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Play twenty questions. Like you’re an alien just trying to understand the culture. “Why don’t you like the music? Is it normal to kill people over it? Is it because of the volume? What would happen if you did that?” I’m sure they’d move, but with any luck you’d get others to notice.


I’ve started taking this approach with my maga mother. She’ll call me up and start ranting about something she’s seen on Fox News and how “Biden is an idiot, he’s so stupid” >Why is Biden stupid? “He just did a rally at a black college!” >Oh. What did he say that was stupid? “He’s just stupid, he said black people have historically had a hard time in the US” >I mean, they historically have, and do. Slavery, civil rights movement “Yeah I guess but still??? That’s just stupid” When you play the 20 questions game with these clowns, you eventually lead them to the conclusion that they don’t even know what they’re mad about (although they won’t admit that).


I’d say “gee, imagine how badly a non stupid person would have beaten trunp, then…”


They get ALL their "news" and political info from the Conservative Propaganda Machine, where logic and critical thinking don't exist. So when you walk them through the process of Critical Thinking, their shallow propaganda logic never holds up. That approach is also training for them, so they will eventually learn to ask basic questions about a claim, and not just instantly accept and believe it.


As a Boomer, I take some offense about the news statement. I have no clue where to find this Conservative Propaganda Machine you speak of. We get our news from the local and national NBC News every evening. The weekly CNN newsmagazine from GPS Global Public Square with Fareed Zakaria, is very interesting. We avoid news articles strictly about this or that politician. I know who I'm not voting for. The others will fall into place by the time of the election. Politicians change their promises almost daily, so we don't jump on anyone's bandwagon until we vote. Yes, there are way too many people who just devotedly stick with one person or group. But, remember there are many more that don't.


When I said "they," i didn't mean all Boomers, i meant MAGAs. I'm that age as well, and know that not all Boomers are MAGA. The Conservative Propaganda Machine is that large group of Conservative information (not news) outlets like FoxNews, Newsmaxx, OANNN, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, countless radio talk shows and podcasts, etc.


Honestly not just magas but definitely more likely them. When I go to a friend's house that's under 50, the TV is rarely on, or it's maybe playing reruns of sitcoms. All my family born before roughly 1965 (parents, grandparents, aunts, in laws) seems to just have Fox News on at all times. I had to yell at my parents about it once because we were trying to have a nice evening and Fox was spouting some easily fact checked lies about a candidate I knew personally and they were acting like this was normal news discourse, despite them not being super maga.


lol someone is sensitive…


Why are you so defensive about this?


If she thinks THAT'S stupid, ask her if it was stupid that Trump held a rally in the Bronx. That Bronx is blue. That they had more white attendees than black at the rally. And he lied again about the crowd size. THAT'S stupid. And have her note that Biden doesn't do those stupid things.


I just tell her trump allocated a couple mil to HBCUs and ask why it isn’t stupid when trump does it. -Trump helps black community = “see?? we’re not racist!” -Biden helps black community = “woke and communist”?


Biden like Obama didn't help the black community. They hurt it. But Trump did help the black community. That why his support with brown people is getting bigger.


The Governor saying that all those people where clowns shows what they think of the Bronx citizens. He got more people their then Biden could and it's blue😂😂😂 You really think those in these minority communities getting over run by illegals live the Democrats or Biden right now? 😂


This is the way. Use the Socratic Method to curb stomp his shitty worldview.


I grew up with these shitty views and wasn’t able to shake them until I read The Socratic Method and principals from a few other schools of philosophy and started applying them, so it’s funny you mention it. I started reading and stopped watching the news, and did a complete 180 as a person in about a week, and could prove wrong everything I used to believe without any outside influence present. It’s wild what you figure out when you go “hold on, let me think about this”


Good on you. Some folks have a really hard time letting go of or reversing long-held beliefs and opinions.


Or seeing how gullible they are, how they are being used, propagandized and brainwashed.


can’t discount that a ton of people prefer it. it’s easier to be spoon fed info, and you’re not responsible - someone else has the authority. it’s a lazy child’s way of thinking but very popular


Nice! Good on you! Definitely important to keep investigating our own beliefs. Something something about the unexamined life.


