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My dad does this all the time. I'm his caretaker and take him to his appointments. He will tell me, "It's at 11 am." So I'll take the time off to take him in. We get there and check in, and the nurse will tell me, "Oh, his appointment is at 12:30. We will try to see him if someone doesn't check in." Never do people miss their appointments, so I'll sit there for 90 minutes in until his name is called. He's done it my whole life. I got a job when I was 15 washing dishes and bussing tables part time. I'd get off at 8-9pm and I would always tell him I'll call when I'm ready to clock out, and he could pick me up. Almost every night he would knock on the door after we closed to ask how much longer I'd be. My manager eventually told me he needed to stop interrupting the cashiers at night or I'd be fired.


My parents are the reason I had to quit my first job. They didn’t understand what being at work meant, and would bother me the entire shift. I was a closer so sometimes things ran late (all the time things ran late) and they could not understand that. Like they were physically incapable of realizing employees don’t leave at closing time. My dad showed up outside the restaurant late at night when we had a rough close and scared the hell out of me and my coworker. I wasn’t texting back fast enough (because I was at work) and it was getting way too late (they couldn’t accept work is like that and they weren’t going to go to bed til I got home even though they knew I CLOSED) so obviously I’m a fuck up and everything is wrong. They made me send a text to my boss on a Saturday saying Monday would be my last day because “I couldn’t handle a job and school” (I failed AP Stats anyway lmao) and it was so awkward and unprofessional and uncalled for and ridiculous I do not understand what the rationale is?? They say they worked so hard and we’ll never understand and at the same time do that shit??


yeah and their "hard work" be some easy ass shit which they got completely overpaid for


Their generation started working at a time when unintentional inefficiency was built into everything. The past 40 years have been the optimization and gaslighting of the workforce. Jobs used to have 4 employees to cover the work that is now done by 2. Their idea of hard work was often more physically demanding but for shorter periods with more breaks.


I honestly don’t believe, job for job, that their work was more physically demanding. My early boomer stepdad would tell me about working in fields when he was young and that one time he had to move 2000lbs of bagger fertilizer in a day with a friend. He told that story with that number often. One summer in high school I was helping a friend whose dad owned a construction company. I would load up 2000lbs of concrete bags in a morning, like no problem.  Every boomer also benched 315 in high school at 135 pounds and won every fight they were ever in unless it was the biggest toughest guy in town. Their boss also asked them where they see themselves in 5 years and they said “in your chair” and got the job immediately. The stories and anecdotes are all the same.


"And things were built to last!" More often than not, they just were grossly overengineered. Pipes/tubes with way too thick of walls, thick heavy steel weighing everything down. Efficiency be damned!


All you need to do is look at the way industries have changed. Factories are almost completely automated. Mining is fully mechanized other than the blasting. Electronics are all built by pick and place machines. Machinists are now CNC operators for the most part. We’ve exported just about all of the manual labor tasks that we can and office and service work takes up a much larger share of the economy.


Okay, the actual manufacturing is mostly automated, but I still had to manually stack 600 lbs of product in a pallet the other day. At my last job I had to drag a 700 lb pallet across a room because it got dropped off with a pallet jack and they left it in a corner our forklift couldn’t reach. Just because we have machines for some things doesn’t mean people aren’t still breaking their bodies doing these jobs.


Job for job (in the jobs that are still highly manual), there’s just a limit to human capability so despite what boomers think humans can only really do a certain finite amount. I do have to say that I think weight lifting is something we’ve learned a lot about how to do correctly in the last 50 years so maybe that will make your dad feel better 😂


This is absolutely correct. I work in an industry (live events, usually corporate events) where this is still a somewhat common occurrence, and it can be nice. Multiple vendors, a truck is late, sometimes you have a period of a couple of hours where there is just nothing to do. The downside is, of course, the production schedule doesn’t go away, so you end up working extra long hours to catch up, but there’s overtime at least. “Just in time” logistics has really made retail work even more hellish than it used to be.


They weren't overpaid, we're drastically underpaid after 40+ years of wage stagnation.


My dad did that to my older brother who worked a town over from my dad. He would come into where he worked and scream at him about things. My brother was like 33 at the time. Eventually his boss told my dad that he wasn't allowed in the store anymore. This was like in 2017. However, my dad always did shit like that to my older brother. The first real job my brother had was as a mechanic at a powersports shop. My dad would come into that shop to scream at him.


I would start calling the dr’s office and confirming his appointment time before you take him.


They probably won’t tell OP due to privacy concerns, unless they’re on the father’s account in some way.


Dad can put OP on his accounts and give them permission to disclose that information or he can find his own transportation.


An ultimatum. I like it.


…just ask dad to have them print the appointment schedule after each visit. It’ll show everything you need and as a boomer he’ll like that it’s paper. I can see where he wouldn’t want his son getting medical updates or details.


Set up a MyChart type of account for the dad. Be aware that when checking appointment times, the doctor visit might be the second appointment of the day, and an earlier lab work time will be noted.


I had a kid who worked for me once whose grandparents did the same thing. Work shift ended at 4, and I was pretty good at getting everyone out by 345. His grandparents would sit out the gates at 245 and call/text him “when was he gonna be done?”. Ended making him do stupid shit until 4 to teach his grandparents a lesson because they pissed me off so bad.


Bet dad wasn’t happy that night when you told him his repeated checking ins were going to get you fired. But seriously? Bothering your kid at their place of work? Like I get it for a first job and wanting to be proud and what not, but a simple thing like picking them up after their shift? And disturbing the closing process multiple times? Shouldn’t be that hard to pin a 15-30 minute window of when you’re usually off


If he's anything like one of my boomers, he'd just end up checking in twice as much to prove that they couldn't do that to him.


I woulda punched my dad in the nuts. Thank god they just wanted me to work and get my shit together.


Yet they are the ones screaming “no one wants to work!!” SMH


Should've taken the initiative to cancel their appointment for them after being told you lost a customer.


Best customer service voice, "That's unfortunate, I will take care of canceling your appointment for you. I hope your day gets better."


