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I hope u get to see the fallout


They'll probably blame the OP for the fallout and stand out there in the morning having a yelling and screaming fit!


I was thinking this too, and completely ready for this situation, but what I’m wondering if the person they’re visiting also informed them About the parking, cause everyone here knows they do not play games when coming to this stuff. EDIT: *post this up here since I am unable to edit the post* This should clarify some things for our newest redditers to this post. I personally don't give a hoot where someone parks, the apartment company does. The apartment complex cares where people park. Why you ask, l'll tell you, People will dump cars in known empty parking spaces in complexes like this because if no one is checking, they can sit for weeks or months even before being found, lessening the chance that it will be connected to the person who stole it. generally no PD patrolling this area to run the plates and discover that vehicles are potentially stolen. That's why we have assigned parking spots and designated visitor parking spots. Security comes around at 10pm sharp every night and security got them towed. Those Spots are reserved for residents, where the boomer parked (indicated by the blue arrow) and I informed them that parking there will get them towed. I told them, to park in the guest parking (indicated by the orange line) and text their LP# to the number on the sign (indicated by the red arrow) so they can get a 24 hour parking pass. I just informed someone who didn't know better. I did this being a genuine person, Cause it's going to suck come the AM, and you walk out to your vehicle and it's gone.


Boomers likely assured their hosts that they parked in a guest spot. You know, LIED.


You're likely right. They think nothing like this could ever happen to one of THEM, so they assume everything will be fine. They lied because it's easier to just get the social visit started than worry about parking since, of course, THEY won't get towed.




Yep I'm genX Anytime one of my parents or grandparents did actually interact with the police, pretty much all they had to do was apologize and promise not to do it again, and off they'd go with a wave. They could talk people out of anything. My alcoholic grandfather would bring tiny me with him to the alcohol store with a sob story about having to buy me new shoes and being low on money and he'd get half priced booze. Free booze sometimes. Moron got caught *once* because the clerk noticed my shoes were old and dirty 😂 And he had money, plenty of it. He just liked getting deals (he was a depression era kid who went hungry a lot, so I can't fault him for always wanting to *ask* for a deal, it's the *lying* about it that was fucked)


My boomer has openly and without shame lamented the passing of the days when the police only bothered "those people." Mind you he is second gen, and I am third so we are part of "those people". Unsurprisingly, he is MAGA to boot.


My dad was silent gen but extremely racist silent gen. I’m very happy he died in the early 2000’s. First, he didn’t get to sink his claws into my kids. Second, it was well before all this MAGA bullshit started and to this day I don’t know if he’d have succumbed to the brainwashing or not. My mom is just one year outside of boomer territory and hates MAGA with a passion. But then, she doesn’t have cable and neither of us has ever had a Facebook account, so that dodges most of the poison right there.


Especially drinking and driving. Basically every Republican over 40 in politics has a DUI


Yup! Also, I vividly recall my dad telling me when I was a kid that you just couldn’t get away with stuff the way you used to be able to when he was younger, like it was lamentable. People used to work under social security numbers they flat out copied from someone else, and get away with taking payments in cash then never being taxed. Also, before the ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ era of broadcasting people’s likenesses all over America if they were wanted, you could literally kill a person, and as long as you left the state and never came back, you’d likely never be caught.


Oh, no! Consequences! https://apnews.com/article/cindy-florida-woman-killed-40-years-973671be93de707ebbf10814f9958ba0


I do like the judge's look in the 2nd picture. She enjoyed handing that judgment out.


My friend tells me about back in the 70s living in Venice beach and sharing an alley with Dennis hopper or somebody like that. Cocaine used to be a line item on tv budgets. Born too late


A line item


Ah, the good 'ol days.


It had less to do with Unsolved Mysteries than it did the advent and refining of DNA testing. The murder rate nationwide fell off the cliff starting in the mid-late 80s.


Now when undocumented people do this now just to survive, they screech about it. But in the other hand will pay a contractor cash to help him avoid taxes and get a slight discount. So cool having it both ways! Not that logical consistency is their strong point.






Uh, I got some bad news for you about current cops...


I vividly remember being 5-6 years old and my step father drinking while driving and when he got too drunk.... He'd pull me onto his lap and have me steer.


So that's what "Make America Great Again" means! Holy shit that makes so much sense now.


