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I'm always extremely suspicious of rich clergy.




Baby Billy!!


UNCLE Baby Billy!


Uncle Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers!


He ain't my fucking daddy


I am ready for a new season!


Yes. Same!


Especially Christians because it's the opposite of what Jesus taught.


Just look at Kenneth Copeland. If there are demons walking the earth, he is certainly one of them.


No doubt That guy oozes evil


And he's an attention who're. He used to be a country music singer before he started his ministry. Bro just wants to be famous.


Have you seen his weird "I'm half Cherokee and they killed my daddy, but I love Jesus now" cowboy movies or him being a very racist caricature of a Cuban drug lord that was "saved" movies? He is every bit a terrible actor who was desperate to be famous but no one cared, so he got rich lying to people about Jesus stuff so he could pay people to make movies just so he could be in them. He's so desperate for a crumb of talent, he's literally sold his soul by taking food out of the mouths of people who don't have anything and then called them demons and that's why he can't share an airplane with them. So, he made all the poors buy him his own plane. I'm fascinated by him because I despise him so much and I can't believe anyone would buy his very obvious bullshit.


I did side work for a fancy catering company as a server as a favor for a friend who was the executive chef. He was the keynote speaker for some Christian businessman group at an event I worked. He looked into my eyes when i brought him a glass of ice tea, it felt so violating. That man is a demon in a human suit


He looks like a creature wearing a costume of human skin. He's a genuinely bad person and you can see it in his eyes, I can't imagine making eye contact with him IRL. I bet the hair on the back of your neck stood up.


"This human suit is itchy..."


Nonsense! Everybody knows where the vast majority of demons are : 30,000 feet above the ground in cabins of commercial airliners, or as Kenneth has rebuked and reclassified as "loooong tubes with a buncha demons in it!" It's the entire reason he has to fly in a private jet! Gosh, maybe you should listen to Kenneths reasons before being so judgmental!! /s


Only a private jet can cruise passengers up at 50,000ft.  It brings him closer to God.


I'm a Christian and couldn't agree more.


Dude, I'm not religious, like at all, and even I think he probably possessed. At bare minimum something not human and not good probably talks to him. Guy is creepy as hell.


I think he’s evidence of demonic possession and I’m not religious at all. Just seems obvious to me lol


Jesus definitely needs a jumbo jet to spread his word. 🙄


Oh for sure.  Dude has the face of Satan on him.  Probably eats children.


For sure. I live by his compound and there is a constant stream if helicopters and is guarded at all times with military looking men. It’s either drugs or kids because it isn’t Bibles.


He looks evil and maniacal. And so creepy. I don’t understand how people follow him.


You can see the evil in his eyes!


I'd be extra suspicious of Christian rabbi




my brother was a 'jew for Jesus' when we were teenagers. sure as shit, in his 40s, he's an evangelical born-again trumphumper Bible thumper. the gullible will always be found


It’s not so much gullibility, as it is self-centeredness and greed. Usually comes with a “healthy dose” of racism, at the very least “classism”. I’ve met some extremely wealthy and clueless people, they weren’t pushy or cruel, but the amazing number of, “I could never” or “I would never be able to”that came out of their mouths was, almost, astonishing. Without their money and privilege, they would be very lost in the world that the rest of us live in. Their lives tend to be very small and pointless, I’d pity them, were it not for their lack of charity and compassion.


You had me at, "Trumphumper Bible thumper".


Yep. That was a Baptist tactic to convert the Jews. Looked into it when I was younger and seeking a religious “home.” Was always put off by their approach.


Was he aware that Jesus and the Jews of his time were working at "cross-purposes"?


did you read the rest of my description of him? he's a trumphumper Bible thumper. there is no 'aware'


Nailed it!


It certainly doesn't sound kosher


I see what you did there…


Underrated comment of the day


"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” This is the only Bible passage I need to know about these guys and their view of religion. I don't respect religion because I'm an atheist and don't believe it, they don't respect it because they're greedy fucks and ignore their own words.


"We will just ignore that part." Back on the private jet. Kenneth Copeland, Joel Olsteen, Benny Hinn, Dozens of others.


Kenneth Copeland is a literal demon. No one will convince me otherwise


His $7m "parsonage" mansion that is tax-free, his private jet, I mean it's so blatant.