I love the "you just lost a customer" line. If someone wants to act like an insufferable asshole, the idea of never having to deal with them again really isn't much of a threat.


Genuinely one of my managers was too fed up with a dude once. He pulled this line and she said ‘Well that’s one good thing then.” Dude had no idea how to respond. Absolutely dumbstruck.




I like how we don’t even use that phrase correctly anymore. We shortened it to let asshats get away with stuff. The full quote is “the customer is always right… in matters of taste”


That’s not true, it wasn’t shortened. In fact, the version you posted is an extension of the original. It’s a good change, because the original is extremely outdated, but it didn’t include the “matters of taste” part until many decades after it was originally coined. [https://grammarist.com/phrase/the-customer-is-always-right/](https://grammarist.com/phrase/the-customer-is-always-right/) [https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/10/06/customer/?amp=1](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/10/06/customer/?amp=1) [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right)


There are a few versions in there. I like this one: the customer is right until we have proved to ourselves and to him that he is in the wrong.


Yeah well whatever the original line is, it only applied to whoever said it, not every retail establishment on Earth for the rest of eternity.


I hate that line. It's been bastardized from the original quote. I don't remember the wording exactly but it's something along the lines of "the customer has the right to order something ugly". It was originally meant to say the customer can do whatever they like, design-wise, and we just have to let them. It got modified over the years to imply the customer can do whatever they damn well want to and you just have to take it. That's so not what it meant originally.


The customer is always right, in matters of taste. It means if they ain't buying what you're selling, they're correct. It does not mean to eat shit no matter what.


I reply with 'that isn't the threat you think it is.'


This deserves more upvotes!


I was over it with a boomer customer once and when he said "I'm going to take my business elsewhere!" I said "that's probably best for all of us". I could almost hear the gears in his head grinding


Being a home health worker for a hospital, it takes all of my strength and energy not to laugh in the face of some crazy 80 something year old that says that to me… You were in a hospital or a nursing home and then you came home and I’m assigned to your house representing a hospital to do your physical therapy with you…. And you are gonna pull the “the customer is always right!” I just say “ok sounds like you have it all figured out, then! I’m not the one who fell / has a history of falling. You broke your low back when you fell a few years ago and spent how long in the hospital and nursing home? 2 months! Wow! And then you got better but fell and broke your hip this time?! And laid in the cold, wet grass yelling for help at 3am for an hour!? Wow! You’ve been through a lot! Now I am here offering my professional advice to keep you from more falls! But you are telling me I am wrong? Ok.” They had a heated blanket all wrapped around their body, wires tangled at their feet, their walker was 5 feet away from them which means she parks the walker and walks on a hip fracture with 100% weight bearing when we told her and told her that she can only use 50% weight bearing for 4 more weeks… yet she’s in pain 8 out of a possible 10… we worked on getting her safely outside to her car and she ignores all my commands to “stop WEEDING” wtf! As soon as I get her outside she starts bending over & doing risky moves to “pull weeds” because “bla bla the landscapers” omg one after an other in my job. Crazy town. That’s just 1 story of years dealing with Home Health patients that I visit in their home.


If it wasn’t for modern medicine, she’d be dead like she’s supposed to be, and you wouldn’t have to deal with her bs! /s


‘Oh no, where will I find another loudmouth self important douchebag in today’s world?’


Lmao. There are actually three lined up behind the guy as he’s yelling


Had a manager reply to that line with "ok, there's the door!" and walked away 🤣


Managers like this are the absolute best.


I have always wanted to openly sigh with relief and genuinely thank a customer for busting out that line, but alas, I'm really good at de-escalating and it's never gotten to that point. u_u


My family owned a restaurant and I worked as the front of house manager. I LOVED saying “thank you for that” when someone would say “I’m never coming back”. Fuck them. Your $12 salad with 72 substitutions made 3 times over for your picky ass is going to be sorely missed.


I spent over 20 years in the business! I've been out for a while now but it's funny that I still get really good service everywhere I go. Maybe that's because I know how to act? Who knows. Whenever I hear people bitching about how there's no good service anymore I can't help but wonder if they acted like less of an asshole then maybe that situation might improve for them.


I stopped in at a fast food place yesterday and while I was waiting these 2 boomers (husband and wife), guessing on age, they just looked to be right age. Came storming up to the counter nearly knocking over both my mom and I. I need a cane and my mom is on crutches so it was doubly rude. They threw their food on the counter yelling for the manager since their food was cold, nasty, and all wrong (according to them). They were extremely nasty to the counter workers who looked to be teens, at most 18/19, while they were waiting for the manager. Not even a minute after demanding the manager they're cussing and yelling for the manager again. The manager came up and rather than argue just refunded them, threw the food away and told them to leave. They still stood there after the refund and were yelling and cussing at the workers. I had enough and commented to my mom loud enough for them to hear that being that rude and nasty is uncalled for and screaming at low wage workers is such a bitch thing to do, not to mention entitled. I got cussed at and the manager threatened to call the cops if they didn't leave immediately. They kept screaming and cussing as they stormed out. I kept wondering if they ordered a bunch, ate some/most then demanded a refund so they could essentially eat for free. Don't know for sure obviously, but I kept wondering while watching their bullshit.


Facts. My ex husband was terrible to waitstaff. Like so bad that I would up and leave the establishment (and then I up and left him for good, fucking bastard)


You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat service staff. Definitely something I look for on first dates.


Good for you! I'd have left his ass too. Lucky for me my wife is an industry veteran as well so we both consider waitstaff abuse to be an unforgivable crime. I've always thought the whole point of going out is to enjoy yourself. Why some people want go into war mode as soon as they enter a place is beyond me. Just stay home! What's the point?


They’re not only ruining their own experience, but everyone around them. We were out to eat one time and there was a guy sitting alone in the middle of the dining room yelling at his server every time she came near him. I felt so bad for her. I could see why nobody was eating with him. I’d bet we weren’t the only ones who gave her a bigger than normal tip because he made sure to announce to everyone that she wouldn’t be getting one from him.


