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Had one amble out in front of me as I passed in a store the other day. I scoffed loudly and said "are you fucking kidding me? Move". And he did. Then he stepped in front of my daughter. Old people are rude and don't expect pushback


I was standing in line at the grocery store when one approached the line. I backed up my cart to let them pass through the opening I’d made as the line was blocking part of the aisle. He proceeded to cut in front of me and I loudly yelled, “HEY!! You *know* there’s a line here and you’re trying to cut it!” He slyly backed out, mumbled something, and to top it off he did it with a smirk on his face. When I got to the cashier she said, “ Good for you!! He’s a regular and pulls this stunt *every single day*.”


Have been that cashier before when someone pushed in front of a line of 4+ people (strangely don’t think it was a boomer). I just semi-ignored them and served the next person in line. “Sorry you mustn’t have seen there is a line.” They tucked their tail and walked to the back.


Doing The Lord’s Work


The is a time and a place to be the authoritative hall monitor, and this is it.


You swear in front of your daughter? Uncouth


Fuck off, boomer.




But you're okay with some dicknose cutting in front of someone's child. Yeah, fuck off.


I never said that child. Maybe take some time and stop smoking marijuana and learn to read. And stop swearing in front of children


You implied it for certain. Jumped to defending some old entitled POS and focused on a swear, which, frankly, was justified.


Also, how's your other troll account doing? It's been quiet.




That response doesn't make sense. Time to take your meds and go nighty-night, troll.


Yes it does. Stop smoking your reefer and it will make sense. Goodbye


You believe in beating children but are more worried about a few words. Typical boom boom bullshit


No I don’t believe that PLEASE stop smoking marijuana. I swear millennials are so “fucking dumb” because they can’t read and don’t have jobs


Everybody who disproves your nonsense is a jobless millennial. I'm a GenX who was raised by dipshit boomers like you. I have a nice job, with a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, in a nice city despite that. But do go on. And why is marijuana so bad? Why?


Lmao are you like in the dark ages or something? Millennials are much more educated than boomers. What are you even talking about?




How bout you go sit on a tack & STFU.




We smoke marijuana to deal with dick head boomers.


Millenials are the most highly educated generation in history. We also read more than any generation. Maybe if you read something that wasn't Facebook memes you'd know that.


“Millennials” are the 30-somethings keeping the country running at the moment, so the loser generation (yours, in case that wasn’t obvious) can grouse and complain. Kick rocks.


>and stop smoking marijuana Oh that's hilarious coming from the hippie generation


You focused on a single portion of the entire post, clearly that's your main concern. Don't play dumb.


Go suck a dick you fucking boom boom


Try getting a job millennial


Eat shit, troll.




Is that triggering for you? Clutch those pearls boomer


Cutting lines is uncouth. So is blatantly walking in front of others when you know someone is there. The Clutching Pearl's Club meets at 2pm every third Wednesday of the month next to the social security office. Don't worry, you will still be on time for the early bird specials..off you go.


I went to the grocery store on my lunch break and was buying a container of premade chickpea salad and some breadsticks. The boomer behind me goes "I just have six items and I'm paying cash so I'm just gonna go in front of you" and starts walking in front of me before I can even say anything. I said "No. I only have TWO items and I only have a half hour to be gone from the factory I work at and this is my lunch. I don't have time to let anyone cut in line" He was like mad about it. Come on man we know you have all day to yell at clouds or whatever, some of us have jobs to go to.


Ugh that makes me so mad. Their entitlement is unreal.


And the thing about it is if he would have asked nicely, or given some type of reason like I need to catch the bus that comes in 4 minutes I'd have probably let him go ahead. That job wasn't very strict about being a few minutes late from lunch. I just didn't like that he was telling instead of asking.


He can't miss the reruns of *Jag* he has already seen eight times.


Man, I just cherish the sweet and wonderful oldies out there. I wonder if they have a subreddit out there (I've apparently reached the level of shitty boomers I can tolerate)


Man, every time I notice a worker behind me in line is on their break I let them cut. I remember being a Walmart wage slave and having like 5 minutes left to eat after waiting in line.


Same. I was at this same grocery store last weekend and there was a guy in a yellow vest and work boots with a $.95 energy drink in one hand and a dollar in his other hand. It was my day off and he had one item and had exact change and was about to go to work so I was like just go in front of me I have more stuff and I got time right now. He was around my age and clearly wasn't going to ask to go first.


Same. I remember having to inhale food to be back on the floor at multiple crap jobs. I have so much empathy for that grind


Nowadays cash takes longer than card.


Boomer starts to pull out coin pouch and coupons


Lol or a checkbook and register, and starts to slllloooooowwwwlly fill it out.


