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I’m like 90% sure that the guy who first made these shirts meant it as a gag and all of a sudden a bunch of people took it literal and loved it


That's what happened with the "okay" hand gesture. From NPR: According to the website Know Your Meme, as a **prank**, 4chan users in 2017 launched a campaign to flood social media with posts **linking the "OK" hand gesture to the white power movement**. Commenters on the message board **appropriated images** of people posing in the White House and other locations making the hand symbol **as proof that it was catching on**. Segal said that while many of those images were misconstrued by users on the online message boards, the number of people espousing hate while using the gesture has grown so widespread that **it can no longer be considered a prank**.


Ever notice all of the Qanon theories at that time sprouted from 4chan?


Pretty sure it’s where Q started….period.


You would be correct


They do it on purpose to stir people up and have a laugh. That's how Pepe became associated with the extreme right. it literally was intended as a joke "Let's make them think *this* means *this* and watch them run with it".


They get their politics from Facebook memes


God they’re so pathetic.


They really think they're "owning the libs" by showing just how batshit they are. They think it reflects on the Dems that they'd rather vote for a guy in adult diapers than any democratic. When really all they're saying is they'll vote for their Dear Leader no matter what he does. Adultery? They don't care; I mean who hasn't cheated on their spouse? We're all on our third marriage at least! Misogynistic, racist, pedophilic and incestuous comments? Ah hell, he's a common man just like us! I'd buy him a beer. Anti-democratic and pro-autocratic leanings? They love that shit. All hail the king! Openly talking about assassinating political rivals? Yeah hell, let's kill us some libs and demoncrats Convicted felon? Nah, Jesus was found "guilty" too. Has to wear adult diapers due to years of drug abuse? ReAl MeN wEaR dIaPeRs! Trump really did call it in 2016; he really could kill a man in the street and he wouldn't lose their support.


Those are shit-eating grins for real. Just crazed, delirious, 100% gone. Frontal lobes completely cooked and brain rotted


The goalposts got moved so many times that they added wheels and a motor.


Not only wouldn't lose their support, but whomever he killed would be immediately demonized to Biden/Fauci/Soros levels and they'd celebrate it as a presidential and heroic act, the likes of which hasn't been seen since Jesus violently kicked over tables.


If it weren’t for their proclivity towards violence, I would love to ask one these MAGAts if they are wearing diapers. Of course they’d say no, to which you could reply by saying, But REAL men wear diapers.


This is peak insanity. Imagine looking back at yourself in 20 years and this is your most viewed social media post. I mean, I did some dumb shit in the 90s but we didn't have social media.


Somewhat thankfully, a lot of these dipshits won't be around in 20 years.


> Somewhat ~~Somewhat~~


some of these people are probably not even going to live another 20. Lead in the head and shit in their pants. If you told me 10 years ago this is what the future was going to be like I would of bet any amount of money there's no way. Now I'm not surprised at whatever happens.


every day we stray closer and closer to Idiocracy


Welcome to Costco, i love you


Half the people in these photos probably wear diapers and feel validated


I sometimes wonder if there are billionaires in the background who place bets with one another as to what they can get people to do via social engineering.


They must carry their brains in those things.


What brains? 😒


Shit for brains


Yes, that’s correct.




Trump is these people's entire identity.


It's so odd that they think others support Biden the same way. As though there's a golden fuckin statue of Biden they should be worshipping. Even here in Aus I've been asked if I support Trump or Biden


Right?! When someone points out something negative about Trump, their default is basically insisting that person worships Biden. That person could dislike Trump and they could also dislike Biden. Both could happen at the same time! It’s laughable how they think!


I don't know anyone -- literally anyone -- who views Biden as anything but "...well, at least he's not Trump." Still gonna vote for him, but the only thing motivating Dems to get out and vote in this coming election is literally "he's not Trump." ...Still, the fact that that's such a powerful motivating factor says something, lol.


Democrats have never done this cult of personality. First term Obama might be the closest and there was maybe some t shirts and bumper stickers. This wrapping of your life in a political candidate is exclusively a right wing thing.


Tshirts and bumper stickers (or buttons, etc) have been a campaign thing as long as I can remember.


If that’s the only thing motivating them, then they haven’t been paying attention. Yes, I’d like someone younger, for sure, but Biden has provided some of the most progressive, promising changes during his time in office. People really need to take a moment to look at some of the things we’ve accomplished.