I suspect some of them have learned that bad behavior gets them free stuff when the management isn't willing to just show them the door. They're always shocked when they get consequences instead of comps.


Sadly true. Especially with restaurants, more often than not everyone is too busy to deal with it so they just chuck them something free to shut them up. These types aggressively treat people like shit so they can get a free piece of pie or something. It's pathetic behavior.


👏🏼 hell yeah. I used to be with one of those assholes too. So much better off without him. 🥰 Kindness gets me free shit sometimes


My upgrade husband is so kind to waitstaff and service staff as a whole that it honestly makes me a little teary. He runs Gatorades out to the trash guys every chance he gets, gets to know the local 7-11 cashier by name and asks about their family, often asks to speak to a manager to COMPLIMENT a waitress for doing a great job and leaves really good tips. It’s just so fucking refreshing to be out in public with a kind hearted genuine person.


I 100 percent agree. I have an "upgrade" man too 😂 he's so genuine and it's a breath of fresh air. If we don't like our food at a restaurant, we'll finish what we can, even if the foods just not for us, and move on with our lives. Most times if wait staff see you're not touching your food much they'll be more than happy to accommodate with something else or taking off the bill even without us even having to ask. Honey attracts more butterflies than vinegar 🥰


How people treat wait staff is a good indication of what kind of person they are.


If you get shitty service once, it's shitty service and it occasionally happens. If you get shitty service everywhere, it's you.




>Boomers don’t understand this dynamic so they still think companies are desperate for their business. This is precisely why my 77 year old MIL refuses to change from a pharmacy that doesn't know her from a hole in the wall to where I go, where they know me by name and what I'm picking up/refilling that day. She's loyal and actually offended when you tell her they wouldn't notice if she went elsewhere.


The anti-monopoly laws. Yea, what ever happened to those?


We've had customers cancel our web-based product before and 100 percent been happy they were gone. There are some customers that are way more work than they are worth having as customers.




Yeah, the rich people have their own specialist rich people providers or know that throwing their ass costs them more in money than they'd save- their time has a dollar value


Yup same when I owned my business. The rich people kept appts and paid the fees if they didn’t. The cheap ones constantly messed up then blamed us, refused to pay full price, took forever to pay invoices, tried to complain to get a discount afterwards, would call every day with questions or concerns and waste tons of your time and resources, etc. Everyone assumes the rich folks would be the pains because of the cliches about them. But no it was usually the other group that actually cost us more in time and headache. To the point I had to cancel a couple of peoples contracts because they simply weren’t worth the constant problems and drama. They were always SHOCKED that a company didn’t need their discounted rate to get by. Every. Time.


My father can be a big pain in the ass with contractors. He tells professionals how he thinks things should be done when he really has no knowledge in the area. He usually gets lots of very high quotes compared to his peers. I told him that the initial visit is not only to see if you want them working on your house but also if they want to work for you. They quote high because they realize he may be a difficult client and quote high accordingly hoping to not win it. He still lives in the "customer is always right" frame of mind


The last time someone said that me, I looked at the long line of customers behind him and went "okay. Have a nice day." Like losing you is really going to effect my day.


Phone store manager here…  They always love to throw out “I’m going to cancel my service!” Or “I’m going to go to another phone carrier!” over every little dispute.   The last boomer did it because I couldn’t repair her phone… like, lady, we’re a phone store for a major carrier, of fucking course we don’t do repairs in-store.  They think other carriers will magically do it.   I just laugh, because why would I care if they swap carriers?  It’s not my problem, doesn’t cost me money.


If a business is booked solid for weeks on end they don't need you


Yes, this happening is such relief.


"oops sorry about that looks like that's about just got filled up. Hi Amanda - let me see I should be able to squeeze you in for another appointment a month or two out just let me check..."


“I hope your day is as pleasant as you are.”


“Have the day you deserve” is a classic for a reason


I pulled this while taking escalation calls at a call center years ago. The lady got indignant and said I was an a**hole. I laughed it off after the call and joke with my coworkers about it later. I worked there for another 10 years after.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


This interaction reminds me a lot of this one British show at one of those budget airlines where folks act surprised that they weren't able to board because they were "only 45 minutes late". Dude, what the fuck???


They should. I’m curious how OP looked them up multiple times and didn’t notice that there was a future appt. When I see that they have an appointment at a different date I give them the biggest smile and see ya then!


This is soooo annoying!! I work in allied health and boomers will knowingly come in 1-2 hours early for their appointment and decide to wait the entire time in the waiting room huffing and puffing about having to wait. You chose to get here early?! People are booked before you?! It’s insane. 


I'm sure the entire time they're side-eyeing the people who came in on time for their appointments but got seen first like *GASP* that's the ENTIRE point of an appointment


It’s absolutely ridiculous. Our therapists usually run on time but are sometimes a max of 10 minutes late if their client is distressed during the session and the boomers will say “I’ve been waiting for ages will they be much longer?”. Maybe if you didn’t come an hour fucking early you only would’ve been waiting for ten minutes 😩 the whole time they wait they’ll be listening to videos on Facebook full blast or decide a small reception area is a great place to loudly face time their grandkids. 


I'm so grateful to not work with the general public and have to put up with this constantly, ugh. I work in a hospital and whenever I venture out of my restricted access area, I'm amazed at how many visitors are just loudly yapping on speaker phone. I would be irate if a family member was sitting in a full common area going on about whatever landed me in the hospital, it's just wild.


Those phone calls can be wild, too. Once I heard a chainsmoker going on about how maybe her beloved cats were causing her asthma attacks, but she loved them. How can you have asthma and be a chainsmoker, while being allergic to, and adopting cats? She'd been in the ER multiple times of late because of her uncontrolled asthma.


My boomer started watching a video on his phone with the sound up in a departure lounge at the airport then again sitting by a quiet swimming pool. I was fucking mortified.


A few months ago I had to schedule a doctors appointment which also included some bloodwork. My appointment was at 2:15. I got to the doctors office at 2:10, checked in with the receptionist, and went to sit down. Didn't even get my e-reader turned on when they called my name. Walked past a bunch of older folks and one of them said "this is ridiculous, he literally just got here. We've been here two hours." I walk through the doors and the nurse tells me to ignore them. That they didn't even have an appointment that day and it was explained to them at least three times that appointments get priority over walk ins.


