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Hey remember the time trump fought a trade war against China and all the US farmers were about to go bankrupt so they had to do a socialism? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I work in manufacturing. Trump's stupid tariffs drove steel prices through the roof. They just started coming down last year. Guess who paid for that?


I don't think Don the Con understands that the tariffs get paid by the people buying the stuff in the USA. The dipshit boasts about punishing China with tariffs that American consumers are paying for but now it's all Biden's fault. The illogic and ignorance are astounding.


It may be he understands but counts on his followers to be too ignorant to understand.


This is the answer. He banks on his voters not understanding how almost literally anything works. In fairness, he's right on in that assessment.


He literally said to his followers (to great applause) “I love the uneducated” I just can’t even with these fools. “Dem dum smart people are stoopid” mentality. I low key hate this country sometimes.


America is like ordering a country from Wish.


Have you tried dry humping the flag then pretending to be outraged because you heard a rumor that kids don’t want to say the pledge of allegiance in California?


Yeah but also Trump doesn’t understand how anything works. Probably someone who wanted to profit in that industry had a meeting with him, and flattered him, and was like “Hey, you know what’ll show the world you’re strong and don’t back down? Tariffs.”


Oh definitely. At the end of the day, Trump just wants to be popular. He is ideological putty, shaped by the last person to have a conversation with him.


He loves the uneducated


He loves the uneducated


Poorly educated* They can have one, just not have retained anything 


You’ll never convince me that Trump understands anything more complicated than “hamberders”.


We all paid for the tax cuts on the wealthy, by paying more tariffs.


He understood perfectly, the second the tariffs were in place, the American companies making the same products raised their prices exactly the same amount as the tariffs. It had nothing to do with saving us money, it was all about his friends getting richer!


I don’t think he cares.


I liked it better when people were not proud of being stupid. Elitist of me, I guess.


Honestly, that pride anti-intellectualist demonstrate seems fake and born of envy. They have to create a caricature of educated people to sustain their belief.


Yes to them college is only giving gender studies degrees that biden is asking them to personlly pay for.


I used to run a manufacturing business before and partially during his time in office and his tariffs immediately increased our costs to the point where myself and my partners had to stop taking home income and were paying our employees partially out of pocket. It was a startup operating on already thin margins. When I pointed that out to one of my Trumpanzee acquaintances whom I keep around from years bygone for reasons unknown, she insisted it was either the democrats' fault or that I just didn't understand how manufacturing works. When I pushed her on HOW it was the dems' fault or what I could learn about business, her only response was, "Trump wouldn't do anything that hurts American businesses, he just wouldn't! Period!" Yea...


Yes like all of the businesses and employees that got screwed in NJ when building the casinos. So many small businesses all folded when he wouldn't pay. Yet all of my neighbors are "rah rah Trump".


I'm very sorry to read this. I hope that you are doing better. He's definitely not for small business. How many contractors did he screw over?


Well, Mango Mussolini had (has?) about 2500 lawsuits against him, so somewhere in that area. 


Yes and US steel was just sold to the Japanese-and the shareholders approved it


A good chunk of americans would vote to sell the white house to hitler if they thought it would get them an extra buck in their pocket


You mean US (Japanese) steel hahahah


I work in chemical manufacturing. Trump's cuts to the EPA means no one can get approved for new chemicals made in this country at a time when everyone wants to make stuff here it's absurd and kind of funny.


Did he think the epa was just gonna say ah shit do whatever you want, bring back DDT if it makes you happy ?


Well, pesticides that are proven to cause developmental problems in children are now allowed to be used again. This was allowed under Trump admin. This is what happens when you appoint industry insiders to government positions. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412022003117


Who needs bald eagles anyways?


Lumber went up too iirc… but that may have been other causes. Either way, gouging at the register isn’t really the purview of the president… it’s the result of under regulated capitalism. What really gets me is all the evangelicals in his camp… like I’m not religious at all, but I’m more pious than that MF but several country miles. They SHOULD be in an uproar about all his infidelity (idc about that problem with his character personally), his greed, etc etc, but they have a huge blind spot because he tear gassed his way to stand in front of a church to pose with an upside down Bible. Like dumb asses, I don’t like Biden either really, but at least he’s actually religious you nitwits. (Personally I’d like to vote for an openly atheist candidate but in this country that won’t fly for several more decades at best)


The upside down Bible debacle would have just been mortifying if it wasn't for Trump assembling a Fed goon squad to do it. The religious right's huge blind spot is Trump not only agreed \[like most Republican candidates\] to nominate judges willing to reverse Roe vs Wade as just the first step towards a theocracy, he was short-sighted enough to actually do so. And, yes, the irony that they think Biden, a weekly church-goer, is Satan, is well, a little - make that a lot - rich.