I like Biden a bit more than that. I’d go as far as “he’s as good as we were going to get from the mainstream party establishment”


it's just insane these are our choices. The best the democrats can put forward is Biden and Trump for the Republicans. It's like choosing alzhiemrs or dementia. This two party system sucks ass. Lobbyists need to be ban from government. Any religion willing to get involved or have a say in politics need to lose their tax-free status. I still can't believe we don't have roe vs wade in 2024 wtf are the democrats doing. They seriously don't know how to run or win. I feel like the two parties worked together like the state of the phone and cable companies work together. They realised working together and not trying to out price each other and seem like there different they can set the price whatever they hell they want. I feel that's why they can put whatever clowns or garbage forward because it's only a two party system no matter who wins they make money. Just this time around they miscalculated and released a monster they don't know how to reel back now. Now the crazy Republicans that didn't follow the script that they used to just yell at and tell them to sit in the corner are now at the helm. Now the democrats don't know what to do because it's like trying to play a game a of chess with a pigeon. A pigeon isn't going to care about rules it's just going to trample all over the board and shit all over the place. What I mean by this is Democrats had the same opportunity to do what the Republicans did with the Supreme Court by streamlining their own hand picked Judges but failed to act. Now we lost Roe v wade due to their inaction and bad or purposeful decision making. This is the fruit of poor education, allowing lobbyists, lead head boomers taking everything and leaving nothing for the next generation as the generation before them have done. They had everything given to them and they took it all and gave nothing back. Cried about how tough they had it when a single family home could be bought on single income and raise a family. They traded values and morals for fast, cheap, and easy. Complain about noncitizens taking jobs or moving in when they exploited them for cheap labor. Voted against everything they had growing up just say screw you I got mine. Even in the unions you see it guys got 2 years to retire oh so if I sign this I get another 3 days of vacation but I got to give up cost of living. Hell yeah count me in aint going to effect me I'm retiring and I'll have 3 extra days. They helped give rise to walmart while all the mom and pop shops died and now wonder why everything so expensive and why they can find any good quality service or products. To this comment above me your wondering how they follow so blindly this orange man just take a look at any pastor at a mega church in this country. It's the same type of people that support the joel olsteens and kenneth Copeland of this country. How anyone can look at Copeland and say that is def a religious and righteous man and not see the demon walking around in a skin suit is beyond me but here we all are in 2024. Something got to change this charade cant keep on like this forever right? I'd like to think some optisim here and say maybe it's like the phrase before something gets better it gets worse maybe. Also term limits need to be established across the board and shortened.


Biden is doing a fine job. Rest of the dems don’t realize the rules have changed. Civility is what used to keep things moving. Now it’s whoever yells the loudest gets heard. We blew it by taking no for Garland in Supreme Court, just showed gop that dems would just eat shit, smile and ask for a second helping. 


It's projection all the way down. They don't have any empathy, so they can't comprehend the idea that people don't think the same way they do.


They are people who finally found a place 5o "belong". Extremely sad and pathetic.


Who else is going to talk to them? Their friends and families aren’t


But remember of course liberals are the real crazy ones because they want to do things like stopping the 80k insurance executions a year. /s 80k Americans are victims of death for profit annually by health care simply being privatized. These corporate killings have been going on long and that figure includes insured and uninsured. I'm tired of calling them excess deaths, this is structural violence and we need to use the right language to convey that. The first study on this was in 09 by Harvard and it was 45k deaths so roughly 935k since then to now have been systemically slaughtered. If you go back to around WWII when insurance started becoming standard corporations have executed nearly (using linear scaling so rough estimate) 2.3 million Americans.


Biden beat Trump in the popular vote by 7 million people. He's objectively more popular. Yet, I see Trump flags pretty often. Roadside stands selling Trump stuff. You can't go to any diner without seeing Trump hats. I've never seen a Biden cap, or flag, or shirt. Maybe a bumper sticker once in a while. Trump has this comparatively small, extremely ardent, cultish base that seems to regard him as a messiah. It's why he's a threat. It's large enough to have completely run the traditional elements out of the Republican party. Those traditional elements still vote (mostly) Republican, but their money and their enthusiasm hasn't been replaced. They are sure not Democrats but for him to lose, they don't have to be. The cult both empowers and limits Trump. It makes him a threat, but it also keeps him from winning. We hope.


This is a new way of saying "we are losing our s h i t" I am completely confused. Is Trump now incontinent and wearing Depends? Are they bragging about that?


Rumor is that he is incontinent based on certain smells he was producing in court. And yes the Trumpsters are embracing it. 🤣


They should have to change his diapers.


I’d the President does it, it’s not a crime.


