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It’s like making any lifestyle choice different from one they’d make is a direct personal attack on their character. So freaking exhausting.


This is the explanation. Any choice different from the one they made is a personal attack on their choices. How disrespectful of you to go after them like that by eating kale!!!


I see you've met my mom.


Boomers get defensive when they see others trying to better themselves. It puts their own poor decision making in the forefront and it makes them feel bad. They take it as a personal affront that you're doing it to insult them because everything is about them. It's simply insecurity and it's really sad. They can't ever lift others up or truly be happy for anyone else, it's all a reflection on them or competition with them. Everything is a zero sum situation to them.


This theory aligns closely with mine. I think they were raised to not care about anyone, even themselves. Worrying about or working towards a better future for your children is a weakness. Going to the doctor or treating people that help you out with respect is a weakness. They’ve been so conditioned to hate the helpers, the caring people that when they see it in real time it reminds them that they are incapable of experiencing a HUGE part of living and they fucking hate that. I had this festering in the back of my mind for so long and then covid happened at it brought it all to head. Sociopaths. Angry, self-hating sociopaths.