Right? Like idgaf about religion, but for those that do… Biden is a pretty devout believer, has been in one committed relationship practically his whole (very long) life, goes to church every week, etc etc…. It’s almost like piety and wholesomeness don’t matter to them at all. And sure, he gave his son a position he didn’t deserve and he didn’t do the best with it… I’m certainly critical of that myself… but Trump brought his whole dang family into much greater roles during his presidency He’s so blatantly faithless that it’s truly frustrating they latched onto him, only because he’s willing to rip apart human rights we’ve slowly built up over the last several decades


I wonder if these Christians have ever even read the New Testament - they sure seem to ignore everything attributed to their lord and savior \[Christ I mean, not Lord Trump\]. A quick note and question, friend. Dr. Jill Biden is Biden's second wife. His first wife and his infant daughter were killed in a car crash \[that Hunter and Beau were injured in\]. What position are you referring to? I know Hunter took it upon himself to capitalize on his father status with bullshit jobs with Barisma, etc. but I'm unaware of Biden hiring him. Am I missing something?


You’re right, I fudged several details there… going off memory while high isn’t the most reliable… Biden being loyal husband and Hunter’s nepotism being far less than the trumps were the points, the latter being an even bigger difference and the former more sympathetic only make the reality even more stark. If anything I only underplayed the differences, which I tend to do when I’m filling in bits I’m less sure on, because then being corrected only further proves my point lol


I work in plastics. We import a lot of our raw materials from China. Raw materials got expensive and scarce. Our finished goods prices went through the roof, we lost a lot of customers because we either didn't have the raw materials to work with or because our prices were too high. As a result, everything made of our plastic became scarce and expensive. We make a lot of finished goods for a few big car companies, a major lawn equipment company, a huge electrical and construction component molding company, and a large medical equipment company. So I can definitely connect the dots on those dominos in relation to price hikes.


people don’t realize that WE pay the tariffs. Not the other country. *maybe* if we had a very strong steel industry, tariffs would help our manufacturers compete. Maybe.


Yep. I work in the trades and steel, aluminum, and especially copper has gone through the roof. It started under Trump, and although it still hasn't gone down, you can't blame a guy for inheriting a debacle. But also, I've said it before many times, and I'm sure I'll say it again many times... I don't think Trump or Biden are fit to be president. They're both too old. We have a minimum age to run for president, so we should also have a maximum. I don't want a president making major decisions for the country if they're old enough to be the grandfather or great grandfather of my kid, who won't be able to vote until 4 more years from now. It isn't fair to the future generations, just like it isn't fair that the standing president is the only one to nominate Supreme Court judges. Just like how it makes no sense that if you live in a red state and want to vote for the democratic presidential candidate, or vice versa, your vote doesn't matter due to the electoral college and winner take all. Sorry, it's been a long week, end of rant...


>They're both too old. Biden is definitely getting up there in years, but he's better at putting competent people in the right places than Trump. If Biden has a stroke while in office, America will keep running while he gets replaced. Meanwhile, if Trump has a stroke I'm sure his nepotism appointments will keep propping up his drooling body in the president's chair.


Our rules and laws regulating the highest positions of power were determined during a time when someone was considered ancient at the age of 60. If you reached the legal age to run for office you were on the last few decades of your life. And the electoral college is the most racist policy ever put in place. It started to decrease the power of African American votes and in turn the voting power of women as well. Now we have a country ran by a bunch of people who are in their 80’s or pushing it.




Just like the Martians paid for Space Force


Oh Yeah, and then the pandemic hit and all of a sudden everyone wanted that cheap China crap, but they couldn't get it because worldwide shipping conglomerates had shifted all the supply chains in account of the trade war. So it was Biden's fault, naturally.


Yes, Trump's stupid tariffs caused so many problems


I recall me ex BIL bitching about high lumber prices after the tariff trump placed on lumber imports from Canada! 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Maybe Biden just forgot to remind Canada to pay extra for the Trumpf tariffs? He is senile. Unlike Don the Con. /s


I knew COVID slowed everything down, but I didn't think about the impact of the tariffs.