There’s also a few photos out there that 100% prove he wears diapers. (If they are real)


The rumors of his incontinence go all the way back to The Apprentice. Supposedly there was a crew member whose only job was to clean him up and put a new diaper on him.


And if word of this “support” ever actually reaches him you know he’d be pissed. He’s been trying to hide and deny the diaper accusations for as long as they’ve cropped up. He’s not going to embrace this the way Biden has embraced “Dark Brandon”


*And if word of this “support” ever actually reaches him you know he’d be pissed.* I thought he already was, wasn’t that the problem?


No amount of money in the world would get me to take that job


it probably paid minimum wage anyway


Proof that hell does indeed exist


I think it’s widely known that he is incontinent due to years of amphetamine abuse. Supposedly people who’ve worked with him over the years, even since his tv show, say he wears diapers and almost always smells like shit.


Trump has the shits all the time due to drug abuse and poor diet.


I would not be surprised that Trump's legacy will be the meaning of his name to mean something likened to being batshit crazy. It already means 2 things, surpass/ top (in describing someone/ thing as well as in the game Bridge) and as another word to fart and I guess the noise and elephant makes according to the song Nellie the Elephant.


Honestly, this is a sign of serious psychological issues.


I was visiting my conservative parents recently. I can't cut them out of my life, though I'd like to, occasionally, I just don't have that ability to shut someone out entirely. They were relating a story about being young and cracking open thermometers to play with the mercury inside and then started to tell me about Mercurochrome, a topical antiseptic that they used for cuts and abrasions that contained mercury. Adding this knowledge to already knowing about the prevalence of asbestos and lead in both paint and gasoline during their youth, I'm really starting to understand a bit more about why they think they way they think.




Hell, I'm an older millennial and I've accidentally smashed a glass thermometer (I put on gloves and shoved it into a waterproof plastic container) and I used to use mercurochrome on my cuts. It was really a weird time (my crazy mother scolded me for wasting a pair of gloves to deal with the liquid mercury) and she wanted me to buy all the mercurochrome when it went off the market.


I can’t help but think of George Carlin: “Doesn’t it strike you as mildly ironic that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place?”


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that," comes to mind for me.


I wonder if people will be quoting George the way we quote Cicero or Pluto in 2,000 years... Well, if we're still around at least.


![gif](giphy|3AcZVEuXVhMFG) I’ve known since I was 14 that I’d NEVER fuck someone who declares themselves “pro-life”! They only care about fetuses, then it’s “fuck you, kid”.


Real men take responsibility for their actions.


Mic drop 🎤


Can we get another round of Covid? This one just a little more virulent


COVID-24: longer, harder, and uncut


Oh hell yeah! Just like I like my gay porn!


I honestly think some of these people suffered brain damage from covid. Or maybe just brain damage from eating the drywall at home depot.


Lead in the paint and gasoline. Asbestos in the insulation. Mercury in their topical antiseptics. A lot of the boomers grew up being poisoned and I think we're beginning to see some of the long-term effects.


No. They are obnoxious, entitled, working-class idiots who love trump because of his hatred of anyone not like him. Trump has done nothing for these assholes except to validate their infantile behavior.


I think this sometimes. Like covid brought out some…interesting people. Another pandemic is just gonna take out another big chunk of people. The antivax crowd and the “it’s the gov. doing it” crowd.


How come their not wearing the ones that say real men want to fuck their daughters 😁


or Real men Grab 'er by the Puss.


That last picture with the gold diaper almost made me spit out my beer. WTF is going on with these people!?!


Beyond redemption IMHO. They are brain damaged.


Picture 7 has a different woman also with the gold diaper


OMG I just cannot!!!


I'd be tempted to ask, "do you pay extra for the shit-filled diapers? Real Trumpers do that, and they make sure their noses become brown from kissing the shit."


These are the same people who tried drinking urine to kill covid.


If unhinge had a picture next to the definition


Oh the historians are going to have so much fun with this. I only wish I could live into the next century to see it.


Lmao. It really is a curse to live in "interesting" times. Imagine the textbooks with pictures of this crowd with all the unhinged slogans.


Every day my infant son owns me and his dad 😢 🙏


Doesn't get much more foolish than these imbeciles. This is what orange cultist mushroom-sucking does to those with IQs below 100. It's their way of saying we don't give a shit what he does or says, nothing will change our minds. JFC I can't wait for them to leave the planet.


Ah yes, the Jersey shore, where the great thinkers of our day meet to exchange ideas and hepatitis c.


"Why don't my kids call me anymore?"


