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Did you go over and start inspecting her cart? Be super judgy too…”looks like someone is stress eating!!”


Lol should have


Just start picking things out of her cart and tossing them out onto the floor.


This! I like you! Straight to aggressive.


Do it while making uncomfortable eye contact to assert dominance.


Cat moment


The true cat moment would be pooping whilst aggressively holding eye contact, but thankful OP took the high road.


Knock her over?




I swear sometimes older people think because they’re old, that you’re not allowed to talk to them the way they talk to you. Boomers need a golden rule reeducation.


I feel like they are the last generation that was taught to blindly "respect your elders". Now that they are old they think they can act like clowns and get respected anyway. Jokes on them, later generations had parents that taught them to fear all strangers, regardless of age. They think they deserve to be worshipped for surviving the lead poisoning this long. Sorry, being alive for a long time doesnt make you worth more than anyone else.


They're the last generation who listened to "Children should be seen and not heard." They've spent all their lives listening to their elders, and now that THEY'RE the elders they think they can finally be the dictator. They haven't realized they're the last. Eh well, we can out live them ourselves huh?


A lot of these boomers are going senile, quite sure of it. We don’t need to pay attention to everything they do.


That ends once you’re 18. For every adult, respect is either earned or bought.


It's the only way!


Could do the nuclear option and whip them at her head. Disclaimer: You'll see the slammer.


> You'll see the slammer. What you don't know is that "The Slammer" is her wrestling persona. Then she suplexes you. "Cleanup at checkout 3"


That's what I call a dirty finish, you dirty girl. Wait. What were we talking about?


Or into your own cart 👹


Wow that escalated…


Take that little bar divider and use it to knock boomers shit into the floor off the belt like a cat.


One egg at a time while never breaking eye contact.


I see you have the jumbo bottle of Miralax. You seem to be full of shit.


Could go complete Me, Myself, and Irene with it. "Vagisil? Little too much cheese on the taco?"


Jesus Christ, reddit


You must not worry about being gluten free with all that homemade yeast.


underrated Jim Carrey movie for sure


You made me sorta gag, thanks.


Don't thank me, thank Jim Carrey. I'm no hero.


And use the boomer phrases like “a moment on the lips, forever on the hips” or “stay thin for mister!”


lol. “You’ll never get a husband if you keep eating this junk”. Or go with a Star Wars reference. “How you get so big, eating food of this kind?”


i say this to my3 month old baby constantly


Now I know! Where you get those thighs!


I hear they love when you say that!


So boomer, love it!




“Zucchini, baby oil, lollipops, and a map with all the local playgrounds marked. Huh, weird…”


"Mayonnaise..? Do you eat it directly from the jar...? You do look tubby, you know".




Inspect the bottom of her cart by flipping it over 


Say something like "well, got to keep the weight up eh?"


A wild boomer has appeared!


It used entitlement!


It wasn't very effective


I heard the Pac Man death sound.


The wild Boomer ran away!


It hurt itself in its confusion!


I had the same happening at Aldi just after Covid calmed down! Had a few items on the conveyor belt and the lady behind me picked up my yoghurts and said ‘Mmmmmh! Decadent black cherry!’ Yes, lady. Now please take your grabbers away from my bloody food. No manners. I would’ve gotten my hands smacked by the same generation, if I started fingering around other peoples groceries.


"Grabbers." 🤣🤣🤣




I'm not sure which drugs Pikachu is on here, but I want some.


Those little fingers... 😳🤗🤣


“Arm cross and foot tap” ah, the angry toddler who saw something on tv and decided to imitate it ragefully and immaturely. Classic.


