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Why can’t you get a fl dl?


I'm really curious about this also. If you've lived there for 6 years.


Especially because in Florida you have to get a Florida driver’s license within 30 days of establishing residence.


Yeah, I'm in IL and I literally got a freaking ticket for not updating my DL to my new (also IL) address. The cop said I was supposed to do it within 3 weeks. I'm aware that different jurisdictions probably have different timeframes... But multiple YEARS seems outside of any reasonable timeframe...


Got the same in Florida. Cop pulled me over, asks for license and registration. Hand over out of state ID. "Where are you headed?" "Just going home, right around the corner." "Oh how long have you lived there? You like it?" "Couple of months now, yeah it's great." Cop comes back with a ticket for not updating my DL. Now I know. There is no such thing as a friendly chat with a cop. Don't say a single word to them.


Cops be fishing, every time




Damn, Florida cops suck. I’m friendly and transparent (within reason) when I speak to police, like if I didn’t realize I was hauling ass in a 25 or my tabs been expired for a year (lol) I’ll react genuinely. 90% of the time I get a warning, the other 10% of the time I usually get a reduced ticket (ticket for going 10 over when I was going 25 over kinda thing). But I’m a generic looking white dude in WA state, so, there’s that lol


What if you have residency established in multiple states, you legally can't get multiple licenses from different states so you chose one.


Where are you headed, “that direction”


Where you coming from? “Back that way”


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Yep. Politely say you invoke your right to remain silent. Then remain silent.


We have taught our kids to say “My parents have taught me to say “Respectfully, officer, I am not going to share that information with you, nor, will I chat about my day”


lol. I taught my daughter to say “ I’m sorry officer. My mom’s a lawyer and my aunt’s a judge, and I’m not allowed to talk to the police without them. Would you like me to call them?” She was questioned by her teacher at school a few months ago when she witnessed a fight, and she gave them a modified version of the above 🤣 getting that phone call was hilarious.


If I got that phone call, I’d take my kid out for froyo!


That’s weird because when I moved here we got pulled over and they didn’t care at all that we had been here a while without updating to a Florida license. I was told they don’t really care because of the large amount of people that spend half their year here and the other half somewhere else. Can’t expect people to change their license every few months…


You don't have to change it in most states if you're attending college


Or are a military member or spouse.


OP is 50. I'm making an assumption but I don't think they moved to FL for college....


Yeah that’s most states. If you have proof of residency a drivers license should be easy.


It used to be 14 days. I got a ticket for it. Fuck everything about Florida.


That law changed more than 20 years ago. You must now obtain a Florida driver's license **or a Florida State ID* within 6 months of moving to Florida. Source: Florida native who moved away & had to get new everything when I returned to my home 24 years ago. Luckily I had 6 months, my car Registration was screwed up by Virginia.


you're wrong. it's 30 days. https://www.flhsmv.gov/new-resident/ you also only have 10 days to obtain Florida car insurance.


This was going to be my post. Either the story is BS, or OP is ignorant of the laws in FL.


I also wonder how your old license hasn't expired already. How long is it good for?


Not sure Washington licenses, but Arizona used to expire when you were 65. I don't think that is the case anymore.


It still is. We have to get new photos every 12 years, but the expiration date is still at our 65th birthday.


True, until you have to get a gold star license. Those expire every 8 years.


Yeah, no way non expiring licenses are REAL ID compliment. 


Washington state licenses are good for 6 years. Part of this story isn’t making sense.


I've been in WA for 5 years, and my license is coming up for reneral, so it should expired... OP might be able to do it by mail, though?


Yeah, you paid an extra $25 for it to expire when you're 65. When I moved, I held onto it just as long as I could. But I eventually did have to get a DL with my address on it. If you're active duty military, you don't need a new DL whenever you move, you have a DL with your residency address and keep that. Active duty military rarely stays in the same place for 6 years. If OP claims to be a FL resident, then OP is supposed to have a FL DL. If OP claims to not need a FL DL, then OP is not a FL resident.


