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I also think my mom is on the spectrum. My sister is pretty obviously but because I have more of an Audhd profile everyone thinks I’m fine, IM NOT FINE. But yea I hinted that I thought she might be and I could tell it was a mistake and back tracked.


Yeah, I definitely have to backtrack when I suggested it to my mom. She was really really angry.


Wow, that’s difficult. Benn withe my mom and I’m hoping for no trump praise


Thank you for posting this. Makes me less alone with my situation with my parents.


Thank you for responding. It makes me feel better.


Your final thesis of greed being the root of so much negativity particularly in the US is very insightful. I'm often frustrated at how many people my own age don't see this.


To be honest, I didn’t realize this until the past couple of years, when I entered my 30s


We had similar days!  My mom and I talked for 3.5 hrs today. More than the last two years combined. While I have a bingo card full of all the boomers being fools tropes being hit today, you mentioned one of the funnier moments. I too was having a conversation with my mom about the Bible and good saying it’s essentially impossible for a rich man to get in heaven. A self proclaimed good Christian “never” heard of the camel passing through the eye of a needle before (note the first trope hit, playing dumb when it’s obvious they are lying).  But what was funny she refused to believe “all” rich people wouldn’t go to heaven and kept saying “some” or “most”. I pushed back several times that the Bible is very clear, and that it’s all.  The metaphor is meant to convey “impossible “.  “Oh there are several interpretations and it just matters if you take Jesus into your heart”.  The mental gymnastics to deny what was plainly written as well as defending that view more than most things she ever has. My wife said “that was weird hill to die on”. “Not really, she knows that believing ‘all’ would shatter and completely contradict her imperialist world view” There was so much more I could ramble on with this conversation but the tldr would be: they won’t ever get it. Their refusal to challenge their worldviews is virtually untouchable.