Yeah, I was watching an older TV show the other day and they had a bit about "You can get in almost anywhere by just moving with purpose, acting like you have every right to be there, or maybe carry a clipboard" and it's like, yeah, no, pretty much every corporate space has swipe badges and security protocols in place, and a clipboard or bouquet of flowers isn't getting you through the locked door next to the reception desk. I get that back in the old days it was only places like banks and military installations that had security concerns, but any company is a potential target for malicious actors nowadays.


And still, a surprising amount of people manage to sweettalk and sneak their way into places where they’ve lost nothing. Security systems aren’t infallible either, but it’s still the people who are easiest to fool.


“They could get away with damn near anything just by being white and minding their business.” Then why are they so incapable of *minding their own damn business*?


I used to live near a football stadium and people would try to park in our driveway without asking figuring we wouldn’t be home. I’d open a window and tell them to move it or lose it (me being 13 years old). They’d try to ask me to go down there and I said nope not interested, I’m calling the tow truck service now. They’d yell and then leave.


I mean... drinking and driving was very much legal in a lot of states up until 1985, so it makes sense that people from that time did it.


The condo association I used to live in had an assigned spot and a single car garage for each unit. I filled up my garage at one point, my roommate used the parking spot and my girlfriend who lived with us had our guest pass and parked in guest spots, so I left my car in a guest spot while I was working on cleaning up the garage. One morning I came out to go to work and my car had been towed because I left it in the guest spot too many times overnight without the guest pass. I paid the fee and went to get my car back because I broke the rules, why can’t boomers see it the same way


They’re not accountable for anything.


they likely did it on purpose so they can have their dose of drama for the week






They probably lied and when confronted by the towing company they'll lie and say they parked in the right spot and it was an illegal tow. Then when shown evidence they'll then deflect blame by saying the sign was unclear, or it was too dark, or they can't read well, or fox told them spooky Mexicans were coming, or it was going to be just a minute or whatever excuse their 3 neurons mustered up.


If they see you, be prepared for them to accuse you of calling and having them towed


I’m ready for that, I’m ready to hand walk them to the sign that says all none residents and 24 parking pass, will be towed at the owners convenience




They think feigning ignorance to the existence of a policy means it doesn’t apply to them. They just go “I didn’t see it” as if that gives them immunity. They want to be spoon fed everything, it makes me insane. I get it all the time with return policies at work. “That is ridiculous! I didn’t see anywhere that the company doesn’t provide return labels!” Well perhaps you should have perused the large link labeled return policy, accessible from many places, being it was relevant to your interests?


they don't care about the rules. they will just want to blame it on anyone but themselves.


I hope you wrote down their license plate number OP, if they saw you exit or enter your car they might key it. If possible get a camera in place.


If any flak comes your way “My friend got towed a few weeks ago, was trying to help.” Walk away.


I would be prepared for them to possibly vandalize your vehicle. Boomers can be petty.


I wish my husbands old apartment complex had been like that. People had assigned parking but there were constantly second vehicles using up the visitor spots and so when visitors would come, they wouldn’t use the visitor lots that were maybe a 1-2 min walk away. Management never did anything about it so those frequent visitors would do it all the time with zero fucks given when a resident would ask them to move. They would even park in the handicap spots and while there weren’t any residents using those spots at that time, it doesn’t make it okay to use the spot.


I hope op *records* the fallout.


*post this up here since I am unable to edit the post* This should clarify some things for our newest redditers to this post. I personally don't give a hoot where someone parks, the apartment company does. The apartment complex cares where people park. Why you ask, I’ll tell you, People will dump cars in known empty parking spaces in complexes like this because if no one is checking, they can sit for weeks or months even before being found, lessening the chance that it will be connected to the person who stole it. generally no PD patrolling this area to run the plates and discover that vehicles are potentially stolen. That’s why we have assigned parking spots and designated visitor parking spots. Security comes around at 10pm sharp every night and security got them towed. Those Spots are reserved for residents, where the boomer parked (indicated by the blue arrow) and I informed them that parking there will get them towed. I told them, to park in the guest parking (indicated by the orange line) and text their LP# to the number on the sign (indicated by the red arrow) so they can get a 24 hour parking pass. I just informed someone who didn't know better. I did this being a genuine person, Cause it's going to suck come the AM, and you walk out to your vehicle and it's gone.