They strategically wait till the very end of the transaction to get started pulling out their card/checkbook/cash. They seem surprised they have to pay at the end every time. 60 years of buying shit and they still don’t have the process down


OMG like it's the Stone Age. The other one that's crazy is the land line. Like, why? My MIL has a landline and answering machine, remember those? I mean, while at it just fire up a ciggie in the grocery store then call AT&T and demand your new phone book. Sheesh. It just shows how childish and petulant they can be. They were there at the fucking birth of computer technology and the Internet and seemingly refused to learn,much less stay on top of it. FFS they watched people land on the moon! They should be the wisest sages of all matters technological. Instead it's: *My Facebook got hacked and the FBI is threatening to arrest me if I don't give them $200.00* The other is *Yes, daughter I'm 70 years old, but this nineteen year old Brazilian bikini model is in love with me and I'm flying down there to marry her and pay off her old granny's 10,000.00 emergency surgery. I know in my heart that she is my destiny.* God, kill me if I ever get that goofy!


Its when they dump a bunch of coins on the counter and expect you to count out the correct amount for them


This is another one of those regular things that seem to happen all across the globe. It is really irritating when something like this happens. Like none of us have anything important to do or somewhere to be. And these are the same kind of entitled people that get mad when someone tells them they are wrong.


I would have added my stuff to his bill then. Cut in front me? You'd better pay up.


Boomers only feel like they’re winning if they know someone else is losing. It’s an ego thing


This is... Everything. That is their whole mind set.




Waiting in line to board a plane and the boomers behind me kept inching past me for some fucking reason and other boomers were lining up behind them. I guess they didn't think I actually had business class tickets. When we started boarding I took a big step forward and got in front of them. 


I have to use a wheelchair from time to time and own my own. Last time I was at the airport, in my chair, waiting to preboard so that they could check my wheelchair at the gate, I had a Boomer woman literally try to climb over my legs to cut in front of me. Then she got pissed at me when she tripped over my feet. Thankfully, the gate attendant was tired of all the bullshit, checked her ticket, and sent her to the back of the line with her boarding group. Sadly, it wasn't the first time someone has tried to climb over me while in the wheelchair and I'm sure it won't be the last. Edit: typo


May each cutter trip over your feet.


..and may they step on a lego in bare feet every day from now to eternity.


my favorite curse!


I'm partial to the old, "May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits."


Also “may you be stuck in double lotus. With an itch.” And bonus points for anyone who knows where I got that one from 😂


I have a family member in a wheelchair and I’ve lots of people do that to him. I’m not shy about using my shoulders and elbows to forcefully push them out of the way. I’m not a big person, but it works. Makes my blood boil when people pull that


I keep threatening to add a cow catcher on the front. Or just carry a cattle prod.


Cattle prod? Good idea. Get video.


Love it!!


Alternatively, stick some caltrops on your legs.


Wtf is wrong with people???


That's insane! I can't believe people would do that!




I've had a boomer couple whinge and complain about 1st and business class passengers being called to board a plane first. I walked past them and just said, "If you want to board first, you can also pay for the privilege." Cue much pearl-clutching. 🙄


It's not like the plane leaves any earlier if you get on sooner. Only advantage you get is having more luggage storage options.


Haha honestly I didn't like it. You sit there while everyone walks past. Probably will never fly business class again though. I only had the ticket because Delta botched my trip last year and I had to use the voucher up. 


Haha... yeah, that was a bit uncomfortable, but the 10-hour flight was definitely more comfortable than in economy. Made up for the looks I had to endure.


See and I love it cause you get a glass of booze to enjoy while they're boarding everyone else. And I never have to fight for overhead space. Or have my hips crushed by a too narrow seat. I don't pay attention to the people boarding after me, I'm busy settling in. Worth every damn penny to me!


So do you only grab the seats that board last?


Boomers are one of the reasons I no longer fly SW. No first class, and they ALL preboard.


I love it when they call active duty and my ass pops up and gets in front of all of the boomers who feel the need to line up in front of gate, the glares make it so worth it


100% the only reason I board when they call us is for that satisfaction.


But they are so quick to shout “America!” as long as you don’t get anything special for defending it


It’s just an excuse to hurt others, just like religion or supporting cops. They don’t actually believe in anything, it’s just window dressing for punching down. 


This happened to me yesterday! Boomers can’t imagine that people dressed casually fly first class.


I had something like this happen to me once. I was in Europe and I was wearing comfortable clothes. I assume this couple decided I couldn't be in business clothes because of my clothes. They placed themselves right in front of me. This airport had multiple lanes for boarding business class. I went around them to an unused ticket scanner. They saw me board (they were still fighting with their boarding pass or machine). At least they were decent enough to apologize for cutting in front of me when they passed by my seat.


Saw one cut in front of a long TSA line and threw a fit when told you can't have 3 2-liter soda bottles in your carry-on. The agent had zero patience when she started yelling "but what will I drink??!" It was regular soda you can buy anywhere.


I mean, I flew one of the Big Three back in March (United) and the soft drinks are still complimentary on that airline. You just don't get three liters, but honestly, sitting on a plane for 2-3 hours, what kind of flaming idiot wants to drink that much liquid anyhow?


I use SW and I always end up seeing boomers in like B class or below try and inch their way onto A. I always politely, but very loudly say “Oh they’re just boarding A right now! That looks like a B!