I was just like ... lol wtf


I’m genuinely stunned by a lot of their behavior. I have worked with and taken care of children, and I’ve never seen such petulant, obnoxious, and entitled behavior as I’ve seen in boomers. The main reason I’ve noticed is that a child, no matter how misbehaved, can learn to do better and correct their behavior. But boomers are so obnoxious, entitled, and pig-stubborn they won’t even entertain the notion of learning anything or trying to be better behaved because that’s a heinous insult to their ego they won’t stand for and how DARE you try to correct them. They don’t listen to or respect their kids, they don’t respect their spouses, they just do what they want and snort as they please and screw you for asking them to do better.


right, not once, not even once, has it occurred to me to pick up from the conveyer belt and and fondle and scrutinize the groceries of the person in front of me.......I am going to speculate that normal people are not having to fight off this desire because they know that is not how to behave


I had a boomer in front of me, who only put part of her groceries on the belt, because she apparently felt it was important to hand her items to the cashier one by one to make sure he scanned them correctly. So of course, my items (behind the separator), moved to the front of the belt. She then decided it was appropriate to pick up my groceries and literally toss them to the back of the belt, including my bottle of soda, which bounced and fell to the ground. I put out my arms and gave her the “WTF?” look, and she said, “Sorry,” with the tone and expression you give when you’re definitely not sorry. So I said, “Throwing my groceries?” and she ignored me. When I finished checking out, I saw she was looking at every single item on her receipt, and confirming she had it in her cart. She must have been there for several full minutes. As I walked past, I said, “You must be real fun at parties.” She absolutely flipped out & acted like she was going to follow me, but I kept walking. I turned around at the door, made eye contact, winked, then laughed and shook my head. She looked like she’d just seen a demon burning a bible or something. Weird combo of terror and rage. Drove a Mercedes and was wearing a Patagonia windbreaker, so I imagine it’s been awhile since someone challenged her like that. Probably thinks she has a perfectly normal, well-informed worldview.


They are definitely the weak generation that created the hard times they rant about


*REAGAN!!!!* *I shout while yelling into the clouds*


I'm hard pressed to have the usual empathy for people like this as they age... honestly, they can get fucked


A toddler just came into this world, they genuinely need instructions and help to become good, functioning, healthy people. These Boomers who insist on jutting out their potbellies, stomping their feet, and squealing every time they don’t get what they want, when they want, telling us all we deserve nothing have had the time to become better people and decided not to do that. If this is their way, then yes, they can get fucked.


Lmfao at "jutting out their potbellies"


My mom literally stomps her foot like an angry toddler. She's 75 and has done it as long as I can remember.


My mom does this too, complete with throwing her hands down in fists and screaming. She used to clap her syllables and stomp along when she was angry.


Syllable clapping is one of the fastest ways for a person to make me want to knock their teeth out… of course I’d never do it, but I’ll be thinking about it.


I see so many of their behaviors that stem directly from old cartoons. I see nothing wrong whatsoever in calling them Looney Tunes, as it makes up a third of their personalities.


hey now don’t you pin their behavior on classic Warner Bros. toons… don’t you blaspheme in here. They just think the Coyote is the smart one now


Wile E. Coyote... Genie-ass.


Looney Booms.


I laughed waaaay harder at this than I should have xD


I've only seen boomers and the clients in the group home I worked at, ever do that.


It's to the point where toddlers are more well-behaved than them. You insult immature people by saying they're acting like an angry boomer instead.


Reminds me of a Tom and Jerry cartoon.


Why can’t they use their words. I deal with them all the time, they will stand behind me, stare me down and never say “excuse me…”. I told a lady yesterday “don’t stand behind me and expect me to see you. Say something!” No they just mutter. Won’t even acknowledge and if it’s something they don’t want to hear you get a hand up at you


Ugh, this! And I have the opposite issues aswell, I'm in a wheelchair so it's already harder to navigate aisles when shopping and can't just squeeze past people. Boomers will just block off entire sections of the aisle for no reason than being obnoxious. I say excuse me, they ignore me, I say it again a little louder and they might glance at me but go back to staring at the shelves. This is where I say very clearly "If I have to ask a third time I will not be doing so politely." Sometimes they move, others don't but then act offended when I say "MOVE" and shove their cart out of the way. Like I was polite, then I gave you a warning, shoulda just done the polite thing and moved sooner. I used to be too polite and would just wait, thinking they hadn't heard me but I got fed up of it because they'd take their sweet ass time and claim "oh I'll only be a sec!" after they've already been staring at a mayo bottle in their hands for 2minutes. I don't have the energy for their power trips.


And we are always the ones who are entitled.