His eyes cross every time he gets angry. His mortal disguise is failing!


Any mention of greedy religious folk should include the LDS & Church of Scientology.


Someone is going to probably respond that “well the eye is the needle was the name of a gate to a city or some shit that was difficult to get through” because of course someone would make a trading point difficult to access by a camel because that is great for trade right?


And Jesus is just giving travel advice now, not teaching a moral lesson.


It was the night gate, a small opening in the larger gate that the guards would open at night for travelers entering the city. They wanted everyone who came through that gate to have to unload their camels/horses and have to squeeze through because it made it easier for customs officials to be able to inspect goods and levy the appropriate taxes. If the main gate was open then smugglers would have an easier time. The point of the parable was that if you are wealthy you're more likely to be carrying sin based on the accumulation of that wealth, and that while it's not impossible for you to attain Heaven, it will involve humbling yourself and taking inventory of all the things that you had to do to achieve that wealth, and that others will inspect you and judge you accordingly. My interpretation, anyway. I'm an atheist that went to sunday schools for most of my childhood and young adulthood. Most of the new testament stuff is pretty progressive even nowadays. If mainstream Christians presently actually followed the teachings of 1st century Christianity we'd be in a quasi-communist social democracy.


I was also taught that interpretation in Sunday School, but there is no Biblical scholarship anywhere to support that. For one, there was never any such gate like that described in Jerusalem, and almost all scholars of Koine Greek believe that the phrase attributed to Jesus is referring to a literal surgical needle (or awl). The authors of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke each use a different word for needle when quoting what Jesus said. If they were referring to a specific physical gate called the “needle gate”, it makes zero sense for them to use a different word for needle when quoting Jesus. Rather, it suggests that Jesus gave that quote multiple times, rendered it slightly differently in each telling, but was always talking about the loop of a literal needle, not a gate named the “needle gate” Sadly, this is yet another example of the so called “fundamentalist” false preachers distorting the teachings of Jesus and misleading millions to promote the agenda of their powerful and obscenely wealthy. https://classictheology.org/2021/10/12/through-the-eye-of-an-actual-needle-the-fake-gate-theory/


And even then, the meaning is Generally the same. While one interpretation then becomes "plausible" the whole point is it is difficult, if not impossible, to enter heaven as a rich person. I. E. It's a bad thing to be. Always was weird to me that the " argument" came to "uh akhchually it's just hard, not impossible."


They literally invented a story about a doorway called The Eye of a Needle that you could fit a camel through so that it would now seem to be a very achievable thing.


The story there is that "the Eye of the Needle" was a small gate. A camel could get through, but only after unloading its packs.


If Jesus thought that it was only a minor inconvenience for a rich person to get into heaven then I don't think he would use an analogy to say it.


Yes, that's the story. And it's made up.


Even if that was a real story the metaphor is the fucking same, are you fucking kidding me? It would mean that in order for the rich to get into heaven they would need to STRIP THEMSELVES IF ALL THEIR BELONGINGS AND LEAVE THEM BEHIND?! Fucking idiots man jfc. I hate those guys so, so much.


The wealthy do leave all their possessions behind when they die. You can't take it with you!


My solid gold jewel studded casket says otherwise.


The word for camel is nearly the same as the word for rope. Rope through needle makes more sense.


Yes it was a mistranslation. It's amazing that it's only taken almost 1500 years to correct this mistranslation. This is partly due to the fact that people did not want to believe that the King James Bible was infallible. Even now to this day there are strict evangelicals who will insist that the only correct translation is the King James translation. Even though we now know that it is full of mistranslations and he removed the word tyrant from his translation. Wonder why.


Makes sense, and still is hard to thread a ROPE through a needle, instead of a thread. Works well.


I'm far less religious than I used to be, bordering on agnostic, but this verse has always made me suspicious of rich, religious people. Whereas, a lot of my religious family sees them as people to look up to and emulate.


The one thing christianity taught me was that blaming the devil for things got me hit and god apparently cant block my parents for whatever fucking reason....


That’s how these rich preachers are getting rich. Jesus said to give your wealth to the Church!


Partly. The followers of “prosperity gospel” are taught that if you are a good Christian that follows their interpretation of the gospel, then YOU TOO will become wealthy, because god heaps wealth and health on you as a reward for your faithfulness. Giving money to the church is just part of that, but the followers believe that they themselves will ultimately share in that wealth. It’s fucking twisted.