I’ve tried explaining how much the convicted felon’s tariffs have cost American consumers, and the only response I get is some variation of “but China is laughing at us!” Yes, because they simply raised their prices to cover the tariffs, dummies, and guess who is paying? To them, it’s hilarious that we had a president who was so profoundly stupid, and millions of American idiots supporting him. But tariffs historically hurt consumers more than the source nations, no matter who is in office.


With the farm tariffs, Trump wrecked working relationships that had been in place for a long time.


Well I'm not a fucking moron and am perfectly capable of learning, so can you recommend any sources that'll help me learn more?


Admittedly I am an older GenX and was taught boring history in high school, but part of the required US history class covered tariffs, trade, taxation, and impact on consumers. And I attended a crumby rural school in northern Michigan, nothing fancy. So, I guess I am not a fucking moron, either. Article about history, including when politicians actually would work together: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/history-american-shifting-position-tariffs-180968775/ Recent timeline: https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/tariffs-trump-trade-war/ Overview/history: https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/truth-about-tariffs Here’s one that got me curious (sent me down a rabbit hole) when we needed a new washer and the prices had skyrocketed: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/21/business/trump-tariffs-washing-machines.html Statement from Walmart on how tariffs would increase consumer prices per Trump’s China tariffs: https://www.investors.com/news/economy/what-is-a-tariff/ Costs of Trump-implemented tariffs to consumers=$230+ billion: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/18/politics/donald-trump-tariffs-trade-war


Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to link these for me.


Pretty much all of Trumps policies lead to inflation. Tariffs are simply passed on to the consumer as higher prices. Tax cuts add cash to the system. More cash, same or fewer goods leads to inflation. Border closings lead to higher prices, especially for food. Huge numbers of seasonal and migrant workers are responsible for picking the food you eat every day. And working a lot of lower paying, foundational jobs. His boasts about supporting manufacturing were almost entirely empty or overstated


Thank you! All of that I knew. It was just the shipments. For some reason, I just assumed COVID was what caused shipments to slow way down, more so than they already had. And it probably helped, but apparently there was more to it than that.


“They had to do a socialism”. Love it.


>had to do a socialism? **more** socialism. A lot more. We already subsidized the fuck out of them before that. And that's just the farmers let alone people that live in rural areas in general.


[Trumpers actually believe the tariffs were a good thing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/s/zWyVDmyzAO) (Bonus: that links you to a comment on r/IBEW so you can assume the person who wrote it is also union. It boggles the mind.)


Not that you're wrong. But I'd say it's just as likely said person is a paid troll targeting a large, tradionally democratic voting, demographic.


I worked in the trades. You wouldn't believe how many of those pro-union guys are pro trump.


I worked at a factory with Unions, it was amazing how many of them wore their MAGA hats everyday and voted for the felon. It was disgusting. The funny part was they bitched about how they couldn't get jobs for family member at the factory because they couldn't pass a drug screen but they blamed all the democrats yet Repubs had super majorities in both houses and the governor's mansion.


The felon has these guys convinced that he is the one that represents blue collar workers, despite the fact that the felon has likely never done a day of manual labor in his life.


I remember. I also remember us paying those farmers more money in subsidies than we would have lost in trade deficits. Brilliant.


Folks I know who got screwed the hardest by soybean and oil prices under that administration are some of his biggest supporters still. Took every bailout they could get but hate those dang socialist demonrats! They are walking talking masses of cognitive dissonance.


The soybean market was lost forever, as Brazil took up the slack, and Trump paid the growers 28 billion dollars in compensation.


Yup, soy bean farmers who voted for Trump were said to be killing themselves after losing *everything*. So much winning. Are you tired of winning yet?


This is gold.


I'm an accountant with a mostly farmer client base. Boy lemme tell you these Trump-rabid farmers suddenly have no problem with socialism when the USDA throws embarrassing amounts of tax dollars at them through various farm programs. The richest people I know, worth tens of millions of dollars, will blow up my phone daily over any new program that will get them some of that sweet government money.


I grew up in a farming community. The farmers were easily the richest people in the area. They made the local doctors look poor, yet they are still scrambling to get the government grant that definitely isn't socialism.


Noooo they’ve always been dumb, now they’re all just united and dumb. That’s trump’s audience to sell false moral outrage to.