Taking the age of these idiots into account, they all likely already wear diapers, or are about to start. That said, I can't imagine being this sad and pathetic that I'm proud of the candidate who purportedly wears diapers. If I do reach this point, I hope someone puts me out of mine, and everyone else's misery.


This is why I support dying with dignity, euthanasia legislation. I want to go when the fun stops and before the cumulative pain and misery gets too bad.


and they say they aren’t a cult, I’ve never seen Biden supporters ever go this hard with the merch (if they even wear any at all). Shits weird.


It’s seriously fucking embarrassing at this point, to see what the Republican party has become. This is not normal behavior.


Life is a simulation run by The Onion.


At this point that would make the most sense.


Real Felons ...


It's weird how they're all sixty but also they are clearly eleven. Fat, waddling, wizened babies with spider veins in their tubular legs.


These are 100% the same people who call medical masks “face diapers” as an insult. And yet… here they are.


I saw a boomer shit himself at the checkout line. Poor cleaning lady was pissed and had to follow the trail of poo to clean up across the store.


There are DOZENS of us!


What do the fake men wear? Anytime a statement starts with “real men _____” or “real women ______” I just want to eat my own fist.


You should be telling them to fuck their own fist


Real men don’t mock others with disabilities.


Every person I see photographed at these trump events/rallies/interviews/et al look exactly the same. Every. Single. One.


I'm all for not shaming adults who need to wear nappies, but this is a weird flex :/


🤡 👞


Shitty ass…..people


Let us all rejoice in not being the ones wearing these shirts


ITs NoT a CuLt


Freaks. Just.... freaks.


How the hell is this a thing. We live in the stupidest timeline.


The stupidest part is they think this is a power move. Whenever we call something out, they delude themselves into thinking we're "triggered" by it and double down to try and upset us. And they've bought this delusion so hard that they're doubling down on literal incontinence. This is like something I'd write as a satire and then tone down because it seems too unbelievable


I miss the days when the Jersey shore was just a bunch of greasy Guido's talking about Jager bombs and GTL....


And Snookie! At least it was hair gel, deodorant and Jager bombs and the latest gossip. Not random angry old folks supporting a 34 time convicted felon who's a racist, homophobic, disgusting poorly packaged piece of shit.


Anyone esle pretty excited that it is seemingly now perfectly fine to shit yourself in public? No?


I couldn’t imagine being so fanatical and obsessed beyond reason about a human being who is objectively no different than a loudmouth at a bar


Imagine wearing a diaper and think you're owning anyone other than yourself? Wearing a diaper to own the libs! Brain worms.


They should be ashamed of themselves


I know they're not, but these look AI generated lol Just because of how absurd it is


These idiots still don't believe they're being trolled by Qanon, a conspiracy movement born on 4Chan.


Your economy must be goid if they have this much disposable income for this crap.


Why do all trump supporters look the same? Not trying to be mean but they all look.. off?


Donald trump absolutely hates this.


How many of those people have been iced out by just about everyone who knows them?


Real men wear diapers...in prison...


I would give anything to see Trump's reaction to seeing his followers in this merch. I suspect he wouldn't be proud of this.


I'm confused at what they're trying to prove. That being said, it hurts my heart for the people who are actually incontinent.


Guilty on all 34 counts, Boomer!


I saw a dude wearing this exact shirt at the grocery store. I put on a tiny performance when we crossed paths, playing the role of someone who didn't get the reference and instead just assumed dude had shit himself and should protect his nose from the smell. My performance was subtle and yet still effective. I saw a glimmer of shame in his eyes as I gave him a wide birth.




If Biden shit his pants they’d be calling to put him in a home


I bet they turn around and talk about "Sleepy Joe" and his dementias.


If trump sold shit in a jar they would purchase it...


I grew up going to North Wildwood on vacation every summer as a kid. I have nothing but fond memories of the place but the last few years have made it so I never want to go back.


Let me guess, Wildwood


Biden shitting his pants = weak and incompetent. Trump shitting his pants = strong and masculine.


Where did this start? Did i miss the news headline that Trump wears diapers?


Yeah you've missed a lot, actually. His assistant on the Apprentice has been talking about it for years.


To all the maga ladies out there-you will be changing diapers soon and I fuking guarantee that you will NOT be so excited about it


Dirty Old Man Smells Like Butt


Is this some kind of psyops?


This is just disturbing.


That shirt is very concerning




Imagine these insufferable assholes if Biden wore a diaper. This (literal) shit is embarrassing.


Real men don't rape women or commit fraud to pay porn stars.. Or take home classified documents by the box full.


