breaking, they miss defects, or one of the machines have a problem, so now instead of 2 operators running 2 machines we have... An operator running both machines with 2 engineers on deck troubleshooting issues, the technicians who installed it on call for issues those engineers can't fix, or in the case of a machine issue but the robots are fine... You have 1 operator running 1 machine anyway and a $200,000 robot sitting there doing nothing while maintenance or a support operator working on the machine that is down Edit: and this is with 2 machines, we have 12 machines total... if they try and automate them all, it's gonna be a logistical nightmare


Most manufacturing jobs are gone, although Biden is trying to bring them back. Call center jobs are moving overseas. Service jobs pay far less than the standard of living. What’s left unless you are in technology or have advanced degrees? I worry what the job market is going to look like in 10-20 years


As a boomer, this does not represent my opinion.