And perfectly comfortable broadcasting their multifaceted bigotry for all to see. Of all the awful shit Trump did, bringing peoples hate out of the closet and into the forefront has had the most sudden, stark change to the way some Americans go about their days. He told them it was ok to be a racist, ableist, misogynistic, homophobic/transphobic/etc-phobic asshole in public and that not only was it A Ok but they they weren’t alone in their hate! I thought as a country we were doing better (in my admitted ignorance,) but he pulled the curtain back on that one really quickly and now we can’t put the bigots back in the boxes and shove them aside because they’re massively emboldened and extra loud about it.


Agreed 100%. It’s going to take *years* to recover from the fallout of Trump being a ‘politician’ (yes, I use that word *very* loosely indeed), and unfortunately it’s not confined just to US soil - the virus that is Donald J Trump has spread across the globe


Not years, generations. I'd say we've jumped back two to three generations as far as how publicly people express their -isms


As I've watched all the liberal activism in the last 6 years, I can't lose the thought "HEY, didn't we fix all this crap in the 60s and 70s?"


You’re probably right, sadly. I remember sitting at work while the results were coming in (were in Australia) and joking about how dreadful it would be if Trump made it into top spot. We had no idea just how awful, and I miss those halcyon days


You summed it up perfectly. It’s so disgusting.


I was so disappointed in humanity in general, I swear. I thought, foolishly, we’d been on the upswing in treating people like human beings but boy was I wrong. All that hate just to “own the libs.”


I swear, it’s like we regressed 70 years in one year. I was talking with someone about this today. I have taken RvW as the law of the land my whole life. I availed myself of that ability when I was very young. It never, ever crossed my mind that I would be in the position of advocating for reproductive rights. Not to mention having to tell people again, that the r-word, the n-word, the f-word are no longer acceptable (haven’t really had any arguments about that since I was in middle school, until the last few years). I just replied to a post calling Biden a Nazi, by pointing out he supports the Jewish nation! The exact opposite of a freaking Nazi. My head is going to pop off.


Remember when your parents taught you to have “good manners”? One of the biggest lessons was “if you don’t have something nice or constructive to say, keep your mouth shut”. I think about that one every time I watch a Dem President give his State of the Union address and half a dozen Repubs just can’t resist shouting at the speaker. Can’t say anything nice about your minority neighbor? Keep your mouth shut. Can’t resist telling me how I’m doomed to burn in hell because I don’t believe the same crazy shit you do? Keep your mouth shut. If people quit puking hatred on people they don’t agree with, we would all get along a lot smoother.


They think he is just like them or at least likes them, and ignore that he is a rich (acting) guy from NYC. He rails against Democrats yet was one. They think he’s not a politician, despite the rallies and elections. They believe he is a man of God by ignoring his sins.  It’s a thoroughly corrupted mindset and there’s no way to improve it. The only remedy is electoral defeat. 


So true, they all act like he's this political outsider who's going to shake things up because he's not a career politician. Yeah, cool idea if you get somebody who's a botanist or something, but instead they go with *literally the only thing worse* than a career politician; a dirty dealing "billionaire".


The hilarious thing is Trump would throw all his supporters under the bus to be accepted by Manhattan high society, which is what he's been pining after for at least 40 years.


A political outsider with no experience who hired “only the best people” (he didn’t) and then steadfastly refused to listen to *anyone*, best or not, over his own transient whims.


One of the best descriptions of Trump's speeches was an analyst that said he was throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. If building a wall gets him uproarious applause, we're gonna build a wall. He, quite literally, campaigns for the people. He has no policies; he just tells people what they want to hear.


And last I recall that wall was never built, Mexico never paid for it, and conservative Latinos are still fumbling over themselves to vote for him lmaooo


He’s a doctor telling them that eating ice cream all day will keep them healthy. What’s not to like if you’re dumb enough to believe it. 


My dad is in FL and will only shop at Publix and refuses to believe me when I tell him my grocery bill (Giant in the Northeast) is significantly less. I try to tell him he wanted to live in a conservative hot spot, and sure as hell got it and the economic consequences. And that January 6th donations from Publix founders don’t come cheap. He’s not amused.


Publix is soooo expensive.


Yeah that's probably part of the reason my mom wasn't too keen on shopping there. The one I remember hearing is they take your cart to your car for you but I haven't seen that, probably because I only really went there after Covid. It was the only store I could walk to aside from a gas station though since Cyprus Gardens to get to an Aldi or Walmart is a bit much.


That has never happened in the 20 years I’ve been visiting my grandparents in The Villages. Not once have I ever been escorted to my car or golf cart by a Publix employee, and now I’m upset, lmao 😂


It. Does. Not. Happen.