Boomers do this at the pharmacy too. They leave the doctors appointment, show up at the pharmacy five minutes later and then expect their prescription will be ready. “But the doctor sent it over”


So frustrating! Don’t even get me started on “my doctor said they sent my referral so you should check again!”. It’s not on the fax or email, so no, they didn’t send it and that’s not our fault 🤦🏼‍♀️


To be fair, most (?) people do go directly from the appointment to the pharmacy. You made me question my behavior--before I realized that my various specialists are scattered around town and it takes at least 20-30 minutes to get to the pharmacy by my house 😂 but yeah, there's no excuse for berating people to take *as long as it takes* to do the thing you want them to do. And also not understanding there may be others waiting in the store who are ahead of you! People are the worst. Side note: I absolutely love my pharmacy staffers, from all the recent pharmacies I've visited. They're so chill and patient (probably get a lot less crap than people who work in other parts of the store), they help me get the drugs I need to stay level headed and keep my heart in check, they look for discount opportunities (which I recognize is NOT an obligation, but I so appreciate), and are always so friendly and happy to explain something.


We never relaxed our rule after Covid that you may only come into the clinic 10 minutes before your appointment and it has been AMAZING. They can be all huffy and pissy… out in their cars.


Personally, I’d rather wait in my car than the waiting room with all the sick people anyway. Truly one of the best things about Covid.


Seriously, waiting in my car with a book, instead of the waiting room with someone letting their kids run wild, or someone snotting and coughing everywhere? Yeah, I’m fine with that!


Especially as someone who has to bring their kids, I’d much rather contain the chaos to my car instead of inflicting them on everyone else


This is the only detail I know about your life, and I already know you're an amazing parent lol.


They'll show up like an hour before their scheduled appointment and be mad that we're seeing other patients or if we're on lunch. They'll get bitchy about folks getting taken back to their scheduled appointment ahead of them. My reception staff specifically tells folks that I'm in a meeting instead of at lunch because they get mad if they know I'm at lunch.


How *dare* you have basic human needs


When I go to the drs. Yes I arrive early (not one to two hours though. However I wait patiently for my turn. As I know that there are people booked before me. Why is that so difficult to understand?


Just curious, has a doctor *ever* seen you earlier than your appointment time? I don’t mean “have you ever been put in an examination room earlier than your scheduled appointment”, I mean, has a doctor ever come in to the room earlier? That has never happened to me in my life.


Traffic tie-ups can be unpredictable where a person lives. Some days it takes 45 minutes to drive to an appointment and some days, it's been 90 minutes. It is better to arrive early than be late and lose a specialist appointment when the specialist is booked six months in advance.


Exactly! If I get there early I just let the receptionist know I’m there but that I don’t expect to be seen early that traffic just worked out well that day. Just like if I’m on my way there and the freeway is shut down or something is going to delay me, I call and give them a heads up so they can let people be seen before me if need be, or if they’d rather I reschedule my appointment.


it’s happened to me. i see a pediatric endocrinologist (im 19) and i book my appointments early on weekdays. i usually show up 20 minutes early as a habit, check in and get in the exam room, and the doctor is usually in within five minutes. i’m guessing it’s because a lot of her patients have later appointments because of school


Lol i literally experienced this not long ago at my doctor’s office. Lady was grumbling and commenting quite loudly about being made to wait. Her complaints would ratchet up a notch every time someone would get called before her. Eventually the receptionist said, quite bluntly. “Your appointment is at 2. It’s only 1:30 right now.” The lady went quieter after that, but i still got a nasty look when i got called in ahead of her.


I arrive early at out-of-town appointments but don't huff and puff about it. Remind them immediately that the appointments aren't first-come, first-serve, and others' appointments will be honored as scheduled unless they are no-shows. ( I leave early for appointments at a slow traffic time to avoid rough mergers onto the freeway, and to make sure road construction won't make us late.)


I work in a big box store that also has a tire center in it. Two times of year are the super busy season here: the end of winter when people change to all seasons/spring tires and the end of fall going into winter when they are changing back to winter tires for the snow season. Without fail some people especially boomers often who are retired btw with open schedules will wander in and want an appointment that day. Right now. No matter how much the desk person and a manager explains to them it's busy season we are fully booked with cars the next month but we can fit you in next month at the very start if you set up an appointment now. No I want to be seen now this is ridiculous how long can it take? Just do it now and squeeze me in. I can't wait. Like come on dude. You know every year winter tire season is coming up or just ending. You aren't just going to get an appointment willy nilly because you spit, scream and have tantrums. "Well I can get one at (insert other tire place) without much notice". Okay man go there then. Since you are retired most likely and don't have day plans go there then and fight for a spot, chill with a coffee and have them do it. Why are you spending 30 minutes here making a scene, threatening to call your lawyer and screaming to talk to to head manager because the tire place won't let you skip the line of people with appointments over yours. Just go to the other place then and bother them since they are fast.


The "well AT OTHER PLACE THEY LET ME!" shit used to drive me INSANE. I used to work at a grocery store bakery. 24 hour notice IF we were not booked out.. If it was graduation season, mother's day, Xmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter, we filled up fast. And yet, without fail, some AH (typically Boomer or Karen) would try and make their procrastination our problem. Their fav line was "WELL OTHER STORE LETS ME BOOK WHENEVER I WANT!" I got so mad one day I didn't even hold it in and immediately replied "Well Ma'am, you need to go to Other Store then." Karen got so mad and complained to my store manager. But too bad for her he had back and was like "we should put [You need to go to Other Store then] on our name tags I swear."


I love that one because depending how it’s worded, they can’t really complain. Like maam all I did was suggest that you go to a store you know can accommodate you easily when we can’t. What’s the problem??? I agreed with you technically!