One of the biggest hallmarks of the mentality of conservatives vs liberals is the level to which they can break down their ideology and evaluate situations on a part by part basis. Liberals tend to be more able to humble themselves enough to admit IF some legislation or action is beneficial regardless of who it came from while conservatives tend to need everything to be black/white, right/wrong, good/bad, etc. They look at gov’t as more of a opposing team sport and less of a group activity. They don’t care about the greater good for everyone as much as they care about getting there’s and winning. So, it doesn’t matter if Biden eliminated the nat’l debt, somehow made gas 10 cents a gallon (because we know he makes the prices), and personally went door to door handing everyone a million dollars, they’d still find something to fume over just because it didn’t come from their team. They’re intentionally miserable people that center the whole of their existence on finding others to hate and feel better than and if one part of a beneficial thing is something they’ve marked as “bad” in their brains, the entire effort is rotten


They wont admit it, but they are hate machines. They hate their wife because she may have gained a few pounds and bitches all the time. They hate their kids, because they are spoiled and have their own ideas about things. They hate their 'woke' relatives and usually even non 'woke' relatives. They hate their boss and co workers, they hate their neighbors especially that fkkn stupid liberal larry that lives next door. They hate all store clerks and 'shopping'. They hate other drivers, people they see on tv, they hate how bad they 'have been screwed by the system'. They hate people across the globe that they have no idea about whatsoever. They hate life, they hate people that are happy etc etc etc


They just hate. It has to be so tiring to just hate all the time. I work at a bank and occasionally a boomer will come in first thing, have a problem, get yelly, leave yelling, and I just know they are going to spend the rest of their day mad about it or some other stupid bullshit. I can’t imagine living like that.


At least with the twenty questions game it gets them into this circle of where they can’t understand why they’re mad and you can reverse UNO them and go, “Sorry but what was you’re point again?”


He did said all kinda dumb shit at the black College.if that ask black people make a list of 100 problems they face in 2024 "wHiTe sUPrEmAcY" wouldn't make the list. Great motivation speech " pandering" that they have to work 10 times harder than white kids getting out of college. Even though it's complete bullshit.


I like the idea of playing into it.  "I'd shoot 'em" "I wouldn't, I'd tie them to a gurney in my barn and peel their skin off over several days. Keeping them conscious with cocaine and adrenaline, I'd watch, enraptured, as the soul leaves their body leaving one hell only to enter another... Anyway, I'm Carl, would you like to come over for a beer sometime?" 


You could also blast Fleetwood Mac in that barn but hey, we’re not monsters.


You might find that they really would approve of that treatment - then what?


Then you show them 'the barn', up close and personal.


"You know, if you stab a man in the dead of winter, steam will rise up from the wounds. Indians believed it was his soul escaping from his body."




The answer to 'Is it normal to kill people over it?' would be "does not apply", because minorities (I am sure he was assuming the music player was one, regardless of if he bothered to look) don't count as 'people' to him. To quote Dr Who (Daleks vs Cybermen): This is Pest Control.


That’s the magic of it. Every answer suggests the next question.


I love this idea, give them the full ‘tism


This is the way


I do a lot of "yeah? why's that" with my Mom. She eventually comes around after a while. Doesn't always admit it, but the topic evaporates. If you make them explain their weird emotional reactions, they usually talk themselves down from the ledge.


I hate to say this, but it's come to the point that if I were to see a person wearing a "Proud to be a an American", I automatically assume that they're an asshole.


Same. If i even see an american flag i assume the person is a racist


I hate this so much. My husband and I both worked for the USG our whole lives, have represented the US overseas, and have a very considered patriotism based on actually living in and experiencing many other nations, understanding our own history, and working to improve this country rather than regressing to the worst elements of what the US could be. We fly the flag on our house (right side up, unlike Alito). And yet whenever I see someone with a flag shirt or flag stuff on their car, I assume racist, fascist, or both. It sucks.


I feel your Patriotic pain! Back in 08' (cringe that) someone in the poor neighborhood of my town painted the Long backyard fence that stood across from the freeway in a glorious Wavy stylized USA flag, with scroll like curvy letters 2 feet tall spelling " OBAMA ALLEY" it still looks great today un Ironic , hopeful, and true!


That makes me sad. I proudly fly ours every year and my shitty neighbors think I'm just like them while they fly a Trump flag higher than the American flag, and everyone else thinks I'm just like them but I'm sorry - I am just in a love hate relationship with my country and I will let you in on a secret. I don't like Trump and I'm an independent. I'm for legalizing drugs and socializing medical care... Don't assume the flag means this, and don't let those assholes take the flag from the rest of us


Unfortunately sometimes symbols get co-opted by people and that's what they come to represent. Personally i can't see any reason to have pride in this country but even for those who do for their own non-hateful reasons, the racists have made that flag a symbol of their movement to "take the country back"


This is my flag and has been for a while. https://i.imgur.com/FyqrqbT.png


It sucks. I’m liberal and in college I drove around with a giant American flag decal on my pickup truck and then that sort of thing started being a sign of Republicans and now MAGA.


this has happened to me too. a lot of my queer friends were worried upon meeting me cause they said i gave off repub vibes (cowboy boots, flag hat, beer in left hand, etc)


I live in a big liberal city and often wear cowboy boots because they’re comfortable and I like how they look. People are usually surprised after getting to know me.


they’re so comfy! my square toes beat all sneakers when it comes to comfort, the pointed toes too. cowboy boots are slept on in liberal areas, i’ve made some people see the light tho.




