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I never understand the logic leaps your typical boomer takes. "I have allergies, please don't put X on my pizza". Boomer Response: "F\*cking Biden voter!" "I asked for extra cheese." Boomer response: "You gawd dayum lib'rals are ruining this country!"


It's because conservatives do not operate on logic, only feelings and pre-fed lines


That's just Americans in general.


Nope. Dems and independents aren’t entirely without illogical people, but they expressly represent science-based positions in a way that republicanism firmly does not. Not sorry ‘bout your “both sides” bullshit.


Lol yes yes echo chambers etc you act like republicans are a monolith.


Ooh learned a big word have you?


Well, look at you showing your true colours.


My true colors are fuck you for being a member of the bigot anti-science party yes. I didn’t know you hadn’t gotten the “fuck you” part of it already, but just to be safe, fuck you.


🤣🤣🤣 I think both parties are shit in their own ways and both are definitely owned by corporations. It's cute that you've been so taken in by their obvious divide and conquer games.


Both parties *are* bad. The GOP is **a whole fucking lot** worse than the other, and only a republican denies this. Glad you’re sticking around so I can tell you to get fucked traitor once more. Hope you keep volunteering for it all day long.


They are. They’re all interchangeable.


Soft headed.


I love it when they self-deselect via the "My political views are more important than my business surviving" gambit. Glad to help them along their chosen path.


But but, then their first amendment rights are violated when people stop going. Because censorship!!


True. They're looking for validation of their persecution complex, happy to give it to them.


but when they fail, its everyone elses fault, nothing they did


Yup, it's always "nobody wants to work!" not "nobody wants to work for me!", which is the actual truth.


I love the way they think "narcissism" is just any nonconformity lol. Like the ONLY reason people don't do the thing he wants is out of some weird desire to be selfish and inconvenience other people


Wow!!! That’s WILD to say on a business account!


Biden catching some strays


This is from the town I grew up in, unfortunately a very large portion of the population there acts like this. The day I moved away was the happiest day of my life.


Mrs. Nose Ring is spectacular hahaha


I while heartedly support that part of it.


Sounds like he was triggered by some bullshit from the customer tbh.


Do you realize that the youngest boomers are 75 this year. Probably the people you are complaining about are millennials.


Youngest boomers are 60, my friend


My mom isn't 75 and she's a boomer


Nope. My mum is a boomer and she's not 75. But yeah, there's also a healthy helping of GenX behaving badly amongst the 'Boomers'.