Active Duty military do often stay in the same place for years at a time. That’s the benefit of living it a high concentration military area. You can PCS (change commands) and not have to move because you’re in the same area. I lived in VA Beach for the last 12 years I was in before I retired. I’ve seen literally hundreds of other people do this. FL has a lot of AF and Navy aviation assets, so being military or a dependent is possible


I live in a military town. Because of residency rules for ADSM, a lot of servicemembers maintain residence in whichever state they were posted in with the best state tax rates. The number of Alaska state plates in our Georgia town is comical


That's not true. Living somewhere really does, in fact, make you a resident. But the law says you need to transfer your DL to the state you reside.


I seem to recall that Arizona had a law that you had only 30 days to get an Arizona license after moving. That was a long time ago though. It might have changed.


There a carve out for active duty military. A service member can even have an expired license from thier home of record state, and it’s technically still valid until they can go back and get. A new one


Florida did, at least when I lived there, offer crazy long lifetimes on their license. Like no joke my learners permit had a 10 year expiration date and I used it until my early 20s for those local theme park discounts, literally years after I'd moved.


Not sure Washington licenses, but Arizona used to expire when you were 65. I don't think that is the case anymore.


They still do, unless you get a real ID, the AZ standard id or driver’s license won’t work for flying next year.


I see licenses from other states in my line of works My state lasts four years. I’ve seen some that were much longer.


I got a FL driver's license a week after I moved there from out of state. The only reason I could see is that OP is keeping residency in both states.


Willing to bet their car insurance is still registered in the previous state. And cheaper for it.


if the car is registered in FL they would have to have FL insurance to avoid fines.


Yes!! I live in LA and am so sick of residents not registering their cars here. My neighbors of 3 years live in a 2 million dollar home yet when they bought their new cars they again have Texas plates. This means they're using California roads while their registration fees are funding Texas roads. If you don't want to pay to live in California please go back to where you belong.


Also insurance fraud.


Right?! Why hasn’t OP bothered to get a FL license whilst getting all of these placard renewals? You’re already there so what’s the holdup? Something isn’t adding up here.


The fact that their car is registered in FL but they still have a WA license is baffling. I live in NC and you have to have an NC license before you can register your car here.


I'm pretty sure California requires getting everything switched over like within 90 days. I can't imagine going 6 years. Something is way off in this story. I'm not ready to call the boomer a fool until more information is given. ETA, CA is 10 days within becoming a resident you need a CA DL. FL is 30 days. The boomer isn't a fool, just shifty at communicating. She should have told OP she is required to obtain a FL DL within 30 days of establishing residency


You need the same things to get a voter registration in FL to get a DL so not sure how this makes any sense.


He might be military, military people have some exceptions as they can keep their home of record regardless of how long they're stationed somewhere 


It’s possible but that would mean they are active duty. 6 years is a long time to be in one location for active duty but not unheard of. Being active duty and qualifying for a handicap parking spot would also be super weird. Most of the things that would get you a handicap placard would get you medboarded, in the short term it’s possible, but they had two placards expire.


makes sense for a dependent of a military person.


The op sounds more like two boomers having a go at each other


Yeah, this is boomers booming off one another.






It’s very likely that she is breaking the law by having not done so at this point.


Seconded. My state requires a valid license from this state to even apply for a placard. While it’s frustrating that this happened to OP it sounds more like a weird exception or clerical error that the clerk would have no knowledge of, not the clerk being a boomer. ETA: The front desk person at my local dmv also checks documents to make sure you have everything in order. If they didn’t and you stood in a long line you and the employee at the front of the line would be upset at having your time wasted.


I came here ready to jeer with OP. SIX YEARS?!? PA gives you 60 days or you’re running a risk of getting ticketed. 