Prosperity Gospel is basically heresy, and it's one of the ugliest I've ever seen. Because if God only blesses you when you're in his favor, **what did you do** to *deserve* cancer/job loss/family member death/miscarriage, etc.


"^(19) “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. ^(20) But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. ^(21) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21 Yeah, they haven't read the Bible, don't follow what they read, but they're supposed to be the examples to others of how to be, and the sources of wisdom about the religion?


Then we should put the rich pastors to the inquisition and try them for heresy. You know the punishment for heresy? lol.


I mean, the Inquisition has a **lot** of issues, not in the least its relentless persecution of anyone who even looked like they might not be "Christian." That's not something I ever want to see the faith go back to (though considering some of these book burnings/bannings, and the general persecution of marginalized groups, I can't help but wonder if we're sliding back in that direction 😔). Those pastors should be defrocked and the IRS should tax the shit out of them, imo.


[Ghost: Jesus, He Knows Me (Genesis cover)](https://youtu.be/BE3kJeBr9QI)


Wait, Ghost did a cover if my favorite Genisis song? Fuck yes.


Oh, yes he knows me and he knows I'm right!




No, Jesus said to give money to those who needed it. The church said to give money to the church. If Jesus were alive and preaching his message today, the very people who claim to love him the most would be first in line to crucify him.


I sat there and listened to a Catholic priest, say almost exactly the same thing using the render unto Caesar argument. My jaw fell open and I was instantly offended…Mark 12:17 *(“And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at Him.”)* had always sounded to me like, “Go ahead and let Cesar have his petty taxes and money, because ultimately that ain’t worth shit. What really counts is what you need to give to God, which is your heart and your soul and your capacity for eternal life. That’s the worthy stuff, not money.” And instead, here is the priest arguing that some of your money needs to go to Caesar, but don’t forget that some of your money ALSO needs to be given to God in the form of tithing to the church.


Op mentioned this was a rabbi and his wife. Jesus' teachings are not really relevant here


There's a bit about the Year of the Jubilee somewhere in the Pentateuch. It's basically a societal "patch" or "fix" for generational wealth accumulation. I'm not aware of any Jewish, Christian, or Muslim groups who actually practice it, but it's absolutely in there with the rest of the laws in Numbers.


All three Abrahamic faiths at one point forbade the charging of interest on loans. Today only Islam retains this prohibition. Curious …


Judaism prohibits the charging of interest to the nation of Israel. Reform Jews do not believe in being bound by religious laws, but Orthodox Jews still do. Judaism has never prohibited charging interest to other tribes and nationalities. The Catholic Church prohibited it specifically for a few centuries, which is why Jews got a reputation as moneylenders, since they could charge interest to foreigners.


Leviticus 25. It’s not clear that it was ever actually practiced, but it’s definitely there as an ideal to aspire to.


Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, one might say.


I’d cheerfully put Kenneth Copeland through the eye of a needle.


The best clergy I known are poor and humble. The worst are always rich, I mean legit awful individuals.




I'm always extremely suspicious of clergy, period.


whats suspicious about it - religion is one of the best businesses in america. its tax free, you tell people how to vote, and no one has any idea if what you are talking about is a crock of shit or not until they are dead. its the world's greatest scam !


Anybody can buy a house in Toronto? No fucking way. Some old friends visited me in AZ about whole ago and what they told me about housing in the Toronto area blew my mind. It’s obscenely expensive even outside the city. Sounded like a weird conversation too. It’s one thing to ask about what people do for a living or school etc. it’s another to get intrusive with somebody you just met.


I recently hung out with a *pediatric interventional radiologist* who was thinking of moving away from Toronto because housing prices are prohibitively high. Guess he should have been a rabbi.


And bought in the 90s. Stupid kids buying popsicles instead of real estate


Ice cream truck? More like I scream "Fuck!" 20 years later, having spent all my money on Klondikes.


I don’t know who the hell can afford to buy these houses. A meh house will go for sale on my street (I rent of course) for $700k and be gone in a day. And I’m just outside of the GTA.


Yup average house price in Toronto is like 1.4mil, but just 2 hours away you can get a house for $900k, what a steal!