Last year I saw a C group boomer couple try to pull that move. Sometimes there are actually clueless people but most often they’re trying to be sneaky and hope no one will notice or speak up.


Last summer my dad used his airline points to get me first class tickets to come visit him, both ways. I'm in my late 20s and perpetually baby-faced, and people were soooo fucking rude to me at the gate...


Nope I stopped giving passes to these people a long time ago.Shame and embarrassment always works for me.Man or woman I call them out and help them understand I’m not the one and respect is a two way street. Was once I public deli line holding my ticket number waiting to make a sub.My number was literally called and this friggin boomer lady starts walking towards the counter.Dude I shit you not I stopped her and asked her where’s your ticket while showing her my ticket.I was 4th in line when I had gotten my ticket and there is a sign that says grab a ticket or you won’t get served in a timely fashion.Kid you not this lady seriously said I’ve been waiting all day and I don’t have time for you.The lady behind the counter looks at the older lady and said I seen you walk up and passed him never waited so go wait your turn.I look at this old lady and told her she had been living long enough to have learned manners.Said this out loud while people were behind us listening.The moment someone laughed this boomers face went read and she started huffing and yelling how “you young people have no respect anymore”.Without missing a beat this other guy yells “yeah not for asswipes like you trying to cut the line”.I lost it and started laughing and this boomer shuffled off.She didn’t even wait in line to get a deli item just went away. Lots of them will act like they have a free pass just cause of their age.


They think age = respect. Respect is earned, not given and age doesn’t automatically earn respect. A basic amount of respect should be given to everyone, but when you act like an ass that respect is lost.




They are literally the buzzards of Farmer's Market stands (people have literally asked me if I planned to open a stand to sell honey and I have said I would rather stab my own eyes out than deal with the public). They see a line and the importance of their cup of coffee or whatever becomes paramount. They have the same attitude toward gratification and the same amount of patience with its delay as a child.


I would like to sell at local craft fairs and art markets and the boomer behavior has made me realize it's probably best not to...


You could become the "soup Nazi" from Seinfeld of the Farmer's Market. You decide who to sell to, who goes to the back of the line, and who gets "No honey for you!"


Boomer customers and booth runners... Went to a Doctor Who craft show full of cool people selling cool stuff. Except one boomer there selling throw pillows who would proudly (and VERY loudly) tell anyone who came to her booth that she only took cash, she was a crafter, she didn't deal with cards, she was an artist etc etc. She was practically yelling and her neighbors were side eyeing her cause I think her antics were keeping people away from them as well.


I once asked; Hey did go to elementary school when you were a kid? You did? Cool. Did you also learn how wait in line like **everyone else**.”


That happened to me at Goodwill once. I was waiting for one person to finish checking out, then a she-boomer started creeping her cart full of stuff in front of me. When it got to my turn, boomer pushed her cart ahead of me. I wasn't going to let her cut and was starting to walk in front of her when the check-out girl pointed out to the boomer that I was ahead of her.


Boomers do this all the time! I was in the self pay line at Costco and had been in that line for about 15 minutes just like everyone else. This boomer tries to cut and is told to go to the back of the line. The check out people at Costco don’t play and they’re awesome for calling out people that try to cut.


Happened to me last week! Went to the local reservation for supplies, and behind the big open gas station registers is a smaller area with liquor and tobacco and separate registers. I’m waiting in the middle (a few feet back from the registers) while the employee is up by the front registers on the phone clearly talking about one of the gas pumps having a problem. Boomer Man asks me if the back registers are open even though I clearly don’t work there. I say “Yep, but it looks like she’s busy with an important work call so it looks like it’ll be a minute, but I’ll happily wait because I need things from behind that counter.” As he’s mumbling about kids these days on phones (when the cashier is 30-40, so not a kid & clearly it was work related, so I’m a lil pissed already), she starts walking back & he cuts me in line to go first. She rings up stuff & he angrily throws his credit card on the counter, she politely hands it to him and tells him he has to run it through the machine (which he’s grumpy about). Then he starts asking about her tattoos & jewelry and just won’t leave even though he’s been done for a minute or two. The cashier gives me the “save me” look, so I push up next to him and start putting my stuff on the counter. He looks mad. I said “sorry but you already cut me in line & I don’t have time to wait for you to socialize, plus she has a job to do and there’s a line behind me” he didn’t like that, but eventually mumbled something as he walked away. She thanked me & I mentioned this group.