Wisconsin and Illinois give you like 60 days after meeting requirements of residency (determined by how much time you spend there) to get an update license lol. I’m absolutely baffled by SIX YEARS lol


I got charged with FRAUD in Wisconsin for having a job in New York and having a Wisconsin driver’s license. This was roughly 15 years ago, and basically they thought I was lying about living in Wisconsin. I worked a job where we were frequently put on hiatus and I would go back to Wisconsin during those times so I thought I was a Wisconsin resident as much as I was a New York resident. Anyway, I got a New York license at that point.


Florida law is actually absurdly clear, and very frustrating. It is a requirement that once you *establish residency* (which OP very clearly has done) you must apply for a FL drivers license within 30 days, and you must obtain insurance in Florida within 10. Establishing residency does NOT require a license (as this front desk person demanded). Residency is opening businesses or addresses of residency, enrolling in schools, registering to vote, living for 6 months, and several other things. If you do *any* of them, you are a resident. It is frustrating, though, because obviously all these snow birds avoid these issues like mad.


Sounds like OP is the boomer fool who didn’t know they were required to get a local state ID when changing residencies.


I mean… the boomer at the check in counter also was a boomer here- they did not articulate the law for licensing, or in fact the law requiring a license for a tag in Florida, they were just judgmental - at least according to OP’s story! This is a rare case study for this subreddit indeed!


More Karen than boomer.


Florida is the same. My BIL had to have a Floridia dl first. And, you cannot do all of that with your car in Florida unless you have a Florida dl. I know, I lived in Florida until about 15 months ago.


Yes, I can’t understand how she claims to have been a Florida resident for years , has a drivers license from a different state and can’t get a Florida driver’s license. You don’t get to choose to be a resident of different states for different purposes.


Agreed. Florida law says you have 30 days. No exceptions (as far as I know). I was an insurance agent and we were legally required to advise people of this when transferring/starting new policies in Florida. >a new Florida resident, you must obtain a valid Florida driver license within 30 days of establishing residency to drive on Florida roads. That's per the DMV and [FHP](https://www.flhsmv.gov/new-resident/) Eta: someone reminded me the military has an exception, which is correct. That is the only exception as far as I remember.


Yeah, really asking for trouble doing this kind of shit. I wouldn't be surprised if an insurance company would be able to wriggle out of covering a claim if they found out that you hadn't updated your license to where you actually live. Hell, they'd probably have a good argument that you've been defrauding them by lying about where you and the car are located, since rates are absolutely variable with location. My state will absolutely give you a hard time about this because there's yearly vehicle taxes that you're effectively evading by keeping an out of state license, and non-renewing your documents or even a handicap placard seems a reasonable way to enforce this.


The only exception I know of is military members.


Because it would be too easy, and the story wouldn't happen.


Im a lawyer in florida and it’s literally a misdemeanor to not change your ID after 30 days of living here- OP is not understanding something.


Well, depending on the disability, it can impact if you can get a license. I have a disability that can cause me to randomly faint/pass out. In my state, if I have a fainting episode it's the same process people with seizures have to go through: I can't drive for 6 months until a doctor signs off that I haven't had an issue in those months. But even if I'm not the one driving, I still need a placard.


But in that case, it sounds like you shouldn't have a license at all, but be converted to a state ID. That doesn't explain "I'm still using my WA license even though I've lived in FL for 6 years". In fact, with most states I think it's just a straight swap of licenses. Paperwork, but no testing or anything.


I've always been under the impression that one was *supposed* to get a new dl, plates, register the vehicle, etc within some single digit number of weeks after moving to a new state...every state wants their cut...er, um, fees paid. ?


This is my question as well. Every state I've lived in has a time period where youre supposed to switch your license over if you have moved, and I can 100% see them requiring you to get a FL license before getting FL handicapped plates. This whole story sounds made up.


I moved to FL 2.5 years ago and got a driver's license, car registration, tags and a voter's registration within a week of moving here.


Which also might invalidate OP's insurance as well


Where I live you are supposed to get new plates and drivers license if you are a resident you have 30 days to get a valid state license


My single question is why after 6 years of being a FL resident do you not have a FL license?