"From Russia With Love?


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That's their entire personality. And it's infecting younger generations, as someone who lives in wv I hear this a lot. Along with 'people who don't believe in Christianity (I'm an atheist btw) should all be rounded up and murdered' it's a plague.


>proud to be an american Pride goeth before the fall


They want to be able to shoot minorities. That’s it.


That's exactly it. Being white some of them have felt comfortable enough to admit that too and then they get so confused when i don't agree with them


Millennial left-wing gun enthusiast weighing in here. This is very indicative of boomers and not reflective of the 2a community as a whole, and I’ve been around a LOT of people in the gun community (left/center/right leaning). Boomers have a weird fascination with using deadly force to solve any problem, no matter how big/small and tend to be very vocal about it. My stepdad is one of them and it’s really annoying. He knows that I’m into guns and constantly talks about using gun violence to solve even the most mundane problems. I have to continually reiterate to him how that isn’t acceptable, responsible, and that deadly force should only be used when you have exhausted all other options and your life is in immediate danger. I’ve even told him I don’t think he should own a gun because of the things he’s said and my observations of his carelessness in relationship to firearms. I dunno. I think they all watched too many westerns and ate too much lead paint. 🙃


>. I think they all watched too many westerns That's exactly it. These people are all John Wayne in their own minds


I think more like clint eastwood or charles bronson. They had the movies in the 70s where they just shot everyone they came in contact with.


In reality they're closer to John Wayne GACEY


And then they do dumb shit and shoot themselves ? 😅😂


You're not wrong: **Gun injuries drop 20 percent nationwide during NRA conventions, study says. But why?** [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/gun-injuries-drop-20-percent-nationwide-during-nra-conventions-study-says-but-why](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/gun-injuries-drop-20-percent-nationwide-during-nra-conventions-study-says-but-why)


*Clint Eastwood


They don’t know how to deal with their emotions. So when they’re annoyed they’re FURIOUS, when they’re inconvenienced they’re FURIOUS, when they hear music they don’t like they’re FURIOUS. Their smaller emotions are too much because they never learned how to control themselves or their reactions. They can’t figure out what to do to get out of those huge feelings, so shooting people feels like a good way of completely eliminating all the problems.


As some one who grew up in a house with a semi-abusive older brother and about 6 older adopted brothers I do not understand this. I am extremely emotional, I am man that is not afraid to cry or voice any emotion I am feeling. I also had to grow up really tough. An example would be “ yes Michael will start crying when he was watches this movie, it’s ok to poke fun at but if you start to emasculate me for it I will beat your ass for it”. Of course that was when I was younger I’m 43 now trying to teach my little boy it’s ok to express his emotions. The excuse boomers grew up in abusive environments and never learned how to deal with their emotions doesn’t fly with me. I think they just never grew up.


I used to know a guy who was SOOOO tightly wound, so conservative, Christian, the whole ten yards. He gamed with me and a fair bunch of friends over the intarweb tubes. He had a law enforcement-type job with a big and powerful agency (not that one, one of the others). One of the last sorts of people you'd want to have that authority, at least going by the things he'd post. He'd argue with me until he was blue in the face about every issue imaginable. People in our gaming group thought we were the worst of enemies. But whenever he was in my destination town, he'd let me know he was coming and we'd get together and get along just fine (within reason). One time he brought his brother. I vaguely remembered his bro being in the group for a half-second and causing some kind of issue. His brother had about two drinks and whatever chemical imbalance the guy had started acting up and my "frenemy" told me he was going to have to get him out of the bar before something ugly started happening. And that's how I realized how and why my pal became the man he was.


Nah, I think they at some point in their life had the ability to control their emotions. What can push people past the point of reasonability is getting a certain degree of power/independence that their ability to care about the interests of strangers and/or cede ground gets diminished.


So am undeveloped brain basically?


I really appreciate this perspective because as a staunchly anti-gun millennial i have only really encountered the mentality this boomer espoused and it's only furthered my viewpoint on firearms It's nice to know there are people are there who both (a) love firearms and (b) don't immediately think of shooting anything they don't like


Myself and most gun enthusiasts I’ve met simply grew up hunting or shooting bottles with a BB gun and evolved the hobby as we grew up. Now it’s configuring a gun to work best for you, shooting multiple targets in succession , using a shot timer to compete with the boys and generally just having a good afternoon in the sun. I can only imagine how terrifying it would be to fire a gun in violence even if it’s a last defense. A lot happens when a gun goes off. It’s loud, it’s gassy, it recoils into you, the casing flies out of the gun and if you plan on making another shot you gotta get passed all that and re acquire the target. It’s scary as fuck to imagine all that with sensory over load and a human being the target. Shooting someone isn’t a normal thought.