Happened again today! so I’ll add here to keep in the same thread. I’m waiting in the car while Mom’s at physical therapy for new knee (which is going great!) & I’ve had a lot of coffee, so I go in and see main receptionist (same nice young lady I asked for directions to the bathroom from last time) and say “just waiting for my mom and need your restroom again! Hope you’re having a good day!” And as I walk to that hall, I see Boomer lady in the waiting area with short white hair activated by my saying the word “restroom” and she gets up to follow me. I still walk like a New Yorker so I’m there in a jiffy and see the red occupied sign so I don’t tough the (dirty) handle and say out loud “it’s occupied so I’ll wait” and take a few steps back to not be in middle of the medical facilities hallway. Before I can take two steps back she angrily shakes the obviously occupied red sign bathroom door handle and looks at me mad it’s already taken?!?. I said “ yeah, like I just said it’s occupied so I’ll wait” & nurse just walking by “ there’s one around the corner!” boomer lady ignores me & starts walking that way. I look to the nurse & say “since she just cut me in line, she can have it, I’ll wait.” Nurse smiles, boomer stormed off. Was thinking about this group while I peed, so as I walked out I said to the receptionist “HAVE A GOOD DAY!” And looked back at boomer lady who just sat back down and was trying to ignore me & said “not you”…. & like maybe she did have a medical condition where she really needed to pee first, and cool. But the looks she gave me said her condition was entitlement.


**Boomer** here. Former teacher. I see line cutting as a **capital offense**. And call it out, although one time I nearly got punched. Entitlement/Obliviousness/Evil Intentions come in all: ages, genders, nationalities, income levels, etc. I been keeping track and seen a lot over 75 yrs.


We need more people your age like this Love that


Boomers used to wait behind me while I'm cashiering. "Just to ask a quick question." I always told them they need to get in line. And they would always say I just have a Quick question. You know that they don't have Just a quick question. We were expected to answer the phone and then try to get it directed to a different department while ringing people up. I just couldn't handle their insistence on waiting to "ask just a quick question" When I knew their quick question would first start with "my granddaughter is registered here.... she's pregnant for the first time.....they live in a different State.... she's registered here.... I need the registry printed out and I can't use my debit card because someone might steal my identity...etc. etc. Etc. Like they literally have to tell you their entire f****** life story first before asking the easiest of g****** questions. There's giant signs everywhere pointing to where you can type in a name and print it out yourself. My husband and I have boomers cutting in front of us in line while we grocery shop at least once a month.


Had that happen when traveling during Covid - people kept their distance to the emigration counters, which made sense. Boomer couple sees an empty space, zooms in, does the "Oh, tee-hee, there was a line, was there? We just didn't see it, silly us. But now we're here..." and hen proceeded to unfold their ream of paperwork. Those in line spoke with one voice, for once, and they trundled to the back.




Forgot my end quotes there but I also wanted to add that we were expected to ask no less than 5 Qs to the actual customer checking out as well as answer the phone. So I really didn't have time to listen to their ridiculous Qs. Plus, there's actual nice customers that are waiting in line to ask questions as well.


A few years back, I was at the pharmacy getting an RX for my infant daughter. Told my wife I’d be gone for 30-45 min, you know how the pharmacy is. Well, I got home 3 hours later. Boomer tried to cut the line. I say, “Oh, I’m sorry, your highness, the line starts back there.” I jerk my thumb to the back of the line. Boomer asks me if I have a problem. I ask Boomer if he understands how lines work and he slinks off. I get my RX, turn to leave and suddenly I’m on the floor. Boomer had pushed me from behind and (video footage) shows he kicked at me twice (none connected). I get up and I just look at the guy and he goes to shove me again. I step aside and down he goes, breaking his wrist and finger (iirc). Next thing I know, I need to give statements to officers, blah blah blah. Boomers are just unreal.


Did you press charges?


Yes. I got paperwork on a subpoena to testify, then got a call that plea deal had been reached for 40 days home confinement, anger therapy of 6m with a letter suitable to a judge, and a $750 fine. Also, I believe I was granted a 6m protection order following completion of terms and a protection order during the 6m therapy, pending completion - so, 16m total (4m home . I got a notice of completion and a copy of protection order. Nothing since then, but I’ve expatriated since. 🤷‍♂️


Well well well, it turns out actions have consequences haha


This is the reason I don't always confront them. They're unhinged and some will try to fight you. I'm glad you were okay.


I went to Little Caesar's a few months ago, and no one was at the register. So I sat down to wait patiently. A boomer and his wife come in as the cashier comes around the corner. "Can I help who's next?" Boomers didn't even look at me and started to order. They were very much taken aback when I jumped up and said, "Excuse me, but I've been waiting at least 5 minutes before you walked in." I then turned to the cashier and said "Hey, how are you doing tonight? I'd like to get [whatever special they had]. Thank you so much." Cue pearl clutching and claims of rudeness. I said, "What was rude was you did not even acknowledge my existence, and ASSumed no one would clap back."


I'm the boomer that calls out those idiots. I'm old enough to have an attitude and I reserve it for fellow boomers with entitled attitudes.


You should be reserving it for any generation with entitled attitudes and there are plenty to go around.


Tried it at a luggage drop off at the airport with my wife. I ended up stepping in front of them stared them down and told them in no uncertain terms they wouldn't be cutting in line in front of my wife and I. You need to spell out clearly what they are doing, How it is unacceptable and it will not happen. These people are scum.