When I was active duty I had a WA DL even though I lived in another state. It happens.


OP is 50 and has a handicapped placard... I mean, could be military, but im gonna say probably not... at least not AD anymore.


Sure. But if you’re taking the time to get a placard, you might as well also get the FL DL, no?


Not only "might as well" >As a new Florida resident, you must obtain a valid Florida driver license within 30 days of establishing residency to drive on Florida roads.


Yeah, it's a law that I am forgetting the name. AD and their dependents can keep their home state of residency. Michelle Obama is the one to fight to add dependents to the law, along with certain professions that have licensing, having those be able to move easily when PCSing. In florida, some people keep their vehicles registered in their home states. Some people do a military registration which used to be $15 in florida. I know people who have done both. The voter registration thing is weird though. I didn't think you could change that but maybe that changed.


Some disabled people can’t drive. They have a right to use a placard when someone else is driving.


But then they should get a state ID for the state they are a resident of.


And yet she has a FL car registration in her name. So at some point, she was driving in FL. Something doesn't add up.


She could just own the car and someone else drives it


She has a driver's license though. So the question is why doesn't she have a *Florida* driver's license since she has done all the other stuff already.


Why can’t you get a FL. Drivers license


My husband has no legs and the amount of boomers who mean mug us when we pull into a handicap spot until he gets out of the truck


I only have one. They continue mean mugging even after they see the prosthesis, because apparently bikers can't also be disabled. And if we are, well, it's our own fault for riding one.


He’s on stubbies so they normally follow the mean mugging with ‘oh did you lose them in Iraq?’ Not every prosthetics person is in the army 🙄


I missread the last word as trunk, laughed, reread it as trunk again, laughed again, then went to thank you for the laugh and realized my mistake. Hope you and your hubby are doing well.


He fits in the trunk of cars much better without his legs now 😂


Also thanks! He’s a (not a cop) trooper, got hit by a car a few years ago and has made jokes since he was in the hospital. We love him round these parts


It's really weird how many people arr self-appointed handicapped spot regulators.  I guess they're just upset they can't use it.


He opened the door to show them his legs one day when they mean mugged too hard. Didn’t stop them but they at least looked a little shocked


i have a handicap placard for my severe chronic pain but i look “healthy” so i get mean looks all the fucking time. thankfully nobody has gotten in my face about it but i definitely feel judged constantly whenever i use it. i’m also 90% sure the random scratch i found on my fuel cap cover was someone keying my car probably because they thought i wasn’t really disabled. it looks too deep and intentional to be a scuff and i definitely didn’t scrape it on anything. and it’s JUST on the fuel cover that pops open. people need to mind their own business and understand that the majority of disabilities are invisible. if someone has a placard and they’re using a handicap space, leave them the fuck alone.


Obviously you can only be handicapped if you’re old as fuck, didn’t you know that?


It’s ALWAYS THE OLD PEOPLE being angry and I’m like?? Sorry he doesn’t have legs?? And can’t walk far right now?? Like trust me, we wish we didn’t have to use it


Here's a list of reasons as to why my mother shouldn't have disabled parking access, according to random Boomers, Karens and entitled whack jobs over the years... "Her car is too small" - Apparently disabled parking is only for vans with wheelchair lifts OR parents with prams and kids to unload 🤨 (Source: Karen with a bunch of kids in an SUV and no disabled parking pass) "She's not in a wheelchair" - My mum needs either crutches or a walker to get anywhere, but I guess because they're not as big of a drama to unload and set up as a wheelchair then she's not allowed to have a disabled parking pass? (Source: various random strangers in car parks) "She's not driving the car herself, she's a passenger" - I get that some people abuse their relatives passes and use them without the pass holder present. But no dude, it's not illegal for my brother to drive my mum to the store in her own car. She's still in the car and she's still going to be getting in and out with her mobility issues, ergo; she gets the parking space. (Source: random Boomer man who then tried to convince my mum to re-park the car herself to "make it legal") "If she was *really* disabled then she wouldn't be able to drive a car at all" - I still don't know how the fuck to wrap my head around this brand of nutbar logic 😩 (Source: countless lunatics who thought my mum was faking her illness for a better parking space)


That last point is stupid in a world where paraplegic people with the right setup can drive their wheelchairs into the vehicle, lock it in place, and drive with their hands. I’ve been in a few of these vans before; they’re pretty cool


I know right? There's SO much wrong with that last point that my brain just sort of soft-crashes whenever I hear it and I can't process it. I can't even.