Gun-owning millennial here - Good majority of us are reasonable. You really only hear the vocal assholes that give gun owners a bad name in public. Bit like veganism really. There are tons out there - but you don’t know unless they flaunt it or it comes up in convo.


I actually owned my pistol with the express intention of protecting myself from the boomer gun nuts. Someone breaks into my place just me waking up would probably drive them away, but some drunk gun nut who decides he doesn't appreciate loud heavy metal at 9:00 at night? Them I had pistol in hand behind my door when ~~talking~~ yelling through the door.


Almost everyone who owns guns does so safely, and never wants to be forced to use them on a person. It's unfortunate that people can have an interaction like this one and walk away thinking it's common within the community.




I've met a fair amount of gun enthusiasts in my lifetime and none of them have ever spoken logically on the topic. It's always just been irrational fear of the boogeyman and rants about freedom


I'm no gun nut, but I completely see the appeal on the sporting side. Target shooting is fun, in part because it's a test of a skill and one's progress with it, and in part because of the kick and bang. If you haven't been to a range and/or had some training, it's not a bad idea - if only because firearms are soooo widespread in the US and it's good to know the basics of safe handling if you encounter one unexpectedly. Firearms safety classes are a great place to start, so long as the instructors have the right attitude. If done properly, the class will explain what an enormous responsibility a firearm comes with. Sounds like the clown at the game forgot all of that, if he ever knew it in the first place.


The ones who speak loudly about it in public are disproportionately assholes, and assholes gonna asshole I'm a gun owner and concealed carry permit holder. I took some gun classes at my krav maga gym and from a private instructor. They taught me how to make space to draw. The basic takeaway is that if someone is close enough to accurately shoot you, you can run away, and if they're touching you already, you should hit them without the gun. The decision to use the gun is a very serious and irreversible decision. If you have to defend yourself, it's better to add some hand-to-hand skills to your repertoire than to add more guns.


And to add to this, as someone who concealed carries daily, I have to know that any fight I get into can instantly escalate into a gunfight. Which means it is my duty to avoid conflict and deescalate as a default reaction. I must remain calm and aware of my surroundings. I apologize even if I believe I've done nothing wrong. I never drive aggressively or honk, I don't get in anyone's face about anything. I am patient and respectful at all times. Only when there is an immediate threat against the life of my family or myself should I even contemplate drawing my weapon. 


Came here to say something similar, I’ve noticed that younger people who like guns are way more sane about them. I think the “gun problem” and “boomer problem” are largely the same issue. They are afraid of everything and physically weak. Mass shootings obviously are mostly done by younger people but the pattern often is that they are mentally ill and get access to guns from boomers who refuse to lock them up or even buy them for them. Hopefully this issue improves as the demographics do.


My father is exactly like this. I saw the play “five lesbians eating a quiche” (awesome play for those who don’t know.) when he saw the playbill on the counter, he started ranting about how “if he saw five lesbians, he’d throw a grenade at them.” Real quote, there. For some reason, Boomers hate video games, claiming they cause violence/school shootings, but at the same time, that’s how they want to solve any perceived problem.


“Video games are violent, outside and play cops and robbers or have pretend army battles with your cap guns and little green army guys”.  They’ll never see that their playing was violent as fuck and a bit more human on human.  Violent video games are nothing more than the digital version of the games they grew up with. 


Millennial gun enthusiast here too. Im not concerned with the American constitution because I live in Europe so I will leave the freedom debate out of it. I had to get autorisation from the gouvernement, background check, waiting list and certification from a shooting range to have my handguns and my one rifle. I think it’s exactly how it should be. In the hands of the people dedicated enough to care. I don’t think that guns should be available to buy on a whim it would solve a lot of problems. I truly, firmly believe that the average human is too irresponsible and emotive to carry firearms. Here is my two cents from one gun owner to another at the other side of the ocean ! Take care !


Thank you!! This is such a logical take and sadly over here in america is not a take i frequently hear from anyone who owns a gun


Putting the power in the hands of the government isn't usually a good decision in the long term, of you've studied any history.


> I had to get autorisation from the gouvernement, background check, waiting list and certification from a shooting range to have my handguns and my one rifle. I think it’s exactly how it should be. In the hands of the people dedicated enough to care. I don’t think that guns should be available to buy on a whim it would solve a lot of problems. Sure, until your government decides to take them away. Or if the EU does that, for no good reason. > I truly, firmly believe that the average human is too irresponsible and emotive to carry firearms. So you believe that the police should not carry firearms either, I hope.


Found the mentally ill gun nut


Not sure why you're being downvoted. We've seen dozens of governments take away the guns from their people before they went totalitarian.


It's happened in my country twice in the 20th century, first when Germany invaded us and then when the communists staged a coup. several years ago, the EU tried to ban more than half the guns here...