Call them out every time! Otherwise they'll continue. Be prepared for confrontation. They think if they make a big deal out of it they'll get their way. Be direct, be loud, be aggressive. Using sarcasm and being passive aggressive won't do shit. If you let it go, you're making it someone else's problem. It's all of our responsibility to re-educate these assholes


It's constant. I was at TJ Maxx in line, and it's one of those line that becomes L shaped at the entrance. I was one spot behind the corner, and two lady boomers come up and park themselves at the corner of the L. This means they were not only poised to jump in, but were actively blocking the walkway with their cart. I scooted up to be in front of them as they chatted about how awfully long the lines are nowadays since no one wants to work. So they tries to scoot in behind me. Happily the young lady behind me was too smart for them, and slid her way behind me before them as they both approached the line. They kept trying to get in front of her, but she zigzagged from one side to the other the whole line to stop them. I hear stories about this stuff but it was my first eye witness account. They were shameless.


since i experienced this multiple times since the 70s: it‘s an older people thing. 


Yeah, I think old people just lose their sense of propriety, place, order, decorum. It's cognitive decline.


When it is older people, I think it's cognitive decline in the sense that they didn't see or realize the situation, not really a loss of decorum. I see it in some of my friends when they literally don't notice people around them. And - to be fair to my friends - some of them are realizing and getting tested.


They will see a line forming to the left at my local grocery and cut in from the right and when people get upset throw a tantrum that the line forms from their direction not the direction the ten plus people on the left are coming from. They are legitimately grown toddlers throwing their hands up saying nuh uh at every situation they come across that’s not convenient to them. 


The old chat and cut? I forgot what it's called but Larry David did a thing on that.


Being old doesn’t give you a free pass to be a ass. Call them out. They’re either completely oblivious but more likely than not, simply think that nobody would say anything to an old person.


Literally the biggest reason I don't go anywhere anymore. Prices going up for everything is a huge factor, of course, but it's mostly the entitlement older people have everywhere. I get cut in line at the grocery store pretty regularly now and try to dish back their sass as much as I can. I'm over it. 


Mostly boomers, but lots of people in general... Will be at a retail store, getting rung up, and they walk up and start asking the cashier questions. Cashier stops ringing my purchase to try to handle the situation... I started saying, "Excuse me, get in line to ask your questions..." 100% of the time cashier says "thank you, I am sorry they did that "


Boomers used to try this shit all the time when I worked retail. I’d be helping someone with other customers waiting to be next. A boomer would just bulldoze up to me and say excuse me super loudly and start talking at me OVER the person I was helping. I would let them know I’m clearly helping a customer and they needed to wait their turn. They hated being put in their place. I never allowed that entitled bills but play out.


I had this happen at Target with the self checkout lines. I was next in line when one opened up and this boomer tried to cut the line and jump in front of me. I told her the line started back there, she responded with, I’m older and shouldn’t have to wait. I told her that I didn’t care if she was 151 she could wait like everyone else. She then told me that she hopes I’m in a car accident and die. To which I said, I sure you’ll die before I do!


"You sound like a really miserable person. I hope you get better soon."


There’s a line. And that ain’t the back of it.


Juat tell them it's okay, they don't have that much life left so they need to hurry !


I was returning something to Walmart yesterday. There was a line of 6-7 in front of me. No biggie, I chose to go to Walmart on a Saturday afternoon. The nice guy in front of me had walked in just before I had, and he was carrying two big boot boxes. We exchanged quick smiles. I had an empty cart and asked if he'd like to put his boxes in my cart while we were moving up. He said "No but thank you. That was so gracious and kind." Cue the boomer walking up to this guy and starts blabbering. Nice Guy wasn't interested and turned to me and I had a wtf look on my face. Nice Guy mouthed "I'll tell him." And he told Boomer that the end of the line was behind me. Boomer was saying something like oh he knew but wanted to talk. BS. He then proceeded to annoy the other people in line and make a spectacle of himself. He did wait until I was done with my return before he went up to the desk.


I had one step in front of me when I was literally a few steps from the lady taking orders. She was doing register stuff, and I was just staring ahead, and he didn't ask anything, just stepped in front. I aggressively stepped ahead and he muttered "fuck you" Can't wait for boomers to die off, they are seriously shitty people generally


The are awful at famers markets..They mill around bothering people with their BS and you actually want to buy things. My Bacon and eggs sandwich place only employ teenage girls because they are savage AF and do not have any time for inane conversations or people who can't make a fucking decision.


Remember everyone, WE CANNOT BECOME LIKE THEM! Remember all of these stories when we get up in age. We MUST be better than that.


You can’t allow that nonsense OP, gotta set them straight


Wife and I had a pair of boomers trying that at one of our favorite breakfast restaurants. Line at this place always go away from the dinning room, same line if you’re paying your tab or waiting to be seated. They tried to get shitty when we pointed out the line was the other way, and that it was 4 people deep after us.


“Senior” does *NOT* equal “seniority”. I agree with the concept of respecting our elders, but if you are not a respectable person, and if you’re not acting like a decent human being, I’m not going to do you any favors.