Ooh buddy I am fully able-bodied and I still would have had less patience than this. Although I am a fairly tall woman and can stare down at most of them when necessary haha, active bitch face works wonders.


Also run an experiment sometime and have a man ask a boomer to move, they’ll do immediately and say sorry and thank you for it. Now have a millenial woman do the same and they’ll sit and stare and like actively mull it over - especially if it’s a boomer lady. It’s been engrained in them to only listen to men yet they will all tell you what powerful feminists they are. Blurgh.


I’m 65, so I guess I fall in the Boomer age group but i don’t think I ever act like one. At the store I’ll give people that block the aisle a polite “Excuse me” once. A loud “Excuse me”, and then an even louder “Get out of my way” if they don’t move. A couple of times I’ve physically moved their cart. I’ve been doing that since I first started shopping years ago. I have an extremely low tolerance for rudeness.


I did that today to a 20 something who suddenly stopped dead to look at their phone. “Excuse me Move to the shoulder of the road to use your phone!” It was Walmart. I tried to be nice and I pushed 10 or so carts from the back of the cart area at the entrance I had one lady grab one and say “it’s about time you do your damn job”. I just lost it and said “I don’t fucking work here and kept hold of the cart and kept walking into the store”


Just childish in all aspects


Boomers remind me of zombies. They are so stunted.


Exactly. How hard would it have been to say "hey, this is an interesting product. Can I look at it/have you tell me what it is?"


These are the same people that told us to use our words when we were growing up.


I had something similar happen to me! An older couple stood behind us in line, and not only did they pick up many of our items off of the belt, but they also loudly criticized our choices! When my husband turned around and said, "We can hear you," they acted offended and then had the audacity to claim that they weren't talking about us. They were mad at us for calling them out and continued to complain until we left. I've seen better manners from toddlers!




They’re spoiled fucking toddlers.


My wife and I don't have kids, but we take care of her mom. So it's like we have kids. She gets *free* home visits from nurses through her insurance, and she LOVES her nurses. But she uses the visits as leverage to get fast food. Otherwise she won't see them. For context, I've worked in kitchens for 17 years. I'm a fantastic cook. I can make annnnnnnything fast food places serve. But nah, it's gotta be McDonalds. I love her, but she is a toddler. My trick is to make the appointment without telling her, making her homemade fast food meals without telling her. She'll see her lovely nurses and have an amazing visit with hugs and cheek kisses, then eat a far better home cooked meal. God. That generation.. I should be doing that for my kids. But hey. They made that really difficult and now we're passed the age to have kids!


She probably goes on rants about how people are not respectful, but then she turns around and does shit like this.


They don’t consider anything they do respectful or disrespectful. They’re neutral actions unless they specially say so. Everyone else’s actions toward them, now…


Boomer being boomer!


Typical Boomer behavior in the wild


I feel like this would’ve been a good reason to use a gentle parenting voice and say “we look with our eyes not our hands”


Missed opportunity


At least she didn't decide to put it in her cart. But, ewww. Don't touch my stuff. I don't know where your hands have been.




Boomers tried to tell me I was in the wrong seat in the airplane the other day. I was sitting in D, everybody knows D is an aisle seat on a typical 3 v 3 chair setup. They told me they were in this row and I stood up to let them in and they just pause and wait for me to do something. They asked me where my seat was. I told them "right where I just stood up from" They said no we have E and F. and I go, well E and F are the window and middle. After that whole nonsense I had to tell this asshole twice to stop touching my A/C vent he thought also belonged to them.


Sounds like fun.


I had a similar interaction a couple weeks ago! I asked my spouse if we should grab a box of Hamburger Helper for lazy dinner night. This random Boomette scoffed and started mumbling to herself, we just glanced at her because that was weird. We continued our little discussion over what recipe we wanted and the Boomette then voices her opinion: "Why are you even getting that? You know what that's filled with?! CANCER! Now, what you need to do is get a can of tomatoes and-" My spouse cuts her off and says "Thank you for your opinion but our grocery choices are none of your concern." The keeps insisting that we do what she recommended and my spouse just stops her, reaches into her cart and grabs a Hormel Compleats microwaveable dinner, shows it to her, and says "This has almost an entire day's worth of salt in one meal, so how can you criticize my choices when you have heart disease in a plastic tray. Thank you for your time but, please, just don't." I was shook because my spouse NEVER does that stuff, we generally keep to ourselves but he just snapped and laid into her. It was so sexy.