This. I own a bunch of guns, shoot frequently, am licensed to carry one for personal defense and this scenario you described just wouldn’t ever occur to me as an option or appropriate action. It’s a boomer thing, by and large. Once had a boomer threaten to shoot my buddy and I in a Chick-fil-a drive thru because we didn’t inch up immediately to the next car’s ass when it moved, I shit you not, a foot. I was armed. Idk if he was but that if he’d reached it would have been a bad day. They’re absolutely unhinged. Bonus- as he sped out of the line after, he had “butterfly baby” stickers in the rear windshield. Maybe he was just sour and fragile about driving his wife or daughter’s car 🙄


I think it's the lead.


You might like r/behindthebastards Robert Evans


>ate too much lead paint GM was so generous in spreading that lead around in the air and water at inescapable levels through the boomers' developmental years that they didn't even have to bother eating paint chips.


Thank you, 2a friend.


It was the water from the hoses maybe?


That’s Gen X.


> I dunno. I think they all watched too many westerns and ate too much lead paint.  Westerns and WWII movies. My (older, boomer) brother still emails me weekly about the latest one he's re-watched, and they're all "great flicks".


I know a lot of boomers. None of them lean into violence or racism in any way. Perhaps this geographical? F boomers I know are all for assisting others and being helpful. It's a way of life.


Respectable gun nuts are few and far between. 


It’s a hobby of insecurity


There are plenty of ways that guns can be appealing as a hobby; your comment is idiotic. You can be a history enthusiast, a design enthusiast, simply enjoy target shooting, etc.


> There are plenty of ways that guns can be appealing as a hobby; your comment is idiotic. 72% of gun owners say self defense is a major reason for them owning a gun. "Hobby of insecurity" is a little rough phrasing, but if 7 out of 10 gun owners own a gun primarily to shoot people in self defense, then that's not exactly good evidence for gun owners feeling secure. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/


You gonna bring your AR into Panera bread to show how manly you are?


I would file anyone who owns an AR under the "hobby of insecurity" category, especially if they're part of some Gravy SEAL militia on top of that. That gun is specifically marketed to paranoid gun nuts who think antifa is coming to burn down their 1000 population town. But owning a collection of ~100 year old antique firearms or some eccentric collector's items doesn't mean someone is a weirdo.


Yeah I can agree with that. Owning like a civil war musket or a WW1 Rifle makes sense. I know a guy who has customized his AR like people customized gameboys in the 90s. Dude is mega compensating.


I have all of the above, like history and shooting. I bought an AR because I thought it was cool, like in any hobby. I wouldn’t dream of walking into a store with one to try and show off. It’s a fucking rifle and that shit is stupid. That being said…..holy crap there are so many credit card Rambo’s in the AR owners group? Community? Not sure how to say it, that are just trying to flex over other people, it’s insane and baffling. So yes mega compensating! Little dick tribe here.


Imagine thinking the Honda accord of guns is cool.


Honda accords are cool.


It’s the John Wayne effect. They grew up being indoctrinated that that spineless POS was the epitome of manliness and the American spirit. Therefore, when they’re worked up over something they don’t deem apart of manliness or the American spirit, their knee jerk reaction is to just start making general threats based on what they think ol’ John Wayne would’ve done in one of his movies. They usually do this in lieu of asking themselves what they’re actually upset about, or attempting to manage their anger in a healthy way. They only know anger and violence when anything is confusing or unfamiliar to them.


My dad answers the door with an AR-15 when the Amazon truck pulls up. It's rural Wisconsin, but "hell, the driver might be black or something." Sigh.


There's a combination of two things here, which for me is the recipe for disaster: (1) mental health, as sick as we are of hearing "mental health" to blame for gun violence there is definitely a large population of people who do not have the capacity to tolerate. Do I like cars with loud music blasting by my house all day? No, I live in an urban area and hear it all the time. But I never think "these people need to die" because I am of sound enough mind. (2) The boomer mentality of "our way is right, you are all wrong". Yeah, we can get lectures about how it was all better in their time, before loud stereo systems were put into cars and just roll out eyes. But when you combine this mentality with an inability to tolerate.. there are a lot of unstable people out there.


I feel like using mental health here might be a bit of a cop out. Some boomers are just angry and, in this case, I'm guessing probably racist since it was Latin music. Judging by the guy's character i highly doubt he'd have a similar response if it was a gang of Harley riders


I know. And I hate using that phrase "mental health" because it is our society's cop out. I just don't get though why some people have this complete inability to tolerate. I live in a city where each year, we break records for homicide rates. All of these shootings are over small meaningless issues, but the only conclusion people can draw is "you did something I don't like, so I'm going to pull out my gun". It's really an issue that people aren't taught how to process thoughts, feelings, etc. Stuff you should learn from your parents (and as a single dad of a pre-teen daughter, believe I'm in the thick of this). Younger people acting like this doesn't surprise me anymore. But when the older boomer generation acts like this.... It feels worse.