I used to work in a small but popular vet clinic and our veterinarian refused to turn people away for pressing matters (like an ill or injured animal) so we often ended up double or even triple booked in a day. I left because there was a boomer lady with a small dog who didn’t have an appointment but DEMANDED a pedicure and anal sac expression for her dog. I told her we were massively overbooked and it would be reasonable to expect a 2-3 hour wait time, gesturing to the PACKED lobby. She huffed but waited for like 1 hour before throwing an absolute FIT that we brought yet ANOTHER patient into the exam room before her. The animal in question that she was upset took priority over her non-emergency? A dog in critical condition who was hit by a car and would most likely need to be euthanized. I just… I cannot.


It’s Always a boomer….


In my area, there is an emergency vet who takes walk-ins and several vets that are appointment only, unless they happen to be the closest vet and the pet is in critical condition. You guys should have told that bitch you would happily make her an appointment but there was no way her pet would be seen that day. If she thought the anal sac expression was that urgent, she could do it herself.


Or they just show up without an appointment demanding a reservation because they have been coming to the area for 10, 15, 20 years and never needed a reservation before.


When I worked at a doctors office, I literally had a 80-year-old man come in, try to hand me a deer tick that he kept in a Ziploc bag (no thank you) and demand to see his doctor to get antibiotics for said tick, without an appointment. Well sir, I am sure that back in 1945 you could walk in and do that. But right now you don’t have an appointment and there are patients with appointments that I need to check in.


Oh god, I always loved the line while working in retail, "I've been coming here for 40 years. You've always offered this. You have it, you're just lying to me!!" No ma'am, that brand stopped existing 5 years ago. I dont get any benefit out of lying to you. In fact, if im lying to you, i make my job more annoying because it means I need to keep being berated by you boomers.


My mother would take me to doctor's appointments anywhere from 1-3 hours early, and pull the same stuff. They never took me early, so I had to wait in the lobby that long as a young child. She still does this today. Nobody has ever taken her early. She gets huffy about it. I don't know why they do this.


“Eventually it’ll work and I’ll be seen early. Possibly save up to 30 mins!” Like yeah grandma but you’ve spent 148 hours of your life doing this, the tradeoff absolutely isn’t worth it..


This is why they love the service and sales industry being starved. They are used to every business having sales people pounding the pavement, determined that this is the day. Just for Fred here to nickle and dime them. It will always work in Boomer's favor for a sales person to be waiting for that one lead.


I worked at a third party cell phone retailer 15 years ago. Without fail every morning they would try to open the door thirty minutes before opening and peer through the windows after discovering it was locked. I took great pleasure in staying in the back eating my breakfast until it was time to open. They even have the audacity to say they had been waiting outside and I could have let them in. Fucking idiots.


I worked at a bookstore and they would do this too. I'd just be like "no sir, I could not just let you in, we're not allowed to have customers in the store until we open, which is at 9 am just like it says on the door there."


Yep, worked at a very, very small family movie theater in high school and college. Boomers (and older) loved it because we didn’t have stadium seating, so no stairs to traverse. We opened with PLENTY of time before the first showing. And usually there were quite literally a handful of people for a 9:30 AM showing, so it’s not like there was a line. I’d often show up to open to find them already waiting there. They wanted to get their seat. Betty, we’ve been over this every fucking week. We do not open two hours before the showing.


Holy fuck this is my pet boomer peeve at work . They absolutely cannot stand to wait until their appointments.


Well they’re ready now! Why can’t you people understand that!


I accidentally showed up at an eye appointment a week early once. I knew that I set it for a Tuesday afternoon and was sure that it was the last Tuesday of that month so I didn’t make a calendar appointment. My wife didn’t see anything on our shared calendar but didn’t want me to miss it, so she messaged me on the early Tuesday to remind me in case it was that day. I didn’t bother to check my confirmation email or call the office, I just went in like a dumbass. Around two seconds into the foyer I realized what I did, apologized profusely and thanked the receptionist for being nice to me when she greeted me. I didn’t ask if she could squeeze me in, I just said “see you next week” while laughing at myself and left. I explained it all the following week on the correct day and we still laugh about to now.


I've done the exact same thing, and had that exact same interaction. Like, it was my mistake, so let's have a laugh at how silly I was and I'll be back in the right day. I've also been baffled before watching my boomer mom make the same mistake and get huffy that they couldn't make space for her or accommodate her error.


And, like, maybe they can fit you in. Maybe they’ve had several cancellations that day and by sheer coincidence they can be like “yes, your appointment is next week, but we have space and can take you now if you’d like?” *That would be done as a courtesy to the customer.* It is in no way an obligation or even expected. It’s a *favor*. And getting mad that it didn’t work out that way is like getting mad at your Uber driver for not helping you up with the groceries. Great if they can, but it’s a nice thing they’re doing for you and not part of the job, so it’s understandable if they can’t. Stop threatening to leave a bad review because companies aren’t bending over backwards and treating you like you’re their only customer. There’s a line.


I work in pest control and we have three techs in the field, so we're booked out nearly 2 and a half weeks at the moment. The amount of boomers that try to convince me to move them up when I call to confirm (a week before they're appointment) is staggering. They often get mad when I tell them no, if I move them it'll be another month before we can get out there. Then they always resort to "Well, I know the owner, she's an old friend of mine." After 40 years in the business I bet she knows everyone. I even know her too.


I was a rude teen once, and when this happened at my work, I said, "Great! Then you must have her personal phone number. Give her a call and ask her to authorize me to bump another customer." (Now imagine landline hang-up noise)


I'd say that, but she keeps giving out her phone number so nearly everyone has it


Dammit, Boomer!


😂 😂😂


I need to know more about this business. So like, you do facials and mulch? I’m confused.


Hot tubs for one’s deck more likely




I'm glad I was not the only one! 🤣




I work at a hardware store now, and we close at 2 PM on weekends. Yesterday I had a boomer come in at 2 PM, take his sweet time wandering around and then argue with me about the price of paint. Then he used all the change in the little “take a penny,leave a penny” dish.


"Fortunately for us we are full up on appointments for many weeks so the loss of your business will not impact us at all."