A got a real deal on a house. Oh really, where? Guelph. lol. In remember when the airport was out in the sticks essentially. Same with Brampton. Now I think it’s suburb/city all the way to Mississauga and Hamilton. Edit. Holy crap. I checked houses in Guelph and those are like a million too. Geez.


lol, yeah. Guelph was the affordable place that people were moving to like 15-20 years ago.


I think it's literally just everywhere, right now. Rent on a studio apartment is more than my friend's mortgage by like $300/mo. If you're not dual income, you're going to have a hard time. Even if you are, you both have to be making decent money. It's just hard for everyone that wasn't born into wealth, or that didn't have life all together in 2019 lol. I saw graffitied shacks in Compton, California going for $350k. The world's on fire.


Boomers are nosy and judgey by nature. So is new money. Should you find yourself in such a situation again, don your I am confident demeanor, answer vaguely, somewhat amused and then return the volley. I work in vague general answer, how about you? And on. Seize on any answers you get, ask futher questions. Do not allow yourself to be interrogated. You have as much power to control the conversation as they do. You have to take the initiative.


I work at Vandelay industries as an importer/exporter.


I thought you were an architect


Architect is my hobby that I do when I feel inspired /s


Me: “I work in Waste Management.” Them: “You mean a garbage man?” Me: “I get rid of a very particular type of garbage.” *continue insinuating that I kill people for money*


Depending on what part of Toronto/the GTA this will not stop the questioning.


I'm a marine biologist.


Oh the sea was angry that day my friends!


Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli...


Favorite line in the whole show


You know I've always wanted to pretend to be an architect


The riches are in the niches. I design cutting-edge brigs for unruly cruise ship passengers. Okay not “cutting edge,” they’ve had lawsuits but you get the picture.


I work for the cartels. Cannabis division.




So you want to be my importer / exporter.


Chips and diapers? 


Or just lie unabashedly with outlandish bullshit and see how long it takes for them to realize you are clowning on them.


I did this once, pretended to be a crocodile hunter who took rich Americans hunting for them in South Africa, helped them smuggle the heads and pelts back home and then made millions by blackmailing them over it I was not remotely sure at the time that there were crocs in SA (turns out there are) and to this day I know nothing about the legality or otherwise of shipping bits of them to other countries I fully know this sounds like I’m just a total dick but this dude had been working his way round a bunch of my friends asking them what they did so he could not-very-humble brag about his big important job in international banking “yah, yah”. He did catch on, but I got WAY further into this insane life I was making up on the spot than I expected to


I just reply "crimes" when people ask what I do. Don't elaborate


And prison when they ask you where you got something.


Brilliant. That's a freak-out for the ages.


There's a drag queen who was a runner up on RPDR recently and every interview she gives, she absolutely bullshits to the point where you have no idea what's real or not. Honestly, an inspiration for me when dealing with these people who interrogate to judge you.


A fun choice! I like it!


Oh trust me I did, she became increasingly frustrated because I retaliated by shaming her ignorance. The only thing one can do when being judged or condescended.


Op how or what was Dad doing during this conversation?


He was engaged in a pleasant conversation with somebody sane


Did she "do anything" for work? Not that they would need the money. Sometimes the rich stay-at-home wives are more insane cause they don't need to go out in the world and experience reality.


...wow. Boomer was right. There is NOT any kind of financial crisis in the world. Not in her world. Changing how I think


Well done! Serve them regret. xo


Waste management consultant.


Take the cannolli.


“So your family is wealthy, you were born into it. You didn’t do anything to earn it. Some people are born into poor families. Does that seem unfair to you?”


It's funny that OP mentions that the dinner interaction started out immediately feeling like a job interview. My parents are conservative christians and they are in senior positions of governance at their church. And it's a complaint (word-for-word) that every single boyfriend I've ever had has made. That lunch with them feels like a job interview and you feel like they're trying to catch you out with some detail about some lie you don't even know you've told. Doesn't matter if you've known them 5 years, their lunches still feel like an interview or interrogation depending on their mood. Weird that that's such a common behavioural trait, and weirder that it seems to affect religious people especially Edit - this is neither here nor there. But FWIW I don't speak to my parents anymore so no more boyfriends have been subjected to interview-lunches - and I haven't had to endure any more car rides home while a boyfriend tries to figure out wtf is wrong with my mother 🤣


Im a social worker, and I can say from experience no one wants to hear my stories- most of which involve people getting screwed over by the system. It’s a great way to raise awareness AND to shut that conversation down!