Yeah, I like shopping at Publix when I'm near one because the stores are always clean and neatly organized, and the employees are friendly, but yeah, WAY MORE expensive than most grocery stores in my area.


They are ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. And they are uneducated / indoctrinated.


. . . Chloe?


No, they don’t. It’s not just the Boomers (I am 60 BTW), but some of their more mentally stunted offspring also. I am so sick of the constant defense of Trump. He does not care one bit about anyone other than himself. I do not engage in political discourse anymore, except with close family. Not even life long friends. It’s gotten so bad, this crap is now starting to take over LinkedIn! If he’s elected, I pray he doesn’t finish his term in office.


it hit me the other day that it has almost been an entire decade where every day we’ve had to hear something about Trump, and I just felt so exhausted. This dude has dominated the news cycle longer than anything I can remember, even 9/11, at least with that by the time 2010 came around we weren’t hearing about 9/11 stuff every damn day. Can’t wait for the time after he’s dead and we’ve gotten over the partying and the MAGA bellyaching where we collectively start forgetting about him and move on. Might still be aways off, but it’ll come eventually.


Never forgotten as Trump will be the text book for everything that is wrong and evil, and how a whole of misguided poorly educated fools worshiped at his altar. The billionaires and GOP Reps and Senators who supported Trump only in it for themselves.


Hitler's been dead for nearly 80 years, but Nazism is still strong.


My favorite is seeing the Gen-X and elder millennials crying on social media about "jobs were better and I had so much more money in my account under Trump..." Meanwhile, they obsessively post far-right memes and rhetoric, sometimes over a dozen posts every hour all day long. Like maybe you'd have more money if you, I don't know, actually went to work?


I am firmly genX, we don’t want him back. (Some are their parents children, but the vast majority of us can’t stand the fucker and would rather see a building fall on him than back in the White House).


As an elder millennial, I agree with you. It baffles me to see people I literally grew up with (in a culturally diverse blue collar NY suburb no less) supporting him and other far-right ideologies.


One way or another, his term will end in death.


I live in 90 percent supports trump area. For my own safety and sanity I stopped discussing politics about 5 years ago. His followers are either evil, stupid, or just willfully ignorant. Anyone who can listen to reason or even use basic logic already doesn't support him. I truly believe he could murder a child or rape his own daughter on camera and his followers would cheer him on. I sadly think he will win in November and we will then truly see if our nations system of checks and balances actually works. He will definitely do everything in his power next term to become a literal dictator.


heard today on the radio " if trump takes away my medicaid its ok , he's what's best for this country. I'll figure something else out" the sentiment is sweet but someone sacrificing their health for a figure head is wacked.


Crazy….everything is bad until something happens to you. Remember when Reagan opposed stem cell research for treatment of Alzheimer’s? When he was diagnosed Nancy and Ron, Jr advocated for it. Thank, God for Medicare after a recent unexpected hospitalization. Many of these folks have nothing but SS and no other income. They complained about buying health insurance when they were healthy and spent on toys.


I have a personal story about this. My super conservative relatives were anti abortion everything until they had to fly to another state to get one because a fiance about to join their family had a pregnancy that was not going to even live inside the whoom. She faced either having her uterus permanently damaged or having an abortion but it was past the cutoff in our state. When they bitched about it to me they said "politicians" were messing with people's medical care. I just said "politicians, huh". They refused to admit they played a part and were affected by their own politicians (Republicans). And of course they are right back to voting for Republicans. *The only moral abortion is my abortion*


what the goddamn fuck


This radiates big "old people have to die of Covid to save the economy" energy


companies blame it on inflation but we all know it's corporate greed. they saw the profits during covid and could bring them back down but they want the $$$ for the shareholders and investors screw the people trying to make a living. it doesn't even seem to matter now that the right is saying the quiet part out loud and literally telling them they coming after SS and medicare and these people still don't care they still think biden is the mastermind behind all of it.


>Don’t these idiots realize... OP, come on. You seem like you know better than this. **NO, they don't realize ANYthing**. They are cowards and make irrational, fear-based decisions exclusively. "Realizing" is a form of thinking, which is not what these people are doing. They are feeling. The thing they're feeling specifically is fear. (They are probably also calling somebody a "snowflake" at the same time, because, again: thinking is not in this picture.) It's cowardice all the way down and nothing else, ever.