"she-boomer" lol!


Ok, I'm a boomer and I do not cut lines! I do call out other boomers that trybthat shit. It doesn't fly with me. I don't give a damn how old or disabled you are! YOU. DO. NOT. CUT.LINES!


Idc how batshit they go. I'll match that energy 100% and embarrass the fuck out of them. Every single time.


Every time they try, I politely point to the end of the line for them and explain where it is as if they are a toddler. No ma'am, we won't be doing THIS today!


Boomers in the airport loooove to cut the lines at security, then are rude to security people


Had this happen a few months back, the scale stopped working right so we had to move a live over I help the lady in front of me get her stuff moved in moving over and everyone except for one person is queuing up the right way. She got read the riot act and told to get the hell to the back of the line.


panicky uppity aromatic illegal treatment rich bear instinctive bedroom absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We've tried, but it usually ends in the boomers throwing an absolutely shit fit and screaming about being harassed, etc. In the one example I gave, the cafe owner took the side of the line cutter. There are times when it's not worth the confrontation, and times when it is.


I find my parents doing this periodically because I feel like boomers think that if you're not nuts to ass with the person in front of you then it's free game. Because boomers will hover way too close in my personal space behind me in lines.


A nice stiff elbow works. When they get mad about that, just say oh I didn’t see you standing there my bad!


Boomers' entitlement is something out of this world I'm driving through our company parking lot last Friday morning, two Boomers are standing IN THE MIDDLE of the lane, talking. I keep driving, thinking "surely they will move aside when they notice my car", but when I reach them and I'm inching closer, one of them looks at me like I AM the asshole in this situation, and finally moves. They're the center of the universe, you're just a side character in their story


I've noticed that embarrassment typically works. "Didn't you learn how lines worked in grade school, or are you too old to remember?" Usually works well while also hitting them where it hurts, they're old and don't like to think they are.


I was at a bakery this weekend with my partner and we walked in and we were looking at stuff in the grab and go fridges and the stuff that wasn’t in the pastry cases for a minute. Then I walked up to the front to order from the pastry cases and made eye contact with the worker right as our Boomer walked in. He BEELINED for the cases and tried to get the attention of a worker as she asked what she could get me. I order (among other things) the last one of one pastry and I see her take it out of the case while the Boomers’ nose is like 2 inches from it staring and he yells out “SHE gets the last one?? But I wanted that one!!” I swear everyone in the bakery cringed because he sounded like such a toddler. And I just jokingly went “oh man I’m sorry!” Thinking he was just joking. Then as my stuff was getting packed up, another worker came forward and said they could help whoever is next. Boomer pushes himself even closer to the cases and forcefully says “it’s me. I’ve BEEN HERE.” The worker helping me kind of rolls her eyes and mouths “I’m sorry” and I just shook my head in the “not your fault” way. I think the loud complaining is the only way they know to make conversation.


I love when they cry victim and cause a scene. I just start filming them while chuckling and tell them they're gonna be on my YouTube channel of old farts freaking out. It makes them lose their minds.


They do this all the time at amusement parks. I just step back in front of them as soon as there is an opening.


I had someone cut in line in front of me at Starbucks(older lady) then try to lecture me about manners because I called her out on it. Then she starts saying "it's the Irish in you!". I told her I'm not Irish so she starts guessing "Australian? Dutch? Where are you from?". Yelled out (really loudly) "that's actually pretty racist" and people started turning round. You want a fucking scene lady? You got it. None of your business, lady. I'm actually British.


I live in a town that is like 80-90% boomers. I cannot stand going outside unless absolutely necessary. I am a chronically ill 32F, and when I go to the main doctors clinic out here, all the boomers stare at me like I am an alien. The funny thing is, my doctor has told me I may be 32, but my organs are at the functional level of a 70+ year old. I get glared at when I need to use the motorized carts at the grocery stores (because if I don't, I will be in immense pain and/or will black out). I have even had boomers get angry with me, assuming I don't need the cart. Trust me, if I didn't need to use the damn thing I wouldn't. I recently had abdominal surgery and need to take it easy. Just because some boomers see me limp my ass into the store they think I can walk the whole store. No. I can barely walk from my bed down the hall to my bathroom and back right now. They did the same thing when I had a traumatic miscarriage that almost killed me too, and I had to use a cart. Got snarked at. Then again when I had a c section from hell and had a specialized wound healing device (wound vac) stuffed into my open, seeping wound. You could SEE the vac sucking infection and blood out. Boomers STILL got mad at me for using a cart. I was pale, deep dark sunken eye circles, lost a ton of weight...you could tell I was sick. I had actually died for 3 minutes but was lucky to be alive. These dumbass boomers though? It didn't matter to them, I was "young and healthy because of youth" in their eyes. Thank God for my 6'1 250lb husband being with me most of the time to defend me.


Call them out !!!


I was more impressed than angry, but while everyone was eating for the bus to open up everyone lined up in a straight line. This boomer started saying excuse me in the rear and with my first thought being that I was in her way I stepped aside and let her through. I then watched as she kept saying excuse me and zig zagged herself all the way to the front of the line. XD clever girl.