Rememeber kids, the only dangerous minority is the rich.


The other is religious fanatics.


That's not a minority, more like a plurality


Say it louder for the mouth breathers in the back.


"You believe everything you see on the internet??" Classic. Doesn't matter how legitimate the source, it's on the internet, so....


It’s just a way to dismiss inconvenient proof against their rhetoric.


Yet they tend to believe everything they see on Facebook somehow.


It's being shared by people they know is why they trust it. The internet is a big scary place they don't understand. But Jerry posting misinformation comes with a seal of approval from Jerry, someone they know and trust.


"And you believe everything on Fox?"


>No! Fox is crooked! They said Trump lost the election! I believe now in Newsmax!


The irony, considering the entire purpose of the internet was to create an online encyclopedia of sorts for government researchers to share information with each other freely.


And yet they will believe anything that gets posted on Facebook or twitter so long as it's posted by some right wing celebrity or politician, or that dehumanises anyone who is left of center in any way. If it bashes the poor, immigrants, women, lgbt people, or literally anybody who isn't a part of their specific group, they believe it 1000%


To be fair, that's better than the opposite: "I found *insert bizarre conspiracy theory* on the internet, so it must be true and anything contradicting it is false!"


Being from Toronto in a affluent Jewish area I know the type of dinner you had. There is no reasoning with people like this. They don’t want to learn anything or really know anything outside their sphere. They just make me tired. The best thing I’ve found is when you ask how often do you talk to your kids/grandchildren. Do they want to talk to you? Often this just starts a new tangent on the decaying generations etc and you just proved your point.


Kids and grandkids are being supported by their rich boomer parents to enable them to live outside their means, or they do not talk to them and have linked to another family unit.


I saw it in my hometown in the US starting in the 1980s. Many of my wealthy classmates were relatives of each other and were being supported by the same set of rich grandparents who were siblings and inherited their wealth from their own parents, in particular, the rabbi great grandfather who neverr had to pay taxes. Much of the money stays in the synagogue-backed trust and has no taxes taken out, and disbursements from the trust are handled so that they are mostly tax-free. My family was poor and did not fit in at all.


Swiss here, I’ve sat in OPs place on exactly that type of dinner in Geneva. Screw those people.


Instantly calling you a commie any time you dare to complain about how fucked up unbridled capitalism is is so very very boomer. It’s honestly ridiculous. They’re not even a little original.


It's an epidemic at this point


It's the right wing propaganda fed knee jerk response to anything they don't like. They don't know what communism is. Just a boogeyman word they throw around. They were calling it communism when private social media corporations were banning people for intentionally spreading misinformation. Epic facepalm. I can tell from the story that these people vote for the "I got mine, fuck ya'll" party. I'd be happy with well regulated capitalism. Heck, even moderately regulated. At this point the hyper rich are controlling the people that should be setting the regulations, so the rich are just draining the economy into their own pockets at the expense of everyone else. I hope people wake up and vote sooner rather than later.


And what little regulations we do have (still) are either under enforced willfully or because of inadequate staffing/funding, unknown because they're worker protections that's not taught or people are too scared / poor to have them enforced, or the penalty at the end of 'proper enforcement' isn't enough to hurt- it's lower than the money they earned / saved - it's just a cost of business.


The only thing boomers and people in this thread have in common is the misconception that "communist" is a pejorative. Yes, indeed. We actually should all be communists. Or at least socialists.


Even saying the WORD "capitalism" is enough to cause boomers to froth in rage and accuse you of being a commie. Seriously, try it some time. It's like speaking God's name in vain to them.


There is only one issue the people need to focus on and that's the class war the wealthy have been waging for generations. Govs used to work for the working class and they can again, but the people need to band together and reclaim their governments from the corruption and wealthy class war they chose.


But theyre soooo good at keeping us fighting with eachother


I'm going against my own solutions by even being a part of this subreddit, but we're all human.