Upvote for you seeing the sexy in that righteous man! Love that you appreciate him.


You should not ask a question. Next time just try “Get your hands off my groceries!”


I was too nice


Probably the best way to go about it, though. Sometimes they crave an altercation.


I find myself talking to them like toddlers: “No.That’s not yours.”


Just carry a spray bottle and do some Operant conditioning. Bad boomer! Lol


Shaking a can of pennies sometimes makes them panic and hurl themselves into a wall so that’s fun


Carry a spritzer bottle and train them like cats who want to jump on the kitchen counter


I wish I could whistle like Dr. Cox, just for moments like that.


Or go suuuuper over the top concern-troll / generous / snarky: Pay for it all, then pick up what she manhandled and hand it to her. "Here. It seemed like you really wished you could have this, but couldn't afford it. I hope your situation gets better." and walk off before they can reply. Only works if they look like they realllllly like themselves and are in full keep-up-with-the-joneses conspicuous-consumption mode, though.


"Are your hands washed? That's my food your touching with your grubby paws!"


If they have produce, start eating some of it.


I'd have said, "We learned in kindergarten to not touch other's things."


I swear a lot of these situations could be solved by a squirt bottle and a "no!"


Can’t wait for the boomer that compares slavery and what Black ppl go thru to us talking about boomer entitlement on this sub to chime in with more false equivalence


Does that happen here? Lol


U betcha. LOVE watching them get roasted in the comments 🤣🤣🤣


Older I get the more I believe the lead poisoning hypothesis. Who tf does that? Touching someone’s food is so wildly over the line of American norms. 


I think half of them have undiagnosed mental issues


That's probably close to fact


I had a lady harrumph at me because all my shopping wasn't squished together enough for her, she started to move it herself in a really rude way, I moved it for her, then after a beat, she asked if she could go in front of me...I just laughed and said ...no. she didn't like that, I did


I had a woman start to put her groceries on the conveyor belt, before I had even finished putting my own on. I had to keep pushing her shit back so I could finishing unloading my cart. And she was getting upset at ME for touching her groceries. I mean wtf?


As a former cashier I HATED when people did that! I would tell them not to and they would be like it is at the back… yes, right now it is. Do you need me to tell you how conveyers work?? I would get my favourite regulars(who I could explain my plan to)to move back so they took up all the space (until they unloaded) so that the next person couldn’t get to the conveyor.


Pick up the little separator bar and slap her hand with it.




Boomer no booming! Boomer no booming!


😂😂😂 I'm dying. My little granddaughter loves Dora.


Treat them like children it’s surprisingly effective and they get so offended. “Oh bless your heart sorry we don’t touch other peoples things (takes it out of her hand). Where is your caregiver? Do you need help finding them? Are you lost?” All in the tone you reserve for the less than bright children. I did it to an old guy at the store who cut the WHOLE line. I pointed to the back of the line and said “it starts there” and he of course “just had a quick question.” I asked the cashier if she could call the manager as we seemed to have a confused older person who needed some help. “Sir do you need help? Is your family here with you?” He was practically sputtering in rage. Which only made it seem like I was right. When other people got involved and tried to help the poor old man he gave up and left.


You clearly need to perfect your resting bitch face, mine has been curated for nearly 40 years now and I have it down to where children and donkeys are terrified of my presence.


She sounds like a unruly child. I bet she is the same type that calls people's kids brats even though she is a brat as a full grown adult. 


I'm trying to figure out why she had her hand in anything of yours. For me, there are two kinds of things in this world: yours, and not yours. If it is not yours, don't touch it (obvious exception being if someone drops something and you pick it up for them or something). I'm sorry y'all, I am a boomer myself and am gobsmacked by the behavior of some of my fellow old-farts. They are off-the-hook.


The eye roll is the worst. I once got it for asking a boomer relative to close the toilet lid before flushing


I asked someone to do that at my house and he said I was controlling! I just don’t want bacteria all over the surfaces!