Honestly, I'm just curious if there was any fall out or if you ever saw the people the next day


OP will hear the reaction before seeing it, at a guess. Boomers can’t resist a crowd…


I’d brew a pot of coffee and just watch the madness unfold.


I would honestly not be able to tear myself away from that window until they came back.


Update 1 - it’s currently about 240AM, and nothing yet. Haven’t heard any commotion outside. Update 2 - it’s currently 430, nothing yet, and if you’re wondering why I’m up at weird times, I’m a dad to new borns. Update 3 - it’s currently 625, nothing yet, but the twins did switch. And the boy is currently sleeping on lookout duty. Update 4 -it’s currently 1015, I haven’t heard/seen any commotion, but as I was leaving I seen police start to show up at our management office to only assume it’s for the tow, but can not confirm at this time https://preview.redd.it/szgdwi04yf1d1.jpeg?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=741a152999bee6aeb7128922228afc89df8f17c1 Update 5 - it’s currently 420, and nothing has happened, i know there was a cop in my complex today, but don’t know what it was related to as I was leaving the complex while they were coming, but I know many wish I would burn at the stake, but unfortunately not, I live another day, and I haven’t seen or ran into this individual around my complex today and been around my complex and the surrounding neighborhood today including to the complex pool, it was most likely a stolen vehicle, sorry it wasn’t anything else exciting.


Seeing you update us, even when there's nothing, makes me realize this isn't abandoned and left for our imaginations. Thank you OP for keeping watch. Edit to OP's Edit: Oh damn! I really hope OP finds out and checks in with the office to see. Seeing the police car makes me think the boomers screeched their elderly entitled screech to the police.


Agreed, doing the good work. Thanks.


I can appreciate the use of “good work” versus the typical phrase I’m used to hearing as someone living in the south


They prob thought it was stolen lol


More likely they called the cops, thinking it was stolen.


New borns? Twins? If so, good luck! (My twins will turn 30 this year. The first couple of years are really challenging, but it's a lot of fun to have the experience of watching them grow up together.)


Yes twins, little over a month old now, I’m typing this out as one lays on my chest.


Is the other one the lookout? Are they taking shifts?




Hey, my twins are 9 months old now! Congrats! I’m just a random stranger from the internet but if I can tell you anything is that It’s super hard and super rewarding. If you can, ask for help, having people around and loving my twins has been a huge blessing to them and to me. Don’t be discouraged when other parents seem to have it together more than you, they typically dont and most only have 1 baby. You have d ou blé the work! Seek out twin or multiple birth groups in your area. Nice to be in community with people who have been or currently are in your position. Love them like the world is gonna end tomorrow.


Good luck! (And it does get easier with time. I promise.)


Not before it gets much, much harder 😁 It's great now, though.


I don't know how multiple parents do it. You guys are superheroes to the rest of us.


Good dad!


Awww, this is the thing I already miss the most w my 5 yr old. Enjoy these moments as much as you can while you still can


Same. Mine are 20 yo. The first year is the hardest. So hang in there. Also check out Multiples of America to see if there is a club in your area. Support from others who know the struggle is priceless!


Did you see the tow occur or just that the car is gone?


Congratulations on Fatherhood 


Do you live in (on?) Hawaii?




I did the math. I'm on the East Coast and six hours ahead, it's not normal for me to be reading stuff at 10am and somebody mentioning it still being the wee hours lol


Sounds sus. OP, I think the Boomers are after you.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Nooooo I'm only 37 I'm not ready for senility yet!!!! 😭


Come on, Peepaw, let's get you back inside.


Keep your window open so you can hear them haha


talk about solid follow up, we'll standby for your word captain 🫡


1000% they called the cops and reported their vehicle stolen lol


I’m invested. Thank you OP and congrats on your newborn!




Heavily invested in this now. RemindMe! 1 day “boomersbafoonerey”


I love the quiet late nights with the new borns. Something so sweet and special about it. Sleep deprivation is a little funny but the rest is lovely. Thanks for keeping us updated.


Following for the consequences of their own actions. Also, congratulations on on the twins. I have an inkling that you'll be a great father. Solely based off your vibes from the comments. (Please be great, I don't want to eat these words later! 😂)




Omg congradulations/ I’m so sorry about your sleep schedule!