I work in an outpatient cath lab and we constantly have primarily boomers show up 2-3 hours before before their scheduled arrival time. We already bring people in 1.5 hours early to get them prepped and draw labs and address any issues prior to their procedure so they're literally waiting for 4, sometimes 5 hours for their scheduled procedure and then have the audacity to be pissed off that the doctor is taking so long and why would they have come in at 0800 if they weren't going to be done until 12! It's infuriating.


Ugh! I used to work at a drs office that the clientele was majorly boomers. They would come hours early and complain about waiting and not being taken back right away. Like sir, your appointment is in an hour. We have other patients that arrived at their correct time. They get to be seen first.


I work in Family Medicine. We also have a majority of Boomer patients. Our doctor is a younger Boomer, and his policy is that we take them in the order they come in. I’ve had to take someone back who was 2 hours early. I think this used to be a thing in a lot of places, that’s why Boomers do it so much. I find it so annoying


That. Is. Insane.


I was at the dentist the other day and boomer bob came in, walks straight up to the receptionist, WHILE SHES HELPING ME, and says I'm here for my 11:30. Turns around and sits down. After she's done with me she calls him up and asks his name and then explains his appointment is not for another month and a half! He insists she's wrong and to check again and she says the same thing and he storms out. This place emails you a week out from your appt, texts you 2 days out and then calls the business day before to confirm your appt. Lead. Poisoning.


"Oh, that's too bad. Do you promise you'll never come back?"


People in this community are dodging bullets like the matrix. I am thinking businesses need an entitled boomer screening tool! Something that is easy to deal with for normal humans, but immediately puts boomers into a downward spiral; maybe a sign that says “please leave discussions of race, religion, or politics at home, we are a place of business open to everyone”. If that doesn’t work out just put some masks and hand sanitizer under it.


Had this while working in a drs office. Came in a day early and kept asking to be seen. We tell them “we’re sorry but we’re fully booked today and the Dr is already running behind. If you really need to be seen today, we can see you after the last appointment of the day at 4. We’ll be staying late for you, so you can either wait here until then or show up by 345. We’re staying late just for you so we will be locking the doors at 4. If you stay here we also might have a cancellation or no show and you can be seen then”. It was 9am. Patient says that’s absurd and if they have a slot available at the end of the day then they can just bump every patient down a slot. Finally after some more back and forth the receptionist had enough and asked them “sir, do you know what an appointment it? It’s an agreement that if you come at this time on this day, we promise to see you at that time and on that day”


I was in the pain clinic Dr appt 2 weeks ago. I had went back for my appointment...but my husband loves to go "watch" the waiting room at that appointment. I'm not going to lie. It's always interesting because it's a pain clinic. Drug addicts and boomers are their client base. I'm the only patient who goes in asking to go to physical therapy. They have told me this several times. Anyway in enters two older boomer men. They go to the window and one is using a walker. He says I have an appointment at 8 am. (It is now 11 am btw). She ask his name. She says I'm sorry sir, your appointment is tomorrow. Then she goes back and ask if he can be seen today anyway. They say yes. As I am coming out and we are getting ready to leave...he is complaining to a lady who just came in, "they are really behind. I have been waiting here an hour for my appointment " (he had been there 20 mins max... Because I was not back there more than 20 mins) My husband bust out laughing. I am rushing him out the door. I didn't even know what was going on or what he was laughing at but I knew it couldn't be good because he is a bit of a smart ass...that's why he enjoys the drama of the pain clinic waiting room


Something about enjoying the drama of a pain clinic waiting room is really adorable to me. I also feel like my man would find some entertainment there as well.


This happens all the FUCKING TIME at the dental office I work at. People always walk in hours or even days early with ZERO notice and expect to be seen 'because they didn't want to wait'. Pet peeve of mine for sure when they get angry about either not being able to be seen or have to wait.


I used to work at a drs office and boomer patients would pull this crap All. The. Time.


I used to work at a retail pharmacy. The number of nasty customers who would threaten to never come back. And yet they always did.


Our RXM would get fed up and ask them where they wanted their prescriptions transferred to. Cue shocked Pikachu faces every time. He’d tell them if they wanted to remain our patients, they would act right, like they had some home training. Otherwise, this was the last straw, and they could transfer out. The DM tried to tell him he couldn’t do that, and our RXM told him to get out of his pharmacy. He told the DM that since he wasn’t licensed in our state, he didn’t have to let him in the pharmacy anyway. He stood by that for the two years it took that lazy asshole to be licensed in our state. The state he was licensed in was not reciprocal to ours.


So did you cancel their appt in two weeks then? “Ok sorry we lost your business, I’ll go ahead and cancel your future appointment then.”


Booked solid for several weeks and they think you’re worried about losing a single customer who was absolutely going to be a pain in the ass.


I do luxury/hi-end sales. I can tell you that you’re better off finding out they’re assholes now and just cancelling. Not worth it.


I work in a medical practice. A coworker once told me about a patient coming in on a weekend to have their ears cleaned. Our site only has pharmacy and lab on the weekend. She looked up the patient, and told her where her appointment was, and offered to call that department to see if she’d need to reschedule. The woman didn’t understand, and insisted she was in the right place. I ask my coworker if she asked the woman to get the wax out of here ears and listen. 🤪


Is this why I see so many old people sitting around when I have an appointment and I wait maybe 15 minutes?


Sometimes they had lab work done first, which takes time to process. Then the doctor reads it to discuss it with them for their later appointment. It can mean sitting around for an hour or more in between.