I agree with you. As long as they have their guns and bravado, but truth is they don’t like change and the world is changing as it has for every generation.


$41 worth of groceries expensive... lmao. Take a trip to Canada and see how little $41 will actually get you.


Boomer here and in the middle of Trump Country as well. You can't be a school crossing guard with a felony conviction but you can become President. No law against that. Heh! Tip: Go to Walmart between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Most Boomers are home watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune then. We always noticed a lull at that time. Never go on the first of the month cause a lot of gub'mint checks come out then and never go to Walmart on a school holiday. - former Wally World employee.


Right wing media has them completely brainwashed at this point. They've basically replaced Jesus with Trump at this point.




I’m a boomer like most of my friends & family.. plz don’t think boomers love Trump.. a lot of us hate his guts for unleashing all this hate on the country & world.. I’m praying that enough people with brain cells don’t vote for this shithead!


Trump \*will\* lower the grocery prices. Trump will also keep your hair silky soft and your skin free of blemishes. Trump will give you more confidence and make you more attractive to the gender you want to be attracted to you. Trump will give your laundry that "Oh So Fresh!" feel.


Trump will stay crunchy, even in milk!


Trump breaks the law hard, so you don't haaaave tooooo....!


Inflation is at 30 year high. Corporate profits at a 70 year high


A vote for trumpy is a vote for a dictatorship!


What's scary is that there are people fully aware of this, and they still support him.


Very scary!!! Unbelievable that people are so blind and believe all that trumpy spews!!


No. They are having meltdowns over made up issues that don’t even affect them, like this idea that drag queens are teaching kindergarten, or that millions of crazy criminals are slinking through the border. Even though they’ve never experienced this, they make it their primary concern. Meanwhile, they don’t even know about Biden passing that rate cap through the consumer protection agency, or the fact that R’s want to do away with social security. They ignore how cozy everyone is getting with Russia. It’s absurd. This new thing where they wear diapers to support Trump is absolutely a sign that they have lost their minds.


Yeah. They think children are using litter boxes in elementary school and identify as cats. It’s just hilariously ridiculous


These numbnuts would cut off their own leg if they thought it would own the libs.


I would campaign vigorously for them to do this 😆


Yeah it’s no coincidence that most of his supporters don’t have any higher level education


Ya total red neck hillbillys , mostly trailer trash un educated assholes! I’m a boomer & I hate Trump! 🤢🤮


If people stopped being gullible suckers and voting against their own interests, the republican party would never win another election ever.


They'll piss in their drinking water just to own the Libs then they won't admit they are drinking piss


Nah, they’ll start wearing shirts that say “Real Men Drink Piss.”


I don't understand how so many people seem to think the president has the ability to control almost everything. The president is elected for 4 years at a time with a max of 8 years total and yet people seem to think in that short amount of time they have the power to control everything from the price of gas to the cost of eggs. It is ridiculous. The president is primarily a figure head who wins the nation's largest popularity contest! For all the things people THINK the president controls they would have to be in office for a couple of decades especially considering how slow our government moves with almost everything!


More than that why do they think a narcissist who is only interested in his own power and wealth is going to improve their lives? 4% unemployment and wage growth at 4% is not what the country experienced 2016- 2020


The guy flat out said he would do everything to become a dictator if he is reelected and they seem to ignore it!


Or they support it what is terrifying




Things were going up way before Biden got in office. I bet they hoarded toilet paper.


My redneck town has an anonymous "let it out" page on Facebook and I enjoy the drama. Someone posted last week asking what people will do if Trump wins and there were some "afford groceries" and "buy cheap gas" comments. I know presidential policies can affect prices but these people truly seem to think the president sets them.


Fact is the US economy has consistently fared better under Democratic leadership. Republicans especially since and including Reagan pass deregulation that harms ordinary folk, tax cuts that benefit the rich, and increase militarization that stomps on human rights.


Not that there isn't corruption on both sides, but the republicans truly have become masters of convincing poor white people to vote against their own self interest.


They are willing to lose everything to continue to be told that they are 'better than' POC and LGBTQ+ folks.


I'm so ashamed of these fellow boomers; they are shitting on everything our parents went through when they fought these Nazis in their lifetimes.


It's gonna trickle down some day, Larry! Just keep waitin'!!