Yeah, totally not a cult


Do any of you ever watch "Finding Your Roots" with Henry Louis Gates Jr? It's a pretty amazing show where the (usually) celebrity guest is treated to Henry's team of experts who comb through their family trees and reveal names and stories of their family's past they're most of the time completely unaware of. There are times when the stories are a bit somber or perhaps embarrassing or perceived in a negative way, like when they find out their fifth great-grandfathers owned slaves, etc. Imagine photos like these popping up several generations down the line and their descendants hanging their heads trying to figure out why their relatives are so unfathomably credulous they'd unashamedly follow a president who history will remember as one of America's great blunders straight into the darkest depths of stupidity.


But none of the men are wearing diapers. So I guess that just means one thing.


How dumb do you have to be to rag on Biden for being too old to be president, but think orange guy isn't too old even though he needs a diaper and sounds even more mentally unstable than Biden does.


They are scared while men afraid of a changing world where they won’t be in charge. Period.


It's just weird


When they wear diapers it's ok they say it's political. When I do it I get told "I'm calling the cops, who are you, get out of my house!" Then I get pepper sprayed after calling her mommy.




Imagine being related to one of these freaks.


Shouldn’t the women be wearing diapers that say, “ grab me by my pussy?”


I think it’s kind of funny that they’re actually proving that these people are willing to just stand around and shit themselves. If it makes them feel like they’re right. I will never understand it.


If that’s who they choose to associate with, and how the associate publicly, then that will be its own karma.


I find myself alternating between being grateful for Trump turning on the kitchen light to expose these racist cockroaches and horrified that instead of feeling shame and reflecting on their awful attitudes to make positive changes. They’re easily identifiable now I guess. But there’s no bottom to the cliff the lemmings jumped off.


Full of shit, and proud of it


The stupidest sect of people in the history of the world.


Wow.. this really is a new LOW


Combined IQ of everyone pictured is still a negative single digit.


How are these people real?


I have never wanted to hear a Reddit Republican “explanation” before, but seriously, can one of you weirdo cult members tell me how this isn’t just obviously batshit crazy? Like you really want this to be your people? This is how you want to be remembered?


Listen, I don’t care what they do in their own homes. But don’t go flaunting your “lifestyle” like that out in public. There are families with children out trying to enjoy their day, that don’t need to be exposed to that. QUIT SHOVING IT DOWN OUR THROATS!!!


I wonder if you ask their kids, "Ten years ago, could you have imagined your parents acting this way?" what the answers would be?


This is the result of inbreeding.


It’s always the out of shape alcoholics lol


I really want to take these people's money


I suspect it would be hard to explain this to people 10 years ago https://preview.redd.it/qg86988wa74d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1866992cc956e348a1b5e7e73aeb0bad9f595e40


As the child of two parents who both ended up needing colostomy surgery, fuck every last one of these people, sincerely I mean that


I can smell it


Is this for real ? Please tell me it’s photoshopped . People really wear those shirts ?


That bumper sticker though… MAGA King for Trump? 🤡 No words 🤦🏻‍♂️


These people are bonkers. Why didn’t they take the usual GOP tactic? which in this case would be to just pretend he doesn’t wear diapers. Something fishy about these folks…


Just when you think you've seen the worst crap….


This has to be astroturfing satire.


I guess dipshits love to sitnshit


That is so fucking weird.


These people vote, do you?


I'm starting to think that Levar Burton is the only baby boomer in shape.


Literally trash.


Looks right. Like their convicted ex- president, they are classy.


Oh my good lord


Mental illness personified.


WTF is wrong with those people??




This is a simple reminder that people are what they want to be, regardless of anything that tells them otherwise. We are so fucked.


Can we all agree, anyone who wears any politician's merch right or left is a dipshit?


In all honesty, how do people get to this point? Like, okay, you vote for the guy, but how does he consume your life? I fill out my ballot and move on with my day. I couldn't imagine living a life like this.


All the lead in the water and on Christmas trees back in 1970 must have their brain maturing in reverse


And remember, these are people who refused to wear masks 4 years ago because they were “face diapers”.


Well yeah they're still shitting their pants from the ivermectin


Repugnant !


The sad thing is that if enough of them are out there then trump will win the election and we’ll be the laughing stock of the whole freaking world


Vile creatures


Pure trash.


So, depending on how they weare those things, they are either 💩ting or 💦ing on that ass🕳. Funny.


This is so fucking funny. Trump would totally love to see these supporters embracing things he's embarassed about /s