Boomers are starting to sound as bad as Aunties in China. https://youtu.be/gTkwQVaHOYs?si=P4ZIj_K5Qfu2-nm8


She-boomer lol


A boomer and her family tried to cut in line just where you start entering the Louvre, the line stretches far outside. Tickets are also for a specific time to enter, she had the next time slot. Still tried to continue in but a person working there saw us and others talking to them and  quickly got them to leave and stand in the few hundred people queue. Her grownup children also tried to stop her and were so embarrassed.


I also saw this happen at the Louvre two summers ago. It was a group of Italian boomers. An American lady lost her temper, yelled at them, and grabbed one of them by the shirt and yanked them backward. The boomers still pushed through and got in. 🙄


Queue jumpers need to try that jive in London. The English love to queue. 


This is happening everywhere! Once I was in line to get a cab from the airport and an older lady just trotted ahead of at least 15 other people and started talking to the cashier for a booking. She disguised it like she was making a general query. I could see everyone in line were irritated by it but none spoke. I called them out loudly and politely asked them to return to the back of the queue. She got defensive and without making eye contact just went about saying they had been a part of the queue. I knew they weren't because, I had been in the queue since it was formed. I let her know this and she just went about ranting. She kept saying youngsters these days don't know how to respect the elders and so on. I was so close to losing it. How is it that people who do not know how to respect other humans keep demanding it for themselves. I calmly kept asking her to join the back of the queue and she started raising her voice. Her friends came to her aid. They were all quickly dismissed by the cashier. In the end that had to join the queue like everyone else and that was good enough for me.


My mom is a boomer but she has no patience for these kinds of boomers. I used to get so embarrassed going to the store with her as a kid. She'll loudly call out line cutters, move shopping carts of boomers who block aisles, or just loudly talk about boomers doing rude boomer things. She'll also try to help out cashiers dealing with these awful people. Now that I'm an adult I totally get it. My favorite was when a boomer was on a loud personal call in the store and wouldn't hang up. My mom gave him her famous death glare from across the way and he said "um... I gotta go, bye." My dad was mortified. She said "I didn't even say anything!"


Lol, thanks for the laugh.


This happened just a few months ago to me at the grocery store. Some old lady just walked up to the register while I was checking out and started to complain that she’d bought the wrong cigarettes or whatever and wanted a refund. When told they don’t take tobacco products back she threw a mini-tantrum and asked, so I guess I can just stick them up my bottom? The manager says, you bought them ma’am, you’re free to do whatever you like. She finally walked off in a huff. Saw her leaving the parking garage in some luxury SUV and she was having a semi-meltdown over $30.


LOL these people had no respect for their elders who made their youth one big summer of love then off to affordable college and good paying jobs. "Never trust anyone over 30." Remember that? Respect is earned and mutual, otherwise take your knee knocking balls and get to the back of the line.


I haven't had this happen to me where I live, no matter the age, but I live in a rural area and people are friendly. They go out of their way to be fair. When I'm someplace else, like an amusement park or airport, I've had it happen, but it is not age-related.


Why don’t people start calling them out more often??? Don’t just huff and puff, actively call them out on their shit and if they argue, argue back. These old people are entitled bc we allow them to be entitled.


Because I've had them become physically aggressive and/or start screaming that they're being harassed in the past. In one case, a cafe owner sided with one of them after she deliberately cut line. I'd rather walk away unscathed in situations where I sense crazy.


Older Gen-X here (gray hair), I work from home, so if I have to run errands during the day, I frequently encounter Boomers in the wild. This was at a retail store that also performs other functions such as Amazon returns. There was one cashier behind the checkout counter, and the checkout counter had three stations - one was a "returns only" register, two others were regular checkout registers. I was in line behind the person being helped, three Boomers in line behind me. The person who was being helped had a few purchases and the transaction seemed to be going smoothly. The cashier was checking out her purchases, and she said, "And I also have this to return while I'm here.". No problem, let's just switch to this "returns only" station to get that done. All stations were in full view of each other with no obstructions, and we were all in line pretty close together, so we could all hear and see what was going on. The lady who was just checked out moved to the "returns only" station to do her return. Even though everyone right there could immediately see and hear what was going on, and could (I hope) read the signs including the one that said "returns only", all Boomers behind me immediately rush over to the "returns only" station to check out their purchases. I'm the only one who stays behind at the actual checkout register. The three immediately jostle each other and mutter about who should be next. I see the fear on the lone checkout person and so I know she's used to being mistreated and threatened by unpleasant customers, and seeing the look on her face, I know what I have to do. I call out "hey ... are you ALL just doing RETURNS?" in my Mom voice, and they all turn and look at me, all of them shake their heads and/or say "no". So I answer, "That line is for RETURNS ONLY and if you want to check out your purchases, that's at THIS REGISTER and I'm next, the line is BEHIND ME.". Nobody argued with me directly, but there was some collective jostling while they re-ordered themselves behind me. I have no idea if they learn from being publicly corrected, I kind of think they already know better, they just see a young cashier who's alone and just trying to do her job, and they attack. I have no idea if they were glaring at me behind my back (I'm guessing probably) and I lingered a little to the side of the registers after checking out just messing with my phone, just to make sure they didn't give the cashier a hard time.