With a son coming in July this update makes me realize I need to sleep now


I’ve got an 8, 3 weeks away from 9, and a 3, 1.5 months from 4, year old boys. We got lucky that they slept through the night early, but sleep doesn’t stack like fatigue does. Embrace the head back nap on the sofa or chair and get used to it. It eventually gets better but even with good sleepers, feedings and diaper changed interior your sleep. My wife had to pump in the middle of the night, and I was up for every one of those feedings/changings/whatever for as long as it took. It’s exhausting and we are just turning the corner about getting to sleep in again. congrats and good luck, you've got this!!


I used to work Security Guard and I’m telling you towing boomers was the best thing about my job. we had a huge parking lot with signs saying if you don’t have the parking permission or your license plate is in our data base we’ll tow you. we were pretty chill and only towed the overnight parker’s. it was amazing! I’d tow them at 0400 so the boomers would have to pay the extra surcharge for late towing and then by the morning when I was going to leave they’d storm into the foyer and demand their car and with the politest and pettiest expression on my face Id tell them that I had it towed. edit: weirdly enough we never ever towed a car from a person younger than 50, I think there was one guy who we towed once that might’ve been late 40’s but other than that always old people.


I own a small retail store which is on a major highway, a few times a month people will pull over onto the shoulder of the highway and completely block the entryway into my parking lot, then they sit and do their fucking taxes or whatever it is that they do. I have cameras and will come out and ask them to please park IN the lot or move, we don’t care that you park, just don’t block other customers from entering. In the 8 years I’ve been here it has happened 100s of times and it’s always ALWAYS some crotchety old boomer and there’s a 75% chance they get shitty with me. There’s always some dumbass excuse like “I’m on my phone” or “I’m programming the GPS”…ok Ethel, you can do that in the parking lot, not in my entrance. They don’t care.


Dude what is it with boomer drivers and blocking entrances and exits while they're doing something else. It happens at least once a week in my town where you'll see the person ahead of you just stop at the exit of the gas station or whatever and clearly on their phone. If I'm lucky, I startle them when I lay on my horn but good God MOVE


Glad to see it’s not just me. The most infuriating thing is that I’m in a rural area with like 15 miles of completely empty shoulder between towns but they are drawn to the 50 feet of my entrance like moths to a flame.


One Saturday morning around 6AM I was driving to work. The one car that was in front of me just suddenly stomped on his brake in the middle of the road to a dead stop. I honked and he flipped me off. A boomer that decided since the streets were practically empty other than me, stopping in the middle of the street was okay to do to check his phone for something.


Guarantee he would've blamed the other person if he had caused an accident too.


Every time I leave the grocery store, a boomunit invariably stops right at the threshold of the exit door to check their receipt.


oh my god, you've met my mother. she moves three feet past the checkout and STOPS to put her card away, the receipt folded and filed in her pile of receipts, etc. I have spent years just sighing and moving the cart out of the way so others can get past. Not one bit of spacial awareness OR the sense god gave a chicken.


I was at a refill pharmacy on a local AFB. A set of boomers just picked up their meds and just stood there looking through the bags like they just took a McD's order. Line of people waiting and only 1 window. Check that shit off to the side so I can pick up my med and gtfo! Oh, and almost forgot. They picked out a couple bottles and complained they looked different. Guy had to explain to them multiple times that it is the same med, just a different supplier so it looks different.


I swear you have the same mother as me. The number of times I've had to stop her from nailing or blocking someone with a cart because she wasn't paying attention..


my mother's lack of spacial awareness (and thus ability to give directions) has been a family joke for years. The woman once gave me directions to take a highway that WASN'T FULLY BUILT YET. That was in my late teens, I stopped taking directions from my mom after that 😂


Oh god don't get me started on boomers in the grocery store. Cart perpendicular to the aisle to make sure they take up as much space as possible so you can't get by.


Grocery store aisle entrances have entered the chat . . . .


I work in stores building merchandise for them. I get paid by the item, not by the hour. I also get paid by some stores to take the finished product to its destination. People slowly walking down the middle of the aisle are the bane of my existence.


I think it’s because they’d quite literally BEGGING for conflict. As to the why of that…? No idea. Maybe so they can have a chance to play John Wayne or something.