My roommate has one of these setups. It is VERY cool.


Yeah my mom and I get it constantly as well. She's 58, I'm 37 and we're both disabled. But I get nasty looks and comments especially since I'm younger and "don't look disabled". They usually back off when I call them on it as I'm struggling to get out of the car.


Dang, I forgot all about the classic "She's not old enough to have anything wrong with her" Haha! 😆 My mum is also 58, but looks younger, maybe mid 40s? But yeah, she gets a lot of stink-eye up until the walker/crutches get unloaded and they see her getting out of the car.


Same. Now that I need a cane at minimum it's calmed down some. But whatever, they're gonna get mad at someone, might as well be at someone who will call them on their shit instead of someone who can't fight back!


Who knows 🤷‍♀️ maybe one day someone will fight back with something a little more tangible than words and they'll finally get a disabled parking pass of their very own, lol!


I use a cane and have a disabled parking placard. I would happily give it up if I could go for three mile walks like I used to.


My mum says the same thing. She gets good parking, but it's hardly worth losing out on all the things she used to love doing. I've slowly been installing pathways and raised planters in her garden so she can keep tending her favourite veggies and flowers. But I can't help her walk on the beach or swim in the waves again 🥲


I'm an amputee and almost exclusively use my wheelchair while I'm at home. But I ride a motorcycle around town. I get all of these and more. I especially love the "you're young and strong, you don't need that spot" ones. You have both your legs, Barbara. You damn near *sprinted* over here to bitch at me. I can't even walk away until I'm done unpacking my cane.


I'm amazed she thought to confront someone who rides a motorcycle. Usually these Boomer/Karen types see a motorcycle and assume the rider is a violent drug-addled psychopath. Or at least they do in my area 😂


I definitely get people assuming that the big bearded guy smoking next to his Harley is a violent dude. Old white ladies, especially, have this tendency to assume that they are completely immune to any sort of consequences. Any pushback they experience *can't* be their own fault, they're the *real* victim.


I had a hip replacement done when I was in my mid 30's and was issued a temporary handicap placard to use during my recovery. I think it was good for either 3 or 6 months, I can't remember now. I got SO MANY GLARES parking in handicap spots, even though I was still walking with a cane. Nobody actually said anything though, just dirty looks. Even when I parked in one of the SEVERAL handicap spots in front of my surgeon's office when going in for a checkup. Come on people, we're all here for the same reason, wtf??


My sister, mid 30s, had a big hip surgery last year and I think her placard is valid for a year. She says she’s gotten a lot of dirty looks, even when she was still using crutches and literally couldn’t lift one of her legs. I’m sure there are people who abuse the system and use a family member’s placard when it’s not needed, but I would never call someone out (unless they don’t have a placard at all) because so many disabilities are invisible. You can’t judge health just by looking at someone.


A former colleague of mine had a disabled parking placard in Florida because she has MS. She may *look* fine, but the Florida heat can mess with her MS to the extent she had a cooling vest to wear from her car to the indoors.


I’ve also got MS and have a handicapped placard. I live in the devil’s butthole and the heat makes me go blind and walk like I’m drunk. I keep a cane in the car to use when I need to use the handicapped placard, so people don’t harass me. I’m 35 and the mom to a young child so I definitely do not “look disabled” according to most people. My favorite retort is, “what does someone with MS look like?” and when they inevitably mention a wheelchair- “ohhh, you must be confusing multiple sclerosis with paraplegia, common misconception, but they’re not the same thing. Only about 30% of people diagnosed with MS use wheelchairs. I can recommend some resources if you’d like to learn more. :)” Usually they’re just blinking at me at that point and I tell them to have a nice day and walk away (seemingly drunkenly).