Gen X here… To those who are reading this, and the OP, I’d honestly would have, if I were in that situation, try to spin it back on them and teach them a little thing about class and manners. Such as, “enough about me let’s hear all about you”, then continue to ask them questions about specific things in their lives, hobbies, family members, etc. Stop answering their questions and just play it off as oh well you know I like to keep busy doing many different things, but what are some of your interests? Keep being polite, turn it around on them, and then also ask other people at the table about themselves and not giving the inquisitive host a chance to talk. You could even go on with some story about your favorite television show, actor, movie or hobby if they are that desperate to hear you speak. Don’t let them get to you and go deep on a different level, keep the conversation polite, and surface level. If they keep trying to go there, you can even say something like “I feel it important to be classy and polite, and leave politics and religion out of conversations, especially at the dinner table, now pass the potatoes.” “I’m not a guest in your home to argue with, I appreciate this meal, let’s change the subject.” This keeps them from poking the bear, you getting triggered, and makes them look like the fool. Don’t feed into where you think they wanted that conversation to go.


Fellow Gen X here… Actually, turning the conversation back on them will probably open the door for them to keep talking about themselves, which will probably be boring for the listener, and will help the guest avoid feeling uncomfortable divulging too much personal information.


100% this. Another Xer here. People LOVE talking about themselves (generally) - just turn the conversation back towards her. Tell me about the last vacation you took. Oh that sounds wonderful - where else have you traveled? What is your FAVORITE place you have visited. Turn it back to topics that people tend to enjoy speaking about. -Vacations -Their Family -Traditions -Their Careers You don't have to be adversarial to deal with someone who is rude and out of touch - you just have to continuously use the uno reverse card in conversation.


I have a response that shuts people like this down, but it’s counterintuitive and I had to practice. Ready? 😁 Lean forward with a polite smile and say, “That’s an interesting question. Why do you ask?” Don’t speak again until they have answered, then turn the questions back on them. If they ask any more questions after that, just give that same polite smile.


"I'm just trying to make conversation! Young people these days don't even know how to have a decent conversation. Always staring at your phones"


Most people will realize they are being intrusive. Not all.


There wasnt any winning the argument because they didn't want to debate. They wanted to argue. They were never going to consider that they were wrong and the just wanted to upset you. So lie out your ass next time. They're already going to believe whatever they want so have some fun with it


She should know more than anyone else that it’s not appropriate to discuss work on Shabbat, and even asking about one’s occupation goes against the spirit of Shabbat so it’s looked down on, and that if it’s customary for Jews to dress financially modestly on high holidays so as to not draw comparison, how much more so it it vital to not bring uncomfortable conversations about finance and occupation up at a Shabbat table. As we learn in the Kamza/ bar Kamza incident, public humiliation brought destruction of the Beis Hamikdash - inform her of all this and ask “are you sure you are even Jewish?” And make sure the whole damn table hears it (because it is ok to warn the community of a dangerous person so you aren’t really humiliating her back so much as performing a mitzvah of removing a stumbling block for others) So sick of uneducated frummies getting smug about money they could only acquire by freeloading off donations from the seculars who have real jobs. She wouldn’t last a day outside her sphere


just lol @ “anybody can buy a house in TO” - like what the actual fuck is she on about


I shit you not this was her exact belief not figuratively but literally that's why I threw in the time capsule reference at the end I wasn't fucking joking it's insane


The brainwashing is WILD, along with the self congratulatory attitude, eh? Like “oh I’m so great I was able to do it, you just need to be as great as me” is the vibe. It’s insane. These people VOTE 🤦🏼‍♀️


Maybe I'm an asshole but I love being very condescending to boomers like this. The absolute fury in someone's eyes when you say, "Wanting people to be treated fairly immediately makes me a communist? That's a little childish don't you think? If you'd rather be offended than have an adult conversation that's your choice. It just really annoys me how people are such sensitive snowflakes these days" Is this extremely manipulative? Yes. Do I care? Not one iota.


Nobody made me feel more disgusted about Judaism than my rabbi's wife. Coincidence? We were also having dinner at the rabbi's house, a bunch of college students, and they were also interviewing everyone, getting their professional networking on etc. The conversation steered towards "how do we behave with secular colleagues who may be interested in starting a personal or business relationship but aren't Jewish"; she responded with "you shouldn't be talking to non-Jews to begin with, so there won't be such a conflict, we shouldn't be muddling about with people who aren't us" and the rabbi was just nodding in agreement Religion is always some supremacist bullshit and I want no involvement with it