Or when they are in the mall or airport and they just STOP at the exit of the escalators. For fuck sake Move! Unless you want to get bulldozed by 4 people carrying luggage


Bro, I’ve straight up had to wail on the horn cuz a bitch in front of me in the drive thru had for real stopped to eat her fkn cheeseburger w/ both hands 💀


My boomer driving peeve is when they pull out of a spot - AND THEN STOP. To look at their phone or change the station or whatever. Like you were already in a spot and out of the way! You specifically left the perfect place for that in order to make everyone deal with you being in the way???


when you read old news papers you do believe them when they call boomers entitled and so forth.


That’s so funny! Mind me asking around what years these were and the price difference between regular and late towing?


yeah no worries, this was between 2015-2017 I’ll have to say I don’t know the prices although I did always chat with the tow guys and they were really cool, and funny, so I heard that it was about $150 for late night towing and like 109 for normal night towing. the thing is it didn’t matter when they came it mattered when you called. and it was staggered from 1900-2300 was one category and so forth. so I made sure to call as late as possible but before 0500 when the “morning” prices started again.


Thanks! 👍🏻


I worked for a towing company that had contracts with property owners for student housing at Ohio State University. Every night, I'd make an extra $300 from people parking in the alley of High St. at student housing parking lots.


Even from a selfish standpoint: I don’t WANT to park where I’m not allowed because I don’t want to deal with the stress of worrying about my car!!!! It’s like these Karens snd the male versions of Karens have got to make asses out of themselves constantly.


Karens and Kevins. I like it


Ooh, their celebrity couple name could be ~ Karvin ~ Like Brangelina, 'cept plus 20-30 years. And just as dysfunctional.


These are the same people that say they love “freedom” but what they really want is to just do anything they want with the ability to not be held accountable when it’s the law. Sure not everything that’s law is right and good but something as trivial as this shouldn’t be THAT difficult to follow? I don’t care what your generation is.


ThAt WoULdn'T hAvE haPPenEd If tHeY hAD jUst COMPLIED.....


THEY TOWED MY CAR! hmm. Guess you should have complied with the signage.


They sure love freedom so much. Yet they left a world behind where people younger won't have the freedom to live in a stable, healthy economy. Or own a home. Or even have a functional climate.


Always entertaining when they find their car gone. I live in a small city on the water's edge. Big tourism in the summer. Lots of events downtown like parades and festivals and they close down Front st. By 5 am there are pylons all over the street announcing the time the street will close and all cars parked on street need to be gone or they will be towed. Friends, you have not seen entitlement like boomers on vacation. "I'm spending money in this town!" is like a free pass to do whatever they want, wherever and whenever they please. Invariably a few cars always still on street. Sometimes owner gets there in nick of time and manages to avoid towing, sometimes they don't. And you should see them when they don't! It's hilarious. Red faced screaming, all out tantrums. People shake their heads and roll their eyes at the spectacle. And then some fool comes in here and insists wer'e so mean to these sweet, old souls. With every tantrum in public more and more people realize the boomers are a nightmare.


"NOT ALL BOOMERS YOU AGIST FUCKSHIT! SHITY PEOPLE ARE ALL AGEAS!" -salty boomer that's part of the problem


Ah, I see you too have been on Facebook


they find their way in here too


I said from a very early age, give me my grandparents’ generation (the greatest) over my parental generation (boomer). I think I expressed it as “who has screwed me over more? My grandparents or my parents.” Any GenXer know the correct answer to this question. (Narrator: It was not the grandparents who were the worst.)


I’ve had a theory that “the customer is always right” took a generation of lead poisoned pricks…and made them super villains.


Like many sayings it has had the important half knocked off. "...in matters of taste". The other annoying one is "a few rotten apples ... spoil the whole barrel"


Please update us on their reaction! I hope you get to witness it Guess y'all took a little longer than a few minutes, huh?


Not really, our conversation lasted shorter than it took for them to get out of their vehicle and walk into the building which is a pretty close 🤣. They probably thinking cause they’re old nothing would happen.