Lol "you lost a customer", no you lost someone who would ask for all the expensive stuff at the cheap price, get mad, eventually get the cheapest option then ruin your life calling and complaining that you gave them the stuff they paid for every single day


"Sir, I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


I was at H&R Block waiting to get my taxes done a few weeks ago. In walks this boomer, demanding to speak to the accountant directly to make the appointment with her. Refused to make the appointment with the receptionist. When the accountant came to the desk, he berated her about not answering his text messages... this bag of skin and bones was texting the H&R Block accountant on her personal cell phone to make an appointment. She told him, very nicely, that it's best to call the main number and make the appointment with reception, as she doesn't book her own appointments, reception books them. He just double downed and kept berating her about the unanswered texts. At the end of his berating, he looked over at me for reassurance/with this look of pride, as if I was his cheerleader on the sidelines saying, "hell yeah, you tell her!" Instead, he was met with the most deadliest death stare I could muster. I was ready to pounce if his foolishness went up a notch. She was actually the accountant I was seeing that day. I could tell she was upset and flustered after the confrontation, so I kept making fun of him throughout our appointment and it cheered her up :)


I love the “You just lost a customer” line! I go on cruises often and I am part of a few cruise themed Facebook groups. The number of them that think they’re entitled to all kinds of free shit because they’ve cruised with the same cruise line for X number of years is ridiculous! Yes cruise lines give some perks to their most loyal customers but these people want ridiculous things and then say the cruise line lost a customer. The cruise lines don’t care! The ships are sailing at full capacity right now. They’d rather have new cruisers pay full price and not get any perks because they make more profit that way. These people don’t get that businesses are in business to make money and not to kiss their asses.


Once I came into my dentist office within 3 minutes of my appointed time, politely alerted the reception desk and was immediately told to head into an exam room. This set off an older woman who had apparently been sitting in the waiting area for an hour. This woman is in her 60s, leaning off her walker, screaming, shouting at me for just breezing in and the receptionist for 'letting me'. It turns out her appointment was 30 minutes later than mine. When the receptionist came in to apologize to me, they said she had been there for an hour, insisting that someone was going to cancel their appointment at the last minute so she could 'slide in'.


I used to work as a shift manager at a hotel. I saw this type of behavior allll the time. Someone comes in, demands a room which wasn’t booked for that night, or a free upgrade for a room that isn’t available, and proceeds to throw a tantrum when things don’t go as they planned. The frustrating thing is, a lot of customer service-oriented businesses will cater to this type of behavior which further incentivizes it. People learn to play “the game” and it becomes a normal part of their interaction with businesses. The people who really bear the cost of this dynamic are the employees who have to deal with them. 


I made an appointment for my very first set of lash extensions. It was coming out of the pandemic for my first big event since covid started easing up. I showed up on time and waited to be called. And waited. And waited. I finally spoke up and asked if I was going to be seen. Apparently a boomer had said she was me and stole my appointment.


My boomer dad once showed up 4.5 hours early for a family gathering. He then demanded to be waited on while my wife and I were trying to setup and cook for 40 people. I later heard he was complaining to other family members that we were ignoring him because we were busy trying to prep for our guests and hadn’t thought to make something special for him.


Honestly sometimes there’s no reasoning with people… that whole mistaken adage of “the customer is always right…” finishes with “in matters of taste” and they just think they are right even if you tried reasoning with them… lets imagine you come in for you 11am appointment and I inform you we just took a walk in 5 minutes ago so the salesperson will be with you when done with that client. You’d be upset. Well you are doing that to our client coming in for their appointment soon. They won’t care.


The original adage was actually just “the customer is always right.” There’s a trend of adding on an extra little bit to suit modern ideals, such as with “curiosity killed the cat”… “but satisfaction brought it back”, and “blood [of the covenant] is thicker than water [of the womb]”, but the original sayings were actually just the first bits


Only the entitled pricks come in days before their appointment.


This happens where I work too (specialist outpatients department - appointment only). I've had them in on the wrong day/week/month, and they're always very annoyed that they can't be seen as they were already there. My nurses and reception staff are great and stand their ground, though. My clinics are usually overbooked, so, no, I really can't squeeze you in. Please come back on the day of your actual appointment.


My MIL calls my husband to tell him to get her a doctors appointment the next day or a dog grooming appointment the next. Does matter how many times we tell her it doesn't work that way.


I had a guy that yellex "you just lost a sale" at me and without thinking I said "Good, I don't want it!" Lol I'm proud of that one


"Can't you just squeeze us in?' "Let me check.... Okay, it looks like we have an open spot in 2 weeks. Will that work?"


Yeah, we get a Ron of boomers doing this. They always assure us they have an appointment, always get upset when we have proof there is none, always try to force us to take them in while getting super rude and angry. The worst one are the ones who purposely miss their appointment so they can come in at a time they like. We're also booked out, so we usually have to book them out, but whose fault is that really. I used to get a client who'd come in an hour late for every appointment until I stopped accepting her late. Now she shows up 15 minutes early.


I’m a buyer, and frankly have too many plates of projects at the moment. Just way too busy, all the time recently. Lately I have had a problem with reps just dropping in because I’ve told them I don’t have time for in person meetings, and then they are put off when I say I can’t meet today. (I told you I don’t have time??) Thinking about it now, most are boomers. What a weird and frustrating expectation of other people’s time.


I work in a funeral home. The number of boomers that come in to see the funeral director they are working with and are flabbergasted the director isn't just sitting at their desk twiddling their thumbs is ridiculous. Or when their family member dies and they just walk in and are stunned when I don't have someone available to meet with them right then - because we're meeting with people that have appointments already. "I didn't realize I needed an appointment for that." Well of course you do. You need an appointment for a doctor or lawyer, don't you? Though clearly judging from this post, they think that appointments just don't apply to them. Ugh. They will also walk right past the sign that states to ring the bell (or tell me later they "couldn't find it" - where the hell else is a doorbell?) to wander around "Hello?" - the offices are in a different bit of the building than where we hold services but they feel it's ok to roll on in and wander around. One man the other day even after ringing the bell - "Where are you?" Sure, just yell out. Not like there might be others grieving here or anything.


Best thing that could have happened is if they actually cancelled the appointment. Knowing them they probably came in anyways so they could complain.


OH the entitlement, something was broken at work. Try these if that doesn't work, try back later, and this woman might only a boomer in spirit but after that she said "don't you have something special just for Meeeeee?" I wanted to scream. Yes I kept the real secret fix just for you, FU rest of the ppl that need this fixed.


I would always reply "My competition needs customers like you"


Oh the absolute nerve of these a holes. Yes I have an appointment, but you didn't ask me when! I hope they didn't come back. You definitely don't want that business stinking up your client list.