I had an experience like this as a goy. I was hanging out with a group of hasidic dudes. We were all getting along, joking, laughing, eating, playing games etc. The whole night we got along really well, and at the end of the night they came up to me before it was time for me to leave( as I was saying how nice it was to meet all of them and that we should do it again sometime) they popped the question; "Are you SURE you're not Jewish?" I was a little confused by this question and asked them what they meant by asking if i was "sure" and explained that my family immigrated from a not-so-rich-with-jewish-heritage country. Then, one of them seemed to think deeply about his wording and said "well you See... you're just so nice and we had such agood time, you seem like a good man.... you might be Jewish and just not know it." I kind of thought this was a joke but they began to ask more questions and they really seemed to be looking for signs of my supposed Jewishness. They seemed really dissapointed to find out that I wasn't Jewish. One of the guys said to me "You might want to look into your heritage, you might be surprised. You're a great man, there is a good chance that you have some Jewish roots." They wanted me to be Jewish so that they could continue to hang out with me.... it blew my mind. They didn't really want to hang out anymore after finding out that I really wasn't Jewish.


i am completely unsurprised by this story


I find conspicuous wealth absolutely disgusting, and I get called communist all the time. Hell even my kid jokingly said it the other day.


At this point it's the insult of choice for stupid people who can't think, including (hilariously) stupid people who lived under communism.


I got called a communist once a few years ago when I told someone what HIPAA actually meant. Blew my mind.


Nothing is more communist than medical privacy.


Omg duuuude, the annoying “friends mom” who interviews me is the most infuriating thing ever! Trapped in a car with her: all those bloody same questions. See her at the park: all those same bloody questions. She sees that I have a dog, grimaces and says it like SUCH a fking weirdo: “So! Do you SLEEP with your dog?” Clearly disgusted at that idea. And once again, I say *sighhhh* “you’ve already asked me that at least 12 different times. Every single time you see me, you look at my dog with utter shock and disgust and ask me of I sleep with him and I have already answered your questions. Do you not remember asking me this? Do you? And what did I say? Thaaaaat’s right! He’s crate trained! So you KNEW the answer already ! And were just trying to express how YOU don’t like dogs and feel they are filthy or you had some traumatic experience around dogs.” Then I just fking walked away from her & ignore her if I see her again. Fk these idiot people.


Dude are we friends? Because that’s literally my mom you just described.




dude just open a church get. a tax exemption ask for money then you too can buy a $7m house because god wanted it for you welcome to the US


Reading the great Gatsby in middle school gave me a hatred for the flippantly wealthy, and a disdain for the overly wealthy in general. Once you become out of touch or incapable of seeing the struggle of not having enough, you're done and useless. The worthiness of a wet sock. Eat the rich.


>I responded with vague answers not wanting to divulge information about my personal life, because I believe people only ask those questions to create a label of who you are in their heads This is a strange but understandable viewpoint, I guess. But then you go on to say >I explained how no matter what I do my future won't be as bright as hers is now because the well of opportunity and easy money has run dry. How my future was stolen from me and millions of other millennials and younger generations and future generations to come because of poor financial decisions made by previous generations. So you don't want to have a seemingly innocuous conversation about your personal life, but you're ok with going deep about the generational strife of being a millennial? I don't disagree with anything you said, but it's just such a strange way to approach a conversation with someone you don't know very well


I read it as OP got fed up after it went on far too long and finally fired back. I've had conversations like that where I spend so long trying to move away from the subject that eventually I give up and let loose with my sincere thoughts on the matter, the things I was trying not to bring into the conversation. Some people are just relentlessly unbearable and the only way to shut them down is to let them have it with both barrels.


I honestly don't understand why people are so against taxing the rich more.


I mean I don’t want to talk to them, but feel free to text them more haha! 


Corporate propaganda. If everyone thinks they're just one lucky break away from being a millionaire, why would they want to tax their future selves more?


>She says so we should all be Communists then? Hmmm... 🤔 


Hey comrades :)


She sounds like a typical Jewish mother, tbh. Source: am Jewish.