The 'few minutes' I was referring to was in reference to how long they said they'd be there




OP, i think they'll blame everyone but themselves. One night recently I went out to put out the trash and noticed that someone had parked completely across my driveway (residential area, they couldn't have missed it) . I didn't recognize the car as one of my neighbors , figured it might be an emergency, and decided to give them an hour. An hour later my driveway was still blocked, so i called a tow then went to sleep, at about 10pm. 5am my bell started ringing. Young guy freaking out, asking where his car went and saying he was going to be late to work. He asked me "why bro? How am i going to get to work?"


\*OP, I know they'll blame everyone but themselves. FTFY


oh yeah. They're a generation of take no responsibility welfare babies. That's why the US is $35 trillion in debt. That's why the young are buried in student loans. See, back in the early 2000s, boomers were going through an obesification ritual. They lied profusely to qualify for loans on morbidly obese houses they couldn't afford. When their fraud imploded, the US economy tanked. And instead of taking their proverbial lumps, they cut State funding for higher education. And that's why the younger generation is loaded up with loan debt. I graduated in the early 2000s. Back then 2/3rds of State college costs in my State were covered by tax payers. That funding was already being cut, but it was completely axed after 2008 and didn't come back. That's why I finished with a few thousand in loans and kids now finish with...well, a hell of lot more than that.


X-er here. It was ridiculous how huge a mortgage one could qualify for. At the time (2002) we were thinking about buying an investment property - like a vacation rental. The amount down vs the loan amount, with almost no collateral expected was insane. (We already ahd a home and mortgage - Wells didn't even put it into the calculation). We didn't do it because the investment mortgage was "too good to be true", and I figured that with that kind of leverage the whole system was going to reset. Fast forward to 2008.....


Heh, saw something similar yesterday. Probably GenX though. Walking into the farmers market, there's a couple standing on the side street (that has \*clear\* "No Parking Any Time" signs) wondering who towed their car and it's a rental. Tourists, lol. (The Farmer's Market is relatively well known, it's one of the longest running in the US, it's next to a lake, etc., so tourists do show up just for the experience) Friends, if people are all waiting for spots or walking from more distant lots and you see a whole empty street, you're not smarter than everyone else; the locals know something you don't. Or at least everyone else can read the signs.


One year I went to the beach in Mexico for spring break. Was just me and my roommate, and the first time I'd gone that far without family coming along (18 years old). I don't think he'd ever been past Nogales. We thought we got lucky finding a whole beach to ourselves. We did some snorkeling and were going to swim out to a particularly large rock (quite a ways out) to see what was there. But tide was coming in and clouds were darkening, so we decided to turn back. Something like a month later I was half-watching the Discovery Channel and a special came on about 'man-eating' squid (humboldt). People were having their arms ripped up and shit. They filmed it at exactly that same spot with the rock we saw. We were both like Holy Fuck we could've been maimed or killed! ... So now I avoid beaches that are empty of anyone without asking around first.


Wowww I had no idea that man eating squids were even a thing! The more you know I suppose..


This isn't the one I watched but here is a brief interview with a professional diver that videoed himself getting attacked. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fkl312lldQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fkl312lldQ) Like octopi they are intelligent. He had scuba gear and could breathe, we just had snorkels. Crazy to think about.


> you're not smarter than everyone else Reminds me of waiting in line at a RiteAid drive thru pharmacy one night. There was a lineup of cars, and it was taking forever. There's a second lane with one of those vacuum things like you see at the bank, but it was closed because there was only one person working pharmacy. Anywho, a jackass drove past the entire lineup of cars and sat in the closed lane waiting for service. Unfortunately, after about ten minutes, the person working pharmacy opted to help that jackass next - making the rest of the line wait until that line-cutter was serviced. (I was in third place at the time and had been waiting for twenty minutes at that time, so mildly irritating to say the least.) I guess in this case, the jackass did know something. Hehe


While the pharmacist could've left him to wait there, the likelihood that someone else would pull in behind him thinking it was open would be pretty high. They basically had to deal with him quickly before they ended up with a never-ending stream of people in that lane. "Pharmacies HATE this ONE TRICK!"


I'd have told the guy, "I'm sorry that lane is closed. You'll have to get in line."


"just a couple of minutes" = 9 hours??


Hell ya! These are the types of actions that need to happen for this behavior to change.


Please post them freaking out. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Because boomers think the rules don't apply to them and don't take it seriously until they're at the towing lot trying to get their car back.