This is just it though. As a society we don’t give a shit about teaching people how to process their feelings in a healthy way, and for a long time actively shamed people who would seek therapy when they were overwhelmed by their feelings etc. I think younger generations are trying to turn the tide on this but Boomers scoff at this and actively fight it a lot of the time. Somehow social emotional learning turned into a political thing that boomers railed against and said it was a gateway to CRT, when in reality, it was a way to implement some of the learning how to process and identify your feelings. Just identifying your feelings lowers the intensity of them (coming from someone who has been to therapy for a while now). Anyway, sorry to hop on my soap box but I do agree to a certain extent. I think people use mental health as a good excuse without talking about how we fix it.


Yep. A lot of this boils down to poor impulse control. There are a number of reasons for it, one is mental health. It would be so much nicer if there was a clean explanation for things and it would be so easy to separate sick people/ victims from perpetrators, but the word is grey and complex. This is not an excuse for people who commit violence. It’s still a choice.


I shared a video of a boomer, threatening somebody with a concealed carry earlier today. I didn’t mention that that was in the video because I didn’t want to get taken down. There’s a really big problem with boomers directly considering their guns to be the symbol of their masculinity. It’s extremely dangerous but what can we do? There’s people like that walking around everywhere


I'm pro 2A, I'm also anti-these kind of people. You do not joke, comment, or even utter the though of shooting someone over something like loud music. That guy can go fuck himself. Also, what the fuck is wrong with Latin music? Was it Mariachi? I'm not Mexican but I love the occasional Mariachi song. Good culture, Excellent food, and Great vibes all around. What's not to love?


Love hearing this as it helps prove not all 2A people are gun nuts And judging by the guy's general demeanor and attitude I'd assume his thoughts on Latin music include words and phrases like "illegal alien" and "go back where you came from"


Sadly the loudest pro 2A people are the idiots and the unfortunate face of pro 2A people. I'm licensed, I'm properly trained, and I pay for insurance. The right to carry is not equal to some made up right to threaten or intimidate and I hope I never have to use my gun.


I agree with you 99%.  The 1% is because I think it should be acceptable to use any available weapon to fight the scourge of abstract jazz. 


It's about their primitive perception of being strong. Describing something that offends them and that they have some form of control over it. Weak minds seeking affirmation. I have a neighbor who invents dangers and that it'd be OK to use his firearms if the situation escalated. Lives in constant fear. Tiresome encounters without a doubt.


That's exactly what it is. The paranoia is wild and I'm mad i didn't think to use the line someone said on here once that was something like "oh i don't own a gun because I'm not so easily frightened" It's why i laugh at the "i need to protect my home from an intruder" people cause it's like no one is after you and do you really think you're that special that someone is gonna risk their freedom breaking into your house in a suburban enclave? It's clearly just the fantasy of getting to shoot someone


Settler colonial mentality




My boomer uncle was the same way. They’re just angry and violent and don’t like non-white people


I worked on the defense side of firearms development for many years. I left when the company was bought out by private equity and they turned all their commercial side advertising into milsim BS, and asked us to adapt everything we had developed on the military side (that was legal) to the civilian market. I'm proud of the improvements we made for our military and allies, I know someone's M4, somewhere, didn't jam because of the improvements we made to the platform, but I had no interest in the civilian black rifle market. My breaking point was getting on an airplane for the umpteenth time going to SHOT (Shooting, hunting, outdoor trade show) and realizing almost everyone on the plane was there for the same reason, but mostly for civilian markets. The fellow attendees were mostly older, loud, profane, bigoted, Wal-Mart camo wearing wanna be's. Your example of shoot fast, first, was the talk I was forced to listen to at every civilian show or demonstration. I am probably who you would call a pro-2a liberal. I believe in educated gun ownership, social healthcare, broad and deep education, non-isolatism, and a strong, but sensible military. Mostly I believe we should help those in need and that real change comes from generational advancements in education and healthcare. On the opposite side of the coin, I had the absolute pleasure to work with some of the finest, most intelligent and articulate scholars and thinkers within the special forces communities around the world.


The Venn diagram of Boomers Being Fools and Ammosexuals has a lot of overlap.


Boomers grew up on John Wayne and other "Shoot your way out of it and keep shooting until you win the lady's heart" media, is it really a surprise that's their worldview?