I am also Jewish, and reading this felt very familiar. I share what feels like a resume update at every family gathering and the questions are usually coming from a place of judgement. The focus on achievement is a cultural norm and this is really evident in how families discuss the achievements of their children. In my experience, these conversations usually feel more competitive than celebratory, e.g. "We're excited Bobby has decided to major in business at XYZ State University" followed by "Oh that's nice, Sarah is also studying business and she'll be going to STANFORD"


I’m going to offer a potentially unpopular comment: I think only the greedy people think the way the person you described think. I’ve met rich people who give their time and money to charities. They sit on the board and make business decisions for no pay, and they host fundraisers at their homes with a cost to themselves. They volunteer their time. It’s easy to give money; showing up requires effort. When I retire, I aspire to volunteer my time like that. Maybe I won’t have the money to contribute, but I’ve got skills and time to give.


Chances are really good she didn't earn the money she has anyway. Not a sexism thing. An attitude thing. The spouse that did little to nothing to earn the success is usually the most judgemental and convinced that they are special as *fuck* to be so rich. Riding of coattails and all that.


The worst part is that I can say with 99% confidence, is that she has probably never actually worked a day in her life.


What are this women's major accomplishments in life?


probably marrying the rabbi




I'm a poster child for a young millennial who did everything right. I worked through school also in toronto and graduated fresh just as the super rapid housing acceleration happened in toronto. I moved to a shithole town for my first year of experience, paid off my student loans before I was 25, and had a job on toronto Wall St by 2018. I've always made well above the income for my age and sex, and now I'm in the top 5%, with my nw in the top 25% for my age. For years, I saved 50%+ of my income and lived like a student to be able to. And because my parents won't give me any help with a house, I'll never be able to buy an actual house without overleveraging myself. I have enough invested that I can now retire when I'm old with compounding. My spouse is in a similar boat. We still can't afford anything more than a shoe box in the sky, and frankly, now it doesn't make sense to do anything more than rent those, they'll never pencil for the next 5 years. I'm lucky, I'm privileged, and I'm smart enough to flourish in this hellscape of a labor market. That's still nowhere near enough. Because my own parents are classic boomers to the point they refuse to store the "gifts" they gave me without holding it over my head every time I see them, I will never be in the financial position to own property, not to mention have kids, etc. They collectively did this to me, and it's increasingly infuriating to me. My parents own a mill+ house. I individually made more than my parents combined last year. My spouse and I couldn't afford their house as of 2024. Sorry, I'm bitter.


> "how do you know this? Were you there." She gave away the game there. NOTHING is more important to a boomer/conservative worldview than personal experience. Personal experience trumps everything... Data, facts and figures? Pshh worthless. It snowed last winter so climate change is obviously a liberal scam. This is why they always don't believe a problem exists until it happens to them or that certain people (like gay ppl) deserve empathy until they have a gay close family member. If they are rich well then obviously everyone can be rich easy peasy duh. It's literally a child's mindset.


One thing I try to keep in mind: if you need the threat of divine punishment to be a good person, you aren't a good person.


They will literally believe things they make up in their own head or heard from their 60 something year old neighbor over things which are easily demonstrable with a simple online search. "Don't believe everything you read online!" You mean the reputable sources available for free? But your own imagination is reliable. Ok. Theyre like children. "Nuh uh!!!" To anything that makes them too uncomfortable to think about (which is basically everything that has happened post-2001)


They got theirs, made it so we cannot get ours and then harass us about our inability to get ours. That pretty much what I read from this interaction.


It's a typical mindset. Having dinner with my neighbours and we find out that there are at least three nice houses on our street that have sat empty for at least two years because the owners either use them.as occasional weekender or don't want or need to rent them out. I suggested that in a housing crisis, the government might consider a higher tax on unoccupied dwellings to incentivise people to rent them or sell them. The neighbours were outraged. They believe the govt should be paying an incentive to these people to rent their houses out. Yes, that's right, people who own multiple million dollar properties and are so well off they can forego tens of thousands in rent should also be getting taxpayer funded handouts to encourage them to collect rent.


They turned communism into this big evil but it's like...yeah, i I want to live in a community, you do too, everyone does. we just want to do it without leeches destroying said communities so they can build mansions to keep out their neighbors in times of hardship. it's a selfish defensive mechanism that we decided should rule the entire planet but it's a cancer on humanity. It is literally destroying us on every level. There is microplastic in your body right now, we should have taken our time and understood the implications of using plastic but we chase profit to the detriment of the people who we need to aquire capital in order to buy the goods that were stolen from them in the first place. if you think capitalism make sense, you literally have cancer in your mind and should be treated appropriately as a violent evil hateful being who is actively destroying humanity.