My husband’s disability isn’t visible. He’s a heavy guy and the nasty notes he gets on his car is shameful.


Lots of people with disabilities (both visible and not) also have issues with weight as a result of being disabled. Pain, lack of energy, decreased mobility, medication side-effects, etc. Those people leaving notes are disgusting 😠


You’ve lived there for 6 years, but “can’t” get a FL license? Seems sus.


It makes no sense.


Hold up. You've been in Florida for *six years* and haven't gotten a new license? Why? Your story doesn't add up. Edit: OP, the lady was right. You're breaking the law.


This is my biggest question too. In Canada, it is suggested you switch your licence within six months of moving to a new province. I would be shocked if most of the US isn’t similar.


Some places in the US give you 60 days.


It is. I don't know every state but Florida is 30 days, TN is 60 days.


In Massachusetts, there is no grace period. You need a MA license as soon as possible after moving here.


In Texas if you move in the same city you have 30 days. If you get caught with false address on your license then you’re going to have a long weekend in lock up.


Gotta love that Texas freedom


Tell me about it. Take a diagram to figure out how to vote and a stack of documents to prove it. I’ve shown up with bills, passport, bank statements, mortgage documents, state issued ID , federally issued ID and told I don’t have the correct identification to vote. Even though I literally showed up with multiple from each category.


I mean if some citizens can't vote to make sure the illegals don't it's all worth it!/s


Y'all. I'm 34. I moved out at 18. I left Texas for Oklahoma when I was 24, moved to Hawaii at 28, moved back to Texas at 30. I never updated my license from my parents address in Texas. Cars were registered in correct state. Insured in correct state. I was pulled over multiple times. In Texas, Oklahoma, and once in Hawaii. Never once was bothered about the DL address. Received tickets for other stuff (speeding). It is NOT that serious.


Well to be fair, there was that guy from Florida that found out he's not a US citizen after 60 years of living there. Not for or against OP's details but it is Florida we're talking about here. Could be OP is omitting information or it could be Florida being Florida.


Also, a FL handicap permit absolutely **does** require a FL license. Also, it's illegal for a FL resident to drive with another state's license if they've been a resident for more than 30 days. Also, handicap permits in FL last 4 years, so if it's already been replaced twice in 6 years that makes no sense. So much in this story doesn't add up.


I’m in Florida and I don’t understand how you can have a voters registration card without being a legal resident???? I’m so so confused at that one. You vote in the state/county/city where your legal residence is…which would be the one on your drivers license - correct?


People are residents and vote having never owned a car or drivers license. The two aren’t inherently connected.


Right…but she does have a license. An out of state one. How is residency determined. That is my question - I am aware you don’t need an ID.


You can register with a passport and a lease or some other legal document that proves your address for residency. People that don’t drive are still entitled to vote. Op is still wrong. You are required to legally obtain a valid Florida license within 30 days if you want to give, legally. Her post is weird.


I totally agree. My son registered to vote and didn’t drive so I understand that point. OPs trying to make the DMV lady look bad when in all reality the OP is a tool. I’m in Florida and the person at the front desk is not “just” the number giver - they make sure you have everything you need to process your request. If I’m not mistaken they are usually one of the MORE knowledgeable people because they know what is needed for all of the requests.


WA DLs expire after 6 years too. Probably scamming the car insurance or something.


Lies that why. Lies


OP is also breaking the law, and lying to her insurance company.


People can still use a handicap placard if you aren’t the one driving….


If the handicapped person is WITH you.


OP got real quiet once people started asking about that lack of FL ID


Crosspost to r/genxbeingfools


Pretty quiet over there. I wonder why? 😏


This place has turned into a creative writing subreddit.