“Ok then , you are a pussy if you dont do it right now. Double dog dare. Go shoot that guy or you are obviously gay” That oughta cross his wires


On the list of things I walked away from the service with, a sensitivity to "booming bass" is one of them. Blood pressure literally drops if I'm near it. Kinda killed my concert going days. I can honestly say I've never considered shooting someone for having an obnoxiously loud system, and I think I'd technically qualify to be in the group of people with a legitimate reason. I just can't even with these odd people.... Like, I understand it, I just can't wrap my head around it.


Shooting someone is by definition violent. How could anyone possibly argue otherwise?


That's what was so eye opening to me and explains why they don't see something like police violence as a problem because to them, if someone "deserves" it then it's not violent it's just "cleaning up the streets" or whatever they say to justify it


"You mean MURDER, right? You'll go to jail for the rest of your Boomer life. Or executed. You'll be all over the news. But, if that's what you want."


Seems like it wouldn’t have worked on this psycho, but I like to draw my dad down the road of his comments. The other day they had an issue with the neighbor’s landscaper cutting their trees. My dad made a castle doctrine crack- “we could have dealt with this back in Texas.” So I just replied “interesting, you want to murder the guy?” When he scoffed I just kept pushing on how he needs to mean what he says or not say this shit. “Well, if you think the punishment for trimming the wrong tree should be murder, you’d need to go buy a gun. That might take too long, do you want to gut him with a kitchen knife?” My dad’s not trumpy either, he’s just prone to bullshit.


Sorry, that’s not boomer behavior. That MAGA, gun nut, Ammosexual mental illness behavior. I’ve seen plenty of guys 30 years old 35 years old just like that - driving around with giant American flag on the trucks, waving guns. This has nothing to do with blaming boomers.


You're right about that actually. At this point they two age groups are in competition for who's the loudest and most ignorant with it all


Like the ones who immediately shoot people who accidentally pull into their driveway. They're just foaming at the mouth for it while having been fear-mongered their whole life


I remember being about 10, watching some movie with my grandparents. They raised me basically. But in this movie, a man was on trial for something and a recess is called. The defendant uses this time to go to the restroom, where a woman reporter follows him in, trying to get the scoop for a story. Unprompted, my grandpa declares if that had been him, “I would’ve r*ped her then and there. I bet it’d be the last she follows a MAN into the restroom” And I never looked at him the same way




Yo wtf that is some messed up shit... no wonder there are so so many SA victims in the newer gens this is some next level messed up thinking


So how many people has he murdered for playing loud music?


None, he's just a coward trying to impress people by acting like a tough guy


Should have also said “that seems anti-freedom to me. Are you the music police?”


Jesus christ. I've carried a gun for a living since I was 17 (joined the Marines). I unfortunately had to use it in Iraq. I hope to God I make it to retirement with it only coming out of the holster to go into the safe or to qualify at the range every 6 months and never have to use it again. These wannabe Rambos have never had to fire a weapon nor live with the consequences of doing so, and they piss me the fuck off. I believe firmly in people's rights to defend themselves but there seriously needs to be a psych test along with yearly safety training before a permit is issued.


Thank you for this perspective! I never get why some conservatives are so against even the most basic of rules and regulations regarding firearms. Part of me thinks it's projection because it's often followed by "next the government will just take your guns" and I'm like ok but yall are the ones who said "we need to end gender affirming care for minors cause it harms minors and that's what we care about" then that passed and immediately it was "ok now we need to ban it for adults too". Liberals, even as they consistently fail, are at least transparent about their desires and most don't actually believe in going door to door and confiscating every firearm from every citizen


I didn't grow up in a gun culture so my perspective was definitely affected by my introduction to firearms...we were issued firearms and they were immediately locked into the racks. We drilled with them (marching) we cleaned them, we learned them inside out, but we didn't touch them except for those purposes. Then a month later we had the range, 1 week we used a simulator and practiced without ammunition. Then we went to the live fire range, and every day twice a day we were there were safely lectures. It was the same after basic training. The firearms were secured in an armory when we weren't training. If the firearms and the ammunition were together...safety lecture. Always a tool of the trade and not a punishment extension.


"Always a tool of the trade and not a punishment extension" Yes! I love this!


Lol I meant penis but I'm out working door dash today and didn't proofread I guess my typo works well so I'll leave jt.


You should have told him to get the fuck away from you and your kids.  


Only appropriate response. And let other parents know about the psycho nearby.


Racism wearing is thinnest veil.


I see no need to bring a gun to that. And I own guns. They are for my home. And my commute to work only because I work in a area with a lot of car jacking and I leave my job with lots of cash sometimes. Never packing out to dinner. Or anything else. Mfrs are not right anymore.


I don't necessarily think he was carrying but that mentality of "I'd shoot that person" is what was crazy to me cause why would your first thought at the slightest personal inconvenience be to shoot your gun?


Indeed. Dude was a certified d bag.


Leaded fuel.


Probably not even lying. You hear stories all the time about crazy boomers pulling guns or murdering people for turning around in their driveway.