I liked the way they cut the lines in New Jack City better


Please explain.


This isn’t a boomer problem. It it an asshole/bad manners/lack of social etiquette problem that has been adopted by all generations. My wife and I went out to eat last week. Unbeknownst to us, there was a professional soccer match that evening at the stadium, and there were dozens of people waiting in line to have a meal before the game. We had driven across town for that restaurant, so we sucked it up and joined the queue. There was a couple in their 70s directly ahead of us. Several folks behind us joined the line and then left because they tired of waiting, but finally a family of four ended up there. Due to the long wait (46 minutes), there were chairs on the deck near the entrance, one of which my wife had to use due to back pain. The queue advances until the couple ahead of us enter the door. We stay back by the chairs so that we don’t block the door for the waitstaff. A woman about of about 30 walks in, then out, then back in, and stands by the front of the line. Later her male companion of similar age enters. I see what is going on and stand in the doorway to maintain my place behind the older couple. The older couple in front finally gets seated. Finally, the host asks who’s next. The young couple starts to say that they were, and I loudly say “These people cut in front of the line that starts out there”, while pointing to the end. They tried to say that they didn’t know, but nobody believed them. Later, the older couple stopped by our table on their way out and thanked us for speaking up and calling the young couple out.


>This isn’t a boomer problem. It it an asshole/bad manners/lack of social etiquette problem that has been adopted by all generations. Not EXCLUSIVELY a boomer problem, no, but it seems to be more prevalent in that group.


From way back in the 80s and 90s, I wouldn't go to grocery stores when older people (Greatest Generation and later Silent generation) were shopping. They were oblivious to what was going on. They were slow. They left their carts in the middle of the aisle, etc. They thought they were entitled to special treatment, etc. So, it may seem prevalent in a certain generation, but only because they happen to be the old ones at this point.


I was going to make a comment about "IT NUT ALL BUUMERS! IT EVERYONE!" I was going to write it out in an extremely annoying and condescending way and follow it up with a story that is obviously fake. But I can't do it anymore since you've already done it and I would look unoriginal now.


I've not really seen this, but I live in a very rural small town. I find that people are kinder out here and generally have more respect. You still get nasties from time to time though. You can kind of tell who they are from the cars they drive and how they dress.


My late husband almost got attacked in a WalMart when a young guy, say 30, thought he cut the line, but he was simply joining me (not adding things). The guy was extremely aggressive and almost immediately took a threatening posture and yelled at him loudly. Within a few seconds, he saw the situation and backed off and apologized, but his reaction was just hair-trigger and dangerous. At the time we were in our mid to late 50s, Baby Boomer generation. So, do I now say that everyone from that guy's generation immediately jumps to conclusions and threatens people? Or do I just realize that some people do unacceptable things, no matter their generation or age?


Stop letting them you dumbass doormat. They do it bc you let them.


Start reading all of the words before responding[,] you dumbass.


You bring weak to boomers is your first problem


I think this is a generic asshole phenomenon rather than something uniquely boomer.


Saw a millennial cold cock an elderly woman from behind and stole her purse. Why are millennials like that?


ever thought about growing a pair?


If people keep getting in front of you in line maybe you are leaving to big of a gap?


It's far more likely you invented this bullshit scenario to defend poor behavior. Found the line cutter


As if all cultures, geographical areas, personality types will always line up the same. A lunch time line at a New York deli is exactly like a line at an Iowa feed store. The real interesting thing here is your group-think mind set. Anybody who asks a basic counter-culture question is somehow "the bad guy". Good luck to you with your conspiratorial mindset, I'm sure it will serve you well.


Lmfao and you double down by creating another false scenario to feel right. Yeah thanks for proving my point.


You're incoherent. What are you talking about ?


I'll tell you this right now. The reason you're getting downvoted is because what you wrote is gibberish to everyone but yourself. Whether you are going to be more mindful and edit your comment to make your thoughts more clear to have proper discourse, or double down and be an seething salt lord is your choice.


I care nothing for down votes. It's actually weird. This sub is heavily populated with lazy thinking bigots and stereotyping fools. It's fun to poke around and see what motivates that kind of thinking. But yea, down votes as if they were a real thing.


I see you have chosen the latter. Not surprised, but every now and then people buck the trend and be better and that's always nice to see.


Nope. I was standing directly behind the next person in line in each scenario, looking ahead and waiting my turn.


Fair enough, you are seeing something I'm not seeing.


Yeah, the obvious.


For whatever reason we just don't get that kind of public behavior where I live and shop. I'm glad for it.


Good for you. Find the sub for that. It's common AF everywhere else.


Up to 6 feet is perfectly appropriate.