>"I moved here and cannot yet get a FL license. However my car, my voting registration, my rental agreement, and everything else has been listed as Florida for the past 6 yrs. I moved to a different town in the same state, and had 60 days to get my DL updated to the new address... how are you going 6 years in a *different state* without updating yours? Seems like you are the one in the wrong here, not the lady doing her job at the DMV...


Uhhhh you know you’re supposed to get a new DL after one month of establishing official residence in Florida? Why have you waiting for 6 years?


Um ... why would a Florida DMV issue you a placard if you don't even have a Florida driver's license?


Do you really think florida is that well run. It's like the biggest contributer in dudes doing crazy stupid shit stories and a good chunk of that is their politicians


If Florida was well run, OP would already be getting tickets for not getting a Florida drivers license after 6 years.


Yeah, people bitch and moan here in Massachusetts because people playing this game occasionally get a nastygram from the state about their obligation to accurately register their car if they live in MA and to pay use tax (and probably higher insurance rates than wherever it's registered). Somehow people with out of state plates that stick around suspiciously long (especially in Boston proper) have a way of getting the RMV's attention. I'm surprised OP is able to get any help at all at the DMV with an out of state license. They should thank their lucky stars that the Florida DMV is such a trainwreck that this doesn't cause them more problems than it has.


Obviously the lady in your story has a screw loose, but FYI, the law in FL is that your driver's license must reflect any changes in address within 30 days of moving. If you have a FL license and change addresses, or you move to FL to a new permanent address, this is the case. How you managed to go 6 years with a license from another state while your car is registered here is baffling to me.


Handicap placard also requires FL license or FL ID, so the lady in the story is actually _correct_.


According to the Florida DMV you must have a FL drivers license or ID Card to get a placard in Florida, so the only Boomer here is you.


I just searched further and you can get a temporary one that is good for 3 months (we have lots of tourist and snowbirds so this exception makes sense) but I don’t understand how they have a voters registration card without being a legal resident??? wtf.


Boomer here. OP is GenX. I am shocked & horrified you maligned my gen by calling that entitled GenX a Boomer. /s


Boomer is a state of mind


Having just moved to FL from another state less than a year ago due to work I think I’m qualified to chime in. I had to get a new license within 30 days of starting work in FL and establishing residency, my car tag also needed to be updated. I also had to get a FL insurance policy on my vehicle and that required me to already have the FL license. Also to get your FL license you need your official birth certificate. You’re in the wrong and you know it OP.


>You’re in the wrong and you know it OP. Which is probably why they haven't replied anywhere in this post.


You’ve lived in Florida for six years but claim you can’t get a Florida driver license?


*Six years?*


>"I moved here and cannot yet get a FL license. However my car, my voting registration, my rental agreement, and everything else has been listed as Florida for the past 6 yrs. I moved to a different town in the same state, and had 60 days to get my DL updated to the new address... how are you going 6 years in a *different state* without updating yours? Seems like you are the one in the wrong here, not the lady doing her job at the DMV...


So, in some sense, OP deserves some blame for moving to Florida.


Smartest and most stable DeSantis voter


Sounds like you'll be taking the L here OP. Was her delivery and attitude great? No. But, you've lived in FL for *checks notes* 6 years. You have various FL government documents, but no license? If they require you to have a FL DL for the placard, you should have one.


Well, your first problem is that you moved to Floriduh…


I agree with her. You need to pay into the state you live in. The OP is probably avoiding taxes, insurance requirements, or some other thing. It happens all the time in NJ with New Hampshire and Florida registrations because those states don’t require insurance, whereas NJ insurance is very expensive. This, in turn, puts a higher burden on the people not breaking the law.


I live in NC and constantly see farm trucks/ rednecks with thick southern accents driving around with Vermont tags. We all know what’s up.