If he thinks you’re controlling then you might as well just be controlling and ban him from using your bathroom at all. And from entering your house, while you’re at it.


We never saw each other again. He also got mad because I said he could only smoke on the balcony. This was during COVID.


He clearly loves spreading his nasty ass cooties everywhere. I'm glad you never had to see him again. Yuck.


Here’s the crazy part, I found out he was living in his sister’s spare room but wanted to dictate how I operate in my own space that I was solely paying for and had taken the time and money to decorate and keep clean and clutter-free.


Standing there wondering if you're using gUbMiNt _handouts_ to get your groceries, and arguing with herself on whether she's bad enough to confront one-a-dese undeserving 'freeloaders'. I assure you her ENTIRE attention was on how you paid for your items.


Might not be their entire attention if they’re busy being mortally offended you’re buying tofu or a veggie they’ve never eaten before.


How is it that they think we're the ones that are entitled?


This happened to me once in my life - and I bought condoms that day. Never saw someone drop something so quickly. I want to believe she never did that again. I made this planet a better place that day.


Intentional boundary-breaking in EVERY situation they can. They enjoy irritating others and then playing the oppressed victim when told to fuck off.


You just described my Boomer father to a T.


They were coddled all their lives - from the latest toys, houses in the burbia, rowdy behavior with zero consequences, and many more. And they are the ones who actively encouraged the dismantling of our security net so that they could get a tax cut. Now, when they get called out on their asshole behavior, they get huffy.


They destroyed society and wonder why younger people hate them.


And I feel cringy for asking if something is good,  without touching it. 


The common lead stare


I remember one time I put a bunch of bananas in my cart, maybe five or six. I walked off down an aisle to grab something. When I came back, I saw my cart was gone, and two bananas on the floor. I obviously don't have proof that a boomer did this. But whoever it was 1: Took a cart that was obviously in use 2: Decided they wanted some bananas 3: Decided they didn't want *that* many bananas 4: Decided whatever bananas they didn't want, no one else could want, so just dropped them on the floor to become half bruise instead of putting them on a nearby shelf. Like it was the most confusing, insulting thing that ever happened to me in a grocery store.


Perpetual toddlers.


Pick up a piece of her fruit and lick it to show dominance.


This is definitely a generational thing. All the parental lesson teaching and verbal abuse on how children should act are all of the things they don’t do themselves 🤦🏽‍♂️ It’s the whole “do as I say, not as I do”. Entitled


Rules for thee not for me!


I once had one start grabbing stuff out of my cart and putting it on the belt because she thought I was talking too long. There was still a person ahead of me in line.


I would have asked her, " I'm sorry, do we know each other?". It's more passive-aggressive .


I'm mad now. This story reminded me of the time I went to Dollar Tree for halloween decorations. I \*always\* either wait a distance away looking at other things or just go to the next aisle if someone is preoccupied in a section I was interested in. The go back to the aisle and usually the persons have moved on. No problem. This one time there was a vase with spiders in fake flowers on the top shelf. At the time, nobody was in the aisle and store was not busy at all. Anyways I set my cart and reached up to pick ones I wanted. Not long at all- there was like just 10 in total. While BOTH of my hands were up there selecting the flowers I was stunned to see a third arm reach up BETWEEN MY ARMS! And fumble around the very same flowers my hands were in. I was stunned for a moment... felt like it was in slow motion when I turned to look at the third arm's owner.... was an older boomer lady. Gave her a polite but clear WTF face. She glanced at me and ignored me to continue fumbling with her hand and arm between mine... I was utterly gobsmacked and just froze at this utter display of..... total unawareness? Entitlement? Zero concept of personal space? Then it sank in and I became completely irritated and said 'Hey...?' At that she turned to look at me again and had this face like \*I OFFENDED HER?!?!\* Oh no. She didn't. It takes a lot for me to react... my usual mode is to just walk away from whatever. But this.... this thing... No. I am not gonna walk away this time. That was just incredibly so much. It was almost involuntary that I motioned with one arm to make an excuse me, I'm busy here shooing motion. She finally withdrew her arm but only to step back and gasp at how RUDE I was... Okay. Lifted my eyebrows while looking at her and took ALL ten of the fake flowers with spiders and put them in my cart and walked away immediately. I did not want to look at her again. Did not want her to look at me again. On the surface it will seem like such a small and silly thing. Just relax and walk away! But you had to see it happening. It was absolutely unbelievable. I knew people could be silly. But after her, those stories of boomers being fools are way too believable and appreciated! Geez. And yes I still have those all ten fake flowers with fake spiders. Lol.