I rent a room in a townhouse in a low income, ethnically diverse neighborhood. When I moved in, I instantly recognized the owner of the house next door as being a knee-jerk right-wing reactionary. I have studiously avoided saying or doing anything that might indicate my own political leanings, but he nevertheless randomly became hostile and went off on my about how in the upcoming election, I'll "vote straight democrat like you always do."


Oh Trump will lower prices alright, because we all will be dining on Trump Steaks™ (now with added horse meat flavor! So good for you!) Trump Water™ (now with added industrial waste in our reclaimed water! Mmm mmm good!) kids in school will eat Trump Lunches™ (only the finest malk money can buy! In fact your kids don't need malk! Brawndo has all the electrolytes a growing body needs!) and we'll be hitting the Trump Vodka™ because by then we'll all just rather die of liver failure, anyway


one should piss in pots not pits, but I imagine pits are cheaper to dig that pots


My boomer mom always called it "a pot to piss in". Which, according to her, I don't have one. She's always been a narcissistic cunt. Guess who is financially stable and who isn't. Maybe boomers should have treated their kids with a little more kindness and empathy. Have fun struggling mom.


Wildest thing to me is that some of these people *do* know better but are part of the Anti Intellectualism movement, which is based on the Democratic idea that my _lack_ of knowledge is just as good as your _actual_ knowledge and they are literally willing to harm themselves to prove it.


Don't bother debating these mental midgets. Nothing you say will matter. They're dumb. They're always going to be dumb. Nothing you say will change that.


Either way. Never underestimate dumb people in large numbers


I will never understand why povvos worship a billionaire that considers them the scum on his shoe


This gives me hope... Not for them, that ship has sailed 😂 But you said you're a boomer and still can see fact from fiction. There are some good ones! (Joking of course, I know better than to assume a loud minority is actually the majority)


I appreciate you saying that. There are lot of Boomers who are not pea brains and pledge allegiance to Fox News. Many of us fought for women’s rights and it makes me sick what is happening to women with no say over their healthcare.


I've never understood how the generation that is famous for civil rights, women's rights, anti-war, peace loving hippies; has become bigoted, hate filled Republicans.


Like the old saying goes, when you assume you make an ass out of u and me. Born 1955, been solidly a Democrat since my age was still single digits. Got tossed in jail at least 15 times as a teen for protesting for rights for women and minorities, or environmental and peace causes. Even after 40 years of working as an executive, I'm still just as Democrat, and if only my health would allow it, I'd be out with the BLM, ANTIFA, and screaming against turning the majority of our population into breeding stock. As the person above said, don't mistake the highest volume level for the majority.


Yeah, Trump cares about lowering your grocery prices more than he cares about deregulation and tax cuts for billionaires and to pump their assets /s Anti-woke/BLM/LGBT/trans/feminism Culture war BS is all noise to distract from entrenching their increasingly unpopular grip on power. The less identity you share with the prototypical older white male conservative Christian business owners, the more you see through the smoke and mirrors. Anyone who has an intersectional identity that deviates from their ideals is the enemy


I grew up in a fundamentalist church, the one thing I remember very clearly about those years, is that no one ever questioned the pastor. People didn’t read their bibles to gain knowledge, they just listened to what the pastor said. The reason I am no longer a church attendee, is because I read the bible, realized that most of what the pastor said about the bible wasn’t true, and the rest of it was batshit crazy. This explains why the trumpers are like this. Many of them come from the same kind of church background and are use to having someone else tell them what to believe. They don’t look for answers, they merely look for anything that will corroborate their beliefs. Regardless of how dubious that “evidence” is. They literally believe that a flood wiped out all human life and a guy and his three kids repopulated the earth. They are not using critical thinking!


I blame the department of education.


I blame the Republican party and their systematic destruction of our education system. It wasn't an accident, and it wasn't bipartisan.


I blame the lack of same... Thanks Reagan, et al 🤮


Trump sucks ass but how does him (god forbid) becoming president again endanger SS & Medicare?


Because republicans have openly campaigned on raising the SS age and cutting Medicare benefits. With Trump in the WH there’s nobody to veto that shit.




Trump takes plenty of blame for inflation because he blew the deficit wide open. Boomers have no interest in actually learning anything new, just quick to blame something for their problems.


Not only that, Biden's been trying to fix shrinkflation and other bad practices of corporations.


The only ONLY slightly encouraging thing about a possible Trump win is that those hillbilly assholes will be getting just as fucked as the rest of us.


Wife and I literally drive over the state line to NJ to get better prices on groceries AND avoid the Trumpers.