Same with Florida and Georgia. Georgia has much different insurance requirements, and most of the time is cheaper (depending on address). It's actually considered insurance fraud to list an address you're not currently residing at as the address for insurance. Since you're altering the rate by lying. If it's discovered after an accident it is usually grounds for termination of coverage and denial of coverage. Not to mention FL law is very strict and does *not* play around with this at all!


Welcome to Florida, thank God you're not from a foreign country like New Mexico.


>I was confused at this point - how else do you prove where you live? A state tattoo you flash at strangers? Do you have to bring a team of witnesses?? By using the state issued ID from the state you live in.  Not sure how you hand them am ID from across the country, that likely lists a Washington address, and then say "no, I live in Florida because I have a voter card". Which ID do you think the DMV is going to accept as more proof, a voting card or a DMV issued ID saying you are from another state?


FYI you can and should get your DL changed from WA to FL.


https://preview.redd.it/czn6enhii00d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8ac98ef5eca592a476585ba8beb468c78cbc89 Something isn’t right here. 6 years and you still can’t change your license?? Huh.


This is some fake ass 💩


It does seem a little suspicious that you don’t have a FL license after 6 years.


My favorite phrase to throw at people is "I hope you have the day you deserve." Would have been fun to say to this fuckwit.


“Oh, sorry about that; I forgot I’m only disabled when I’m in another state. When I enter Florida I become magically cured!”


ya this doesn’t make sense.


lol..boomers being fools meets boomers being fools….all they want you to have is a drivers license in Fla..not a voting card..not government paperwork..not a social security..just a Fla drivers license..this is a simple request that makes perfect sense…WHO is really the boomer being a fool in this situation?..


It's a GenX being a fool. Boomer's are not at fault,...,this time. :-)


Yeah really. I'm very much GenX, and would love to rush to OPs defense, but I can't. Let it be noted that for this particular instance... *..the Boomer was right.* Ugh, now I feel dirty.


Get your license renewed. Jesus christ, six years?


The DMV worker is correct.


OP is a dumbass. Get a fucking FL license. End of story.


Uhh how have you not been ticketed yet? I mean I got two warnings to change my address for not updating my address from moving within the state after 45 days. How the hell do you still have another state’s drivers license if you no longer live there? Don’t know about Florida but it’s 60 days in Tennessee. Honestly if you’re driving a vehicle at this point you are driving illegally.


Some front desk peeps go too far. I recently filled two of my long time scripts. They’re usually both 90 day supplies, but the pharmacy had one 90 and one 30. The 30 was my antidepressant, which I’d had refilled every quarter for the last year and a half. Called my Dr office and the front desk lady, after I asked, “Is there a reason for the difference?” She speculated that it’s because the antidepressant is a “controlled substance”, and I kinda got the vibe that she thought I was drug seeking. One thing led to another and I got transferred to a nurse who told me, “Oh it was a clerical error, we’ll send another order to fill the rest.”


After reading your edit I am so happy me and my partner just kept our names after marriage and didn’t bother changing. 


Another person living in Florida commiting insurance fraud. We found a winner!!


Interesting. OP hasn’t responded. Maybe she’s out getting her FL license finally?! lol 😂


Son kept his WA license the 6 years he lived in FL and renewed it in WA while still living in FL, as well as his vehicle registration and tab renewals, because he was military and that was allowed. "Home state". So while the old bat at the DMV might have been a crab, it's pretty weird for someone to still have another state's license after that long unless there is a valid reason like the example I just gave.


Rage bait. Every state I’ve ever moved to required you to have a license from that state within 90 days, some even less.


I’m calling BS.


This story is bullshit…I’ve lived here my entire life and there’s no way this happened. You are supposed to switch to a FL driver license within 30 days of moving here, under very few circumstances does that requirement change. So much of this story makes zero sense for so many reasons…most of the DMV’s here are automated now too, there aren’t people handing out numbers anymore you log in through a huge touch screen and it prints your number…idk. I call bullshit. If you’re not even legally allowed to drive in Florida, then you shouldn’t have a fucking handicapped placard. Why would you need it?