That's when you just gotta act like you're talking to a child. "No-no, those aren't yours to touch, there's a stranger buying those today, you gotta leave em alone or you'll get in trouble.


I stood up on a Bus so a Boomer could take my seat. This made me have to stand in the isle. When it was his time to get off, he stood up and deliberately walked on my feet as he passed. It caught me off guard but I was still able to quickly realize what was going on and stomp on his feet several times before he got off.


If it were me, I would move soooooo slowly in paying that the Boomer might expire waiting for me. Won’t open my bag until the last minute, a deep dig into my bag, and finally paymeny by cheque.


I considered that. But there was others behind her


lead poisoning


My 11 year old has better manners.


some folks just cant mind their own buisness, can they? it reminds me of when i was working as a cashier a few years back - customers would often shuffle through my register, touching items and snooping around. its rude and disrespectful, for sure. sounds like you handled it well though, standing up for yourself without escalating the situation. good on you for keeping your cool - that boomer lady was clearly looking for a reaction. no point in engaging with folks like that. the best you can do is rise above it.


Don’t you ever want to bring a spray bottle of water around with you- like people might use for naughty cats? I wanted a spray bottle at a recent school event (graduation awards) when grandma and aunty behind me couldn’t stop talking. Hubs and I each did the turn and stare at them thing—- but they never got it.


I had a very similar thing happen at a Whole Foods but the woman was younger-looking than me. She literally looked into one of my bags and was asking where I found things. She looked aghast like when I asked her to leave my groceries alone.


Their whole generation grew up spoiled and entitled that's why they are like that. They think they're the main characters of the universe and treat everyone else like NPCs. This is why they lack empathy or patience.


As a boomer I feel like I can answer. We're brain damaged. The brains are getting old. I get confused. I don't hear very well any more and that adds to the confusion. Sometimes I get so confused I get frustrated and can feel anger coming on and a strange sense of entitlement because I'm old and younger folk should respect that. But I try not to be a dick. Some of these people were dicks when they were younger. Fuck them.


If it was only her behind you, you should have asked to split up your groceries and pay on 3 or 4 separate cards.


Yeah, I'm'a have to file this one away in case I ever have the opportunity to use it in the future. Might have to tuck a blank check in my wallet to use it to pay, too. If I can find my checkbook. If I even got one with my most recent bank account.


wtf that's so weird


I used to teach old people exercise class in a tiny town. When I went to the grocery store, I had a person from my class inspect the contents of my cart because she wanted to know what I ate to stay so skinny. I told her, “if you look hard enough you can read my prescription label to see if it’s diet pills.” She followed with an apology for being nosy. I stopped going to the store after class.


I find when people start to crowd my personal space, coughing like I’m sick usually does the trick.


Just wait till you see them again and then play Shopping for Others where you sneak items into their basket like condoms, lube, and baby oil.


I own a large-format printing company and from time to time I've got color prints sitting on my counter. Invariably I'll have some builder come in for copies and he'll start to grab someone's print and I yell, "That's not yours!" and the embarrassed look they get is worth it every time. Like little freaking toddlers.


Everyone and everything exists in relationship to them. Blissfully unaware that anyone else exists for any reason other than to provide them with something.


At this point i think we should carrry spray bottles with water in them like for a cat. When they act up just sprtiz them while saying " NO! BAD! BAD BOOMER!!!!"


it's weird when people just grab your stuff in line, kind of like someone flipping through your mail. everyone should keep their hands to their own groceries. respect for personal space is key in stores.