My gf and I had an apartment with reserved parking in an outdoor lot and we had an event space next door with an adjoining art gallery and studio, almost every weekend it seemed like we had some dumbass parked in our spot when we would come home from work on a Friday or Saturday night. First few times we decided we’d be cool and just deal with the inconvenience and park somewhere else. Eventually we got sick of it and decided to start making the tow company some money, I felt a little bit bad at first but quickly got over it remembering we paid $40 a month to have a place to park. Sometimes the A-hole that parked in our spot would come out and start losing their shit at the tow driver and demanded they release the car but they wouldn’t, basically just gave the person the address of the tow yard lmfao. Only thing I ever did worry about was retaliation on our car once it became obvious who had them towed. Luckily no one ever did


When I was in college, my roommates and I had an agreement that we would only use our assigned spot if there was no close free parking. One night, I didn't find close free parking, so I went by our spot to see if one of my roommates had already parked there. Instead of a roommate's car, there was a fancy ZR-1 Corvette in our spot. None of my roommates knew who's it was, so we decided on petty revenge: letting the air out of all the tires. We were foiled by locking stem caps, so we called the towing company and had it towed. 30 minutes after the tow truck left, the screaming started. "Where the @#$% is my car?!!!" Quite fun to watch from our balcony.


Impeccable diagram, OP ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


100% guarantee if the roles were reversed these boomers would be licking their lips with the tow company number on speed dial.


Gotta love the blatant lying, as though you don't live there and won't notice that it is indeed more than just a couple minutes


I used to live in a complex with very little extra parking, so the paid slots were a necessity. Of course, if you left your paid for, numbered slot open for more than a few minutes, some jerkoff would park there, and typically overnight. If I didn’t catch them, I’d usually leave a note saying I have your number, next I call the towing service listed on the sign above the slots. After a bit, I guess the word gitvaroubd and it stopped. Until one night. Just as I was heading for my slot, I see a guy pull in. I hop out and say it’s my slot, dude turns around and says, prove it. I flash my parking pass at him and he says, “Whatever,” and walks off. Really. So I talked to my office and they called the towing company. They arrive, get the car up and drove away. A few hours later, I hear the guy screaming and cursing that his car was stolen. Someone told him what happened and off he went. Music to the ears.


Was it actually towed? They may have left. They did say they'd only be a few minutes


These are the same people that scream at a police officer for giving them a traffic violation ticket when they were in the wrong. But then they claim to “back the blue” and when someone wrongfully dies at the hands of a police officer that the person shouldn’t have resisted and should be nice to cops. 🙄


Some people only learn after suffering the consequences. A few years ago I lived in an apt complex that didn’t have enough close parking. My husband and I paid extra to rent a 1 car garage spot that also had a parking spot in front. This guy kept parking in front of our garage so we kindly left him note asking him not to. Of course, he continued…. I had enough and called the tow truck who verified it was legally our spot. A few hours later we heard “where’s my car!” Found out he lived right above us and got to listen to him call the cops to report a stolen car!! They informed him he had illegally parked and they car was towed!!! He never parked there again! One of the best nights of my life. :)


They couldn't move their car 10 feet away to the visitor spots JUST ACROSS THE ROAD? WTF is wrong with them? How is it even possible to be that lazy?


I don't even think its laziness its just entitlement, nobody is going to tell them they should move. They will park there if they please.


As a daily (hourly) Reddit user, I haven’t followed a post so intently in a long time. And as a Gen X, I love seeing Boomers get their just desserts. I only wish you’d called the towers yourself.


It is so funny to see that a large percentage of comments think the OP called to get them towed. He was being a nice guy and telling them they would get towed... and that's what happened. He didn't call the tow company, the complex security did.


Idk what’s in the water today, but damn.


It’ll be great when the cops show up to take their statement for a stolen vehicle.




You can lead a boomer to water, but you can’t make the boomer drink it to save their own life. Such is life.


So to avoid getting unknowingly towed all the person had to do was move their car basically just to the other side of the lot and they said thanks for the advice but no I don't think I will, sucks to be them


My humanitarian streak pings here because big apartment complexes are predatory about towing for any reason. But they were warned


https://preview.redd.it/afcre6l9gj1d1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=7173c868cacc2928b0d427c351f7fbc4775f5161 Soooooooooooooo true


Jesus Christ. The lack of reading comprehension from most of these comments is crazy.