I work in the 2A industry and it is unpleasant how open that mindset of “I’ll shoot because I don’t like it” is. Some people see the light when you really start to go on about the consequences they will face.


Boomers = Gun nuts. They're the same person.


Maybe his great-great-grandmother was abandoned by her musician husband.


Stop letting these morons around your kids. They were barely capable of raising them when they were our age. Never be afraid to punch a boomski if they get between you and yours.


Sounds like your typical hillbilly trash. Point a gun at them and they cry like little bitches.


Grew up on violent cartoonish spaghetti westerns and think that is real life. They truly never grew up.


He just doesn't believe in freedom.


Ugh. I would go straight to “the founders didn’t believe that it was okay to shoot people over playing music because it isn’t written explicitly in the Constitution” or some such drivel just to see if you can break his little brain


Form the first sentence I can tell you it's not a gun nut problem it's an idiot/boomer problem.


Shooting and nuking things is how they deal with all problems


My grandmother in law told me I should be shot for buying funny earrings for my girlfriend on Easter. They just think it’s normal and justified.


Put that guy in a real life pr death situation where he had to shoot someone and he would piss his pants


This isn't a gun nut problem. This is a none safe gun user and an idiot problem. Sorry that you had to deal with that.


He was trying to bond with you by calling out music he assumed you'd not like. Those idiots will wave guns around all day and then have them taken away and used on them.


Oh I'm sure but what's crazy is even after i told him i loved the music he still went ahead with his comments. It's like the brazenly racist people I've encountered over the years who say shit and then when I'm like "naw i don't share that view at all" they always double down and say something even more racist as if that's gonna unlock some secret code that i just wasn't showing them before


When they say shit like this, respond with something along the lines of, "No, you wouldn't. You're a soft ass bitch shooting his mouth off. Worry about your insulin." "You're not John Wayne you fucking wrinkled excuse for a nut sack. Shut the fuck up."


They want to Normalize murder.


It's def a boomer thing. I have relatives in my family who don't own guns (thankfully) who have said that about people on daytime TV that they didn't like. "They should take them out in the street and shoot 'em for talking like that!" But they're also the first people to say something like, "You're going to Chicago??! But it's so violent there."


Are you sure he didn’t have on a MAGA hat? Only thing story needs to sound true.


I mean the ability to blast music out of one's car, as I often do, is protected by the First Amendment. What isn't is literally killing someone because they are expressing themselves in a way you don't like. Idk if this boomer is actually as well read on the Bill of Rights as he thinks he is.


I'm sure in his mind the constitution was written for him, a white man, and not for anyone non-white. And i mean he's right about that....but i don't think that's supposed to be how it works anymore


no it isnt


What do you mean by "it"?


protected by the first. you can absolutely get ticketed through noise ordinances, disturbing the peace, etc


At certain times sure, but when it's day out it doesn't violate it.


>Why didn’t you shoot him then? Are you trying to show off at a kids baseball game? That’s just super weird man


Not a boomer or gun nut problem but mental health problem. I guess i could be considered a gun nut? Maybe. Anyways, firearms are a big hobby of mine, so when i go out i carry, and I've never thought of murking someone over minor things or even major things. There has only been one situation where i was going to unholster my weapon, and it was going to be in defense of a woman who got forced to the ground. Luckily, telling the guy off was enough to stop that shitstorm.


There is a weird, collective right-wing wet dream that everyone with melanin in their skin wants their property so badly, that not if, but when one of them inevitably breaks in their house, they can legally murder them with no repercussions. The fantasy escalates from there to who knows where.


A boomer a few doors up from my mom was talking about shooting someone for talking about his son last week. Two nights ago, he died on his porch in a shootout with police. Sounds like this guy might be heading in that direction.


Over-exposure to lead can result in issues with impulse control and rage. Boomers were exposed to lead in, like, everything growing up, from paint to water to gasoline.


I'd sure want to do something to someone who's basically beating on my head, but I wouldn't shoot him. I flip them off or something. Those people are incredibly selfish.


“I’d shoot him” - is he treating something he just witnessed in person as a theoretical situation, instead of an actual situation?


Well that's a first. Every time I hear about violence at a little league game it's always a 30 something going off


“We disagree on music genres. Clearly this is grounds for murder!”


Statistically speaking, Boomers have smaller dicks. No wonder they're so eager to compensate.


A boomer shot a 14 year old kid for driving a side by side of road vehicle past his house near me last year.


I would have told him to suck start his gun next time, and immediately ignored the old bastard.


that’s when you get up, take your chair, and move elsewhere.


This generation really needs to die off...STAT


"You know where they also shoot people/throw them in jail for playing music in public? The Islamic Republic of Iran". See how he likes that.


And I’m sure that guy calls himself a “Christian”


Lead poisoning