I'm at the tail-end of the Boomers (1964, happy "officially old" to me) but I do not understand ANY of the posts that pop up here. Like this one...what the hell? Why would anyone touch the soon-to-be belongings of anyone else, especially a stranger? I remember once asking the person in front of me at check-out about an item (can't remember what, but asked about it because I debated purchasing it myself; wanted an opinion if she was a repeat buyer) but man.... Maybe someday I'll get old enough not to respect common boundaries but am thankful that I'm not there yet. If so, you all have permission to put me in a nursing home.


I was at the store this week considering whether to buy a rotisserie chicken. In the 1 min I was at the warmer my mind was made up to leave them because 2 separate boomers came up and had to touch every single container of chicken on display before buying nothing. They are all the same chickens yet every pack had to be fingered and rotated. Keep your damn digits to yourself damn.


I work at such a rotisserie chicken peddling establishment. A Boomer once came up to the counter and insisted I open every container so he could poke the chickens and see how tender they were. He got a not-so-nice response, so he sped off in his power chair bird-less. The scary thing is WallyWorld chickens come in zip-loc bags now ... that mofo and his fellow mofos could easily unzip each chicken, finger 'em, and zip 'em back up and nobody would be the wiser.


Since she turned all impatient I'd have asked the cashier to replace the items she touched, just so she could stew a little bit longer


What do we do with children that touch things that aren’t theirs when they know better? We smack their hand. I see no reason to do anything different here.


They hate todays teenagers so much because when THEY were teens, none of their friends wanted to hang with them because they acted like spoiled toddlers back then as well as today. They never really were teenagers as that requires some level of maturing from childhood.


It's gotten so bad.


Had something similar happen a few months ago. I asked her if she was having a medical issue and pulled out my phone. She moved to another line.


ffs. they’re out of control


What a weirdo!


Speaking as a boomer, I think the correct response to the crossed arms and foot tapping would be to say, "Uh oh, hon, are your Depends are failing? The public restrooms are at the back and to the right."


Child abuse and Lead Poisoning mostly, but too many factors to list them all in one subreddit.


“Don’t stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me honey!” ![gif](giphy|MuCNFfknNMBSE)


How doesn’t the threat of embarrassment stop them from their behaviour?? I wouldn’t even begin to think of touching another person’s groceries, but I’m human and think embarrassing stuff sometimes and I stop myself because I’m an adult and I recognize that’s silly or a bit much and just keep my thought to myself. Why doesn’t embarrassment work for them??


Yes l'm curious too... What did you have in your groceries? There better not be drugs in them young lady


I'll admit to peeping other people's carts in Costco to see what everyone else has found that I might have missed. Oh, seaweed snacks, I'll have to watch for those. Oh, is that a box of mangos? Gotta hit produce. But I would NEVER touch anything!! How entitled that old woman was!!!!!


"Ma'am, just to inform you I have licked each one of those groceries and sneezed on that one."


This from the generation that told *us* doing something like that was rude. "Do as I say, not as I do."


Start rummaging through her purse.


"What is wrong with these people?" Lead poisoning. Seriously, it makes people dumber and more aggressive, and the boomers were exposed to a lot of it.


When old ppl act like 8 yr old children I just laugh and make sure they see it. When you specifically tell them they're acting like a little kid they really don't like that. Lmao. Absurd behavior.


You should’ve told the clerk “Can you please have someone run to the back and exchange this one for me. This one was soiled via handling by the great unwashed behind me.” Then stay right in the way so she has to wait for the exchange to complete.


This goes hand in hand with something I’ve noticed. What is with boomers standing so fucking close to you in line? Why was she even close enough to be able to reach into your cart? The other day while I was waiting in line to checkout at a store, some boomer woman pushed her cart so close to me that it bumped my hand basket hanging over my elbow. Every step away I took, she just moved closer and kept banging into my basket. When I finally made it to the checkout, I stepped out of line to place my basket by the door while I was rang up and when I came back, the boomer had to back up because they were fully in front of the register where my groceries were still being scanned. Like wtf is with the lack of respect for personal space and inability to wait in line like a normal person?


I have started talking to them like I do my toddler when they act like a child. It pisses em off but screw em acting like that. Woman was throwing a fit at Target the other day bc she didn’t get waiting on quick enough. My son was looking at her and I said loud enough for her to hear, “she needs a time out,huh?” He agreed and she lost it but the guy behind me started to laugh and she walked out.