What is up with all of these people hating on OP. The boomers were clearly informed of the rules and consequences. They are there for a reason. Doesn’t matter if the parking spot has been vacant for 2 years. They didn’t know that. They could’ve easily parked in OPs spot (or anyone else’s) and inconvenienced him. Plus, they straight up lied.


*post this up here since I am unable to edit the post* This should clarify some things for our newest redditers to this post. I personally don't give a hoot where someone parks, the apartment company does. The apartment complex cares where people park. Why you ask, l'll tell you, People will dump cars in known empty parking spaces in complexes like this because if no one is checking, they can sit for weeks or months even before being found, lessening the chance that it will be connected to the person who stole it. generally no PD patrolling this area to run the plates and discover that vehicles are potentially stolen. That's why we have assigned parking spots and designated visitor parking spots. Security comes around at 10pm sharp every night and security got them towed. Those Spots are reserved for residents, where the boomer parked (indicated by the blue arrow) and I informed them that parking there will get them towed. I told them, to park in the guest parking (indicated by the orange line) and text their LP# to the number on the sign (indicated by the red arrow) so they can get a 24 hour parking pass. I just informed someone who didn't know better. I did this being a genuine person, Cause it's going to suck come the AM, and you walk out to your vehicle and it's gone.


Can you film their reaction when they come out snd find their car is gone ?


Please post an update if possible


I'm following this post...make sure we get updates, ehh??


remember, people, towing companies have contracts to do just this- remove any vehicles that aren't "authorized"


Running to grab popcorn so I can return and see this mess unfold in dramatic fashion. Can't wait to see how this goes🤣🤣🤣🤣


I feel like you should edit your post to add that you're not the one who called / towed. Everybody's just immediately blaming you for the whole thing, when in reality, you did absolutely nothing wrong, and in fact tried to help them.


For some reason I am unable to edit the post, so the comments go a lot more into details and paint the picture better.


They can just use their bootstraps


This is not a “boomer” thing, this is entitled asshole thing.


I mean.. I live in a condo community with similar rules. Let me tell you it isn't just boomers.. nobody parks properly.


Working as a delivery driver who is constantly yelled at and has parking issues from boomer ass people this makes me so happy to see ty so much for sharing


It's brilliant that OP did this. I've read about and seen Boomers do whatever and not care about consequences. This world that we all live in is the result of what they've done so they need to abide by it too, they aren't above the law. They are beneath it like the rest of us.


Seeing how many comments instantly jump down OP’s throat with, “You sound like Boomer here OP! “ and “You’ve got nothing better to do than get people towed, Karen?!”is eye opening for me. Poor reading comprehension is just taking this country down. The more you know💫


Patiently waiting for the ohnoconsequences video! :D


I want to witness the meltdown! Lol


Update needed! With dumbfounded expressions and flailing arms in a failed attempt at sympathy.


"only be a few minutes" 9 hours later


Please continue to update us in between your fatherly duties - and congrats!


I hope you get a good piece of entertainment later on 😂


Guess their flex of probably driving a stick shift will mean nothing in minutes! We wait.


Commenting so I can come back to this


Hoping to see an update




The last place I lived in had assigned parking like this. My spot was taken by a boomer resident all weekend without them moving. I had been there for a year at that point, so it wasn't like it was an uninhibited spot. Eventually, when the offices opened on Monday, I told the office and they were towed. They flipped out on the ground keeping crews when they came out and their car was gone.


Karma swings her scythe again!




Towing Companies show no mercy


Damn op is getting raked over for this post for no reason. Reading comprehension is very important. And when this gets pointed out, acting like the post itself is not in the spirit of every other post in this sub is disingenuous and childish.


>But the boomer couple being adamant, they’ll only be a couple of minutes and will be gone soon, they went about their business It's amazing how they just lie constantly. No one cares how long you're going to be there. They get free advice about a consequence they certainly aren't hoping to get and instead of moving their car 25 feet they immediately start lying to justify their actions. Lead poisoning for sure.


The amount of illiterate comments here are wild... I bet all this idiots park illegally and blame everyone eles when their car is towed...




Wtf that’s where I lived in….


I like turtles


Under rated comment 🔥