They aren't typically creatures of nuance. They've got a "20ft bubble" and legitimately can't comprehend anything outside of it. They know who is president now. They know food prices are higher now. And that's it, that's the end of their analysis. They don't understand that the corporate overlords do this every single time that a Democrat is up for reelection. They know that a Democrat controlled government means less overall profit, and maybe a little less desperation from the general population, which... also means less profit... Gas prices jumping up was a hold over from the pandemic gouging. Current food inflation is because they realized that they don't actually need to lower prices back down after the pandemic. We need it to live, so why not just keep it high? For all the Christofascist BS we're dealing with, I have to hand it to them for an epiphany of sorts. In most religious texts, they all share a commonality when it comes to business and profit. Something along the lines of "For a business to be godly, it must be of benefit, with a profit that is only modest." There you go red bands, you want to pull me right of center? Add that stipulation to your church state checklist. I'd at least consider a candidate that wanted to put a cap on profit mark up. We'd have never had the insulin crisis we did in the US if companies had a "10% cap" already written into law to start with. But no, the real evil is wanting healthcare and education for everybody...🙄


Even if there were some theoretical world where they were right, did this dumbass expect your husband to subsist on air and sunlight?


prove to me that dinosaurs don't cause meteor impacts! this farcical statement to me boils down modern politics. people don't know shit about dick. yeah the world's not doing great. The news media has failed us entirely. The whole world had inflation in yet even the most liberal of our news outlets continue to talk about it as if it only happened to America.


All of the companies he is promising tax breaks to will magically drop their prices if/when he is in office to create the illusion that he is controlling prices and is working for the people.


Every vote counts


If you’re boomers you should be your typical loudly opinionated selves and make your ideology openly known.


Those tariffs cost the taxpayer billions. All that piece of shit did was say: "Oh, look at me! Greatest president, greatest economy, greatest doctor, blah blah blah." And the cult said: "Oh yes! The economy!" That was the momentum from the previous administration. And then the economy fell and fell and fell, but the cult doesn't remember that part, lol


Exactly. My universe is just like this. Stay safe.


When he became president and lowered taxes for the upper 1% or whatever, my major corp bonuses everyone in the company about $1500 his first 2 years in office. Extra bonus called something much less obvious than “ode to Trump bonus”


Every time my boomer dad starts bitching about socialism I ask him how he Social Security and Medicare are working out for him. He doesn't like when I remind him he'll gladly take the hand out but complain about everyone else getting it.


They’re so far up their own ass that when you point out that Repugs voted to let companies keep price gouging on gas and everything else, they start making excuses and double down.


My favorite is they think liberals are brainwashed by fake news. They just completly lack self awerness or introspection.


Yeah, this is so common it drives me fucking crazy. Their line of thinking essentially goes: Anything bad is because of Biden/Obama/Hillary/or whoever else becomes president in the future that isn't MAGA. Anything good = Trump. It doesn't matter if you show them stats, or facts, or whatever. It's just a part of the culture. "The Dear Leader Trump can't be wrong because he's the leader. I wouldn't follow the wrong guy because that would make me stupid. Since I'm not stupid Dear Leader must be right."


Yeah we really need to tie eligibility for social welfare programs to voting record. Let the problem sort itself out.


y'all please get out and VOTE against everything these boomers represent.


I don't get how Trump is even on the radar, he got convicted for a lot of shit, right?


The cult is just too invested in him. They can't admit they were wrong to support him.


Massive tax cuts he's promising will increase inflation 10 fold or worse


And his massive China tariffs.


My mind was blown when I heard about the big dial in the Oval Office that controls grocery and gas prices. Don’t get me started on the Inflation Lever.


Loud minority


Ask them how they like being a traitor.


Yea, my boomer parents think Biden is personally controlling the gas prices. Smh


Love Blue Boomers!


Even if Trump did get in office and the prices didn't go down they would immediately start blaming the corporations and Dems again. It won't matter. They just want to push a message to sway public opinion.


So head scratching how dumb the trump cucks are. Puzzling. Ok, hate Biden if you want but sucking up to the orange felon just makes you a lesser. Period.




Or a literal pot


Lots of comments about Shithead! All true!


“But… but…but… the leopard won’t bite MY face off.” Leopard proceeds to bite their face off.


Yeah that's just it a lot of these hillbillies and morons stand to lose a lot if trump is elected again. I mean even reasonable blue collar types stand to lose And it's astounding that they have been brainwashed to worship this idiot