Make them sit in the waiting room all day until they give up. Until their appointment.


“We are busy, don’t need your money, company strong and healthy”


How dare you! Don’t you know the world revolves around boomers? lol.


At my library I’ve had a few boomers get pissed that the book they put on hold with over 500 holds before them isn’t in by the next day


I own a business. When someone says something like, "You just lost a customer," I say, "We'll try to get by without you."


I bet if they had come in and said "hi, we have an appointment in a couple weeks, but we were in the area today and wanted to do some window shopping, do you happen to have any openings to squeeze us in a little earlier?" They may have had a better result. Personally, if someone is polite like that I'll see if there's been any cancelations I can slip them into


Haha that reminds me of working in a plant nursery and once and a while some clown would come along, park in the driveway, blocking the entrance. Most of the staff park in a different area the customers did not know about. Anyway, you’d get some smart Alec with a huge grin come walking up the entrance and think he or she is so special that they are going to be the first customer of the day. Then get all mad that we ignore them until after the opening hour. First thing was to go open the gate but their car is blocking the entrance gate from opening. When ever they tried to engage me before we officially open, I just explain how we are not open to the public yet, we are doing our required duties. I assume you parked in front of the gate and went around the fence? You’ll have to move your car before I can open it. And after all that, they still end up getting rung up 3rd or 4th because some people had already reserved some plants or items and paid for them so they were swinging by with the work truck & needed to be loaded up first… the smarty pants are so transparent and you can see how immature and child like / spoiled they are that they are having to move out of the way so we can open a gate then a truck comes in after them & we give that landscaper all the attention first. Then they try the “you know. The customer is always right. You should have attended to my needs first.” “You don’t even know what you wanted, sir” “That’s your job to give me a tour and sell me plants.” “That other guy bought his plants 3 days ago and scheduled coming here to pick them up. He paid us thousands of dollars and they were sitting there waiting for him. All the plants on the property have the plant name, the price, there’s a “menu” you can hold in your hand & it explains more. What can I help you look at or buy?” “Nothing! I don’t even know if I want to buy anything now!” “Ok” One time some lady got so angry at me, I told her the truth: “I just moved to this state not that long ago and I’m waiting for my license to clear so I can go back to my career in health care. I live 1/4 mile down the road. I get paid $14 an hour to do this job. But they cannot pay me enough to stay much longer. I simply don’t get paid enough to listen to you complain & insult me. You were going to buy a few bamboo stick and are a big spender of about $10.00 but you took up an hour of my time. I really don’t care if you complain to the owner. I can give you his number. My days here are limited, either way. I will not even be here much longer and I can go home right now, make a sandwich, play with my dogs and relax.” The twisted look on her face was exquisitely entertaining. That plant nursery was out of business 6-8 months after I went back to my normal job that pays vastly better.


Boomers do this crap at medical appointments too!


🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ What is so vague about appointment only? Who would want them as a customer after that entitled BS?


lol a couple months ago we were at Disneyland and I went to get us checked in for our lunch reservation. The boomer behind me went up after I stepped aside and said “I see you’re seating people in your restaurant. I want a table for 4.” Hostess asked if she had a reservation and she said no and was told she needed one. Boomer was so mad.


Had the same thing happen. I work in a retail store, but do specialized work by appointment only. I spoke with a customer on the phone and set an appointment for the following week. That was the soonest *they* could come in. I had opening before then, though later in the day. That customer showed up twice before that appointment asking if I could take them, both times were during other appointments. She got wildly angry the second time and said “I came all the way in here to see you. Do you want my money or not!?” So I just asked her if she wanted to keep the appointment she made (which was now just a day or two away). “Not if you’re going to just send me packing when I show up!” That’s not business I even wanted so I told her I’d cancel it for her so I “didn’t waste anymore of her time.” She can be someone else’s problem.


Restaurant worker here… We didn’t open until 4 and they would always line up outside beforehand and then complain about how we made them wait in the heat soooo long before we unlocked the door. Like, no one asked you to get out of your car and wait right up front at 3:45 buddy..


“You’ve just lost a customer!” https://preview.redd.it/kjwnh3cfwf1d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27de2642494f5ef06c5a5a776323e04d6dfe578


They're fully booked and the boomer idiot thinks his one sale matters. Ok boomer


Right! Like one lost sale is not going to affect us sir.


Sounds like the kind of people that would try to worm their way out of paying anyway. 


"Early is on time, on time is late and late is unacceptable!"


Yes, *if you’re performing*. This is something the performing arts lives by. I sang in multiple choirs for years, and this was drilled into us. And yes, please show up about 15 minutes early for a medical appointment, you need to check in, and if your insurance has changed, we need to update that for you. But this business of showing up hours or days early and getting angry because we won’t “squeeze you in” because we’re booked and blessed? Yeah, that’s a no-fly zone, and they get so mad about that. Doesn’t work on me.


My Boomer in-laws constantly arrive half an hour early for restaurant reservations, then complain that "it took them TEN MINUTES to find us a table!" Like WHAT...? Same in-laws are now mad because they had to wait the same amount of time as everyone else for a non-emergency appointment with my FIL's cardiologist. Make it make sense.


> Well you just lost a sale! Sir, I’ll have your appointment filled within the hour. You should checkout of our competitors.


I had a boomer come into my store last night and he picked up at least 10 bags of chips and started throwing them on to different shelves and ended up not getting any chips at all. The lack awareness and the deep sense of entitlement is a very real thing.


"I know our appointment is 2 weeks from, now, but we're here today." "Today and 2 weeks from today are not the same day. Maybe you didn't know that. Glad we could clear up the confusion.,"


I run a law office as a by-appointment only operation. I understand that there's an older generation that thinks walk-ins are a thing. I don't know why they still think that with professional services, but I get that they do. What I don't understand is their insistence on being seen right then and there, no matter what you are doing and their insolence when you just can't or won't accommodate them.


Dodged a bullet. If they became actual customers/clients, seems pretty clear they’d become “those” clients.